[END] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)

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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by DrWilgy »

reywaS wrote:I am very sorry for being absent from the game so far, guys. :( I'm a terrible, awful, shitty player that deserves to burn in mafia hell for missing the Day 2 vote. I won't promise to catch up fully today because I don't think I can keep that promise. I will try my best though.

This is awkward...

Wilgy looks at Rey without speaking a word, gives him a hug. Pats his shoulder and walks away.
nutella wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:56 pm Image
@DrWilgy don't post any more k
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JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Wilgy's vote is an enigma of science. Philosophers are known to throw their tomes across the auditorium in a fit of frustration after failing to solve its mystery.
insertnamehere wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:50 pm WTF was up with Wilgy's entire deal?
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Re: [DAY 2] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

I raised this point earlier, but I don't think anyone gave it any thought.

To those voting Sorsha, does this interaction with Long Con strike you as genuine or manufactured?
Sorsha wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Sorsha wrote:RIPIYWG guys :(

Long Con can you explain why you chose bea and what your ideal outcome would have been yesterday?
I chose bea because I saw the opportunity to make the case I did based on the things she had said. She's a good target for this kind of thing, because unlike Epig or Golden or Llama, she's less likely to take an accusation like that and run with it until it's a big polarized head-to-head between me and my accused. My ideal outcome would have been for someone from The Syndicate to take my points and agree with them and vote for bea, revealing themselves as someone willing to go along with a case because it looks good on the surface. Following this, a baddie lynch, led by me, as I humbly accept cheering Civvie accolades. Alternate ideal: bea actually is a baddie and scumslips in some way in response to the accusation.
This just seems really idealistic but not very realistic. I think you’d just have easily lynched a civ with that tactic. Its easy to say that bwt didn’t look suspicious after we know he was town but his behavior during the last lynch (flip flopping between sig and bea and then back again). I’m wondering why you wouldn’t have found him suspicious for following your lead on bea. I know you said you didn't think he was suspicious because he found his own reason but, if you hadn't of posted your case on bea I doubt he'd have looked at her.
More realistic: it develops some conversation where I get some pings from people and keep them in mind as the game progresses. However, despite opinions that it was a convincing argument, it ended up being too clumsy, and most of the conversation was about me instead, which was less helpful. It could still bear fruit, as the lynches go on - when we end up lynching a baddie, I'll be checking up on their response, if any, to the situation. Maybe someone who accused me of being bad will end up being bad, which will necessitate a second look at bea.
Time will tell I guess.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

I'm sorry for not being around this day, but we had a medical emergency in the family.

I only have a few minutes before I have to leave, and maybe I'll have a few more minutes in a few hours or so, and I'm 10 pages behind (and 4 more before the lynch) which I won't have time to read today. Can anyone please tell me how Golden got all those votes? Was there something I missed. Last thing I remember is a feud between Golden and JJJ, with Golden accusing JJJ of being bad for reasons I didn't read because I had no time. What happened since then?

Is there a post that analysed the votes? How did the fact that LC had 3 votes to use influenced the later votes on him?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Roxy »

MacDougall wrote:We just lynched a guy who looked scum and was. Occam's Razor.

Occam's Razor also suggests that the person who came in at the end of the day and was largely responsible for lynching the scum is a townie, so I'm pretty happy with James right now.

Occam ain't failed us yet friends.

Occam's Razor tells us that one or more of;


Are scum. Each of them tried to pull up the initial LC scumwagon (I am now going to make a band called LC Scumwagon). Were there others I'm missing that are guilty of that? I say we put together a list of people who were responsible for nearly not lynching Mr Scum and burn their feet until they talk.

Roxy, you first.
Roxy wrote:I am not digging the bandwagon on LC. I am still 5 pages behind but I just wanted to say - I thought it was a weak day 1 vote on Bea - I really believed he was going after Bea then when he backed off it was after llama had asked the question something like - do you think Bea's response was appropriate/" and so many chimed in and said yes bc one vote can lead to a late day bandwagon here or similar sentiments. Maybe it was a ploy to see if or what would come of his suspicion but it did seem a bit haphazard for a baddie LC. Which is why I think - would he do this if he was bad? No. I think he is a careful baddie. If he was going to try a ploy it would not have been something like this.

Ofc this is all wifom to the RYM'ers but it is true about LC. He would not be this sloppy if he was bad. No one who has played regularly with him has voted him just Wiggly who has been around for a couple of games and does not really know LC the way most of us do.

linky - FZ - Bcorn - odk bc I do not know his meta its hard to take someones word for it.

JJJ feels different this game. Is it bc of Sweden? Idk. He sure was not giving me the aggressive - JJJ supatownie at large vibe when he was here. But he is on vacation so maybe his mind is elsewhere, as it should be. Yep I am on the fence with him.
Using bullshit meta to defend a confirmed scum in a game ruled by Occam? You've got my vote Roxy.

PS: You also cast dispersions against hero town Jimmy, again using wifom and meta. You are bad Roxy. Scum bad.

As much as I hate going back on a read Llama and Long Con were there to be lynched and a scum got lynched. Unless we had two scum players on the grill then I'm flipping the script and I have Llama as hugely trusted megatown. If this were an old school RYM game I would role reveal to you and tell you all the stuff I'd learned from BTSC communications.

So much analysis to be analysed but for now Roxy you got some explaining to do.

Fuck Occam's Razor. People use this al the time and really have no idea wtf it means. Ialways ignore it when people bring it up :nicenod:

Using bullashit meta on a confirmed baddie? Was LC confifirmed bad when I made that statement or did only you know he was confirmed bad before the rest of us?

So there are 4 people on your little list yet I am the only one that I can see you have broke down with a post about their talking about LC's meta.

I stand by what I said about LC. I have never seen LC make such a haphazard ploy.
So what I was wrong. Ain't you ever been wrong in mafia? I make mistakes all the time. I I tend to prob make more before the game is over.

If you want to call me bad bc I thought someone was civ based on previous play be my guest.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Roxy »

MF - you will be next but have to wait bc I am at work and yours will require a few quotes being pulled.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by sig »

It isn't a problem I hope everyone is okay.

Know this might be slightly bias but, at least my reasoning for lynching golden is the following, his votes, day 1 was out of the way day 2 he tied up the vote which should have kept LC from getting lynched, and today he has lynched Sorsha even though he doesn't think she is mafia. I also found his list of who he thought was mafia suspicious, and he never really answered and instead imo brushed off the question. His posts also have a general scummy vibe, but my vote is mainly based around his own votes and lack of reasoning for them. This compared to the SOrsha vote is much better as I think Sorsha is innocent.

I don't view radical's comment as being that strange, not anything to pursue or indicates alignment.
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Re: [DAY 2] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Roxy »

Russtifinko wrote:
Roxy wrote:
Matt F wrote:RIP bwt. I'm sorry to see you go, and feel bad about contributing to your lynch, but I stand by my vote in the fact that it did not appear civvie-like to say and do the things you were doing during dusk. You will be missed, though :disappoint:

Sorsha - Thank you for bringing attention to Rbz's post (the same exact post that pinged me, ironic) where he stated who he was. I shouldn't have missed that, however, since it was in OT green, it's entirely possible I skipped over it. Sometimes I read OT, sometimes I don't. Either way, thanks.

Roxy - I did not want to vote for you or Rbz because I was waiting for Rbz to clarify. Fortunately, Sorsha took the time to show me what was up, contrary to your actions, which was just to NoU me. As for bwt, if I am the only player that thinks his behavior was suspicious Dusk 0, then so be it. However, even after seeing the results of the lynch, I still find his behavior during Dusk suspicious, and believe my reason for voting him was valid.

Some have been pinged by me voting third for bwt. I've played about two dozen games of mafia, and I don't ever remember this being a thing. I haven't played for about two years, though, so maybe it's something new? Either way, all I can is circumstance. I had to go to work, I wanted to vote early in case I didn't make it home in time (I didn't, btw), and BWT was my strongest feeling at the time.

Straw - To me, it sounded off. "Kinda" and "very" don't go together IMO, in fact, I've never heard anyone utter "I had a kinda very good day" or "My meal was kinda very good", so I questioned him on it. It wasn't a strong ping, but it was there.

Again, RIP birds.

I voted for you and am suspicious of you is a bit more than a No u. That characterization seems to try to make my suspicion into fluff which it is not.

You start out with your bogus claim that RBZ and I had btsc or communicated by PM and that my post saying "Keterman is RBZMNGHJ??" was fake - which if you had actually read the post from which you quoted this "suspicion" would have never happened. The fact that it did happen and that you pushed it (but not hard enough to vote for) is highly suspicious to me.

Then you move onto Teeth - which my vote was NOT based that you were the third voter moine was bc you had pushed me and RBZ then suddenly without so much as have an apple you jump on the Teeth wagon. With your bogus reasoning about the day 0 poll.

You keep saying that he ended the vote when he moved his vote is something I am not grasping please elaborate. Are you saying Teeth personally picked the winner of the Day 0 poll and told MP and Sloon to end the Day 0 bc he had chosen the winner? BC that is what it reads like.
You do realize Teeth was civ right?

When you made your sudden turn onto Teeth you slammed your suspicion down and voted without bothering to wait for a response, which is weird bc you said you did not want to vote for RBZ or me until hearing from him - so why does RBZ have a chance to respond but you give Teeth no window of opportunity to respond? Double standard much?

I see you keep harping on the Day 0 poll crap and tbh it has already led to a civ lynch are you really srsly going to keep going down your bogus path? So much else has happened yet you still hold onto your Day 0 suspicions like they are your last breath. I find it odd.

Yep I am this far behind I read some last night and fell asleep will be on it today.
Roxy, I am probably the most suspicious of Matt F besides you. I say this in the most friendly possible way, so please don't take it wrong, but this reads a little like Roxy tunneling to me.

I missed Day 0, so someone please correct me when I am wrong, but my understanding is this: the Day 0 poll worked such that when 2 players had 5 votes each, it ended immediately and they won. So in essence, yeah, BWT basically chose the winners and told our hosts to end the poll. Again, I could be wrong there, but if my understanding is right I still actually find that part of Matt's suspicion very reasonable.

That said, I still think the timing on his vote was suspicious. As I'm writing this I'm finding that I'm convincing myself more and more that he might not be bad, though. Reading back, he's shown me absolutely nothing today as far as meaningful contributions, but the more I read over early game stuff, the more genuine I see him.
MacDougall wrote:I'm not sure how I'm really catching flak for this actually. Seaside was getting votes before I said anything. If I wanted him lynched and I was scum I could have just shut up and put attention elsewhere. As it stands I actually do think he's the best chance of flipping scum. Sometimes things ARE what they seem. Actually most of the time. It's called Occam's Razor.

I haven't really heard any good reasons why we shouldn't lynch him and we should instead lynch someone else.

You guys are coming across like scum players preparing for a town flip and planning your next townie lynch candidate.
Interesting thought. By "you guys", who do you mean here besides Sorsha?

I feel worst so far, in no particular order, about Sorsha and Epi.

I also would like to hear what Chouthas says to motel room. That vote looks like the Day 2 equivalent of Matt F's.

FZ., I really don't like your vote here. I think you should go with your gut instead of taking other people's word for it.

Linki: Also don't love Sorsha trying to push LC harder to people who don't know LC here. I'm voting Sorsha.

So I should ignore MF when he spews lies and misinformation about me? But it was ok for you to respond to this same post gtk.

Too bad I wil not be listening to you. I will continue to correct MF as he continues to spout lies and spread misinformation.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Elohcin »

Can someone catch me up with a quick summary on why we think Golden is bad? I think Epi makes some good points about Bea and the others he mentioned in relation to LC. I have a strong town read on Epi, Mac, and llama. I am thinking baddies could be Bea, Chou, and RBZ. Just about everyone else, I have no clue.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Elohcin »

EBWOP: Also, you should lynch me b/c I didn't do a rainbow list.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

Elohcin wrote:EBWOP: Also, you should lynch me b/c I didn't do a rainbow list.
Nor did/will I. Is that such a bad thing all of a sudden?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Elohcin »

I don't think it is a bad thing. If you won't lynch me b/c of my lack of a rainbow list. Maybe you should lynch me b/c it is 2:36 and I am still in my pjs :p
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

Elohcin wrote:EBWOP: Also, you should lynch me b/c I didn't do a rainbow list.

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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

Epignosis wrote:These are the people LC talked about:

Voted Choutas and reywaS for CEO.

His second post names me in a point of clarification.

He thanks Sorsha and Roxy for the CEO vote.

He congratulates 3J and Wilgy.

Then this, which we are later told is a ruse:
Long Con wrote:Bea has opinions about who is Civvie, but none about who is bad. A Mafia member knows every Civvie out there, so can proclaim their trust with confidence. I think bea is Mafia, and I'm going to put my vote on her for now.

*votes bea*
There are multiple people here who have opinions about who is good but none about who is bad. Since we know this post is a ruse, then why did Long Con choose bea? Notice he didn't make a strong case on her.

bea's reply is thus:
Long Con wrote:
bea wrote:
Long Con wrote:Bea has opinions about who is Civvie, but none about who is bad. A Mafia member knows every Civvie out there, so can proclaim their trust with confidence. I think bea is Mafia, and I'm going to put my vote on her for now.

*votes bea*
Srrsly? Lamest day 1 vote ever LC. I haven't stated at all who I think is civ with confidence. My whole argument is I don't know yet who is or isn't . It's like you aren't even reading my posts....

I expect better from you tbh.
If you say so. My vote is staying where it is for now.

Then there's a soft suspicion of Roxy. Doesn't think me or JJJ voted together (or Wilgy) as mafia.

He gives a big suspicion of bea, but it doesn't make sense to me.

Sig is a little suspicious.

Defends Russ's "I have to read before I post"

Tell rundontwalk: "You sure can, in this poll at least. Just bold it in the thread as well."

"Liked" a post by Ricochet against bcornett24.

Corrects sig's grammar and says "our explanation as to why you would be going back over your posts makes a lot of sense to me."

Tells 3J he forgot to bold his vote in the thread.

Comments on FZ.'s opinion that "quiet Epi is never good" and pushes her on it while at the same time raising his hand. To me this indicates FZ. is good.

Gets pissed at Rbzmncaeaei for accusing him of not reading the thread. LC mentions real life responsibilities. Rbz apologizes and LC says not to worry about it.


I'm going to stop here to take a break.

This is funny:
Long Con wrote:
sig wrote:First thing first what is an ISO post?

On Diiny he does seem to be being to aggressive, tone reading his posts I don't like them and would consider voting for him this phase. As well as the way he has targeted Roxy, out of the two I'm reading Diiny as scum more so then Roxy.

Jay's responses to Diiny was interesting it seems like he is trying to offer Diiny a way out of his behavior without directly doing so. This could just be because he thinks he is a strong civilian player and trying to help a fellow forum member, however if one were to flip mafia I would be inclined to think the other is as well.

I agree with Bea sentiment to not lynch Roxy based on random posting.
I dislike Long Con's lynch vote.

linki: To Long Con I'm just the "other guy" it seems. If I was the suspicious type I would say he used this wording on purpose hoping someone would pick up on it and see it as an attempt by Long Con to distance himself from me. Which would lead players to become suspicious and eventually lynch me. Good thing I'm not the suspicious type he probably just forgot my name. :ponder:
Sorry, sig, I just really couldn't remember who the third player involved was. I think it's because your name is so short and lowercase, maybe. Let's not have distance. *offers hug*

I'll go back and let you know what I saw in bea's posts.
The part where you mentioned Russ brings me back to my theory that the person to gain the most from framing you (if you were in fact framed) with K4J's death is Russ. Other than K4J and I, he was the only one I can remember that said you were suspicious, and then you came after him for the "deliberately misinterpreting" comment and ended up voting for him. So by killing K4J, he would make you look even worse, and maybe get you to back off from him. I just can't think of a reason that someone would choose K4J out of all people in the game, when he was only voicing suspicion of you, and no one has interacted with him in a while.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

It's late enough here in Sweden that grandmas like me have gone in for the night, and I am feeling a bit motivated. I'm sick of having my good name dragged through the mud, and I am going to get to work -- primarily using the methods that Strawhenge and Epi have dabbled into (studying the interactions of players with LC).

If huge JJJ posts annoy you, this is your chance to put me on ignore for a few hours.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Golden »

Bullzeye wrote:I don't think he's bad and I won't take whatever bait he thinks he's thrown out there.
This makes no sense. If you don't think I'm bad, why wouldn't you take the 'bait' I've thrown out there. If you think I'm civ, surely you know me well enough to trust my gambits?
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by a2thezebra »

This is why there are votes on Golden:
Golden wrote:If you all refuse to make it a thing between me and JJJ (which I think would be a win/win), I still think the town would benefit by lynching me.
When in doubt with WIFOM, it's coming from scum.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Golden »

It's not even wifom.

Wifom is, like, 'if I was town... if i Was scum'.

There really isn't any wifom there.

I think people should take a serious look at those who are resisting lynching me. I think the real scum are running scared and sewing doubt about whether or not I should be lynched.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Checking into interactive content relating bcornett24 and Long Con:

Brian didn't say anything about LC prior to Day 2.
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bcornett24 wrote:I'm voting for long con to break the tie as there needs to be a lynch, my lynch will only be a waste of time.
Brian made the obligatory survivalist vote when LC and him were the lead lynch candidates late in Day 2. At this point they were indeed the only people with a real chance of dying, so I don't think we can logically draw much from this move.
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bcornett24 wrote:
Long Con wrote:Voting bcornett to hopefully maybe save myself? Any helpful friends out there? :scared: :scared: :scared:
Will your lynch by as useless as my own?
Brian offered this mildly snarky response when LC was pleading with anyone at all to rescue him -- which would have by default required more votes to be placed on Brian. This is not a significant post, but I am getting an interesting gut twinge from it telling me that Brian is not saying this to his team mate. I can't substantiate that really beyond only my own knowledge of Brian as a person and as a player -- but even that will be vague. I don't expect this to move you even if it might move me a little bit.
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Long Con wrote:Voting bcornett to hopefully maybe save myself? Any helpful friends out there? :scared: :scared: :scared:
Same obligatory survival vote in reverse.
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Long Con wrote:
bcornett24 wrote:
Long Con wrote:Voting bcornett to hopefully maybe save myself? Any helpful friends out there? :scared: :scared: :scared:

Will your lynch by as useless as my own?
Well... it will be useful in that my game that's about to go into signups will get the attention it needs to be ready on time. But it's not going to help the Civvies win, unless some detectively types can comb through my voters (and possibly those who specifically avoided voting for me) to find the baddies there. :shrug: Really, I think you're more likely to find baddies among those that were more sure that I am Civ. The baddies are the only ones who know for a fact that it's true.
My intuition is again telling me to read this as a non-team mate interaction, because it looks like LC is trying to sell Brian on his own innocence rather than forge some kind of dialogue with his mafia mate. This is tempered however by the fact that Brian was literally his counterlynch and thus his own vote, so even bothering to try to sell him would seem a pointless endeavor.


Generally I don't think this makes things worse for Brian. It might even make them slightly better, depending upon how one feels about the limited content available and the single positive twinge I referenced but couldn't qualify.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

There's one potential result to this Golden drama which would be absolutely disastrous to the civilians that I don't think he's considered (I'm not inclined to even clarify unless you ask me to Golden for your own sake). I'm starting to think it's the most likely result too based upon his hardheadedness.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by a2thezebra »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:There's one potential result to this Golden drama which would be absolutely disastrous to the civilians that I don't think he's considered (I'm not inclined to even clarify unless you ask me to Golden for your own sake). I'm starting to think it's the most likely result too based upon his hardheadedness.
Tell us what you mean by this.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

Golden wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:I don't think he's bad and I won't take whatever bait he thinks he's thrown out there.
This makes no sense. If you don't think I'm bad, why wouldn't you take the 'bait' I've thrown out there. If you think I'm civ, surely you know me well enough to trust my gambits?
Because I think you're a civ and I'm not into lynching civs regardless of what you think it will accomplish.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Golden »

Anyway, I doubt Il'l have a chance to be back before the lynch. I'd vote myself if I could, but that would be heinous rule breaking deserving of punishment, so I'm sticking with it on JJJ. I don't think Sorsha is the right person to lynch.

Good luck everyone - I'm really hoping that I'll discover you have listened to me, but if you lynch someone else then good luck on that one.

@JJJ - oh, really, you think I haven't considered a disastrous impact of my own lynch? What would that be?

@Bullz - I don't think refusing to hear other civilians is a townie thing to do.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

Golden wrote:Anyway, I doubt Il'l have a chance to be back before the lynch. I'd vote myself if I could, but that would be heinous rule breaking deserving of punishment, so I'm sticking with it on JJJ. I don't think Sorsha is the right person to lynch.

Good luck everyone - I'm really hoping that I'll discover you have listened to me, but if you lynch someone else then good luck on that one.

@JJJ - oh, really, you think I haven't considered a disastrous impact of my own lynch? What would that be?

@Bullz - I don't think refusing to hear other civilians is a townie thing to do.
I don't think lynching civs is a civ thing to do. Nor do I think pressuring people to lynch you is in any way a useful tactic regardless of alignment.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

In continuation of my theory of Russ being scum:

Russ and LC were the last to vote. Before that, LC had already 7 votes, and Bcornett had 5 votes. This means that if LC voted BC, it would tie (due to his 3 votes), and no matter who died, we would know that one of the BC voters was Flowers. If Russ is bad, he could have voted for BC with LC which would make BC die, ending in the same result- we learn that Flower is in the BC voters, and making Russ look really bad for putting that vote at the end.
So at that point, LC was going down no matter what. The smartest option was for Russ to vote LC and LC to vote BC, giving both 8 votes. In case Bcornett lost that tie, they got a civvie lynched and LC has to deal with the results, as well as the rest of the voters. It still takes time to figure out who is Flower. In case LC lost that tie, like he did, Russ still comes out looking great.

Unless I counted wrong, anyone care to join me on a Russ lynch?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Golden wrote:@JJJ - oh, really, you think I haven't considered a disastrous impact of my own lynch? What would that be?
I can't know for sure what you're thinking, but I'm going to give you one phrase: numerous roles of redirection. Do with it what you think prudent.

If you think "nothing" is prudent, then don't bother even responding to this so I can continue my current task without disruption.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

Golden wrote:Anyway, I doubt Il'l have a chance to be back before the lynch. I'd vote myself if I could, but that would be heinous rule breaking deserving of punishment, so I'm sticking with it on JJJ. I don't think Sorsha is the right person to lynch.

Good luck everyone - I'm really hoping that I'll discover you have listened to me, but if you lynch someone else then good luck on that one.

@JJJ - oh, really, you think I haven't considered a disastrous impact of my own lynch? What would that be?

@Bullz - I don't think refusing to hear other civilians is a townie thing to do.
If you're still here, I'm so behind. What the hell is going on?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

FZ. wrote:In continuation of my theory of Russ being scum:

Russ and LC were the last to vote. Before that, LC had already 7 votes, and Bcornett had 5 votes. This means that if LC voted BC, it would tie (due to his 3 votes), and no matter who died, we would know that one of the BC voters was Flowers. If Russ is bad, he could have voted for BC with LC which would make BC die, ending in the same result- we learn that Flower is in the BC voters, and making Russ look really bad for putting that vote at the end.
So at that point, LC was going down no matter what. The smartest option was for Russ to vote LC and LC to vote BC, giving both 8 votes. In case Bcornett lost that tie, they got a civvie lynched and LC has to deal with the results, as well as the rest of the voters. It still takes time to figure out who is Flower. In case LC lost that tie, like he did, Russ still comes out looking great.

Unless I counted wrong, anyone care to join me on a Russ lynch?
My only real question: Is the highlighted statement the only conclusion we could've drawn from a BC lynch in a scenario where Russ did vote with LC?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

Bullzeye wrote:
FZ. wrote:In continuation of my theory of Russ being scum:

Russ and LC were the last to vote. Before that, LC had already 7 votes, and Bcornett had 5 votes. This means that if LC voted BC, it would tie (due to his 3 votes), and no matter who died, we would know that one of the BC voters was Flowers. If Russ is bad, he could have voted for BC with LC which would make BC die, ending in the same result- we learn that Flower is in the BC voters, and making Russ look really bad for putting that vote at the end.
So at that point, LC was going down no matter what. The smartest option was for Russ to vote LC and LC to vote BC, giving both 8 votes. In case Bcornett lost that tie, they got a civvie lynched and LC has to deal with the results, as well as the rest of the voters. It still takes time to figure out who is Flower. In case LC lost that tie, like he did, Russ still comes out looking great.

Unless I counted wrong, anyone care to join me on a Russ lynch?
My only real question: Is the highlighted statement the only conclusion we could've drawn from a BC lynch in a scenario where Russ did vote with LC?
BC ends up lynched when he has less votes. Is there anything else in the roles?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

That's basically what I was asking because I was feeling too lazy to check for myself :P
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

Bullzeye wrote:That's basically what I was asking because I was feeling too lazy to check for myself :P
Oh, I don't know. I'm lazy too. But add that to my previous post about Russ and this seems rather plausible.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Relationship between bea and Long Con:
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Long Con wrote:Bea has opinions about who is Civvie, but none about who is bad. A Mafia member knows every Civvie out there, so can proclaim their trust with confidence. I think bea is Mafia, and I'm going to put my vote on her for now.

*votes bea*
I hope we're all familiar with this post by now. I have stated that my immediate reaction to this is positive for bea. If I am posed with the following two options:

1.) Long Con saw an opportunity to smear someone not on his team (bea) for content legitimately in her posts that can viably be seen as suspicious, with hopes of making her a lynch candidate and/or appearing like a genuine scumhunter himself. When this backfired badly for him, he decided to pretend it was all a ruse because he's known for that kind of thing and could get away with the excuse.

2.) Long Con and bea cooperatively formed a plot in which bea would post in a specific manner so that LC could enter the thread and abruptly attack her for it -- creating distance between he and his team mate. When this move got him into trouble in the thread, he was forced to bracktrack -- and in so doing reversed his read on his team mate publicly via the ruse explanation thus protecting both baddies from pressure. One might also say the eventual backtrack was also part of the plan, and that LC anticipated getting crap for his initial attack on bea.

I think #1 is a lot more believable than #2. #2 is highly elaborate and frankly a little out there in my opinion -- I think buying into #2 requires a lot of reaching. #1 is pretty much exactly what I thought Long Con was doing in the first place even before he was lynched.


That's really all there is to it. I could continue through each of their post histories and dig up more, but I don't think bea is bad.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

FZ. wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:That's basically what I was asking because I was feeling too lazy to check for myself :P
Oh, I don't know. I'm lazy too. But add that to my previous post about Russ and this seems rather plausible.
Well disregarding secrets it doesn't look like there'd be any other explanation. I will have a look at Russ' posts and consider your theory.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by a2thezebra »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
I think #1 is a lot more believable than #2. #2 is highly elaborate and frankly a little out there in my opinion -- I think buying into #2 requires a lot of reaching. #1 is pretty much exactly what I thought Long Con was doing in the first place even before he was lynched.
#1 is the reason I voted for Long Con on Day 1. No one else did...still confident that I'm scum, seaside and Eloh?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Relationship between Black Rock and Long Con:

Neither of them mentioned one another (including Ace and Bubbles) until after LC's lynch. BR joined late though and is still faced with the unenviable task of catching up with this game, so I don't fault her for this. I think she has given us a few decent town tells apart from this interaction anyway.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by FZ. »

I would really like to hear people's on my theory regarding Russ.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Golden »

Good to point out the redirection roles, JJ, but yes I have taken them into account.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Relationship between Bullzeye and Long Con:

Bullzeye replaced sanmateo, who was not present at all. He did not begin to truly get involved with the game until Day 3, with all but 4 of his posts reflecting that header at least.
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Bullzeye wrote:Haven't been able to catch up as much as I'd have liked to and it's way too late for me now, so as I said earlier I'm going to have to random this one. Hopefully the night phase will allow me to catch up properly and get into the game! Randomizer is telling me to *Vote for MM*. I only hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me.
When LC ended up lynched, Bull went with the randomizer to MM. He was still new to this fast-paced thread so it's difficult to render a scathing accusation here. It's difficult to tell exactly where the tally sat at this point, but it was the 20th vote placed of the phase -- LC was well in contention for a lynch and bcornett hadn't emerged as a competitor yet.


That's honestly all there is to talk about that I can find. This doesn't do anything to make Bullzeye look better, but also can only do minimal damage to his standing if that.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by a2thezebra »

It took me forever to find this so I hope it sways some of you not to vote for Russ. Notice this observation from Matt:
Matt F wrote:Russ looks completely anti-Mafia to me now. He might be SK (er...apologies to whoever doesn't like talking about the SK...?), but consider this...

Russ made the 8th and final vote for Long Con, and was rather late with it.

Then, Long Con was forced to use his "x3 vote" on bcornett just to TIE with bcornett. I very seriously doubt Russ would make that vote if Long Con was his teamie. He could've easily avoided it by voting bcornett or Llama.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Golden wrote:Good to point out the redirection roles, JJ, but yes I have taken them into account.
I think I understand you now. It's highly frustrating if what I anticipate comes to fruition (town losing both of us while mafia cackle the night away), but I don't know that I'll be able to do anything about it. It wouldn't be entirely your fault though. I'm going to focus on my own task and you play it however you think you should.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by a2thezebra »

I suppose it depends on how you look at the motivations for those actions since we're looking at the same event.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by DrWilgy »

FZ. wrote:I would really like to hear people's on my theory regarding Russ.
It's bad. I already did a vote analysis, just click on my posts.

Seaside, please answer my question from previous.

Also, what is everyone's stance on Seaside right now?
nutella wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:56 pm Image
@DrWilgy don't post any more k
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JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Wilgy's vote is an enigma of science. Philosophers are known to throw their tomes across the auditorium in a fit of frustration after failing to solve its mystery.
insertnamehere wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:50 pm WTF was up with Wilgy's entire deal?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by DrWilgy »

nvm Seaside, you did earlier.

You should look at their interactions and let me know if your opinion changes.
nutella wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:56 pm Image
@DrWilgy don't post any more k
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JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Wilgy's vote is an enigma of science. Philosophers are known to throw their tomes across the auditorium in a fit of frustration after failing to solve its mystery.
insertnamehere wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:50 pm WTF was up with Wilgy's entire deal?
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

I should consider stepping down, I'm doing a poor job managing my real time with trying to do comprehensive reads every Day phase. Right now, I'm looking at LC's activity and votes - which is something Wilgy and Epig already did, in their own way - and I was also looking at interactions between players and LC, which I notice that JJJ is doing. So I'm at a loss and time is still not on my side.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Matt »

MacDougall wrote:Here you made a point of reminding the thread that someone has you as a def town read. You are speaking as though it's normal that if someone has a pro town read on a player that the player returns the favour. That's not normal and it doesn't need to be said. It's weird that you would even bother qualifying the post with the aforementioned, but not a huge tell. It did catch my eye but until now I haven't had a chance to look at you in detail.
I can see your point of view, but that's not what I was saying. Nobody should ever simply "return the favor" just because someone thinks you're town. I was simply stating that I had no current read on RBZ, despite him declaring me def town.
MacDougall wrote:Until you started to receive some attention you appeared to be struggling to produce content and tried to force it out by discussing game mechanics. Strange, especially for someone who according to yourself is known for posting lots and lots in a game. Your entire page 2 ISO are posts of this nature. I would have thought, and this might be website differences, that a volume posting townie would be accusing all and sundry at that point rather than dwelling on game mechanics.
I believe Day/Dusk 0 are important. Obviously our Host believes it, too, as he didn't even want us to have the polls available to us for reference. You're welcome that I was a part of the group that was discussing it, so we were able to get those, btw. I say this because I believe I started asking RYMers about the poll, then someone came in with a screenshot (I believe MM?) of RYM, and afterwards, MP allowed us to have the TS poll as well. Not that it matters, as ever since, some players have basically said "Fuck Day 0" including Long Con, who was scum, and everyone else has pretty much ignored it. :stare:
MacDougall wrote:You had a couple of people post mild suspicions of you and I sensed relief that you had an excuse to post. For someone who I can already see is a good player, struggling to scum hunt would be unusual for you as town, but would be an explanation for struggling to post if you were scum.
While I appreciate the vote of confidence (I really do, thanks for saying that man that's awesome haha), I don't know if any one here would ever address me as a "good player". But I do enjoy scum hunting immensely, and I try to have a lot of fun with the game.
MacDougall wrote:I don't like your reason for voting sorsha, but I particularly don't like that sorsha seems to be your big go to and your other scum hunt efforts are very low effort and not elaborated on in great detail despite you saying you would. Certainly sorsha accusing you of being the only player stuck on day 0 is disingenuous but it could just as easily be her using hyperbole as an excited townie thinking she's nabbed a scum. Her read is much the same as what I've discovered above in your ISO.
My reasoning for voting Sorsha is not only her connections to Long Con, but her interactions with me, as well. At one point, she claims that "everyone else" is on Day 2 while I'm stuck in Day 0, when that was not at all true. And then later, she says I'm twisting her words, when all I did was simply quote her post and reply to it. When I asked how I twisted her words...no response.
MacDougall wrote:Actually on further thought when she said you were "stuck on day 0" did she not mean that your attention was on day 0? How does mentioning reywaS posting "hello" dispute the fact that your posts were all about day 0 up until that point? Hmmm... And this is your reason for starting your big tunnel job?
Let me break it down for you. Sorsha said "EVERYONE ELSE IS ON DAY 2". I mentioned Rey and Floyd, I think, as just two examples that were not at all on Day 2. Hell, for the last 5 pages, I've read multiple people say that they aren't even caught up for like 15 pages.

I have been tunneling Sorsha, absolutely, and I am aware of this. I've tried not to do that this game, as I've been known for it in the past, but I can't shrug off the huge scum read I have of her. Especially when she starts saying shit like "You all think I'm dumb [sadface]" or "I hope I get lynched so I can see your stupid face see how civvie I was". Nah brah, not havin' it. That shit is not civ-like to say. And if she's just like BWT, where she's civvie and saying scum things, then I don't see how that's my fault.

But no, that was not my reason for starting my "tunnel job". My first ping on Sorsha was when she corrected me on my error re: Roxy and RBZ. At one point, she says "I just wanted to correct this so we don't have hundreds of posts on an error." I already explained this, but I've barely played with Sorsha, and when I did, it was over two years ago. At the time she said that, I believe I was the only player in the thread that was looking at Roxy for her exchange with RBZ, and for Sorsha to call out my game style when we barely ever played made me think she had btsc with someone who has had experience playing with me. She later says she meant she didn't want everyone posting hundreds of posts on the topic, but I can't shake the feeling she specifically meant me, because of my past gameplay, and also because, again, I was the only player looking at Roxy for that exchange.
MacDougall wrote:I think you've either misunderstood her or intentionally twisted her words. Which is it?
There was no twisting of words. She said "EVERYONE ELSE IS ON DAY 2", I quoted her saying "EVERYONE ELSE IS ON DAY 2", and replied "NO NOT EVERYONE ELSE IS ON DAY 2". Tell me where I twisted.

If I've misunderstood, which is completely possible, I would blame her for that, not myself.
MacDougall wrote:Most of your other major contributions occur when someone levels suspicion on you. You come out of the aethyr to respond, much like you have just now.

Discussing game mechanics early game to get post count up.
Tunneling a player who showed suspicion of you but made a faux pas in the process and despite a promise of more scum hunting...
You come out of the clouds to respond when someone mentions you in a negative light.

Pretty big scum tells.
Come out of the aethyr? Dude, I'm replying in the thread. Despite your colorful choice of words, that's all I'm doing.

You are also making a bunch of assumptions that are straight wrong.

My wanting to discuss Day/Dusk 0 is NOT to get my post count up. It's to figure out connections, which again, several people (including scum Long Con) didn't want to do.

As for "tunneling a player who showed suspicion of you", yeah, I suppose you don't realize yet that Sorsha started suspecting me AFTER I showed suspicion of her? If you can't be bothered to read the thread, I'll find the posts where we start mentioning each other as suspects, and we'll check the time stamps.

I don't know about "coming out of the clouds" (again dude, colorful words, but all you're saying is that I dare reply to the thread), but yes, when people are suspicious of me, I want to know why, and I want the chance to respond. If you think that's scummy behavior, then WOW.
MacDougall wrote:I don't think so. If Long Con's teammates were resigned to his lynching that would be a decent vote to make. I mean, if you're town you just justified him doing so!

I will say that if sorsha is lynched and flips scum it would be extremely unlike you're bussing her.

If she is lynched and flips town... well it won't condemn you. But it will make you look like a dick at least, scum at worst.
How will I look like a dick? She is my prime suspect, and I've laid out my reasons why. But yes, please, let's lynch her. If she flips civvie and I look bad, so be it. But yeah, let's lynch her and have a better idea of where things stand afterwards. Please.

Why would Russ purposely tie Long Con like that? bcornett would have been lynched if it wasn't for Russ tying up the poll (which at the time we did not know it was a tie because of LC's power). I suppose Russ could be a teamie of LC's, but I EXTREMELY doubt it.
MacDougall wrote:Can you please elaborate on some of the other scum pings you've had. I'd like to see you put some effort into other players before the end of this day. After analysing you further you've got me mighty worried.
Currently Sorsha and Roxy are my top scum reads. Roxy, as well as Sorsha, completely NO U'd me after I showed suspicion on them, and they both have connections to Long Con, and they both called me out for daring to attempt a discussion on Day 0 events (they didn't want to, kind of like that scum player, oh what was his name? Oh yeah Long Con)

As for other players, I'll delve more into detail later. I want Sorsha lynched today.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

FZ. wrote:In continuation of my theory of Russ being scum:

Russ and LC were the last to vote. Before that, LC had already 7 votes, and Bcornett had 5 votes. This means that if LC voted BC, it would tie (due to his 3 votes), and no matter who died, we would know that one of the BC voters was Flowers. If Russ is bad, he could have voted for BC with LC which would make BC die, ending in the same result- we learn that Flower is in the BC voters, and making Russ look really bad for putting that vote at the end.
So at that point, LC was going down no matter what. The smartest option was for Russ to vote LC and LC to vote BC, giving both 8 votes. In case Bcornett lost that tie, they got a civvie lynched and LC has to deal with the results, as well as the rest of the voters. It still takes time to figure out who is Flower. In case LC lost that tie, like he did, Russ still comes out looking great.

Unless I counted wrong, anyone care to join me on a Russ lynch?
I would. I still haven't forgotten this:
Epignosis wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:
Epignosis wrote:"I do think it's suspicious that Epi deliberately misinterpreted this point. At least, it looked like he did to me. I mean, I get why - no one wants to be suspected on Day 1. But he wrote a pretty impactful-looking response that really didn't address the point against him."

That adverb. :suspish:

How do you KNOW I deliberately did something? Maybe I didn't mean to...maybe I misunderstood. That, of all the things you supposedly read, you chose to comment on this?

And you can't deliberately misinterpret something. If you deliberately misinterpret something, we have another word for it: You're lying. There's no such thing as deliberately misinterpreting something. That's like saying, "He deliberately misjudged the trajectory of his car so he could run over a civilian."


Voting Russtifinko.

Addendum: Roxy harps against voting people new to the site (that's my understanding of her ways).

Or maybe I'm deliberately misinterpreting something.
I don't know you deliberately misinterpreted it. But as I said in the next sentence, it looked that way to me.

If vertically challenged = short, deliberately misinterpreted = lying. So yeah, I think you lied. Rattled much?

My word! I've incurred the Wrath of Epi! Someone save me! Have mercy!
No. Syntax.

"I do think it's suspicious that Epi deliberately misinterpreted this point."

The predicate here indicates a posteriori knowledge that I was being deceptive. That you add a phrase that does more than qualify (it negates what you imply) looks even worse to me.

If you think I'm a liar, come out and call me a liar. Don't use weasel words and say you're gonna read me tomorrow. :suspish:
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Relationship between Choutas and Long Con.

Choutas did not directly communicate with LC at any point, which is a little surprising for someone with a decent post count. He was the first player to leave a final vote on LC on Day 2 though. DrWilgy suggested this should be a positive reflection for Choutas -- generally I agree. I don't think it's quite exonerating, since such an early vote could have come while anticipating LC's vote count ability affecting the results. Choutas does deserve a little credit for leaving that vote there though -- even if moving it would have made him look weird.
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Long Con wrote:I'll vote Choutas for his freestylin' coolness, and reywaS because he don't lie. ;)
LC voted for Choutas in the Dusk 0 elections. Those of you that think this has a lot of meaning can judge accordingly. I don't.
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Long Con wrote:
Choutas wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Voting Seaside until he explains his numerous arbitrary reads to satisfaction.
Your view of Seaside is right and I agree with it it's just that he told me before the game starts that he'll try his best to get lynched early in order to have more free time. It might sound ridiculous but I know Seaside and he's frankly ridiculous. On the other hand if he stops playing midway he'll be a problem to the mods and us.

It's a lose-lose situation to me.
Ugh. It makes me want to lynch him, but not because I particularly believe he was handed a Mafia card at the start. It's ugly, and ugly is such a smelly word.
This is probably more about Seaside than Choutas, but it bears mentioning. Choutas brought up game-external information about Seaside that might explain some of Sea's early behavior -- LC jumped on the opportunity to promote a policy lynch. I am inclined to believe LC is less likely to do this if a team mate brings it up just because it's so inherently weak. In this case he is sharing responsibility for that weak move with someone else, and this benefits him only if Choutas is not his team mate. That's a bit elaborate a thought, but I am influenced by it.


I think Choutas looks pretty decent in light of LC's flip.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

Golden wrote:It's not even wifom.

Wifom is, like, 'if I was town... if i Was scum'.

There really isn't any wifom there.

I think people should take a serious look at those who are resisting lynching me. I think the real scum are running scared and sewing doubt about whether or not I should be lynched.
I swear on my wanking hand that after sorsha you're gonna bite the bullet in due time.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Ricochet wrote:I should consider stepping down, I'm doing a poor job managing my real time with trying to do comprehensive reads every Day phase. Right now, I'm looking at LC's activity and votes - which is something Wilgy and Epig already did, in their own way - and I was also looking at interactions between players and LC, which I notice that JJJ is doing. So I'm at a loss and time is still not on my side.
If time allows you should still do whatever you originally intended -- if your perspectives differ from ours then that would promote valuable discussion.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Relationship between Devin the Omniscient and Long Con:
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Devin the Omniscient wrote:
Choutas wrote:My first vote for the day goes to Devin. His style is similar to mine and I hate myself so make the math.
Me too :consoling:

As long as it's not for being a "lurker." I'm not even being that this game. For RYMers: I am a Staff Accountant who experiences extreme business for at least 2 weeks out of the month, every single month. It begins on the 1st of each month and runs for 2 weeks after that (pending any unexpected delays). I'm stating this, btw, because I saw some discussion of lynching lurkers or low posters. Just wanted to explain my position those unfamiliar with me.

I will go ahead and put a placeholder on Diiny again. Though, I did like the points LC was making about MacDougall. Will go back and read that more carefully if I get a chance to.
Devin the Omniscient wrote:Welcome BR!!

Just popping in to say I'm going to keep my vote where it is today. I skimmed through MacDougal's posts like I said I would, and I'm just not seeing what LC is seeing atm. I'm marking him down as neutral for the time being.

Linki: Having been his teammate in The Flash, I completely agree with that, Golden.
The content highlighted in yellow is relevant to LC in that Devin was discussing some points made by LC about MacDougall.

Devin is highly vague on both counts. Initially he said he "liked" the points made by LC and that'd be review further. Then, upon "skimming" further, he determined that he's "just not seeing what LC is seeing atm". This bears the appearance of fake involvement to me, and the fact that it's directly related to LC is a problem. I don't struggle to view this scenario as Devin using his team mate's contributions as a springboard into discussion (specifically about Mac), before arbitrarily siding against his team mate for the sake of creating distance.

This would be less troubling if I had any idea why Devin initially liked LC's points and later discarded them, but I do not. I have absolutely no idea what Devin's thought process was with regards to Mac and I am unconvinced he had one. Bad look.

Everything else Devin said about LC came after LC's lynch.

Long Con never made any mention of Devin.


I think Devin looks bad here.
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Re: [DAY 3] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Also: Devin's Day 2 vote was finalized on Diiny -- separate from the pressure wagons.
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