[NIGHT 3] The Red Room


Who deserves to die?

Poll ended at Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:22 pm

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[NIGHT 3] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

[center]THE RED ROOM[/center][/b][/u][/size]

Civvies (20)

AceofSpaces – Brother of DharmaHelper! His playstyle contrasts with that of his sibling and is much more subdued. Because of this, he may be an easier lynch candidate, since he sometimes has pretty good luck during the night. Has BTSC with DharmaHelper. (L = 1 / N = 2)

A Person – This shy but anime-loving music lover has a self-proclaimed difficulty knowing anyone's allegiance in mafia with any certainty. Because of this, his gameplay has become increasingly avant-garde, and he often is lumped together with Lizzy and Vompatti for bizarre behavior. Despite this, he is almost always a civvie. If anyone votes against him at any point in the game, and he lives to tell the tale, his role will be revealed, unveiling his intentions. (ProgArchives) (L = 1 / N = 1)

agleaminranks – agleaminranks knows the pain of dying early in games, having only made it to middle or later stages of the game just once. Because of this, he has been granted the power to resurrect, but just on two occasions, and only if he is alive. (ProgArchives) (L = 1 / N = 1)

bea – bea may not have the epic reputation of her other veteran comrades, but she always means well and looks out for every other player she believes to be civvie, and sometimes she is underestimated. She serves as a guardian for all of her fellow civvies, protecting one player other than herself from night kills every night. (L = 1 / N = 1)

birdwithteeth11 – This avian-toothed RL friend of MP often is lynched as a civvie for being misunderstood, but that doesn't stop him from trying his best anyway! He uses his fictitious ego to block a player of his choice every night. Because he is often misunderstood, he is more easily lynched, but sometimes has pretty good luck during the night. And he'll talk to anyone about music, Doctor Who, or politics! (ProgArchives) (Animal Sanctuary Squad) (L = 1 / N = 2)

blindfaeth – A veteran player waging a comeback, blindfaeth is known for playing a really great mafia game. He has pretty good instinct and is vocal in expressing his suspicions, even if they are different from most others'. Fortunately for him, and his fellow civvies, he has a little something more than gut. He role checks a player of his choice every night, but his accuracy isn't quite perfect, falling in around 80%. (L = 1 / N = 1)

Boomslang – A RL friend of MP, he can be somewhat on the quiet side, and sometimes attracts attention for his unconventional commentary. The epitome of his best performance was in Super Meat Boy, and because it complements his style even when unintended, he decides to channel Tofu Boy. Because of this, every time he receives three votes against him but escapes a lynch, he is awarded an automatic night protection. (L = 1 / N = 1 + ????)

DFaraday – DFarday is quiet, but when he does speak, he can have great insight, especially as a civvie, and loves sharing his thoughts nonetheless. Every night, he sends his thoughts to the host, and his opinions will be made public. As a generally more low-key player and low poster, he can be unfairly lynched, and seldom is a night target in the early stages of games. As such, he may be easier to lynch, but sometimes has pretty good luck during the night. (L = 1 / N = 2)

DharmaHelper – Brother of AceofSpaces! He has a very aggressive, unconventionally analytic playstyle that often brings attention in his direction. As he is a fantastic talker and never gives up, his thread presence may make him more difficult to lynch. He is a rival with Russtifinko; as a result, if DharmaHelper ever votes for him, Russtifinko dies. Creator of the mafia motto of FUNNY OR DIE, DharmaHelper targets one player every night who must make him laugh the subsequent day. If he declares that the player was not funny enough, he kills them, and as such he is the civvie ninja. Has BTSC with AceofSpaces. (L = 2 / N = 1)

DisgruntledPorcupine – This prickly porcupine loves music! As such, he searches for a fellow ProgArchives member each night; if he finds one, he gains temporary BTSC with them for the subsequent day/night cycle. He always tries his best, but often is really quiet. Too quiet. If he misses a vote, he dies. Fortunately, he sometimes has some pretty good luck during the night. (ProgArchives) (Animal Sanctuary Squad) (L = 1 / N = 2)

Elohcin – Loves to make cakes! She will make a free cake for anyone she chooses every night, but the contents of the cake are determined by whether she believes her target is civvie or not. Her cakes either thus can give the player the energy to use their night action not just once but twice or role block the player. (L = 1 / N = 1)

Flyin' High – An entomologist with a love for all things insect and mafia! Well-known for her insight and data analysis, Flyin' High has an excellent, helpful reputation, and can be a huge asset to civvies or baddies. Thankfully here, she provides nothing but her civvie-friendly analysis, and will be quite difficult to lynch. (L = 3 / N = 1)

Hedgeowl – This vegetarian, Doctor Who loving, owl-obsessed friend of thellama73 loves playing mafia, but as a civvie fears for wrong lynches to be made. She will stop a lynch up to two times throughout the game if she thinks the civvies are in danger. (Animal Sanctuary Squad) (L = 1 / N = 1)

insertnamehere – Somewhat of an enigma, insertnamehere is a bit off the wall, especially when hosting a game. As a player, he comes up with his fair share of wacky theories, which bring him plenty of attention, but through them he may gain powerful insight. He insanifies three players every night; he is told the subsequent night how many of them were not civvies. (L = 1 / N = 1)

juliets – One of the nicest people you will ever likely meet, juliets dislikes being a baddie because she dislikes lying. She thrives as a civvie, and even though she sometimes can be slow to declare someone as baddie, she is a pretty strong asset to the civvie team. After careful deliberation, every night, she will select a player of her choice to remove from the subsequent day poll, a power which makes her a bit nervous, but also carries significant potential. Because of her pleasant demeanor, she may be difficult to lynch. (L = 2 / N = 1)

Mongoose – Your friendly neighborhood Mongoose loves to talk about anything, but especially movies! As a close friend of thellama73, she learns his identity after Night 3. Every night, she sends a PM to a player of her choice, asking them a yes or no question. If she likes their answer, their vote is worth 3x the following day. If she does not like their answer, they start the next day with 3 votes against them. (Animal Sanctuary Squad) (L = 1 / N = 1)

Russtifinko – A RL friend of MP, he has proven to have an excellent mafia game, characterized by somewhat long posts and a nice, analytic persona. He is a rival with DharmaHelper; as a result, if Russtifinko ever votes for him, DharmaHelper dies. As a very genuine-seeming and persuasive player, Russtifinko can avoid lynches quite well. (L = 3 / N = 1)

S~V~S – The resident Tilde Queen, S~V~S aggressively leads discussion in the hunt for baddies, but like many of us, can have mixed success. Her determination and focus can prove to be very helpful, but also can lead her down the wrong path. Consequently, a coin is flipped every night; if heads, she must vote the same person she did the previous day, and ramp up her suspicion of this person. She also searches for her buddies, bea, juliets, and Kate, every night. If she finds any of them, she gains BTSC with them. Because she fights so hard, despite bringing attention her way, she may be difficult to lynch. (L = 2 / N = 1)

Spacedaisy – Significant other of MP, she knows him better than anyone else. Every night she searches for The Host; if she finds him, something very interesting happens. ( L = 1 / N = 1) (Secrets) If she finds MP, they gain BTSC, and MP can then only win with the civvies. If MP dies, Daisy will take over duties as de facto host.

thellama73 – Llama hates non-participants! Every night, llama decides whether the player with the least amount of posts is role blocked. If there is a tie among the lowest posters, he may choose to role block them all. Once at any time in the game, he can call the Animal Sanctuary Squad to order, and multiply his and his fellow animal-named comrades' votes by three each. As someone who often gathers attention but unfortunately is lynched, especially as a civvie, llama is easy to lynch, but sometimes has pretty good luck during the night. (ProgArchives) (Animal Sanctuary Squad) (L = 1 / N = 2)

The Veteran Villains (4)

Kills every odd night. Any of the team's members may carry out the kill.

Dom – A younger veteran than his comrades, but don't let that fool you! He is just as skilled of a mafia player as his teammates and is certainly no stranger to baddie wins. He loves asking questions! Every night he will target a player of his choice, asking any yes or no question. He must also predict how he believes that player will answer. If he is right, that player starts the next day period with 3 votes against them. If he is wrong, he receives one strike. If Dom receives three strikes, he starts the next day period with 3 votes against him, and he cannot ask questions the subsequent night. Afterwards, however, his strike count resets, and he can start asking questions again. Because of his aggressive, inquisitive persona, he may be difficult to lynch. (L = 2 / N = 1)

Kate – A lawyer with a well-known reputation for her insight, Kate is a formidable opponent. She uses her experience of dealing with truth and lies to her advantage and lie detects one statement every night. Obsessed with LOST, Kate cannot be night killed on any night following a day period in which she voted in an order that corresponds to one of the "numbers". As an aggressive, talkative player, and very persuasive, she may be difficult to lynch. (L = 2 / N = varies)

reywaS – A resident mafia expert who has an excellent baddie career himself, as well as a self-proclaimed fan of Masters of the Universe, reywaS channels the almighty Skeletor every night, forcing a player to vote for another player of his choosing. If the forced player makes it obvious in any way that they have been forced, reywaS will kill them instantly. Because reywaS has two sides to his mafia play, a coin is flipped every night; if heads, he is Aggressive ReywaS, and will be quite difficult to lynch. If tails, he is Quiet ReywaS, and is easier to lynch, but very lucky during the night. (L = 1 or 3 / N = 1 or 3)

timmer – As a veteran mafia player with more than a few outstanding baddie and independent performances, timmer is a force to be reckoned with. As a movie buff, he searches a player of his choice every night, hoping to discuss movies with them. If he finds Mongoose, they both cannot be lynched or nightkilled the subsequent cycle. If he finds anyone else, he is dissatisfied with their lack of movie knowledge, and makes them post in all movie quotes the subsequent day period. Channeling his time spent as Zodac, he is very difficult to lynch. (L = 4 / N = 1)

The New F.E.B.'s on the Block (5)

Kills every even night. Any of the team's members may carry out the kill.

BigDamnHero – This new entrant to mafia won his very first game, and as a baddie! And lied his way magnificently for it. He can get fired up and focused once he thinks he has found a baddie (that isn't on his own team). Consequently, a coin is flipped every night; if heads, he must vote the same person he did the previous day, and ramp up his suspicion of this person. (L = 1 / N = 1)

Devin the Omniscient – This somewhat zany RL friend of MP has proven himself to be quite the baddie. Channeling Sander Cohen, a role he excelled at magnificently, he whips out his camera every night, taking a picture of a dead player, role checking them. His zany antics sometimes warrant some unwanted attention, but he has shown more than once that it actually works out well for him. Because of this, he may instead be difficult to lynch, and he even sometimes has pretty good luck during the night. As long as he is not doubted (i.e., received five votes against him in one day period), he remains calm. If, however, he is ever doubted, he goes just a bit insane. (Secrets) (L = 2 / N = 2) If Devin is doubted, he can no longer win with his team, winning only as a last man standing role. At this time, however, he also gains a nightly kill, independent of his team.

Epignosis – Epignosis doesn't take shit from anyone and he can be as aggressive as they come, if he wants to be (which seems to be all of the time). As an English teacher, he emphasizes diction, and he is truly a manipulative master of words. He is married to Elohcin and knows her playstyle incredibly well, making a point to emphasize this fact; as such, he knows which player is assigned to the Elohcin role. As an aggressive, talkative powerhouse, he gathers everybody's attention! Nonetheless, he may be difficult to lynch, as he never lets anyone push him around. (ProgArchives) (L = 2 / N = 1)

Lizzy – A very insightful mafia player, Lizzy often masks her observations through a veil of wacky WIFOM-filled behavior. Despite her off-the-wall notions, she is one hell of a manipulative powerhouse. She searches for A Person and Vompatti every night. If she finds A Person, she manipulates him into dying for her cause. If she finds Vompatti, they gain BTSC, and she works with him to influence his kill targets. (Secrets) Once she finds Vompatti, she can decide whether to change win conditions and win with him only, or whether she can only win with her team, and not Vompatti. (L = 1 / N = 1)

Nevinera – An analytical mastermind, Nevinera has an insanely impressive win percentage of all the games he has played, and for good reason. He role checks a player every night, but it can only be a player with whom he voted the same the previous day period. Fortunately for him, he sometimes has pretty good luck during the night. (L = 1 / N = 2)

The Serial Killer (1)

Vompatti – Absolutely, positively insane. This crazed wombat will always do whatever he feels like doing, often defying logic and the confines of the game. He lives to cause chaos, even though it appears to be unintentionally. He kills every night. His kill fails automatically if he targets Lizzy. (ProgArchives) (L = ???? / N = ????)

The Host (1)

MovingPictures07 – The host runs the game. (Secrets) Can end any day or night of his choice. Every night, he role checks three players of his choice. He may win with any team, but he cannot win with any players he has role checked. (L = ???? / N = ????)
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Re: The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

1. These are actually rules. Yes. They perfectly meet the definition of rules. The host never lies.
2. The players from the other thread can definitely post here without getting punished. And vice versa!
3. You know that saying that "death comes in threes"? It's never true. Especially not here.
4. This thread and the other Champions thread are completely unrelated. COMPLETELY.
5. That said, your alignment here has everything to do with your previous alignment in the other Champions thread.
6. "L" does not stand for lynch and "N" does not stand for night. And they certainly do NOT indicate anything.
7. Just because you're out doesn't mean it's over.
8. May the worst player win.
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Re: The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

[center]THE RED ROOM: STORY[/center][/u]
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Re: The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

[center]THE RED ROOM: PLAYERS[/center][/u]
A Person -- Modkilled - Night 1
BigDamnHero -- Spacedaisy -- Lynched - Day 1
blindfaeth -- Killed by DharmaHelper - Night 2
Devin the Omniscient
reywaS -- Killed by The New F.E.B.'s on the Block - Night 2
thellama73 -- Killed by DharmaHelper - Night 1

Alive: 13
Dead: 5
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Re: The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

[center]Prologue: A Dream Within a Dream[/center][/b]
The dead champions were no longer dead. Or were they dead to begin with? And who was to say what dead really was anyway?

All of them appeared in a room. insertnamehere went insane with pleasure, "I'm alive!!! I'm alive!!!! And it's TWIN PEAKS!!! MEANWHILE...!!!!"

Epignosis was much less pleased. "Fantastic, now we have to deal with this guy again."

"I say we lynch a non-poster!!!" added thellama73.

The voice appeared out of nowhere. "Hello, Champions!!!" it happily spoke. "Welcome to The Red Room!!!!" it laughed.

"What is this place exactly?" asked Russtifinko.

"Glad you asked!!!" responded the voice. "It is a dream within a dream. This is the place that all of you were always destined to be. None of you are what you were before. You have new identities. This is the ultimate test of Champions. That 'game' you were in before?" it laughed. "Nope. This is it! Be very careful whom you kill here... it may have effects you do not desire."

"Now... before you start killing each other again, it seems there really aren't that many of you in here. So why don't you invite a few more to join you before we get things started??" the voice laughed uncontrollably.

"Good luck..." it added, and then vanished into thin air.

It is now Day 0. You have 72 hours to decide who will be invited to The Red Room.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

MovingPictures07 wrote:juliets – One of the most nice people

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

Whom do you want to invite, Rob? Let's collude.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:juliets – One of the most nice people

I don't know what you're talking about. :feb:
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

thellama73 wrote:Whom do you want to invite, Rob? Let's collude.
Let me think a moment, but I'm down with colluding with you.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »


How many is "a few?"
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

So, I just want to make a point, we all have a different role. I'm not going to be as insane as before, I can ensure you. I want to apologize for just going crazy in that thread. It was fun, but now I'm ready to actually play and catch baddies. MP, I always thought of myself as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But other then that, I love my role!

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

Epignosis wrote:MP:

How many is "a few?"
I assume three since that is the number of options we can vote for.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:MP:

How many is "a few?"
I assume three since that is the number of options we can vote for.
I like revenge. Do you like revenge?
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

Epignosis wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:MP:

How many is "a few?"
I assume three since that is the number of options we can vote for.
I like revenge. Do you like revenge?
Do people in Hell want ice water?

Let's revenge away! :feb:
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

I admit, I haven't followed the first game as closely as I would have liked to, what the fuck are you guys talking about?

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

Epignosis wrote:MP:

How many is "a few?"
All of you may NOT each vote for three players. Whether that many receive invitations, well, that's a good question.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:MP:

How many is "a few?"
I assume three since that is the number of options we can vote for.
I like revenge. Do you like revenge?
Do people in Hell want ice water?

Let's revenge away! :feb:
Among your voters, I am interested in summoning birdwithteeth11, blindfaeth, and DharmaHelper, in that order.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

Epignosis wrote:
Among your voters, I am interested in summoning birdwithteeth11, blindfaeth, and DharmaHelper, in that order.
I'm down with that. DH is never going to get lynched in that other thread although he deserves to be.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

I'll go with that, I guess.

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

insertnamehere wrote:I'll go with that, I guess.
Excellent. I like that we are establishing unanimity before the others arrive. It reminds me of the Black Lodge alliance in the actual Twin Peaks game.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by BigDamnHero »

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by bea »

insertnamehere wrote:So, I just want to make a point, we all have a different role. I'm not going to be as insane as before, I can ensure you. I want to apologize for just going crazy in that thread. It was fun, but now I'm ready to actually play and catch baddies. MP, I always thought of myself as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But other then that, I love my role!
if you want to catch baddies, look around you. IF our theories have been correct, a decent number of them are in this thread.
insertnamehere wrote:I admit, I haven't followed the first game as closely as I would have liked to, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
You were also hosting so that is understandable, they'll likely not tell you - or only tell you a half truth. Thankfully, you have the links and such from page one to go back an re-read things as you see fit. Llama was Grady - whom after vompi (Jack - whom he did find) died may or may not have been a nutered indi.(His win condition was still LMS) Epi, it's widely suspected was the Parana Plant as those kills seemed to have ended with his death. Since you hadn't been keeping up with the game, INH - I just thought you might want to know who you voted with. You know, since you want to hunt baddies.

also - epi and llama - I get the revenge. Hellz if I were here, I may think the same thing. I'm curious though that bf is someone you want to have join you as well. Why is that?
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

Well, me, Epig, and Llama are the only ones who have showed up which is a bit odd. Nothing has made me think that the roles from the first game are related to the ones in this game.

I was wondering if MP would go all in, and create a second game within a game, which was the main twist in Twin Peaks mafia. In that mafia, the second game was the one that actually mattered. Do you guys think this is a permanent thing? Will it end once the Twin Peaks period is over? Is this for a rez? Does whoever wins this game, actually win the whole game? I'd ask MP, but I think that I'd get a :shrug: from him.

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

BigDamnHero wrote:FIRST!!!!!
bea wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:So, I just want to make a point, we all have a different role. I'm not going to be as insane as before, I can ensure you. I want to apologize for just going crazy in that thread. It was fun, but now I'm ready to actually play and catch baddies. MP, I always thought of myself as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But other then that, I love my role!
if you want to catch baddies, look around you. IF our theories have been correct, a decent number of them are in this thread.
insertnamehere wrote:I admit, I haven't followed the first game as closely as I would have liked to, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
You were also hosting so that is understandable, they'll likely not tell you - or only tell you a half truth. Thankfully, you have the links and such from page one to go back an re-read things as you see fit. Llama was Grady - whom after vompi (Jack - whom he did find) died may or may not have been a nutered indi.(His win condition was still LMS) Epi, it's widely suspected was the Parana Plant as those kills seemed to have ended with his death. Since you hadn't been keeping up with the game, INH - I just thought you might want to know who you voted with. You know, since you want to hunt baddies.

also - epi and llama - I get the revenge. Hellz if I were here, I may think the same thing. I'm curious though that bf is someone you want to have join you as well. Why is that?

Both of you are TOTALLY allowed in here. Keep posting and see what doesn't happen! :feb:
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

Okay, I'm taking this to mean that MP will just respond the opposite to what his actual answer is.

MP, what is 1 + 1?

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

insertnamehere wrote:Okay, I'm taking this to mean that MP will just respond the opposite to what his actual answer is.

MP, what is 1 + 1?
Eleven. :feb:

Right? :p
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by BigDamnHero »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:FIRST!!!!!
bea wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:So, I just want to make a point, we all have a different role. I'm not going to be as insane as before, I can ensure you. I want to apologize for just going crazy in that thread. It was fun, but now I'm ready to actually play and catch baddies. MP, I always thought of myself as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But other then that, I love my role!
if you want to catch baddies, look around you. IF our theories have been correct, a decent number of them are in this thread.
insertnamehere wrote:I admit, I haven't followed the first game as closely as I would have liked to, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
You were also hosting so that is understandable, they'll likely not tell you - or only tell you a half truth. Thankfully, you have the links and such from page one to go back an re-read things as you see fit. Llama was Grady - whom after vompi (Jack - whom he did find) died may or may not have been a nutered indi.(His win condition was still LMS) Epi, it's widely suspected was the Parana Plant as those kills seemed to have ended with his death. Since you hadn't been keeping up with the game, INH - I just thought you might want to know who you voted with. You know, since you want to hunt baddies.

also - epi and llama - I get the revenge. Hellz if I were here, I may think the same thing. I'm curious though that bf is someone you want to have join you as well. Why is that?

Both of you are TOTALLY allowed in here. Keep posting and see what doesn't happen! :feb:
WHOA!!!! Total déjà vu right now.... :feb: :haha:
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

Let me translate the rules
1. These are not actually rules. No. They don't perfectly meet the definition of rules. The host always lies.
2. The players from the other thread cannot post here without getting punished. And vice versa!
3. You know that saying that "death comes in threes"? It's true. Especially here.
4. This thread and the other Champions thread are completely related. COMPLETELY.
5. That said, your alignment here has nothing to do with your previous alignment in the other Champions thread.
6. "L" stands for lynch and "N" stands for night. And they certainly indicate things.
7. Because you're out, it means it's over.
8. May the best player win.
So, we can take from #5 that the roles from the first game are irrelevant. Of course, MP could be lying. Who the fuck knows.

Also interesting, #3. So, will we have to lynch 3 people every day? Or will 3 people be killed every night? Both?

Not really sure what to make of #6 also.

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

BigDamnHero wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:FIRST!!!!!
bea wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:So, I just want to make a point, we all have a different role. I'm not going to be as insane as before, I can ensure you. I want to apologize for just going crazy in that thread. It was fun, but now I'm ready to actually play and catch baddies. MP, I always thought of myself as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But other then that, I love my role!
if you want to catch baddies, look around you. IF our theories have been correct, a decent number of them are in this thread.
insertnamehere wrote:I admit, I haven't followed the first game as closely as I would have liked to, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
You were also hosting so that is understandable, they'll likely not tell you - or only tell you a half truth. Thankfully, you have the links and such from page one to go back an re-read things as you see fit. Llama was Grady - whom after vompi (Jack - whom he did find) died may or may not have been a nutered indi.(His win condition was still LMS) Epi, it's widely suspected was the Parana Plant as those kills seemed to have ended with his death. Since you hadn't been keeping up with the game, INH - I just thought you might want to know who you voted with. You know, since you want to hunt baddies.

also - epi and llama - I get the revenge. Hellz if I were here, I may think the same thing. I'm curious though that bf is someone you want to have join you as well. Why is that?

Both of you are TOTALLY allowed in here. Keep posting and see what doesn't happen! :feb:
WHOA!!!! Total déjà vu right now.... :feb: :haha:
You should have done that. In fact, you should keep posting. You certainly will not regret it. :feb:
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by BigDamnHero »

MovingPictures07 wrote: WHOA!!!! Total déjà vu right now.... :feb: :haha:
You should have done that. In fact, you should keep posting. You certainly will not regret it. :feb:[/quote]

what?!?! I didn't post anything... And I'm not playing my own game-in a game- in a-game called "poke the bear/host"
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by BigDamnHero »

the not quotes fail was so purposeful
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Tangrowth »

Well.... I really, really love to do this, but you have not been warned...
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by agleaminranks »

I really don't know what's going on here...
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

insertnamehere wrote:
Not really sure what to make of #6 also.
All the roles have an L and N number next to them. If I had to guess, it would be how much their vote is worth on each day/night poll, or perhaps how many lynches it takes to kill them.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Russtifinko »

Hi everyone! Wow, this is exciting. I thought the original Champions game was awesome, but this might be the single coolest concept I've ever seen in mafia. MP did a great job witht he descriptions, by and large, and I love that he included my rivalry with DH.

Hehe, you guys are such bitter dead baddies! Thanks a BUNCH to bea for her (possibly illegal?) rundown; I apparently had missed a lot of stuff from the original game lately.

Ummm, can I join the bloc? That was the only way to win INH's game, and I like winning.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

Russtifinko wrote:but this might be the single coolest concept I've ever seen in mafia.
Thank you!

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

Russtifinko wrote:Hi everyone! Wow, this is exciting. I thought the original Champions game was awesome, but this might be the single coolest concept I've ever seen in mafia. MP did a great job witht he descriptions, by and large, and I love that he included my rivalry with DH.

Hehe, you guys are such bitter dead baddies! Thanks a BUNCH to bea for her (possibly illegal?) rundown; I apparently had missed a lot of stuff from the original game lately.

Ummm, can I join the bloc? That was the only way to win INH's game, and I like winning.
You are welcome to join the bloc. I would like to point out that I was not a baddie, though, I was an indie. And our new roles are unrelated to our old ones, as MP made (relatively, for him) clear.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

Taking bets on how many hours until BDH is rezzed. And welcome to the block party Russ. Take off your shoes, and don't forget to sign the waiver.

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Dom »

I'm very bitter in how I died, did we ever find out who Zodac was? I haven't been paying attention. :/ I also have no clue what this is. :p
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by reywaS »


What the hell is going on here?
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »


MP is currently in the Twin Peaks section of the game.


That was a game I hosted. In that mafia, roughly halfway through, a second game was created. It contained players who had already died in the first game. The second game was LMS, and when a player was eliminated from the first game, they would join the second. After a team won the first game, they all were sent to the second game, which was the one that really mattered.


In THIS mafia, things seem eerily familiar, but, there was no poll asking us to vote for three other players to join us. There's also 30 roles. MP seems to be deliberately saying the opposite of his actual answer whenever he is asked a question. If we apply this to the rule list, things become a lot clearer.
1. These are not actually rules. No. They don't perfectly meet the definition of rules. The host always lies.
2. The players from the other thread cannot post here without getting punished. And vice versa!
3. You know that saying that "death comes in threes"? It's true. Especially here.
4. This thread and the other Champions thread are completely related. COMPLETELY.
5. That said, your alignment here has nothing to do with your previous alignment in the other Champions thread.
6. "L" stands for lynch and "N" stands for night. And they certainly indicate things.
7. Because you're out, it means it's over.
8. May the best player win.

ASSUMPTIONS WE CAN MAKE: *may or may not be true*

The three people we vote for in this poll will be eliminated from the main game.
If we accept that there is 30 roles, there must be people joining us.
There is a mafia team, so it's not an LMS game.
Because of #5, we can assume our roles here have nothing to do with the first game.
Because of #3, we can assume that 3 people will be eliminated at a time, also we are voting for 3 people to possibly eliminate from the first game. Lot's of threes.

QUESTIONS MP WOULD SHRUG AT: *questions MP won't answer right now*

Is this going to be a permanent game, or is it just for the Twin Peaks section? (It would be hilarious if this was over in 24 hours, and this was a prank.)
Are the people we vote for in the current poll going to be eliminated from the first game?
Does whoever wins this game win the whole game? Or do they get rezzed?
Are all 30 players, barring modkills, going to join the game? Will they join when they get lynched, or will we vote for them though a poll?
How are the roles being assigned? The reason that in Twin Peaks Mafia, the second game was all LMS, was that if people joined halfway through, it would screw up the civvie baddie ratio. How would MP fix this? Is that why people are being eliminated in threes? So could we assume 1 in three new players is going to be assigned a baddie role? 30 roles, 20 civvies, 10 baddies/indies, it makes sense!
Rule #1, MP lies. What lies did MP sprinkle around this situation, if any?

I for one, cannot wait to see how this plays out. If this is permanent, I'm going to be proud that my game turned out to influence the champions game the most.

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

I do love how everyone else's role has things like "nicest person", "master mafia player", and I get "somewhat of an enigma". :p

Also, if MP decides to end the game early, we can all agree that I would of won, right?

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by thellama73 »

insertnamehere wrote:I do love how everyone else's role has things like "nicest person", "master mafia player", and I get "somewhat of an enigma". :p

Also, if MP decides to end the game early, we can all agree that I would of won, right?
At least you're not defined by what you hate. :P
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

thellama73 wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:I do love how everyone else's role has things like "nicest person", "master mafia player", and I get "somewhat of an enigma". :p

Also, if MP decides to end the game early, we can all agree that I would of won, right?
At least you're not defined by what you hate. :P
At least you weren't called an asshole. :|
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

• Epignosis – Epignosis doesn't take shit from anyone and he can be as aggressive as they come, if he wants to be (which seems to be all of the time). As an English teacher, he emphasizes diction, and he is truly a manipulative master of words. He is married to Elohcin and knows her playstyle incredibly well, making a point to emphasize this fact; as such, he knows which player is assigned to the Elohcin role. As an aggressive, talkative powerhouse, he gathers everybody's attention! Nonetheless, he may be difficult to lynch, as he never lets anyone push him around.
Don't see the word asshole.

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by reywaS »

I love my description
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

insertnamehere wrote:
• Epignosis – Epignosis doesn't take shit from anyone and he can be as aggressive as they come, if he wants to be (which seems to be all of the time). As an English teacher, he emphasizes diction, and he is truly a manipulative master of words. He is married to Elohcin and knows her playstyle incredibly well, making a point to emphasize this fact; as such, he knows which player is assigned to the Elohcin role. As an aggressive, talkative powerhouse, he gathers everybody's attention! Nonetheless, he may be difficult to lynch, as he never lets anyone push him around.
Don't see the word asshole.
You can call somebody that without using the word. :p
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by insertnamehere »

So, does anyone have a response to my breakdown of the game?

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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


Post by Epignosis »

Anyway, I find the role descriptions awesome. I like mine. :D

Addendum: No.
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Re: [DAY 0] The Red Room


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