Romance of the Three Kingdoms [ENDGAME]

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Who is a threat to the Han? Appoint two for the duel.

Poll ended at Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:14 pm

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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

I'm gonna go through the players list and note everyone I have a null read on right now.

[Brackets] mean "I think this person has been replaced, but that doesn't really change anything."

I hope I can make this list shorter by the end of the day.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Because I'm bored and trying to kick myself in a new direction, I'll do a GTH exercise on myself for the players not listed above.

Bass - TOWN
Dom - TOWN
Elohcin - SCUM
Golden - TOWN
insertnamehere - TOWN
LoRab - TOWN
MacDougall - SCUM
nutella - TOWN
Quin - TOWN
Russtifinko - SCUM
Scotty - TOWN

that list is shorter than the other list. this is a problem. Elohcin is the first person I'll investigate from this list. I'm not entirely sure why my gut says to put a scum read on her but I'd like to find out!
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 0]


Post by Sloonei »

Elohcin is not a player I have much success at reading in the past. I know we have been in a few games together, but I can't specifically recall individual games off the top of my head. Regardless, I often find myself struggling to come to a decision on her alignment. SO um let's begin.
Elohcin wrote:Hello everyone! I know, I know...I am in a game with like a million players. And I said I would never do it again. But the thing is, if I didn't sign up, then Epi's game would never get played. I mean, hell, he needed every active Syndicater in order to start the damn thing!! And then some, honestly. I see Simon is playing. He isn't even a regularly active Syndicater.

I have a question for the host. Can we vote for ourselves to be prefect?
First post is the standard announcement of future inactivity. I don't object to this. I've seen Elohcin do it before in games when she was town.

Her first votes:
Elohcin wrote:Done with work (for now) and I realized I gotta choose two people pretty quickly. So, another 3 pages to read, but I don't have time. I voted wilgy and bubbles.
In her previous post she explained at length Everytime I have a chance to come look at this thread, I see three (or more) more pages have been filled during my absence. All of a sudden I'm overcome with an extreme lack of motivation. Kind of like the feeling I used to get when I would go to the gym, walk up the stairs and see the row of treadmills waiting for me to walk aboard and move my legs over and over again in a running fashion without the ability to change my geographic location. I mean, it's a severe lack of motivation!

That said, I have read a little about the dueling aspect. I think we ought to put up two people we are suspicious of. I know this means that the winner (even though we are suspicious of them too) will get benefits, but often are we actually right about our suspicions? And with this many people playing, I can only imagine that we will be less accurate about who is good and who is bad. We might as well try to get the baddies out even if that means one may have a chance win/receive benefits. Anyway...that's my two cents about the situation. ta-ta for now.[/quote]
]that she was behind and lacked motivation to catch up
and then dropped these two votes, I assume near the Day 1 deadline. Wilgy turned out to be a bad guy I believe, so that's neat. Bubbles is good, but blind Day 1 votes aren't supposed to be 100% accurate. I do not doubt the sincerity of her lack of motivation to catch up - I think that is a common feature of her game (not a critique, just an observation). But this is one of the reasons I have difficulty reading her. Something like this isn't alignment-indicative for her, but it's also a very very easy way for a bad guy to float through.
Elohcin wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:So, we have two baddie factions that are supposed to kill each night and neither of them did. Is an entire team filled with inactives? :grin:

There are obviously other possibilities, but this game is as lurker-loaded as anticipated so it could be.
I was thinking the same thing. And Epi usually accepts group PMs if I remember correctly, so even if there is one active player, they should be able to submit the kill, I would think anyway. However, we have to keep in mind all the secrets and other crap loaded into games like this. You never know what could have happened. Benefits were given out to the prefects as well as the winner of the Day 1 Duel. So....maybe one team was inactive and the other had something working against them. Not sure. But I am with you that there has to be at least some inactive baddies b/c there are so many inactives in the first place.

Also, I like your theory on MM.
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:I'm only sad that I couldn't face DrWilgy in a duel myself. :(

Nobody died, there are two mafia teams that can kill. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them missed their kill.

And in other news, JaggedJimmyJay is bad.
What's yer beef, Marmot?
Epignosis posted it, and he knows your role. :beer:
Shoot, I looked at that post from Epi and I thought....."whatever, moving on," There's probably something like a 90% chance that Zhuge Liang is wrong. MM, you're just having fun and stirring the pot :D

Oh my goodness....I am reading and making comments on posts and then I get to the bottom of the page and there are three more pages to go! I think I'll go watch some tv.
This post I like. She's engaging in a few different discussions and providing solid commentary of her own. But then she realizes she's still far behind and goes off to do something else again rather than letting this game exhaust her. I admire her for that. :p
Elohcin wrote:The day is ending soon. I voted MM and Russ.
Driveby votes again on Day 2, again nailing a scum with one of them. Russ is still a mystery and I placed a Scum GTH read on him as well. So we'll see. While I'm not a fan of driveby votes because they make it difficult for me to play my game, I do not hate these votes from Elohcin. It's just her thing, and the marmot vote does have some justification to it, in the post I quoted before this one.
Elohcin wrote:I voted Sorsha and TH. I have my reasons but probably shouldn't share them with the class.
Suggests that one or both of her Day 3 votes may be forced by outside mechanisms.
Elohcin wrote:Looks like they're killing the talkers. Baddies must be people who don't like to read. :shifty:
An observation with a joke about how she fits the MO of what she's pointing out. Could be WIFOM, could be a simple recognition of the connection. :shrug:

Her next few posts are a series of questions directed at Sorsha and MP about their willingness to be voted for and sent to the duel. She asks them both a variation of "Aren't you afraid you'll lose", which suggests at least a little that she's sincerely questioning the thought processes of these two. Good look.
Elohcin wrote:goodness, this page is being nutso. Okay, according to Niju, Russ wanted to be voted for. And I know MP did too. SO I voted for those two.
I think Russ later corrected her on the point that he had asked to be voted for, but this is the third time that Eloh has contributed to a scum lynch. Yeah bussing is a possibility, and there's two teams, but she's now helped lynch a member of each team and from a player as loosely committed to the game as Eloh is, she could safely avoid having to bus teammates very easily, especially early in a game of this magnitude. I like this.

Then she expressed vague support of Quin and CapsFan suspicions. Quin challenged her on this and they had a brief back-and-forth and both came out of it feeling good about each other, I think. Looking at it now, I am inclined to agree with their assessments of each other.

My gun-to-head scum read on Eloh has turned into an informed tentative town read.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

No one needs to read that post. I was just doing it for my own sake. Do if you want, but it's just the tl;dr way for me to say "I think Elohcin might be town."
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Boomslang shouldn't be a null read. He has enough posts.
Boomslang wrote:I'll also have a period of limited activity coming up (next weekend vacation in Gatlinburg, woo!), so I should pass on the prefect thing as well. Though I have been spending an inordinate amount of time on Internet politics groups, so maybe I am qualified? :P
Gives an excuse for inactivity, but what I don't like about is that he masks it as a reason not to be voted Prefect. He's telling us he won't be here and framing it as something helpful. I feel like a hypocrite because I just said I didn't mind Eloh doing something similar in her entrance to the game, but oh well.
Boomslang wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:So who wants to talk about this duel mechanic? It seems we would want to nominate the two most suspicious players (in lieu of one) similar to lynching, but is that necessarily the case? What if a player is suspicious but has a role type that is stronger in duels and keeps winning them? What do you all think?
Ah, MP, always wanting to talk mechanics :P I can see where you're coming from; if we were able to identify a strong dueling civ, we could put him or her up against the suspect for a better chance at a death. However, and this is important, the rules for warriors say "most likely to win in a duel." It's not a guarantee, it would seem. On the negative side, that strategy would identify good NK targets for the baddies. And if we try to get two baddies in a duel and succeed, one of them is destined for death :feb:

However, the civs have many more warriors than the baddies. So picking one from each list (suspected civs and suspected baddies) for each night might actually be a good call.
Linki: Just as JJJ put a little more eloquently.
I've seen people present the argument that scum players tend to latch onto discussions about mechanics and strategy early on, rather than investigating particular players, and not's an argument I disagree with. If we consider that here, Boomslang doesn't look too great. It's impossible not to note that we've already caught one scum doing this, as MP's the one who brought it up in the first place.
Boomslang wrote:
Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Honestly picking 2 suspected baddies seems like it has a way higher probability of working.
I agree, but that's assuming we have two really good baddie reads on any given night. If we pick a known or highly suspected civ at random, we have a 75% chance of getting a warrior, which puts us in pretty good odds for a fight.
A continuation of the same thing.

He does turn things around when he returns from his vacation on Day 2, calling Jan out as his top suspect. I like this post at face value. It's the exact opposite of what I criticized him for above.
Boomslang wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:I'm voting birdwithteeth and timmer. Random votes are just a no-no, despite how dificult this game is/seems to be.
Um... you didn't actually mention either of them in previous posts? I agree random votes are a no-no, but you just seemed to make two.
Another good post and a solid observation.
Boomslang wrote:Alright, finally got time to sit down and work through this thing. Thanks for keeping posts under a thousands per day, fam :P Very glad the MM suspicion turned out, and I'm not surprised by the JJJ prefect kill. Kind of surprised INH and Scotty haven't been attacked yet, but then again, INH hasn't been much of a force in the thread. Some of my thoughts thus far:

I really liked nutella's defense against MP. I thought the second point, where she called him out for misrepresenting her attack on Dom, was particularly cogent. MP highlighted the "annoying" part while ignoring the meaty "sufficient content" and "voting behavior" reasons. That kind of deliberate misdirection pings bad to me.

I think LoRab's read on TH is very good. There's opportunity for WIFOM, but TH does seem too chummy with MM at the start, and I think "Or I could always vote myself so that I can duel the marmot and bring honor to my home." is a big red flag. It would be a way to take a vote out of play for a teammate in a seemingly selfless manner. Also, I see a possible motive for the immediate JJJ nightkill. JJJ asks why TH has beef with MM, and TH just shrugs it off with the silly "He made rude remarks about the size of my ancestors' bellies." Killing JJJ could be a way to eliminate followup questions today?

I don't like Nerolunar just kind of shrugging off my criticism of his D2 votes. The distinction between "random" and "impulse" votes seems spurious, especially when he says random is "being indifferent about the voted players" and then that his impulse votes were based on Timmer and BWT being "careless and uninterested." I don't get excited to vote for players who seem uninterested; carelessness is a slightly better criterion, but he provided no specific evidence. Can you back that up from thread posts, Nerolunar?

Jan continues to seem more baffled than someone should be. "Why wasn't anyone killed?" has plenty of reasons, and it's worth conjecture on why. That's the second time Jan has said something that seems to show a carelessness with thinking through the rules.
Pretty thorough post that covers quite a bit of ground and takes strong stances on lots of things. I like it a little, but I feel like I have seen this type of thing from scum before. When they feel the need to catch up and get involved, they toss out a bunch of reads all at once so as to appear substantive. I'll see how things progress.
Boomslang wrote:
Dom wrote:Boomslang, does a careless player mean an evil player that needs to be kept on the other side of the wall?
I'd say a careless player needs to be carefully vetted until we can figure out what's going on :goofp: Case in point is Nerolunar. "I guess you could say I am guilty of saying the same thing, which I kind of am :shrug: Ugh. I am a goddamn hypocrite." I really don't like this defense. If you're calling your own behavior out as shady, you're asking us to trust your civility on nothing but your word. I agree with the punishment of BWT's self-voting, but that's about it.

Meanwhile, Caps continues to dig himself into a hole. "I didn’t expect anyone to actually vote me," he says, after claiming "I would be comfortable being voted for." Why even say that in the first place, then, if you weren't prepared to shoulder the consequences? I really don't like that back and forth.

Following up on my D2 suspicion of Sorsha, I haven't seen anything to change my mind for the better, and there are a few things that change my mind for the worse. "I don't know if I'd have voted for prefects at all" is a third instance of being flippant about the game. Claims to be "ok with an MM vote," then self-votes and puts one on the absent INH. I see someone trying very hard to avoid making waves, and I don't like it.

Linki w/Scotty: I like the idea of following the WIFOM through its conclusion, but...
Linki w/Rico: UHM, indeed.
This is a good post in which he expands on some of the thoughts he laid out earlier and even goes off into some new thoughts. It looks like a genuine attempt to catch baddies. BUT two scum teams means scum can still be genuine. Why is this game so hard?
Boomslang wrote:
Sloonei wrote:You've shared a good amount of suspicion against various players, but I'm having a tough time gauging the strengths of a lot of these suspicions. The day is ending relatively soon. Who do you plan on voting for?
Four hours is still a chunk of time, and for once I'll be able to stick around through the end of day. Right now, I'd say my leading suspects are TH and Sorsha. I think we should call the big WIFOM bluff that LoRab identified, and as I posted recently, my initial suspicions of Sorsha have intensified over the days. I'm also feeling worse on Nerolunar and Caps; Jan is on the back burner for now, because all I really have for that is carelessness.
Hm. These are not unprecedented reads in Boomslang's ISO, but looking at this post in the full context it is now a bit surprising to see him name TH and Sorsha, not Jan or CapsFan or anyone else, as his top suspects. Obviously townies are allowed to change their minds, but I'd be curious about an explanation of Boomslang's thought process between this one and his first big post of reads.

Boomslang's participation the last few days has been lacking and I'm mostly interested in hearing some current thoughts from him, if he's able to share.
I don't feel great about his ISO, but I don't feel terrible. For the sake of choosing sides, I'll mark him as a slight scum read.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


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So anyone else wake up and play mafia for 5 hours straight today, or just me?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Sloonei can you do an ios of Quinn for shit and giggles ?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


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Also Quin I just realized there's only one N in your name. My bad.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:Sloonei can you do an ios of Quinn for shit and giggles ?
If I get to it. I need to do non-mafia things for a while.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Quin »

Bass, why don't you do your own ISO of me, for shits and giggles?
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

MacDougall wrote:I am not bad. Not everyone exhibits your scum behaviour. You are not archetypal.
Why criticize someone you didn't know for it, then?
Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well with so many people not posting I find it hard to focus on anyone else if I'm being honest. I think we might need to weed out some of the nonposters . I would like to duel again if that's ok with everyone elsem
Hey before we started voting you weren't you one of them *nonposters*? :hmmm:
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well with so many people not posting I find it hard to focus on anyone else if I'm being honest. I think we might need to weed out some of the nonposters . I would like to duel again if that's ok with everyone elsem
Hey before we started voting you weren't you one of them *nonposters*? :hmmm:
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Golden »

I can't play much this day phase, realistically I probably won't be able to check in again. I'm not sure if scotty has replied to me yet but I have to vote. I'll give scotty time and vote for a couple of people that aren't apparently here and playing.

Inh and sig.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

This game was worth playing just because of the number of people who are now quoting me in their sigs.

Anyway, thanks for the game Epi!
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Quin »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:This game was worth playing just because of the number of people who are now quoting me in their sigs.

Anyway, thanks for the game Epi!
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well with so many people not posting I find it hard to focus on anyone else if I'm being honest. I think we might need to weed out some of the nonposters . I would like to duel again if that's ok with everyone elsem
Hey before we started voting you weren't you one of them *nonposters*? :hmmm:
Yesterday you voted for Mac and Bass. Has anything changed since then? Who else would you like to look at today?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

Sloonei wrote:
Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well with so many people not posting I find it hard to focus on anyone else if I'm being honest. I think we might need to weed out some of the nonposters . I would like to duel again if that's ok with everyone elsem
Hey before we started voting you weren't you one of them *nonposters*? :hmmm:
Yesterday you voted for Mac and Bass. Has anything changed since then? Who else would you like to look at today?
Elohcin maybe. INH. Still don't feel good about DFaraday.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Dom wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well with so many people not posting I find it hard to focus on anyone else if I'm being honest. I think we might need to weed out some of the nonposters . I would like to duel again if that's ok with everyone elsem
Hey before we started voting you weren't you one of them *nonposters*? :hmmm:
Yesterday you voted for Mac and Bass. Has anything changed since then? Who else would you like to look at today?
Elohcin maybe. INH. Still don't feel good about DFaraday.
I've seen conflicting opinions on DFaraday now. Someone, I think it was nutella, called him a strong town read the other day and now you're listing him as a potential suspect. I'd be interested to hear what people have to say about him.
Why has he got your attention?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Not to take away attention from the other two you mentioned. I already ISOd Elohcin today and came out with a slight town read on her, and I encourage others to respond to my thoughts. INH is someone I should also take a more thorough look at.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

Sloonei wrote:
Dom wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:Well with so many people not posting I find it hard to focus on anyone else if I'm being honest. I think we might need to weed out some of the nonposters . I would like to duel again if that's ok with everyone elsem
Hey before we started voting you weren't you one of them *nonposters*? :hmmm:
Yesterday you voted for Mac and Bass. Has anything changed since then? Who else would you like to look at today?
Elohcin maybe. INH. Still don't feel good about DFaraday.
I've seen conflicting opinions on DFaraday now. Someone, I think it was nutella, called him a strong town read the other day and now you're listing him as a potential suspect. I'd be interested to hear what people have to say about him.
Why has he got your attention?
I never stopped suspecting him. I don't trust him. He quieted down the second the spotlight wasn't on him anymore.
Sloonei wrote:Not to take away attention from the other two you mentioned. I already ISOd Elohcin today and came out with a slight town read on her, and I encourage others to respond to my thoughts. INH is someone I should also take a more thorough look at.
Good luck taking a look at someone who hardcore wanted to be prefect and never played again.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

What do you mean with regards to DFaraday? What did he do that initially brought your attention to him, when did his participation drop off and why do you see this as a bad thing?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Quin wrote:Bass, why don't you do your own ISO of me, for shits and giggles?
I'm on mobile and don't have a laptop or desktop her so it would be way to hard to do it. Sorry I can't. I was trying to look at you through someone else point of view to see if I'm just be nuts.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Quin »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:
Quin wrote:Bass, why don't you do your own ISO of me, for shits and giggles?
I'm on mobile and don't have a laptop or desktop her so it would be way to hard to do it. Sorry I can't. I was trying to look at you through someone else point of view to see if I'm just be nuts.
Fair enough. You're definitely nuts, but fair enough.
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

You're both town and I forbid you from engaging in any sort of contested dialogue for the rest of this day.

Who else do you both suspect?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Quin »

Sloonei wrote:You're both town and I forbid you from engaging in any sort of contested dialogue for the rest of this day.

Who else do you both suspect?
I don't know if I could call him a suspect, but I want to revisit my suspicion of Dom at some point today. What do you think about him at a glance?
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Quin wrote:
Sloonei wrote:You're both town and I forbid you from engaging in any sort of contested dialogue for the rest of this day.

Who else do you both suspect?
I don't know if I could call him a suspect, but I want to revisit my suspicion of Dom at some point today. What do you think about him at a glance?
His answers to my questions earlier today were not too informative. I haven't had a particularly strng read on him at any point. I'd like to fix that.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

Sloonei wrote:What do you mean with regards to DFaraday? What did he do that initially brought your attention to him, when did his participation drop off and why do you see this as a bad thing?
I supected him bc he misrepresented my views on bass. The second I dropped off tge radar bc school started, DF disappeared.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by MacDougall »

Sloonei elaborate on your gth scum read of me. I find it interesting that you said nothing of me like that until I criticised you.

Also what kind of discerning civ absolute reads anybody the way you read Bass and Quin. Matter of factly declaring them civ is very much the same reason I criticised you in the first place. You are manipulatively controlling the discourse. Darth Sloonei.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by MacDougall »

Dom I don't understand your question tbh.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Bass wants to duel again? He's really pushing his luck. I'm starting to think he's civ, because I doubt a baddie would keep putting themselves out there like this.
Dom wrote:
Sloonei wrote:What do you mean with regards to DFaraday? What did he do that initially brought your attention to him, when did his participation drop off and why do you see this as a bad thing?
I supected him bc he misrepresented my views on bass. The second I dropped off tge radar bc school started, DF disappeared.
Disappeared? Pretty sure I've been posting at about the same rate all game.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

DFaraday wrote:Bass wants to duel again? He's really pushing his luck. I'm starting to think he's civ, because I doubt a baddie would keep putting themselves out there like this.
Dom wrote:
Sloonei wrote:What do you mean with regards to DFaraday? What did he do that initially brought your attention to him, when did his participation drop off and why do you see this as a bad thing?
I supected him bc he misrepresented my views on bass. The second I dropped off tge radar bc school started, DF disappeared.
Disappeared? Pretty sure I've been posting at about the same rate all game.
17/28 of your posts are from Days 0-4. 11 are from 5-8.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

MacDougall wrote:Dom I don't understand your question tbh.
You're just full of double standards and rules that don't seem to have internal logic.

When you were civ, you decided, even though you had never played with me before or only just once or twice , that you knew my game. You went hard after me. You weren't wrong in those games, BUT when I said that you didn't know my game at all-- you levied even harder attacks against me.
But when the tables have turned and now people suspect YOU, you cry out that your accusers *don't really know your game*.

OK. I'm not archetypical. That's not the point. The point is that at this point, many Syndicaters have played with you far more than once. We might not be *experts* on you, but we definitely know you better than you knew me in our first game together.

So to claim that it is suspicious for me to do something because you knew it was part of my bad game when you had never played with me before AND THEN to go on--several games later--saying the same thing I did when we HAVE played with you now SCREAMS to me as someone just repeating hollow statements in an attempt to save your own skin.

You keep repeating that you probably aren't Yellow Turban or Nanaman because tht means we shouldn't lynch you when there are several indepdendent candidates for lynching. Your actions SCREAM bad, but--hey-- maybe I just haven't played with you enough.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by MacDougall »

Dom wrote:
MacDougall wrote:Dom I don't understand your question tbh.
You're just full of double standards and rules that don't seem to have internal logic.

When you were civ, you decided, even though you had never played with me before or only just once or twice , that you knew my game. You went hard after me. You weren't wrong in those games, BUT when I said that you didn't know my game at all-- you levied even harder attacks against me.
But when the tables have turned and now people suspect YOU, you cry out that your accusers *don't really know your game*.

OK. I'm not archetypical. That's not the point. The point is that at this point, many Syndicaters have played with you far more than once. We might not be *experts* on you, but we definitely know you better than you knew me in our first game together.

So to claim that it is suspicious for me to do something because you knew it was part of my bad game when you had never played with me before AND THEN to go on--several games later--saying the same thing I did when we HAVE played with you now SCREAMS to me as someone just repeating hollow statements in an attempt to save your own skin.

You keep repeating that you probably aren't Yellow Turban or Nanaman because tht means we shouldn't lynch you when there are several indepdendent candidates for lynching. Your actions SCREAM bad, but--hey-- maybe I just haven't played with you enough.
I made a you don't know my game well enough to use meta against me argument one time in this game against one player in a very specific context. You are talking like I have played that card ruthlessly on everyone which is untrue.

It is true that you did do what I am doing as Mafia against me but I am certain you would have made the same defenses against me in those games if you really were a civ. Do you agree?

I also haven't kept screaming those points. I posted a couple times. You are exaggerating a lot to enhance your point here. I as a civ have a responsibility towards self preservation as much as any baddie. Your exaggeration isn't a bad sign. That's a civ tell in Mac land but it isn't a good way to lynch right.

Of your several paragraph attempt to frame a serious argument towards my lynch you haven't referenced a post specifically. That is a real good sign your case is based on emotions. It is lazy case building.

You are tunneling me because you are Dom and I am Mac and you can't help but take an adversarial position against me. It is the way of things.

As wifom as it is, if I was bad you would be my first kill in any game.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 7]


Post by Dom »

MacDougall wrote:
LoRab wrote:I don't think I've ever seen a baddie silencer who didn't silence a teammate at some point in the game, usually multiple times. So point 3 doesn't hold for me.

My challenge with you is that your tone is off. It's not just that you're phoning in the game, it's that the way you state things isn't in keeping with your civ game.

Also, that you completely discount anyone that suspects you, not only as being wrong, but painting them as being bad because they suspect you.

That isn't going to keep me from suspecting you. And, honestly, only makes you look worse to me.

Also, there are evil indies in this game, so saying that you're not on either mafia team doesn't really convince me that you are civ.
For you to claim you have a solid grasp of my civ game to the point of being able to observe that anything I do is in keeping with it is absurd. And if you are producing that as case quality evidence then how is my tone in keeping with the Mafia me, whom you would have more experience playing with I believe.

I am not painting anyone who suspects me as bad. I was just dishing out some standard brand omgus so meta in essence it wore itself as a hat. But you wouldn't pick that up because despite your belief that I scum read you in every game, here we are yet again with you scum reading me. Have you ever not?
I am very capable of finding the post.

This has nothing to do with some sort of Mac v. Dom argument that you seem very intent on keeping going. It took me 7 Game Days to start to suspect you. This is not just an adversarial *Dom and Mac always disagree and suspect each other* thing. We hadn't thus far. don't dismiss me like that. It's not a good look, my friend.

In fact, one of my biggest criticisms of you is your repeated can't be YT or Nanman tune. You ignore the possibility that you've been recruited (of which there is at least one chance you have been) are the recruiter, are a nefarious independent....
So, yeah, you're bad.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by MacDougall »

Okay Dom.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Glorfindel »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:This game was worth playing just because of the number of people who are now quoting me in their sigs.

Anyway, thanks for the game Epi!
You're most welcome, my friend :D You always make the most provocative (and may I add) valid remarks... :nicenod:
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by DFaraday »

Dom wrote:
DFaraday wrote:Bass wants to duel again? He's really pushing his luck. I'm starting to think he's civ, because I doubt a baddie would keep putting themselves out there like this.
Dom wrote:
Sloonei wrote:What do you mean with regards to DFaraday? What did he do that initially brought your attention to him, when did his participation drop off and why do you see this as a bad thing?
I supected him bc he misrepresented my views on bass. The second I dropped off tge radar bc school started, DF disappeared.
Disappeared? Pretty sure I've been posting at about the same rate all game.
17/28 of your posts are from Days 0-4. 11 are from 5-8.
Okay. I went back over my posts and counted, and the results are as follows:

Day 0 - 1 post
Day 1 - 3 posts
Day 2 - 5 posts
Day 3 - 4 posts
Day 4 - 4 posts
Day 5 - 4 posts
Day 6 - 3 posts
Day 7 - 3 posts

And the majority of those posts have contained active contributions to the game. I'm not JJJ or Golden when it comes to case building, but I'm participating, and you're making it sound like I turned into an inactive.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 2]


Post by DFaraday »

And since we're still on the misrepresentation thing:
DFaraday wrote:
Dom wrote:
Scotty wrote: -Domald voted for me and JJJ. Let's see what he had to say about suspicions:
Dom wrote:
DFaraday wrote:I'm not liking Dom's rationale regarding Bass. Since Bass is generally a low poster, that feels like Dom is setting up an easy excuse for voting down the road.

Also Sorsha wanting to vote prefects sounds like a bad idea to me. I get the impression that prefects have important abilities or something, so why would we want to put them up to lynch right away?
And there's this DFaraday guy. This DFaraday guy-- he's just... well.. do I have to say it? He's not good. No good at all. Lies and twisting the fact like the crooked media. Rooting against me.

Listen folks, Bass better stay active. Otherwise he's saying empty promises and looking to be ignored. That's just despicable. We, as a game, cannot let him get away with this, folks.

(c) Paid for by Dom/NJU 2016.
Wait, that's funny. It looks like he meant to vote DF and Bass, but accidentally voted for me and JJJ. Whoops, must be some mistake. Because I just reread all his posts multiple times, and the only time he expressed any sort of sentiment toward me is when I criticized his posting gimmick and he called me "sad". He doesn't really mention JJJ as far as I can tell.

Dom and Bubbles are my top priorities today. I will most likely be voting there.
Lyin' Scotty is teaming up with Tricky Jay in an alliance to take me down!

Why would I vote bass? Right now-- I think Bass is a good guy. That could change. I have explained why in the past. You can look it up-- plenty have written about it.

Folks, don't trust Lyin' Scotty and Tricky Jay. Lyin' Scotty looked for an opportunity to seize power without any sort of content. Tricky Jay has used bad thinking all game. Not good, folks, not good.

(c) Paid for by Dom/Nju 2016.
That's not really answering the question of why you voted Scotty and JJJ. And you think Bass is a good guy?

Also, you say that you think Bass is a good guy, a claim which is not supported by your previous interactions with Bass:
Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:On a side note it feels so good to play with everyone again and have enough time to keep up with the thread. I am trying to be 200% more active this game then my last few poor showings .
Better keep this guy to his promise. I know this bass guy very well and believe me, if this post comes and flakey happens-- plenty of people know it's true that he's bad.

(c) Paid for by Dom/Nju 2016.
Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:
Dom wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:On a side note it feels so good to play with everyone again and have enough time to keep up with the thread. I am trying to be 200% more active this game then my last few poor showings .
Better keep this guy to his promise. I know this bass guy very well and believe me, if this post comes and flakey happens-- plenty of people know it's true that he's bad.

(c) Paid for by Dom/Nju 2016.
I'm confused by this ? Are you saying g if I'm active I'm bad?
What the truth of the matter is that you have to realize that after-- hey, believe me...
If you aren't active, let's just say something else might be going on. I don't know what, but something else! Believe me. For sure !

(c) Paid for by Dom/Nju 2016.

So first you establish a potential suspicion of Bass to come back to later, but don't actually vote him, instead going with guys you haven't provided reasoning for. Then when questioned, you've thought Bass was good all along? Dom is flip-flopping more than...some sort of public official.
I assume the enlarged are primarily what you are referring to. The first statement, to me, makes it sound like you established already that you think Bass is good but that could change later if he doesn't post. I found that odd, because you hadn't made any indication about already thinking Bass was civ before that. I did correct myself once I'd realized what you meant though.

That's just about all I said on the issue at the time, so if there's anything else I can address,
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

MacDougall wrote:Sloonei elaborate on your gth scum read of me. I find it interesting that you said nothing of me like that until I criticised you.

Also what kind of discerning civ absolute reads anybody the way you read Bass and Quin. Matter of factly declaring them civ is very much the same reason I criticised you in the first place. You are manipulatively controlling the discourse. Darth Sloonei.
I've said nothig of you period. I did that self-GTH read exercise because I felt like there are/were a lot of players in this game who I've not thought about or said anything about to this point, and I wanted to inspire some sort of discussion around them.

I gave you a scum read because I did not like your post directed at me to start the day, and I still do not get the criticism, even when you reiterate it here. I am not controlling or manipulating anything. I am sharing my reads and trying to work things out. You usually fling shit with the best of them, but this particular accusation feels a bit too weak and bullshitty to me. You seem to be criticizing me because I am takking abot things that I find suspicious. That is not manipulation of censorship of any topics. That's just me trying to solve the game. Everyone is welcome to discuss everything.

And I am also sick of talking abot Bass and Quin. They were at the center of the conversation all day yesterday, and seemed poised to remain at each other's throats all day. I am reading them both as town and, even if I am wrong, I think a continued focus on them right now is unproductive. I want to talk about the other 30 or whatever players in this game.

Dom does not look good on this page.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


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Hey this is my only game now.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by MacDougall »

What can I say. You are pingy today.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

I don't think I am, and no one else has raised any objections to the things I've said. I'm just trying to breathe life into the thread.
Who are you gonna vote for today? Do you have any town reads?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Ok im sorry everyone this is the only time I have to check on till after the poll ends so I need to vote. I urge everyone to let me duel again .
So I'm voting myself and some inactive player to weed s omw of them out.
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Sloonei »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:Ok im sorry everyone this is the only time I have to check on till after the poll ends so I need to vote. I urge everyone to let me duel again .
So I'm voting myself and some inactive player to weed s omw of them out.
I have no interest in sending you to the duel and I think this sort of behavior just functions as a dostraction to the town. I am not sure I believe you are deliberately distracting people, but I think people are getting distracted by it. I still believe we should be prioritizing votes for players who we find suspicious, not sending people to the duels so they can possibly get a treasure.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Elohcin »

I'm voting for Bass tonight...Who else do we think is bad?
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by nutella »

I'm kind of uncomfortable voting for bass again since he presumably just got a prize and is so eager to duel again. I feel like he is not supporting the civ cause, whether deliberately or inadvertently I'm not sure. I'm going back to voting for Russ since he's sort of been forgotten and is slipping by. I'll put my other vote on INH.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Quin »

Bass_the_Clever wrote:Ok im sorry everyone this is the only time I have to check on till after the poll ends so I need to vote. I urge everyone to let me duel again .
So I'm voting myself and some inactive player to weed s omw of them out.
I feel like the only consistent thing in your game right now is your desire to duel.

I voted Bass. I'm sort of reeling back on my determination that he's bad, just because of how adamant he is about doing whatever he thinks he's trying to do, but I'm still not convinced he's civ.

I also voted Dom. That old case against him didn't go away, I just stopped pushing it. Now, he's trying to reflect the actions he used in a game where he just so happened to be bad on Mac, who's doing the same thing, even though in context it's not incredibly alignment indicative. This is a question Mac posed to Dom who completely avoided it. :shrug:

linki: Why INH?
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Everyone realizes if you win a duel you get protection from the kill.
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Matahari »

nutella wrote:I'm kind of uncomfortable voting for bass again since he presumably just got a prize and is so eager to duel again. I feel like he is not supporting the civ cause, whether deliberately or inadvertently I'm not sure. I'm going back to voting for Russ since he's sort of been forgotten and is slipping by. I'll put my other vote on INH.
trying to read so much in a short time causes everything to get a bit jumbled in my mind, but I had decided to put one of my votes on Russ. I'm wondering why he disappeared, after winning duels against people from both bad teams. That is not proof of badness, of course, but I have questions where he is concerned. Other than that, I'm not sure who I'm voting, maybe Scotty or Mac. I still have time to reread them before tonight.
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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 8]


Post by Dom »

bass could be bluffing too. it could be wifom
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