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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

Okay, another idea (as I am reading through Day 2 again and seeing nothing out of wack so far). It could be that the mafia members each have to have a certain person dead before they can kill.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Elohcin wrote:Just thought of something else. It could be that the baddie has to get someone else to do something/say something.
That's reliant upon someone else beside the mafia acting, and it unlikely given the wording from MP.
Elohcin wrote:Okay, another idea (as I am reading through Day 2 again and seeing nothing out of wack so far). It could be that the mafia members each have to have a certain person dead before they can kill.
That's permanent criteria. That can't be it.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by BigDamnHero »

I'm thinking some of the criteria may have something to do with daily post counts, and or votes received during the Lynch face.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

birdwithteeth11 wrote:I'm curious on what your current thoughts are. I feel like I haven't heard much from you this game.
Wilgy seems like...Wilgy. I don't think him chastising us is alignment-indicative, because I've been in that exact situation as a civilian.

I'd like to see some more discussion on Sig, who I think is now attempting to fly under the radar a little. I realize that people, even if they think he's one of the Yin Yang's, are apprehensive to start trying to lynch him again. But I've gotten nothing but bad reads from the gentleman, and I'd rather give lynching him again a whirl instead of relying on the seemingly inept Cops.

Another person who seems to be withdrawing from the thread a little: Russtifinko.

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Well that took longer than I thought. And at this hour, I'm too tired to continue my re-reads currently. I'll work on that tomorrow.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by DFaraday »

I feel like it is probably a post count or something like that. I don't see our hosts setting Herculean tasks for the Mafia to be able to use their kill. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen a game where the Mafia had to meet specific criteria every time they want to kill.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 3]


Post by DFaraday »

Looking over our Klingon's posts, this is all he posted during Day 3:
SokothQultuq wrote:Hey, I want to apologize for my absence. I may be unable to post for a day or two. I've got some things going on here. I do apologize family comes first.
I don't like merging real life and Mafia, but I can't help but wonder whether Sokoth's absence on Day 3 was related to the fact that the Mafia didn't kill that night. He was around for the first two Days about the same amount, and I didn't notice anything notably different in style or substance in his posts.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Night 3]


Post by Russtifinko »

DrWilgy wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:DrWilgy:

Do mafia fight to save their teammates? Or do they let the circumstances determine their actions?

You weren't kicking up any fuss over Scotty's lynch over the single token post you made. Is anybody going to kick up any fuss over yours?
It depends on the player. The fundamental rule of mafia being harder to lynch than civilian will be unchanging due to the nature of the game.

Probably not. Unless someone has any means of knowing my alignment. The only reason why I knew Scotty most likely wasn't bad was due to vote pattern analysis which I pointed out previously here:
DrWilgy wrote:Scotty has a 5 vote lead? I'll be shocked if this is a baddie.
This makes me wonder why you would say I didn't kick up any fuss when I did disagree. (I'm currently catching up in the thread to become more involved in the game)
Wilgy, to attempt to put a finer point on what Epi said: you seem plenty happy to say "I told you so" and throw in snarky comments about how we're headed down the wrong path, but when it comes to the actual work of proposing a better option/building a case/even actually trying to convince people to move their votes rather than just saying they're poor votes, you've fallen woefully short. So your condescension rings hollow.
Sorry. Didn't mean to be condescending. I can see that. Snarky isn't something though. Pointing out a incorrection is important for discussion and I still look forward to what Epi states about it.

If I were here I would have avoided a Scotty lynch at all costs. I suppose what I would like to know everyones thoughts on the vote pattern though. To me, a player with a 5 vote lead is civ.

What say you russ?
Fair enough, I guess. The issue I have with it is that you WERE here, you just weren't very active is all. And I agree with BWT that a 5-vote lead doesn't automatically make a lynchee good, althought with 20/20 hindsight, yeah, we should've considered it more closely.

Speculation: the kill rotates between mafia members, so on D1, mafia player 1 has to do something to use the kill, and so on. Also, MP or SD said them not killing 3 times in a row was unfathomable or some such, indicating that the criteria should have been relatively easy to meet (assuming that choice of words wasn't just color). Thus, anyone inactive or D/N1 or D/N3 should get increased scrutiny for potentially being baddie 1 or 3, and we can more or less assume baddie #2 was active D/N2 since they met the criterion.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Quin »

insertnamehere wrote:
Quin wrote:I fully intended to up my activity as I said earlier, but my internet suddenly got super spotty again. It's back now so I can only hope it stays that way. I'm going out this morning but when I come back I'll have something more definitive to say.

To make sure this post isn't entirely wasted, I want you guys to give me some names to ISO when I get home. I'll just do a couple of wall posts because I'm on a ...uh..... a budget.



Alright, here we go. I was hoping more people would get in on this because I want to do stuff. I'd do stuff anyway, but hey, stuff.

Starting with sig:

I believe I've already addressed sig's Day 0 to some degree, so I'll skip forward a little. The tl;dr is 'I don't see why his day 0 observations are a thing'
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sig wrote:Well okay that is good enough for me at the time, also I just added mist of deception since it sounded good. :P

Though one thing I do find odd is that nobody is taking this serious at all except for me, and you/Lorab fighting agaisnt it, yet you make it out to be that your about to be lynched or that there is even a motion to lynch you and saying you don't want to put effort into a game if you're going to be lynched. Yet as I said not a single person has even mentioned maybe lynching you, I haven't even pushed for you to be lynched or said that I'd vote for you. So I do think your reaction to this is very odd.

I also hope this doesn't make you not want to play I saw something I found odd and went with it when I got a reaction from people, which is what I always try (and usually fail/get lynched) when I play mafia.

Dom Don't be a man frozen in time play fallout 3 instead.
Okay I'll lay off Eloh, I'm most likely wrong anyway.
but don't be a sympathetic dodo head about this. :ponder:

Also and this is perhaps the most important part don't be a member of the Institute and Don't be a member of the BoS the only way to go is the Railroad.

linki 2: Don't be a foolhardy fool I wasn't being repetitive at all.
Don't be a drivel creating driveler.
I believe he's accusing BDH here for being very gungho about defending himself after sig first sussed him. Getting on top of any suspicions before they can spiral into a lynch isn't suspicious at all. Next.
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sig wrote:
Scotty wrote:Lalalalalala still haven't checked my Role Pm. This is slightly fun except for the fact that I am one of the low posters I would normally vote for in day 1.

I don't have a lot of time so I'm changing things up:

Scotty's Mafia Pick-of-Day (TM):


Sig, don't be a Donald Trump!
I think sig is talking too much to be civ. I think he is trying to maintain a civ appearance by talking almost as much as my great aunt Kathy.

Sukoth, don't be a crappy Star Trek sequel!
I liked the first 2 in this new franchise, and after seeing the last one, I fear we're headed into bad pastures. Don't head down bad pastures. Too much CGI and green screen can kill the practicality of a movie, just like your feigned interest in the thread can give you the guise to appear civ.

Dom, don't be my uncle Sean's liver!
He drinks a lot, and he might need to get a transplant soon. This is serious business. The liver is only there as a placeholder until he gets a new one, just like your posts. I don't like em.

Aight, now to look at my role card.
Don't be a Hillary Scotty! Look at your role card and no pleading the fifth either :P
I disagree, I'm talking more day 1 than I do in some games yes, but that's just because I'm excited to play a game since I haven't played in a bit. So Scotty don't be a cruzbot about this and betray me. :srsnod:
So me posting isn't an indication that I'm bad or that I'm good. Some games I post more and some I post less. It usually isn't a reflection on my alignment.
Claims his level of inactivity/activity isn't an indication of alignment. No, it's not; but quality of activity is. His prior posts at this point are incredibly fluffy and leave much to be desired as far as meat goes.
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sig wrote:
Dom wrote:
sig wrote:Okay I know it is verrrrry early day 0 but already two things have stood out to me.
rabbit8 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Yay! This looks like a super complex set up with the items. I have been mega busy recently with RL, but I was looking forward to this.

Um, since info on the poll is confirmed, I think we should be clear on why we are voting as we do. I am choosing Ice Cream Jerky since, A~ It does not have meat in it. And B~ I have had that freeze dried "space astronaut" ice cream, and it was acceptable. Most of this except maybe Fruit Loop Quesadilla,sounds awful.

Also never saw this if that makes a diff re options.

You mafia.....? :smoky:
And SVS response.
S~V~S wrote:OMG, no lol.
I find it to be very strange. :eye:

This seems like an attempt by Eloh to look townie and make it seem like she doesn't have information while she really does.
Elohcin wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:
DFaraday wrote:This game is going to be great! All of those options sound amazing/revolting, so I'll have to mull it over.

Host: Does anyone have info on this poll?
not me :(
Don't be a Regretful Randy, sig. i went back, as promised, and think your point on Eloh is rather moot. I can see Elo doing that regardless of alignment.

Don't be a Vague Veronica-- what's so strange about what SVS said and why did you drop it?

Don't be an Ignoring Ivan. ;)
Don't be a rambunctious Romney Dom, quit it with the Don't be a something or other thingys, that lynch immunity thing is mine. :noble:

DrWilgy wrote:
Scotty wrote:Good news! I'm not bad! :phew:

I also want to state that Wilgy is DEFINITELY not a doctor. That is all.
Dont be a lying Doctorpants like Wilgy

Lol, actually yes Dom. They were the same. Just because LoRab quoted you instead of me doesn't change the intent of your post. What was it without saying "Don't be dat boi (oh shit, waddup) who's barling at nothing?"
Don't be a confounding Clarence Wilgy explain your logic and your vote please.

I also find it odd Scotty said he didn't look at his role card for so long?

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:
Don't be so judgmental of my judgyness. :ponder: Yes that works.
I wouldn't lynch Eloh based on one little thing, but I thought it was worth pointing out jsut like I pointed out the thing with SVS which didn't get nearly as much attention. It does make me thing maybe I was right about Eloh and her team mates are defending her so much, either way don't be so defense it looks odd.
Ehhhhh. The more I look over it, it really does seem like jokey Day 0 stuff. Especially the SVS and rabbit thing, given their long mafia history. And I'm just not seeing it now with Eloh.

Plus I'm not sure how much you can read into a Day 0 without any voting history.
Don't be a Buzzlightyear to my Woody bwt, but okay who do you plan to vote for today and why?
He's after the lynch immunity. I think those who were highly invested in being removed from the poll are more likely to be bad. He was (I believe) the first to mention that he found Scotty's not checking his role pm to be odd - this doesn't say much about alignment to me.
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sig wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Yeah, what's so strange about it? Every game we play you find one of my remarks to be *odd* or *strange*. Maybe you just thing *I* am odd or strange, and we don't think even remotely alike. Since you seem to find most things I say to be odd in pretty much every game, I think this is the case. I certainly find many of your remarks to be at odds with mine, but I know that this is a matter of just not particularly understanding each others thought processes, and is not alignment indicative.
I found it odd, since I never recall you saying "OMG lol no" before. Maybe you have and I missed it. However, that specific response to Rabbit seemed like a baddies way of answering that question. Now you might say Sig don't be a Llama about this, since yes Llama does use that logic however, my response would be don't be a disbeliever in weird or strange game styles. In which you would say Sig don't be a lynch mob creater, in which I would say don't be a Hiding Hyde. Or something like that. :workit:

linki: See that is one reason I did continue to push it since both Epi and Lorab seemed to jump to Eloh defense very quickly.
I also found the 'OMG, no!' or whatever SVS said earlier to be odd. I don't anymore, because I'd only really be suspicious of she were to vocally say it as she did, rather than type it. I can't fault his thought process.
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sig wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Sig I can't tell if you are feigning ignorance of my suspicion of Dom.

BWT you say I'm here but not... What is causing that feeling? Also there's no need to beat around the bush. I stated that I didn't read day 0 after all.

Can at least 3 others validate my suspicion please?
I meant here but not here in that I feel like you've posted some, but don't have much substance. I am hoping to see that change.
Odd... At some point my screen jumped. I missed it and mixed Sig's post with BWT's post in my head.

Allow me to fix this in the above. BWT I have seen nothing to associate you with Dom or my suspicions.

This question is still relevant regardless, If I'm focused and nothing catches my eye why would I make a point of it?

@Eloh what do you think of Sig's interactions with me? What about his over use of emoji's?
WoW WOOOOOW stop right there. :suspish:

Over use of emoji's!? I always use high amount of faces like every game, why bring it up? In fact I've used less this game then I have in others. :ponder:

Don't be a misconstruing Miles Wilgy. (hehe I made a little rhythm) :D
I'm eyeing Wilgy for his very strange attempt at setting me up, also he is attempting to connect me to Dom, since I don't understand his suspicion of Dom, which he hasn't yet explained.

Elohcin wrote:I think sig's sus of me, and Lorab for that matter, was a bit opportunistic. It will be something I keep in mind. Maybe I overreacted. But I am tired of being found suspicious for stupid stuff in Mafia. I am calm now :)

BTW, I am not doing any of these "Don't be a _______" phrases b/c I know I would never get the most.
It was early day 0 and I thought I caught something sorry though don't be a worry wart about it I don't think I was right. :bighug:
DFaraday wrote:I'm not even going to try the challenge. Sig's posts just felt like standard wacky Sig theories, and Eloh's response felt genuine as well (not that there was a case on her to begin with). I feel pretty good about them right now. What pings me a bit is that Scotty allegedly posted several times before looking at his rolecard. It felt like he wanted to give off the impression of being totally blind by drawing attention to that.
Don't be a conspiracy denier DF. :ninja:
I agree the scotty thing did seem a wee bit odd.

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
sig wrote:Well okay that is good enough for me at the time, also I just added mist of deception since it sounded good. :P

Though one thing I do find odd is that nobody is taking this serious at all except for me, and you/Lorab fighting agaisnt it, yet you make it out to be that your about to be lynched or that there is even a motion to lynch you and saying you don't want to put effort into a game if you're going to be lynched. Yet as I said not a single person has even mentioned maybe lynching you, I haven't even pushed for you to be lynched or said that I'd vote for you. So I do think your reaction to this is very odd.

I also hope this doesn't make you not want to play I saw something I found odd and went with it when I got a reaction from people, which is what I always try (and usually fail/get lynched) when I play mafia.
Okay, I can believe this. Seems genuine to me.

Sig, I don't think it's that nobody is taking you seriously. I think it's just that your questioning of Eloh's statement appears really out-of-context given there isn't much to back it up yet. I think it's more one of those little tidbits that you keep on the backburner as the game progresses, and go back to it if you start to find more suspicious activity from Eloh.

That and I think a lot of players find it odd when someone start building a case (not saying you wanted to lynch her here) on somebody based off a Day 0 post.
Taking me seriously might have been the wrong phrase to use, more so nobody thought my theory was accurate. It is odd, but day 1 there isn't much to go off of, so I'd rather go after something I find odd then just lynch someone at random. I also thought the deadline was tonight oops.
I need to go further into context of Wilgy's suspicion of Dom to understand this, so I'll come back to it. But I don't like Wilgy's accusation on the basis that sig is 'overusing' emojis. :mafia: :mafia: :mafia: :mafia: :mafia: :mafia: :mafia: :mafia:
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sig wrote:
Dom wrote:Don't be absent, Sig.
Don't be a faker Dom I'm not absent.

I'm not I still am probably the top poster.

This attempt to lynch me is foolish and wrong and will not succeed I'm not dying day 1 again. :mad:

@Eloh Yeah I was looking for things day 0 I was ready to start the game and not have any more fluff, plus I wanted to get going so I did. I see nothing wrong with this, also what an obvious No U vote.

I'd also like to point out BigDamnHero is voting for me based off of pre game talk as in nobody had their role card talk. This is a perfect cover for a mafia member to do and if not a mafia member a very bad townie. don't be a ignoramus and don't be a dupe lynch someone other than me.
Don't be a person who is hoodwinked by Eloh.
Noted about BDH. I might revisit him if I can be bothered after these ISO's. He was confident that he wouldn't be lynched day 1, which completely rules out the chief's lynch stop imo. I don't believe an item saved him either, so I think we're looking at either Shawn or Yang. My ISO so far is leading me to believe the latter.
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sig wrote:I'm voting for Scotty as well, he is a minor ping of mine, and I want to widen the gap between him and me. So it is part self preservation part suspicion.
Question: Does a person who knows they have lynch immunity bother placing a self-preservation vote?
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sig wrote:I'll vote for Lorab her odd defense using misinformation pinged me more than Eloh.
Never mind.
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sig wrote:
Dom wrote:
sig wrote:
Dom wrote:Don't be absent, Sig.
Don't be a faker Dom I'm not absent.

I'm not I still am probably the top poster.

This attempt to lynch me is foolish and wrong and will not succeed I'm not dying day 1 again. :mad:

@Eloh Yeah I was looking for things day 0 I was ready to start the game and not have any more fluff, plus I wanted to get going so I did. I see nothing wrong with this, also what an obvious No U vote.

I'd also like to point out BigDamnHero is voting for me based off of pre game talk as in nobody had their role card talk. This is a perfect cover for a mafia member to do and if not a mafia member a very bad townie. don't be a ignoramus and don't be a dupe lynch someone other than me.
Don't be a person who is hoodwinked by Eloh.
It took you ages to get back to my question. I don't think you're low posting, but I wanted an answer bc I thought (resutl of lynch gives me pause) you were bad.

Your response, though, I think, was well analyzed by Rob.

Am I not allowed to have a life. :confused:

I'm very suspicious of Epi, Matt, and Dom right now. I suspect at least one if mafia, one is potential Ying/Yang, and the other is most likely a civ who I'm wrong about. :ponder:
If sig is Yang, I'd expect Ying to be one of the three listed here, since throwing suspicion at teammates is..a thing. Earlier he didn't get the Dom suspicion, but now he's 'very suspicious'. Yeah, he's our guy.
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sig wrote:Well I'm not surprised I believe the mafia attempted to kill me last night and they failed. :keys:

I think, no I'm becoming increasingly confident Epi, Dom, and Matt need to be lynched. One or two are mafia and the other is Ying/Yang. Now this was a mafia kill and I believe it was directed at me since I'm being active and was right about one or multiple mafia members.

Now this is a day 2 read, so I might be wrong, but Epi seems very mafiaish this game not posting much at all and being very under the radar, this is different then his BattleStar gameplay and more like his Turf War gameplay, I hate what Matt did at the end of the last phase this is very very pingy. Dom is a little bit different I just have a really bad gut feeling on him.

also yay I'm off the poll have fun trying to get rid of me again. :p

linki: Of course.
At the beginning of day 2 we learnt that 'No one has been killed by the Crooked Cops' whereas on day 3 we learnt that ????? has survived a kill attempt by the Crooked Cops. The difference between the two statements has since been clarified. On day 2, nobody died because nobody was targeted with a night kill. I think sig was trying to play off the Shawn claim while he is, in fact, Yang, and wouldn't have survived a night kill if he was targeted.
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sig wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:
timmer wrote:
sig wrote:Well I'm not surprised I believe the mafia attempted to kill me last night and they failed. :keys:

I think, no I'm becoming increasingly confident Epi, Dom, and Matt need to be lynched. One or two are mafia and the other is Ying/Yang. Now this was a mafia kill and I believe it was directed at me since I'm being active and was right about one or multiple mafia members.

Now this is a day 2 read, so I might be wrong, but Epi seems very mafiaish this game not posting much at all and being very under the radar, this is different then his BattleStar gameplay and more like his Turf War gameplay, I hate what Matt did at the end of the last phase this is very very pingy. Dom is a little bit different I just have a really bad gut feeling on him.

also yay I'm off the poll have fun trying to get rid of me again. :p

linki: Of course.
My laptop is still toast so I'm posting from work now that the bosses are gone home... Sig, can you flesh this out? If I'm understanding you, you are suggesting that the late surge against you in the lynch was baddie-led, and you say that Epig, Dom and Matt are the main focus for you. But if this was baddie-led, then doesn't that mean that Scotty should be your #1 priority? There are only 3 baddies... if they were scrambling, it was to save someone no?, so it has to be Scotty who was being saved?

I'm just confused as to why you are suggesting this thought process but including Dom, who didn't vote you, and NOT concentrating on Scotty. Am I misunderstanding?

I'm working off of this:

SokothQultuq (7), insertnamehere (11), DFaraday (14), LoRab (15) 20%

BigDamnHero (2), Elohcin (9), Epignosis (19), Matt (20) 20%

I'll catch furthur up as my workload allows.
This is what I did a poor job of trying to express earlier. Thanks, timmer. Also long time, no see! Good to be in a game with you.

So even though I think sig is good, I don't think we should blindly follow him or anything.
Oh I agree with this following me blindly will most likely end not so well, however there is a certain level of followness I think would be okay. :P

To answer Timmer and clear it up, I'm not connecting Epi and Matt/Scotty at all. I think Matt/Scotty could be mafia and Epi/Dom could be Ying or Yang.

I suspect Matt for his last minute actions last phase and obvious save attempt for scotty and trying to get me lynched in a very underhanded way.
I suspect Dom based 100% on gut he is just pinging me like crazy for some reason, but I have no real reason to it. So I believe he should be watched.
Epi is doing his standard baddie behavior, he is lurking more, not leading the town as much, and being more condescending when accused. This is exactly like his behavior in Turf War when he was bad, compared to BSG in which I thought he was bad, but he wasn't. So this is a combination of meta and gut mainly.

I do believe if we're going to lynch one of these three we start with either Matt or Epi. Mainly since the longer baddie Epi is around the harder it is to lynch him.

Elohcin wrote:Sig, you think Mafia tried to kill you last night and you survived? What makes you think this?
:shifty: :ponder: :shrug:

I couldn't say one way or the other, but I'm fairly confident the mafia did target me since I had named some of their members

Or the mafia believes that I'm Shawn and they killed me so Ying and Yang could kill more people. :ponder:
Either way I believe someone who I called out and said should be lynched at night was mafia.

Quin wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:Also, I would be inclined to move on from sig. I don't think he's the Yin/Yang guy because I don't see that person throwing themselves out in the open and potentially revealing their role this early.
He didn't exactly throw himself in the open, moreso he was leading a lynch train and his actions lead to more votes. I think it's still likely.
I kinda did though, if you compare me getting lynched in this game to others you'll see how laid back I was. I was also willing to switch my vote away from Scotty thus lowering the gap between me and him which put me in danger of being lynched. So I didn't fight the lynch. You want to see examples of me fighting lynches look at many of my past games. :p
Quin wrote:Either sig had a bulletproof vest, is Shawn or he's talking out of his butt :keys:
Why are you putting a target on my back?
Why would I just talk outta my butt?

Once again note Epi's game play and how he is acting I see a very noticeable difference from his Civ self.
His Dom suspicion is justified as a pure gut read. He also points the finger at me for 'putting a target on his back' as if there wasn't one already.
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sig wrote:
timmer wrote:So shouldn't we lynch Scotty, then? I still don't get why you list a group of players, some of whom may have been pulling a baddie save, but you don't concentrate on the guy who was allegedly saved. Why only lis Scotty as an "and Scotty" at the end. I've always questioned the logic of going after players for saving a baddie when you haven't proven the person who wad saved was indeed bad.

On my phone will post as I can
In part since Matt voted for me, which makes me more likely to think he is a baddie. However, he is arrested today so I wouldn't advocate for his lynch, even if we could lynch him.

Also Epi I doubt I'm the role you think I am.
In context, Epi is '97 percent sure of sig's role' and I believe he believes its a civ role considering the post itself. It's on page 8 if you want to read it, I'm not adding it here because that would just make this one ISO even longer. Holy shit. How long have I been at this? sig looks like he's preparing his 'I never roleclaimed Shawn!' argument for when the real Shawn flips.
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sig wrote:Is it though? Since your post does take a certain strange tone, almost like your teasing what your role is like third party people are prone to do. I do consider ying/yang more of a negative independent team than a mafia team.
Oh, do you?
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sig wrote:I never once hinted that I was invulnerable to lynches, also I only did that a bit, don't overplay my hyping.

Scotty had a chat with Matt, if his last wish was to lynch Matt then I think it is pretty damning. I've had BTSC chat a few times and you can usually tell if someone is acting squirrel.

So BigDamnHero you're thinking of lynching me to see if I can be lynched? This is a waste for two reasons.
1. You'd spend a phase lynching a civ.
2. If I couldn't be lynched you'd waste a phase doing nothing.

For Russ he could be mafia, but in hindsight I see what he is doing as more of a revenge thing for Russ 1.0.
The avid denial of having lynch immunity in action.


My ultimate conclusion is that I believe sig is Yang, shouldn't be lynched (as he can't) and that we should spend more time looking for his partner, who I'd wager is highly probable to be Dom/whoever replaced him.

I'll do the other two when I get up in the morning, that ate a bunch of my time. But one more thing on an independent (get it?) note:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:Alright. Let's trim this down a bit. I'm going to start by narrowing the list down. I'll cross out the ones that are off the list in terms of suspicion.
Epignosis wrote:
79 posts
Active in each phase

61 posts
Active in each phase

DFaraday 2.0 [replaced nijuukyugou]
11 posts (+4 posts)
Inactive Night 1

28 posts
Inactive Day 0, Night 2

I wasn't sure here, but given some of his other behavior, I'm leaving him in. Plus I want to read him a bit more.

25 posts
Inactive Night 1

9 posts
Inactive Night 1, Night 2

23 posts
Inactive Night 1

Metalmarsh89 [replaced Dom]
16 posts (+20 posts)
Inactive Night 1, Night 2

21 posts
Inactive Night 1

10 posts
Inactive Night 1, Inactive Night 2

Russtifinko 2.0 [replaced Turnip Head][replaced Soneji][replaced S~V~S]
15 posts (+23 posts +0 posts +5 posts)
Inactive Night 1

65 posts
Active in each phase

15 posts
Inactive Night 1

12 posts
Inactive Night 1, Night 2, Night 3
There we go. Knocked half the players off the list. So that leaves us 7 to look at.
Hey. Nice list. Wanna elaborate on why you cut those people out? Wanna elaborate on why you kept those people in?

Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by BigDamnHero »

Just a quick aside...why r there blue numbers at the bottom of Quinn's & INH'S posts?
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by DFaraday »

BigDamnHero wrote:Just a quick aside...why r there blue numbers at the bottom of Quinn's & INH'S posts?
It's probably a posting curse. I've seen that kind of thing a few times before, where they have to get a set number of posts in and number them.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by SokothQultuq »

Ok, so I've got my post review done and I'm all caught up. Sorry about the length of time between posts its been hectic. I took a "Night" to myself last night and went and saw Suicide Squad. (Decent movie). So here's my thoughts, and observations.

BigDamnHero -
Day 0 - Tried very hard at the contest during week 1/Day 0. A lot of seemingly pointless posting.
Day 2 - Went right after Scotty but at least stated a good reason. (Scotty’s wishy washy behavior on vote). Expresses an interest in Sig and his behavior. In the end decides to cast a vote for Scotty on this day but gives no elaboration other than what was already previously stated but even after stating they were going to be continues to post (Strange).
Night 2 – Random posts… again..
Day 3 – Calls out Matt for his “Drive by Voting”. Votes Scotty again…
Night 3 – Defending Matt against Sig. Is considering voting for Sig. Wants to hear more from Matt, and calls out DrWilgy but gives no specific reason.

Day 0 – Sucks up to Host. LOL
Day 1 – Calling out Sig for Early Case Building against Eloh. Defends SVS in regards to Rabbit’s “Jokey” post. Calls me out for an early post in conjunction with Scotty. Calls out Wilgy for Lurking. Defends Scotty regarding his odd behavior. Re-Affirms suspicious behavior in Wilgy but admits that there is less substance here. Low-Poster-Hater.
Day 2 – Confused by the sudden change of vote by Scotty. Kind of pounds scotty into the ground like a tent spike on his suspicious activity and suspicions of people without grounds. Votes: Scotty. Continues to call out Wilgy for the same reasons as Scotty.
Day 3 – Votes Scotty because of previous suspicions. Very adamantly against Lynching Sig. Taking issue with Matt drive by voting of Scotty.
Night 3 – Is Mournful about Scottt’s Lynch, oddly uses the same phrasing as Elohcin “Piss-Poor” results/job on this. Very suspicious of Rabbit.

Lorab (F)
Day 0 – 1 Post Nothing out of the ordinary.
Day 1 – Takes issues with Wilgy’s “Stabby” comment. Played the crap out of the “Don’t be a” game. Calls out Scotty for his posts and not checking his “Role Card” comment. Calls out Matt for voting with no given reasons.
Day 2: Votes Scotty Again due to previous suspicions.
Night 2: Nothing stands out.
Day 3: Votes Scotty again for the same reasons previously stated.
Night 3: Goes on a hard defensive when they are voted on by Quin. Nothing that stands out entirely.

Dfaraday 2.0 –
Day 1 - Think’s Sig is Wacked! Feels Eloh’s responses are genuine. Voted for Scotty because of his lack of response to questions about his posts. Defending Matt from Sig’s Suspicions.
Day 3 – Suspects Sig as a Baddie but reasons are unclear. Votes for Matt because of his previous posts.
Night 3 – Feels that everyone jumped on the Scotty Train very quickly.

Day 0 – No Participation?
Day 1 – Random posts that mean very little. Though the second post talking about feeling rather “Stabby” is concerning. Suspects Dom because of his poking at Rabbit and TWirlBird. Gibberish Post to follow. Observation: Lots of MIssdirection/Lies! Moves on to make open suspicions on Sig and Dom due to interactions with him. Pushes for a Dom Vote. Trying oddly to avoid a Sig vote at the beginning just because they’ve been outed more than once at the beginning of a game, continues to push for a Dom Vote.
Night 1 – Continues to push for Dom Lynch
Day 2 – Barely any activity, just random comments.
Day 3 – Gain Barely any Activity, one post which is just to call out Marmot.
Night 3 – Admits to not being here and asks for clarification on why Scotty was Lynched. (Clearly not paying attention to posts as it’s been explained off and on. )

Elohcin (F)
Day 0 – Put on the defensive because of Sig calling her out right out of the gates.
Day 1 – Refuses to participate in the first contest of “Don’t be a ____”. Mentions Niju as a possible suspect based on past experience with the player. But due to lack of strong evidence sticks to Sig as a suspect.
Day 2 – Really Pinging on Sig hard. Still suspicious about Sig. Votes for Scotty
Day 3 – Not much here.
Night 3 – Not much here either.

Day 0 – Opens with an insult to the host… Why? Then plays it off with a “Psych”. Kinda makes sense. Comes to the defense of Eloh. (Which I cannot see a Baddie Doing). Calls out BirdwithTeeth for “Shotgun” posts. Someone comments on his “Absenteeism” but he just plays it off. Calls out Sig for name dropping Eloh but making no efforts to get them lynched.
Day 1 – Votes Sig on Day 1. No direct reason given but previous posts point at sig’s behavior. Points out Sig’s absenteeism”
Day 2 – Seems very intent on pinging on Sig. Continues to ping on Sig.
Night 2 – Nothing stands out.
Day 3 – On the Defensive regarding his Vote Day 2 for Scotty with Russtifinko.
Night 3 – Nothing out of the ordinary.

Day 2 – (Came in Day 2 replacing Dom) Drops a Day 2 Vote for Scotty with no reasoning.
Day 3 – Points out that BirdWIthTeeth11 & Elohcin used the same phrasing “Piss-poor” result to reflect on Scotty’s Demise on Day 3. A Whole lot of filler posts. Nothing with substance. Just a lot of reaction posts up to this point.

Day 0 – Claims to have strong town reads on Epignosis, Wilgy and Elohcin and that they will elaborate later. Defends Eloh in regards to a post by SVS. Feels that it lacks substance.
Day 1 – Actually tries to do some reason on several of us but again does not stand behind these. Just early suspicions. Votes BigDamnHero – No Substantial Evidence provided. Suspicious of those who tried too hard at the “Don’t be a” contest just to get out of the vote.
Night 1 – Nothing.
Day 2 – Calls Sig out as Yang. Votes Dom for lack of a better target.
Night 2 – Nothing telling.
Day 3 – Rationalizes his votes for the day but nothing telling.
Night 3 – Calls out Rabbit on his post against Quinn, BigDamnHero, and Lorab.

Day 0 – Nothing Stands out.
Day 1 – Nothing interesting.
Day 2 – Broken phone, drops random vote for Timmer.
Night 3 – Calls out Quinn, BDH, and Lorab but offers no explanation. The rest of the posts provided are unsubstantial.

Russtifinko 2.0
Day 1 – Tries to strike up a Matt Vote, reasons are his missing post he promised.
Night 1 – put on the defensive by Matt’s post calling him and his vote “lazy” and when he asks for reasons matt does not give great ones.
Day 2 – Nothing really stands out.
Day 3 – Calls out Wilgy on his “I told you so comments” regarding the direction the group is going.

Day 0 – Calling out Eloh for trying to feign town, and has no info when she really does. This comment gets Epignosis attention and they call Sig out for jumping on Eloh.
Day 1 – Trying really hard at the “Don’t Be a ___” game. Spends a lot of time defending his comments about Eloh looking suspicious for the “Info” keeping/sharing comments from Day 0.
Day 2 – Nothing Stands out.
Day 3 – Nothing Stands out that hasn’t already been said.

Day 1 – Laptop breaks, no posts.
Day 2 – Calls out Sig’s suspicions but lack of voting for scotty. Kinda starts pushing Scotty as the preferred vote. And baffled why Sig is not voting for scotty? Suspicious of me because of my post where I randomly voted for Scotty. (Guess she didn’t read my post or understand it).

Day 0 – Defends Eloh against Sig’s suspicions.
Day 1 – Nothing stands out.
Day 2 -

Matt – Killed Day 3 – He was Mary Lightly
Day 1 – Starts looking at Lorab. Latches onto Sig’s supposed suspicion of LoRab. Calls out LoRab based on a suspicious post with Misinformation. Calls out scotty on his role card post. Wants to start a LoRab train. But gives no direct reason. Continues to lobby for LoRab vote. Calls out Sig who stated he was going to “Vote for Matt Tomorrow” basically asking if they knew they were not going to get Lynched.
Night 1 – Claims to have done some detective work and believes sig to be A-Okay or at least Yin or Yang
Day & Night 2 – Missed completely. (Apparently was arrested day 2/Night 2 which is why there was nothing here.)
Day 3 – Drops in and votes Scotty based on previous stuff from last Lynch attempted.

So these are things that just stood out. Perhaps some obvious some not. Might be reading between the lines a bit but this is what I've seen so far. As far as direct suspicions I will have to think a little longer on that before I start name dropping. But this is food for thought.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Quin wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:Alright. Let's trim this down a bit. I'm going to start by narrowing the list down. I'll cross out the ones that are off the list in terms of suspicion.
Epignosis wrote:
79 posts
Active in each phase

61 posts
Active in each phase

DFaraday 2.0 [replaced nijuukyugou]
11 posts (+4 posts)
Inactive Night 1

28 posts
Inactive Day 0, Night 2

I wasn't sure here, but given some of his other behavior, I'm leaving him in. Plus I want to read him a bit more.

25 posts
Inactive Night 1

9 posts
Inactive Night 1, Night 2

23 posts
Inactive Night 1

Metalmarsh89 [replaced Dom]
16 posts (+20 posts)
Inactive Night 1, Night 2

21 posts
Inactive Night 1

10 posts
Inactive Night 1, Inactive Night 2

Russtifinko 2.0 [replaced Turnip Head][replaced Soneji][replaced S~V~S]
15 posts (+23 posts +0 posts +5 posts)
Inactive Night 1

65 posts
Active in each phase

15 posts
Inactive Night 1

12 posts
Inactive Night 1, Night 2, Night 3
There we go. Knocked half the players off the list. So that leaves us 7 to look at.
Hey. Nice list. Wanna elaborate on why you cut those people out? Wanna elaborate on why you kept those people in?

I'm specifically looking at players who were not active during Day/Night 2, but were active in other phases. Given the baddie team has only killed on Night 2 so far, I think this could help us find potential baddies lying low.

Unfortunately I will not be able to do any more lengthy re-reads of the remaining players on my list at this moment. My brother is home for a couple of days before he starts grad school next week so for now I am just catching up and then most of today will be a family day. Later tonight I will try to do a few more of those re-reads.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

BigDamnHero wrote:Just a quick aside...why r there blue numbers at the bottom of Quinn's & INH'S posts?
I don't see any blue numbers on my posts...?

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

BigDamnHero wrote:Just a quick aside...why r there blue numbers at the bottom of Quinn's & INH'S posts?
I was about to ask the same thing and then saw you asked.

@ Quinn and INH - please answer this.
birdwithteeth11 wrote: I'm specifically looking at players who were not active during Day/Night 2, but were active in other phases. Given the baddie team has only killed on Night 2 so far, I think this could help us find potential baddies lying low.

Unfortunately I will not be able to do any more lengthy re-reads of the remaining players on my list at this moment. My brother is home for a couple of days before he starts grad school next week so for now I am just catching up and then most of today will be a family day. Later tonight I will try to do a few more of those re-reads.
Wouldn't you want to look at the people that were MORE active on Day/Night 2 since that is when they would have had to earn their kill?

I feel like even though several people have looked back to try and figure out who could be bad, we aren't any closer to a real suspect. :ponder:
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

Elohcin wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:Just a quick aside...why r there blue numbers at the bottom of Quinn's & INH'S posts?
I was about to ask the same thing and then saw you asked.

@ Quinn and INH - please answer this.
I see the ones under Quin's posts, but I don't see any under mine.

Could someone screencap any instance of this happening to my posts and link it in the thread? Because this is beginning to weird me out.

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

insertnamehere wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:Just a quick aside...why r there blue numbers at the bottom of Quinn's & INH'S posts?
I was about to ask the same thing and then saw you asked.

@ Quinn and INH - please answer this.
I see the ones under Quin's posts, but I don't see any under mine.

Could someone screencap any instance of this happening to my posts and link it in the thread? Because this is beginning to weird me out.
I would wager he was meaning to refer to MM, not you.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

Sorry, INH. I saw Quins and then saw BDH's question and assumed he was accurate that yours had them too.

I just spent the last 10 minutes taping up my laptop. :sigh:
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by timmer »

Hey folks, I will attempt a catchup late this evening. I apologize for the lack of content, but I'll remedy it as soon as I can1
My siggie.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by rabbit8 »

I think I'll vote for timmer again.... ????
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Marmot »

New colors for my fellow mafiaers.

BigDamnHero - BigDamnHero gets the ol' technicality teal for not knowing how to spell lynch phase.
birdwithteeth11 - birdwithteeth gets logical lapis lazuli for being logical with Epignosis.
DFaraday 2.0 - DFaraday gets observational orange for posting an observation.
Elohcin - Elohcin gets flaming yellow for a flaming gif.
Epignosis - Epignosis gets logical lavender for lavish reasons.
insertnamehere - insertnamehere gets black for the colour of his soul.
Metalmarsh89 - hOI
[color=8000FF]MovingPictures07[/color] - Sockface gets PM purple for sending PM's to everyone and posting in purple.
Quin - Quin gets Wall-O-Text white for kicking his day off with a post analysis of immense proportions.
rabbit8 - rabbit gets deja-vu dandelion for again voting for timmer for ¿lack of content?
Russtifinko 2.0 - Russtifinko gets speculative sepia for speculatin' on things.
SokothQultuq - Sokoth also gets Wall-O-Text white for his giant post.
timmer - timmer gets miss-me maroon for apologizing for not giving us content.

These folks haven't posted yet today (or I just somehow missed them). 3


Banners and Stuff
Spoiler: show
My Syndicate Mafia Wins:

Full Games Civilian: Image

Mafia: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image Image
Speed Games Civilian: Image Image Fiddler on the Roof

Mafia: Image Image Image Image
Heists Civilian: Image Image Image Image Image

Burglaries Independent: The Theme Is Literally a Burglary
Special Games Civilian: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image

My Syndicate Hosted Games:

Speed Games Image Image Image
Heists Image Image Image

Some other Banners:

2014 Sockys Image
2015 Sockys Image Image Image
Miscellaneous Image Image

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Marmot »

Metalmarsh89 wrote:New colors for my fellow mafiaers.

BigDamnHero - BigDamnHero gets the ol' technicality teal for not knowing how to spell lynch phase.
birdwithteeth11 - birdwithteeth gets logical lapis lazuli for being logical with Epignosis.
DFaraday 2.0 - DFaraday gets observational orange for posting an observation.
Elohcin - Elohcin gets flaming yellow for a flaming gif.
Epignosis - Epignosis gets logical lavender for lavish reasons.
insertnamehere - insertnamehere gets black for the colour of his soul.
Metalmarsh89 - hOI
MovingPictures07 - Sockface gets PM purple for sending PM's to everyone and posting in purple.
Quin - Quin gets Wall-O-Text white for kicking his day off with a post analysis of immense proportions.
rabbit8 - rabbit gets deja-vu dandelion for again voting for timmer for ¿lack of content?
Russtifinko 2.0 - Russtifinko gets speculative sepia for speculatin' on things.
SokothQultuq - Sokoth also gets Wall-O-Text white for his giant post.
timmer - timmer gets miss-me maroon for apologizing for not giving us content.

These folks haven't posted yet today (or I just somehow missed them). 3


Banners and Stuff
Spoiler: show
My Syndicate Mafia Wins:

Full Games Civilian: Image

Mafia: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image Image
Speed Games Civilian: Image Image Fiddler on the Roof

Mafia: Image Image Image Image
Heists Civilian: Image Image Image Image Image

Burglaries Independent: The Theme Is Literally a Burglary
Special Games Civilian: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image

My Syndicate Hosted Games:

Speed Games Image Image Image
Heists Image Image Image

Some other Banners:

2014 Sockys Image
2015 Sockys Image Image Image
Miscellaneous Image Image

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Elohcin wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote: I'm specifically looking at players who were not active during Day/Night 2, but were active in other phases. Given the baddie team has only killed on Night 2 so far, I think this could help us find potential baddies lying low.

Unfortunately I will not be able to do any more lengthy re-reads of the remaining players on my list at this moment. My brother is home for a couple of days before he starts grad school next week so for now I am just catching up and then most of today will be a family day. Later tonight I will try to do a few more of those re-reads.
Wouldn't you want to look at the people that were MORE active on Day/Night 2 since that is when they would have had to earn their kill?

I feel like even though several people have looked back to try and figure out who could be bad, we aren't any closer to a real suspect. :ponder:
Yeah, that's what I originally said and what I meant to say. Under this theory, we would be looking at the players who WERE active on Day/Night 2 but inactive in other phases.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder how effective that is as well. But if I have time tonight, I may dig through a few more players on that list that I didn't get to yet. Maybe I'll end up finding something.

Linki: I personally find it interesting that Wilgy and sig have not posted yet today. Would like to hear something from them plskthxbai.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Marmot »

This game would be a better place 4 us if everyone who was alive posted each and every day.

Banners and Stuff
Spoiler: show
My Syndicate Mafia Wins:

Full Games Civilian: Image

Mafia: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image Image
Speed Games Civilian: Image Image Fiddler on the Roof

Mafia: Image Image Image Image
Heists Civilian: Image Image Image Image Image

Burglaries Independent: The Theme Is Literally a Burglary
Special Games Civilian: Image Image Image Image

Independent: Image

My Syndicate Hosted Games:

Speed Games Image Image Image
Heists Image Image Image

Some other Banners:

2014 Sockys Image
2015 Sockys Image Image Image
Miscellaneous Image Image

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm Just how many days of "let's yeet them tomorrow" can a mafioso survive?

The answer: all of them, if you are a marmot.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

My top two candidates for lynchin' are Russtifinko and sig.

I still suspect Russti for reasons that I already outlined:
insertnamehere wrote:Strike 1: Coming back from the dead to enthusiastically and passionately lynch a civilian. Strike 2: His whole kerfuffle with Epi and general blame gamemanship. He also suspected Matt of being Scotty's teammate, but now is just barrelling against him, due to his Scotty vote. Strike 3: Him backtracking on his 1.0 opinions as noted by Scotty:
Scotty wrote:May I direct you to your Russell 1.0 Day 2 post:
Russ'el and Flo wrote:This is a really compelling case. I agree with you and Sokoth that the Dom suspicion seems to have a lot of traction given how little substance it has, and I also think Scotty's not reading his role card is not suspicious, but you do a good job of showing that his behavior since is.

My only reservation right now is that I'm not sold on it being a save, because I still don't think that's the optimal play. However, as sig pointed out, opinions are divided on that stance, so it's entirely possible the baddie team disagrees with me on that and did try to save.
You seem pretty "sold" that it was a save now, in your new skin. Right out of the gate.
Plus, Matt's ultimate alignment reveal does him no favors. It seemed like a nice tidy little bandwagon was getting started towards him, and Russ jumped right on it.

Fast forward to today, and he's one of the people going after Wilgy's logic. Nothing I've seen from Wilgy has pinged me necessarily, and the number of pitchforks sharpening for him is something that I find disconcerting.

It seems like after the Scotty bandwagon rolled into the station, and the Matt one was derailed, people are piling onto the Wilgy Caboose.

As far as sig goes, I still think he's a Yin/Yang, and it's worth lynching him. But, it seems next to no one is willing to back me up on this one. Even Quin, who agrees with me on his alignment, is shaking in his boots with regards to actually casting a vote for him.

Here's how I'm going to go: If there is anybody else willing to go with me to seize our own destinies and try to lynch sig once and for all, that's who I'm voting for.

Otherwise, my vote belongs to Russti.

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

Putting my vote on sig for now.

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by sig »

Hello I am alive, this is the first time I've had to sit down in a few days.

In auburn Alabama for sisters graduation so things are hetic.

Sorry about the lack of activity I honestly thought I'd have more free time.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Russtifinko »

SokothQultuq wrote: Russtifinko 2.0
Day 1 – Tries to strike up a Matt Vote, reasons are his missing post he promised.
Night 1 – put on the defensive by Matt’s post calling him and his vote “lazy” and when he asks for reasons matt does not give great ones.
Day 2 – Nothing really stands out.
Day 3 – Calls out Wilgy on his “I told you so comments” regarding the direction the group is going.
This correction probably won't do me any favors, but on D2 I kind of led the Scotty vote. Imo it's probably the most memorable thing I've done so far.
insertnamehere wrote:My top two candidates for lynchin' are Russtifinko and sig.

I still suspect Russti for reasons that I already outlined:
insertnamehere wrote:Strike 1: Coming back from the dead to enthusiastically and passionately lynch a civilian. Strike 2: His whole kerfuffle with Epi and general blame gamemanship. He also suspected Matt of being Scotty's teammate, but now is just barrelling against him, due to his Scotty vote. Strike 3: Him backtracking on his 1.0 opinions as noted by Scotty:
Scotty wrote:Plus, Matt's ultimate alignment reveal does him no favors. It seemed like a nice tidy little bandwagon was getting started towards him, and Russ jumped right on it.

Fast forward to today, and he's one of the people going after Wilgy's logic. Nothing I've seen from Wilgy has pinged me necessarily, and the number of pitchforks sharpening for him is something that I find disconcerting.
I was anti-Matt, but I didn't jump on any "little bandwagon" - I was the first to suspect him. Again, that probably does me no favors, but please don't misrepresent my actions.

Also, I actually feel pretty good about Wilgy role-wise, despite vigorously disagreeing with his style/methods yesterday. Are others on him?

I just saw that the poll ends tomorrow, and I have a friend coming into town for the weekend who is trying to park by my place. Voting BWT - he's totally suspicious, for reasons, I bet. :srsnod:
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Russtifinko »

Also, INH, I agree that sig is most likely Ying/Yang (the unlynchable one). But if that's true then he can't be lynched, so why are you so committed to wasting our valuable time on it?
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by sig »

Why do you think I'm that?

If I was Ying/Yang why would I be so obvious about getting lynched? That doesn't sound like a smart plan. More so I wonder why INH wants to lynhc me if he thinks I can't be lynched?

Also I'm all caught up let me reread some stuff. I think I agree with Russ who said each mafia member can kill one night and 1/3 failed to do what was needed/weren't active.

I do question this a bit though since I find mafia members to be in general more active.

So I'm not sure how I feel about pushing on inactive people. It is something I usually do as mafia and it is a common strategy to redirect attention on people who can't defend themselves, but right now I have no real suspicions.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Russtifinko wrote:
SokothQultuq wrote: Russtifinko 2.0
Day 1 – Tries to strike up a Matt Vote, reasons are his missing post he promised.
Night 1 – put on the defensive by Matt’s post calling him and his vote “lazy” and when he asks for reasons matt does not give great ones.
Day 2 – Nothing really stands out.
Day 3 – Calls out Wilgy on his “I told you so comments” regarding the direction the group is going.
This correction probably won't do me any favors, but on D2 I kind of led the Scotty vote. Imo it's probably the most memorable thing I've done so far.
insertnamehere wrote:My top two candidates for lynchin' are Russtifinko and sig.

I still suspect Russti for reasons that I already outlined:
insertnamehere wrote:Strike 1: Coming back from the dead to enthusiastically and passionately lynch a civilian. Strike 2: His whole kerfuffle with Epi and general blame gamemanship. He also suspected Matt of being Scotty's teammate, but now is just barrelling against him, due to his Scotty vote. Strike 3: Him backtracking on his 1.0 opinions as noted by Scotty:
Scotty wrote:Plus, Matt's ultimate alignment reveal does him no favors. It seemed like a nice tidy little bandwagon was getting started towards him, and Russ jumped right on it.

Fast forward to today, and he's one of the people going after Wilgy's logic. Nothing I've seen from Wilgy has pinged me necessarily, and the number of pitchforks sharpening for him is something that I find disconcerting.
I was anti-Matt, but I didn't jump on any "little bandwagon" - I was the first to suspect him. Again, that probably does me no favors, but please don't misrepresent my actions.

Also, I actually feel pretty good about Wilgy role-wise, despite vigorously disagreeing with his style/methods yesterday. Are others on him?

I just saw that the poll ends tomorrow, and I have a friend coming into town for the weekend who is trying to park by my place. Voting BWT - he's totally suspicious, for reasons, I bet. :srsnod:
Wait, what? Where did this come from? :confused:
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by LoRab »

Way too long a day today. So many things going on at work (but I did get everything done that had to get done)...and then I was on for 2 services in a row. I'm out and about much of tomorrow (at the Delaware Pride Festival and Comicon with a group from my synagogue...and yes, those 2 events are combined. Because Delaware.).

Really unsure about suspicions. I feel like I've been wrong about everyone so far, so I think I need to reassess everything. Meh.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

Metalmarsh89 wrote:This game would be a better place 4 us if everyone who was alive posted each and every day.
Why? And why the numbers, man?
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

This is a little bit more annoying, but it needs to be done. You are welcome to correct me if any of this is wrong.

15 posts Day 1
12 posts Day 2
11 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 11-15 range, with 12 posts Day 2. I do not suspect BDH based on this.


26 posts Day 1
5 posts Day 2
9 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 5-26 range, with 5 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect bwt based on this.


I'm skipping replaced persons. I'll do those later.


16 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-16 range, with 2 posts Day 2. This is a red flag.


I'm doing these in spurts.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

4 posts Day 1
7 posts Day 2
2 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 2-7 range, with 7 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect Elohcin based on this.


3 posts Day 1
1 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-3 range. Damn. And 1 post was Day 2. I suspect insertnamehere based on this.


9 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
3 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 2-9 range, with 2 posts Day 2. This falls into the category of what I'm looking for, so I suspect Lorab a bit.


8 posts Day 1
5 posts Day 2
1 post Day 3

The post count here is within the 1-8 range, with 5 posts Day 2. I don't suspect Quin based on this.


2 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is a shamfur dispray, in the 0-2 range, with 2 posts Day 2. I don't suspect rabbit8 based on this.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Fuck me, I've got some things backwards.

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Epignosis wrote:This is a little bit more annoying, but it needs to be done. You are welcome to correct me if any of this is wrong.

15 posts Day 1
12 posts Day 2
11 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 11-15 range, with 12 posts Day 2. I do not suspect BDH based on this.


26 posts Day 1
5 posts Day 2
9 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 5-26 range, with 5 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect bwt based on this.


I'm skipping replaced persons. I'll do those later.


16 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-16 range, with 2 posts Day 2. This is a red flag. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, so I do not suspect DrWilgy based on this.


I'm doing these in spurts.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Epignosis wrote:Elohcin
4 posts Day 1
7 posts Day 2
2 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 2-7 range, with 7 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect Elohcin based on this. This is what I'm looking for, so I do suspect Elohcin based on this.


3 posts Day 1
1 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-3 range. Damn. And 1 post was Day 2. I suspect insertnamehere based on this.


9 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
3 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 2-9 range, with 2 posts Day 2. This falls into the category of what I'm looking for, so I suspect Lorab a bit.


8 posts Day 1
5 posts Day 2
1 post Day 3

The post count here is within the 1-8 range, with 5 posts Day 2. I don't suspect Quin based on this.


2 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is a shamfur dispray, in the 0-2 range, with 2 posts Day 2. I don't suspect rabbit8 based on this.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Epignosis wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Elohcin
4 posts Day 1
7 posts Day 2
2 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 2-7 range, with 7 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect Elohcin based on this. This is what I'm looking for, so I do suspect Elohcin based on this.


3 posts Day 1
1 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-3 range. Damn. And 1 post was Day 2. I suspect insertnamehere based on this.


9 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
3 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 2-9 range, with 2 posts Day 2. This falls into the category of what I'm looking for, so I suspect Lorab a bit. I do not suspect Lorab based on this.


8 posts Day 1
5 posts Day 2
1 post Day 3

The post count here is within the 1-8 range, with 5 posts Day 2. I don't suspect Quin based on this.


2 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is a shamfur dispray, in the 0-2 range, with 2 posts Day 2. I don't suspect rabbit8 based on this.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

This is what I see....

Wilgy - 2 posts on day 2
Lorab - 2 posts on day 2
Rabbit - 2 posts on day 2

there was a kill Night 2
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

just b/c in the role descriptions it has a description of a kill requirement on each role doesn't mean it's a different requirement. that could just be to throw us off
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

I'm looking for more activity Day 2 than on other Days, not less. Even I got confused mid-task with what I was looking for, which is why I had to make corrections.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Elohcin »

I know you are. I am just telling you what stuck out to me from what you researched/posted. And I think I could be on to something :p Wouldn't it be cool if I finally got something right in mafia?
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

33 posts Day 1
9 posts Day 2
9 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 9-33 range, with 9 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect sig based on this.


4 posts Day 1
4 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-4 range, with 4 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect SokothQultuq based on this.


2 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-2 range, with 2 posts Day 2. How exciting. This isn't what I'm looking for, so I do not suspect timmer based on this.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

Epignosis wrote: insertnamehere
3 posts Day 1
1 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-3 range. Damn. And 1 post was Day 2. I suspect insertnamehere based on this.


2 posts Day 1
2 posts Day 2
0 posts Day 3

The post count here is a shamfur dispray, in the 0-2 range, with 2 posts Day 2. I don't suspect rabbit8 based on this.

FYI, I was arrested and couldn't post Day 3. I also don't see how there's such a dramatic difference between my post count and Rabbit's, and yet you suspect me and not him.
Epignosis wrote:I'm looking for more activity Day 2 than on other Days, not less. Even I got confused mid-task with what I was looking for, which is why I had to make corrections.

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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by insertnamehere »

this is beginning to sound like Epi has some sort of program that he can run people's post history through which tells him who the scum is.


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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

insertnamehere wrote:this is beginning to sound like Epi has some sort of program that he can run people's post history through which tells him who the scum is.

It's called my brain, and it isn't very reliable. Your above post is right. I was looking for less activity when I look at your numbers, when I was originally looking for more.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Let's do it this way:

Of the non-replaced persons, Elohcin is the only one with a higher post count Day 2 than both other Days.

I need to examine the replaced persons though.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

nijuukyugou / DFaraday

2 posts Day 1
0 posts Day 2
4 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 0-4 range, with 0 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect DF based on this.


Dom / Metalmarsh89

16 posts Day 1
8 posts Day 2
1 post Day 3

The post count here is within the 1-16 range, with 8 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect MM based on this.


S~V~S / Soneji / Turnip Head / Russtifinko
3 posts Day 1
4 posts Day 2
9 posts Day 3

The post count here is within the 3-9 range, with 4 posts Day 2. This is the antithesis of what I'm looking for, and I do not suspect Russ based on this.
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Re: Psych Mafia [Day 4]


Post by Epignosis »

Elohcin was the only one with a higher post count Day 2 than her other Days, but she only had seven posts. Others had way more posts other Days.

This means whatever the Crooked Cops have to accomplish, it isn't related to post count.

God that was a lot of work for nothing.
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