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Post by DharmaHelper »

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
A Game by DharmaHelper & Epignosis
The Rebel Alliance (15)
Must defeat the Galactic Empire and the Hutts
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker is the only one able to use both light and dark side Force powers. *Secrets*

Princess Leia
Having experienced many political, martial, and interpersonal scenarios, Leia Organa can use any non-secret Rebel Alliance action once.

Han Solo
Han Solo smuggles someone past Imperial checkpoints, protecting from death.

Chewie prevents someone from acting, blocking that person.

BTSC with R2D2. C-3PO reminds those who miss the vote that missing the vote is not in keeping with good etiquette, and C-3PO will require one of them to run their posts through one of his translators the next Day.

BTSC with C-3PO. R2D2 receives a transmission from another group’s BTSC.

Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian may give aid to the rebels, but his real allegiance is to his finances. Each Night, he will be place his vote for the next Day up for auction, with the highest bidder winning.

Mon Mothma
A strategist and outspoken senator in favor of the rebel alliance, Mon Mothma will know if there was any voting manipulation involved for each previous Day phase.

Admiral Ackbar
A famed tactician and military leader, Admiral Ackbar may stop one lynch and switch another. Neither of these maneuvers can he use to save himself.

Wedge Antilles
Proud pilot Wedge Antilles can use his X-Wing to blast BTSC to smithereens...until it is reassembled the next phase.

Owen Lars
Luke Skywalker’s uncle works hard and enjoys the simple life of running his own moisture farm on Tatooine, and because of this, he earns 20 credits each Night. If Beru is dead, he earns only 10 credits each Night.

Beru Lars
Owen’s wife Beru helps with the moisture farm, and likewise earns 20 credits each Night. If Owen is dead, she earns only 10 credits each Night.

This Ewok scout from Endor tracks each Night.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
As Luke Skywalker’s mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi seeks to guide him in the ways of the light side of the Force. *Secrets*

The ancient Jedi Yoda will offer sagacious insight to the thread through the host. He will also train someone in the ways of the Force. *Secrets*

The Galactic Empire (4)
Has BTSC (except The Emperor)
Kills on Odd Nights
Darth Vader
Darth Vader uses one Dark Force Power each Night. *Secrets*

Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Moff Tarkin has selected a location to destroy. The last person to vote in the lynch during that Day will explode with the planet.

The Stormtrooper merely serves the Empire.

The Emperor
The old Sith Lord uses the Dark Side of the Force. *Secrets*

The Hutts (4)
Has BTSC (except Greedo)
Kills on Even Nights
Jabba the Hutt
Through his connections, the leader of the criminal organization has a 20% bonus to any bid he makes. He also can offer any money he has to convince someone to vote as directed.

Salacious Crumb
As Jabba the Hutt’s court jester, Salacious Crumb must amuse his master at least once a day or be killed. *Secrets*

Bib Fortuna
As Jabba the Hutt’s Twi’lek majordomo, Bib Fortuna ensures that all operations run smoothly. As such, as long as he is alive, all members of the Hutt’s BTSC receive a 10% bonus for all receipts (except gambling).

As a bounty hunter, Greedo will receive credits if he votes the same way as one of the Hutts: He takes 10% of the credits of each Hutt he votes with.

The Bounty Hunter (1)
Can kill any Night. Must earn 400 credits and survive.

Boba Fett
Boba Fett, the famous bounty hunter, will eliminate competition...if the price is right. He has a kill, but he must accept a contract to use it. Bidders may bid each Night through the hosts. If Fett accepts an offer, he will see to it that the requested target is dead, whether by lynch or kill. He cannot be paid until it is. If the bidder does not have the credits on hand to pay Boba Fett when the job is finished, the bidder must vote as Fett demands until the debt is paid.

Independents (5)
Tusken Raiders (2)
Nomads from Tatooine, the sand people want to be left alone in peace, but will use violence to attain that outcome. *Secrets*

Jawas (3)
Jawas are technology scavengers, and search their environment for precious wares (or faulty wares- it matters not) to sell to unsuspecting customers. Jawas are in charge of the merchandise, which they can sell to people of any alignment. They acquire miscellaneous electronics from the bodies of the lynched and manufacture technology to sell. *Secrets*
Credits are the monetary unit you can use for various purposes.

Each person receives ten credits for voting in each Day poll.

There are many other opportunities to earn credits as things progress.
1. MetalMarsh89 --- KILLED by the Hutts Episode VIV
2. TheFloyd73 --- REPLACED by Bullzeye -- LYNCHED Episode XX, Wedge Antilles
3. sig --- KILLED by the Empire Episode XV
4. Bass_the_Clever -- Lynched Episode IV , Admiral Ackbar
5. Dom
6. Dfaraday
7.Dragon D. Luffy -- Killed by the Hutts Episode V
8. Enrique --- Lynched Episode VIII, Greedo
9. Simon -- Lynched Episode X, R2D2
11. Roxy -- Lynched Day 6, Wicket
12. MacDougall
13. MovingPictures07 --- LYNCHED Episode XVI, Darth Vader
14. Elohcin -- Lynched Episode XXIII, C3P0
15. Mishimeals --- REPLACED by Bass
16. Luke11646 --- REPLACED by llama --- KILLED by the Hutts Episode XVII
17.Black Rock -- Killed Night 5 by the Empire
19. a2thezebra --- Lynched Episode XVIII, Bib Fortuna
20. DrWigly
21. Canucklehead --- KILLED by the Hutts, at some point
22. Matt F -- Lynched Episode I , Bobba Fett
23. Russtifinko
24. bcornett24 -- Lynched Episode VI, Jabba The Hutt
25.Glorfindel --- REPLACED by Spacedaisy --- LYNCHED Episode XXVI, Storm Trooper
26. Savage --- Killed Episode VII by the Empire
27. Golden --- LYNCHED Episode XIV, Jawa
28. nijuukyugou
29. Sorsha --- KILLED by the Empire Episode XIX

Episode 0: Two Bothans Walk Into a Bar..
Episode I: The Girl with The Dragon Tatooine
Episode II: Tooine or Tatooine, That is the Question
Episode III: Tatooiney Meeny, Miny, Moe
Episode IV: Tatooine Pun
Episode V: Alderaan, Deraan So Far Away
Episode VI: In Alderaan Places
Episode VII: A Picture of Al Roker and Duran Duran
Episode VIII: A View to a Kill
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

The Rules

1. No BTSC (Behind the Scenes Contact/Conversation) with anyone other than your specified BTSC partners.
2. No editing or deleting of posts.
3. No role outing of yourself or anyone else.
4. No double-targeting (targeting the same individual with a power twice in a row).
5. Be respectful and remember that this is a game.
6. Dead players should not post on-topic and should post in dead red. There is a "dead" button when posting for this function.
7. Off-topic posts should be in off-topic green. There is an "OT" button when posting for this function.
8. Posts from non-players should be in non-player blue. There is a "np" button when posting for this function.
9. This is your host's color. All host posts will be in this color. Don't use it!
10. Turnip Head is the Mod on Duty. Please PM him with any concerns or frustrations you experience.
11. Your participation score will go down if you miss any combination of three votes / Night actions. You may opt not to use a Night action, but you MUST PM Either DharmaHelper or Epignosis, letting us know.
12. No team PMs are permitted.
13. Votes are not changeable.

Players Post Master List

Black Rock
Dragon D. Luffy
Mishimeals ---> Bass_the_Clever
TheFloyd73 ---> Bullzeye
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

Episode 0: Two Bothans Walk into a Bar....
Epignosis and DharmaHelper were the Rebel Alliances' top Bothan spies. Their most recent mission found them smack in the middle of the seedy underbelly of the planet Tatooine; the crowned jewel of the Hutt's criminal enterprise. Their mission: to obtain a communication between Jabba, the planet's most influential crime lord, and the bounty hunter known as Bobba Fett. Rebel Alliance High Command believed that Jabba was planning to make a move by hiring Fett for an assassination, and DharmaHelper and Epignosis were tasked with finding out the identity of the target. Such intel could prove invaluable, given the right set of circumstances. And so the duo walked into Jabba's palace, their disguises keeping their dashing figures concealed from prying eyes. Epignosis naturally gravitated to the bar to "collect intelligence", which DharmaHelper took to mean he would be largely on his own for the first phase of their plan: Identify Jabba's right hand, Bib Fortuna, and tail him to his office where the communication was likely to be kept.

Jabba's Palace, as always, was a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The constant din of club music and the whirling, almost enchanting lights, made the place disorienting and enticing at the same time. Taking a quick glance around, DharmaHelper noticed no fewer than a half dozen of the galaxies deadliest and most wanted killers. and that was just the VIP section. Finding Fortuna in the literal sea of criminals and degenerates was starting to seem like a near impossible task, when DharmaHelper heard from a far off shadowy corner of the Palace the tell-tale gravely voice call out.

"Jabba sends his regards, and hopes you find these accommodations...satisfactory." with a soft bow, the Twi'lek majordomo excused himself from a small group of what appeared to be mercenaries or smugglers of some description, judging by their hard faces and matching "uniforms". Keeping his eyes on Fortuna, DharmaHelper signaled Epignosis that the operation was on, and sunk into the shadows in order to better observe their target. To his credit, Bib Fortuna took the time to rub elbows with as many of the guests at the Palace as possible. Although, DharmaHelper supposed, this was as much an extention of Hutt hospitality as it was an effort for Fortuna himself to forge new alliances.

Epignosis, spotting the signal, finished his last drink and rose up to join DharmaHelper in tailing Bib. Remembering their training, the two of them flanked Bib Fortuna and kept a good distance between them, anticipating their targets movements. At last, Bib Fortuna made his way to what seemed to be a more restricted area of the Palace, which was no problem for either of the Bothans with their natural abilities of concealment. Just as Bib Fortuna opened the door to his offices, Epignosis and DharmaHelper slid in unnoticed, their blasters drawn. Slowly they crept behind the Twi'lek, ready to incapacitate him and make off with their objective. Epignosis struck first, knocking Bib Fortuna to the floor with a quiet thud. This allowed DharmaHelper to begin searching the office for clues. As he did so, he established communication with rebel High Command, to inform them of their progress.

"We're in the office, looking for the communication now High Command. I don't see anything mentioning a possible assassination just yet...Hold that, I may have something. Sending the files to you now, Command. This is some alarming stuff."

Out from the darkness, a red flash filled the room as a blaster bolt struck Epignosis in the chest, and the poor Bothan fell over in a slump. Bib Fortuna cackled, filling the room with a sharp sick laughter as he shot out again, this time blasting a hole in DharmaHelper's skull. Hearing the noise, an assortment of guards stormed into the office, though they were too late. The Bothan spies lay dead, and the results of their mission in question.


Meanwhile, aboard a Rebel Command ship, Admiral Ackbar of the Rebel Alliance sat briefing several top rebel leaders.

"We've just received some very troubling news. Two pretty dumb Bothans died to bring us this information, but it is valuable information nonetheless. Jabba the Hutt is planning something big, as is the Empire. We have no choice but to act, and act now! Mobilize as many of your troops as you can spare, we have to go to......."

It is now Day 0
Day 0 will last 48 hours, to allow for everyone to check in
Please vote on a location you would like to visit
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by sig »

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Golden »

sig wrote:First!
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

HOST NOTE: Roles are being sent out now.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

Yay game! :yay:

Feels like I haven't played in forever.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

MovingPictures07 wrote:Yay game! :yay:

Feels like I haven't played in forever.
Because you haven't. Lol
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Yay game! :yay:

Feels like I haven't played in forever.
Because you haven't. Lol
A few months?

Yeah, I suppose that's forever by my standards. :P
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Yay game! :yay:

Feels like I haven't played in forever.
Because you haven't. Lol
A few months?

Yeah, I suppose that's forever by my standards. :P
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by MacDougall »

Let's catch some baddies.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

So which planet do we want to visit?

I have no knowledge of the movies, other than the major quotes, so... I'm willing to let someone else provide some context here.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Golden »

Even the first poll gives me an epic feeling about this game.

And reminds me that a month is still a really long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

I've never been to any of these planets, I don't know which to choose....
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

Sorsha wrote:I've never been to any of these planets, I don't know which to choose....
You don't say? :ponder:

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

lol :p

Omg Sorsha just slipped up! :faint:

I don't even know what planet my role is from. Or any of the roles for that matter... I've seen the movies but I don't remember all those details.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

Sorsha wrote:lol :p

Omg Sorsha just slipped up! :faint:

I don't even know what planet my role is from. Or any of the roles for that matter... I've seen the movies but I don't remember all those details.
I just assumed you meant you were an alien in human form (think: 3rd Rock from the Sun).

However, you seem a bit nervous. ;)
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Well I think the death star would be bad news. High is cold so I don't want to go there. Tatooine is where Jana is from I think so it might be the best place to get info.
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Sorsha wrote:lol :p

Omg Sorsha just slipped up! :faint:

I don't even know what planet my role is from. Or any of the roles for that matter... I've seen the movies but I don't remember all those details.
I just assumed you meant you were an alien in human form (think: 3rd Rock from the Sun).

However, you seem a bit nervous. ;)
What do I seem nervous about?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

Sorsha wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Sorsha wrote:lol :p

Omg Sorsha just slipped up! :faint:

I don't even know what planet my role is from. Or any of the roles for that matter... I've seen the movies but I don't remember all those details.
I just assumed you meant you were an alien in human form (think: 3rd Rock from the Sun).

However, you seem a bit nervous. ;)
What do I seem nervous about?
Lol, I'm just messing with you.

I missed playing mafia. :D
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well I think the death star would be bad news. High is cold so I don't want to go there. Tatooine is where Jana is from I think so it might be the best place to get info.
Hoth not high lol damn auto correct.
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

Meesa has Triggered a Bombad Secret Event
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Tangrowth »

Oooooh, secret event!
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by sig »

Tatooine Reached hive of scum and evil, kinda like New Jersey. Also home to the Tusken Raiders, Jawas, and Hut
Endor Home of the warmongering teddy bear.
Yavin IV Rebel base in a jungle.
Hoth Second rebel base in a cold barren country, were Luke got his face cut up.
Dagobah = Florida
Alderaan = BOOM
Cloud City huge mining planet, home of Lando and were Luke got his hand cut off and Han got turned to stone
Death Star + Alderaan x BOOM = No more planet

I'll be going to Dagobah, Death Star, Cloud City, or Hoth.

Something interesting about Tatoonie

"Nomads from Tatooine, the sand people want to be left alone in peace, but will use violence to attain that outcome. *Secrets*"
Not much to go on, but if we visit a planet each night perhaps Tatoonie will allow the Tusken Raiders to kill someone, thoughts on this?

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Golden »

A quick run down.

Tatooine. Desert planet. Very little water. Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Someone might try to cut your arm off. Other than that, it's a pretty neat place. Pretty important to the Star Wars universe.

Hoth. Ice planet. Don't go outside or you will either freeze to death or need to be insulated by animal guts. Also, the empire will probably attack you here.

Alderaan. A lovely place. Very peaceful. The people don't have weapons. But if you want to go there, it better be fast. It gets blown up within the first half of the first movie, and everyone there dies.

Death Star. Need I go beyond the name?

Dagobah. This is a swamp planet, mostly inhabited by things that want to eat you. Yoda is also there, though, so there is that. But I'm pretty sure he is the only person/muppet on the entire planet to talk to, except talk to you like this, he will.

Cloud City. A paradise city run by Lando Calrissian. A perfect place for you to escape to if you are being pursued by the Empire. Unless the Empire gets there first. Then Lando will betray you and just hand you over.

Endor. A forest moon filled with Ewoks, who will likely try to stab you with their primitive spears. If you do somehow befriend them, they will either a) speak childish gibberish to you or b) revere your droid servant as a god. Also, the Empire use endor as a shield generator for the Death Star, which is literally right above the moon. Basically, the vast bulk of the power of the empires fleet are here.

Yavin is a gas giant. Yavin IV is an innovative name of one of its moons. It was a key rebel base and a target of destruction for the first Death Star. Because the rebels blew up the death star, Yavin IV was saved. Depressingly, I can think of no down side to going here. However, all things considered I think I'd prefer to choose one of the less boring options.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by DrWilgy »

Caw!! Caw!! I am a bird!!
nutella wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:56 pm Image
@DrWilgy don't post any more k
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Image Image Image
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Wilgy's vote is an enigma of science. Philosophers are known to throw their tomes across the auditorium in a fit of frustration after failing to solve its mystery.
insertnamehere wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:50 pm WTF was up with Wilgy's entire deal?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by sig »

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Golden »

Also, if you are Beru Lars, you may be pleased to remember you once looked like this:


Young Beru Lars may be one of the best things to come out of the prequel trilogy.

Although it should also be noted you ended up like this:

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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Golden »

I'm considering a vote for Alderaan. If I want to go there at all, it might need to be early, before the Empire carry out a 'demonstration'.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Sorsha wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Sorsha wrote:lol :p

Omg Sorsha just slipped up! :faint:

I don't even know what planet my role is from. Or any of the roles for that matter... I've seen the movies but I don't remember all those details.
I just assumed you meant you were an alien in human form (think: 3rd Rock from the Sun).

However, you seem a bit nervous. ;)
What do I seem nervous about?
Lol, I'm just messing with you.

I missed playing mafia. :D

Did I also seem nervous about seeming nervous? :P

I'm looking at for info about these places, definitely not going to the Death Star though!
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

Tatooine- A harsh desert world orbiting twin suns in the galaxy’s Outer Rim, Tatooine is a lawless place ruled by Hutt gangsters. Many settlers scratch out a living on moisture farms, while spaceport cities such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa serve as home base for smugglers, criminals, and other rogues. Tatooine’s many dangers include sandstorms, bands of savage Tusken Raiders, and carnivorous krayt dragons. The planet is also known for its dangerous Podraces, rampant gambling, and legalized slavery. Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker both grew up on Tatooine, and Obi-Wan Kenobi spent years in hiding on this desolate world.

Endor- Secluded in a remote corner of the galaxy, the forest moon of Endor would easily have been overlooked by history were it not for the decisive battle that occurred there. The lush, forest home of the Ewok species is the gravesite of Darth Vader and the Empire itself. It was here that the Rebel Alliance won its most crucial victory over the Galactic Empire.

Yavin IV- One of a number of moons orbiting the gas giant Yavin in the galaxy’s Outer Rim, Yavin 4 was a steamy world covered in jungle and forest. It was the location of the principal rebel base early in the Galactic Civil War, and the site from which the Rebellion launched the attack that destroyed the first Death Star – a confrontation known thereafter as the Battle of Yavin.

Hoth- Hoth is the sixth planet in the remote system of the same name, and was the site of the Rebel Alliance's Echo Base. It is a world of snow and ice, surrounded by numerous moons, and home to deadly creatures like the wampa.

Dagobah- Home to Yoda during his final years, Dagobah was a swamp-covered planet -- a forgotten world where the wizened Jedi Master could escape the notice of Imperial forces. Characterized by its bog-like conditions and fetid wetlands, the murky and humid quagmire was undeveloped, with no signs of technology. Though it lacked civilization, the planet was teeming with life -- from its dense, jungle undergrowth to its diverse animal population. Home to a number of fairly common reptilian and amphibious creatures, Dagobah also boasted an indigenous population of much more massive -- and mysterious -- lifeforms.

Alderaan- If ever one needed an example of the irredeemable evil that was the Empire, turn to the shattered remains of Alderaan. An influential world, Alderaan was represented in the waning days of the Republic by such venerated politicians as Bail Antilles and Bail Organa. A peaceful world, Alderaan was bereft of weaponry in an era of galactic strife. It was not without spirit, however. Alderaan was one of the earliest supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, though its officials prudently kept all ties to the Rebellion secret. Despite such discretion, the Empire knew it to be a haven of Rebel activity, and Grand Moff Tarkin targeted the beautiful world for reprisal as soon as the Death Star was operational. The massive primary weapon of the battle station obliterated Alderaan, leaving only a lifeless asteroid field behind.

Cloud City- Suspended high among the pastel clouds of Bespin is a floating metropolis of sophisticated beauty and political freedom. Cloud City exists not only as a mining colony, extracting valuable Tibanna gas from the depths of the giant planet, but also as a sanctuary for those trying to escape the turmoil gripping the galaxy. Though profitable, Cloud City is small enough not to be noticed by larger authorities such as the Mining Guild. It prospered under the capable stewardship of Baron-Administrator Lando Calrissian. Calrissian, assisted by his aide Lobot, contended with self-sufficiency issues and labor difficulties throughout his brief term.

Death Star- The Death Star was the Empire’s ultimate weapon: a moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet. But the Emperor and Imperial officers like Grand Moff Tarkin underestimated the tenacity of the Rebel Alliance, who refused to bow to this technological terror…


Cloud City and Dagobah sound like the nicest/ safest to me. I'll probably go with one of those.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

*votes Death Star before reading a word of the thread*
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Matt »


I'm going to be adventurous and pick Death Star


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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

It goes to show how little I am familiar with the Star Wars universe when Death Star is the only location I'm sure about. Tattoine sounds familiar and Endor does too but the rest I don't have a clue.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

I've always felt it was funny for the Death Star's weak point to be so easy to locate and attack.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by sig »

I want to go to Hoth.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

*googles Hoth*

Oooh yeah I wouldn't mind going there either.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Enrique »

All of the locations sound dangerous tbh :puppy:

Hoth had like big yeti creature things. Not nice.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

You know those distant memories you have that you feel like you shouldn't because they seem so insignificant? I have one of those playing Rogue Squadron III (the icy part that I now know is called Hoth) at a Target one time.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

Is it sad that I'm more familiar with Star Wars games than Star Wars films?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Enrique »

nah it's okay you're not missing out.

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

Enrique wrote:nah it's okay you're not missing out.

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Bubbles »

hey everyone
i am not familiar with the star wars films either so I'm going to vote Alderaan which sounds the nicest,from golden's and sorsha's descriptions lol
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Enrique »

I think Tattooine, in the worst case scenario, would favor the Independents. Do we know what their win conditions are yet?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Enrique »

Endor is actually a lot more appealing when you read the roles and realize we have an Ewok on our side. Maybe it's not so dangerous after all.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by a2thezebra »

I like the Ewoks I don't care what anyone says.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by Dom »

Are we going to Endor or the Forest Moon of Enor? :suspish:
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


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Endor**** :shakehead:
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

FYI I am going to be available for PMs but not much else tonight. Play nice!
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