Phenon Mafia - backstory

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Phenon Mafia - backstory


Post by sprityo »

So I wanted to get back into writing and I still have my whole yknow backstory and plot for the concept of the phenon universe. So the question is should I start “from the beginning and get a story going? OR should I do a creative retelling of the mafia game “Phenon Mafia?”

Also maybe it’ll get me off this tangent of my own ideas. The concept has just enamored me for so long I don’t have a solid conclusion to put it down yet


heres so original documents from 2011-2012 transcribed onto to computer this is all i have left, its about 1/3 of all the written content originally created. it doesnt include the origin stories for the faction leaders

The Lore
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Righter wrote:I wrote something up awhile ago...but it was lost somewhere in my computer, goes --->

Cudos to Borderlands, Fallout, L4D, The Road, and a bunch of other movies, books, and games that inspired this idea...

The World has changed...the nations of Earth declared a truce on the year 2050, and all war, national problems and troubles, and the lot of it were to be fixed or be stopped by any means necessary. Finally, the people thought, the world is starting to make some sense.
The H.I.V.E.'s actions BC (before Cleansing):
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-= That year, the world's nations created a whole new company known as the HIVE, they were to fix the problems and aches the world had.

-=They started with that solved the problem of fuel, the atmosphere, global warming, and a lot of other stuff.

-=Then they went to medicine, biological advancements, food supplies were no longer a problem, nor was the problem of some diseases.

-=After that, HIVE solved the problem of law enforcement, accidents on the environment, and many more problems that caused the people pain.

Finally they created their prized jewel, their newest tool for humanities' vitality...a serum that was injected into people in the year 2120 and it would give the people, new traits, from improved physical and mental functions, to solving mental and physical ailments the person had or would develop in the future. The world did make sense, the new generation would be problem free, and life itself would transform into a new beginning, a new world from the one they had emerged from a century ago.

The Cleansing's Roots:
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Everything changed when in the year 2121 a terrorist group within the HIVE released a lethal and infectious toxin into the world's atmosphere, things went, they went to hell. Released from the main and secure base in the United States, the toxin infected the people, but the radiation and explosion from the pure pressure killed and destroyed the whole landscape, making a huge crater-like scar in the middle of the earth.
The Reaction to the Cleansing
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It was the first time in a century that something so dramatic and world-effecting would happen, the people rose to retaliate, they announced the creation of the "Vox Populi" though there were millions of casualties, it still wasn't as bad as what happened to the people injected in 2020. Many of them had developed strange symptoms, from physical problems and ailments, to more serious mental ones...

The Vox Populi decided to destroy the HIVE, no matter what they had done in the past. It was the 4th world war...the ones that felt the need to act against the ones who felt the need to retaliate. Though the HIVE had not known of the underground terrorist group within their walls, they still believed in a way to solve the problem, they did tests, made medicines to try and combat the virus...nothing worked.

---Meanwhile, tension was rising and the Vox Populi wanted revenge. Instead of staying out of the way, or even donating their money and time to research, they attacked and the HIVE toppled down..several sectors in many countries were destroyed, but they still carried on in the research...the research for the cure.
The Aftermath
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Years Passed, most of the HIVE is already destroyed, and yet, they still carry on, finally, realizing how many of them were left, they decided to fight back after ten years of the Vox Populi's and now, many other factions' attacks. Those that remained had either already lost everything or had the faintest of hopes to fixing the mistakes done.

Soon, the fights turned into local day shootouts, electricity shortages and low fuel supplies were normal and constant...hunger was now in the streets, even more gangs and factions showed up all over the world, eventually, the last of the sane, what remained of the national government decreed that all fit survivors, children, and the future generations of the world would be locked away in huge vaults, all located in placed unknown, and surprisingly, untouched by humanity. These vaults (seven in all) were designed to keep the future in, and the evil in the world out. Created for the single purpose to protect the last of the stable human race, the vaults were filled with almost half of all the world's food, supplies, weapons, and responsible individuals that would moderate the future and teach them of the past that was lost to war.

In the end, only four vaults were breached and opened, their supplies turned into weapons for war and food for the last of the survivors.
Remnants of Humanity
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The last of us, the sane of humanity were given a name, "Lifelurkers." Regular humans that didn't make it into the vaults, citizens, average joes, nothing special. Just people left out to tell the tale to their children, people that were left out to shape the remainders of civilization, the remainders of the world. Every day, hundreds die...the Vox Populi's strength wanes, the first generation of them are all now dead or worse...somewhere unknown, gone, invisible to the dregs of society.

To most everyone, the HIVE have turned against the world. Many of them are disguised as Lifelurkers, trying to make it through life; others are more open, and dangerous. Killing in the streets, "medicine" passed among them, abductions....recently, many people believe they are up to something big...either they found the cure and are keeping it hidden, or they are developing a weapon of mass destruction...nobody even knows. Even the HIVE themselves don't know...only the main men have the sliver of information that could either change the world or destroy it.
The Infected
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The Infected are now shunned by society, many of them have turned into something else..every morning, it is usual to see a body bitten and scratched to death, the term "zombies" from the old movies is used for them...some of them are....special in a way...they stand at attention, unknown if they are dead or sleeping, these infected, upon awakening, somehow explode in rage and more of the zombies spawn out of the darkness to come and hunt the living. A small fraction of them still have a shred of humanity left and avoid the dangerous swarms of the other infected.
There are still stories to be told, people to meet...but in the end, what will you choose? And even more will your choice affect the world? It's up to you to find out.

-=+=- PHENON -=+=-
The Time-Line:
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Righter wrote:This is a timeline of events and the story of Phenon: Deathbringer so far…it’s very confusing with plenty of different lores, factions, and players. But I have created a basic grid of how things happened, years, months, etc. I hope you find this helpful!

Note: I will be writing by years, clearly I won’t be going from 2050-2100-2121 and all the years in-between, just things that happen 50 years before each half century of each of the events, hard to understand I know, but you’ll see in a little while…

M = Major Event
m = Minor Event
F = Faction Event
W = Wartime Event
E = Economical Event
-= = Side Note

Pre-2050: Chaos Era
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1.) M: 2034 – World War 3 begins due to economical tensions and pre-wartime events such as the “Power Fight” between the United States and China. Along with the world’s population increasing to an estimated 9.4 Billion, hunger is very common.

-= Global Deathmatch it is believed that a single prominent group of terrorists or multiple groups of allied terrorists launched the first nuke at China from the United States. Warfare was revolutionized through the usage of cyber-technology, for the first time, the United States had been struck on national land, troops landing near the coasts six hours after confirmed hit.

As the fighting continued to the year 2046, many of the remaining nations decided to call up a truce to the tension rising among countries to include further use nuclear weaponry.

2.) m: 2034 = 2036 – Wartime Events and Economy Fluctuations (National)
(Chronological Order)

W: Americans struggle to fight off civil disobedience and surrounding forces while warfare continues in the Eastern Hemisphere, primarily Asia and Europe. America finishes the war in North America in the year 2041, Europe at this point, torn to shreds due to the huge usage of cyber-warfare and the amount of civil disobedience/violence all the time.

W: Several cities in Northeastern Europe are rendered helpless and unable to fight, due to tensions already rising and major problems such as hunger and food crisis, not including the boiling warfare.

E: Global Economy drops to an all-time low, after this period, it begins to fluctuate due to wins and losses in the global war.

W: Due to the current state of the planet, warfare is decreed as “ended” or rather “standby” due to the general state of the planet.

E: The Global Economy begins to steadily rise due to the opening of new jobs (repairs to general infrastructure and historical landmarks) and the general peace surrounding the period.

3.) M: 2050 – The H.I.V.E. are introduced to society.

-= The H.I.V.E. was comprised of the world’s top minds, scientists, writers, and engineers, invitation to join this powerful global organization (which spawned in the UK) were sent to only from the Admissions Committee and each member of the committee had to have a unanimous vote for each recruit admission.

-= The company/organization was managed and founded by the Cash family, Warson family, and the Khan family. These families all contributed towards creating a better future for the world.

-= Each family contributed a special individual to the development of new industrial, biological, and civil creations. The Cash family specialized in Biomechanics and Industrialization.

-= The Warson family specialized in solving the energy and food crisis through several benefit funds towards countries that really needed it.

-= The Khan family specialized in warfare technology, the armed forces, and the justice systems from the government to law enforcement.
2100 – 2150: Clarity Era
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1.) M: 2100 - The H.I.V.E. announce development of the anti-aging system and the Stinger Syrum.

-= “it would give the patient new cells and traits, from improved physical and mental functions, to solving mental and physical ailments the patient had or would develop in the future,” this was partly true. It was developed by the Cash family in order to mostly counter Alzheimer’s disease which had affected almost 500 million individuals at this point.

2.) m: 2115 – The H.I.V.E. introduce the later infamous “Max Bardindes” or rather, Adam Dietrech.
-= a hired terrorist sent to intercept the H.I.V.E. and develop nuero-biotoxins and chemical mixtures to release into the atmosphere, meant to cause global havoc and destruction. The toxin was officially called the, “Scherzo di Veleno” which means, “Night of Poison” or “Knight of Poison.” Today is known as the “Rotter’s Nectar.”

3.) M: 2121, Mid-April – The terrorist group within the H.I.V.E. release all amount of the SDV (Scherzo di Veleno) in a nuclear facility near the eastern coast of the United States of America.

-= The plan worked and soon, all the world was in havoc. Areas surrounding the site of the blast radius, nicknamed the “Cleanser” were turned into barren wastelend and soon, a scorching desert.

-= The atmosphere/cloud defense/ozone layer was scorched and burnt through, leaving the sun’s rays and natural causes to finish the job on unconscious or wounded nearby individuals who managed to live the initial event.

4.) M: 2121, Early June – the area surrounding the Cleanser’s Radius are finally reached by doctors and specialists.

-= Sent by the United Nations, better known as the Global Alliance, to look at radical or passive changes in the victim’s bodily structure and systems, to prepare for future problems or affects.

-= Patients fit to leave or showed no signs of change were sent home or to general family.

5.) M: 2121, July 4 – Further havoc and uncertainty descends on the world.

-= Factions and groups rise against the H.I.V.E. (due to civil unrest and a need for a scapegoat, most groups turned to the H.I.V.E. as the source of the problem), it is reported that the esteemed Dr. Feni Cash was killed before the Cleanser while testing the ARM (the last invention by the H.I.V.E.).

-= Max Bardindes (Adam Dietrech) takes control of the H.I.V.E. as CEO and causes further uncertainty and unrest. It is known however, that all previous employees of the H.I.V.E. before the Cleanser had been fired, executed, or went missing, through the H.I.V.E.’s means or by the rest of society.

6.) 2124, New Year’s Day – The Vault Plan is released to the public and testing for entry is put up in all schools, states, provinces, districts, etc. all around the globe.

-= Each country was assigned to share one Vault set. There were seven Vaults (a Vault set) in each continent. It is only known that South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa had their vaults breached. The North American Vault has been recently found in Nevada, and the Antarctic and Australian Vault still remain hidden.

The Factions

Vox Populi-Main Faction
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Overview: Rebels of the new world.

Lead by the enigmatic "Audible Reach," the Vox's color scheme is a royal red. Reach, also known as "Reacher" or "Righter," has been the rally point for the majority of humanity since the Cleanser ripped apart the western U.S. and henceforth the atmosphere surrounding it. The Vox itself has outposts dotted around the globe with regional leaders. It's unorganized in its entirety, with the only goal in common being the destruction of the HIVE Corporation and settling for a better life. That being said, some sects are more extreme than others. As of present their main body in the U.S. is spearheading the assault on the HIVE's main facility located in the panhandle of Texas. Opposition is proving difficult though, as they havent had any luck in any means of infiltration or entry.
H.I.V.E.-Main Faction
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Overview: Scientists, ex-bodyguards, private security and the like, all formally of that of the HIVE Corporation
Reavers-3rd Party Faction
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Overview: Mercenaries, live in the Frozen North
Dragons-Sub Faction
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Overview: Ex-Marines/Navy. Live in the over-infested Jungle areas.
Vulcans-Sub Faction
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Overview: Fire Elementals, Have the ability to control their mutation
Federation-3rd Party Faction
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Overview: The Bad Guys. Led by none other than Max Bardindes
911 Vanguard-Sub Faction
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Overview: Peace Officers, "protect" the citizens of the cities and preserve "peace."
Lifelurkers-3rd Party Faction
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Overview: Normal, Everyday citizens of the world. Not aligned with any faction
Last edited by sprityo on Tue Mar 29, 2022 5:01 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by Quin »

i love games that can be linked to one another. i'd definitely go with story writing.
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by Golden »

One of my absolute favourite set of games is the LC and BR "World" map series; each game logically links in to the others as part of the story, and it means I will go back and read past iterations. I really encourage you to not recreate but add to the world.

I'm starting to think along these lines with my mafia games too. How can I do some world building? I have started series (Lost Again, next is my World Tour), but this kind of world creation is one step better.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by Long Con »

:hugs: Thanks Golden! The continuing storyline thing is very rewarding and fun, Recruitment Mafia also has a great storyline through all four games, though the first two have been lost to the aether forever.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by Tangrowth »

I'd say keep it going! :D
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by juliets »

Golden wrote: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:36 am One of my absolute favourite set of games is the LC and BR "World" map series; each game logically links in to the others as part of the story, and it means I will go back and read past iterations. I really encourage you to not recreate but add to the world.

I'm starting to think along these lines with my mafia games too. How can I do some world building? I have started series (Lost Again, next is my World Tour), but this kind of world creation is one step better.
Ditto in terms of one of my favorite set of games, both the Map series and Recruitment. Based on this sprityo I say you should do the same.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by sprityo »

Well I won’t be recreating the world per day. This is the story board section. I was more so wondering if it’d be cooler to retell the game in story format or to run the “alpha timeline” where the major players aren’t killed. Aka Max Bardindes, Audible Reach, Smoke, and Dr Cash. They all play critical roles as faction leaders in the world building documents

I didn’t even share the minor factions with you guys, the Dragons, who lived in moonshine resort town. They were mentioned briefly. There’s also the Vulcans, based out of Australia but they have a Florida detachment. They’re mutated pyromaniacs. The Reavers (no not the firefly ones) the reavers are a mercenary faction based out of Alaska, which I forget if the game visited there or not.
911 Vanguard is a marshal law faction, or pretty much a military dictatorship from Northern America. And of course you guys are familiar with The HIVE and the Federation, the bad guys. And the rebels coined the Vox Populi or Vox for short (no relation to bioshock).

Many avenues explore since I have a general world in place already

I also forgot to [mention]speedchuck[/mention] earlier since he played a key role in the game too :D
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by sprityo »

Also I’ll go dig up my web based collections which is only maybe half of what the full backstory is. I had those printed out and lost them to the tides of time

A later project though since I’m abt work for another 12 hours
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by sprityo »

Added whats left of the lore it covers the overall backstory of the world. I havent editted since the day it's been written and havent looked over it with fresh eyes. So any abnormalities feel free to bring to attention.

as far as the factions go, they need to be updated as well to fit some form of realism or believability
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by Jackofhearts2005 »

New story or a continuation.

No need for a reboot just yet.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by sprityo »

Jackofhearts2005 wrote: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:04 pm New story or a continuation.

No need for a reboot just yet.
I think ill expand on the smaller factions and elaborate on more backstory before retconning you guys killing literally all of my faction leader's :p
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by sprityo »

A quick revision of names and statuses of the factions:

The World of Phenon: Deathbringer

Vox populi>>>>Reachers: The voice of the people. The Reachers, named after their enigmatic leader Audible Reach, serve to rally the people under the message of taking back the earth and seeking vengeance on HIPR for ruining it.

Reavers>>>>>Reapers: Ex Security of The HIPR Corporation. Some of the best personnel that money can buy in terms of skill sets and killing abilities. They take no side in the fight between the Reachers and HIPR. They only serve the highest bidder. That being said they are not employed by Gamma Corp, but do receive funding through it. They hold a small base in the frozen north of Alaska, far from interaction of any kind, making their way to war zones with the use of Transporters provided by Gamma Corp.

HIVE>>>>the Humane Improvement Project of Reestablishment “HIPR”: created following WW3, HIPR specializes in bio-engineering and technological improvements for everyday use in society. Or at least it did prior to The Cleanser, the majority of it’s staff and loyalists have either been assimilated or paid off to join The Federation, not that anyone will reason to listen to that truth. It’s now being headed by Dr.Feni Cash who is in search of the truth, and a cure.

Dragons/the Military of Tomorrow “MT”: remnants of the U.S military, headed by The Council and their figurehead Nathan Gano. Their insignia is a Dragon hence their nickname “the Dragons.” Their purpose is to establish order around the globe by force if necessary.

Vulcans>>>>Elementals: Scorched individuals with almost hideous scars that cover their whole bodies. Instead of turning feral like a majority of the population injected with the virus, they instead developed extremely durable skin and survivability. Able to whether extremes conditions better than the average person.

911 Vanguard/the Vanguard: Law enforcement of the new world, funded through Gamma Corp and led by Darius “The Sheriff” Darklow. Their center of operations is New York City where the Gamma Corp building is located. Their presence can be seen in other major cities on the east coast that weren’t effected nearly as bad by The Cleanser.

The Federation: Shadowy Terrorist Organization headed by Max Bardindes. Their motives are unclear aside from destruction of life.
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
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Re: Phenon Mafia: Redux


Post by Spacedaisy »

I would like to see the background story writeen and then continue on from where the games left off.
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