[END] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)

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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

In Vocaroo Mafia, my submissions would probably be 20-minute podcasts. :smile:
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Elohcin »

Ricochet wrote:Why don't you trust me, Eloh?
'cause maybe your your long helpful posts really aren't helpful after all. :shrug:
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

Elohcin wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Why don't you trust me, Eloh?
'cause maybe your your long helpful posts really aren't helpful after all. :shrug:
So what you're saying is, just because they're long, doesn't make them good. :workit:
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Re: [NIGHT 4] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Matt »

fingersplints wrote:No one welcomed me.
Matt F wrote:Linki - Welcome splints
^----After your first post. Also, for what it's worth, I hope you stay in the game. I also was considering a modkill earlier but quickly changed my mind because MP has no doubt worked very hard on this game, and it would be unfair to do this to him after so many modkills already.

Bullzeye - I targeted someone Night 4 and I wanted to correlate that with who you targeted. Then I PMed MovingPictures asking him if I'm even allowed to ask you who you targeted (I PMd him after the third time I asked you). He told me I could ask, but if you answered you'd be breaking the rules. Hence, the very next post I made was "Nevermind bullz haha". BUT THEN...you came in here saying I was deliberately trying to get you mod-killed, and if you think that, then you MUST think I'm bad. And yet, I AM STILL ON YOUR NO LYNCH LIST. :ponder:

Strawhenge - I just woke up, and need to get some food, drink, and smokes. Will be back later with my promised look at you and your flip floppiness on the floyd!

MacD - Yes I'll probably vote for you today. I agree with Rico that your reaction to my theory was very bizarre, and yes I mentioned this way back then as well, and I'm starting to doubt my own self about the theory, but not the reaction. What do you think about Bullzeye and Floyd? Are you still suspicious of Elohcin?

Elohcin - (Q) Why did Moses wander in the desert for 40 years? (A) Because even then, men didn't ask for directions! :workit:

Elohcin - Is there a reason you find Rico's big post to be disingenuous? His cases look pretty sincere to me, and have actually made me think he's civvie, despite him trying to create ties in Day 0. :ninja:
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Re: [NIGHT 4] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

Matt F wrote: Bullzeye - I targeted someone Night 4 and I wanted to correlate that with who you targeted. Then I PMed MovingPictures asking him if I'm even allowed to ask you who you targeted (I PMd him after the third time I asked you). He told me I could ask, but if you answered you'd be breaking the rules. Hence, the very next post I made was "Nevermind bullz haha". BUT THEN...you came in here saying I was deliberately trying to get you mod-killed, and if you think that, then you MUST think I'm bad. And yet, I AM STILL ON YOUR NO LYNCH LIST. :ponder:
Did you seriously think I was going to answer your question? It's just so ridiculous. Why would anyone, good or bad, admit to who they'd targeted at any point? You surely would've known I'd have been punished if I'd given you an honest answer.

You'll notice it says "but maybe not" right by your name in my no lynch list, but don't tell me what I should or shouldn't think. It's not like I'm saying having asked the question makes you civ. I did think you were good and I'm now questioning your intentions because I don't see a civ explanation for why you would have asked that. Even if you knew I wasn't going to answer it's still weird you would ask. Do you suspect me? Do you think I killed or tried to kill someone on night 4? What makes you think I was even able to target someone? Who says my role is one that gives me the power to choose targets? The line of questioning you chose to pursue makes no sense.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

Elohcin wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Why don't you trust me, Eloh?
'cause maybe your your long helpful posts really aren't helpful after all. :shrug:
I guess I should have asked, then, why don't you trust me anymore, compared to two Days ago. :shrug:

Or was that just a pity clap? :pout:

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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Matt »

I don't think you tried to kill anyone Night 4, Bullz.

I will stop telling you how to think, but I will say, if I personally believe that someone is intentionally trying to get players mod-killed, then yes, I absolutely think that person is bad. Tell me what your thoughts are on someone who tries to deliberately get someone mod-killed. Do you think that person is good or bad? If you think they are bad, then why is that person still "maybe but not maybe but totally I don't know Matt F" on your no lynch list?

Alright, be back in an hour or two.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

fingersplints wrote:When I want maturity lessons, Russ, I will get them from someone who isn't such a hypocrite. Your posts are so contradictory it would be funny if I wasn't so angry.

I've asked to be modkilled. Shit like this isn't fun to read and not worth my time. Vote russ[/u] you may say I am crying about how others aren't playing the game right but I've never said anything if the sort just that I don't like being ignored and it's rude to completely ignore replacements. Cause it is. You on the other hand have made it out that I'm not playing right by not posting more or mentioning every other player. i haven't attacked every player who has suspected me. I'm pretty sure I suspected BR first before she even mentioned me. Remember I was "making a mountain out of a molehill" about her Roxy comments. Keep defending BR though. Hopefully more of your teammates follow your bad play and you can lead us to them.

Starting with this, since it seems like the biggest deal. fingers, I apologize. I was (am) angry at you and handled it poorly. I have felt that you have consistently criticized others' method of playing the game and been unnecessarily confrontational. I've probably done those things to you since, so maybe you're not off on the hypocritical thing.

On that note, I'm going to decline to interact with fingersplints going forward unless it's absolutely necessary. Not because of any ill will toward you, just because I don't want to cause further issues.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Bullzeye »

Matt F wrote:I don't think you tried to kill anyone Night 4, Bullz.
So what do you think I did? If you're asking about who I targeted, I assume it's because you have a role in mind for me? You still haven't exactly answered what you hoped to get out of me or if you thought I'd answer honestly. I find it borderline offensive that someone who knows me well would ask me to infodump knowing how strongly opposed I am to the whole idea.
Matt F wrote:I will stop telling you how to think, but I will say, if I personally believe that someone is intentionally trying to get players mod-killed, then yes, I absolutely think that person is bad. Tell me what your thoughts are on someone who tries to deliberately get someone mod-killed. Do you think that person is good or bad? If you think they are bad, then why is that person still "maybe but not maybe but totally I don't know Matt F" on your no lynch list?
I thought you were good up until the question. Now I'm questioning it. There are two reasons I haven't jumped to "Matt F is literally Hitler and we need to lynch him yesterday":

1. I'd be accused of NO Uing/overreacting/you'd twist it to make me the bad guy.

2. If it was anyone but you, I might. I know you think and act differently to most other players. Dex est MOM, trying to exorcise players in Supernatural, the RM game where you randomly insisted I was bad and I got bandwagoned right after your lynch. Only one of those 3 came from a baddie Mr F even though they were all crazy. You do crazy shit as a civ and as a baddie and after four years of knowing you I'm still trying to figure you out. Perhaps I'll make unravelling your mind the focus of my eventual psychology PhD.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Elohcin »

Epignosis wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Why don't you trust me, Eloh?
'cause maybe your your long helpful posts really aren't helpful after all. :shrug:
So what you're saying is, just because they're long, doesn't make them good. :workit:
:haha: Hilarious! But I actually wouldn't know. I've stuck with the same one since forever.

@ Matt - At first I thought they were genuine and I was almost sure Rico was civ. But I am just second guessing myself.

@ Rico - It was not a pitty clap. I am still amazed by your spreadsheet skills and ability to recap players. I guess I am doubting myself and my ability to discern who is bad and who is good more than I am thinking you are bad. That is why I said I was having trouble trusting rather than saying "I think these people are bad".
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by MacDougall »

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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

Hoping there be more votes there, actually. :nicenod:

Also, fixed.

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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

Choutas said this game takes a half hour a day to catch up on...I dunno in what world that is true. I've now spent over 2 hours each of the past 3 days. That won't be sustainable for me going into the work week.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:A number of RYMers have fallen off quite a bit after decently fast starts:

motel room

even Choutas and bcornett24 to a lesser degree.

Please find it in yourselves to pick it up guys. I know it's a huge thread, but that doesn't prevent you from playing. Even if you can't catch up, just go from here without worrying about that. It's better than the alternative that RDW and espers chose.
To me, this kind of ties in with the "RYMers getting less attention than they deserve".
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:I don't have much time until my phone dies. Each vote amount increased the red. Most red means most common civvie voter.
The thing I'm taking away from it right now is the order of the votes more than the number of them. There seems to be some consistency about when players have made their errant votes. For example, bcornett and Choutas both appear to have voted relatively early, while Diiny voted late (among people in the orange pile). Mafia can obviously vote whenever they must, but it is at least tougher to manipulate a lynch earlier than it is later.

I'll have to review the tallies thoroughly when time permits to get more from it.
Personally, I don't put a ton of stock in generalities about when votes are placed. Not to say there's nothing to be gained from it: a key vote in a lynch, or a specific early or late vote, can be alignment-indicative. However, people have their own play styles and schedules independent of their team. I, for example, almost always vote late in every game I've played, due partly to schedule and largely to play style. I don't think someone placing a vote early or late is conclusive one way or another.

I do see your point about lynch manipulation. I just wouldn't consider a general comment like "Player X votes early" as evidence unless it was icing on the cake of a much more convincing, post-based argument.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Can I please get some feedback on this? I'm inclined to read bcornett24 as town with this in mind, but I am not interested in kicking back in my seat and trusting in my own stupid read for the whole game. Tell me what you think.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:ISO for bcornett24:

Spoiler: show
bcornett24 wrote:I've read/skimmed through page 35, based on what I have read thus far, I really don't like Golden and JJJs argument, they both seem to see each other as scum, maybe that is because they both are scum. But i suppose this would have to mean that LC was bussed by both of them? If this is the case I think JJJ and golden would really be able to wreck the town if both happened to be scum.

I don't like Jays sudden mentioning of RDW being presently absent, it is honestly terrifying. Both in the fact that RDW is watching quietly and that this felt like an attempt to change the direction of the conversation away from golden and him.

Is there a specific thing that Sorsha did to deserve all of this attention? (I'm currently in the process of reading pages 18-28 and 36-40).
Here's a post that I think can be helpful in getting a more concrete read on Brian. I've highlighted the important content that makes me think so. You'll note that he suggests both Golden and I might have BUSSED Long Con. This is important because it is a statement of the impossible. Golden cannot have bussed LC because Golden defended LC -- indeed he resisted me heavily when I moved against LC. So how does this reflect on Brian?

If he's mafia, then he obviously knows full well that Golden did not bus Long Con (assuming we're all right about Golden's civilian role). That cannot have happened because Golden and LC were not team mates. This means that Brian would have been intentionally fudging the facts in this post as a way of throwing shade on Golden and me.

I have my doubts.

I think this is more likely: Brian is a townie who was tasked with catching up in this monstrous thread, in the aftermath of the drama generated between Golden and I. In his earnest attempt to figure out what to make of that, he made a mental/observational error by associating Golden with the anti-LC crowd (of which I was a part) and and then tinfoiled about the possibility of a JJJ/Golden scum team.

I honestly think the mafia/not-mafia portion of reading Brian can be decided with solid clarity based on this single point. I would encourage everyone to review what I've said here and state your perspective on the matter.


I'm going to stop there for now. I'll continue the review later if I deem it necessary. I'd like to hear people's takes on the pink-highlighted point first.
Thanks for this clarification, JJJ. I hadn't responded because I didn't understand your point at first. While I do think it's a possibility a baddie would mess up who his team was early in the game, I agree with you that it's by far the least likely scenario of the three you brought up.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by MacDougall »

Ricochet wrote:Hoping there be more votes there, actually. :nicenod:

Also, fixed.

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Re: [NIGHT 5] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

Rico, I apologize sincerely for this, man, but I cannot read your megaposts at all. I'm plenty worn out from sheer thread volume to be trying to read that. I'm sure you have good points, but I see them and my eyes unfocus and everything looks all blurry. Would you including a helpful td:lr? Thanks in advance.
MacDougall wrote:Haven't put much thought into who the SK is tbh but if we have everyone on board tracking the SK this could be fun. You could trust almost all the scum hunting done since the Mafia won't actually need to bullshit about who they think is the SK! Can trust almost everything at face value.

Day 5 - Hunt for Psycho Killer.

Let's look at some ISO's and start with people who have mentioned the psycho killer role. Rogue's love talking about their role.

From there we can look at interractions with the people SK has killed.
I hadn't noticed this post before. Thanks to Strawhenge for bringing it up. Definitely suspicious to want to spend an entire day dedicated to SK-hunting, and to suggest doing so with spurious evidence. What SK has in-depth interactions with their future victims? Easiest way to get caught.
MacDougall wrote:I don't see anything wrong with Black Rock actually. It would be easy for me to just agree here but nothing she is saying is pinging me at all.

I actually think Russ's posts are more likely to be a scum trying to avoid a town lynch.

Am I missing something about Black Rock?
MacDougall wrote:I agree with Epi. Both these posts read like Russ making excuses for not lynching a teammate.
Why are you criticizing me for not voting Black Rock at exactly that moment, but saying yourself that you don't plan to do so today at all?

Read into it what you will. I was irl angry with fingersplints and it affected my behavior adversely. I apologize for issues I may have caused in thread. You may of course take what I said as clever positioning, but I was just upset.

If it makes you feel any better about me trying to get away from a Black Rock lynch, you and she are my biggest suspects at this point.
Matt F wrote:
MacDougall wrote:I don't see anything wrong with Black Rock actually. It would be easy for me to just agree here but nothing she is saying is pinging me at all.
Why say that in the underline? Are you letting the thread know how civvie you are because you could've easily agreed on a (in your opinion) bogus case against Black Rock, but instead, chose to go the noble route and actually give your true opinion?
:srsnod: It's probably confirmation bias, but I like this point, Matt. I am completely down for either a Mac or BR lynch today.

Linki: omg Mac haha. Idk what to say to that gif...
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Re: [NIGHT 5] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

seaside wrote:i still believe either jjj, espers or diiny is scum. i guess espers is the one i least suspect now.
espers actually was dead and confirmed civ when you wrote this.
Matt F wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
MacDougall wrote:How did missing your night kill make you feel?
Mac, how sure of this are you?

Floyd, Fuzz, or Matt, did epi miss a night kill?
I am very sure.
So Epi's the SK, and you're on the Mafia? Or is it the other way around?

Wilgy, why are you asking people to info dump when MP JUST asked you to not ask people to info dump? :eye:

Matt F, I am confused on the entire figuring out who missed a kill thing. Can you clarify why this makes one of Mac and Epi the SK and the other a baddie? I mean I like it in theory, because it jives with my suspicions, but I don't see the connection.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

Only responses to 4 things to go! Holy shit.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Elohcin wrote:How many players are in RYM games normally?
15-22 or so. This is the biggest game in RYM mafia history.
Hooray for records!
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Football is about to happen, and the undefeated Cincinnati Bengals are more important than this headache. BBL. :P
You like Swedish women AND the Bengals? Are we the same person?? :faint:
Choutas wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Mac, Matt, Fuzz and Floyd, who did you target last night?

We had a fail kill and no psycho killer. Chances are one of y'all intervined, possibly in both, and y'all should know how. JJJ you should know as well.

I will explain everything as soon as I'm back from the renaissance festival.

JJJ, no beef, got much love for ya.
MacDougall wrote:It should be rather obvious who I would target Wilgy...
DrWilgy wrote:Does that count? As far as I'm concerned you could be lying.

You stating who you targeted is not 100% truth. Nor is it revealed by any role powers, simply actions that happened over tge course of the night. MODS HELP.
DrWilgy wrote:
MacDougall wrote:How did missing your night kill make you feel?
Mac, how sure of this are you?

Floyd, Fuzz, or Matt, did epi miss a night kill?
MacDougall wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
MacDougall wrote:How did missing your night kill make you feel?
Mac, how sure of this are you?

Floyd, Fuzz, or Matt, did epi miss a night kill?
I am very sure.
This is mafia interaction calling it. Mac and Wilgy are in this together :eye: It wouldn't surprise me if all four are a mafia team. TheProfessional had done something similar on rym(the nation game?)
Choutas, can you clarify? I agree that the whole interaction is very weird and makes little sense. You're saying Mac, Wilgy, Floyd, Fuzz, and Matt are all bad, and they're subtly dropping info into the thread because they somehow know Epi is the SK, and want to get the thread onto him instead of themselves?

Again, I'm just not sure how or why that would happen, just trying to get clarification on what people's thoughts on this are.
Choutas wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Elohcin wrote:How many players are in RYM games normally?
15-22 or so. This is the biggest game in RYM mafia history.
This game needs at least half an hour every day to catch up. It began with 34 players and 48 hours dayphases. There's just too much stuff to process and it's so much that I can't seem to get anything by it. The vocal players are hidden between thousands upon thousands of words. Seriously let's go back to the old days people.
To reiterate: :srsnod:

Whew! With that I am caught up. Sorry again for the multiposts.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

Placeholder on BR for now. Could be convinced to go with Mac today, or, to a lesser extent, Epi.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

Elohcin wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Why don't you trust me, Eloh?
'cause maybe your your long helpful posts really aren't helpful after all. :shrug:
So what you're saying is, just because they're long, doesn't make them good. :workit:
:haha: Hilarious! But I actually wouldn't know. I've stuck with the same one since forever.
What? :huh:

I was talking about vacations. :confused:
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Re: [NIGHT 5] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

Russtifinko wrote:Rico, I apologize sincerely for this, man, but I cannot read your megaposts at all. I'm plenty worn out from sheer thread volume to be trying to read that. I'm sure you have good points, but I see them and my eyes unfocus and everything looks all blurry. Would you including a helpful td:lr? Thanks in advance.
It's alright. I'm mad...and that's a fact. :workit:

Essentially, I think we've been on a course the past Days in which not only our lynches have turned out civ, but our second wagons have turned out civ as well, which to me is a sign that we may be on a road to nowhere. So I'm proposing to look into what I pointed out are the extremes of interactions between LC and players and the other way around: the players who criticised him the most, the players who have BOTD'd him and I'd even add the players who kept the most mum about him .

I've so far analysed sig, motel room and Mac in the first category and pointed out neither of them look very good, considering they've suspected LC with, and this is important, quick reactions to the bea case he put forward, yet never pulled the trigger on him, except some on Day 2 (sig, motel - not Mac, though).

I believe Mac is a baddie because what I initially though was pretty solid questioning of LC on D1 looks, upon revision, to be quite shallow (and he departed from that train completely, too), his D2 approval of the LC lynch, in sync with it catching fire, but without ever finalizing that with a vote, looks like sideline cheering and since then he's fully endorsed the "let's lynch LC defenders", the trend that I mentioned above to have given us no good results, casting votes on Golden and Sorsha. There are also questionable stances he made, throughout the game, on lynching seaside, lynching Sorsha and dedicating a day to focus on the SK.

His relationship with LC and viceversa was always antagonistic, with several moments that could cast him in a genuine spot, but given all the above, it makes me strongly consider it to have been very strong distancing.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by MacDougall »

Epignosis wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Why don't you trust me, Eloh?
'cause maybe your your long helpful posts really aren't helpful after all. :shrug:
So what you're saying is, just because they're long, doesn't make them good. :workit:
:haha: Hilarious! But I actually wouldn't know. I've stuck with the same one since forever.
What? :huh:

I was talking about vacations. :confused:
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Re: [NIGHT 5] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by MacDougall »

Ricochet wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:Rico, I apologize sincerely for this, man, but I cannot read your megaposts at all. I'm plenty worn out from sheer thread volume to be trying to read that. I'm sure you have good points, but I see them and my eyes unfocus and everything looks all blurry. Would you including a helpful td:lr? Thanks in advance.
It's alright. I'm mad...and that's a fact. :workit:

Essentially, I think we've been on a course the past Days in which not only our lynches have turned out civ, but our second wagons have turned out civ as well, which to me is a sign that we may be on a road to nowhere. So I'm proposing to look into what I pointed out are the extremes of interactions between LC and players and the other way around: the players who criticised him the most, the players who have BOTD'd him and I'd even add the players who kept the most mum about him .

I've so far analysed sig, motel room and Mac in the first category and pointed out neither of them look very good, considering they've suspected LC with, and this is important, quick reactions to the bea case he put forward, yet never pulled the trigger on him, except some on Day 2 (sig, motel - not Mac, though).

I believe Mac is a baddie because what I initially though was pretty solid questioning of LC on D1 looks, upon revision, to be quite shallow (and he departed from that train completely, too), his D2 approval of the LC lynch, in sync with it catching fire, but without ever finalizing that with a vote, looks like sideline cheering and since then he's fully endorsed the "let's lynch LC defenders", the trend that I mentioned above to have given us no good results, casting votes on Golden and Sorsha. There are also questionable stances he made, throughout the game, on lynching seaside, lynching Sorsha and dedicating a day to focus on the SK.

His relationship with LC and viceversa was always antagonistic, with several moments that could cast him in a genuine spot, but given all the above, it makes me strongly consider it to have been very strong distancing.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

Back to dismissive reactions, I see.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Matt »

Bullzeye wrote:Dex est MOM
Tbh, I completely forgot about this :haha: :haha:

Bullz - I never had a role in mind for you. You're right that it's weird that I was asking you who you targeted, but at the time, I thought I was allowed to ask such a question. I did rethink this, however, when I decided to PM MP (<--whoa cool) and ask if what I was doing was allowed.

I do think it's questionable that you would both, at the same time, think I am deliberately trying to get you killed and also think I'm civvie, but at the present time, I'd rather focus on Mac and Floyd/Strawhenge today.

Also, reminding me of "Dex est MOM" gets you seriously awesome points from me (not that you care haha).

Russ - I have no idea on Epignosis' alignment. When I said the "so Epig is SK and you're mafia or is it vice versa?", I was basically just trying to tell Mac that I believe he is a killer somehow, someway. As for the Dr Wilgy stuff, I'm not going to go into it, because MP would be madz as hell and I don't wanna be punished. However, I will say, if Dr Wilgy is baddie, what he's done with me, Mac, and apparently Floyd and Fuzz, would be wicked scheming on his part to try and get us all into some kind of battle royal with each other.

I see MP answered my question. Which means, that unless he was killed (which I don't see how), then the SK PURPOSELY did not send in their kill last night.

Okay, I really wanna get this Strawhenge post done, but I think I may have been tired last night when calling him flippy floppy on Floyd. I'll reread and see what's up.
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Re: [NIGHT 5] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

Ricochet wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:Rico, I apologize sincerely for this, man, but I cannot read your megaposts at all. I'm plenty worn out from sheer thread volume to be trying to read that. I'm sure you have good points, but I see them and my eyes unfocus and everything looks all blurry. Would you including a helpful td:lr? Thanks in advance.
It's alright. I'm mad...and that's a fact. :workit:

Essentially, I think we've been on a course the past Days in which not only our lynches have turned out civ, but our second wagons have turned out civ as well, which to me is a sign that we may be on a road to nowhere. So I'm proposing to look into what I pointed out are the extremes of interactions between LC and players and the other way around: the players who criticised him the most, the players who have BOTD'd him and I'd even add the players who kept the most mum about him .

I've so far analysed sig, motel room and Mac in the first category and pointed out neither of them look very good, considering they've suspected LC with, and this is important, quick reactions to the bea case he put forward, yet never pulled the trigger on him, except some on Day 2 (sig, motel - not Mac, though).

I believe Mac is a baddie because what I initially though was pretty solid questioning of LC on D1 looks, upon revision, to be quite shallow (and he departed from that train completely, too), his D2 approval of the LC lynch, in sync with it catching fire, but without ever finalizing that with a vote, looks like sideline cheering and since then he's fully endorsed the "let's lynch LC defenders", the trend that I mentioned above to have given us no good results, casting votes on Golden and Sorsha. There are also questionable stances he made, throughout the game, on lynching seaside, lynching Sorsha and dedicating a day to focus on the SK.

His relationship with LC and viceversa was always antagonistic, with several moments that could cast him in a genuine spot, but given all the above, it makes me strongly consider it to have been very strong distancing.
Ok, thanks Rico. That was much better to read haha. Very interesting, because I'm more and more convinced Mac is bad, but was basically writing off his LC interactions.

I'll have to look into sig and motel room more, as well. They fit the bill as RYMers I've been ignoring, who haven't posted much lately. Based on your post (I haven't read back yet) it sounds like they had negative interactions with LC but weren't fully on board with offing him.
Matt F wrote: Russ - I have no idea on Epignosis' alignment. When I said the "so Epig is SK and you're mafia or is it vice versa?", I was basically just trying to tell Mac that I believe he is a killer somehow, someway. As for the Dr Wilgy stuff, I'm not going to go into it, because MP would be madz as hell and I don't wanna be punished. However, I will say, if Dr Wilgy is baddie, what he's done with me, Mac, and apparently Floyd and Fuzz, would be wicked scheming on his part to try and get us all into some kind of battle royal with each other.
Ok, thanks. I thought you were saying they were BOTH killers, and that something deeper was going on here that I couldn't see.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

Russtifinko wrote:Placeholder on BR for now. Could be convinced to go with Mac today, or, to a lesser extent, Epi.
Don't wait to be convinced by others to vote for me. If you want to lynch me, convince others to do it.

And prepare for the consequences if you prove successful.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Matt »


Dr Wilgy - If you did with Floyd what I know you did with me and what I'm guessing you did with MacD (considering MacD utterly believes Epig is a killer now)...why Floyd? Why pick the player who has had "trouble" following the game and "doesn't know how to play" ?

That is very strange to me.

Okay, I swear, I'm gonna do this Strawhenge thing now...
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Re: [NIGHT 5] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by seaside »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
seaside wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
seaside wrote:I get those names from the people who voted for Ricochet on day 3? the one with the poll about who long con team mate. Whichever day that was.
These are the people who voted for him

JaggedJimmyJay, Rbzmncaeaei, Diiny, Golden, seaside, espers

Now RBZ and Golden have been killed.
I know i'm not scum.
Which leaves JJJ, Diiny and Espers.
I don't quite understand the rationale here. Your suspects, according to this, stem out of my D3 wagon, although you also contributed to that wagon, by clearly thinking I am bad. How can you simply exclude yourself from this, via simple civ claim, and treat the others suspicious for a lynch that you also endorsed?
This is the only problem or thing you are going to raise over this? of course if someone else was going to follow this theory (which no one seems to care about tbh :puppy:) then i should be included. but why should i include myself when i know that i am town? this seems like such a knit picking thing to have a problem with. The way you word it too, 'my D3 wagon'. I obviously made a mistake in voting for him. i've made many mistakes in this game. but what you are trying to twist here ain't one.
This post you have quoted with my name in it does not belong to me. If you are judging me by the content of this post, stop immediately, turn your test face down, and place your pencil on at the front of the desk.
seaside wrote:i don't think everyone in that three scum or acting extremely scummy as such. just due to my own research and piecing things together, i think it is highly likely that one of the three is scum. but how you have been acting now towards it. I do have a strong scum read on you
I don't understand your theory. Why about the Ricochet bandwagon makes either Diiny or me scum? Moreover, I can't be expected to offer a response other than an exasperated roll of the eyes when you literally have to twist your theory into three knots just to make it work against me in your own head.
yeah i made a mistake with that one particular quote, but despite that, the chances are 50/50 that you are scum. i'm not liking how you are trying to undermine my theory and say it doesn't make sense in my head. it makes perfect sense to me. just because i can't explain it, doesn't mean it isn't well thought out and solid. the fact that you keep coming at me with 'your theory is bs' attitude proves to me that you are scum, maybe both diiny and you are scum, scumboy.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Marmot »

MacDougall wrote:Image
pngs are scummy

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Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by MacDougall »

Ricochet wrote:Back to dismissive reactions, I see.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Russtifinko »

Epignosis wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:Placeholder on BR for now. Could be convinced to go with Mac today, or, to a lesser extent, Epi.
Don't wait to be convinced by others to vote for me. If you want to lynch me, convince others to do it.

And prepare for the consequences if you prove successful.
Thing is, I think you're more likely the SK than a baddie, and thus not worth going after for the moment. I also think we have really strong baddie leads to pursue first.

Also, you are much better at arguing than me, and until there's more natural head support I feel that going after you hard would end up with me dead and you laughing. :blush:
seaside wrote:yeah i made a mistake with that one particular quote, but despite that, the chances are 50/50 that you are scum. i'm not liking how you are trying to undermine my theory and say it doesn't make sense in my head. it makes perfect sense to me. just because i can't explain it, doesn't mean it isn't well thought out and solid.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Matt »

Does it even matter that I'm doing this? Rico seems to be a much better player then I am, and yet nobody wants to read his posts...but eff it...

Strawhenge talking about The Floyd and other stuff...also will be SNIPPING posts because of great length...if you care to read full posts, then by all means, search Strawhenge and read them...
Strawhenge wrote:
MacDougall wrote:Like, seriously can people stop saying TheFloyd is a town read? There's nothing more to that than foolishness.

I can understand having a gut feeling about people who've made posts, even just a few but when they are 2 low content posts you're joking if you can tell me you have any reason to actually consider them a town read.

What's your angle?
Seriously. I haven't a feeling of the opposite, but that's the point: Floyd hasn't said much. And this is his first game of Mafia, so there's no meta to go off of.

Anybody who has (earnestly) said that Floyd is a town read should probably 'splain.
Wants people to explain their town read on Floyd.
Strawhenge wrote:And I want to hear more from Floyd too. This is already a dense-as-fuck game, and I don't envy his position as New Guy in these environs.
Thinks Floyd should speak up more.
Strawhenge wrote:
HamburgerBoy wrote:Jimmy, I'll get to you in a bit.
MacDougall wrote:Like, seriously can people stop saying TheFloyd is a town read? There's nothing more to that than foolishness.

I can understand having a gut feeling about people who've made posts, even just a few but when they are 2 low content posts you're joking if you can tell me you have any reason to actually consider them a town read.

What's your angle?
I didn't like Seaside saying it early in the game, but my reasoning at this point is that TheFloyd is a brand new player, and had participated barely enough to at least do something. If he was scum, I think he would have stuck it out a bit longer or at least been pressured by his scummates to replace out or something. Dropping off the map as an overwhelmed new player seems like a new-town thing to me.
Not necessarily. Especially in a game with this many players. We're looking at a 7-person scumteam. Someone could easily drop off the map and let their team handle things.
Thinks it's entirely possible Floyd is purposely dropping off the map cuz he's scum.
Strawhenge wrote:In fact, I don't know about you, but if I were new to this whole thing and got a scum card, dropping off the map would be my instinct.
And again.
Strawhenge wrote:With working urls.

goddamn it i can't edit posts alwiufhlituhjkn.fg89aou4agjkndfgadns i understand why, i'm just saying.
Strawhenge wrote:bea: Here it is.

Also, re: the Floyd 'Certainty': Seaside puts his claim that Floyd is a 'strong town lead' at #3 on his list of things. I'm baffled.
Still putting pressure on seaside for calling Floyd a town read. Still has YET to address Floyd directly or even find him suspicious.
Strawhenge wrote:
seaside wrote:
Rbzmncaeaei wrote:seaside - Clusterfuck post history in this thread, easy baddie read but also an easy mislynch? We shall see, right now I have a baddie read.
easy misylynch indeed
i'm thinking jjj is scum now. floyd is def town i reakon. i'm pretty solid on that.
diiny is just scummy you know, i played with him once and he won the game as scum. i was SURE he was town, can you trust that?
putting the pressure on instead of letting him just cruise through in town mode, is a good good option.
wilgy i thought would be scum cause you all thought the same, i could see by the votes.

i guessed two because i doubt 7 would jump on and i don't think too many scum would of jumped on, they just had to get it started and get the numbers. which were quite low. so the first person i reakon was scum and i think diiny jumped on to confirm it.
Seaside's repeated unexplained endorsements of Floyd's towniness reeks more and more of a special ability every time I read it, but then...when would he have been able to use it? He's been touting Floyd's innocence since forever. What does he know? SEASIDE WHAT DO YOU KNOW? YOU'RE TEARING ME APARRRRT
Wants to know more about Floyd, but still finds Seaside pingy for calling him town.
Strawhenge wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:*dances to the remix of Let It Happen*
Hey Floyd! Hey guys, it's Floyd! Floyd's here!

Hey Floyd, people have some questions for you.

1. What's up with your vote for Ace of Spades?

2. Why does Seaside have the utmost confidence that you're town?

3. How do you stay so fresh?
Did Floyd ever answer these questions, Straw? If so, were you happy with his answers?
Strawhenge wrote:Voting Seaside until I can get something more believable re: Floyd than, 'Take it however you want to take it.' ._.

Like, obviously don't infodump, but right now it reads like you slipped up in voicing outright confidence in Floyd--who, at the time, had said almost nothing in this game--and have since adhered to it with an air of mystery to make it seem like you have a power role or something.

Also really not liking llama and Epi's responses to me. sirengiffy at best.
Still wants to know more about Floyd.
Strawhenge wrote:
Rbzmncaeaei wrote:Nvm I got him mixed up with Strawhenge
Rbzmncaeaei wrote:Which is weird since they're nothing alike

And on-topic, am I a huge asshole if I continue to vote for Seaside? Like, am I wrong to still suspect him even when he's talking about real-life obstacles etc.?

Am I literally the worst human?

thellama73 is my second choice. Should I go with that to avoid some sort of karmic backdraft?
This post is very important because of how he addresses me later.
Strawhenge wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Hey Architecturally Problematic Version of Ancient Landmark, I think you ought to check out Sorsha's more substantive defenses of herself (sorry if you already did and I overlooked that). Tell me what you think about this sucker.

It stems directly from your original case on her and my questions about her responses to it.
I think they're very cogent responses, for sure. However some of the reasons she gives are based on some pretty loose conjecture. Her supposing of Floyd's innocence is based on the fact that if he were scum, he'd be replaced by now. We don't know that. (I in fact kinda think the opposite; Floyd could be chatting up a storm in scum BTSC and masterminding the whole operation, for all we know.) The other point about Mac/Seaside seems like a double-down on noncommittal. 'I was noncommittal about Seaside because I'm noncommittal about both of them because I've never played with them before.' To me that says absolutely nothing.

The tough part about Sorsha is the same tough part I had about my suss of Seaside: real-life time commitment. If she doesn't have time to play, then she doesn't have time to play, and on principle I can't fault her for that.

Additionally, Sorsha expresses that she doesn't feel like any of her defenses would be heeded anyway, and that people will just 'slap votes on.' Not that I find this suspicious in anyway, but I completely disagree. Among myself and a couple people voting for her currently, we would absolutely read defenses.

(doesn't mean we'll believe them, of course, but)
Per the underline, Straw thinks Floyd is more likely scum then not because of his silence in thread.
Strawhenge wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:
Strawhenge wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:quite questionable posts.
Which ones?
For Heavens sake, check for yourself.

linki: Floyd, we're rivals here? :o

linki: Mac, ah, role theory stuff. Gotcha.
This is all Straw says about Floyd's very off the wall comment about being "rivals". Earlier he believes Floyd is more likely scum then not, but after Floyd makes a "slip" like this, says pretty much nothing about it.
Strawhenge wrote:
Matt F wrote:Devin Heaven also wanted Diiny gone. For "reasons".

I think Floyd needs to be looked at pronto. This deal with him "being gone" for several days after being suspected and saying some very odd things...I don't like it.
I think Floyd's being gone doesn't deserve those heavy quotes, mate. I think he's legitimately been dealing with things IRL. And also this is his first game. This game was so big and complex that even I have had very little energy to put toward it. Floyd's level of activity should not be used against or for him.
This is interesting as shit to me. As you've seen, Strawhenge has used Floyd's level of activity to accuse him of being more scum then not. ALSO, if you all remember the post earlier, where Straw says "Am I wrong to vote for someone with real life issues?" and it seems like he's having fun with it. Yet I dare question Floyd on his absence, and "he doesn't deserve those quotes, Mate, cuz of real life stuff". Explain, Straw.
Strawhenge wrote:bcornett24 SCUM
Black Rock TOWN
Bullzeye TOWN
Choutas SK
Diiny SCUM
DrWilgy SCUM
Elohcin TOWN
Epignosis SCUM
fingersplints SCUM
JaggedJimmyJay TOWN
Metalmarsh89 SCUM
motel room TOWN
RadicalFuzz TOWN
Ricochet SCUM
Russtifinko TOWN
sig TOWN
Strawhenge TB;GE
TheFloyd73 SCUM

That's like 80 scum. That doesn't help at all.

brb soup
Since you told me Floyd's level of activity shouldn't be used against him, and since the only reason you found him "more scum then not" before is because of his level of activity, please let me know how you came to thinking Floyd was scum. Also, it couldn't possibly be because of the "rivals" comment since before, you literally thought nothing of it but to give him a smiley face.
Strawhenge wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Strawhenge wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:BLACK ROCK
I disagree with half of your iso on her, but the other half is dang convincing. Especially wert Roxy.
Please tell me about your points of disagreement.

1. BR being snarky. Someone being snarky on the internet? Gasp! I'm sorry for that. But you see my point?

2. BR's stance on Floyd. I don't really see her comments about Floyd being either for or against him. Just seems like she had a different interpretation of Floyd's behavior. In fact, I tend to agree with her that it's possible. Hypothesis: If Floyd is scum, that means he has BTSC with scum. Floyd's communication with them might have given them the impression that he'd be better of silent; maybe he showed a lack of understanding of how the game worked and they were like, Whoa whoa whoa, maybe keep it low-pro, bro.

I guess I'm just saying BR's interpretation is as plausible as Matt's.

3. BR's stance on Epi wert LC. I don't think this outright paints BR as suspicious to think that Epi, who is normally suspicious of LC, was suddenly at LC's defense. Wouldn't it be weird back in RYMville if aether and sleepy had each other's backs?

That's pretty much it. I don't think they exonerate BR whatsoever, but those are the posts where I go all, Huh. I guess I just don't see it.

As I said, the Roxy stuff is pretty convincing. Focusing on the SK as a scum makes sense.

...Which, uh.... Anyone remember when Mac called for an entire day to focus on SK-hunting?
Per the underline, if I'm correct, BR was defending Floyd when we were talking about him.

Strawhenge - I want to know. What is your opinion on Floyd? Good or bad? Why good or bad?

Why would you "lecture" (strong word, can't think of another) me on questioning Floyd based on his level of play when you've been doing the same, and then also tell me it's not cool to suspect him because of real life issues, when earlier in the game, you were being playful about the fact that you were suspecting seaside even though he had real life issues.


Anyway, there's probably nothing to any of this, but I was especially pinged by Straw's "lecture" of me when he's been doin' the same thing.

Explain, Straw?
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Epignosis »

Russtifinko wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:Placeholder on BR for now. Could be convinced to go with Mac today, or, to a lesser extent, Epi.
Don't wait to be convinced by others to vote for me. If you want to lynch me, convince others to do it.

And prepare for the consequences if you prove successful.
Thing is, I think you're more likely the SK than a baddie, and thus not worth going after for the moment. I also think we have really strong baddie leads to pursue first.

Also, you are much better at arguing than me, and until there's more natural head support I feel that going after you hard would end up with me dead and you laughing. :blush:
WHY do you think I'm a serial killer?
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

Russtifinko wrote:Only responses to 4 things to go! Holy shit.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Elohcin wrote:How many players are in RYM games normally?
15-22 or so. This is the biggest game in RYM mafia history.
Hooray for records!
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Football is about to happen, and the undefeated Cincinnati Bengals are more important than this headache. BBL. :P
You like Swedish women AND the Bengals? Are we the same person?? :faint:
Choutas wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Mac, Matt, Fuzz and Floyd, who did you target last night?

We had a fail kill and no psycho killer. Chances are one of y'all intervined, possibly in both, and y'all should know how. JJJ you should know as well.

I will explain everything as soon as I'm back from the renaissance festival.

JJJ, no beef, got much love for ya.
MacDougall wrote:It should be rather obvious who I would target Wilgy...
DrWilgy wrote:Does that count? As far as I'm concerned you could be lying.

You stating who you targeted is not 100% truth. Nor is it revealed by any role powers, simply actions that happened over tge course of the night. MODS HELP.
DrWilgy wrote:
MacDougall wrote:How did missing your night kill make you feel?
Mac, how sure of this are you?

Floyd, Fuzz, or Matt, did epi miss a night kill?
MacDougall wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
MacDougall wrote:How did missing your night kill make you feel?
Mac, how sure of this are you?

Floyd, Fuzz, or Matt, did epi miss a night kill?
I am very sure.
This is mafia interaction calling it. Mac and Wilgy are in this together :eye: It wouldn't surprise me if all four are a mafia team. TheProfessional had done something similar on rym(the nation game?)
Choutas, can you clarify? I agree that the whole interaction is very weird and makes little sense. You're saying Mac, Wilgy, Floyd, Fuzz, and Matt are all bad, and they're subtly dropping info into the thread because they somehow know Epi is the SK, and want to get the thread onto him instead of themselves?

Again, I'm just not sure how or why that would happen, just trying to get clarification on what people's thoughts on this are.
Choutas wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Elohcin wrote:How many players are in RYM games normally?
15-22 or so. This is the biggest game in RYM mafia history.
This game needs at least half an hour every day to catch up. It began with 34 players and 48 hours dayphases. There's just too much stuff to process and it's so much that I can't seem to get anything by it. The vocal players are hidden between thousands upon thousands of words. Seriously let's go back to the old days people.
To reiterate: :srsnod:

Whew! With that I am caught up. Sorry again for the multiposts.
Firstly that Wilgy and Mac might be pulling shit together. Wilgy bringing his scummate into question that is really staged up. Secondly questioning the other scummers in a web of interaction that could be used later on as ""I brought him into question" etc.
I won't lie it's a very ballsy move to make and I don't have the TS crew as RYM G's staging crazy ass gambits.
I'll be voting only so I can watch the results without clicking show results everytime.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


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grabbing a coffee, dealing with monday morning waste of time catch up meetings, and reading through what ive missed over the weekend.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


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oh and voting Choutas
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by TheFloyd73 »

Matt F wrote:Does it even matter that I'm doing this? Rico seems to be a much better player then I am, and yet nobody wants to read his posts...but eff it...

Strawhenge talking about The Floyd and other stuff...also will be SNIPPING posts because of great length...if you care to read full posts, then by all means, search Strawhenge and read them...
Strawhenge wrote:
MacDougall wrote:Like, seriously can people stop saying TheFloyd is a town read? There's nothing more to that than foolishness.

I can understand having a gut feeling about people who've made posts, even just a few but when they are 2 low content posts you're joking if you can tell me you have any reason to actually consider them a town read.

What's your angle?
Seriously. I haven't a feeling of the opposite, but that's the point: Floyd hasn't said much. And this is his first game of Mafia, so there's no meta to go off of.

Anybody who has (earnestly) said that Floyd is a town read should probably 'splain.
Wants people to explain their town read on Floyd.
Strawhenge wrote:And I want to hear more from Floyd too. This is already a dense-as-fuck game, and I don't envy his position as New Guy in these environs.
Thinks Floyd should speak up more.
Strawhenge wrote:
HamburgerBoy wrote:Jimmy, I'll get to you in a bit.
MacDougall wrote:Like, seriously can people stop saying TheFloyd is a town read? There's nothing more to that than foolishness.

I can understand having a gut feeling about people who've made posts, even just a few but when they are 2 low content posts you're joking if you can tell me you have any reason to actually consider them a town read.

What's your angle?
I didn't like Seaside saying it early in the game, but my reasoning at this point is that TheFloyd is a brand new player, and had participated barely enough to at least do something. If he was scum, I think he would have stuck it out a bit longer or at least been pressured by his scummates to replace out or something. Dropping off the map as an overwhelmed new player seems like a new-town thing to me.
Not necessarily. Especially in a game with this many players. We're looking at a 7-person scumteam. Someone could easily drop off the map and let their team handle things.
Thinks it's entirely possible Floyd is purposely dropping off the map cuz he's scum.
Strawhenge wrote:In fact, I don't know about you, but if I were new to this whole thing and got a scum card, dropping off the map would be my instinct.
And again.
Strawhenge wrote:With working urls.

goddamn it i can't edit posts alwiufhlituhjkn.fg89aou4agjkndfgadns i understand why, i'm just saying.
Strawhenge wrote:bea: Here it is.

Also, re: the Floyd 'Certainty': Seaside puts his claim that Floyd is a 'strong town lead' at #3 on his list of things. I'm baffled.
Still putting pressure on seaside for calling Floyd a town read. Still has YET to address Floyd directly or even find him suspicious.
Strawhenge wrote:
seaside wrote:
Rbzmncaeaei wrote:seaside - Clusterfuck post history in this thread, easy baddie read but also an easy mislynch? We shall see, right now I have a baddie read.
easy misylynch indeed
i'm thinking jjj is scum now. floyd is def town i reakon. i'm pretty solid on that.
diiny is just scummy you know, i played with him once and he won the game as scum. i was SURE he was town, can you trust that?
putting the pressure on instead of letting him just cruise through in town mode, is a good good option.
wilgy i thought would be scum cause you all thought the same, i could see by the votes.

i guessed two because i doubt 7 would jump on and i don't think too many scum would of jumped on, they just had to get it started and get the numbers. which were quite low. so the first person i reakon was scum and i think diiny jumped on to confirm it.
Seaside's repeated unexplained endorsements of Floyd's towniness reeks more and more of a special ability every time I read it, but then...when would he have been able to use it? He's been touting Floyd's innocence since forever. What does he know? SEASIDE WHAT DO YOU KNOW? YOU'RE TEARING ME APARRRRT
Wants to know more about Floyd, but still finds Seaside pingy for calling him town.
Strawhenge wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:*dances to the remix of Let It Happen*
Hey Floyd! Hey guys, it's Floyd! Floyd's here!

Hey Floyd, people have some questions for you.

1. What's up with your vote for Ace of Spades?

2. Why does Seaside have the utmost confidence that you're town?

3. How do you stay so fresh?
Did Floyd ever answer these questions, Straw? If so, were you happy with his answers?
Strawhenge wrote:Voting Seaside until I can get something more believable re: Floyd than, 'Take it however you want to take it.' ._.

Like, obviously don't infodump, but right now it reads like you slipped up in voicing outright confidence in Floyd--who, at the time, had said almost nothing in this game--and have since adhered to it with an air of mystery to make it seem like you have a power role or something.

Also really not liking llama and Epi's responses to me. sirengiffy at best.
Still wants to know more about Floyd.
Strawhenge wrote:
Rbzmncaeaei wrote:Nvm I got him mixed up with Strawhenge
Rbzmncaeaei wrote:Which is weird since they're nothing alike

And on-topic, am I a huge asshole if I continue to vote for Seaside? Like, am I wrong to still suspect him even when he's talking about real-life obstacles etc.?

Am I literally the worst human?

thellama73 is my second choice. Should I go with that to avoid some sort of karmic backdraft?
This post is very important because of how he addresses me later.
Strawhenge wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Hey Architecturally Problematic Version of Ancient Landmark, I think you ought to check out Sorsha's more substantive defenses of herself (sorry if you already did and I overlooked that). Tell me what you think about this sucker.

It stems directly from your original case on her and my questions about her responses to it.
I think they're very cogent responses, for sure. However some of the reasons she gives are based on some pretty loose conjecture. Her supposing of Floyd's innocence is based on the fact that if he were scum, he'd be replaced by now. We don't know that. (I in fact kinda think the opposite; Floyd could be chatting up a storm in scum BTSC and masterminding the whole operation, for all we know.) The other point about Mac/Seaside seems like a double-down on noncommittal. 'I was noncommittal about Seaside because I'm noncommittal about both of them because I've never played with them before.' To me that says absolutely nothing.

The tough part about Sorsha is the same tough part I had about my suss of Seaside: real-life time commitment. If she doesn't have time to play, then she doesn't have time to play, and on principle I can't fault her for that.

Additionally, Sorsha expresses that she doesn't feel like any of her defenses would be heeded anyway, and that people will just 'slap votes on.' Not that I find this suspicious in anyway, but I completely disagree. Among myself and a couple people voting for her currently, we would absolutely read defenses.

(doesn't mean we'll believe them, of course, but)
Per the underline, Straw thinks Floyd is more likely scum then not because of his silence in thread.
Strawhenge wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:
Strawhenge wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:quite questionable posts.
Which ones?
For Heavens sake, check for yourself.

linki: Floyd, we're rivals here? :o

linki: Mac, ah, role theory stuff. Gotcha.
This is all Straw says about Floyd's very off the wall comment about being "rivals". Earlier he believes Floyd is more likely scum then not, but after Floyd makes a "slip" like this, says pretty much nothing about it.
Strawhenge wrote:
Matt F wrote:Devin Heaven also wanted Diiny gone. For "reasons".

I think Floyd needs to be looked at pronto. This deal with him "being gone" for several days after being suspected and saying some very odd things...I don't like it.
I think Floyd's being gone doesn't deserve those heavy quotes, mate. I think he's legitimately been dealing with things IRL. And also this is his first game. This game was so big and complex that even I have had very little energy to put toward it. Floyd's level of activity should not be used against or for him.
This is interesting as shit to me. As you've seen, Strawhenge has used Floyd's level of activity to accuse him of being more scum then not. ALSO, if you all remember the post earlier, where Straw says "Am I wrong to vote for someone with real life issues?" and it seems like he's having fun with it. Yet I dare question Floyd on his absence, and "he doesn't deserve those quotes, Mate, cuz of real life stuff". Explain, Straw.
Strawhenge wrote:bcornett24 SCUM
Black Rock TOWN
Bullzeye TOWN
Choutas SK
Diiny SCUM
DrWilgy SCUM
Elohcin TOWN
Epignosis SCUM
fingersplints SCUM
JaggedJimmyJay TOWN
Metalmarsh89 SCUM
motel room TOWN
RadicalFuzz TOWN
Ricochet SCUM
Russtifinko TOWN
sig TOWN
Strawhenge TB;GE
TheFloyd73 SCUM

That's like 80 scum. That doesn't help at all.

brb soup
Since you told me Floyd's level of activity shouldn't be used against him, and since the only reason you found him "more scum then not" before is because of his level of activity, please let me know how you came to thinking Floyd was scum. Also, it couldn't possibly be because of the "rivals" comment since before, you literally thought nothing of it but to give him a smiley face.
Strawhenge wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Strawhenge wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:BLACK ROCK
I disagree with half of your iso on her, but the other half is dang convincing. Especially wert Roxy.
Please tell me about your points of disagreement.

1. BR being snarky. Someone being snarky on the internet? Gasp! I'm sorry for that. But you see my point?

2. BR's stance on Floyd. I don't really see her comments about Floyd being either for or against him. Just seems like she had a different interpretation of Floyd's behavior. In fact, I tend to agree with her that it's possible. Hypothesis: If Floyd is scum, that means he has BTSC with scum. Floyd's communication with them might have given them the impression that he'd be better of silent; maybe he showed a lack of understanding of how the game worked and they were like, Whoa whoa whoa, maybe keep it low-pro, bro.

I guess I'm just saying BR's interpretation is as plausible as Matt's.

3. BR's stance on Epi wert LC. I don't think this outright paints BR as suspicious to think that Epi, who is normally suspicious of LC, was suddenly at LC's defense. Wouldn't it be weird back in RYMville if aether and sleepy had each other's backs?

That's pretty much it. I don't think they exonerate BR whatsoever, but those are the posts where I go all, Huh. I guess I just don't see it.

As I said, the Roxy stuff is pretty convincing. Focusing on the SK as a scum makes sense.

...Which, uh.... Anyone remember when Mac called for an entire day to focus on SK-hunting?
Per the underline, if I'm correct, BR was defending Floyd when we were talking about him.

Strawhenge - I want to know. What is your opinion on Floyd? Good or bad? Why good or bad?

Why would you "lecture" (strong word, can't think of another) me on questioning Floyd based on his level of play when you've been doing the same, and then also tell me it's not cool to suspect him because of real life issues, when earlier in the game, you were being playful about the fact that you were suspecting seaside even though he had real life issues.


Anyway, there's probably nothing to any of this, but I was especially pinged by Straw's "lecture" of me when he's been doin' the same thing.

Explain, Straw?
If I may say something...

My first lack of inclusion was genuinely from stuff going on in my life that was messing with my head. And I will say AGAIN that if you wish to discuss this further, please PM me.
My second lack of inclusion was because I was in another town for a couple of days where I could not receive wifi or mobile coverage (that's Australia for you).
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

How often do you use Bulletproof roles in TS? We already had two nights with zero kills. If this were RYM(and it ain't) my money would be on a bulletproof player(townie, goon or SK) or a roleblocker/doctor/jailkeeper/.
Three scenarios are like to entertain.
If the SK or the Mafia tried to kill JJJ or another vocal/trusted townie(Zebra/Golden) the nights the kill didn't pass it means.
1) JJJ is bulletproof, frankly that can mean he's either of the three factions, all three have secret roles. Usually on rym the three roles that are bulletproof are the bulletproof townie(too simple for this kind of game, least likely), the godfather(his second version has bulletproof instead of unidentifiable, possible but not as much as the third) and an overpowered rogue that can survive a shot or is unkillable(on RYM the most likely bulletproof role I encountered back in the day).
2) If a doctor/roleblocker saved him from death it should fairly be safe to say he's town since one night we didn't have a SK kill and one night we didn't have a mafia kill correct? They both failed to kill the cockroach we all love JJJ. That of course needs two stipulations, that the guy has tried to save JJJ twice(is that allowed in here? On rym is allowed so it's feasible).
3) JJJ is alive cause he's mafia or SK. They've been trying to someone else, that someone else managed to not be killed twice in the game. Who could that ugly mofo be.

I hope MP allows mofodumping.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

motel room wrote:oh and voting Choutas
OK that kind of votes mean nothing. Make that coffee and explain. Not the coffee your vote.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by motel room »

These elaborate scum bussing strategies that are being put forward, are they common here on the Syndicate? Because while they can happen over on RYM the most common scum strategy is just lay low pretty much. Bussing is rarely organised and generally just a self-preservation technique.

So reading all of this about how Long Con set up this big ol bus seems so far fetched to me. Remembering back to the day he was lynched, he was a contender but not the contender. I'm fairly sure that my return vote on him put him back in the lead and I know I did that from a genuine suspicion of him so I can't really get behind any of these "strategy" scenarios. He may have wanted out and told teammates not to fight it too hard but I really doubt it was a planned bus. My two cents, for the guy who is pretty sure Mac is scum cos of that idea. I still think mac is town.

Black Rock is the next major lynch contender, what's the deal there?
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by TheFloyd73 »

I had voted for Mac, but I'm changing it to Matt. Overinterigation brings cracks to the surface.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

Who is the most likely player to get drugged? JJJ? Nobody would drug he can't be lynched today maybe later. I'd say Mac(if he isn't scum). The way I see him, he'll bite the dust with as low as three votes if he's drugged and the second most voted player has four.
If you were scum who would drug today. We've experienced drug-jobs before.
Epi has gotten heat also. He could be drugged also if he's town.
linki: What cracks? Care to elaborate sonny?
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

Motelroom if you think Mac is town(you just said it), would you save him from a lynch? He's the leading vote getter. Or you're going to idly park your vote in a lynch that won't happen?
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

TheFloyd73 wrote:I had voted for Mac, but I'm changing it to Matt. Overinterigation brings cracks to the surface.
Why Matt F? Why not Mac? Now that the ball is rolling you're changing it? Do you think Mac is town?
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by TheFloyd73 »

Choutas wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:I had voted for Mac, but I'm changing it to Matt. Overinterigation brings cracks to the surface.
Why Matt F? Why not Mac? Now that the ball is rolling you're changing it? Do you think Mac is town?
I personally think they're both scum.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

motel room wrote:These elaborate scum bussing strategies that are being put forward, are they common here on the Syndicate? Because while they can happen over on RYM the most common scum strategy is just lay low pretty much. Bussing is rarely organised and generally just a self-preservation technique.

So reading all of this about how Long Con set up this big ol bus seems so far fetched to me. Remembering back to the day he was lynched, he was a contender but not the contender. I'm fairly sure that my return vote on him put him back in the lead and I know I did that from a genuine suspicion of him so I can't really get behind any of these "strategy" scenarios. He may have wanted out and told teammates not to fight it too hard but I really doubt it was a planned bus. My two cents, for the guy who is pretty sure Mac is scum cos of that idea. I still think mac is town.

Black Rock is the next major lynch contender, what's the deal there?
Ok so if LC may have wanted out, but told teammates not to fight it, where are they?

Same question as to Mac: considering that, except for Epig, the b24 had civs and LC on it, if you're saying the mafia wouldn't have planned an LC bus, then where do you see them having gone, in your opinion? We're talking six players here.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by motel room »

Choutas wrote:
motel room wrote:oh and voting Choutas
OK that kind of votes mean nothing. Make that coffee and explain. Not the coffee your vote.
It's a long black, no sugar. Comes with a free apple the cafe I buy from. Royal Gala, the best apples.
Choutas wrote:Motelroom if you think Mac is town(you just said it), would you save him from a lynch? He's the leading vote getter. Or you're going to idly park your vote in a lynch that won't happen?
I would probably vote to save him, yes. We still have 24 hours at least though.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Ricochet »

motel room wrote:
Choutas wrote:Motelroom if you think Mac is town(you just said it), would you save him from a lynch? He's the leading vote getter. Or you're going to idly park your vote in a lynch that won't happen?
I would probably vote to save him, yes. We still have 24 hours at least though.
Won't look too good after he flips, just saying. :mafia: I imagine his teammates will try to save him, since they've got the numbers, which is the civs need be on this.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by Choutas »

TheFloyd73 wrote:
Choutas wrote:
TheFloyd73 wrote:I had voted for Mac, but I'm changing it to Matt. Overinterigation brings cracks to the surface.
Why Matt F? Why not Mac? Now that the ball is rolling you're changing it? Do you think Mac is town?
I personally think they're both scum.
If they're both scum there is no reason to leave the bandwagon and vote a person who has no votes. One of your scums is the leading potential lynchee and the other has no votes. It looks scummy. I'll keep my vote on you for now. :eye: :eye:

PS: You're new in case I'm wrong don't let it bring you down. This is a game.
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Re: [DAY 6] Talking Heads Mafia (RYM #90)


Post by motel room »

Ricochet wrote:
motel room wrote:These elaborate scum bussing strategies that are being put forward, are they common here on the Syndicate? Because while they can happen over on RYM the most common scum strategy is just lay low pretty much. Bussing is rarely organised and generally just a self-preservation technique.

So reading all of this about how Long Con set up this big ol bus seems so far fetched to me. Remembering back to the day he was lynched, he was a contender but not the contender. I'm fairly sure that my return vote on him put him back in the lead and I know I did that from a genuine suspicion of him so I can't really get behind any of these "strategy" scenarios. He may have wanted out and told teammates not to fight it too hard but I really doubt it was a planned bus. My two cents, for the guy who is pretty sure Mac is scum cos of that idea. I still think mac is town.

Black Rock is the next major lynch contender, what's the deal there?
Ok so if LC may have wanted out, but told teammates not to fight it, where are they?

Same question as to Mac: considering that, except for Epig, the b24 had civs and LC on it, if you're saying the mafia wouldn't have planned an LC bus, then where do you see them having gone, in your opinion? We're talking six players here.
I dont know where they are. I dont even know if that happened. I'm just giving my perspective on the whole ordeal. I would guess it was like any other lynch goes - some scum here, some scum there. I'm sure there would have been a scum on the LC lynch wagon, I just dont think it was planned, it seems like a stretch.
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