[END] Pikmin Mafia

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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Matt wrote:As for Glorfindel, I'm mostly goin' after him for the funsies. But in a jiffy here's my "case"...Early in the game Glorfindel specifically gave Simon a big hug and said "glad to play with you again!". Then when Epi started getting on Simon's case, I remembered that post from Glorfindel.
For the record, there is NO WAY on GOD'S GREEN EARTH that I am ever going to retract or attempt to explain away my encouraging of an eight year old who is playing this game. I was happy to be playing with you too - what are you going to make of that? :haha:
Matt wrote:As Glorfindel himself notes, I'm just a cute, little, innocent Pikmin!
Matt wrote: #5 Just sayin' :biggrin:
Matt wrote:Anyone iso Daisy? To whom it may concern, of course Daisy protecting Glorfindel doesn't mean they're teamies. However it's possible Daisy is mafioso and happens to know Glorfindel is good, hence the "let's protect the civvie" card. Therefore suspish. Especially since she was willing to lynch Simon of all people. I dunno, doesn't add up.
There is a chance you could very well be right there Matt but I'm sufficiently confident in my instincts and ability to read people to stand by what I have said already on the public record about Spacedaisy.

And you're right, this is a truly intriguing game...
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Glorfindel is always nicer than a puppy.

Golden wrote: I agree. Let glorf be glorf.
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Re: [NIGHT 2] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

Scotty, what do you think you can learn from voting patterns when there hasn't been a baddie lynched yet?
I'd also like to know how you came to the conclusion to research these 3 people, please.

I don't have the time in the weekends to properly play this month hence my D1 vote. (I'll be out of the country from Friday till Sunday, so don't expect much from me there either, except a post to vote).
I'm a tactical and analytical player who doesn't like saying redundant stuff and with the amount of voting manipulation the baddies can have (see the +2 to every pikmin in the game) I may give priority to that over actual suspicions when I vote.
If the game is at a later stage, I will probably let that go since Pikmin will be likely to have extra votes as well... Which makes it hard to be sure of any poll result by just looking at the poll.
And really, "so far his reads has been wrong"? Welcome to everyone in the game Scotty.

I am suspicious of Scotty's sig vote. I was more suspicious of sig. Hence, I voted sig.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

Glorfindel. What do you make of the Simon/Epignosis thing? If one were bad, who would you choose?
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Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Okay I'll try to do an ISO on Glorfindel to make sense of this madness.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:So we're underway and we're lynching Sig because of a spelling error? My God, if that's what we've come to that is a fairly sad state of affairs :(
You still have 22 hours to decide sig's fate. Will you...

a) Add him to your party.
b) Offer yourself up to be lynched instead (this option is recommended for all mafia members).
c) Give that guy a vote. He's got to go.
d) Flee.
If spelling errors were an indication of someone's Mafia alignment, Sig would undoubtedly be unspeakably evil but I'm not convinced at this point that he is. I'm just wondering if there was some more logical way to approach this...?
Voices disagreement on lynching Sig, but seems to have a pretty shallow view on the matter. I'm pretty sure Sig is not being lynched for just a spelling error at this point (not that he was lynched for big reasons, though)

Metalmarsh makes a jokester post and Glorf fails to get the joke. Keeps voicing disagreement on what is perceived as a literal version of grammar nazi-ing.

Then he goes on an argument with Zebra about the merits of self-voting, which I won't bother to quote.
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Glorfindel wrote:I'm kinda torn at this point. I hate having to vote for someone based on no evidence or reasoning.

Right now, I see Zebs as rather genuine so I'm satisfied that she is not worthy of my vote.

I know Sig has become a formidable Mafia member (in comparison to his Town performances) and I don't know - I see signs of him putting in a genuine effort like he does when he's Mafia but some of his remarks appear to be a little clumsy so the jury is out on him.

Spacedaisy just seems nice (not unlike I'd imagine a yellow Pikmin to be :D ) so I don't expect I'll be voting for her anytime soon.

I'm not one to be drawn into retaliatory voting easily so I'm not inclined right now to vote Enrique but I am HIGHLY suspicious of the alacrity with which he latched his vote on me without (as far as I can see) any evidence :ponder:

Matt is correct - he was one of the kind souls that reached out to me following the Star Wars debacle and while I am very grateful to him for his consideration, he is mistaken if he thinks that I wouldn't vote him down in a heartbeat if I really believed he was Mafia.
First post where he actually posts reads. Trusts Zebra. And Daisy (which fits with Daisy having defended him at this point). Torn on Sig. Wants to make it clear he would vote for Matt despite liking him as a person. But doesn't like Enrique's vote on him, and might suspect him for that despite doubting his mafia status.

Glorfindel is already showing signs of what would be obvious later, which is that he plays the game very personally. He lynches whoever he doesn't like the defends the ones he likes. He says this isn't true by using Matt as an example, but the fact he is even bother to point that out suggests this to be an exception to the rule.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:Those of you that have me on their baddie list, know you are hunting a cute, innocent Pikmin. :meany:
Matt, to my recollection this is the second time you've said this in under about eight hours - the thing is, the majority of us are. You are starting to sound like you're trying overly hard to convince someone that you are... :ponder:
Mild suspicion on Matt for the way he is posting. Looks like he might be weary about Matt since he was bad last game. Or he is bad and trying to manufacture a suspicion.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:
FZ. wrote:I love that Matt has all the mafia figured out. :clap:
I always wanted to play a game where everyone names who they think the mafia members are on the first day, based on gut feeling of day 0 or day 1, and then we look at the list at the end of the game and see who's intuition we should rely on in the future.
For the fun of it.

Four posts in almost 48 hours and the justification for his vote on me is "For the fun of it"? This was followed by Matt inviting Boomslang to join in on a vote on me and after being challenged by Spacedaisy, Matt changes his vote TO Boomslang. I don't like what I'm seeing here and I'm wondering if this exchange was an indication of something more sinister? I may change my vote later but for now, I'm prepared to vote for Enrique. I think that if he should turn out to be Mafia, it may give us something more to work with.
Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:He was acting funny, it was early into Day 1, I could change my vote. Now I'm more than happy to leave it there because he jumped into the opportunity to kill me so easily.
I was "acting funny"? I don't think so... My behaviour is (and has been) completely normal for me and I'd like to know what point of reference you're using to judge otherwise? As for 'jumping into the opportunity to kill you so easily', that is clearly untrue. I defended you and refused to vote for you in Star Wars and was deceived so you can't argue that I wouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt now. I also find your insinuation that I would take voting for you or anyone else lightly as somewhat hypocritical given the flippancy with which you voted for me ("For the fun of it").
The trend continues. Somebody (Enrique) votes for Glorfindel and he is pissed.

In the next few posts, he defends Zebra. The main argument is a meta one comparing to Star Wars, where she was, ironically, mafia (granted, I'm guilty of making the same flawed comparison). Not gonna quote them all, just say he is firmly against the Zebra bandwagon.

Well day 1 is over, Glorfindel voted Enrique, and Zebra flipped innocent Pikmin.

What comes next is a long series of some really annoying white-knighting (which I later called "flirting", though admitelly I was mostly joking. That's none of my business). Enjoy:
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Glorfindel wrote:I'd played but half a game with Zebs and even I could see she wasn't Mafia. I wonder what that says about anyone else that had played with her more extensively and had a different opinion :ponder:
Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:I'd played but half a game with Zebs and even I could see she wasn't Mafia. I wonder what that says about anyone else that had played with her more extensively and had a different opinion :ponder:
Five of us voted for Zeeb, six including Epig. It wouldn't be Mafia if people didn't get things wrong.
Let me understand this, you are saying that the six of you 'just got it wrong'? You are asking me to believe that there was no Mafia on her wagon? :haha:
Glorfindel wrote:
kneel4justice wrote:Yay, no death! :D
Yes, K4J that is good news but let it not blind you to what happened here at the end of the last Day phase. Through a combination of human error and malicious intent we lost an experienced campaigner and a highly capable player in Zebs :( She was a massive asset to our team and I expect her demise brought much rejoicing to our opponents :fist: I don't want us to forget the magnitude of the loss we suffered there lest we make the same mistake again.
The witch hunt is on. The paragon of justice and baddie hunting skills known as Zebra is dead, and the ones responsible must pay with their lives. Only evilness of the worst nature could have resulted in the death of such a pure soul, and the people who voted here are obviously all associated with the Dark Side of the Force.

So Day 2 is on, Sig continues to make WOAT posts and Glorfindel takes the bait (or he helps the suspicion get going so other people can take the bait):
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Glorfindel wrote:OK, let's see what we have here... @Sig
sig wrote:Lol once again I'll point out the foolishness of these types of posts, Epi has said this multiply time and that is the only comeback he has when I say he is laying the groundwork for my lynch.
IN SAYING WE ARE TEAMMATE HE IS TRYING TO GET ME LYNCHED. Nobody is going to vote for SImon day 1 Epi acknowledged this, the only sensibly action following Epi's Sig/Simon idea is to lynch me and see how I flip. My flip will decided Simon's team.
Let me get this straight - you are proposing that Epi and Simon are working in league for the sole purpose of getting you lynched? Why, pray tell, do suppose they would go to such lengths to bring about your demise (when our Mafia friends achieved far worse with the lynching of Zebs with relative ease)? I'd put it to you that this is a conspiracy theory so breathtaking as to rival the Kennedy Assassination...

Then, on multiple occasions, you accuse Zebs (a player that throughout the first Day phase was pretty damn transparently Town) of being Mafia:
sig wrote:My bet is Zebra and Epi could be on team team, if not both then one of them. I will also be keeping my eye on DDL.

Zebra's logic for voting for me is illogical she doesn't agree with EPi, yet she thinks I'm on a teamwith Simon and we are both scum and that I would make such a mistake.
My day 1 scum team
sig wrote:Know Zebra is using the classic scum argument for a lynch.
sig wrote:I'd rather lynch Epi today, but a Zebra lynch is good to.
And lastly, when it's all over and the inevitable outcome occurs, we have the crocodile tears...
sig wrote:So guess Zebra wasn't scum.
I'm not going to claim that I'm particularly good at this game but I know someone that is considerably more experienced than I and this is their assessment of the above...
a2thezebra wrote:
sig wrote:I'd rather lynch Epi today, but a Zebra lynch is good to. If she flips mafia or civ my opinion of Epi won't have changed that much.

linki: why Enrique?
Hahahahahaha you better be lynched tomorrow.
Half of his argument is that Sig's theories are full of BS. The other half is that he was one of the ones responsible for the death of Zebra, and that he attacked her but didn't actually voted for her, which could be a sign of cowardice. He also uses Zebra's own post as an argument against Sig, which ultimately proved that we should learn to think for yourselves, and that people aren't right just because they are confirmed civ and/or have shown to be good at the game before.

There are more posts about that, I won't quote them all. K4J points out what I just said, and Glorf replies with more white-knighting:
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Glorfindel wrote:Well, she was dead right in her reading of me (something that appears to escape a number of you) so forgive me in having a little faith in her ability and skill at this game.
He is also mad that people have been unable to read him accurately in the last few games. Well, welcome to mafia, man. First thing you must learn: EVERYONE sucks at hunting baddies, and the shortest path to failure is to believe otherwise. Seriously, just look at this very game.
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Glorfindel wrote:Sig, I'm sorry. I just can't get past my suspicions of you. The evidence against you seems more valid than anything I've seen over anyone else. After WW Mafia, I know you'll understand.
Point taken.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:
Simon wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hey SIMON, let's vote for your pop!

Simon, do you rat on your siblings? Are they older or younger than you?
I agree. I think Daddy's boss because he was quick in thinking that e and Sig are teammates.

I am the oldest sibling. I'm eight years old. My sister is six. She just had her birthday. My brother is three. I tell on them and boss them because I'm the oldest. :keys:
This post is like the cutest thing ever and makes it so hard to vote Simon, but I'm going to leave my vote there... I'm an awful persooooooooon!
Indeed you are Spacedaisy... :haha: Seriously though, I agree - that post of Simon's was one of the most special things I've seen playing Mafia anywhere. I honestly can't see me ever voting lynch Simon after this...
Daisy and Glorf have a cuteness overload and don't want to lynch Simon. Not sure if this means anything since it's a kind of OT reaction, but I felt like quoting.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:Can you please explain the reasoning there?
He can't Spacedaisy because there isn't any... I am not Mafia.

@Matt, perhaps you could remind us all again (for the fourth time) about how you are a sweet innocent little Pikmin - because frankly, I'm having an increasingly hard time believing that...
This post pinged me at the time, but now looking at the whole context it makes more sense. Glorfindel plays with his emotions and this is not an exception. Matt used faulty logic (or in this case, no logic at all) to suspect him, therefore he must be suspicious himself. Add it to the fact Glorfindel was weary of Matt at the start, and this could make some sense.
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Glorfindel wrote:My observations:

Spacedaisy: I'm not going to lie - irrespective of who she votes for, I consider her one of the most transparently 'Towny' players in this game right now. Admittedly, my judgement could be coloured by the fact that she seems to me to be a genuinely lovely person but if I'm wrong for holding such a view, so be it. Vote for me Spacesdaisy, don't vote for me - my opinion of you won't change - although I believe that you are smart enough to know the truth and not have your opinion distorted by deliberate untruths and half-truths.

Typhoony: I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb here and say that to me, this guy is NOT leaning Mafia. I'll admit that some of his posts have seemed a little 'flaky' but from his tone, I'm not reading any kind of malice.

Matt: Matt confuses me a lot. I thought he seemed really nice and rational but now he claims to have some conclusive case that proves my guilt (which as I've said before simply cannot have any basis in fact) and I feel like there's something to his constant, repetitive claims of being a Pikmin that I should be picking up but I'm not getting it. Thinking it over, I'm not remotely certain that he is Mafia but his behaviour this game just seems a little peculiar.

More to follow later...
A wall of reads. This is useful. Reads civ on Daisy and seems to have a legitimate opinion on it. Doesn't have any reason to suspect Typh. Confused about Matt. To be fair, Matt is confusing.

Okay, let's finish this. If it hasn't become clear enough to this point, I don't like Glorfindel's playstyle. I try to be as cold and calculating as possible when playing mafia, and Glorf's way of playing seems to be the polar opposite. The white-knighting looks ridiculous to me, and all those OMGUS suspicions make me roll eyes. So I apologize to him for what may have been a somewhat rude post, and for the possibility of this clouding my judgement of him.

But as much as his playstyle might be questionable, Glorf seems consistent here. He doesn't back down, he puts his votes where his mouth is, and his logical path in the game makes sense. He is not trying to blend. He looks more like a newbie to me than a mafia player.

Sorry Matt, but this guy looks civ to me.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Spacedaisy »

ISO me next, would you? :D
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Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Okay I'll try to do an ISO on Glorfindel to make sense of this madness.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:So we're underway and we're lynching Sig because of a spelling error? My God, if that's what we've come to that is a fairly sad state of affairs :(
You still have 22 hours to decide sig's fate. Will you...

a) Add him to your party.
b) Offer yourself up to be lynched instead (this option is recommended for all mafia members).
c) Give that guy a vote. He's got to go.
d) Flee.
If spelling errors were an indication of someone's Mafia alignment, Sig would undoubtedly be unspeakably evil but I'm not convinced at this point that he is. I'm just wondering if there was some more logical way to approach this...?
Voices disagreement on lynching Sig, but seems to have a pretty shallow view on the matter. I'm pretty sure Sig is not being lynched for just a spelling error at this point (not that he was lynched for big reasons, though)

Metalmarsh makes a jokester post and Glorf fails to get the joke. Keeps voicing disagreement on what is perceived as a literal version of grammar nazi-ing.

Then he goes on an argument with Zebra about the merits of self-voting, which I won't bother to quote.
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Glorfindel wrote:I'm kinda torn at this point. I hate having to vote for someone based on no evidence or reasoning.

Right now, I see Zebs as rather genuine so I'm satisfied that she is not worthy of my vote.

I know Sig has become a formidable Mafia member (in comparison to his Town performances) and I don't know - I see signs of him putting in a genuine effort like he does when he's Mafia but some of his remarks appear to be a little clumsy so the jury is out on him.

Spacedaisy just seems nice (not unlike I'd imagine a yellow Pikmin to be :D ) so I don't expect I'll be voting for her anytime soon.

I'm not one to be drawn into retaliatory voting easily so I'm not inclined right now to vote Enrique but I am HIGHLY suspicious of the alacrity with which he latched his vote on me without (as far as I can see) any evidence :ponder:

Matt is correct - he was one of the kind souls that reached out to me following the Star Wars debacle and while I am very grateful to him for his consideration, he is mistaken if he thinks that I wouldn't vote him down in a heartbeat if I really believed he was Mafia.
First post where he actually posts reads. Trusts Zebra. And Daisy (which fits with Daisy having defended him at this point). Torn on Sig. Wants to make it clear he would vote for Matt despite liking him as a person. But doesn't like Enrique's vote on him, and might suspect him for that despite doubting his mafia status.

Glorfindel is already showing signs of what would be obvious later, which is that he plays the game very personally. He lynches whoever he doesn't like the defends the ones he likes. He says this isn't true by using Matt as an example, but the fact he is even bother to point that out suggests this to be an exception to the rule.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:Those of you that have me on their baddie list, know you are hunting a cute, innocent Pikmin. :meany:
Matt, to my recollection this is the second time you've said this in under about eight hours - the thing is, the majority of us are. You are starting to sound like you're trying overly hard to convince someone that you are... :ponder:
Mild suspicion on Matt for the way he is posting. Looks like he might be weary about Matt since he was bad last game. Or he is bad and trying to manufacture a suspicion.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:
FZ. wrote:I love that Matt has all the mafia figured out. :clap:
I always wanted to play a game where everyone names who they think the mafia members are on the first day, based on gut feeling of day 0 or day 1, and then we look at the list at the end of the game and see who's intuition we should rely on in the future.
For the fun of it.

Four posts in almost 48 hours and the justification for his vote on me is "For the fun of it"? This was followed by Matt inviting Boomslang to join in on a vote on me and after being challenged by Spacedaisy, Matt changes his vote TO Boomslang. I don't like what I'm seeing here and I'm wondering if this exchange was an indication of something more sinister? I may change my vote later but for now, I'm prepared to vote for Enrique. I think that if he should turn out to be Mafia, it may give us something more to work with.
Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:He was acting funny, it was early into Day 1, I could change my vote. Now I'm more than happy to leave it there because he jumped into the opportunity to kill me so easily.
I was "acting funny"? I don't think so... My behaviour is (and has been) completely normal for me and I'd like to know what point of reference you're using to judge otherwise? As for 'jumping into the opportunity to kill you so easily', that is clearly untrue. I defended you and refused to vote for you in Star Wars and was deceived so you can't argue that I wouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt now. I also find your insinuation that I would take voting for you or anyone else lightly as somewhat hypocritical given the flippancy with which you voted for me ("For the fun of it").
The trend continues. Somebody (Enrique) votes for Glorfindel and he is pissed.

In the next few posts, he defends Zebra. The main argument is a meta one comparing to Star Wars, where she was, ironically, mafia (granted, I'm guilty of making the same flawed comparison). Not gonna quote them all, just say he is firmly against the Zebra bandwagon.

Well day 1 is over, Glorfindel voted Enrique, and Zebra flipped innocent Pikmin.

What comes next is a long series of some really annoying white-knighting (which I later called "flirting", though admitelly I was mostly joking. That's none of my business). Enjoy:
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Glorfindel wrote:I'd played but half a game with Zebs and even I could see she wasn't Mafia. I wonder what that says about anyone else that had played with her more extensively and had a different opinion :ponder:
Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:I'd played but half a game with Zebs and even I could see she wasn't Mafia. I wonder what that says about anyone else that had played with her more extensively and had a different opinion :ponder:
Five of us voted for Zeeb, six including Epig. It wouldn't be Mafia if people didn't get things wrong.
Let me understand this, you are saying that the six of you 'just got it wrong'? You are asking me to believe that there was no Mafia on her wagon? :haha:
Glorfindel wrote:
kneel4justice wrote:Yay, no death! :D
Yes, K4J that is good news but let it not blind you to what happened here at the end of the last Day phase. Through a combination of human error and malicious intent we lost an experienced campaigner and a highly capable player in Zebs :( She was a massive asset to our team and I expect her demise brought much rejoicing to our opponents :fist: I don't want us to forget the magnitude of the loss we suffered there lest we make the same mistake again.
The witch hunt is on. The paragon of justice and baddie hunting skills known as Zebra is dead, and the ones responsible must pay with their lives. Only evilness of the worst nature could have resulted in the death of such a pure soul, and the people who voted here are obviously all associated with the Dark Side of the Force.

So Day 2 is on, Sig continues to make WOAT posts and Glorfindel takes the bait (or he helps the suspicion get going so other people can take the bait):
Spoiler: show
Glorfindel wrote:OK, let's see what we have here... @Sig
sig wrote:Lol once again I'll point out the foolishness of these types of posts, Epi has said this multiply time and that is the only comeback he has when I say he is laying the groundwork for my lynch.
IN SAYING WE ARE TEAMMATE HE IS TRYING TO GET ME LYNCHED. Nobody is going to vote for SImon day 1 Epi acknowledged this, the only sensibly action following Epi's Sig/Simon idea is to lynch me and see how I flip. My flip will decided Simon's team.
Let me get this straight - you are proposing that Epi and Simon are working in league for the sole purpose of getting you lynched? Why, pray tell, do suppose they would go to such lengths to bring about your demise (when our Mafia friends achieved far worse with the lynching of Zebs with relative ease)? I'd put it to you that this is a conspiracy theory so breathtaking as to rival the Kennedy Assassination...

Then, on multiple occasions, you accuse Zebs (a player that throughout the first Day phase was pretty damn transparently Town) of being Mafia:
sig wrote:My bet is Zebra and Epi could be on team team, if not both then one of them. I will also be keeping my eye on DDL.

Zebra's logic for voting for me is illogical she doesn't agree with EPi, yet she thinks I'm on a teamwith Simon and we are both scum and that I would make such a mistake.
My day 1 scum team
sig wrote:Know Zebra is using the classic scum argument for a lynch.
sig wrote:I'd rather lynch Epi today, but a Zebra lynch is good to.
And lastly, when it's all over and the inevitable outcome occurs, we have the crocodile tears...
sig wrote:So guess Zebra wasn't scum.
I'm not going to claim that I'm particularly good at this game but I know someone that is considerably more experienced than I and this is their assessment of the above...
a2thezebra wrote:
sig wrote:I'd rather lynch Epi today, but a Zebra lynch is good to. If she flips mafia or civ my opinion of Epi won't have changed that much.

linki: why Enrique?
Hahahahahaha you better be lynched tomorrow.
Half of his argument is that Sig's theories are full of BS. The other half is that he was one of the ones responsible for the death of Zebra, and that he attacked her but didn't actually voted for her, which could be a sign of cowardice. He also uses Zebra's own post as an argument against Sig, which ultimately proved that we should learn to think for yourselves, and that people aren't right just because they are confirmed civ and/or have shown to be good at the game before.

There are more posts about that, I won't quote them all. K4J points out what I just said, and Glorf replies with more white-knighting:
Spoiler: show
Glorfindel wrote:Well, she was dead right in her reading of me (something that appears to escape a number of you) so forgive me in having a little faith in her ability and skill at this game.
He is also mad that people have been unable to read him accurately in the last few games. Well, welcome to mafia, man. First thing you must learn: EVERYONE sucks at hunting baddies, and the shortest path to failure is to believe otherwise. Seriously, just look at this very game.
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Glorfindel wrote:Sig, I'm sorry. I just can't get past my suspicions of you. The evidence against you seems more valid than anything I've seen over anyone else. After WW Mafia, I know you'll understand.
Point taken.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:
Simon wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hey SIMON, let's vote for your pop!

Simon, do you rat on your siblings? Are they older or younger than you?
I agree. I think Daddy's boss because he was quick in thinking that e and Sig are teammates.

I am the oldest sibling. I'm eight years old. My sister is six. She just had her birthday. My brother is three. I tell on them and boss them because I'm the oldest. :keys:
This post is like the cutest thing ever and makes it so hard to vote Simon, but I'm going to leave my vote there... I'm an awful persooooooooon!
Indeed you are Spacedaisy... :haha: Seriously though, I agree - that post of Simon's was one of the most special things I've seen playing Mafia anywhere. I honestly can't see me ever voting lynch Simon after this...
Daisy and Glorf have a cuteness overload and don't want to lynch Simon. Not sure if this means anything since it's a kind of OT reaction, but I felt like quoting.
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Glorfindel wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:Can you please explain the reasoning there?
He can't Spacedaisy because there isn't any... I am not Mafia.

@Matt, perhaps you could remind us all again (for the fourth time) about how you are a sweet innocent little Pikmin - because frankly, I'm having an increasingly hard time believing that...
This post pinged me at the time, but now looking at the whole context it makes more sense. Glorfindel plays with his emotions and this is not an exception. Matt used faulty logic (or in this case, no logic at all) to suspect him, therefore he must be suspicious himself. Add it to the fact Glorfindel was weary of Matt at the start, and this could make some sense.
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Glorfindel wrote:My observations:

Spacedaisy: I'm not going to lie - irrespective of who she votes for, I consider her one of the most transparently 'Towny' players in this game right now. Admittedly, my judgement could be coloured by the fact that she seems to me to be a genuinely lovely person but if I'm wrong for holding such a view, so be it. Vote for me Spacesdaisy, don't vote for me - my opinion of you won't change - although I believe that you are smart enough to know the truth and not have your opinion distorted by deliberate untruths and half-truths.

Typhoony: I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb here and say that to me, this guy is NOT leaning Mafia. I'll admit that some of his posts have seemed a little 'flaky' but from his tone, I'm not reading any kind of malice.

Matt: Matt confuses me a lot. I thought he seemed really nice and rational but now he claims to have some conclusive case that proves my guilt (which as I've said before simply cannot have any basis in fact) and I feel like there's something to his constant, repetitive claims of being a Pikmin that I should be picking up but I'm not getting it. Thinking it over, I'm not remotely certain that he is Mafia but his behaviour this game just seems a little peculiar.

More to follow later...
A wall of reads. This is useful. Reads civ on Daisy and seems to have a legitimate opinion on it. Doesn't have any reason to suspect Typh. Confused about Matt. To be fair, Matt is confusing.

Okay, let's finish this. If it hasn't become clear enough to this point, I don't like Glorfindel's playstyle. I try to be as cold and calculating as possible when playing mafia, and Glorf's way of playing seems to be the polar opposite. The white-knighting looks ridiculous to me, and all those OMGUS suspicions make me roll eyes. So I apologize to him for what may have been a somewhat rude post, and for the possibility of this clouding my judgement of him.

But as much as his playstyle might be questionable, Glorf seems consistent here. He doesn't back down, he puts his votes where his mouth is, and his logical path in the game makes sense. He is not trying to blend. He looks more like a newbie to me than a mafia player.

Sorry Matt, but this guy looks civ to me.
DDL... Man, I've got to say I was mighty impressed by that! You clearly put a crap load of work into that and to be honest I couldn't fault your analysis. The funny thing is, I was half starting to suspect you as Mafia for reasons that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Now I get it though - you were spot on about the contrasting play style thing. I thought you came off as extremely cynical and you're dead right. I can promise you that you will NEVER find another player in these games that wears their heart on their sleeve more than I and I can see very clearly that our corresponding views of each other are seriously influenced by our playstyles. I'd like to sincerely thank you for helping me to see all of this, I've no doubt that it will help me become a better player.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Matt wrote:Glorfindel. What do you make of the Simon/Epignosis thing? If one were bad, who would you choose?
I honestly don't know, Matt. To this point, I've had a feeling the whole thing was a sideshow, a distraction (and not necessarily a deliberate one). It's probably just me but I don't have any trouble looking at Simon's comment about Sig generously and I personally think that what he said was interpreted less generously and then the whole thing got blown out of all proportion. I could be wrong but I sincerely have some problems seeing an eight year old as a Mafia mastermind. As for Epi, I don't know. I respect his experience and his capability but the way he seems to dodge questions that are put to him and derail other's lines of questioning by asking them questions in return to be frankly annoying. Let me ask you - I assume you have lots of experience playing in games with him, is this behaviour typical of his individual 'Town playstyle'?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Thanks, I guess.

Just FYI, I'm normally a very idealistic person in real life and I hate being mean to others, but when it comes to games, I shut it down and do everything it takes to win. I still try to be as polite as possible because a game doesn't give me the right of being rude, but anything that can be done to win without breaking the game's rules is fair to me.

(I just hope you're not manipulating me).

Also I only do those ISOs when I feel it's necessary to understand someone's alignment. I don't have time to do it on everybody, so I pick a few ones.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:Glorfindel. What do you make of the Simon/Epignosis thing? If one were bad, who would you choose?
I honestly don't know, Matt. To this point, I've had a feeling the whole thing was a sideshow, a distraction (and not necessarily a deliberate one). It's probably just me but I don't have any trouble looking at Simon's comment about Sig generously and I personally think that what he said was interpreted less generously and then the whole thing got blown out of all proportion. I could be wrong but I sincerely have some problems seeing an eight year old as a Mafia mastermind. As for Epi, I don't know. I respect his experience and his capability but the way he seems to dodge questions that are put to him and derail other's lines of questioning by asking them questions in return to be frankly annoying. Let me ask you - I assume you have lots of experience playing in games with him, is this behaviour typical of his individual 'Town playstyle'?
I've played two games with him. In one game we are both civ, in the other one we were both mafia. The way he is playing this game doesn't seem that different from his civ playstyle. Now, his mafia playstyle isn't that different either, though I find it hard to remember it because I was more worried about surviving than analysing people. His is normally this condescending jerk that we have all grown to love, and his methods of hunting mafia might as well be called random. Also he tends to mess with people just for his own amusement sometimes in a way that doesn't make it clear whether he is actually suspecting them or just messing with them.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

I have seen Soneji reading the thread all game, yet his post count has been minimal and his reads have been all wrong.

[VOTE: ] aubergine[VOTE:

Let's see if this makes you show up.]
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Thanks, I guess.

Just FYI, I'm normally a very idealistic person in real life and I hate being mean to others, but when it comes to games, I shut it down and do everything it takes to win. I still try to be as polite as possible because a game doesn't give me the right of being rude, but anything that can be done to win without breaking the game's rules is fair to me.

(I just hope you're not manipulating me).

Also I only do those ISOs when I feel it's necessary to understand someone's alignment. I don't have time to do it on everybody, so I pick a few ones.
I share your propensity for idealism and kindness but for me, those qualities dictate totally how I play these games and always have and I guess to an extent, always will... And no, I'm not manipulating you - I kinda suck at that anyway LOL! I think you've pegged me pretty well and by game's end, you'll come to have confidence in that read... And I can see why you'd be careful who you choose to ISO but I've got to hand it to you, you did a truly awesome job!
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Glorfindel is always nicer than a puppy.

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Re: [NIGHT 2] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Scotty »

Typhoony wrote:Scotty, what do you think you can learn from voting patterns when there hasn't been a baddie lynched yet?
I'd also like to know how you came to the conclusion to research these 3 people, please.

I don't have the time in the weekends to properly play this month hence my D1 vote. (I'll be out of the country from Friday till Sunday, so don't expect much from me there either, except a post to vote).
I'm a tactical and analytical player who doesn't like saying redundant stuff and with the amount of voting manipulation the baddies can have (see the +2 to every pikmin in the game) I may give priority to that over actual suspicions when I vote.
If the game is at a later stage, I will probably let that go since Pikmin will be likely to have extra votes as well... Which makes it hard to be sure of any poll result by just looking at the poll.
And really, "so far his reads has been wrong"? Welcome to everyone in the game Scotty.

I am suspicious of Scotty's sig vote. I was more suspicious of sig. Hence, I voted sig.
As I said before, there is only minimal info here, but I still think info can be gleaned from these lynches. I'm looking at tendencies. And it is a bit early yet, I'll admit. But putting it out there helps me get a clearer picture so that when I look at you all again down the line (should I still be alive) I won't have to analyze y'all in your entirety.

I picked 3 people that I didn't really have any info on to read through. It really was generally random.

If I recall, last time I played with you you were lynched D1 and I didn't get a chance to play; but judging from several people's responses to that lynch, you are formidable and a fun presence to have around. But I just don't know your play yet.

I love how you are clinging onto my sig vote from day 1 as an overarching suspicion. Why is that suspicious to you, especially considering you also were suspicious of him?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

Clinging? Overarching suspicion?
It's the second time I mentioned it. Both times I was basically asked for it. You're making it much bigger than it is which is only making you look worse to me.

You should know why I found your vote suspicious. You looked through my posts today and even before that, you actually responded to why I found it suspicious.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Marmot »

Spacedaisy wrote:I was doing my best MP impression for that last post. :p :haha:
I thought you did a wonderful job. :clap:
Scotty wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
??? Are you playing tennis with a cricket bat?
More like playing rugby with a cricket bat.
Glorfindel wrote:My observations:

Spacedaisy: I'm not going to lie - irrespective of who she votes for, I consider her one of the most transparently 'Towny' players in this game right now. Admittedly, my judgement could be coloured by the fact that she seems to me to be a genuinely lovely person but if I'm wrong for holding such a view, so be it. Vote for me Spacesdaisy, don't vote for me - my opinion of you won't change - although I believe that you are smart enough to know the truth and not have your opinion distorted by deliberate untruths and half-truths.

Typhoony: I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb here and say that to me, this guy is NOT leaning Mafia. I'll admit that some of his posts have seemed a little 'flaky' but from his tone, I'm not reading any kind of malice.

Matt: Matt confuses me a lot. I thought he seemed really nice and rational but now he claims to have some conclusive case that proves my guilt (which as I've said before simply cannot have any basis in fact) and I feel like there's something to his constant, repetitive claims of being a Pikmin that I should be picking up but I'm not getting it. Thinking it over, I'm not remotely certain that he is Mafia but his behaviour this game just seems a little peculiar.

More to follow later...
This is a different Glorfindel then I saw in Star Wars.

Spacedaisy: I agree with you on her transparent civiliancy. She has channeled her inner Sockface (who loves being transparent), so hopefully we'll notice if she tries to save any teammates. :P

Typhoony: I don't have any read on Typhoony tbh.

Matt: Matt confuses most people a lot, I think. Why do you think it's peculiar to claim being a Pikmin?

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Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Marmot »

Matt wrote:This game is a hoot! Whatever the result, Epi goin' after Simon is a special Christmas Mafia memory to remember.

As for Glorfindel, I'm mostly goin' after him for the funsies. But in a jiffy here's my "case"...Early in the game Glorfindel specifically gave Simon a big hug and said "glad to play with you again!". Then when Epi started getting on Simon's case, I remembered that post from Glorfindel. Then sig starts getting attention for whatever god awful reason you people came up with, and Glorfindel goes after sig. sig, who btw is the only player who has any kind of meta on Glorfindel, states he believes Glorfindel to be bad as well. Therefore if sig is good and Simon is bad let's lynch Glorfindel! Duh best case ever.

Anyway, I'm havin' fun sparring with Glorfindel, doesn't mean I'm bad. As Glorfindel himself notes, I'm just a cute, little, innocent Pikmin!

Anyone iso Daisy? To whom it may concern, of course Daisy protecting Glorfindel doesn't mean they're teamies. However it's possible Daisy is mafioso and happens to know Glorfindel is good, hence the "let's protect the civvie" card. Therefore suspish. Especially since she was willing to lynch Simon of all people. I dunno, doesn't add up.

Is everyone havin' a grand Pikmin time? I know I am! :beer:
No Matt, this doesn't add up at all. :haha:

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Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

Metalmarsh89 wrote: This is a different Glorfindel then I saw in Star Wars.
Is that good or bad?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Marmot »

Typhoony wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote: This is a different Glorfindel then I saw in Star Wars.
Is that good or bad?
I don't know. He subbed out and his replacement (Spacedaisy) is still alive.

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Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Boomslang »

There was an unspoken corollary to my last post, Epi: don't answer, and you get a vote. *Votes Epi* Subject to change if you actually start addressing queries instead of playing linguistic pinball.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:Glorfindel. What do you make of the Simon/Epignosis thing? If one were bad, who would you choose?
I honestly don't know, Matt. To this point, I've had a feeling the whole thing was a sideshow, a distraction (and not necessarily a deliberate one). It's probably just me but I don't have any trouble looking at Simon's comment about Sig generously and I personally think that what he said was interpreted less generously and then the whole thing got blown out of all proportion. I could be wrong but I sincerely have some problems seeing an eight year old as a Mafia mastermind. As for Epi, I don't know. I respect his experience and his capability but the way he seems to dodge questions that are put to him and derail other's lines of questioning by asking them questions in return to be frankly annoying. Let me ask you - I assume you have lots of experience playing in games with him, is this behaviour typical of his individual 'Town playstyle'?
I have a problem with the underlined here.

Who said Simon was a Mafia mastermind? In fact, isn't he getting sussed by Epi and others for ummmm apparently not being very good at being Mafia assuming he is?

@MM - I know, this case was weaksauce but hey, it's something. XD

DDL - You went through all the trouble to ISO Glorfindel, what do you make of sig thinking Glor is bad when sig is the only player in the land who has any sort of meta on him?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Scotty »

Need to vote now before I get bogged down for the remainder of the day.
Voting Simon.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

MM - Get your vote off me, dude. Pikmin don't like getting votes. Apparently everytime a Pikmin gets a vote, the Rock and Winged Pikmin team up and throw feathers at those who voted Pikmin!

I know you don't want such a fate, so please, vote elsewhere.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

I'm in and out until the lynch ends I hope. Who wants to talk?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by kneel4justice »

Spacedaisy wrote:Linki @k4j: I agree with all your thoughts but one. I did not vote Simon because I think he has a lack of understanding. I think what Epi was saying is he knows his son, and knows he has a hard time lying because he takes things and speaks literally so he seemed to be saying he thinks Simon's wording indicated his confusion was due to that side of him, which would seem to say he was likely bad. I don't think Simon's grasp of the game is in question, he's a sharp kid.
When you say that you agree with my other thoughts - does that include my suspicion of Scotty? Quite a few players have mentioned being suspicious of him, yet no one has really seemed willing to make a move, which I guess is because the focus has been on Simon/Epi/Sig.

Here's a question for everyone: If you had to vote someone other than Simon or Epi, who would it be and why?

Anyways, thanks for trying to explain the bit about Simon..honestly, it sounds contradicting to me (because I feel like he understand the concept of the game so he would better hide the fact he has teammates if he were scum), but quite a few people seem to have that thinking, so perhaps it comes down to me just having a different way of thinking. While I don't particularly agree with the suspicion of him, I don't find you suspicious for it.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

kneel4justice wrote:Here's a question for everyone: If you had to vote someone other than Simon or Epi, who would it be and why?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by kneel4justice »

Matt, if you know your case against Glorfindel is weak, then why do you suspect him? Or was it not that serious? Is it simply because of Sig's suspicion and the fact that he had a meta?
Personally, I don't find Glorfindel to be scummy. I was pinged by the fact that he was kind of piggybacking on Zebra's suspicion after she died, but everything else has seemed ok to me. It reads genuine, I think the play-style (while I wouldn't necessarily agree with it) comes down to personality rather than alignment. I agree with DDL's ISO
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by kneel4justice »

Matt wrote:
kneel4justice wrote:Here's a question for everyone: If you had to vote someone other than Simon or Epi, who would it be and why?
That's ironic.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

I don't even know if I want to vote Simon or Epi.

But okay. Scotty probably. For his D1 vote on sig, his buddying up to you and I felt his contributions today were not sincere. He picked 3 people at the beginning of the day to take a closer look at... and that didn't go anywhere. People gave their opinions on those 3, they too responded, he doesn't do much with it.
Instead, he goes back to his easy option - Simon, who he just voted.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

Who would you vote kneel4justice?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

kneel4justice wrote:Matt, if you know your case against Glorfindel is weak, then why do you suspect him? Or was it not that serious? Is it simply because of Sig's suspicion and the fact that he had a meta?
Personally, I don't find Glorfindel to be scummy. I was pinged by the fact that he was kind of piggybacking on Zebra's suspicion after she died, but everything else has seemed ok to me. It reads genuine, I think the play-style (while I wouldn't necessarily agree with it) comes down to personality rather than alignment. I agree with DDL's ISO
Unlike some of you, I don't have any prob with Glorfindel's play style whatsoever. I just have a feeling he's bad. Am I wrong? Quite likely, I'll give it a random 73% chance of being wrong. But I dunno. Something about him screams baddie.

k4J - During this game, even if he were bad, would you ever in a million years categorize Simon as a "mafia mastermind" ? Yeah me neither. So why is Glorfindel arguing against the case on Simon by saying "I don't believe he is a Mafia mastermind". Very interesting.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Matt wrote: DDL - You went through all the trouble to ISO Glorfindel, what do you make of sig thinking Glor is bad when sig is the only player in the land who has any sort of meta on him?
Beats me. But I'm not going to blindly follow the reads of another player just because they have meta that I don't. I want to draw my own conclusions. I might be wrong, but so does Sig.

For that matter, I'm probably the only player here with any meta on Soneji, but if I die before he does, please don't follow blindly whatever reads I give on him. Thank you.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Matt wrote:
kneel4justice wrote:Here's a question for everyone: If you had to vote someone other than Simon or Epi, who would it be and why?
I know this is WIFOM, but I like to believe if this were the mafia team you wouldn't have both me and Daisy defending Glorfindel, and vice-versa, like we are right now.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


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I'm gonna take a look on Scotty's posts in the next few hours. And maybe a few others. Written ISOs not guaranteed.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by agleaminranks »

Can I interject to mention that, with regards to Simon being Mafia, a lot of people are taking his age and inexperience into consideration. It might only be a matter of time before he role-outs himself due to aforementioned reasons. But I think until then I'm leaning a bit more towards civilian than baddie with regards to him, it seems like his defenses have been more out of frustration from an early onslaught and I too would probably get flustered if such a person was attacking me. :puppy:
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Matt wrote:MM - Get your vote off me, dude. Pikmin don't like getting votes. Apparently everytime a Pikmin gets a vote, the Rock and Winged Pikmin team up and throw feathers at those who voted Pikmin!

I know you don't want such a fate, so please, vote elsewhere.
#6 :ponder: There is NOTHING at all wrong with claiming to be a Pikmin. To do so however with such monotonous regularity frankly I find to be a little peculiar. I'm NOT accusing Matt of being Mafia, I'm just saying that I think this behaviour is odd - like is there a quota of Pikmin claims that Matt has to meet or something?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Oh, and another thing - whatever happened to Dr Wilgy? Last we heard from him, he was putting together some elalborate plan to deduce the identity of the Mafia team. Again, no accusation here - I'd just be interested in his input.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:
Matt wrote:
kneel4justice wrote:Here's a question for everyone: If you had to vote someone other than Simon or Epi, who would it be and why?
I know this is WIFOM, but I like to believe if this were the mafia team you wouldn't have both me and Daisy defending Glorfindel, and vice-versa, like we are right now.
Who said you were on a team?

K4J asked who besides Epi and Simon. Those are the peeps I thought of.

Again, defending doesn't make you teamies. But defending civs in a game where there is only one bad guy team could indicate baddies defending civs.


Also Glorfindel. I have to claim to be Pikmin 108 times in this game before Day 6 or I perish! :eek:
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Scotty »

Typhoony wrote:I don't even know if I want to vote Simon or Epi.

But okay. Scotty probably. For his D1 vote on sig, his buddying up to you and I felt his contributions today were not sincere. He picked 3 people at the beginning of the day to take a closer look at... and that didn't go anywhere. People gave their opinions on those 3, they too responded, he doesn't do much with it.
Instead, he goes back to his easy option - Simon, who he just voted.
"Buddying up"? Hardly. I respect his logic and his follow up this game. Don't know how that qualifies as buddying.

I'm sorry you don't find me sincere. Messy, I'll admit. But I'm almost always honest.

Those 3 random people (which included you) are first impressions and first steps. I'm in a bit of a time crunch right now, so more to come.

So I haven't responded to what everyone else thinks. So? Didn't know that was required.

If you think I'm insincere, then go ahead and vote for me. Not much I can do about that.

Also, enough with this easy vote crap. What is wrong with the easy vote at this point in the game if the result is good? Why is it so easy? Because it sure looks like I'm alone on the matter like Kevin McCallister.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Scotty »

Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:MM - Get your vote off me, dude. Pikmin don't like getting votes. Apparently everytime a Pikmin gets a vote, the Rock and Winged Pikmin team up and throw feathers at those who voted Pikmin!

I know you don't want such a fate, so please, vote elsewhere.
#6 :ponder: There is NOTHING at all wrong with claiming to be a Pikmin. To do so however with such monotonous regularity frankly I find to be a little peculiar. I'm NOT accusing Matt of being Mafia, I'm just saying that I think this behaviour is odd - like is there a quota of Pikmin claims that Matt has to meet or something?
Is there anyone here that you would accuse of being mafia?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

agleaminranks wrote:Can I interject to mention that, with regards to Simon being Mafia, a lot of people are taking his age and inexperience into consideration. It might only be a matter of time before he role-outs himself due to aforementioned reasons. But I think until then I'm leaning a bit more towards civilian than baddie with regards to him, it seems like his defenses have been more out of frustration from an early onslaught and I too would probably get flustered if such a person was attacking me. :puppy:
Hmmm, just ISO'd you.

Anyway, I'm confused. At one point you say "atm I'm not sold on Scotty", then two posts later (in which you didn't mention Scotty in the middle post), you vote Scotty because of your thoughts on him.


Linki - Scotty, yes he accused sig of being Mafia.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Epignosis »

Boomslang wrote:Previously, you dodge the question of "Are you Mafia?" by reframing it in the terms of the game (bosses). You dodged the question of "are you a boss" by posting a picture of what appears to be a 19th century political boss.
What did the worker say when his employer increased sales by 200%?
Hugo Boss! :slick:
Boomslang wrote:There was an unspoken corollary to my last post, Epi: don't answer, and you get a vote. *Votes Epi* Subject to change if you actually start addressing queries instead of playing linguistic pinball.
You're like a cannibal who shows up late to the party.
You're getting a cold shoulder. :slick:
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by FZ. »

I've had a very long day, and still need to make a cake for a party tomorrow before I go to bed. The 24 hour days are killing me. I don't have a lot of time. I'll say what I think for now, then I'll make the cake and get back when it's in the oven

I've read what Epi said about not being as sure about Simon and having just that post where he said he "thinks Sig is on his team" as his evidence. I think that's not enough for me to vote there, especially since my initial reaction to that post was that it was coming from a civ saying he thinks Sig is on his team because he felt he was good too, and then he changed his mind. Epi could still be right, but if Epi wasn't Simon's father, none of us would be voting for him, so I think we should let Simon get back into the game and start playing before we make any more judgements. That's my take on this.

As for Epi, my feelings haven't changed. I still say he wouldn't do that to Simon if Epi is bad. My faith in him wavered a little by everything that's happened, but I still believe I'm seeing civ Epi.

So moving on to the other options:

1. Matt vs. Glorfindle- if I had to choose one baddie from that group it would be Matt. His suspicion is weak, he even says so himself, yet he keeps going after Glorfindle. My experience with civ Matt has been of him going after people for more elaborated reasons, whether they seem far fetched or not to others. He keeps pushing and usually gets attacked for it. Here, he's coming out and saying himself that his case is not that good. I don't know if that should make me feel better about him or worse. My initial answer to that would be better, but in a previous game, when I told Matt a baddie wouldn't be that obvious, he kept saying that that's exactly the reason a baddie would. So here we have him saying his suspicion is very weak, and he keeps saying he's a Pikmin. Two things I would say a baddie wouldn't do because it's too obvious, but if I follow his logic, maybe that's exactly what he's doing.

2. Typhony vs. Scotty- I'm going back and forth on Scotty. At first, I thought I liked his analysis on the 3 people he made, but Typhony has a point. Why choose these people? Why do that and then end up voting for Simon for practically no reason other than trusting Epi, when he's saying he's somewhat suspicious of Epi himself. Too much chaos here. It makes it look like he randomly chose 3 people to look like he's scum hunting.
K4J, there's a chance I might go with you on the Scotty lynch. I want him to answer these questions first.

There's more, but there's a cake waiting to be made. I'll be back

lots of linki:
a.Scotty, I see you answered partially, but can you please look at my post and answer all the rest?

b. I forgot the Boomslang vs. Epi thing. While I think I'm seeing civ Epi, I get what Boomslang is talking about. Epi tends to ignore what he doesn't want to answer or makes jokes about it. Thing is, it's something he does as a civ.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Scotty »

Matt wrote:
agleaminranks wrote:Can I interject to mention that, with regards to Simon being Mafia, a lot of people are taking his age and inexperience into consideration. It might only be a matter of time before he role-outs himself due to aforementioned reasons. But I think until then I'm leaning a bit more towards civilian than baddie with regards to him, it seems like his defenses have been more out of frustration from an early onslaught and I too would probably get flustered if such a person was attacking me. :puppy:
Hmmm, just ISO'd you.

Anyway, I'm confused. At one point you say "atm I'm not sold on Scotty", then two posts later (in which you didn't mention Scotty in the middle post), you vote Scotty because of your thoughts on him.


Linki - Scotty, yes he accused sig of being Mafia.
Ah. Missed that. At what point in the sig train did he do that, I wonder?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Scotty »

FZ. wrote:I've had a very long day, and still need to make a cake for a party tomorrow before I go to bed. The 24 hour days are killing me. I don't have a lot of time. I'll say what I think for now, then I'll make the cake and get back when it's in the oven

I've read what Epi said about not being as sure about Simon and having just that post where he said he "thinks Sig is on his team" as his evidence. I think that's not enough for me to vote there, especially since my initial reaction to that post was that it was coming from a civ saying he thinks Sig is on his team because he felt he was good too, and then he changed his mind. Epi could still be right, but if Epi wasn't Simon's father, none of us would be voting for him, so I think we should let Simon get back into the game and start playing before we make any more judgements. That's my take on this.

As for Epi, my feelings haven't changed. I still say he wouldn't do that to Simon if Epi is bad. My faith in him wavered a little by everything that's happened, but I still believe I'm seeing civ Epi.

So moving on to the other options:

1. Matt vs. Glorfindle- if I had to choose one baddie from that group it would be Matt. His suspicion is weak, he even says so himself, yet he keeps going after Glorfindle. My experience with civ Matt has been of him going after people for more elaborated reasons, whether they seem far fetched or not to others. He keeps pushing and usually gets attacked for it. Here, he's coming out and saying himself that his case is not that good. I don't know if that should make me feel better about him or worse. My initial answer to that would be better, but in a previous game, when I told Matt a baddie wouldn't be that obvious, he kept saying that that's exactly the reason a baddie would. So here we have him saying his suspicion is very weak, and he keeps saying he's a Pikmin. Two things I would say a baddie wouldn't do because it's too obvious, but if I follow his logic, maybe that's exactly what he's doing.

2. Typhony vs. Scotty- I'm going back and forth on Scotty. At first, I thought I liked his analysis on the 3 people he made, but Typhony has a point. Why choose these people? Why do that and then end up voting for Simon for practically no reason other than trusting Epi, when he's saying he's somewhat suspicious of Epi himself. Too much chaos here. It makes it look like he randomly chose 3 people to look like he's scum hunting.
K4J, there's a chance I might go with you on the Scotty lynch. I want him to answer these questions first.

There's more, but there's a cake waiting to be made. I'll be back

lots of linki:
a.Scotty, I see you answered partially, but can you please look at my post and answer all the rest?

b. I forgot the Boomslang vs. Epi thing. While I think I'm seeing civ Epi, I get what Boomslang is talking about. Epi tends to ignore what he doesn't want to answer or makes jokes about it. Thing is, it's something he does as a civ.
Arg, terrible timing. I will answer, but I have to run right now. Be back in a couple hours. If you must vote me before then, do yo thing.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Glorfindel »

Scotty wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:MM - Get your vote off me, dude. Pikmin don't like getting votes. Apparently everytime a Pikmin gets a vote, the Rock and Winged Pikmin team up and throw feathers at those who voted Pikmin!

I know you don't want such a fate, so please, vote elsewhere.
#6 :ponder: There is NOTHING at all wrong with claiming to be a Pikmin. To do so however with such monotonous regularity frankly I find to be a little peculiar. I'm NOT accusing Matt of being Mafia, I'm just saying that I think this behaviour is odd - like is there a quota of Pikmin claims that Matt has to meet or something?
Is there anyone here that you would accuse of being mafia?
Not with a great sense of confidence at this point. I note however that Enrique seems to have dropped off the radar somewhat and that concerns me. I'm still waiting to hear more from the doc too...
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Glorfindel is always nicer than a puppy.

Golden wrote: I agree. Let glorf be glorf.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by kneel4justice »

Typhoony wrote:Who would you vote kneel4justice?
Sorry! College socialization struggles...made me disappear lol

Anyways, as for who I would vote for. Part of me wants to say Scotty because I have been most suspicious of him, and have the most reasons. But, I'm a bit hesitant because I don't want to be tunneling, but I do think he has done the most questionable things.

But I am also suspicious of you (Typhoony), for which I have explained your voting method this game could be a way for you to bandwagon with the voting manipulation as an excuse to fall back on..

Also Dr. Wilgy because when I was looking back on him, he focused very heavily on Simon/Sig/Epi and nothing else. I think that's a big problem, especially since I don't really agree that any of those people were suspicious.

Those are probably my most suspicious people ATM
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by kneel4justice »

Matt wrote:
kneel4justice wrote:Matt, if you know your case against Glorfindel is weak, then why do you suspect him? Or was it not that serious? Is it simply because of Sig's suspicion and the fact that he had a meta?
Personally, I don't find Glorfindel to be scummy. I was pinged by the fact that he was kind of piggybacking on Zebra's suspicion after she died, but everything else has seemed ok to me. It reads genuine, I think the play-style (while I wouldn't necessarily agree with it) comes down to personality rather than alignment. I agree with DDL's ISO
Unlike some of you, I don't have any prob with Glorfindel's play style whatsoever. I just have a feeling he's bad. Am I wrong? Quite likely, I'll give it a random 73% chance of being wrong. But I dunno. Something about him screams baddie.

k4J - During this game, even if he were bad, would you ever in a million years categorize Simon as a "mafia mastermind" ? Yeah me neither. So why is Glorfindel arguing against the case on Simon by saying "I don't believe he is a Mafia mastermind". Very interesting.
I thought that was referring to the idea that Simon/Epi were teammates, and she didn't see Simon being part of that because he is not a mafia mastermind. But still, I don't find the comment suspicious. Not sure how to explain it. There's just a lot of thoughts from Glorfindel that I don't necessarily agree with but they come across genuine
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Typhoony »

Scotty wrote: "Buddying up"? Hardly. I respect his logic and his follow up this game. Don't know how that qualifies as buddying.
You're being overtly "nice" to him. Imo it looks you are trying to get in his good graces. Examples of your buddying:
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Sorry I'm a tunneler. I've been to an AA meeting, but no tunneler one as of yet.
I'd give you things to make you feel better, but I don't know your symptoms. You just reminded me to take my Multivitamin today! Thanks man!

As it stands right now, our logic isn't synching. And I dunno if it will. But I'm willing to work to get there if possible
In other news, when kneel4justice comes out of his slumber, I'm wondering if he has any new thoughts on the happenings of the last 24 hours.
But I suppose not. I'll just take it like a turkey at thanksgiving, then. :fishslap:
I'm sorry you don't find me sincere. Messy, I'll admit. But I'm almost always honest.

Those 3 random people (which included you) are first impressions and first steps. I'm in a bit of a time crunch right now, so more to come.

So I haven't responded to what everyone else thinks. So? Didn't know that was required.
To me it looked like you were trying to make it seem like you were baddiehunting. You picked three names, you did a little bit of analysis on them, and then you go and vote someone else.
Not voting for any of the three is not necessarily a baddie thing, but the amount of effort you put in it, barely following up on the three, then voting Simon based partly on someone you suspect as well (Epi). It makes the whole point of you looking into the 3 moot. It makes it seem like you did it just because you felt you had to, not because you were genuinely looking for baddies.
If you think I'm insincere, then go ahead and vote for me. Not much I can do about that.

Also, enough with this easy vote crap. What is wrong with the easy vote at this point in the game if the result is good? Why is it so easy? Because it sure looks like I'm alone on the matter like Kevin McCallister.
Easy vote = lazy vote = more likely baddie vote.

I want to look at other people as well today. No need to put all my energy in you.
Is there anyone that somebody wants me to look at?
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by Matt »

Went ahead and voted FZ for being reasonable.
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by kneel4justice »

Typhoony is making me feel better for the time being. I like that he is starting to take initiative rather than following the majority. So I think I'm willing to let up on that suspicion for now. Also the fact that he is going against Scotty leads me to believe I am wrong about at least one of them.
I was actually kind of being persuaded by Scotty's more lengthy posts, but I know that scum are capable of writing those, and the vote analysis could've just been something he felt would make him look more contributing.

Also, what about Dr. Wilgy? Don't think he has posted this day phase, unfortunately..
Matt is your vote a joke?

I need to figure out what I'm going to do because I've got a final during deadline, first I need to go return my books though
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Re: [DAY 3] Pikmin Mafia


Post by FZ. »

Cake is in the oven! Where is Eloh when I need her
What did I miss?
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