Art UPickish D3

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Poll ended at Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:00 pm

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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Quin »

ive decided all of you are mafia except creature who is a jester
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Quin »

[VOTE: Dennis] aubergine
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Quin »

happy birthday roxy, since i cant find you on discord :hugs:
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

@potentialsheltervet where you at
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Seanzie »

Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:00 am
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:42 am Well it's good to see that Porscha is town.
yes but why?
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Seanzie »

Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:00 am
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:42 am Thun might not be. Scotty confirmed clown though.
no but why?
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:47 am
Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:10 am Seanzie’s ready to break the game open with a foam bat apparently
I am clearly town (he says, twirling his foam bat in the style of starwarskid).
As obvious town as in that mafia league game?
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:49 pm [VOTE: Dennis] aubergine

Because I just became privvy to the implication of his name spelled backwards

Seems Ytliug
Maybe that means innocent?
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:06 am
Thunal33 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:00 pm I'm disappointed that my art was never auctioned. It was an MS paint masterpiece of... something.
neither was mine which means it's mechanical

happy birthday
Like an actual role or mechanic? That would be cool if it were an actual role.

Happy birthday. We have the same birthday so mine must be every day too.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:01 pm I'm a little worried that Thunal's post about my read on her is like almost perfectly copy/pasted from earlier posts she made about me.
It is? Tbh I just remembered you suspecting me when we were t/t for me giving you an early townlean.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Dennis wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:02 am
Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:57 pm
Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:54 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:49 pm [VOTE: Dennis] aubergine

Because I just became privvy to the implication of his name spelled backwards

Seems Ytliug
Certified yttocS moment

So can you give me a bit more than that
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English I Honors
14 April 2023
Avoiding Responsibility for Your Actions
It happens more often than not for one to blame others if they only look on the surface. People would rather not be held accountable for their actions and instead point the finger at whoever seems the most obvious. However, one must look deeper and think critically to decide where to place blame. This is put on display in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet often gets blamed on Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse because of their secrecy and handling of the situation. One could claim the friar or the nurse should have told the Lords of the plans or refused to help Romeo and Juliet outright. However, there were hidden risks and dangers to each option. Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse prove through the play that they are acting according to their judgment, not just whatever Romeo or Juliet demands, and are not responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
In the play, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a potion to make her appear dead for several days as a part of a plan to reunite her with her husband (Shakespeare 4.1.89-120). There are multiple seemingly risky and dangerous plans used by Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse, but there is always more to them than meets the eye. Friar Laurence’s poison plan, for example, was not on a whim. The friar is a master at herbology and knows many different uses for herbs. It would be irresponsible and deadly to attempt this plan without his knowledge. He is clearly putting thought, and his own skills, into aiding Juliet, while avoiding certain failure. But, this play would not be a tragedy if something didn’t go wrong. Friar Laurence’s message to Romeo in Mantua doesn’t get through, as all friars are being quarantined because of a breakout of the plague (5.2.10-11). It is unjust to blame Friar Laurence for this wicked twist of fate. Every part of his plan was crucial and meticulous--if everything went smoothly, it would have worked. A breakout of the plague could not have even been predicted by doctors during this time period, much less a friar. One cannot blame Friar Laurence for losing control of his plan. But the friar is not the only person who people claim should have taken a different course of action. At multiple points in the play, Juliet’s nurse has the opportunity to bring up Romeo and Juliet’s marriage to Lord and Lady Capulet, but she doesn’t. One might say she carries some blame for keeping it a secret. However, Lord Capulet displays very violent tendencies, especially regarding Juliet and her marriage, and Lady Capulet sides with him (3.5). The nurse cannot safely let anyone know about the marriage without putting her and Juliet’s safety at risk. She is forced into a very troubling situation where she doesn’t want to have to keep this secret but cannot. Both the nurse and Friar Laurence were trying to help, but one may argue they should not have even tolerated the relationship between the two.
Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden love is the driving factor of the play, forcing everyone involved to be secretive and hide things to avoid the Lords becoming furious. But would it have been a happier ending if the nurse or Friar Laurence had refused to help? Juliet was receiving constant pressure from her parents to marry Paris (1.3.60-66), but Juliet says she would rather “bid me go into a new-made grave” than marry him (4.1.84). The Nurse is aware of Juliet’s feelings, but she cannot take either side. On one side, she wants to side with Juliet. Juliet and her nurse have always been very close, and so it is natural that she wouldn’t want to see Juliet married miserably. On the other, this is a time period where it is considered proper for children, especially unmarried girls, to always respect and obey their parents. Zhao Ban, a philosopher and generally considered the first female Chinese historian wrote in her article “On Reverence for Parents” that “Girls not yet gone out from their homes / Must carefully reverence their parents” (1-2). It goes against the nurse’s core values to help Juliet disobey the Capulets. The nurse is trapped in a moral dilemma where she must make a decision or else Juliet would be trapped by her parents into an unhappy marriage, but must be careful with her actions or else she could get in serious trouble with the Capulet family. Friar Laurence plays a pivotal role in Romeo and Juliet’s blossoming relationship. He agrees to marry the two the same day he learns that Romeo has met Juliet and moved on from Rosaline. On the surface, this is a ridiculous idea. However, when one considers that Friar Laurence married them not to appease Romeo, but instead to resolve the conflict between the Capulets and Monagues, the situation gets complicated (Shakespeare 2.3.88-92). Friar Laurence refuses at first, saying Romeo is only attracted to Juliet’s body and is moving much too fast (2.3.65-80). Romeo proves himself to be very emotionally volatile, going from moping about Rosaline (1.1.222-230) to being enamored of Juliet in the same day. Friar Laurence could not have been able to accurately predict Romeo’s reaction. In addition, the marriage is not just because Friar Laurence doesn’t see harm in it--he advises Romeo to slow down and think. The reason he follows through is because of the constant fights breaking out between the Capulets and Montagues. He sees this as a way to “turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (2.3.92). If this marriage works, it will prove that the houses have no real reason to fight, and the citizens of Verona will not have to live in fear of fights breaking out. It’s even possible the Friar actually sees himself as the hero, putting an end to the violence. If he refused, he would both have to deal with whatever Romeo’s reaction was and potentially live with the guilt of every innocent person slain in the subsequent fights. The reaction of the two children is a major driving factor as well. Both Romeo and Juliet threaten to kill themselves at multiple points in the play. Romeo, when he learns he is banished from Verona (3.3.105-109) and Juliet claims she would if all other plans to reunite with Romeo failed (3.5.244). These two children, clearly emotionally unstable and a lot of stress, put the nurse and Friar Laurence in a very tough position. If at any point things did not work out for them, they would kill themselves and their blood would be on the hands of the adults. It was nearly impossible for the adults to simply do nothing. The consequences of the rash behavior of the children ended up being the nurse and Friar Laurence’s responsibility, and they acted the best they could in that terrible situation.
Romeo and Juliet are rash and irresponsible, forcing themselves into very adult situations and then begging for aid, so far as to threaten killing themselves if the adults don’t help. Friar Laurence and the nurse, being thrusted into this position, make attempts to rationalize with the children before they try their more unorthodox plans. The nurse at first goes along with what Juliet wishes, but after Romeo is banished, she thinks about what to do and suggests Juliet just marry Paris and forget about Romeo (3.5.216-226). The nurse believes that this has gone too far and that Juliet should just follow her parent’s advice. Despite her constant complaints, the chances that Juliet would fall in love with Paris in an arranged marriage are higher than they seemed. According to “Would You Marry a Stranger?” by Jessica McBirney, arranged marriages are not all terrible. In fact, there is data that “those in arranged marriages generally enjoy happier lives and lower divorce rates” (2). The whole situation caused more problems for everyone than it solved, and Juliet is arguably being selfish. By refusing to try and move on and shame everyone around her into helping her, she manipulates the situation into exactly what she wants, and refuses the nurse’s attempts to make her reconsider Paris, or even just move on from Romeo. Friar Laurence had the almost exact opposite problem with Romeo. The friar was disappointed to hear how quickly Romeo moved on from Rosaline and advises that Romeo think about his decision more (Shakespeare 2.3.74-78). Romeo characteristically refuses to reconsider and begs until Friar Laurence gives in. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want help, he just wants what will make him happiest and doesn’t consider the consequences of his actions or the advice the friar gives. While Friar Laurence stands stronger on his position than the nurse did, he eventually caves as well and marries Romeo and Juliet. This could be seen as the initial conflict that starts the path to the tragedy, but truly the blame lies in Romeo and Juliet manipulating the adults around them. They are irresponsible and manipulative, threatening to kill themselves and leave the guilt of their deaths in the hearts of the adults unless everything goes their way. It eventually becomes clear that the only people who can truly be blamed for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is Romeo and Juliet themselves.
Juliet’s nurse and Friar Laurence tried their best, in a situation where they were being manipulated and had to be very careful with their actions, to aid Romeo and Juliet. The scholars that argue Friar Laurence and the nurse are responsible must reconsider and recognize the emotional struggle Romeo and Juliet put on them. It is important to think critically, from an unbiased perspective about situations before one places blame. We have all been in arguments or situations where taking the blame is unfavorable and attempt to place the blame on someone else. It’s hard to reconcile with guilt, and it’s okay to feel these things. But when someone else takes the fall for one, one carries the same, if not more responsibility than before.
Works Cited
“On Reverence for Parents”, Zhao Ban, c, 4.-120. Commonlit.
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Literatur, Grade 9, edited by Janet Allen, McDougal Littell, 2008, 940-1050.
This essay obviously has nothing to do with me and it's kind of unnerving you don't want to give a serious answer, especially because you just pushed me to top wagon
I townlean this paranoia.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Hey all I'm here, sorry I'm late. Gonna get started reading now!
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Seanzie »

Thunal33 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:44 am
Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:47 am
Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:10 am Seanzie’s ready to break the game open with a foam bat apparently
I am clearly town (he says, twirling his foam bat in the style of starwarskid).
As obvious town as in that mafia league game?
No. No one ever has been or ever will be more clearly town than I was that game.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:43 pm @Kate hiiiiii mooooooom
Hi bubs. Why is everyone picking on you already this game?
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:46 pm My favorite artist is Kate for creating such a perfect piece of art such as me

Sure she screwed up with the other kids but why do you think she stopped with me (it's because I'm the perfected prototype)
SO TRUE!!!! Dennis is my favorite :nicenod:
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

falcon45ca wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:45 pm
genny wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:46 pm
Porscha wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:44 pm I don't have favorite artists, I am uncultured
Once upon a time, I was going to be an art history major. And then I realized I didn’t like the history part lol
genny wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:49 pm
Roxy wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:22 am Hi fave artist is Escher. Yeah I'm twisted :shifty:
I saw a video where someone did a wood floor in their house in Escher’s lizard tessellation and now that’s a goal of mine

[VOTE: genny] aubergine
Hmmmm. Why am I feeling this already too?
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

potentialsheltervet wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:09 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm I've decided that Dennis is town and Dubz is not. Let it be known.
It is known
Hey there hero. Any thoughts on genny? I've watched her play once baddie where she was super quiet, and played with her once where she was solvey. Here, she seems "present." How do I interpret that?

And guys let's not mislynch @dennis again.
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:49 pm [VOTE: Dennis] aubergine

Because I just became privvy to the implication of his name spelled backwards

Seems Ytliug
It's SIN-ned. With an Asian flair to it. Not the American iced, bland, Sinned.
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Dennis wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:03 am Though that essay truly is wonderful. I'd say it deserves at least a 97/100
Where's the other 3 points?
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:09 am ive decided all of you are mafia except creature who is a jester
Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:13 am [VOTE: Dennis] aubergine
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Scotty »

Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:08 am
Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:11 am
Dennis wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:02 am
Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:57 pm
Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:54 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:49 pm [VOTE: Dennis] aubergine

Because I just became privvy to the implication of his name spelled backwards

Seems Ytliug
Certified yttocS moment

So can you give me a bit more than that
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English I Honors
14 April 2023
Avoiding Responsibility for Your Actions
It happens more often than not for one to blame others if they only look on the surface. People would rather not be held accountable for their actions and instead point the finger at whoever seems the most obvious. However, one must look deeper and think critically to decide where to place blame. This is put on display in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet often gets blamed on Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse because of their secrecy and handling of the situation. One could claim the friar or the nurse should have told the Lords of the plans or refused to help Romeo and Juliet outright. However, there were hidden risks and dangers to each option. Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse prove through the play that they are acting according to their judgment, not just whatever Romeo or Juliet demands, and are not responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
In the play, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a potion to make her appear dead for several days as a part of a plan to reunite her with her husband (Shakespeare 4.1.89-120). There are multiple seemingly risky and dangerous plans used by Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse, but there is always more to them than meets the eye. Friar Laurence’s poison plan, for example, was not on a whim. The friar is a master at herbology and knows many different uses for herbs. It would be irresponsible and deadly to attempt this plan without his knowledge. He is clearly putting thought, and his own skills, into aiding Juliet, while avoiding certain failure. But, this play would not be a tragedy if something didn’t go wrong. Friar Laurence’s message to Romeo in Mantua doesn’t get through, as all friars are being quarantined because of a breakout of the plague (5.2.10-11). It is unjust to blame Friar Laurence for this wicked twist of fate. Every part of his plan was crucial and meticulous--if everything went smoothly, it would have worked. A breakout of the plague could not have even been predicted by doctors during this time period, much less a friar. One cannot blame Friar Laurence for losing control of his plan. But the friar is not the only person who people claim should have taken a different course of action. At multiple points in the play, Juliet’s nurse has the opportunity to bring up Romeo and Juliet’s marriage to Lord and Lady Capulet, but she doesn’t. One might say she carries some blame for keeping it a secret. However, Lord Capulet displays very violent tendencies, especially regarding Juliet and her marriage, and Lady Capulet sides with him (3.5). The nurse cannot safely let anyone know about the marriage without putting her and Juliet’s safety at risk. She is forced into a very troubling situation where she doesn’t want to have to keep this secret but cannot. Both the nurse and Friar Laurence were trying to help, but one may argue they should not have even tolerated the relationship between the two.
Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden love is the driving factor of the play, forcing everyone involved to be secretive and hide things to avoid the Lords becoming furious. But would it have been a happier ending if the nurse or Friar Laurence had refused to help? Juliet was receiving constant pressure from her parents to marry Paris (1.3.60-66), but Juliet says she would rather “bid me go into a new-made grave” than marry him (4.1.84). The Nurse is aware of Juliet’s feelings, but she cannot take either side. On one side, she wants to side with Juliet. Juliet and her nurse have always been very close, and so it is natural that she wouldn’t want to see Juliet married miserably. On the other, this is a time period where it is considered proper for children, especially unmarried girls, to always respect and obey their parents. Zhao Ban, a philosopher and generally considered the first female Chinese historian wrote in her article “On Reverence for Parents” that “Girls not yet gone out from their homes / Must carefully reverence their parents” (1-2). It goes against the nurse’s core values to help Juliet disobey the Capulets. The nurse is trapped in a moral dilemma where she must make a decision or else Juliet would be trapped by her parents into an unhappy marriage, but must be careful with her actions or else she could get in serious trouble with the Capulet family. Friar Laurence plays a pivotal role in Romeo and Juliet’s blossoming relationship. He agrees to marry the two the same day he learns that Romeo has met Juliet and moved on from Rosaline. On the surface, this is a ridiculous idea. However, when one considers that Friar Laurence married them not to appease Romeo, but instead to resolve the conflict between the Capulets and Monagues, the situation gets complicated (Shakespeare 2.3.88-92). Friar Laurence refuses at first, saying Romeo is only attracted to Juliet’s body and is moving much too fast (2.3.65-80). Romeo proves himself to be very emotionally volatile, going from moping about Rosaline (1.1.222-230) to being enamored of Juliet in the same day. Friar Laurence could not have been able to accurately predict Romeo’s reaction. In addition, the marriage is not just because Friar Laurence doesn’t see harm in it--he advises Romeo to slow down and think. The reason he follows through is because of the constant fights breaking out between the Capulets and Montagues. He sees this as a way to “turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (2.3.92). If this marriage works, it will prove that the houses have no real reason to fight, and the citizens of Verona will not have to live in fear of fights breaking out. It’s even possible the Friar actually sees himself as the hero, putting an end to the violence. If he refused, he would both have to deal with whatever Romeo’s reaction was and potentially live with the guilt of every innocent person slain in the subsequent fights. The reaction of the two children is a major driving factor as well. Both Romeo and Juliet threaten to kill themselves at multiple points in the play. Romeo, when he learns he is banished from Verona (3.3.105-109) and Juliet claims she would if all other plans to reunite with Romeo failed (3.5.244). These two children, clearly emotionally unstable and a lot of stress, put the nurse and Friar Laurence in a very tough position. If at any point things did not work out for them, they would kill themselves and their blood would be on the hands of the adults. It was nearly impossible for the adults to simply do nothing. The consequences of the rash behavior of the children ended up being the nurse and Friar Laurence’s responsibility, and they acted the best they could in that terrible situation.
Romeo and Juliet are rash and irresponsible, forcing themselves into very adult situations and then begging for aid, so far as to threaten killing themselves if the adults don’t help. Friar Laurence and the nurse, being thrusted into this position, make attempts to rationalize with the children before they try their more unorthodox plans. The nurse at first goes along with what Juliet wishes, but after Romeo is banished, she thinks about what to do and suggests Juliet just marry Paris and forget about Romeo (3.5.216-226). The nurse believes that this has gone too far and that Juliet should just follow her parent’s advice. Despite her constant complaints, the chances that Juliet would fall in love with Paris in an arranged marriage are higher than they seemed. According to “Would You Marry a Stranger?” by Jessica McBirney, arranged marriages are not all terrible. In fact, there is data that “those in arranged marriages generally enjoy happier lives and lower divorce rates” (2). The whole situation caused more problems for everyone than it solved, and Juliet is arguably being selfish. By refusing to try and move on and shame everyone around her into helping her, she manipulates the situation into exactly what she wants, and refuses the nurse’s attempts to make her reconsider Paris, or even just move on from Romeo. Friar Laurence had the almost exact opposite problem with Romeo. The friar was disappointed to hear how quickly Romeo moved on from Rosaline and advises that Romeo think about his decision more (Shakespeare 2.3.74-78). Romeo characteristically refuses to reconsider and begs until Friar Laurence gives in. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want help, he just wants what will make him happiest and doesn’t consider the consequences of his actions or the advice the friar gives. While Friar Laurence stands stronger on his position than the nurse did, he eventually caves as well and marries Romeo and Juliet. This could be seen as the initial conflict that starts the path to the tragedy, but truly the blame lies in Romeo and Juliet manipulating the adults around them. They are irresponsible and manipulative, threatening to kill themselves and leave the guilt of their deaths in the hearts of the adults unless everything goes their way. It eventually becomes clear that the only people who can truly be blamed for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is Romeo and Juliet themselves.
Juliet’s nurse and Friar Laurence tried their best, in a situation where they were being manipulated and had to be very careful with their actions, to aid Romeo and Juliet. The scholars that argue Friar Laurence and the nurse are responsible must reconsider and recognize the emotional struggle Romeo and Juliet put on them. It is important to think critically, from an unbiased perspective about situations before one places blame. We have all been in arguments or situations where taking the blame is unfavorable and attempt to place the blame on someone else. It’s hard to reconcile with guilt, and it’s okay to feel these things. But when someone else takes the fall for one, one carries the same, if not more responsibility than before.
Works Cited
“On Reverence for Parents”, Zhao Ban, c, 4.-120. Commonlit.
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Literatur, Grade 9, edited by Janet Allen, McDougal Littell, 2008, 940-1050.
This essay obviously has nothing to do with me and it's kind of unnerving you don't want to give a serious answer, especially because you just pushed me to top wagon
That’s fair. There’s no substance behind my vote.

I think I’ll feel bad if you were an actual wagon for no reason; as it stands with 2 votes, you’re more like a tricycle on a gentle slope
what kind of buddies do you hang out with? I’m currently voting the chap
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

I'd be ok with a vote for genny, Quin or to a lesser extent creature.

Don't vote dennis.

I'm gonna vote [VOTE: quin] aubergine for now. BBL
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Scotty »

Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:48 am Hey all I'm here, sorry I'm late. Gonna get started reading now!
You’re not late, you’re kate!

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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Scotty »

Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:59 am
potentialsheltervet wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:09 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm I've decided that Dennis is town and Dubz is not. Let it be known.
It is known
Hey there hero. Any thoughts on genny? I've watched her play once baddie where she was super quiet, and played with her once where she was solvey. Here, she seems "present." How do I interpret that?

And guys let's not mislynch @dennis again.
why are you already so sure Dennis is town?
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Scotty »

Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:09 am I'd be ok with a vote for genny, Quin or to a lesser extent creature.

Don't vote dennis.

I'm gonna vote [VOTE: quin] aubergine for now. BBL

like, I value your opinion on Dennis, but I also feel like he’s good enough that his alignment is rather vague from what little we’ve seen

So either you have a godmomread on him or you know he’s good

[VOTE: roxy] aubergine

Happy birthday Roxy
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:59 am
potentialsheltervet wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:09 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm I've decided that Dennis is town and Dubz is not. Let it be known.
It is known
Hey there hero. Any thoughts on genny? I've watched her play once baddie where she was super quiet, and played with her once where she was solvey. Here, she seems "present." How do I interpret that?

And guys let's not mislynch @dennis again.
You didn't ask me but since I've played with genny for a long long time...

Activity level is NAI for her. She's always fun but her content when she's present is more balanced between jokes and solving when she's village, whereas scum!genny tends to have a lower signal:noise ratio.

I don't think she's posted enough yet to get a read here
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

[VOTE: quin ] aubergine

Just vibez
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:13 am
Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:59 am
potentialsheltervet wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:09 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm I've decided that Dennis is town and Dubz is not. Let it be known.
It is known
Hey there hero. Any thoughts on genny? I've watched her play once baddie where she was super quiet, and played with her once where she was solvey. Here, she seems "present." How do I interpret that?

And guys let's not mislynch @dennis again.
why are you already so sure Dennis is town?
I'm not SO SURE, but I'd say most likely not. He's present, he's chatting, he's not tentative. That's civ Dennis indicators. So when I read his posts, it sounds like Dennis not someone trying to sound like Dennis.
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:16 am
Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:09 am I'd be ok with a vote for genny, Quin or to a lesser extent creature.

Don't vote dennis.

I'm gonna vote [VOTE: quin] aubergine for now. BBL

like, I value your opinion on Dennis, but I also feel like he’s good enough that his alignment is rather vague from what little we’ve seen

So either you have a godmomread on him or you know he’s good

[VOTE: roxy] aubergine

Happy birthday Roxy
Well I'm definitely godmom. I've been wrong about Dennis once, and he killed me night one for it so I went out with a Dennis is civ read. So for day one the best he's getting is townlean, but yea, he's townleanin.
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:18 am
Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:59 am
potentialsheltervet wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:09 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm I've decided that Dennis is town and Dubz is not. Let it be known.
It is known
Hey there hero. Any thoughts on genny? I've watched her play once baddie where she was super quiet, and played with her once where she was solvey. Here, she seems "present." How do I interpret that?

And guys let's not mislynch @dennis again.
You didn't ask me but since I've played with genny for a long long time...

Activity level is NAI for her. She's always fun but her content when she's present is more balanced between jokes and solving when she's village, whereas scum!genny tends to have a lower signal:noise ratio.

I don't think she's posted enough yet to get a read here
Thank you, that helps.
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Seanzie »

I have decided to buy a sailboat.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am I have decided to buy a sailboat.
We all make bad good decisions sometimes
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:28 am
Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:16 am
Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:09 am I'd be ok with a vote for genny, Quin or to a lesser extent creature.

Don't vote dennis.

I'm gonna vote [VOTE: quin] aubergine for now. BBL

like, I value your opinion on Dennis, but I also feel like he’s good enough that his alignment is rather vague from what little we’ve seen

So either you have a godmomread on him or you know he’s good

[VOTE: roxy] aubergine

Happy birthday Roxy
Well I'm definitely godmom. I've been wrong about Dennis once, and he killed me night one for it so I went out with a Dennis is civ read. So for day one the best he's getting is townlean, but yea, he's townleanin.
Not surprising from what I've seen of your play. I'll definitely consider your Dennis read.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by falcon45ca »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am I have decided to buy a sailboat.
I have a nice watch & bass collection, but no boats.

I used to do a fair amount of river canoeing, and it pisses me off to no end that Hollywood doesn't know what a J-Stroke is
we can't stop here...this is bat country!
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by falcon45ca »

Uh oh, Kate might be Maf
we can't stop here...this is bat country!
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Scotty »

Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:57 am
Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am I have decided to buy a sailboat.
We all make bad good decisions sometimes
Everyone I ever talk to that has dealt with owning things on or utilizing water tell me it’s the biggest waste of money.

Pool? Maintenance and upkeep is not worth the ratio of work / use.
Boats? Maintenance cost, fuel, storage facility, limitations for use.

Every friend or parent of friend that has ever had a boat has sold it in disgust. Best to let someone else take that burden and use their boat.

(These are my opinions and if you have a pool or boat, I’m sorry)
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not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:12 pm
Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:57 am
Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am I have decided to buy a sailboat.
We all make bad good decisions sometimes
Everyone I ever talk to that has dealt with owning things on or utilizing water tell me it’s the biggest waste of money.

Pool? Maintenance and upkeep is not worth the ratio of work / use.
Boats? Maintenance cost, fuel, storage facility, limitations for use.

Every friend or parent of friend that has ever had a boat has sold it in disgust. Best to let someone else take that burden and use their boat.

(These are my opinions and if you have a pool or boat, I’m sorry)
No I think you're right, I wouldn't do it myself. But if Seanzie gets a sailboat maybe the rest of us can take advantage!
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Thunal33 »

Quin wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:06 am
Thunal33 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:00 pm I'm disappointed that my art was never auctioned. It was an MS paint masterpiece of... something.
neither was mine which means it's mechanical

happy birthday
I went back to this and why would you think it's mechanical? I looked at all the communication in the discord and signups and each person's role is interpreting the art subjectively. There was nothing about what happens to unauctioned art.

[VOTE: quin] aubergine
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by falcon45ca »

Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:11 pm
falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf

Something someone once told me about how she approaches early game, I'm seeing it here.

Of course I could be wrong, but also [VOTE: kate] aubergine
we can't stop here...this is bat country!
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by falcon45ca »

Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:12 pm
Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:57 am
Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am I have decided to buy a sailboat.
We all make bad good decisions sometimes
Everyone I ever talk to that has dealt with owning things on or utilizing water tell me it’s the biggest waste of money.

Pool? Maintenance and upkeep is not worth the ratio of work / use.
Boats? Maintenance cost, fuel, storage facility, limitations for use.

Every friend or parent of friend that has ever had a boat has sold it in disgust. Best to let someone else take that burden and use their boat.

(These are my opinions and if you have a pool or boat, I’m sorry)

Do sailboats use a lot of fuel?

Is there a wind shortage I am unaware of?
we can't stop here...this is bat country!
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf
No. I'm playing exactly like I did last game, just not looking at you...yet :shrug:
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Kate »

falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:04 pm
Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:11 pm
falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf

Something someone once told me about how she approaches early game, I'm seeing it here.

Of course I could be wrong, but also [VOTE: kate] aubergine
Oh please elaborate, I'd love to hear this.
Andrew wrote: Wed May 29, 2013 6:47 pm I'm voting llama again because I think I heard him say something that looks like proof.
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dubz »

falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:04 pm
Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:11 pm
falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf

Something someone once told me about how she approaches early game, I'm seeing it here.

Of course I could be wrong, but also [VOTE: kate] aubergine
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Scotty »

falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:25 pm
Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:12 pm
Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:57 am
Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am I have decided to buy a sailboat.
We all make bad good decisions sometimes
Everyone I ever talk to that has dealt with owning things on or utilizing water tell me it’s the biggest waste of money.

Pool? Maintenance and upkeep is not worth the ratio of work / use.
Boats? Maintenance cost, fuel, storage facility, limitations for use.

Every friend or parent of friend that has ever had a boat has sold it in disgust. Best to let someone else take that burden and use their boat.

(These are my opinions and if you have a pool or boat, I’m sorry)

Do sailboats use a lot of fuel?

Is there a wind shortage I am unaware of?
Not too much, but fuel nonetheless
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not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dennis »

Scotty wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:11 am
Dennis wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:02 am
Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:57 pm
Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:54 pm
Scotty wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:49 pm [VOTE: Dennis] aubergine

Because I just became privvy to the implication of his name spelled backwards

Seems Ytliug
Certified yttocS moment

So can you give me a bit more than that
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English I Honors
14 April 2023
Avoiding Responsibility for Your Actions
It happens more often than not for one to blame others if they only look on the surface. People would rather not be held accountable for their actions and instead point the finger at whoever seems the most obvious. However, one must look deeper and think critically to decide where to place blame. This is put on display in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet often gets blamed on Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse because of their secrecy and handling of the situation. One could claim the friar or the nurse should have told the Lords of the plans or refused to help Romeo and Juliet outright. However, there were hidden risks and dangers to each option. Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse prove through the play that they are acting according to their judgment, not just whatever Romeo or Juliet demands, and are not responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
In the play, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a potion to make her appear dead for several days as a part of a plan to reunite her with her husband (Shakespeare 4.1.89-120). There are multiple seemingly risky and dangerous plans used by Friar Laurence and Juliet’s nurse, but there is always more to them than meets the eye. Friar Laurence’s poison plan, for example, was not on a whim. The friar is a master at herbology and knows many different uses for herbs. It would be irresponsible and deadly to attempt this plan without his knowledge. He is clearly putting thought, and his own skills, into aiding Juliet, while avoiding certain failure. But, this play would not be a tragedy if something didn’t go wrong. Friar Laurence’s message to Romeo in Mantua doesn’t get through, as all friars are being quarantined because of a breakout of the plague (5.2.10-11). It is unjust to blame Friar Laurence for this wicked twist of fate. Every part of his plan was crucial and meticulous--if everything went smoothly, it would have worked. A breakout of the plague could not have even been predicted by doctors during this time period, much less a friar. One cannot blame Friar Laurence for losing control of his plan. But the friar is not the only person who people claim should have taken a different course of action. At multiple points in the play, Juliet’s nurse has the opportunity to bring up Romeo and Juliet’s marriage to Lord and Lady Capulet, but she doesn’t. One might say she carries some blame for keeping it a secret. However, Lord Capulet displays very violent tendencies, especially regarding Juliet and her marriage, and Lady Capulet sides with him (3.5). The nurse cannot safely let anyone know about the marriage without putting her and Juliet’s safety at risk. She is forced into a very troubling situation where she doesn’t want to have to keep this secret but cannot. Both the nurse and Friar Laurence were trying to help, but one may argue they should not have even tolerated the relationship between the two.
Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden love is the driving factor of the play, forcing everyone involved to be secretive and hide things to avoid the Lords becoming furious. But would it have been a happier ending if the nurse or Friar Laurence had refused to help? Juliet was receiving constant pressure from her parents to marry Paris (1.3.60-66), but Juliet says she would rather “bid me go into a new-made grave” than marry him (4.1.84). The Nurse is aware of Juliet’s feelings, but she cannot take either side. On one side, she wants to side with Juliet. Juliet and her nurse have always been very close, and so it is natural that she wouldn’t want to see Juliet married miserably. On the other, this is a time period where it is considered proper for children, especially unmarried girls, to always respect and obey their parents. Zhao Ban, a philosopher and generally considered the first female Chinese historian wrote in her article “On Reverence for Parents” that “Girls not yet gone out from their homes / Must carefully reverence their parents” (1-2). It goes against the nurse’s core values to help Juliet disobey the Capulets. The nurse is trapped in a moral dilemma where she must make a decision or else Juliet would be trapped by her parents into an unhappy marriage, but must be careful with her actions or else she could get in serious trouble with the Capulet family. Friar Laurence plays a pivotal role in Romeo and Juliet’s blossoming relationship. He agrees to marry the two the same day he learns that Romeo has met Juliet and moved on from Rosaline. On the surface, this is a ridiculous idea. However, when one considers that Friar Laurence married them not to appease Romeo, but instead to resolve the conflict between the Capulets and Monagues, the situation gets complicated (Shakespeare 2.3.88-92). Friar Laurence refuses at first, saying Romeo is only attracted to Juliet’s body and is moving much too fast (2.3.65-80). Romeo proves himself to be very emotionally volatile, going from moping about Rosaline (1.1.222-230) to being enamored of Juliet in the same day. Friar Laurence could not have been able to accurately predict Romeo’s reaction. In addition, the marriage is not just because Friar Laurence doesn’t see harm in it--he advises Romeo to slow down and think. The reason he follows through is because of the constant fights breaking out between the Capulets and Montagues. He sees this as a way to “turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (2.3.92). If this marriage works, it will prove that the houses have no real reason to fight, and the citizens of Verona will not have to live in fear of fights breaking out. It’s even possible the Friar actually sees himself as the hero, putting an end to the violence. If he refused, he would both have to deal with whatever Romeo’s reaction was and potentially live with the guilt of every innocent person slain in the subsequent fights. The reaction of the two children is a major driving factor as well. Both Romeo and Juliet threaten to kill themselves at multiple points in the play. Romeo, when he learns he is banished from Verona (3.3.105-109) and Juliet claims she would if all other plans to reunite with Romeo failed (3.5.244). These two children, clearly emotionally unstable and a lot of stress, put the nurse and Friar Laurence in a very tough position. If at any point things did not work out for them, they would kill themselves and their blood would be on the hands of the adults. It was nearly impossible for the adults to simply do nothing. The consequences of the rash behavior of the children ended up being the nurse and Friar Laurence’s responsibility, and they acted the best they could in that terrible situation.
Romeo and Juliet are rash and irresponsible, forcing themselves into very adult situations and then begging for aid, so far as to threaten killing themselves if the adults don’t help. Friar Laurence and the nurse, being thrusted into this position, make attempts to rationalize with the children before they try their more unorthodox plans. The nurse at first goes along with what Juliet wishes, but after Romeo is banished, she thinks about what to do and suggests Juliet just marry Paris and forget about Romeo (3.5.216-226). The nurse believes that this has gone too far and that Juliet should just follow her parent’s advice. Despite her constant complaints, the chances that Juliet would fall in love with Paris in an arranged marriage are higher than they seemed. According to “Would You Marry a Stranger?” by Jessica McBirney, arranged marriages are not all terrible. In fact, there is data that “those in arranged marriages generally enjoy happier lives and lower divorce rates” (2). The whole situation caused more problems for everyone than it solved, and Juliet is arguably being selfish. By refusing to try and move on and shame everyone around her into helping her, she manipulates the situation into exactly what she wants, and refuses the nurse’s attempts to make her reconsider Paris, or even just move on from Romeo. Friar Laurence had the almost exact opposite problem with Romeo. The friar was disappointed to hear how quickly Romeo moved on from Rosaline and advises that Romeo think about his decision more (Shakespeare 2.3.74-78). Romeo characteristically refuses to reconsider and begs until Friar Laurence gives in. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want help, he just wants what will make him happiest and doesn’t consider the consequences of his actions or the advice the friar gives. While Friar Laurence stands stronger on his position than the nurse did, he eventually caves as well and marries Romeo and Juliet. This could be seen as the initial conflict that starts the path to the tragedy, but truly the blame lies in Romeo and Juliet manipulating the adults around them. They are irresponsible and manipulative, threatening to kill themselves and leave the guilt of their deaths in the hearts of the adults unless everything goes their way. It eventually becomes clear that the only people who can truly be blamed for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is Romeo and Juliet themselves.
Juliet’s nurse and Friar Laurence tried their best, in a situation where they were being manipulated and had to be very careful with their actions, to aid Romeo and Juliet. The scholars that argue Friar Laurence and the nurse are responsible must reconsider and recognize the emotional struggle Romeo and Juliet put on them. It is important to think critically, from an unbiased perspective about situations before one places blame. We have all been in arguments or situations where taking the blame is unfavorable and attempt to place the blame on someone else. It’s hard to reconcile with guilt, and it’s okay to feel these things. But when someone else takes the fall for one, one carries the same, if not more responsibility than before.
Works Cited
“On Reverence for Parents”, Zhao Ban, c, 4.-120. Commonlit.
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Literatur, Grade 9, edited by Janet Allen, McDougal Littell, 2008, 940-1050.
This essay obviously has nothing to do with me and it's kind of unnerving you don't want to give a serious answer, especially because you just pushed me to top wagon
That’s fair. There’s no substance behind my vote.

I think I’ll feel bad if you were an actual wagon for no reason; as it stands with 2 votes, you’re more like a tricycle on a gentle slope
But at that point it was halfway through the day and like 7 people had actually showed up so it looked like I was just gonna get jumped by wolves pretending to be sheeping and die

Ergo, please don't kill me
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dennis »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:25 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:26 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:59 pm I've decided that Dennis is town and Dubz is not. Let it be known.
Which part of my statement are you curious about?
The me being town part
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by Dennis »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:41 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:38 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:18 pm
Dennis wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:24 pm
Seanzie wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:05 pm Anyone got any reads?
That's a shame, I was going to ask you cause you can make early reads like that

I don't, I can never read stuff like this

@falcon45ca you like pushing me about reading D0s as NAI, and while this isn't D0 it feels at least similar with the silliness and whatnot, whaddya got (if anything)
I've already given like four reads in a five read game (and one of the reads is the essay you wrote for your honors english class)
Oh yeah you have

I normally associate reads with like an explanation, which sounds sarcastic but I don't mean it like that

I don't know WHAT you mean I would NEVER submit an essay for an art upick (it got a 97/100)
What exactly made you say "Oh yeah you have"?
When you said that, I thought for more than 3 seconds and remember that you had, in fact, said things such as "x is town"

It didn't come up immediately cause it felt like it was in passing
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Uomini D'onore (Man of Honor)
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by falcon45ca »

Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:34 pm
falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:04 pm
Dubz wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:11 pm
falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf

Something someone once told me about how she approaches early game, I'm seeing it here.

Of course I could be wrong, but also [VOTE: kate] aubergine
This is Kate in Summer, where she was Town. Notice her entry to that game, and compare & contrast it to her entry this game.

search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&t=25 ... d=155&ch=0
we can't stop here...this is bat country!
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Uomini D'onore (Man of Honor)
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Re: Art UPickish D1


Post by falcon45ca »

Kate wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:28 pm
falcon45ca wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:07 pm Uh oh, Kate might be Maf
No. I'm playing exactly like I did last game, just not looking at you...yet :shrug:
I disagree
we can't stop here...this is bat country!
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