[END] Bioshock Mafia

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You and Bioshock: Which have you played and would you be interested in my upcoming sequel?

Both Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite - I would be very interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game - Sign me up now!!
Both Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite - I would be somewhat interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
Both Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite - I am not sure if I would be interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
Both Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite - I would not at all be interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
Bioshock but not Bioshock Infinite - I would be very interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game - Sign me up now!!
Bioshock but not Bioshock Infinite - I would be somewhat interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
Bioshock but not Bioshock Infinite - I am not sure if I would be interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
Bioshock but not Bioshock Infinite - I would not at all be interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
I have played neither - I would be very interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game - Sign me up now!!
I have played neither - I would be somewhat interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
I have played neither - I am not sure if I would be interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
I have played neither - I would not at all be interested in a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
No votes
Sockface only - Of course I have played both and am interested, and I will be hosting a Bioshock Infinite mafia game.
Total votes: 14
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Don Emeritum
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[END] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Bioshock Mafia

"A man has choices. I chose the impossible. I built a city where the artists would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small. I chose to build Rapture. But my city was betrayed by the weak. So I ask you, my friend, if you live with pride, would you kill the innocent? Would you sacrifice your humanity? We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us." - Andrew Ryan

'Civvies' 1: Andrew Ryan's Army (12)

Andrew Ryan – The founder and figurehead of the underwater city Rapture. Having seen his great city ravaged by parasites, he stays alive by barricading himself in his office at Hephaestus. Consequently, he cannot be lynched or nightkilled until his barricade is broken. This occurs when his security is breached, which can be caused in several specific scenarios. Ryan protects himself and Rapture from leeches, and particularly Jack, by sending out the Splicers and Security Bots in his defense and on the attack. If a Security Bot finds Jack, Ryan will be made aware of Jack’s location in Rapture and which Security Bot found him. If a bot finds Jack as he arrives in Arcadia, Ryan can choose to flood the location with poison gas, destroying all the trees and preventing the Lazarus Vector from working. Additionally, by the end of every even day period, Ryan must send a name on a slip of paper to Sullivan, ordering that person to be killed that night. Andrew Ryan can win with the other morally ambiguous civvies alive (at least, those who don't hate him) but cannot with the ADAM Guardians or Fontaine's Crew. If Andrew Ryan dies, all of his Splicers and Security Bots become rogue independents, winning only if they survive to be last splicer or bot standing.

Thuggish Splicer – Serves Andrew Ryan to protect him from Jack and all the other parasites. Selects one target to kill every night with a melee weapon. Has a 10% base rate of killing its target. Knows who Andrew Ryan is and thus will refuse to attack him.

Leadhead Splicer – Serves Andrew Ryan to protect him from Jack and all the other parasites. Selects one target to kill every night with a machine gun or pistol. Has a 25% base rate of killing its target. Knows who Andrew Ryan is and thus will refuse to attack him.

Spider Splicer – Serves Andrew Ryan to protect him from Jack and all the other parasites. Selects one target to kill every night by sneaking up on them or throwing hooks at them from afar. If the Spider Splicer decides to melee attack, it has a 40% base rate of killing its target; if it decides to attack with hooks at a range, it has a 10% base rate of killing its target with three consecutive attempts. It cannot be harmed as easily with certain Plasmids if attacking from afar. Knows who Andrew Ryan is and thus will refuse to attack him.

Houdini Splicer – Serves Andrew Ryan to protect him from Jack and all the other parasites. Selects one target to kill every night with balls of fire or ice. Has a 30% base rate of killing its target. As a master of teleportation, Houdini Splicer is difficult to kill. It survives the first two attempts on its life, whether by lynch or by nightkill. Knows who Andrew Ryan is and thus will refuse to attack him.

Nitro Splicer – Serves Andrew Ryan to protect him from Jack and all the other parasites. Selects one target to kill every night with grenades and smoke bombs. The Nitro Splicer can choose to melee attack or from a distance. If the Nitro Splicer decides to melee attack, it has a 5% base rate of killing its target with a smoke bomb, but a 100% base rate of role blocking its target. If it decides to throw grenades from a distance, it has a 35% base rate of killing its target two consecutive tries. However, the Nitro Splicer cannot throw grenades from a distance more than two consecutive nights, lest it run out of grenades too quickly. If nightkilled, it lays a grenade, hoping to cheat its killer out of life as well before dying. Knows who Andrew Ryan is and thus will refuse to attack him.

Security Bots (6) – Search for Jack every night. If found, Jack must stop at his current location and cannot move until the following night. Any of the Security Bots will not be made aware if it has found Jack, but Ryan will be. If all Security Bots die, then Andrew Ryan’s barricade is broken. Unlike the Splicers, the Security Bots do not know Andrew Ryan’s identity. In the event that Ryan dies, the Security Bots can begin attacking every night thereafter using their built-in machine guns. Every Security Bot has a 25% base rate of killing its target.

'Civvies' 2: The Other Morally Ambiguous (13)

Diane McClintock – Andrew Ryan’s first mistress, who initially wholeheartedly supports him in his vision and beliefs. However, after she was injured in a riot and the subsequent chaos and decay of Rapture, McClintock began to see a changed man in Ryan. After seeing him transform as his city collapsed, she learned to despise him unconditionally. After Ryan found a new mistress in Jolene, McClintock fully became enamored with Atlas, participating in raids and other missions for his army. She searches for Atlas every night, hoping to meet him, unaware of what may happen. McClintock cannot win with Andrew Ryan alive. (Secrets) When she finds Atlas, she gains BTSC with his crew and joins the team. However, each night there is a chance she uncovers Fontaine’s true identity, and if she does so Fontaine brutally murders her. This chance is 20% every night after she joins the team.

Jasmine Jolene – An exotic dancer at Eve’s Garden in Fort Frolic and second mistress of Andrew Ryan. She became pregnant and subsequently sold the fetus of the unborn child of hers and Ryan’s to Tenenbaum, who at the time was working for Fontaine, out of desire for financial independence. As a result, she cannot win with Andrew Ryan alive, as he will brutally murder her. She has no specific night or day power.

Bill McDonagh – A major contractor who helped to build much of Rapture. He is also a proud member of City Council and long time friend of Ryan, but later lost faith in Ryan given his increasingly hypocritical and power-hungry behavior. The only way for Rapture to be saved and the madness to end, he decided, is for Ryan to be dead, and he will not rest until this happens. He searches for Ryan every night; if he finds him, McDonagh breaks down the security in Ryan’s office, eliminating his barricade, and confronts him once and for all. He has a 40% base rate of killing Ryan, leaving him a 60% chance of failure, dying at the hands of Ryan. He cannot win with Andrew Ryan alive.

Anya Andersdotter – A designer of women’s shoes and self-made assassin, Anya believed in Rapture and Ryan, but later became discouraged and disgusted with Ryan’s behavior. It was the final straw when she lost one of her daughters to Ryan Industries, which transformed her into a Little Sister. She slept with a member of Ryan’s maintenance team to find out secrets of how to break into Ryan's office, in the hopes of killing him. Needing just one last bit of information, she searches every night for Kyburz, as the information she needs is in his office. Once she finds Kyburz, assuming she lives to tell the tale, she then starts searching for Ryan every night. If she finds him, she manages to eliminate his barricade and attempts to kill him. She has a 60% base rate of killing Ryan, leaving a 40% chance of failure, dying at the hands of Ryan. She cannot win with Andrew Ryan alive.

Kyburz – An electrical engineer and the supervisor in the Hephaestus workshops, Kyburz once thought of Ryan to be the greatest electrical engineer of his generation. He too, however, was eventually disappointed and disgusted with Ryan’s abuse of power, and strives to kill him. He dreams of devising a “device” capable of overloading Ryan’s security systems. Every night he works on his energy bomb until he decides it is complete. On the night he decides it is complete, he hooks the bomb up to Rapture’s energy core and wishes for the best. His chances of overloading the security systems are equal to 10% multiplied for every night he worked on the device before unleashing it (i.e.: 30% for hooking it up on Night 3). If the device succeeds, Kyburz breaks Ryan's barricade and also can try to kill Ryan with a 50% base rate and a 50% of failure, dying at the hands of Ryan. However, he can choose not to kill him at this time as well. If the device fails, nothing happens and he can no longer work on it. If he is working on his device and Anya Andersdotter visits him, he becomes paranoid that she is a spy for Ryan and hands her over to one of Ryan’s Splicers, randomly selected from the ones currently alive. The Splicer selected will then attack Anya with twice the normal base rate. Kyburz cannot win with Andrew Ryan alive.

Security Chief Sullivan – Head of Security under Andrew Ryan, Sullivan often questions the morality of the orders he is given, especially increasingly over time. Sullivan receives a piece of paper with the name of a target Andrew Ryan wants to kill by the end of every even day period. He has the choice to kill that person that same night, and thus kills every even night; or he can refuse the order, effectively not killing anyone or choosing to kill someone else in defiance. All of Sullivan’s kills have a 75% base rate of success. Once Sullivan has carried out three attempted kills, the guilt becomes too strong and he begins contemplating suicide every night, with a 50% base rate of success every night. If Sullivan refuses any order from Ryan, he incurs his wrath, and Ryan discontinues sending kill suggestions. Under these circumstances, having gained his boss’s displeasure, Sullivan can no longer win with Andrew Ryan alive.

Professor Julie Langford – The scientist responsible for creating and maintaining Arcadia, Langford works on her concoction, the Lazarus Vector. After Night 4, the Lazarus Vector becomes fully functional, and with it Langford can resurrect one player of her choice at any time. If Ryan decides to destroy Arcadia’s trees, Langford can no longer win with Andrew Ryan alive and the Lazarus Vector cannot function.

Dr. J.S. Steinman – A former well-respected and accomplished surgeon, Steinman became mad with the discovery and usage of ADAM, obsessing over pursuits to make each of his patients “perfect”. Now low on patients whose flesh he can sculpt, Steinman is a crazed, bitter man who wields his machine gun any time anyone disturbs him. When targeted with any night action, Steinman whips out his machine gun and attempts to murder his attacker. He has a 25% base rate of killing his intruder.

Peach Wilkins – A former employee at Fontaine Fisheries, rumored to be the leader of Fontaine’s smugglers, who feels paranoid about being held responsible with Fontaine being caught. He has the choice of locking himself in the freezer of the Fisheries or staking out with his camera. If he locks himself inside, he has a 50% chance of fending off any night action, including potential night kills. If the night action goes through, Wilkins does not benefit from any decrease in base rate from his attacker. Instead, if he waits outside the Fisheries with his camera, he can role check any potential attacker with a 60% chance of accuracy, assuming he lives to see another day.

Kyle Fitzpatrick – A talented pianist, Fitzpatrick works as a disciple under Sander Cohen, but Cohen is displeased by Fitzpatrick’s piano playing. Fitzpatrick must continue to play the piano every night but, as time passes, he comes closer to giving up out of frustration, leading to his explosive death. Each night Fitzpatrick lives he loses 5% on his chances of survival, starting with a 90% base rate of surviving Night 1; 85% of surviving Night 2; 80% Night 3; 75% Night 4, etc. He cannot win with Sander Cohen alive.

Martin Finnegan – A former disciple of Cohen, Finnegan was apparently locked by Cohen to die in a freezer. Earning his nickname The Iceman, Finnegan now bitter takes revenge on a player of his choice every night, attempting to freeze them. He has a 20% base rate of successfully freezing any of his targets. While frozen, a player cannot use his/her night power or Plasmids. A player remains frozen for three nights, unless unfrozen by fire. Finnegan cannot win with Sander Cohen alive.

Silas Cobb – Owner of Rapture Records and former disciple of Cohen, Cobb does not take lightly to being imprisoned inside Poseidon Plaza. Whenever anyone attempts to nightkill him, Cobb defends himself by attacking in response. In defense he behaves like a Nitro Splicer, and consequently hurls grenades at his attacker. He has a 35% base rate of killing his attacker two consecutive tries. Cobb cannot win with Sander Cohen alive.

Hector Rodriguez – Former disciple of Cohen, Rodriguez is also held prisoner in Fort Frolic, specifically in Eve’s Garden. He incessantly rambles about what Cohen put him through and the things he did for Cohen, often while drunk. Whenever anyone attempts to nightkill him, Rodriguez defends himself by attacking in response. In defense he behaves like a Nitro Splicer, albeit a drunken one, and consequently hurls grenades at his attacker in a drunken fashion. He has a 35% base rate of killing his attacker two consecutive tries, but a 50% chance of accidentally throwing the grenade each time at someone else in mistake. He cannot win with Sander Cohen alive.

ADAM Guardians (5)

Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum – A genetic scientist credited with the development of ADAM, Dr. Tenenbaum was monumental in the creation of Little Sisters and spreading the use of Plasmids to the general public, with the financial backing of Frank Fontaine. Eventually she grew to regret her decisions, seeing how the little girls had been deformed, and later disappeared from the public eye. She cares deeply for her “little ones” and will protect them at any cost. Every night, Tenenbaum may choose to send a gift of her choice from her inventory to any player of her choice. However, she cannot send a gift to any of her teammates. If any player tries to use a Plasmid on Tenenbaum, she will convince them not to, thereby making her immune to attempted Plasmid usage. She and her team win as the last team standing. However, if all of the Big Daddies and Little Sisters die before Tenenbaum, she then is able to win with any team as long as she survives until the end of the game, with one exception. She cannot win with Frank Fontaine alive.

Big Daddy (Bouncer) – Is mentally conditioned to protect the Little Sisters under any circumstances, guarding them from harm. If any character attempts to nightkill Little Sister 1, Bouncer absorbs the kill attempt. Bouncer is harder to kill than most living creatures in Rapture due to its thick armored suit. It automatically cuts any base rate of any enemy by 15%, decreasing the enemy's chances in successfully killing the Big Daddy. Starting on Night 2, Bouncer targets a player of its choice with its drill, which has an 85% base rate of killing its target. After using its drill, the Bouncer must take two nights to recharge its energy before another brutal attack.

Big Daddy (Rosie) – Is mentally conditioned to protect the Little Sisters under any circumstances, guarding them from harm. If any character attempts to nightkill Little Sister 2, Rosie absorbs the kill attempt. Rosie is harder to kill than most living creatures in Rapture due to its thick armored suit. It automatically cuts any base rate of any enemy by 30%, vastly decreasing the enemy's chances in successfully killing the Big Daddy. Rosie targets a player of its choice every even night with its rivet gun, which has a 70% base rate of killing its target.

Little Sister 1 – Is guarded by Big Daddy (Bouncer) and searches for ADAM in dead players. Starts the game with a lynch vote value of zero. Every odd night she searches the dead players for a player who might have used a Plasmid. If she finds one who did in the course of his/her life, then she extracts the ADAM and gains the power of another vote for the remainder of the game.

Little Sister 2 – Is guarded by Big Daddy (Rosie) and searches for ADAM in dead players. Starts the game with a lynch vote value of zero. Every even night she searches the dead players for a player who might have used a Plasmid. If she finds one who did in the course of his/her life, then she extracts the ADAM and gains the power of another vote for the remainder of the game.

Fontaine's Crew (3)

Atlas (Frank Fontaine) – A criminal mastermind, world-class con man, and smuggler of contraband into Rapture, Frank Fontaine wants nothing more than the death of Ryan and his vision of Rapture, and consequently to become the ultimate tyrant. Fontaine cannot be lynched or nightkilled as Atlas, a working class hero who wants the best for everyone. Atlas loses his alias once either Jack dies or Ryan is killed by Jack. He subsequently resumes his true identity of Fontaine and is able to be killed. If Jack dies before reaching Ryan and Ryan still lives, Fontaine grows furious, injecting himself with every single Plasmid that Suchong has created, and goes after Ryan himself in a craze. He subsequently searches for Ryan every night and kills him if he finds him. Once he then kills Ryan (or if Ryan is killed by someone else in the interim), Fontaine, now driven even more insane by the massive amounts of ADAM, kills every night. His Plasmid-induced melee kills have a 90% base rate of success. It is imperative to your survival for Tenenbaum to be dead before Jack kills Andrew Ryan.

Dr. Yi Suchong – Suchong works for whoever will offer him the most money, and as such is monumental to the creation of Jack and to the research of ADAM and Plasmids. Every night he works on his formulas to create or upgrade Plasmids for Jack. He thus can choose to create a new Plasmid from the available options given to him by the host, or he can upgrade a Plasmid already in Jack's possession (but only if the Plasmid is upgradeable). In the event that Jack dies, Suchong stops creating Plasmids and begins working on a pheromone system for Plasmids. If Fontaine dies thereafter, Suchong finishes his pheromone, which has an effect on all Plasmid users. The effect of the pheromone is unknown to everyone but Suchong. If Fontaine is already dead when Jack dies, it takes Suchong two nights after Jack’s death to finish his pheromone. (Secrets) Once the pheromone has been completed, every night Suchong can force the subsequent day votes of those players who are currently using Plasmids.

Jack – The son of Andrew Ryan and Jasmine Jolene, Jack is the brainchild of Fontaine, Suchong, and previously Tenenbaum and their experiments. His plane crashes right outside Rapture and thereafter he travels throughout all of Rapture pursuing his penultimate goal of killing Ryan, eliminating any other evil standing in his way. Jack travels through every section of Rapture one at a time per night period, unless caught by a security bot. If caught, he does not move until the following night. Jack has the option to utilize any Plasmids that Dr. Suchong crafts for him, but can only use three until he runs out of EVE. He can additionally use his wrench, his pistol, and any Plasmids in defense to fend off enemies if attacked. As such, Jack is bit harder to kill than most others, automatically cutting his opponents' base rates by 5%. His wrench has a 10% base rate of killing its target and his pistol has a 25% base rate. Jack can only use his pistol five times until he needs to buy more bullets. Any time Jack successfully kills an enemy in either defense or offense, he gains money, which can be used to purchase items at the Circus of Values vending machines. If Jack reaches Arcadia before Professor Langford uses the Lazarus Vector, he takes it from her. While Jack is in Fort Frolic, he temporarily loses BTSC with his teammates and gains BTSC with Sander Cohen anonymously. If Jack successfully reaches Andrew Ryan's Office and kills him, he begins to kill every night, using his wrench, pistol, and/or any Plasmids he may have. (Secrets) Jack begins the game with one Electro Bolt 1 Plasmid. Every time Jack is attacked at night and lives to tell the tale, he gains insight into the true identity of his attacker(s). He does so with 60% accuracy. If Jack kills Andrew Ryan and Tenenbaum is alive, he uncovers the truth about Fontaine’s mental conditioning on him and rebels, with help from Tenenbaum. His win conditions are altered to those of the ADAM Guardians and he additionally gains BTSC with them. If Tenenbaum is the last one standing on her team, Jack can win alongside her with her modified win conditions (i.e., as long as Fontaine dies). If Jack kills Ryan and Tenenbaum is not alive, he retains his allegiance to Fontaine and nothing happens.

Sander Cohen and His Dancers (3)

Sander Cohen – Controller and head of Fort Frolic, Cohen is an artist gone mad, to say the least. He seeks nothing now but to finish his masterpiece, the Quadtych. All it is missing now are four photographs, each of one of his former artist disciples who have lost their way. As Kyle Fitzpatrick, Martin Finnegan, Silas Cobb, and Hector Rodriguez die, Cohen must take a picture of each to immortalize their mortality. If any of them are lynched or if Fitzpatrick explodes, Cohen takes a picture automatically. If any are nightkilled, he must take a picture of them by searching through dead bodies. Every night Cohen searches one dead body for one of his four former disciples; if he finds one, he takes their picture. Once he has all four pictures, he has fulfilled the main aspect to his win condition and must merely survive, winning with any team. So long as any of his former disciples are still alive, however, he cannot win. If five or more players ever cast a vote against Cohen during the same lynch, despite Cohen’s ability as a Houdini Splicer as difficult to kill, he begins to grow paranoid of all the “doubters” and can no longer win with any team. He consequently can only win by outliving everyone else as a normal baddie, with the assistance of his dancers. If anyone nightkills either of his dancers, he becomes enraged and attacks the killer every night until the killer meets death. As a sophisticated Houdini Splicer, Cohen has a 30% base rate of killing his targets, and he survives the first two attempts on his life, whether by lynch or by nightkill. While Jack is in Fort Frolic, he additionally gains temporary BTSC with Jack anonymously.

Houdini Splicer Dancer 1 – Can manipulate votes in every lynch using magic by making two players’ votes disappear. These players, selected the previous night, will be unaware their votes will not count during that day period. He is too busy dancing to be able to avoid kill attempts like other Houdini Splicers. (Secrets) Must always vote the same way as Houdini Splicer Dancer 2 in lynches. If they fail to do so, both dancers are blocked the subsequent night.

Houdini Splicer Dancer 2 – Can manipulate votes in every lynch using magic by making two players’ votes worth twice as much as normal. These players, selected the previous night, will be unaware their votes are doubled during that day period. She is too busy dancing to be able to avoid kill attempts like other Houdini Splicers. (Secrets) Must always vote the same way as Houdini Splicer Dancer 1 in lynches. If they fail to do so, both dancers are blocked the subsequent night.
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Don Emeritum
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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »


Pick your plasmid and evolve!

Warning: Plasmids cannot be used by Security Bots, Big Daddies, Little Sisters, or Dr. Suchong. Sorry!

Incinerate! – Light up foes to a thousand degrees. Warning, fire spreads!

Electro Bolt – Stun your foes with a thousand volts!

Telekinesis – Throw objects at foes. You can even catch grenades and throw them back!

Insect Swarm – Nothing clears a room like swarms of stinging bees!

Enrage – Enrage your enemies! Laugh as your enemies fight each other.

Target Dummy – Enemies on your back? Distract their attention with a helpful decoy. They take the heat so you don't have to!

Security Bullseye – Trick the security system! Set Security Bots on your enemies.

Hypnotize Big Daddy [SECRET] – Cry out for Big Daddy's help, make him think you're a Little Sister. Watch as he fights to protect you.



Health and happiness... through genetics!

Warning: Gene Tonics cannot be used by Security Bots. Sorry!

Scrounger – Splicing Scrounger is like having a sixth sense. You'll spot things you'd otherwise miss and discover things you'd otherwise leave behind. With Scrounger, you'll swear you have X-Ray Vision!

Shorten Alarms – Are frequent Security Alarms driving you deaf? Reduce the pain with Shorten Alarms!

Static Discharge – Ryan Industries introduces the latest in wartime deterrent genetics. Static Discharge makes you a walking Tesla Coil, zapping anything and everything foolish enough to strike you. Feel safe, be safe with Static Discharge!
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Don Emeritum
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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »


1. No BTSC (Behind the Scenes Contact/Conversation) with anyone other than your specified BTSC partners.
2. No editing or deleting of posts.
3. No role outing of yourself or anyone else. Role hints are acceptable but are generally discouraged and should not be taken lightly.
4. No double-targeting (targeting the same individual with a power twice in a row).
5. No asshattery (purposeful disrespectful behavior) towards another individual(s)!
6. Dead players should not post on-topic and should be in dead red. There is a "dead" button when posting for this function.
7. Off-topic posts should be in off-topic green. There is an "OT" button when posting for this function.
8. Posts from non-players should be in non-player blue. There is a "np" button when posting for this function.
9. This is your host's color. All host posts will be in this color. Don't use it!

And most of all, have fun!
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Don Emeritum
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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Prologue: Jack's Arrival - Jack arrives in Rapture and Johnny, one of Atlas's men, is killed by a Splicer.
Prologue: Plasmid Giveaway - The players must decide whether to sign up for a root canal at Dandy Dental (and a free Plasmid!) or pass on the Rapture Radio advertisement's offer.
Day 0: The Best Things in Life Are Free - The players who voted to take the offer stop one by one by Dandy Dental to receive their root canal and free Plasmid. Now they must find a parasite to kill.
Day 1: A Person = A Bot - A Person is lynched; he was Security Bot.
Night 1: Dream Your Troubles Away - agleaminranks has been killed by Houdini Splicer.
Day 2: The Man Behind the Plasmids - birdwithteeth11 is lynched; he was Dr. Yi Suchong.
Night 2: How Grand Are You? - juliets has been killed by Big Daddy (Bouncer); LittleTiger has been killed by Big Daddy (Rosie).
Day 3: Drunken Last Words - thellama73 is lynched; he was Hector Rodriguez.
Night 3: Smuggler's Hideout - Lizzy has been killed by Leadhead Splicer.
Night 3: Fitzpatrick's Requiem - Elohcin exploded; she was Kyle Fitzpatrick.
Day 4: Those Damn Fools - boo is lynched; he was Professor Julie Langford.
Night 4: Ture - Vompatti has been killed by Security Chief Sullivan.
Day 5: BoBoBotox - BoatsBoatsBoats is lynched; he was Jasmine Jolene.
Night 5: An Evening with Sander Cohen - Mongoose has been incinerated!
Day 6: Deja Vu - bea is lynched; she was Security Bot.
Day 6: The Vita Chamber - The players are given the chance to resurrect a fallen hero! Whoever receives the most votes will be given a second chance.
Night 6: Not So Bad for Me - No one has died. Mongoose is resurrected!
Day 7: Dr. Dex - Zany Dex is lynched; he was Dr. J.S. Steinman.
Night 7: The Bomb - indiglo has been killed by Houdini Splicer. Jack blows up the barricade to Rapture Central Control.
Night 7: Would You Kindly? - Jack uncovers a glimpse of his past and Ryan attempts to destroy Rapture before his confrontation with Jack.
Night 7: A Man or A Slave? - DharmaHelper was killed by Jack; he was Andrew Ryan. All living Splicers and Security Bots have gone rogue. Atlas has revealed his true identity to be Frank Fontaine and injected himself with Plasmids. Jack has chosen to rebel against Fontaine and defected to the ADAM Guardians with help from Tenenbaum.
Day 8: Code Yellow - bea 2.0 is lynched; she was Frank Fontaine.
Night 8: Twentieth Century Blues - Snow Dog has been killed by Thuggish Splicer; Bullzeye has been killed by Leadhead Splicer; Russtifinko has been killed by Nitro Splicer; DFaraday has been killed by Big Daddy (Bouncer); nutella has been killed by Big Daddy (Rosie); insertnamehere has been incinerated!
Day 9: Look, Mr. Bubbles, An Angel - Hedgeowl is lynched; she was Little Sister 2.
Night 9: Boomcinerated! - Boomslang has been incinerated!
Day 10: Spaghetti EVERYWHERE - >SpaghettiEverywhere was lynched; he was Security Chief Sullivan.
Night 10: Domcinerated! - Dom has been incinerated!
Day 11: The Death of Mongoose - Mongoose was lynched; she was Diane McClintock.
Night 11: Silence - No one has died.
Day 12: My Daddy Is Deader Than Your Daddy - Epignosis was lynched; he was Big Daddy (Bouncer).
Night 12: Kate's Demise - Kate has been killed by Security Bot.
Day 13: Now You See Me Alive, Now You Don't - Matahari was lynched; she was Houdini Splicer.
Night 13: The Very Disgruntled Porcupine - DisgruntledPorcupine has been killed by Thuggish Splicer.
Day 14: And Then There Were Four - AceofSpaces was lynched; he was Security Bot.
Night 14: Silence (Once Again) - No one has died.
Day 15: My Friend, You Are Fucked! - Flyin' High was lynched; she was Peach Wilkins.
Night 15: The Last Photograph - No one has died. The final photograph has been taken...
Conclusion: It Is Accomplished! - Devin the Omniscient, Nevinera, and Spacedaisy win the game!!!
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Don Emeritum
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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

A Person -- Security Bot -- Lynched - Day 1
AceofSpaces -- Security Bot -- Lynched - Day 14
agleaminranks -- Killed by Houdini Splicer - Night 1
bea -- Security Bot -- Lynched - Day 6
bea 2.0 -- Frank Fontaine -- [Replaced Ajira - Day 7] -- Lynched - Day 8
birdwithteeth11 -- Dr. Yi Suchong -- Lynched - Day 2
BoatsBoatsBoats -- Jasmine Jolene -- Lynched - Day 5
boo -- Professor Julie Langford -- Lynched - Day 4
Boomslang -- Incinerated by ??? - Night 9
Bullzeye -- Killed by Leadhead Splicer - Night 8
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DFaraday -- Killed by Big Daddy (Bouncer) - Night 8
DharmaHelper -- Andrew Ryan -- Killed by Jack - Night 7
DisgruntledPorcupine -- Killed by Thuggish Splicer - Night 13
Dom -- Incinerated by ??? - Night 10
Elohcin -- Kyle Fitzpatrick -- Exploded - Night 3
Epignosis -- Big Daddy (Bouncer) -- Lynched - Day 12
Flyin' High -- Peach Wilkins -- Lynched - Day 15
Hedgeowl -- Little Sister 2 -- Lynched - Day 9
indiglo -- Killed by Houdini Splicer - Night 7
insertnamehere -- Incinerated by ??? - Night 8
juliets -- Killed by Big Daddy (Bouncer) - Night 2
Kate -- [Replaced G.O.B. - Day 7] -- Killed by Security Bot - Night 12
LittleTiger -- Killed by Big Daddy (Rosie) - Night 2
Lizzy -- Killed by Leadhead Splicer - Night 3
Matahari -- Houdini Splicer -- Lynched - Day 13
Mongoose -- Diane McClintock -- Incinerated by ??? - Night 5 -- Resurrected - Night 6 -- Lynched - Day 11
nutella -- Killed by Big Daddy (Rosie) - Night 8
Russtifinko -- Killed by Nitro Splicer - Night 8
Snow Dog -- Killed by Thuggish Splicer - Night 8
>SpaghettiEverywhere -- Security Chief Sullivan -- Lynched - Day 10
thellama73 -- Hector Rodriguez -- Lynched - Day 3
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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Prologue: Jack’s Arrival


It is very highly suggested to watch this movie before reading any subsequent story posts.
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Re: Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Prologue: Plasmid Giveaway

Shortly after his arrival in Rapture, Jack came upon the entrance to Kashmir Restaurant, where he witnessed an obviously crazed Splicer near a baby crib. He beat the twisted soul to death with his wrench and grabbed the revolver out of the crib.

“Plasmids changed everything. They destroyed our bodies, our minds… we couldn’t handle it. Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs… the whole city went to hell.”

With pistol now in hand, Jack felt just a bit more comfortable at facing any other Splicers that might appear before him. Guided by Atlas, he continued his journey onward. He was determined to accomplish his newly acquired goal of reaching Atlas’s family in Neptune’s Bounty. Along his way, he started finding and collecting audio diaries, which further provided insight into the history of Rapture and into the minds of those who inhabit it.


“Dingdododo.” The familiar sound rang over the Rapture Radio system. A public address announcement was sure to follow.

“Attention: For a limited time get a free Plasmid by Ryan Industries at Dandy Dental with any root canal. Offer good while supplies last.”


Listen to the audio diaries Jack finds throughout his journey! Click the following link for the first and stay tuned for more to follow.

Audio Diary #1: Diane McClintock – “New Year’s Eve Alone”

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[DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

You may now post. :feb:
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

First! :feb:
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

I will trade a root canal for a free plasmid. As much as I dislike surgery of any kind, survival in Rapture is definitely increased with greater access to plasmids. So I will take whatever I can get.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by thellama73 »

Heck yes, I want a free Plasmid! A little unnecessary dental surgery never hurt anyone. Plus, I love capitalism.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by DharmaHelper »

I'll take a free plasmid.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by juliets »

I'm beginning to wonder if these plasmids are limited so I'll jump in and say I'll take one. No telling what getting a root canal entails though - I expect it to be nasty.

And hi everyone! Woot game!
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by S~V~S »

Yay Game :D

Just a quick announcement, then I will get out of your game. I will be your friendly neighborhood mod during Bioshock :lorab:

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Good Luck, everyone, and have a fun game :fiesta:

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Matahari »

Did someone say root canals? Sign me up, I'll take a couple of 'em. And none of that sissy numbin' stuff either. Jam all the needles ya want in the roof of my mouth, the more the better. Just leave out the novocaine. :feb:

this game looks awesome, I might have to become a gamer after all. But in the meantime, the audio file wouldn't open in safari. Can anyone tell me what program I need on my iPhone to open audio files? Thanks!
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Draconus »

After playing the game I definitely want a free Plasmid! I am also concerned about whether or not they are limited... Anyway

Yay game! It's good to be back!

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by DisgruntledPorcupine »

yo yo yo
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by DisgruntledPorcupine »

and plasmid plz
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Epignosis »

I'm still working on finishing the game, so

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Nevinera »

I have a vague feeling that you can't get something for nothing, and that the plasmids will bite us in the end.. But I can't pass up any advantage this early. I'll take a plasmid, I guess.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by boo »

It's a trap.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Elohcin »

Yay Game :yay:

I'll take a plasmid :)
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Spacedaisy »

I'm a sissy. No root canal for me, I may be skipping a plasmid but I seriously doubt the wont be consequences to taking one. This is a Sock game after all.

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by thellama73 »

boo wrote:It's a trap.
Nonsense. If I know Alex, this will be a simple, straightforward game with no nasty surprises, deals with the devil r other miscellaneous chicanery.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by insertnamehere »

In Bioshock, the plasmids were very awesome and badass, but also very addictive, and can drive you insane. They turned a significant part of the population into murderous druggies, who would do anything and kill anyone for another fix. The "Is it someone new?" woman was one of the "splicers".

Because of this, I'm wary of taking some of the plasmids this early, and it seems like a trap.

So, I'm going to pass.

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

thellama73 wrote:
boo wrote:It's a trap.
Nonsense. If I know Alex, this will be a simple, straightforward game with no nasty surprises, deals with the devil r other miscellaneous chicanery.
I completely agree. No shenanigans will be found in this game. :srsnod:
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Epignosis »

Pros and cons here.

If MP follows the story (so far he is), then the Plasmid to be gained is Telekinesis. The upshot of Telekinesis, despite the description of the Plasmid, was not throwing grenades back at grenadiers, it was bringing helpful items to yourself that were out of reach.

The downside is that I recall very vividly what went on in those dentistries (there were three in one section of the Medical Pavilion, not one), and that as soon as you picked up the shotgun you were required to use it... a LOT.
boo wrote:It's a trap.
Would you kindly tell me why you think it's a trap?
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by nutella »

Great opening!
At first the plasmids seem like a great idea but now some are wary/hesitant. I was initially going to go right for a free plasmid, and am still leaning that way, but I think I will give the discussion some time to develop.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by thellama73 »

nutella wrote:Great opening!
At first the plasmids seem like a great idea but now some are wary/hesitant. I was initially going to go right for a free plasmid, and am still leaning that way, but I think I will give the discussion some time to develop.
You don't want to plunge headlong into a hasty and ill-considered decision with reckless abandon like me? We're so different, you and I.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Bullzeye »

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
boo wrote:It's a trap.
Nonsense. If I know Alex, this will be a simple, straightforward game with no nasty surprises, deals with the devil r other miscellaneous chicanery.
I completely agree. No shenanigans will be found in this game. :srsnod:
With you there, the last MP game I played was totally straightforward with no secrets or manipulation.

I was at first thinking of just taking the free plasmid but apparently there are potential downsides to that choice. Having not played much of Bioshock I don't know for myself so I might wait and see what comes up in the discussion today.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Vompatti »

I think you all know how I feel about dentistry. No root canals for me please.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Flyin' High »

I will definitely say yes to the root canal! :D

I just read all of the roles and holy cow this game is going to break my brain! :eek:

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Nevinera »

Flyin' High wrote:I will definitely say yes to the root canal! :D

I just read all of the roles and holy cow this game is going to break my brain! :eek:
I've sort of resolved not to try to grok it until later. It'd be a waste if i just die immediately again..
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Snow Dog »

Just watched the opening video. Not sure I will be playing Bioshock. :sigh: :solitary: :offtobed:
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by bea »

I'm rather hesitant to take one myself. The whole thing smells of "Do you accept the present?" to me. Of course, the presents are what lead me to always be wary of socks bearing gifts....

Also - wow - this stuff is creapy. I must agree with snow dog. I'm pretty happy I'm not playing the video game (or more accurately, that Diggz already played it.) :hides: :solitary:
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by thellama73 »

Flyin' High wrote:I will definitely say yes to the root canal! :D

I just read all of the roles and holy cow this game is going to break my brain! :eek:
The roles are far too complicated for a mere mortal like me to understand all at once. It will get a little easier as some of them die off, but I'm not making much of an effort to be overly analytical this game because it seems pointless.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by AceofSpaces »

Yeah, that free plasmid is for sure a trap. Not going to be taking it. Taking the games backstory into consideration, pretty much anyone who took plasmids ended up killing loads of people in a drugged out super rage. No thanks.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by nutella »

Yeah I'm not even trying to understand the roles right now. D:

AceofSpaces wrote:Yeah, that free plasmid is for sure a trap. Not going to be taking it. Taking the games backstory into consideration, pretty much anyone who took plasmids ended up killing loads of people in a drugged out super rage. No thanks.

Hmm. That does sound bad. I'm rather torn.

Also this forum needs a multiquote feature :|
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Draconus »

I'm going to remain optimistic about my free plasmid. Seeing as there are already plenty of splicer roles in this game I seriously doubt these free plasmids will make more splicers out of us. I do, however, fear that the root canal might be crippling in some way. I'm hoping it's nothing too drastic, though. :(

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by DisgruntledPorcupine »

As long as my plasmid doesn't kill me I'm fine with it. :P
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Draconus »

DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:As long as my plasmid doesn't kill me I'm fine with it. :P

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by >SpaghettiEverywhere »

Oh gosh. Last time I took a gift from Alex it ended up blowing up two thirds of the remaining players in the mafia game. I'm gonna have to give this one some serious thought
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Bullzeye »

Yeah, having read some of these responses I think I'm voting not to receive one at this point. I'm sure there'll be other chances to get them anyway.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Flyin' High »

I've learned that playing a MP comes with risks but oftentimes those risks can pay off for big advantages. If the root canal leaves me hindered in some way, I'm sure it'll also better me in another way. :noble:

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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by >SpaghettiEverywhere »

yeah i think I'm going to have to risk it on this one. ill take it
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Lizzy »

Say 'nay' to becoming slaves to capitalist pigs! Plus, I'm a wuss by nature. :P
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Mongoose »

I like free things AND dental hygiene, so I'm in.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by Vompatti »

Mongoose wrote:I like free things AND dental hygiene, so I'm in.
I hope you know that fillings prevent your teeth from naturally remineralizing themselves.
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Re: [DAY 0] Bioshock Mafia


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

I think the trick with plasmids is to not risk using too many in a very short time span. In Bioshock, a lot of the enemies you encountered were people who had used a ton of plasmids to the point where they lost their sanity. I think there would certainly be negative consequences to accepting and using a whole bunch of plasmids like that (see Fontaine's role for an example), but I can't see us suffering from wanting a single plasmid on Day 0.
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