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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 1]


Post by MacDougall »

MacDougall wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Responses to Mac regarding my suspicion of Russtifinko and his suspicion of me (and tangently related subjects):
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MacDougall wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I can attest to what Golden is trying to express. I see nothing out of the ordinary for either DDL or zebra. :eye: on them, for sure, but no reason to eye them more than anyone else at this point.

zebra, you disagree with DDL's logic, yes? However, do you recognize that just because you think someone has reached a conclusion that you find faulty does not necessarily make them mafia?
Do you eye people who you don't suspect generally? Is everyone at a default status of being :eye: from you? I tend to feel people generally use that to denote a suspicion a level above default? Just trying to get a feel for you.

Is that last question actually meant to be serious? You are asking Zebra if she is aware that just because someone is wrong that doesn't mean they are mafia? That seems like a borderline disrespectful thing to ask someone who clearly has played this game many times MP.
a2thezebra wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I can attest to what Golden is trying to express. I see nothing out of the ordinary for either DDL or zebra. :eye: on them, for sure, but no reason to eye them more than anyone else at this point.

zebra, you disagree with DDL's logic, yes? However, do you recognize that just because you think someone has reached a conclusion that you find faulty does not necessarily make them mafia?
Of course. But if you read my original post you would know that it wasn't just because I disagreed with him that I was suspicious. It was mainly because I don't understand how someone could point something out and then immediately retract it. Like I said, it comes off as if that person is trying to look like they are contributing when they are not. I also said that it is questionable to use meta as a defense to a slight ping and I stand by that.
I can explain how this occurs to me personally. If I get pinged by something and then start trying to make a post about it but as I make the post I think a little harder on it and start to realise the disputable points of my ping I often trail off the post expressing disputable points to my own case. Personally I tend to do this more as a civ because as a scum I delete half made posts and stay silent far more often than I do as a civ. It is a null tell to me.

That being said on thinking of it, if the disputable detail completely refutes the original ping entirely I see no reason to actually finish making the post, and I probably should not do it, yet I do it quite frequently. A bad trait of mine. If the disputable detail only refutes part of the point, it's certainly worth expressing the entire point as well as the disputable detail, to save someone else from needing to do so and opening up an unnecessary line of discourse.

So that being said, in DDL's case, was there a point to completing the post in light of him disputing his own point? I'm going to say yes, because it is still a relevant subject. I can see a possibility where scum (or a player), if they were to know that the planet that the game is currently on is the planet that is to explode, does vote early in a revealing manner. If it is a player who generally holds their vote, or if it's a throwaway vote of epic proportions.

If we were to attempt to take advantage of the possibility of this we, as civs, would need to be razor sharp with how we choose and direct our own votes, which is something that many civ players fail to do as habitually votes go places out of lazy following of other peoples cases or on minor pings.

Ergo, I think while it's possible, it is incredibly unlikely for us to see anything revealing on it, except for perhaps analysing the previous days poll in reflection after the planet explodes. Even then a scum player would have to have been very poor to stand out.

tl;dr I can see why DDL started making the post. I can see less comprehensive reason for completing the posts but I can sympathise with him having done so. I see this whole discourse as about as likely to net scum as the subject that it is actually discussing.

As for using meta as a defense for a slight ping. I agree with you. A player should not call back on their own civ history as explanation for what they are doing as though it's a defense. I find that pingy too.
At this stage in the game, everyone is worthy of :eye:, since no one has reason not to be or to be anything stronger. - Yes but using the eye emoticon so far that I've seen has been a "you are suspicious to me" stance not a "you are default to me" stance.

I didn't see it as disrespectful. zebra is a great player, but she tends to exhibit tunnel vision. I know it well because historically I've had problems with it myself. I was trying to get zebra to understand an outsider's (my) perception of her accusations, and discuss it with her. So, yes, it was meant to be serious, and with no disrespect. Why wouldn't it be? - Perhaps so, but it came across quite belittling to me. You asked her a question that had a really obvious answer to anyone who knows how to play the game. Why not just make the statement instead of asking what I read as a patronising question? This is quite unimportant anyway, I don't see this uncovering some magic scumness.

I appreciate your thoughts on DDL here. You said the recall previous games behavior pings you; how does that mean you feel overall about DDL at the moment? - - He has pinged me, but I am reading him as a pingy civ that doesn't read posts properly and doesn't consider his use of words.

For this next quote, I'm going to respond with blue in a line-by-line fashion:
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MacDougall wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Gun to my head, I actually find Russtifinko suspicious in that exchange. He seems to express two distinct slight pings of both DDL and zebra, but it seems a bit opportunistic for him to say on the one hand that he is NOT pinged by DDL's logic but that he was pinged by DDL overexplaining it. Could possibly be a disingenuous way for Russtifinko to throw mud at two players who are relatively easier to lynch than the rest of us, particularly this early, since you both tend to post a lot and easily misinterpreted.
As someone who felt differently, I need to respond here. I think Russtifinko came across quite civ in execution, but in general calling someone out for agreeing with your case is a recurring scum tell, so I can see it going both ways.

I'm glad you've responded.

In execution however Russtifinko read genuine to me in the exchange. This post of yours MP I would like to explore some.

For a start, nobody has put a gun to your head. XD

I realize this. :P

I'm just indicating that, having read through that exchange, while I didn't see the suspicion on either zebra or DDL, I did pick something up on Russtifinko.
- Why not say "having read through that exchange while I didn't see the suspicion either zebra or DDL etc. It's just more examples of your verbose waffliness, which to me is the heart of my scum read on you.

You feeling the need to begin your, what I am reading as rather forced, read on the play with that comment serves to downplay the intention of it imo.

How so? I'm only indicating my confidence level, which isn't very strong. - I'm not entirely sure you didn't just lie to me dude. Your case on Russtifinko is probably the most exhaustive of all the cases aside from mine on you so far. Your confidence level seemed to be reasonably strong as you didn't state at all that it wasn't, rather just using words that revealed that you were in fact overly cautious about it.

You say he "seems" to express. MP, I don't think there was any seeming. He bluntly said he was pinged.

Well, you're right, I suppose that's true. What I was trying to express though is that I failed to reconcile "can't decide civ/baddie" and "consider me pinged". To me, "pinged" indicates suspicion, which would then mean that he did decide on baddie, right? - The content of what you were saying isn't relevant to my case on you, it was your choice of words. That being said, I actually see what you mean now and it's that level of detail of your suspicion on him that looks like a case forced out of knowing that he is scum, by virtue of being his teammate. I had to really squeeze my brain to get your point there. Perhaps that's on me.

Your accusing him of being opportunistic, to me, is a little strange. I can't see how I would describe what he did as opportunistic. You have chosen words here that don't sit right with me. I can't see opportunism here because if he was an opportunistic scum, I believe he would have attacked the entire point, like what Zebra has done. Identifying part of the post as a ping, does not read opportunistic, it reads analytics and more genuine because it comes across more thoughtful.

This is a good point that I didn't consider, particularly the underlined. :ponder:

This does shake my read a bit. Nonetheless I still want to see if Russ can elaborate his thoughts in a manner I can better understand the civilian train of thought.
- A suspicious Mac would read this as you attempting to bail on your case on Russ now as it's blown up in your face. But it could just as easily be a discerning man using good judgement so I'll let that slide. :noble:

Then you say "could possibly be" and "relatively" which I find similar to "seems" in that it comes across like you are almost, I won't say nervously, I will say cautiously throwing shade on Russ.

That's just how I talk, for one. For two, "cautiously" isn't necessarily incorrect, since I am clearly showing through my word choices that I don't feel very strongly on my suspicion. Nonetheless, I wanted to pursue the suspicion and associated discussion. - I would say that you are clearly showing through your word choices that you are being overly cautious.

You are making posts that remind me of my own scum posts. You are over using words and phrases that hide an actual lack of belief in what you are saying.

Can you elaborate on this? I'm not exactly sure what you mean.
- Everything I have called you out on is behaviour I tend to exhibit when I am scum with my supatown hat on. Literally all of it.

Responses above within the quote.
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MacDougall wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:2) DDL, I can't decide whether it's civ-ish or a baddie move to run through all the possible ways you'd catch a baddie based on the planet mechanic before we get a chance to actually use any of the methods. Consider me slightly pinged, there.
I want everyone to discuss this.

How are these two statements compatible?
How are they not? If he cannot work out whether a motivation is civvie or scum, how does him resolving to be pinged make anything but total sense?
MovingPictures07 wrote:I am casting a "fake vote" on Russtifinko. If the hosts allowed changeable votes, I would be casting my vote. Since they are not, I will withhold it. But consider this an official expression of suspicion on Russtifinko.

Russ, when you get a chance, can you answer some of my concerns?
Okay here's where my head is at.

MP as I've expressed I have now got a pretty clear scum read of you and it's because I sense a lack of belief in your case, especially on Russ. Not in the belief of him being scum, but in the points that you've used to reach that conclusion.

I think Russ, has by and large come across quite well, except for the point that bcornett swiftly pointed out, and that you did not point out despite apparently being onto him as scum.

The parts of his posts that you have highlighted do not read scum to me.

It looks to me like you are scum and you are day 1 distancing a scum teammate. Your case on him has all the hallmarks of it. You have confirmation bias when it comes to his posts.

Zebra looks like day 1 civ Zebra to me based on the three games I've played recently with Zebra. Things have pinged me, but Zebra has pinged me in all games we've played and has not yet flipped scum.

For now I am going to put on ice my scum read of enrique in light of his reaction to bcornett's point. My case on him was a day 1 case and does not come close to how I feel about this one, so allow me to put that back in my pocket for the time being. His response to bcornett's Russtifinko suspicion looks genuine and should Russ be scum, he would not be in my opinion.
Maybe I have a different definition of "pinged" than others do? It seems as though he resolved it to be a mafia read, even if slight, which contradicts what he said before. That's what I was getting hung up on. - Sorry I'm not following here.

Not sure what I can say with regards to you perceiving my case as a lack of belief. To some degree, that is true; I didn't feel Russ was 100% mafia or anything even remotely close.

I appreciate that you have commented on the matter in such a level of detail, particularly since you disagree so strongly, and you've made points that are worth considering.

I didn't pick up bcornett's observation, no, I didn't think of it that way. I still think my observations made more sense. - Yes, but for someone who seemed to be quite pinged by Russ, for you to not mention that part reads to me like you didn't want to put it on him TOO hard, or that you weren't actually looking through all his posts for genuine opportunities to see a scum. Just enough to distance.

I don't understand the logic behind jumping to the conclusion that I'm mafia distancing from a teammate. Because you think I've made points of suspicion that you believe make him appear the opposite, so thus I must be bad and he is on my team? Am I missing a link here? - I've elaborated a little on my point on that matter in this post, but it's the fact that your points on him seem to be making a lot out of what I perceive to be a really civ looking ISO, yet the part that pinged me the post you didn't make a point of addressing, whether by virtue of having not bothered reading it, or by virtue of seeing that it would have drawn the heat on Russ a little TOO much.
I coloured my stuff pink because it's pirdy.
Me continuing to torment confirmed scum MP on day 1.

Unfortunately it was the next post where Golden raised my hackles and completely distracted me from hunting MP.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by MacDougall »

I am glad Dom is being incredibly critical and discerning of the goings on. Makes me feel very good about his alignment.

Zebra on the other hand is being as bullish as usual and really really wants me to be Empire. Unfortunately Zebra I am not.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Tangrowth »

Great game, Epi and DH. Thanks for hosting.

It was a pleasure playing with all of you. :D

Darth Sock out. Go Empire. :feb:
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Marmot »

Rezz please. :(

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Matt »

Rih MP, good game :beer:

Darth Vader out! Nice job, town.

So Mac, I'm guessing you don't see Daisy as an MP teammate?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by a2thezebra »

MovingPictures07 wrote:Great game, Epi and DH. Thanks for hosting.

It was a pleasure playing with all of you. :D

Darth Sock out. Go Empire. :feb:
To hell with Empire. :mafia:
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Sorsha »

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Marmot »

Sorsha wrote::hyper:
Breathe some of that energy into my dead body please.

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Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 8]


Post by Elohcin »

Matt wrote:I'm gonna vote DFaraday. Roxy had him and MP pegged as baddies, I think, so either one is cool with me.

Also, going through the thread and noticing about three different rainbow reads where Canuckle is at the very top or second. Sooooo Canuckle is either super good or super bad using force powers? :p
This isn't the first time you've made a post that shows you really trust Roxy's instincts. Care to share why?

@ Mac, I'm not gonna quote your big post. What do you mean I'm not part of the shell game? And what do you mean I'm a patsy? I don't know either of those references.

Wow, I'm shocked that MP was bad. I really thought he was good this game. I'm very horrible at discerning who is good and who is bad.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Matt »

Elo - Roxy was the tracker. That doesn't mean she necessarily knew who was good or bad with her power, but it's possible she had more then just her "instincts" to go on with some of her suspicions.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by MacDougall »

Elohcin wrote:
Matt wrote:I'm gonna vote DFaraday. Roxy had him and MP pegged as baddies, I think, so either one is cool with me.

Also, going through the thread and noticing about three different rainbow reads where Canuckle is at the very top or second. Sooooo Canuckle is either super good or super bad using force powers? :p
This isn't the first time you've made a post that shows you really trust Roxy's instincts. Care to share why?

@ Mac, I'm not gonna quote your big post. What do you mean I'm not part of the shell game? And what do you mean I'm a patsy? I don't know either of those references.

Wow, I'm shocked that MP was bad. I really thought he was good this game. I'm very horrible at discerning who is good and who is bad.
I think you accidentally helped Empire nearly save MP.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Spacedaisy »

It was clearly a bad idea to be absent from the thread for so long, I was not at all anticipating that I would nearly be lynched. Sorry guys, I'm transitioning to a new position at my job. It's been stressful, to say the least. I'm glad to have survived. DF you have said I was clearly bad, is this based on me or on Glorfindel, or both?

Also, Zebra you are very transparent right now. You do and say contradictory things in thread and practically spell out that you were cursed, Mac does the same and you say he is clearly bad. Your attempt to paint him as bad is too obvious. I would easily trust him over you.

Mac, I appreciated your post regarding your thoughts about the way the last lynch went, so don't be discouraged thinking no one took note of it, I did.

Llama, I find your behavior strange this game, but I struggle to believe if you were MP's teammate that you would be so clearly connected to him. What gives?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by a2thezebra »

No trust necessary Spacedaisy, it's not like one of us has to be trusted.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by a2thezebra »

And I'm not painting Mac as anything. My alignment is obvious, I have no motive to be manipulative. I'm calling things as I see them because I want Empire taken down.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Spacedaisy wrote:It was clearly a bad idea to be absent from the thread for so long, I was not at all anticipating that I would nearly be lynched. Sorry guys, I'm transitioning to a new position at my job. It's been stressful, to say the least. I'm glad to have survived. DF you have said I was clearly bad, is this based on me or on Glorfindel, or both?

Mainly Glorfindel. I'm confident he/you are a Hutt, possibly the last Hutt.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Matt, your case on me seemed to be predicated on me being a Hutt. Mac's case is based on me being Empire. Either you should admit you were off base, or you ought to reevaluate Mac's case on me, because you can't both be right (in fact neither of you is).
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 8]


Post by DFaraday »

MacDougall wrote:I had just written this post before DFaraday's vote, but I will post it anyway... The vote sort of makes me second guess it but we will see...
a2thezebra wrote:
DFaraday wrote:I wasn't particularly suspicious of any of the guys who just jumped on my bandwagon, but it's so blatant that one of them's got to be a teammate of MP or Daisy.
So vote for MP. Save yourself and lynch someone you and others find highly suspicious. What's holding you back?
Verrrrrrrrrrry good question.

As I explained, I was at work and couldn't vote earlier.

Earlier I made the observation that MP's initial counterwagon was Faraday, and Elohcin and Llama came in and shifted the counterwagon off Faraday and onto SpaceDaisy, albeit briefly.

If there was a counterwagon to save MP, wouldn't it follow that one or more of the early voters on me is likely to be MP's teammate?

As we know MP already put SpaceDaisy forward as his requested lynch candidate.

When he came in and observed that Faraday was being made into a viable lynch candidate he made this "joke post".
MovingPictures07 wrote:LOL, self-preservation fail by me again. Why are you people voting for DFaraday over GlorfinDaisy? :haha:
Followed a little later by this.
MovingPictures07 wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:LOL, self-preservation fail by me again. Why are you people voting for DFaraday over GlorfinDaisy? :haha:
Seriously. Daisy is obviously bad, and I'm not. I just want to live. I want to LIVE, Marge! WON'T YOU LET ME LIVE?
See, a Simpsons reference? This guy deserves to live. :srsnod:
MP is cleverly trying to avoid putting his teammate up as his counterwagon.

I know it can easily be read as WIFOM, but I really doubt MP would be that obvious about defending a teammate in thread. Especially since I know firsthand that MP is willing to bus or be bussed when part of a baddie team.

His "jokey" attempts to relax pressure on a viable lynch candidate in DFaraday are in contrast to his previous thoughts. Yes he put DFaraday as a green skittle in his reads lists recently, but his actual content around that doesn't ally with him doing even that, let alone this.

For instance:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Golden wrote:I think the Roxy/Eloh stuff felt more like style clash and less game related.

The number of negative mentions of DF and zebra stand out to me, though.
DFaraday definitely seems like the most likely tracked result if there were any, especially since her suspicion of DFaraday in-thread was essentially that he was changing up his style, but zebra is a possibility as well, probably 2nd place. Dom is my 3rd guess. Again, if she even had any results to share.
He himself states that in light of the Roxy flip DFaraday looks the most likely to have been tracked doing the bad thing. He subsequently claims he's going to ISO DFaraday, but we receive no result of it aside from this.

Why would he just randomly call attention to a teammate like that?
MovingPictures07 wrote:This DFaraday ISO is boring.
For a player who was effectively unanimously lynched yesterday, this is very strange. He goes from having a valid reason to suspect DFaraday in light of the Roxy flip. Half asses an ISO on him, and there is no connection from that to his subsequent reading of him as town in a reads list, right through to now "jokingly" trying to not get him lynched as MPs replacement lynch.

Not really. All he said was that I seemed like the most likely to have been tracked based on Roxy's comments. It had nothing to do with anything I said, so it stands to reason that he could read my posts and apparently find them pedestrian. :sigh:

Here's how SpaceDaisy was bumped ahead of DFaraday for that fleeting moment.
thellama73 wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
DFaraday wrote:I would probably vote Zebra if I didn't have to hold onto my vote for self-preservation (and if Zebra were on the poll). I think Canuck's case was excellent. GlorfinDaisy is right up there though.
Derp, Zebra isn't even on the poll, Llama! I guess I am voting Daisy today.
Okay, let's do that.
Why are Elohcin, DFaraday and Llama all on the same page?

This is the post where I feel like Elohcin is the one of the four that is actually not part of the shell game.
thellama73 wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Canucklehead wrote:This game has devolved into nonsense, I see. Are there any sane people left?

I will vote for Zebra again or SD
Yay! You are a true friend, Elohcin.
It sure looks like a heavy case of buddying from Llama to Elo here. Elo looks like a patsy.

Eh, maybe Llama's bad. :shrug2:
thellama73 wrote:I will not vote for my friend, MP, so I have to choose another. I would love to vote for Zebra again, but if DFaraday is the second choice, I may pile on there to stop this madness. Who's with me?
The above is a post where Llama declares that NAY he will not be voting for MP, and apparently would be okay with a DF lynch. But in no time flat Elo comes in and gives him a better alternative in SpaceDaisy. I don't think that was by design, I think that Elo unwittingly gave DFaraday and Llama the numbers to turn the SpaceDaisy wagon into a viable one.

I strongly believe that DFaraday and MP are on the same team. Whether Llama is being honest in his assessment I am less sure of but he looks likely to also be in an alliance with them.

I am not in alliance with either of them. Also, I just realized that this entire post against me is based entirely off of what other people have said in relation to me, without anything that I said even discussed.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Canucklehead »

Sorry I missed the vote, everyone. I was at the emergency vet.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Bubbles »

great result everyone. wouldnt have minded a dfaraday lynch either as im still unconvinced of his innocence

@Canucklehead hope it wasn't anything too serious!
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by thellama73 »

Spacedaisy wrote: Llama, I find your behavior strange this game, but I struggle to believe if you were MP's teammate that you would be so clearly connected to him. What gives?
Yeah, I'm not MP's teammate. He just had me fooled. This is my first mafia game after an extended hiatus and I am easing way back in with gut reads rather than detailed case making. I had a good gut read on Mac too, but now I'm willing to vote for him in light of the MP result and his new eagerness to get rid of me. I guess I have to give zebra a pass for now, as much as it pains me.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Elohcin »

DFaraday wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:It was clearly a bad idea to be absent from the thread for so long, I was not at all anticipating that I would nearly be lynched. Sorry guys, I'm transitioning to a new position at my job. It's been stressful, to say the least. I'm glad to have survived. DF you have said I was clearly bad, is this based on me or on Glorfindel, or both?

Mainly Glorfindel. I'm confident he/you are a Hutt, possibly the last Hutt.
What makes you so confident?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Elohcin wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:It was clearly a bad idea to be absent from the thread for so long, I was not at all anticipating that I would nearly be lynched. Sorry guys, I'm transitioning to a new position at my job. It's been stressful, to say the least. I'm glad to have survived. DF you have said I was clearly bad, is this based on me or on Glorfindel, or both?

Mainly Glorfindel. I'm confident he/you are a Hutt, possibly the last Hutt.
What makes you so confident?
The way Daisy went after MP suggests that she's probably not Empire, for starters.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Bubbles wrote:great result everyone. wouldnt have minded a dfaraday lynch either as im still unconvinced of his innocence

@Canucklehead hope it wasn't anything too serious!
:sigh: Did someone pay you off or something? You haven't given me anything to wok with, Bubbles.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


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Canucklehead wrote:Sorry I missed the vote, everyone. I was at the emergency vet.
I hope all is well! :)
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Matt »

DFaraday wrote:Matt, your case on me seemed to be predicated on me being a Hutt. Mac's case is based on me being Empire. Either you should admit you were off base, or you ought to reevaluate Mac's case on me, because you can't both be right (in fact neither of you is).
Yes, I think your light suss of BCornett in one very early post, never to be mentioned again, along with your poll results indicate that you could be on the Hutt team. Perhaps Mac should reevaluate my case on you instead?

Anyway, that being said, I'm also looking at Bullz, Daisy (hi guys!), Mac, and Llama for this upcoming lynch. However, if it was Day and I needed to vote right now, it would probably be for you again.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 1]


Post by DFaraday »

Fair enough, Matt, I'll just have to prove you wrong. And now, onto Bubbles:
Bubbles wrote:/slips in through the back door :P

SO glad Matt turned out to be a baddie, I was still reading through the thread when the poll closed which is why I didn't vote, for what's worth i probably would've voted Matt too, not for the death star vote which seemed innocent enough (it DID sound like a cool option), but for his saying golden wasn't arguing with people yet and also because he looked like he was trying to move the conservation towards specific people eg. the people who voted Alderaan (yes including me)
and Enrico sounds sincere to me so I don't really agree with the suspicion on him. his comment about sig being two faced triggered some alarm bells though
anyway hope to see you next game Matt :beer:

Here we see that Bubbles claimed she'd have voted Matt after the fact, which is what initially made me suspect her. She also waffles here on her opinion of Enrique.
Bubbles wrote:voting zebra for voting bass, and because i don't think enrique is bad from his tone. and i don't want to miss another vote so that's why i'm posting now!
She then progressed to thinking he's not bad, so I guess she dropped those alarm bells from earlier.
Bubbles wrote:RIP enrique glad we caught a baddie, and sorry for missing the vote, was busy all day. i probably would NOT have voted enrique though because as i said before his tone didn't sound guilty, i am not a very good reader of people apparently ugh
anyway voting dfaraday for no real reason, wish there was some hint about what this poll was for
Here she is consistent with her lack of Enrique suspicion. She then votes me "for no real reason" on the night poll.

She voted Simon along with half the thread, so I don't think that says much about her either way.
Bubbles wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Re: Mac

For those of you on the normal posts per page system, page 60 (aka this post onward), Mac is oozing genuine in his subsequent response posts. If he's mafia this game, then consider me beyond impressed.
I have to agree I think Mac is being genuine, but I also think Golden sounds like he's genuinely frustrated by Mac's accusations too, I don't want to vote for either of them at this point. Looking over some other people, feeling weird vibes from DFaraday and I think Roxy's point about him not playing as usual has some merit, so voting DFaraday
Her only point against me is "weird vibes." Her play to me is reading as lazy (or super busy) civ who doesn't feel like looking for another case, so she just keeps voting for the same person over and over. If she is bad, I'd say she's the other Hutt (if two are left).
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by a2thezebra »

Bubbles is civ IMO.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 3]


Post by DFaraday »

Alright, now Wilgy. He has virtually nothing of note to say until Day 3, when he comes in with this:
DrWilgy wrote:Still catching up. I noticed Dragon D. Luffy asking who the hell is Wilgy. If you are reading this, I would like you to know... I'm most definitely a doctor! bwahahahahahaha!

*Wilgy flying kicks through a wall into a room with DFaraday and points to him*

DFaraday! What... Or why were you pinged by bubbles regarding Matt from night 1? Do not answer this if you have already done so. I will read it soon enough if that is the case.
He quickly becomes pinged by my Bubbles comment, and will continue to find any reason to suspect me throughout the game.
DrWilgy wrote:
sig wrote:
Roxy wrote:Shit out of my ass? Your 8 year old is going to read that. its a nasty, disgusting way to describe it you could have said "out of thin air".

But tbh idc what you think of my list - I did provide reasoning when asked - I like to play my own way and really detest being told how to play. Tough shit if you do not like how I listed my suspicions. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Cfd to DFaraday
Why Dfaraday? I see he is on your list but not why that is?

I do agree something seems slightly off with Wilgy this phase.
I haven't been here lol, shoot me if you wanna. I got caught up right as turkey day festivities began... Plus I'm still at work. Grumbe grumble 14 hour shifts grumble.

I would actually be ok with Dfaraday lynch, those curiosities towards him have shifted into pings and suspicions in my head. Maybe I should reread him... I'm kinda teetering on the Enrique lynch. I would like to know what Enrique thinks poison rulings are, if there are any, before I place a vote on him.
Well, that escalated quickly. He's now ready to vote me because of pings and suspicions. To digress for a moment, it is very frustrating to be suspected by multiple players for no reason other than feelings. At least Mac bothered to make a proper case, as off base as it is.
Okay, that makes him look a little better to me. Any wrestling reference is a good reference.
DrWilgy wrote:Don't got much time... I want to stay away from Mac vs. Golden. The 1v1 was fun while I was drunk, but I'm against it for now...

I meta'd Sig pretty hard previous and was thinking he was bad, as of late though, Im pretty sure he is civ and am agreeing with his observations... *grumble grumble*

The arguments for Roxy are compelling, I agree with what I have read of Zebra, MP, and Daisy.

My last opinion currently is that Bullzeye made a good point about Mac's behavior, and I agree. Oddly enough I don't think Golden is correct and I read Mac as genuine.

I'm going to place my vote on Sorsha for now. I may or may not be around for EOD, we will see.
He had suspected Sig earlier in the game, then came around shortly before Sig died, courtesy of the Empire. Whether there is any connection there is anyone's guess. My main point of note here is his soft support of MP (couched in with Zebra and Daisy). He then engages in witty repartee with MP for awhile, possibly indicating BTSC familiarity?
DrWilgy wrote:Voted DF. I read through MP and I don't think he is scum.

MP, what is your reasoning for putting me so low on your list?

Thanks for the new sig Mac ~<3

2 more days until no school!! Yay!!

Votes me again, still with no real reason. Defends MP as well, even though MP placed him low on the list (but hadn't voted Wilgy).

In conclusion, I think Wilgy is most likely to be Empire.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Seeing as I'm drawing a lot of attention, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform the Hutt team that I am no threat to anyone, so don't waste an NK on me. The same for lynching me, guys, it's a waste of time when you could be finding actual baddies. :noble:

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 7]


Post by DFaraday »

Alright, back to the ISOs to clear my name. Bullz was uneventful for his first few days back, but Day 7 got interesting (sorry Epi).
Bullzeye wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Poll ends in 3 hours... I hope the others who haven't voted yet show up.
I can't decide who to vote for at all today :(
I'd implore you to assist in my survival, but of course, if you think I'm the best way to vote then I understand.

Let's talk. What thoughts do you have on today's events? Or if you're unsure about how today impacts your reads, who were you suspecting most before Day 7 events?
I don't think you're bad, so I won't be voting you. I think you're right that Roxy would've made a much bigger deal about you if she'd really had evidence you were bad. I also don't think Zebra is bad, so I won't be voting her either and she's (I guess only barely) the closest to you in the poll. I still think Mac's attitude is reminiscent of his baddie game in TH but I dunno if that's enough to justify a vote. Other than that I don't have many worthwhile thoughts. I may need another read, I have the time.

Really I should just stop socialising so much and become a mafia hermit or something. Then maybe I'd stand a chance at being good at this game.

He defends MP, weakly suggests Mac as an alternative, but that's about it at that point.
Bullzeye wrote:I will also *vote Daisy* in hope MP is right about her and she can still be lynched today as I don't believe either of the other two lynch candidates are bad.
He then goes on to vote Daisy, despite not having mentioned her at all since returning to the game. Done primarily to save MP, apparently.
Bullzeye wrote:
Matt wrote:Bye sig :(

So that's funny. sig dies and sorsha is smiley cursed right after I involve them in my theory.

I'm being set up already :faint:
I doubt it was to set you up. I think Sig died to make people think MP did it, tbh. I'm conflicted in how I feel about him though because I don't see why a civ would switch the lynch to Golden of all people.
Again with the MP defense. If he's Empire, he's being really blatant about it.
Bullzeye wrote:
MacDougall wrote:Ooh lynch close.

I'm feeling like, that, Faraday got a couple of votes and then some people were like HEAVENS NO LET'S NOT VOTE THAT GUY and voted for SpaceDaisy I dunno I just think that was weird.

MP is probably good and the incredulousness of his remark about DFaraday indicates they are quite possibly both meat popsicles.
Interesting point about the Faraday/Daisy votes. I'm gonna *Vote DF* to keep things interesting and potentially save MP.
Okay, he's got to be civ. It would be suicide to be this open about trying to save Darth Vader if on his team.
Bullzeye wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
Bullzeye wrote:
MacDougall wrote:Ooh lynch close.

I'm feeling like, that, Faraday got a couple of votes and then some people were like HEAVENS NO LET'S NOT VOTE THAT GUY and voted for SpaceDaisy I dunno I just think that was weird.

MP is probably good and the incredulousness of his remark about DFaraday indicates they are quite possibly both meat popsicles.
Interesting point about the Faraday/Daisy votes. I'm gonna *Vote DF* to keep things interesting and potentially save MP.
Interesting that you would listen to a person you think is scum and vote with his mentality.
It is, isn't it? Especially when I have such a bulletproof case built up against you.
Lol. No vote changes and you choose to follow the lead of one of the only players you feel is bad and lock your vote in that way. Smart civilian oriented move right there.
Maybe there's another reason behind my vote and your post was just convenient.
Yeah, if you could go ahead and explain this, that'd be great.

Conclusion: Probably a civ who bought into MP's schtick, or else a brazen Imperial. I'm thinking civ though.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Next up is Sorsha.
Sorsha wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Sorsha wrote:I am voting for Elohcin. I don't feel like her vote for zebra is genuine.

Perhaps you are zebra's teammate.

For real though...Zebra's tone just isn't of her normal civ self imo. Could I be wrong, sure. But I think Bass and Enri both have a good chance of being civ. So I didn't want to place my vote on either.
As far as I know I'm not on zebras team, I'm a part of the rebel alliance so if she is too then yes, we are teammates.

So what changed for you between day one and day two? Because on day one you voted for Enrique but now you think he is civ? That's why I voted you btw, your change with no explanation and your vote out of the blue with no explanation.

Can you quote posts of zebra's that are showing her non civvie tone? I'm not trying to defend her but like bass, it seems like zebra is quite easy to lynch at times as well.... Or at least gets herself into trouble early.
She displays suspicion for Eloh pretty consistently, and defends Zebra early on. Since we don't know either of their alignments, that's inconclusive evidence.

She voted Bcornett to tie up the vote on the day he was lynched, so that's a point in her favor. In that same post she reads Zebra as civ again.
Sorsha wrote:I'm voting for bcornet. His vote for golden was bogus- I couldn't even find a post for it. I'm hoping we can win glorfindel over to the Syndicate before we lynch him :p I really didn't have enough time to go over his posts to make up my mind and gth I'd say Zeebs is civ right now.
We then get these posts:
Sorsha wrote:Meh- I'm not feeling the Enrique case. He seems pretty sincere to me
Sorsha wrote:Voted Enriqe. Hope you're bad!

Linki- I just want answers!! :faint:
Holy 180, Batman!

Uneventful for awhile after that. Voted Simon, voted Roxy, disliked the ridiculously heightened melodrama...

She suspects Golden for awhile but ultimately votes Zebra on Day 7, an odd reversal from her earlier view of Zebra. This page highlights a back and forth with Zebra about whether or not Sorsha is Crumb: ... 10#p206510

Then Sorsha goes on to vote MP, tying up the vote. That suggests she's not Empire, since she'd had no real connection with MP to that point, so no need to bus.

Conclusion: Her voting pattern has Sorsha casting crucially timed votes against both Hutts and Empire, so I believe she is civ.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by Dom »

DF-- what do you think of Sorsha's 180 on Enrique?
Do you think the Hutts knew who he was?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by MacDougall »

DFaraday wrote:Matt, your case on me seemed to be predicated on me being a Hutt. Mac's case is based on me being Empire. Either you should admit you were off base, or you ought to reevaluate Mac's case on me, because you can't both be right (in fact neither of you is).
I don't get this post at all? You seem to be saying that Matt is wrong but I'm not, right up to the brackets?
thellama73 wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote: Llama, I find your behavior strange this game, but I struggle to believe if you were MP's teammate that you would be so clearly connected to him. What gives?
Yeah, I'm not MP's teammate. He just had me fooled. This is my first mafia game after an extended hiatus and I am easing way back in with gut reads rather than detailed case making. I had a good gut read on Mac too, but now I'm willing to vote for him in light of the MP result and his new eagerness to get rid of me. I guess I have to give zebra a pass for now, as much as it pains me.
Just like that huh?

I go from a civ read to you being "willing to vote" for me, because MP flipped Empire. Need I remind you one of us had their vote on him and it wasn't you.

Also sick no u brah.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by a2thezebra »

Worry not.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by MacDougall »

a2thezebra wrote:Worry not.
Are you talking to me?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by a2thezebra »

MacDougall wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:Worry not.
Are you talking to me?
That I am.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by MacDougall »

Worry not about what?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DharmaHelper »

Episode XVII: A Series of Bib Fortuna Events

The landscape of galactic war is always subject to change. The fall and death of Lord Vader, the Empire’s greatest weapon, was only the most recent and impactful of those changes. Fearful of his vulnerability with his apprentice defeated, Emperor Palpatine retreated deep into Imperial Space, making the unfinished Death Star his stronghold. His engineers assured him that soon the battle station would be operational, and a reprisal against the Republic was imminent. Pleased by this news, the Emperor ordered that the next shuttle of workers be doubled so as to bring about his vengeance even sooner.
“As you command, my lord.” Grand Moff Tarkin bowed his head and left the throne room of the Death Star in a hurry, eager to carry out his master’s command and to escape the wrath of his sour mood. He also had a great deal of work to do in order to assure that the Imperial forces did not lose ground in the war. News of Lord Vader’s death saw a spike in desertions that was catastrophic. They were losing their footholds in a number of key planets, and something had to be done soon to swing the tide back into their favor.

To make matters worse, it seemed as though the Republic was not through with their assault. Somehow word had reached Republic high command of the Death Star’s location, and Tarkin’s spies assured him that a republic fleet was en route. Naturally the Moff neglected to inform his master of this development. He had convinced himself that he would resolve the issue without the Emperor even knowing of its existence. On his way to the command deck, Tarkin tapped several Troopers and indicated that they should follow him. Silently they obliged and soon Grand Moff Tarkin stood at the head of the command center with a small squadron of Troopers and intelligence officers at his disposal.

“Men, here is the situation. No doubt you have heard of the demise of Lord Vader. While a devastating loss, his death must not spell the end for our cause. That is why I have assembled you here. You are no ordinary group soldiers, and it is not a coincidence that you are all at this meeting. What I am about to tell you is considered confidential and classified at the highest level of Imperial Security.” In unison, the soldiers snapped to attention and saluted Tarkin.

“You have all been chosen to be a part of a specialized task force. Codenamed: The Syndicate. This operation will be the key to winning the war, gentlemen. Your task is simple: Identify and eliminate rebel high command by whatever means necessary. You have my full support and backing in this endeavor. I assure you, nothing is off limits and you will not be reprimanded for any actions you take in the name of this operation. All of your other duties are trivial matters starting this moment. Get to work!”

The newly formed Syndicate scattered about the command room, laying the groundwork for their first operation. Grand Moff Tarkin smiled to himself before leaving the command room. His task force would indeed be the key to an Imperial victory. Before he could revel too much in his genius, a communications officer walked up to him quite briskly, looking distressed.

“Grand Moff, sir. It’s urgent, sir. The latest shuttle of engineers has…well, it’s exploded sir. The men think it was some kind of terrorist attack.” Seeing the look on Tarkin’s face, the communications officer tried to slink away, only to be grabbed firmly by the collar and carried alongside Tarkin as he made his way through the halls of the Death Star.

“Impossible.” Tarkin replied in a shockingly even tone. “The Rebel’s would never risk civilian casualties, especially so soon after the death of Lord Vader. Not only does it go against their blasted sense of morality, but the general population would absolutely demonize them once word spread. No, this was not a Rebel attack, though it may have been designed to look like one.”

The Moff dragged the communications officer along with him into the cantina, where he forced the poor man to take a seat at an empty table next to him as he worked out the mystery aloud.
“But who would be foolish enough to attack us and attempt to frame the rebellion? Here’s what we know my dear….” Grand Moff Tarkin glanced down at the uniform name tag of the communications officer before continuing. “Officer Watson. We know that whoever carried out these attacks is both ruthless and resourceful. Collateral damage means nothing to them, which is why the shuttle was exploded rather than attacked in some other, more targeted fashion. We also know we’re dealing with a simpleton whose intelligence network is either fractured or poorly maintained, certainly not professional. Thus, we can conclude the identity of the terrorist quite easily. Bib Fortuna is making a power play.”

It seemed to the Moff that with the Empire’s recent pacification of the unruly Lando Calrissian, Bib Fortuna had decided to try his hand at being a galactic power. If the clumsy nature of his frame job was any indication, the former majordomo was going to be an annoyance, and nothing else.

“Send a casualty report to my desk, Officer Watson, and triple the garrison on Tatooine.”

Thellama73 has been killed by the Hutts
It is now Day 9, and the first day on the Death Star
You have 48 hours to lynch someone
PMs going out shortly
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by a2thezebra »

About him.

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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by a2thezebra »

I'm on the poll today too, so bring it on.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by MacDougall »

Did Zebra just tell me she was about to kill Llama before it happened?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by a2thezebra »

What are you talking about? I'm civ, how could I kill anyone under the Hutts' name? Anyway DH, is Golden and Roxy being on the poll a mistake, or have they been resurrected?
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by MacDougall »

I post suspicions of Llama
Zebra says "worry not"
Llama dies.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by DharmaHelper »

a2thezebra wrote:What are you talking about? I'm civ, how could I kill anyone under the Hutts' name? Anyway DH, is Golden and Roxy being on the poll a mistake, or have they been resurrected?

Oops. Revote please.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by Marmot »

MM89 has been rezzed! Kisses for everyone, and have a happy day!

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Mafia: Image Image Image Image
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by a2thezebra »

I have reason to believe that the Hutts, whoever they are, just took out a member of Empire.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by Spacedaisy »

If we can lynch zebra, I'd be most interested in that option personally. I'm willing to entertain the idea of DF, but probably not today. My only concern is what trick zebra has up her sleeve...

DF, I like the way you are currently playing, I need to go back and read all you said said little closer but I can't at the moment. I will later tonight though.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Day 9]


Post by a2thezebra »

What do you mean, "if" I can be lynched? Of course I can, I'm on the poll and everything. The only trick I have up my sleeve is armpit hair.
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Re: STAR WARS Mafia [Night 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Dom wrote:DF-- what do you think of Sorsha's 180 on Enrique?
Do you think the Hutts knew who he was?
I would think more of it if she hadn't placed a decisive vote on Jabba. I doubt she's a Hutt at this point.

It's entirely possible the Hutts knew who Greedo was, and when considering the Hutts that's generally how I'm thinking of them.

MacDougall wrote:
DFaraday wrote:Matt, your case on me seemed to be predicated on me being a Hutt. Mac's case is based on me being Empire. Either you should admit you were off base, or you ought to reevaluate Mac's case on me, because you can't both be right (in fact neither of you is).
I don't get this post at all? You seem to be saying that Matt is wrong but I'm not, right up to the brackets?
I got the impression Matt was in agreement with you about me, yet his reasoning was completely different. I was telling him that the two cases are mutually exclusive.
Spacedaisy wrote:If we can lynch zebra, I'd be most interested in that option personally. I'm willing to entertain the idea of DF, but probably not today. My only concern is what trick zebra has up her sleeve...

DF, I like the way you are currently playing, I need to go back and read all you said said little closer but I can't at the moment. I will later tonight though.
Zebra's behavior these last few days has been odd, for sure. What is it about me that you still suspect?
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