[END] Parks and Recreation Mafia

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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

Donna Meagle wrote:Looking at our numbers there 9 players remaining. 2 of them are Mafia. So at this moment in time, we have 7 civs to 2 mafia.

If we lynch a mafia, we get to be 7 civs to 1 mafia. Mafia Night kill and we are down 6 civs 1 Mafia.
If by some sad twist of fate, we lynch a civ, we are down 8 civs 2 mafia - Mafia Night kill, we are down to 6 civs and 2 mafia. Still a majority going into the next lynch. It's getting tight for sure, but it's not yet lynch or lose. One of the two of them seems to be playing us.

I don't think that Leslie and Jerry are on the same team one of them has to be bad, and I think it's Leslie. She started the doom and gloom. She's saying she sounded more sincere than Jerry even though, technically, our numbers grow tighter today than they were yesterday. And continue to do so every day. Jerry sounds frustrated in his role play, and like his role play, feels like the easy scapegoat.

I'm placing my vote on Leslie.
We're better off today than we were yesterday as far as outnumbering mafia goes, but each civ death has more "weight" to it, statistically, because there are less people. I find it odd that you come out to vote for me because I want to lynch bad guys instead of good guys. We're still in the game if I'm lynched, but the numbers get tighter and there will be less room for error.

Your argument against me is so obviously, ridiculously fabricated.
Andy Dwyer wrote:for the record, donna just did a huge flip flop to (maybe) save jerry
Andy Dwyer wrote:Ron, Im okay with jerry or leslie being lynched and just want to rbing this sdiscsussion point up
One of us is a vanilla townie; the other is Jerry.
Ben Wyatt wrote:This feels suspiciously similar to Chris' Jamm vote. Both did Jerry a big favor.

Donna is now definitely on my radar.
Same here.
Ben Wyatt wrote:And it looks like the swing vote's going to be...Tom Haverford.

I've already started drinking.

Anyway, I'm going to review Chris' votes and post history once more and hopefully come back with a helpful post or chart just in case I die in 5 hours.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Paprika »

Ben Wyatt wrote:And it looks like the swing vote's going to be...Tom Haverford.

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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

Chris Traeger wrote:Leslie, I appreciate your initiative in putting forward the idea of the no lynch option. But I have to disagree. If we don't lynch someone, we simply turn our Day 1 situation into Day 2. And we have let the mafia have a kill without any effort whatsoever to catch one of them. I have to admit that I find you a little suspicious, but keep that energy flowing, I'm loving it! :biggrin:
Chris on day 1. I knew when I made that suggestion that some people would attempt to take advantage of it. Some have raised it as a genuine concern, which I understand. Ron and Andy both dismissed it as nonsense. I didn't respond to a lot of the criticism of it intentionally because I wanted to see if someone (or a group of someones) would try to take it and run with it.

Now I'd like to get into what I'm thinking so far. I'd like to start with voting records.

Day 1: Bill (Vanilla Townie) is killed. The people who voted for him were: April, Craig, Ben, Ann, Chris, Ron, Donna
April Ludgate wrote:These Bill votes are gross:

Chris Traeger
Donna Meagle
I voted for Ron
Jerry voted for Ben
Andy voted for me
Jean-Ralphio voted for Tom

Bill Dexhart, Bobby Newport, Jeremy Jamm and Tom Haverford didn't vote.

Day 2: Jamm (Vanilla Townie) is lynched.

Donna, Chris, and I voted for him. Donna and Chris' votes seem to come out of nowhere and with no substantial evidence or case against Jamm at all. My vote was out of self-preservation.

Jean-Ralphio voted for Andy
Tom voted Ben
Ben voted Jerry
Andy, April, and Ron voted for me.
Ann voted Ron
Jamm voted Tom

Missing votes were Newport and Jerry. This was Newport's second missed vote, and it likely led to his replacement.

Day 3: Chris (mafia goon) is lynched.

Votes for him were Ron, myself, Newport, Jerry, Donna, Jean-Ralphio

Ben and Chris voted for Jerry
Andy voted for me

Missing votes were Ann and Tom. This was Tom's second missed vote and the rules don't say anything about whether or not being replaced requires consecutive missed votes. It's possible that this was simply overlooked before, but we should also consider the possibility Tom has been replaced, yet still remains silent.

Day 4: Jerry and I are up for lynch.

Votes for Jerry: Myself, Andy, Ben, Ron
Votes for me: Bobby, Jean-Ralphio, Jerry, Donna
Chris Traeger wrote:Hey team! I just got back from a meeting with Councilman Hauser that took a little longer than I anticipated, then I had to fire Sewage Joe because he thought it would be appropriate to send out pictures of his genitalia to Ann Perkins. Definitely not appropriate by the way, please don't do that. Now I am on the way out the door for my 5 o'clock spin class. I'm the instructor of course, no one else challenges me as well as I challenge myself.

I feel most comfortable with the case against Bill. So I will be casting my vote for him! How fun! :biggrin:
Chris' reason for voting on day 1.
Chris Traeger wrote:It seems my vote came at a point to tie it up. When last I looked at the votes, Jerry was leading by a decent margin but I felt more suspicious of Jeremy Jamm as I was reading. I am still catching up with my reading, but my vote was not intended to create a tie, since I wasn't even aware that it was going to do so. I literally cast my vote with two or three minutes to spare I think and then fought with my vote post for another minute or two after that because my Gryzzl internet was being a little difficult for some reason. I can understand how you might find it suspicious, but it was nothing more than a coincidence. I was not protecting Jerry. Also a coincidence, I dated Jerry's lovely daughter Milicent and she broke my heart. Good times! :biggrin:
Chris' reason for voting on day 2. Despite voicing suspicion for Jerry previously, he does a complete 180 and casts a vote for Jamm.
Chris Traeger wrote:Well, it seems inevitable that all you lovely people are going to make the mistake of lynching me. I'll vote for Jerry Gergich. Oh! And I see that My good friend Ben Wyatt has voted there as well! Good choice old pal! Once I flip civ I recommend you all give some serious scrutiny to the people who keep repeating the lie that I was not doiung anything but roleplaying. I'm certain you'll find your baddies among them. I suppose this means I won't like to be 150 years old after all, that makes me sad. Maybe one last call to Dr. Richard Nygard so that I can go out smiling! Good luck civilians! :biggrin:
Chris on day 3. Now that Jerry is not really on the chopping block, Chris votes for him.
Jerry Gergich wrote:Gosh, you are all so nice. I don't want to lynch any of you. But Ben and Chris are new around here, and Ben seems to be trying a little too hard, plus he didn't cry at L'il Sebastian's funeral, and he also made me play Cones of Dunshire with him.

Sorry Ben.
Jerry day 1.

He didn't vote on day 2, which was 72-hours long for Thanksgiving.
Jerry Gergich wrote:Hey gang! Sorry I've been away, but I accidentally ran over myself with my car. I'm okay though, just bruises mostly. I have always though Chris' enthusiasm seemed phony, and I am happy to vote for him today.
Jerry day 3. He says nothing about the arguments against Chris and seems to vote for him out of obligation.

More to come...
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

Now we move on to my next subject, Donna.

To start:
Donna Meagle wrote:Leslie, Ann and Andy seem ok, but I am less convinced of them than the others. .
Donna Meagle wrote:I feel pretty great about you, Ron and Ben being on the side of good.
To a lesser extent I would say Ann and Leslie.
Chris and Jerry round out the middle of the pack for me.
J-R's posts hurt my head.
I have growing concerns about Tommy one post as well as Chris's fixation with "evil Leslie."
Jamm and Bobby have dropped off the face of the Earth so hard that I forgot about them until I looked at the list. That's never good, but it's the holiday weekend so I hope they come back around.
Donna Meagle wrote:I voted for Jamm because Ron had made a comment about "faxing the quiet ones to get them to play." Of the people who were quiet, Jamm was the most suspicious to me. I honestly had no idea what happened after I voted till I read back post lynch.

I think Leslie came off the last lynch looking town. She's always been second tier town, behind April and Ron in my list and that hasn't changed.

I had Chris placed middle of the road day 2, but day 3 is looking a little different. His posts read frantic and scattered. Like he knows he's caught. I think that's a good vote today.

I agree with Ron that Bobby Newport has the air of finding a "new life" so to speak. Tom is still far too quiet this late in the game. I know I'm a bit in the "pot/kettle" club, but I do try to put some quality into the posts even if I can't have the quantity.

J-R is so immersed into his role play that all I can think when I read his posts is "thinking requires having a brain. I doubt one exists here." :(

Jerry's quiet vote on Chris as well as not addressing how he was almost lynched is disturbing.

For me, today it's between Jerry and Chris. I'm leaning more toward Chris though, I think his posts feel more, as April would say, gross than Jerry's.
Donna Meagle wrote:Leslie brings up a reasonable point that the Chris and Jerry votes could be seen as distancing. Why do you think that is not the case and that Leslie and Chris are partners?
All of that ^

Then this:
Donna Meagle wrote:Looking at our numbers there 9 players remaining. 2 of them are Mafia. So at this moment in time, we have 7 civs to 2 mafia.

If we lynch a mafia, we get to be 7 civs to 1 mafia. Mafia Night kill and we are down 6 civs 1 Mafia.
If by some sad twist of fate, we lynch a civ, we are down 8 civs 2 mafia - Mafia Night kill, we are down to 6 civs and 2 mafia. Still a majority going into the next lynch. It's getting tight for sure, but it's not yet lynch or lose. One of the two of them seems to be playing us.

I don't think that Leslie and Jerry are on the same team one of them has to be bad, and I think it's Leslie. She started the doom and gloom. She's saying she sounded more sincere than Jerry even though, technically, our numbers grow tighter today than they were yesterday. And continue to do so every day. Jerry sounds frustrated in his role play, and like his role play, feels like the easy scapegoat.

I'm placing my vote on Leslie.
Remember Chris' 180 on day 2?

Now on to Donna's reasons for voting on the first three days:
Donna Meagle wrote:Ok, things are blowing up here faster than Kanye's last breakdown. I'm voting Bill.

Looking forward to hearing more from my fellow quiet players going forward while I work on stepping up my own game.

Meagle out.
Day 1.
Donna Meagle wrote:I hear ya Ron. Concider this a fax.

Vote = Jamm.

I will try to be back closer to vote end to see if more develops. But the office is about to be crazier than a night at the snakehole lounge soon. :(
Day 2 she votes Jamm. Before this post, she had mentioned Jamm one time. In this post:
Donna Meagle wrote:I thought I had been doing that April, but I will try again with less role play.

I feel pretty great about you, Ron and Ben being on the side of good.
To a lesser extent I would say Ann and Leslie.
Chris and Jerry round out the middle of the pack for me.
J-R's posts hurt my head.
I have growing concerns about Tommy one post as well as Chris's fixation with "evil Leslie."
Jamm and Bobby have dropped off the face of the Earth so hard that I forgot about them until I looked at the list. That's never good, but it's the holiday weekend so I hope they come back around.
Donna Meagle wrote:I'm going to go ahead and vote Chris now. I really don't see a point in delaying this any further.
She, too, appears to vote for Chris out of obligation. The same way Jerry did.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Maid »

I don't know if this matters in this election, but if there was a race for who dies in a horrible traffic collision after work, and Jerry and Ben were running, I'd be voting Ben.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Akemi Homura »

Doesn't all this overanalysis from Leslie just a few hours before she might be lynched feel a little... phony? Instead of trying to save her own life, she's posting huge text walls of vote analysis. It just seems so "Look at me! I'm the civviest civ that ever civved!"

Also, Thanks Bobby Newport. I voted for you in the election.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

I'm trying to help out as much as I can before I'm killed. My death has been inevitable for a while now. When I come up Vanilla Townie, I hope my "overanalysis" as you put it helps my fellow civs to become victorious and save Pawnee.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Akemi Homura »

I don't believe you, though.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Maid »

Jerry Gergich wrote:Doesn't all this overanalysis from Leslie just a few hours before she might be lynched feel a little... phony? Instead of trying to save her own life, she's posting huge text walls of vote analysis. It just seems so "Look at me! I'm the civviest civ that ever civved!"

Also, Thanks Bobby Newport. I voted for you in the election.
You're welcome, but I don't like this post. Instead of knocking Leslie for posting, you should be doing the same thing in case you carry this election.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Leslie, I'm reading your analysis, but where are the conclusions? I rubbed my eyes after reading a first wall of text that ended in you stating the obvious about how Jerry voted by... quoting his votes. What?
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

Ron Swanson wrote:Leslie, I'm reading your analysis, but where are the conclusions? I rubbed my eyes after reading a first wall of text that ended in you stating the obvious about how Jerry voted by... quoting his votes. What?
I think there's a Chris, Jerry, Donna connection. I could be wrong, and I know it's reminiscent of when I said you and April were working together, but we have more to go on now.

The voting record, the way they all follow a similar pattern in how they vote and post, the way none of them contributed in any meaningful way all come as close to possible to confirming it in my book.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Ok, people, let us find a way here. And I by us, I mean you.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Tom would show up for work.

Maybe his GPS broke.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Akemi Homura »

Please don't lynch me. I have a wife and kids.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

Jerry Gergich wrote:Please don't lynch me. I have a wife and kids.
You should have thought about that before you murdered Li'l Sebastian, you monster. NOW I'LL WAVE YOUR SEVERED HEAD ON A STICK IN FRONT OF YOUR WEEPING FAMILY!!!

If I win the coin toss, that is.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

If I'm wrong about Donna, please look at Ben. His back and fourth with Jerry for the whole game may hold some clues. I didn't say anything till now because I needed his vote and I believe more strongly in the case against Donna.

Also, I found this picture of him with a blonde bimbo at the unity concert. I think he's been having an affair with her for years and she may be the real mother of my children.


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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Towny McTownface »

Apparently the poll closes 12 minutes later than I expected. Now this is just awkward.
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Re: [DAY 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Perd Hapley »

Day 4: Nope, Knope

Welcome back to The Perdple's Court.

Tonight we've once again listened to the testimony of these witnesses and the jury has cast their votes. Leslie Knope claims that Jerry Gergich is the worst person ever and Jerry Gergich responded that Ms. Knope is not very nice. Those were both arguments that I found compelling.

Now let's turn to the jury to receive the verdict. It seems there is a tie vote again in which both Ms. Knope and Mr. Gergich received the same number of votes as each other. That means I will decide the winner making the other person the loser. And that loser would be Ms. Leslie Knope. To make it official, I will now bang my little judge hammer.

I'm Judge Perd and this is The Perdple's Court.

Spoiler: show
Leslie Knope has been lynched.

She was notsawyer540 and a Vanilla Townie.
It is now Night 4.

The thread is now locked for the next 23 hours and 45 minutes. If you have an active power, send in your PM.
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Re: [NIGHT 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Day 4 Final Vote Tally
Who is a murderer?

Poll ended at Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:12:27 pm

Andy Dwyer
No votes

Ben Wyatt
No votes

Bobby Newport
No votes

Donna Meagle
No votes

No votes

Jerry Gergich
Leslie Knope (3), Andy Dwyer (7), Ben Wyatt (8), Ron Swanson (15) 25%

Leslie Knope
Bobby Newport (5), Jean-Ralphio (9), Jerry Gergich (10), Donna Meagle (14) 25%

Ron Swanson
No votes

Tom Haverford
No votes

No votes

*No Lynch*
No votes

Chris Traeger!!! (hosts, deadies, non-players)
Perd Hapley (1), MovingPictures07 (2), juliets (4), Spacedaisy (6), Scotty (11), notsawyer540 (12), G-Man (13), insertnamehere (16) 50%

Total votes : 16

Missing votes: Tom Haverford
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Re: [NIGHT 4] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Perd Hapley »

Night 4: Oh Captain, My Captain... Ron Swanson, A Swansong

You are watching the news, and I am Perd Hapley reporting the news you are watching.

I am here at the Pawnee Public Library with more news to report of yet another murder. Tonight the body of Ron Swanson was found. I have been informed that someone hit him over the head repeatedly with a book. That someone was a person named Tammy, who witnesses say stripped down naked as she beat the victim to death.

I'm Perd Hapley, and now I know that books can be used as weapons of murder.

Spoiler: show
Ron Swanson has been killed.

He was Ricochet and a Vanilla Townie.
It is now Day 5.

You have 48 hours to lynch a murderer.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Maid »

Do I smell a power vacuum that needs filling?
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Maid »

To begin, I don't trust Ben, Donna, or Andy in that order. At least one of them is bad.

Also sorry Leslie but YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Akemi Homura »

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's winning coin tosses.

Can we please lynch Ben now? He is a baddie.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by notsawyer540 »

well shit
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by November »

Bobby Newport wrote:To begin, I don't trust Ben, Donna, or Andy in that order. At least one of them is bad.

Also sorry Leslie but YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
of those three, i think donna is most likely bad

her vote for leslie yesterday makes no sense and she hasn't responded to my point baout it.
Jerry Gergich wrote:If there's one thing I'm good at, it's winning coin tosses.

Can we please lynch Ben now? He is a baddie.
u first m8
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Alright, I've loaded up on calzones and coffee from JJ's diner, (The coffee is from JJ's, the low-cal calzones are my own creation.) let's do this thing.

There are seven of us left, and two baddies. Tom is AWOL, and for some reason hasn't been replaced despite not posting since Day 2. I've half a mind to go complain to the big man himself. And by that I mean Perd.

Assuming Tom's too busy ripping off Skymall and posting pictures of his food to social media to show up and play the game, there's gonna be six voters, and also assuming Tom's an absentee civilian, we're gonna need all four active civs left in the game to agree on who they want to lynch, or else we'll be in a sucky dead lock again.

For some reason, I'm taking some heat in this thread. I'd invite anyone who suspects me to ask me actual questions and come up with an actual argument against me instead of just voting out the loudest person. (Which I now am, after all the other very active players were either lynched or nightkilled.)


Andy Dwyer - Realized juuust too late what a marvelously misguided idea his Leslie obsession was and tried to stop what he started. I still heavily dislike how he almost single-handedly got Leslie lynched by going after her soooo hard in the thread, but he seems to be the only other player left who's on the same page as me as far as reads go.

Jean-Ralphio - Of all the Day 4 Leslie voters, he looks the best to me. By that I mean his Leslie vote was actually based on logic and was something I could follow. Can't say that about some of the other people on this list.

Tom Haverford - I thought Treat Yo Self was only for a day, not the entirety of a game. But seriously, if Day 6 includes this guy, 2 civs, and 2 scum, I'm gonna be pissed off. I'd like to repeat my request for a late-game replacement, even if this thing'll be over in a few days time.

Bobby Newport - Pointed out stuff against Chris and Jerry, but for some reason has a thing against me. Bobby, I ran your charity for like, a year. What happened to make you so suspicious of me? I know big descriptions and big words are difficult for you, but the game hangs in the balance here. It's time to step up. Also can see his logic behind voting Leslie.

Donna Meagle - Donna's posted and contributed more than some of the people ranked about her, lookin' at you Jean-Ralphio and Bobby, but I see her ridiculously shady Day 4 vote as the reason we're in this situation in the first place. She casts some shade at Jerry earlier in the day, only to do a complete 180 and vote for Leslie at the most critical time in the day. It's especially opportunistic considering how Donna's been more suspicious of Andy for going after Leslie than Leslie herself the entire game. Very similar also to how Jerry almost saved Chris, only more sucessful.

Jerry Gergich - Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, how much do I scumread you? Let me count the ways... No, literally.

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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Jerry Gergich wrote:Gosh, you are all so nice. I don't want to lynch any of you. But Ben and Chris are new around here, and Ben seems to be trying a little too hard, plus he didn't cry at L'il Sebastian's funeral, and he also made me play Cones of Dunshire with him.

Sorry Ben.
Jerry casts a throwaway vote in my direction and doesn't even comment on the April Kerfuffle. It felt like an almost random vote to me, and I didn't take it seriously, like how most of us usually treat Jerry. Little did I know that this would become Jerry's pet case, and one that he'd follow to the ends of the earth, logic and reasoning be damned. You wanna suspect Andy for tunneling? Jerry's been lining me up like a sniper since Day 1.

Jerry Gergich wrote:Oh geez, I can't believe Craig is dead. That's so sad! You know, when I'm feeling a little down, my beautiful wife and daughters always cheer me up. But right now all I really want to do is find the killer. Ben was awful quick to get in here after the kill. I wonder if he was expecting it.
Jerry Gergich wrote:I agree with most of what April has said. She seems like a sweet kid. I will try to do a better job of posting more. I just get so forgetful. Chris would probably be my next suspect after Ben, as he shares the trying too hard vibe and helped kill the cop.
I've already talked about how the first post's criticism of me happening to be online at the beginning of the day is completely and utterly irrelevant, so I'm not gonna go back to that. This is the beginning of Jerry's statements about Chris.
Jerry Gergich wrote:I sure wonder why anyone would want to kill poor Craig. He barely posted, and only said nice things about April. If April was mafia, it could make sense for her to kill a defender, but nothing she has posted makes me think she would be so evil. I like to believe the best in people. Most likely it was a low poster kill designed to leave no clues at all. I guess I'd better step up my own game if I don't want the same thing to happen to me! It would be just my luck.

Maybe I'm just being a goofball, but it seems to me that a more active mafia is more likley to kill low posters than a more passive one, so I would want to look at higher posters. The highest posters so far are Ron, Andy, Ben, Ann, and April. I already know I trust April and already know I don't trust Ben, so that leaves me three more people to look at carefully before I vote. Just as soon as I finish this filing.
Out of the five names he mentioned, three of them were subsequently night killed. I'd argue that the mafia is definitely targeting high posters instead of low ones, and that points me to players who are maybe not as active and are taking heat from active players. Ron and April both went after Jerry pretty hardcore, and both turned up mysteriously dead. That's why I'm posting so much and doing so much analysis.

The mafia wants this to be a dead thread. They want as little discussion as possible.

This also fits Jerry's MO to a tee.

Also note how Jerry doesn't include Chris on his high poster shitlist.
Jerry Gergich wrote:
Chris Traeger wrote: The second one concerns me because it could dissuade people from trying to look for a connection or reason to look at who might kill Craig and why. Looking for answer can only be a good thing, at least that’s what my therapist, Dr. Richard Nygard tells me all the time.
I'm sorry if my work is not up to your standards lately, Chris. I ripped my pants somehow and had to spend most of the day sitting down to keep anyone from noticing. It was only a theory, and if you can see a connection between Craig and the killer, I would love to hear it! I just didn't see much in his posting to make me think of other people.
This is Jerry and Chris' only interaction. It feels like a post that could easily be used to either further, or end Jerry's in-thread suspicion of Chris, depending on which way the wind blows.
Jerry Gergich wrote:Looking at these files all day, I have to say that I think the killer is someone who posts a lot, and that it's very likely that at least one voter for Bill was bad. Cross referencing the two leads me to Ben, Ann, Chris, or Ron. Ron is just such a great guy, and after reading some more of his posts, I think I have to trust him for now.

That means I think we should lynch Ben, Ann, or Chris. Ann used the word "interesting" in her second post of the game, which to me always seems like a fluff word that doesn't say anything but appears to say something, so she is definitely on my radar.
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Anyone else have thoughts on these three? I'm so lucky to work with such smart people.
Not sure why he felt the need to quote that last bit, but okay. His reason for suspecting Ann is nonsense, much like his in-thread reason for suspecting me and other high voters.

After all of this hullaballoo, he didn't even vote in the Day 2 poll, so much of this is irrelevant.


This is after Jerry began taking some in-thread heat, and was very nearly lynched. If only Chris didn't decide to vote for Jamm out of the blue. Chris' Day 2 vote just gets worse once you realize he was casting some shade at Jerry earlier in the day. All of that was ignored, and Jerry had his noose cut open at the last second due to Chris' gracious vote.

This has to be the biggest point against him.

Here's Jerry's sole post for this day:
Jerry Gergich wrote:Hey gang! Sorry I've been away, but I accidentally ran over myself with my car. I'm okay though, just bruises mostly. I have always though Chris' enthusiasm seemed phony, and I am happy to vote for him today.

This is hollow, desperate distancing that stinks harder than one of Jerry's flatulence attacks.

Jerry Gergich wrote:It's awfully sad to see Ann go, but I don't feel too bad about Chris. He wasn't from Pawnee anyway. I think we should help his partner Ben follow in his footsteps.
Aaaand he's back on the "BEN = HUMAN DISASTER TRAIN." Good stuff. Still not an actual case, more like a witch hunt.

After being nearly lynched on DAY 2, it takes Jerry Gergich until DAY 4 to actually respond to a single point against him. Here's his impassioned plea:
Jerry Gergich wrote:Aw c'mon guys. I know you like to tease me around the office, but lynching me is taking it too far.

At this point people, me included, are desperately trying to get Jerry to give us literally anything.

Now the real Jerry Gergich decides to stand up:
Jerry Gergich wrote:I distrust Ben because he's from out of town, his ways are different from ours, and he comes across as fake and trying too hard (not something I'm likely to be accused of!) He is also freinds with Chris, who was bad.

Lynching me is the lazy option. It's what the mafia would want you to do, and it will give you nothing but a Vanilla Civilian.
The reason Jerry Gergich thinks I'm trying too hard is because I am. I'm trying really fucking hard to keep this game from going directly into the hands of the mafia. All of the other really active players, give or take an Andy, are dead. I feel like I'm the only one who really wants to make this game a civilian win. And I'm gonna keep trying really really hard until we either win, or die trying.

Considering Jerry's been almost lynched on two separate occasions, only to be saved by a single flipping voter BOTH TIMES, I'd say wanting to lynch Jerry isn't the lazy option.

Wanting to lynch me is, however. Jerry's been pushing this bizarre vendetta that seems to be entirely based on me being "fake" and "trying too hard," without bothering to provide any actual explanation. It's the laziest thing I've seen since the time I told Ron to fill out some paperwork about how the Parks department spends its money, and he just sent back a type-written note saying "We spend too much of it."
Jerry Gergich wrote:The accusation that I was distancing from Chris is absurd. I was one of the first to call out Chris for his phoneyness. Phoneyness I see echoed in Ben.
You cast some light shade in his direction, but you didn't say or do squat when he saved your ass on Day 2. You only cast a vote for him once "Jerry + Chris = Scumteam" was the popular in-thread narrative. You were happy to continue going after other high posters like Ann and Ron if it wasn't.
Jerry Gergich wrote:
Ben Wyatt wrote:If Jerry doesn't actually address his accusers or actually describe his case against me, I'm just going to assume he's a baddie who has given up.

Until he decides to give playing the game a shot, he's where my vote's going to be.
I always distrust posts like this. "If you don't do X, I'll have no choice but to vote you. Then if I don't satisfy him and you guys lynch a civvie, he can say "well, it was his fault, not mine. He should have done what I said." It's a trap designed to duck accountability.
This is the only actual specific criticism he's made of me, if you ignore me being online when MP posted that one time. Every single thing Jerry has done in this entire game, and very likely his entire life, has been to duck accountability. Jerry just threw a big boulder from directly inside his own little glass hovel.

Literally (and I hate to borrow a phrase from Chris) the next four of his posts are attempts to duck accountability.
Jerry Gergich wrote:I think Ben is the killer, but I'll move my vote to Leslie for now in case I am not around for the lynch and need to save myself.
Jerry Gergich wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Jerry Gergich wrote:I distrust Ben because he's from out of town, his ways are different from ours, and he comes across as fake and trying too hard (not something I'm likely to be accused of!) He is also freinds with Chris, who was bad.

Lynching me is the lazy option. It's what the mafia would want you to do, and it will give you nothing but a Vanilla Civilian.
Why is this argument of yours 80% lore garbage, and yet you speak of us being lazy in our suspicions and votes? The only bit that has anything to do with mafia content(that Ben is faking it or "trying to hard") is the stuff I don't recall you having elaborated in any significant way.
I don't elaborate. I'm just in charge of the filing. Mafia elaborate. Because their schemes are elaborate.
Jerry Gergich wrote:
Leslie Knope wrote:
Jerry Gergich wrote:I don't elaborate. I'm just in charge of the filing. Mafia elaborate. Because their schemes are elaborate.
Still no argument or case for your innocence then? Mafia scheme, evade, and murder. Civilians reason and debate. Right now you're doing one of the bad ones with your evasiveness.
Mafia always evade and Civilians always reason? I guess you know best, Leslie.
(she actually did tho. sorry I ever doubted you bae)
Jerry Gergich wrote:It just seems so rude to argue with you fine people.
After I basically scream in his face to act like a normal non-condescending human being, Jerry takes off the mask, and delivers the only somewhat sincere post he's made this entire game.
Jerry Gergich wrote:I am trying to stay relatively in character, yes. I haven't given up, but I feel like there is very little I can say in defense that will convince anyone. I was distancing from Chris? How do I disprove that? To me it seems clear that my suspicion was sincere, since I was advocating to lynch him and voted for him. Others don;t see it that way.

My case against you is flimsy? Of course it is. It's based on my gut read of your tone, plus you vote on Day One. Actually, your sincerity and honesty in these questions is making me rethink my read of you a bit.

I would say one final thing in my defense. You must see that I would be a very easy lynch at this point, and what would mafia like more than an easy lynch of a civilian who has been largely too busy to develop substantive cases or elaborate defenses? I'll admit that I haven't been the greatest asset for the civilians this game, but I fear that another mislynch will cinch it for the Mafia
Let's take this paragraph by paragraph.

1) Don't wait until a week after people start suspecting you to respond to their suspicions. If you would have bothered to explain your actions earlier in the game, you wouldn't be in this situation. Just because you listed him as one of 3 people you suspected on Day 2, and only voted for him on Day 3, after everyone already suspected you and him were linked, it doesn't mean you were obviously against him the whole time.

2) I'm sorry that your read of my tone is negative. Ironically, the feeling is mutual.

3) You were saved from the brink of being lynched twice. You aren't an easy lynch. An easy lynch is one where the reasoning is some half-hearted anti-intellectual nonsense about how someone is trying too hard and needs to go.

After this, he makes a few posts where he goes after Leslie, who was an easy target for the entirety of her time alive. (RIP :hugs: )

There's this dynamic exchange:
Leslie Knope wrote:I'm trying to help out as much as I can before I'm killed. My death has been inevitable for a while now. When I come up Vanilla Townie, I hope my "overanalysis" as you put it helps my fellow civs to become victorious and save Pawnee.
Jerry Gergich wrote:I don't believe you, though.
How sincere.

And finally, this plea from Jerry right before the EOD.
Jerry Gergich wrote:Please don't lynch me. I have a wife and kids.
Pardon me while I dry my eyes. I think I can hear the world's tiniest vuvuzela, honking out a sorry tune for Jerry Gergich.

Jerry Gergich wrote:If there's one thing I'm good at, it's winning coin tosses.

Can we please lynch Ben now? He is a baddie.

Also, whatever happened to you rethinking your read of me due to my sincerity and honesty? Guess that's out the window.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »


Chris, the only confirmed mafia saved Jerry's ass Day 2. Donna saved Jerry's ass Day 4.

Jerry very rarely actually discusses any of his suspicions in actual detail. Or really anything at all.

He's been tunneling me since Day 1, and none of his arguments hold any water.

Jerry is not an easy lynch. The fact that he's narrowly managed to avoid death twice now proves it.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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I just found this, and it needs to be shared.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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Ben Wyatt wrote:I just found this, and it needs to be shared.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »


Andy, who do you believe to be Jerry's teammate, and what's your impression of Jean-Ralphio and Bobby?

Bobby, why do you suspect me? Is there anything I can respond to? What's your impression of one mister Jerry Gergich?

Donna, do you care to explain your Day 4 vote any further? You said that Jerry and Leslie are on opposite teams, and you think one of them has to be a baddie. Does this mean you'll be voting for Jerry today?

Jean-Ralphio, what's your read on Jerry? You've been silent on him for most of the game. You were wrong about Leslie, where do you propose we go next?

Jerry, what is your response to my ISO on you? Do you agree with your feline depiction?
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

I'm an auditor- or at least, I used to be one. I come into failing towns, and I fix them.

Right now, we're failing this game.

I know I may not be as inspiring as Leslie or Ron, but I must implore all of you to start talking and help to solve this game instead of lapsing into complacency or wacky RP.

Don't get me wrong, I love RP too. But RP isn't a replacement for playing the game.

If Tom remains inactive, and we lynch a civilian today, Day 6 will have an even number of active civilians and mafia members.

This is pretty much LyLo, so let's all try a little harder, why don't we?
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

notsawyer540 wrote:
Ben Wyatt wrote:I just found this, and it needs to be shared.
by the way, you did a fantastic job in this game, and I can't wait to play with you again in the future.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by notsawyer540 »

Ben Wyatt wrote:
notsawyer540 wrote:
Ben Wyatt wrote:I just found this, and it needs to be shared.
by the way, you did a fantastic job in this game, and I can't wait to play with you again in the future.
Thanks. It was my first game in 6 years or so, so it took a while to find my footing. Can't wait to play some more.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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I refuse to be associated with a cat.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by juliets »

ron you make a really cute cat
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Thundercat »

I am here. Not avoiding answering Ben or Andy's questions, I just haven't been able to get here to speak. Joe's charity work as well as my real estate business has kept me quite busy the past two weeks.

I did then, and do now believe that one of the two of Leslie and Jerry were bad. At the time I voted, Jerry felt the most sincere to me. I was gravely incorrect in that read. I wish I had been able to come back at the end of the last lynch to read how Leslie was posting as opposed to how Jerry was posting, that was not in the cards for me that day. The lynches end at the absolute worst time of day for me.

I was wrong about Leslie. I'm having a very difficult time seeing anyone who would get my vote more than Jerry. I feel into the easy thinking that sweet, goofy Jerry couldn't possibly be anything more than how he appears on the surface. That is a mistake I don't plan to make a second time.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Donna Meagle wrote:I am here. Not avoiding answering Ben or Andy's questions, I just haven't been able to get here to speak. Joe's charity work as well as my real estate business has kept me quite busy the past two weeks.

I did then, and do now believe that one of the two of Leslie and Jerry were bad. At the time I voted, Jerry felt the most sincere to me. I was gravely incorrect in that read. I wish I had been able to come back at the end of the last lynch to read how Leslie was posting as opposed to how Jerry was posting, that was not in the cards for me that day. The lynches end at the absolute worst time of day for me.

I was wrong about Leslie. I'm having a very difficult time seeing anyone who would get my vote more than Jerry. I feel into the easy thinking that sweet, goofy Jerry couldn't possibly be anything more than how he appears on the surface. That is a mistake I don't plan to make a second time.
Assuming Jerry is mafia, who is his teammate?
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by November »

Ben Wyatt wrote:QUESTION TIME!

Andy, who do you believe to be Jerry's teammate, and what's your impression of Jean-Ralphio and Bobby?

Bobby-- goofy, maybe bad, but only if donna isn't.
Jean Ralphio-- same.
Donna Meagle wrote:I am here. Not avoiding answering Ben or Andy's questions, I just haven't been able to get here to speak. Joe's charity work as well as my real estate business has kept me quite busy the past two weeks.

I did then, and do now believe that one of the two of Leslie and Jerry were bad. At the time I voted, Jerry felt the most sincere to me. I was gravely incorrect in that read. I wish I had been able to come back at the end of the last lynch to read how Leslie was posting as opposed to how Jerry was posting, that was not in the cards for me that day. The lynches end at the absolute worst time of day for me.

I was wrong about Leslie. I'm having a very difficult time seeing anyone who would get my vote more than Jerry. I feel into the easy thinking that sweet, goofy Jerry couldn't possibly be anything more than how he appears on the surface. That is a mistake I don't plan to make a second time.
But you read Leslie as civ until yesterday. What chagned?

Jerry felt sincere? Cite posts.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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put your money where your mouth is meagle and vote for jerry.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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1) Ron Swanson 84
2) Andy Dwyer 79
3) April Ludgate 64
4) Leslie Knope 63
5) Ben Wyatt 53
6) Ann Perkins 43
7) Chris Traeger 26
8) Jerry Gergich 24

Of the top 8 posters, 5 are dead.
Night killed
Lynched civ
Lynched bad

Ben your analysis rings true to me.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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I'd also hardly qualify anyone below Ann a high posters.

Lynch Jerry
Then Donna
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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Andy Dwyer wrote:1) Ron Swanson 84
2) Andy Dwyer 79
3) April Ludgate 64
4) Leslie Knope 63
5) Ben Wyatt 53
6) Ann Perkins 43
7) Chris Traeger 26
8) Jerry Gergich 24

Of the top 8 posters, 5 are dead.
Night killed
Lynched civ
Lynched bad

Ben your analysis rings true to me.
This also means I'll probably die next. :pout:
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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donna-- i challenge you to vote for jerry. you won't because he's your teammate. you want to see if you can wiggle your way out of it and vote for ben and push him over the top.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by November »

Donna's trapped.

Yesterday she told me that she reads Ben as civ.
However, Ben is the viable alternative to Jerry here. Does she flip flop again? Does she really do another 180º on a player to save Jerry? If she does, it's abundantly clear what is happening. If she doesn't, she's alone and will likely lose.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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THAT'S why she didn't already vote for Jerry.
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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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Re: [DAY 5] Parks and Recreation Mafia


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Ron Swanson is really Duke Silver!
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