Game of Champions 2022 mafia win lol

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Game of Champions 2022 mafia win lol



Sup peeps, it's champs time again and nobody else wanted to do it so here I am. Ahshitherewegoagain.gif

Anyways let's have some fun and memes, I didn't do a lot of research or prep this year so we'll see how it goes lol

Sabie and fingers are cohosting, us three and juliets and spacedaisy are also acting as MoDs. We're all lovely people and sabie, bring your frustration to us if you have it.

If you see a fingers or sabie post in thread treat it the same as a post from me.

Join the hub server to get your role PM and/or to spectate. Joining is mandatory and if you post without joining it I'll modkill you lol

If you take this game too seriously and get mad about it jokes on you I designed this entirely on memes lol

Host rules and voting stuff (seriously read this)
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The host rules are: don’t be a dick, no excessive ATE*, don’t angleshoot or quote role PMs and/or host and/or private communication, don't talk to people about the game outside the thread (unless explicitly allowed to by the host and in host designated spaces), no cross game reads, i don't care about reading into subs or modkills (it's explicitly allowed, do so at your own risk), GM will handle everything without consideration for alignment, GM reserves the right to modify remove or add rules as needed.

*defined as: statements that directly say or imply that something in the game is having a negative impact on someone’s out of game relationships or well-being. if you believe the game is having a negative impact on your life and/or your health, please contact myself and one of the Mods on Duty (fingersplints, sabie12, juliets, and spacedaisy). Please report directly to us rather than using the report post feature, as several people with access to those reports are in this game and I'd prefer to avoid that whole situation.

Voting, phases, and miscellaneous

A standard day phase will be approximately 48 hours long. A standard night phase will be approximately 24 hours long. There may be mechanics that can or will alter this, if there are they will be announced. Adjustments may be made based on my schedule, these will be announced as they come up.

EOD and SOD will both be at 7pm EST.

Voting is plurality by default, with no hammer. If there is a change to how voting works, it will be announced. Ties are determined by the group mafia. If no tiebreaker is submitted within 5-10 minutes of the day ending, the tie will be resolved in mafia’s favor (and/or randomized if the tie is between players of the same alignment).

If the group mafia team is eliminated, any lost mafia that may exist will inherit the factional kill and the tie break. If there are no lost mafia, it may be inherited by a third party, if they exist. There will be an announcement when any faction is completely eliminated from the game.

Unless otherwise stated, only votes made in the poll are considered official. You may call votes in thread if you wish, it is not required for your vote to be counted.

All night actions are due by 5pm EST. All day actions are due by 5pm EST. This is to allow the hosts time to ensure that action resolution is correct. There may or may not be mechanics that alter and/or restrict abilities at Fx. Day actions will not take effect until one hour after the beginning of the day, although they may be presubmitted if desired.

The town wincon is:
You are town, and win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

Are there town? Hell yeah buddy
Are there mafia? Oh yeah
How many? A good amount
Are there 3p? I dunno lol I'm not much of a partier
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Game of Champions 2022 GAME MAP



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Re: Game of Champions 2022 PREGAME



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Re: Game of Champions 2022 PREGAME



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Re: Game of Champions 2022 PREGAME



Guess what guys, it's night 0! Join this server to get your roles:

D1 starts February 16 at 7pm eastern

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@ 112
@ Alison
@ Cape90
@ Creature
@ Dennis
@ DrWilgy
@ Dyslexicon
@ EnderWiggin
@ falcon45ca
@ Golden
@ Guillotine
@ hollowkatt
@ Ilario
@ Inawordyes
@ Kate
@ Le petit poussin
@ Lilypetal
@ lucy
@ MacDougall
@ Marmot
@ master radishes
@ Michelle
@ Neon
@ Nutella
@ Party Crasher
@ Porscha
@ pyxxy
@ RondoDimBuckle
@ S~V~S
@ Sabiplz
@ Scotty
@ Seanzie
@ sig
@ Sloonei
@ TonyStarkPrime
@ Urist
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 N0


Post by juliets »

Welcome Champions! @Spacedaisy and I are partnering to moderate this Game of Champions 2022!

We've pinged all of you because it's critical that you read this entire Mod Intro, I know it's long but there's important information in here about how we are modding this game.

First, PLEASE read the Syndicate Site Rules and the full Code of conduct, including the document on Respect found in the links below:

[Link] Rules and Guidelines on The Syndicate

[Link] A Syndicate Mafia Culture of Respect

Regarding the Code of Conduct In All Game Spaces Including spec chat/dvc:

At the Syndicate we value people more than anything else, so how we treat each other is more important than the game itself. That's right, I said how we treat each other while playing the game and chatting about the game is more important than winning the game on our site.

Our Code of Conduct is one basic rule:
"Show respect for everyone involved in the game, players and hosts, no matter what the circumstances".

Since "respect" means different things to different people, and as mods we don't like to play "gotcha", we're just going to spell out a couple of important points.

Respect means, among other things (read the linked documents above for the other things):

1) Not calling other players or their ideas stupid, babies, dumb, foolish, laughable, ludicrous, senseless, unintelligent, brainless, asinine, moronic, ignorant, lazy, OR any synonyms of these words OR any other words similar to these words including but not limited to curse words such as bitch. This applies to the game thread and all chat spaces including spec chat/dvc. Don't try to find a loophole here, there isn't one.

2) Not bringing toxicity into the game thread or any chat space. Period. If you have any questions about what it means to be toxic, talk to me or Spacedaisy. If someone is being toxic in the game or in a chat do not respond in kind. Immediately report them by contacting me or Daisy or another mod/admin who's not playing the game or a game host (Nanook, fingersplints, sabie12). Responding to toxicity with toxicity creates an unhealthy environment for everyone and we are not going to allow it.

The mission for Spacedaisy and I in this game is to be there for you so you don't feel like you need to show disrespect for another player or host or bring toxicity into the game including any chat spaces. We are here for you to contact and vent if you get angry or are on the verge of calling someone or their ideas stupid, dumb, etc., or anything really. Maybe you just need someone to make you laugh?! Talk to us! Consider us your lifeline so that the game state remains healthy and exciting for everyone.

The last thing Daisy or I want to do is to have to contact you and tell you to stop doing something that's against the rules because believe me, that is not fun. We will though, because we strongly believe and try to live by how we all treat each other is more important than winning some game on the internet. And if we see someone treating someone else disrespectfully, or behaving in a toxic manner we're going to step in and stop it whether it's in the game or in a chat.

Reaching us is easy! First, you can ping us at any time in your hub channel which is private to you, Daisy and me, and the hosts, but you can also reach Daisy or me by DM/PM if you feel the need for further privacy. Here is our contact information:

Discord ID: juliets#5354
Syndicate PM: Click Me
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Discord ID: Spacedaisy42#3716
Syndicate PM: Click me
Time Zone: GMT

Discord is the quickest way to reach either Spacedaisy or me. If you choose to pm us here at the site, please try to remember to include both of us, especially if you need help sooner rather than later!

 We ask that you please report directly to us rather than using the report post feature, as people with access to those reports are in this game and it presents a risk to game integrity.

Play well. Respect one another. Have fun!

@Le petit poussin
@Master Radishes
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Game of Champions 2022 N0



Ding dong ding dong time to play goc

There's no post minimum or cap but there may or may not be mechanics in place around slanking and/or spamming so consider this your official warning

Day will end February 18 7pm Eastern

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@ 112
@ Alison
@ Cape90
@ Creature
@ Dennis
@ DrWilgy
@ Dyslexicon
@ EnderWiggin
@ falcon45ca
@ Golden
@ Guillotine
@ hollowkatt
@ Ilario
@ Inawordyes
@ Kate
@ Le petit poussin
@ Lilypetal
@ lucy
@ MacDougall
@ Marmot
@ master radishes
@ Michelle
@ Neon
@ Nutella
@ Party Crasher
@ Porscha
@ pyxxy
@ RondoDimBuckle
@ S~V~S
@ Sabiplz
@ Scotty
@ Seanzie
@ sig
@ Sloonei
@ TonyStarkPrime
@ Urist
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »

Hard claiming Gambit Demon from Shadow Corridors. It's a little modified from the original version but still keeps the spirit of it. Here's the basic rundown.

- I offer a permanent ability to someone at night. abilities are: track, roleblock, silence (can't speak during next day), disenfranchise (can't vote during next day), give a post restriction, thieving (steal the abilities of who you voted for), protecting, bus driving

- If my offer is accepting, they gain the ability, but I can choose one of two options: either all night actions cast on me get redirected to them the next night OR all votes cast on me get redirected to them the next day.

- I fulfil my win condition if the number of people who I've bargained with exceed the number of people who haven't.

I'm gonna offer the same deal that I proposed in shadow corridors. Y'all come up with consensus town and I'll offer powers to them. In exchange I get a free win, you get free power roles, everyone profits.

- how do we know you aren't tricking us into some horrible fate???
take it on trust, host read that they aren't going to have a 3P nuke half the game in GOC, whatever. In Shadow Corridors I proposed some tactics to guard against 3P betrayal, you can try those. Yes I know I was mafia that game but my tactics were legit.

- what if the mafia soupkills you???
imagine being a coward and soupkilling the gambit demon instead of trying to go deep and get the power offered to you instead

- how do we know you're not mafia pretending to be a 3P???
my plan is pretty clearly laid out to give me a free win while also helping the town out. I fully intend to have "auto" from post 1 and will be putting in close to 0 effort to solve or influence the game from this point on. It doesn't make much strategical sense for me to do that if I'm mafia, especially since it will become too obvious that I'm lying about being 3P as the game goes on.

- how do we know you won't side with the mafia after you win like the original Gambit Demon did???
Long Con sided with mafia because he was sentimental and wanted to root for the underdog. I am not sentimental. Siding with the mafia after the town gave me my win is pointless. I have already gotten my win; putting in extra effort is not only meaningless, it actively compromises my ability to make further deals in this vein when I roll 3P in the future. It's strictly suboptimal to do that, so you can be pretty sure I won't do it.

make sure to @ me if you want to tell me who your consensus town to bargain is or have any questions/comments, since I won't be reading the thread closely.
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Scotty »

When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Inawordyes »

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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Lilypetal »

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Re: Game of Champions 2022 N0


Post by robyn »

juliets wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:47 am Welcome Champions! @Spacedaisy and I are partnering to moderate this Game of Champions 2022!

We've pinged all of you because it's critical that you read this entire Mod Intro, I know it's long but there's important information in here about how we are modding this game.

First, PLEASE read the Syndicate Site Rules and the full Code of conduct, including the document on Respect found in the links below:

[Link] Rules and Guidelines on The Syndicate

[Link] A Syndicate Mafia Culture of Respect

Regarding the Code of Conduct In All Game Spaces Including spec chat/dvc:

At the Syndicate we value people more than anything else, so how we treat each other is more important than the game itself. That's right, I said how we treat each other while playing the game and chatting about the game is more important than winning the game on our site.

Our Code of Conduct is one basic rule:
"Show respect for everyone involved in the game, players and hosts, no matter what the circumstances".

Since "respect" means different things to different people, and as mods we don't like to play "gotcha", we're just going to spell out a couple of important points.

Respect means, among other things (read the linked documents above for the other things):

1) Not calling other players or their ideas stupid, babies, dumb, foolish, laughable, ludicrous, senseless, unintelligent, brainless, asinine, moronic, ignorant, lazy, OR any synonyms of these words OR any other words similar to these words including but not limited to curse words such as bitch. This applies to the game thread and all chat spaces including spec chat/dvc. Don't try to find a loophole here, there isn't one.

2) Not bringing toxicity into the game thread or any chat space. Period. If you have any questions about what it means to be toxic, talk to me or Spacedaisy. If someone is being toxic in the game or in a chat do not respond in kind. Immediately report them by contacting me or Daisy or another mod/admin who's not playing the game or a game host (Nanook, fingersplints, sabie12). Responding to toxicity with toxicity creates an unhealthy environment for everyone and we are not going to allow it.

The mission for Spacedaisy and I in this game is to be there for you so you don't feel like you need to show disrespect for another player or host or bring toxicity into the game including any chat spaces. We are here for you to contact and vent if you get angry or are on the verge of calling someone or their ideas stupid, dumb, etc., or anything really. Maybe you just need someone to make you laugh?! Talk to us! Consider us your lifeline so that the game state remains healthy and exciting for everyone.

The last thing Daisy or I want to do is to have to contact you and tell you to stop doing something that's against the rules because believe me, that is not fun. We will though, because we strongly believe and try to live by how we all treat each other is more important than winning some game on the internet. And if we see someone treating someone else disrespectfully, or behaving in a toxic manner we're going to step in and stop it whether it's in the game or in a chat.

Reaching us is easy! First, you can ping us at any time in your hub channel which is private to you, Daisy and me, and the hosts, but you can also reach Daisy or me by DM/PM if you feel the need for further privacy. Here is our contact information:

Discord ID: juliets#5354
Syndicate PM: Click Me
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Discord ID: Spacedaisy42#3716
Syndicate PM: Click me
Time Zone: GMT

Discord is the quickest way to reach either Spacedaisy or me. If you choose to pm us here at the site, please try to remember to include both of us, especially if you need help sooner rather than later!

 We ask that you please report directly to us rather than using the report post feature, as people with access to those reports are in this game and it presents a risk to game integrity.

Play well. Respect one another. Have fun!

@Le petit poussin
@Master Radishes

this is ludicrous!!!!
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Scotty »

Who tf is Party Crasher
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »



It is my cat.
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »

Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:00 pm Who tf is Party Crasher
wolfy post

i am throwing you overboard
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Sabiplz »

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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Sabiplz »

Party Crasher wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:59 pm Hard claiming Gambit Demon from Shadow Corridors. It's a little modified from the original version but still keeps the spirit of it. Here's the basic rundown.

- I offer a permanent ability to someone at night. abilities are: track, roleblock, silence (can't speak during next day), disenfranchise (can't vote during next day), give a post restriction, thieving (steal the abilities of who you voted for), protecting, bus driving

- If my offer is accepting, they gain the ability, but I can choose one of two options: either all night actions cast on me get redirected to them the next night OR all votes cast on me get redirected to them the next day.

- I fulfil my win condition if the number of people who I've bargained with exceed the number of people who haven't.

I'm gonna offer the same deal that I proposed in shadow corridors. Y'all come up with consensus town and I'll offer powers to them. In exchange I get a free win, you get free power roles, everyone profits.

- how do we know you aren't tricking us into some horrible fate???
take it on trust, host read that they aren't going to have a 3P nuke half the game in GOC, whatever. In Shadow Corridors I proposed some tactics to guard against 3P betrayal, you can try those. Yes I know I was mafia that game but my tactics were legit.

- what if the mafia soupkills you???
imagine being a coward and soupkilling the gambit demon instead of trying to go deep and get the power offered to you instead

- how do we know you're not mafia pretending to be a 3P???
my plan is pretty clearly laid out to give me a free win while also helping the town out. I fully intend to have "auto" from post 1 and will be putting in close to 0 effort to solve or influence the game from this point on. It doesn't make much strategical sense for me to do that if I'm mafia, especially since it will become too obvious that I'm lying about being 3P as the game goes on.

- how do we know you won't side with the mafia after you win like the original Gambit Demon did???
Long Con sided with mafia because he was sentimental and wanted to root for the underdog. I am not sentimental. Siding with the mafia after the town gave me my win is pointless. I have already gotten my win; putting in extra effort is not only meaningless, it actively compromises my ability to make further deals in this vein when I roll 3P in the future. It's strictly suboptimal to do that, so you can be pretty sure I won't do it.

make sure to @ me if you want to tell me who your consensus town to bargain is or have any questions/comments, since I won't be reading the thread closely.
Wolfy copypasta
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Sabiplz »

I'm gay and here and queer
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Lilypetal »

a weight was lifted off of me when i randed town

i am ready to game
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by nutella »

feliz jueves
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by robyn »

Lilypetal wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:03 pm a weight was lifted off of me when i randed town

i am ready to game
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by nutella »

Party Crasher wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:01 pm WHO WOULGE?


It is my cat.
lock town
to the spoiler go the victories:
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Inawordyes »

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Sabiplz »

How are yall
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »

Lilypetal wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:00 pm1st
[VOTE: Lilypetal] aubergine

Esooa told me to policy chop you
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Dennis »

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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Inawordyes »

Sabiplz wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:04 pmHow are yall
TBD, ask me again in like two hours
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Scotty »

Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Inawordyes »

Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
N0 was yesterday when we received our roles

D1 is now
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Scotty »

Oh damn.

Ok then.
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by nutella »

Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
fake derp
Inawordyes wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:06 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
N0 was yesterday when we received our roles

D1 is now
knows too much

obv w/w theater gettem
to the spoiler go the victories:
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »

nutella wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:08 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
fake derp
Inawordyes wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:06 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
N0 was yesterday when we received our roles

D1 is now
knows too much

obv w/w theater gettem
this but unironically
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by RondoDimBuckle »

Hard claiming Gambit Demon from Shadow Corridors. It's a little modified from the original version but still keeps the spirit of it. Here's the basic rundown.

- I offer a permanent ability to someone at night. abilities are: track, roleblock, silence (can't speak during next day), disenfranchise (can't vote during next day), give a post restriction, thieving (steal the abilities of who you voted for), protecting, bus driving

- If my offer is accepting, they gain the ability, but I can choose one of two options: either all night actions cast on me get redirected to them the next night OR all votes cast on me get redirected to them the next day.

- I fulfil my win condition if the number of people who I've bargained with exceed the number of people who haven't.

I'm gonna offer the same deal that I proposed in shadow corridors. Y'all come up with consensus town and I'll offer powers to them. In exchange I get a free win, you get free power roles, everyone profits.

- how do we know you aren't tricking us into some horrible fate???
take it on trust, host read that they aren't going to have a 3P nuke half the game in GOC, whatever. In Shadow Corridors I proposed some tactics to guard against 3P betrayal, you can try those. Yes I know I was mafia that game but my tactics were legit.

- what if the mafia soupkills you???
imagine being a coward and soupkilling the gambit demon instead of trying to go deep and get the power offered to you instead

- how do we know you're not mafia pretending to be a 3P???
my plan is pretty clearly laid out to give me a free win while also helping the town out. I fully intend to have "auto" from post 1 and will be putting in close to 0 effort to solve or influence the game from this point on. It doesn't make much strategical sense for me to do that if I'm mafia, especially since it will become too obvious that I'm lying about being 3P as the game goes on.

- how do we know you won't side with the mafia after you win like the original Gambit Demon did???
Long Con sided with mafia because he was sentimental and wanted to root for the underdog. I am not sentimental. Siding with the mafia after the town gave me my win is pointless. I have already gotten my win; putting in extra effort is not only meaningless, it actively compromises my ability to make further deals in this vein when I roll 3P in the future. It's strictly suboptimal to do that, so you can be pretty sure I won't do it.

make sure to @ me if you want to tell me who your consensus town to bargain is or have any questions/comments, since I won't be reading the thread closely.
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Dennis »

how much would cood a would chuck chuck if a would chuck cood chuck would
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by robyn »

sloonei wolf
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Scotty »

nutella wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:08 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
fake derp
Inawordyes wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:06 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
N0 was yesterday when we received our roles

D1 is now
knows too much

obv w/w theater gettem
You are wolf.

Too absolute too early
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by ☆Princess Abigail☆ »

Ohai fans. Will I keep up with this many players and 2 trillion posts?

Will I be perpetually PoEd because I can't keep up?

Who knows. Gonna try to play my normal game this time though... which is scary to think about.
Bubbly Magical Girl who loves Caitlin more than anything in the world!

Resident Juice Sipping Icon

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You are Zenon, Town 1-shot Desperado. You’re known for posting a lot (namely in anime gif form), playing a lot, and, most importantly, making snap decisions – particularly in the endgame. In a recent game, Wild West FM, you were taken to final 3 and immediately voted the last wolf, resulting in a LyLo that was strictly speaking over in four minutes and two posts. This game, we’re giving you the chance to accomplish a similar feat.

High-Risk High-Reward (Day 2+, 1-shot, Immediate): Spend 6 Snapvote Charges, post Fuck it we ball glgl in bold red text, and ping a player. (When you use this ability, you should also inform the hosts privately.) If they are Town, you will strongman die. Otherwise, you will strongman kill that player. This action resolves instantly.
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Inawordyes »

nutella wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:08 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
fake derp
Inawordyes wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:06 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
N0 was yesterday when we received our roles

D1 is now
knows too much

obv w/w theater gettem
Are we gonna be friends by choice Nutella or am I going to have to make you love me?
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »

Is nutella capable of 3-posting as a wolf?
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by hollowkatt »

Party Crasher wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:59 pm Hard claiming Gambit Demon from Shadow Corridors. It's a little modified from the original version but still keeps the spirit of it. Here's the basic rundown.

- I offer a permanent ability to someone at night. abilities are: track, roleblock, silence (can't speak during next day), disenfranchise (can't vote during next day), give a post restriction, thieving (steal the abilities of who you voted for), protecting, bus driving

- If my offer is accepting, they gain the ability, but I can choose one of two options: either all night actions cast on me get redirected to them the next night OR all votes cast on me get redirected to them the next day.

- I fulfil my win condition if the number of people who I've bargained with exceed the number of people who haven't.

I'm gonna offer the same deal that I proposed in shadow corridors. Y'all come up with consensus town and I'll offer powers to them. In exchange I get a free win, you get free power roles, everyone profits.

- how do we know you aren't tricking us into some horrible fate???
take it on trust, host read that they aren't going to have a 3P nuke half the game in GOC, whatever. In Shadow Corridors I proposed some tactics to guard against 3P betrayal, you can try those. Yes I know I was mafia that game but my tactics were legit.

- what if the mafia soupkills you???
imagine being a coward and soupkilling the gambit demon instead of trying to go deep and get the power offered to you instead

- how do we know you're not mafia pretending to be a 3P???
my plan is pretty clearly laid out to give me a free win while also helping the town out. I fully intend to have "auto" from post 1 and will be putting in close to 0 effort to solve or influence the game from this point on. It doesn't make much strategical sense for me to do that if I'm mafia, especially since it will become too obvious that I'm lying about being 3P as the game goes on.

- how do we know you won't side with the mafia after you win like the original Gambit Demon did???
Long Con sided with mafia because he was sentimental and wanted to root for the underdog. I am not sentimental. Siding with the mafia after the town gave me my win is pointless. I have already gotten my win; putting in extra effort is not only meaningless, it actively compromises my ability to make further deals in this vein when I roll 3P in the future. It's strictly suboptimal to do that, so you can be pretty sure I won't do it.

make sure to @ me if you want to tell me who your consensus town to bargain is or have any questions/comments, since I won't be reading the thread closely.
You have activated my PTSD
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tutuu wrote:fluffy furry
fluffy fluffy
kitty kitty
oiiii oiii oiiii
soft fluffy paws
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Party Crasher »

Neon wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:10 pm Ohai fans. Will I keep up with this many players and 2 trillion posts?

Will I be perpetually PoEd because I can't keep up?

Who knows. Gonna try to play my normal game this time though... which is scary to think about.
If you were town you would just play your normal game, no need to try.
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by robyn »

Party Crasher wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:10 pm Is nutella capable of 3-posting as a wolf?
only if u wear heels
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Inawordyes »

Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:09 pm
nutella wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:08 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
fake derp
Inawordyes wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:06 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:05 pm Wait, is it not N0? I’m confused
N0 was yesterday when we received our roles

D1 is now
knows too much

obv w/w theater gettem
You are wolf.

Too absolute too early
Oh man, is the OMGUS scummy?

Questions, questions
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Guillotine »

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Spacedaisy wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:05 am My interaction with Guillo was pocketed town talking to a wolf who had her fooled.
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Urist »

Hard claim mason
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Scotty »

I don’t remember how to play mafia.

Not like actually but spiritually I feel like I went in my yurt/sweat lodge to meditate since last game and emerged as a squirrel
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Urist »

NotAnAxehole says he's having trouble logging on, can someone look into that pls?
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Sabiplz »

I made knife cut noodles ama
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by Sabiplz »

Is this pretty much a mash?
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Re: Game of Champions 2022 D1


Post by S~V~S »


Party Crasher had his post ready to go; he posted less than a minute after Nanook opened the thread, and they put alot of thought into that post. Not sure how I feel about it all, but this part at least seems sincere, since knowing LC, yeah, he would.
Long Con sided with mafia because he was sentimental and wanted to root for the underdog. I am not sentimental. Siding with the mafia after the town gave me my win is pointless. I have already gotten my win; putting in extra effort is not only meaningless, it actively compromises my ability to make further deals in this vein when I roll 3P in the future. It's strictly suboptimal to do that, so you can be pretty sure I won't do it.
Skip softly, my moonbeams, for I have heard tell
That the stairs up to heaven lead straight down to hell
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