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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

Not at all, I'm enjoying it as well :biggrin:

So I'll just ask more questions.

If you'd been in a position where everyone around you engaged in"crimes against humanity" (Nazi Germany for example), do you think you would act differently? When you're being honest with yourself, would you actively take part, do what you had to to keep yourself out of trouble, or actively go against it no matter the risk to yourself?

If the situation wasn't one that had you involved in a crime, but rather witness one, like the Genovese case in the sixties, do you think you would have "suffered" from the bystander syndrome, or would you have been the one that actually did something about it?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

Mongoose wrote:Why do birds suddenly appear, every time that you're near? (Is it because you walk around with birdseed in your pocket?)
or just like you they long to be looser to him. :p
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote: What type of group would you say you associated yourself with in high school? Were you an outsider or a part of the popular circles?
I didn't go to high school, but I was a pretty introverted kid. I had a few friends but mostly kept to myself or hung out with my sister.

If you weren't a writer, what would you do? or like to do even if you're not skilled for it?
I tried to be a composer for a while. I would have liked to do that, because music is great.

what would you like to learn that you haven't yet?
God, everything. Chemistry, about fifty languages, architecture, painting, botany, medicine, and on and on.

Is there a research question that you'd like to study or explore?
Not really. As an economist, I have done a lot of this sort of thing and the conclusion it has led me to is to be skeptical of empiricism.

Who would you rather meat for lunch: Karl Marx, or Bill Gates?
I am going to take your typo literally and say I would eat Karl Marx, because Communism is my most hated thing in the whole world.

Oh, and a comment about an answer you gave Bea earlier: I think women, even though they've come a long way in terms of rights, still make less money compared to men in the same position, are far less likely to be in high ranks and management positions in almost all fields, even though they constitute at least 50% of the population, so saying there's been progress is one thing, but saying we've reached equality in opportunities and rights is another, and is sadly wrong.
Just wanted to throw my two cents.
That's fine. I disagree. There are still people who discriminate against women, true, but there are also people who discriminate against men, or white people, or Americans. No one is ever going to be totally free from prejudice. The "women make less than men for doing the same job" is a bogus statistic, just drawn from comparing the average wages of men and women, which says nothing about "the same job." There may be reasons other than discrimination that fewer women are in management positions. I think it is wrong to assume discrimination without evidence.

It's important to acknowledge that there are areas where women have vast institutional advantages over men as well. Women are given child custody by default, even if they are the worse parent. Women are able to falsely accuse men of rape, ruining the man's life, often without consequence to themselves. Women are able to terminate men's children without consulting them. Women host panel discussions called "Are Men Necessary" to everyone's amusement (can you imagine "Are Women Necessary?" "Are Jews Necessary?" "Are Blacks Necessary?") So equal treatment goes both ways.

None of this has anything to do with "rights," by the way.
how does it not have to do with rights?

re bolded part 1 I don't under stand how this is a bogus statisic? the fact that women make less per hour than men do per hour for each job they do is WELL documented. If I'm missing studies that prove that wrong over the past 20 plus yeasrs PLEASE give me links. I'd LOVE to hear that women are getting a bit more in paychecks than men are for the same job.

re bold the second. I'm flat out not kosher with what you just said. It implies that every woman that says she is raped is not kosher. It also implies that every woman who's ever said she was raped was awarded every bit of court findings she should be awarded AND OR/MAY have been given those findings because SOLEY they were women. . When you and I BOTH know "she asked for it." is just as much a defense that men make that's bullshitty as anything a woman does.

Talk to me in specifics - in our most modern age - that's the fairest way to go - to BOTH men and women.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

also - re - my italiced part - I personally think a life created does mean that both the father and the mother get an opinion. I would be sad if a mother terminated a pregnacy against a father's wishies. If I were pregnant - keeping the baby would be something that both my husband and I would decide. The father, in my opnion has rights. I think it's shameful from men to assume they don't have rights just because women have learned to be protective of their persons, their rights and thier bodies. To me - the auto assumtion of the "loss of their rights" feels a bit like "well - I look good if I fight for a lost cause." :D

and if I'm wrong - please prove me wrong. I'd VERY MUCH love to be wrong in all my assumptions about men :noble:
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

Ive reread more of this and decided that I'm officially too irish to understand which of you I agree with. :P eff you llama and fz for comfusing me. :P
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

Bea, you have to agree with me more :p

Nothing is black or white. There are things I agree with llama on, like women sometimes using their situation to harm men. In my opinion, this hurts other women as much as it hurts men, because a woman who lies about being sexually harassed, does not only ruin the life of the man she accused, but makes it so much harder for women who really were, to be treated fairly instead of going through the trauma over again. Thus, decreasing the chance of women coming forward and complaining when it is justified. Such is the case with women using pregnancy to manipulate bosses concerning different job issues , consequently making bosses less inclined to hire women in the first place.

Still, in my humble opinion, saying that women have reached an equality is just shutting your eyes to what's happening all around us.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

FZ. wrote:Bea, you have to agree with me more :p

Nothing is black or white. There are things I agree with llama on, like women sometimes using their situation to harm men. In my opinion, this hurts other women as much as it hurts men, because a woman who lies about being sexually harassed, does not only ruin the life of the man she accused, but makes it so much harder for women who really were, to be treated fairly instead of going through the trauma over again. Thus, decreasing the chance of women coming forward and complaining when it is justified. Such is the case with women using pregnancy to manipulate bosses concerning different job issues , consequently making bosses less inclined to hire women in the first place.

Still, in my humble opinion, saying that women have reached an equality is just shutting your eyes to what's happening all around us.

fx - I Do agree with you lots.

I agree with llama too in all those 1 in a million cases.. I agree those cases hurt women as much as men. I completely disagree that they are as common as llama says they are and I invite him to prove to me that in the cases he sites the men get fucked over more than the women. . I think llama's men are the exception to the rule - maybe the exception that proves the rule, but the exception nonetheless.

I agree that nothing is black or white - and I agree that looking at ALL rape and cusdity cases as to how the woman is either right or wrong is exemplifying everything wrong about the fact that it's some how the woman's fault. She got pregnant. She got knocked up. she got raped. She dressed too sluty. SHE DID SOMETHING THAT GOT HER IN THAT SITUATION. Now somehow some one wants to make decisions about what happens to her body after the fact. Maybe - maybe it was concentual. maybe maybe the dad is getting effed over here. And I *feel* for that scenario. But to make THAT scenario the way it goes down? Not as often as those of us that want to believe in equal rights would have us believe. Maybe the very the fact that MANY unwanted pregancies are - just that UNWANTED - makes me a little sick inside.

I want all the pregancies to be wanted. I want all the kittahs to be mine. But I'm no fool. I know that MANY of them are unwanted. I do really wish more dad's would stand up and say I want this life.
but you and I and llama knows - this again is the exception. not the norm.

No mater how much any of us wish it were.

I want to keep all the kittahs. And my husband always tells me - no YOU CAN'T HAVE ALL THE KITTAHS. I would be the same way with babies if a) I were rich and b) could have all the unwanted kiddies.

Maybe - I want something so sacred to be - ideally - between both of the people involved in creating the life, but I also understand that sometimes women aren't given much of a choice. Baby killer or unwanted mommy.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

bea wrote: how does it not have to do with rights?
Because you don't have a right to a certain wage. People always forget that employment is nothing more than a voluntary exchange for mutual benefit. An employer buys your labor because it benefits them, you sell your labor because it benefits you. A company hiring you to perform a service in an office is no different than you hiring someone to cut your hair.

Suppose two barbers open up shop on the same street at the same time, a man and a woman, and that they charge the same price. Suppose further that for whatever reason, most people choose to hire the man. Maybe they like him better, maybe they think he does a better job, maybe they are sexist. Maybe some other reason. The woman knows that she could get more customers by lowering her prices, but does she have a right to earn the same as the man? In other words, does she have the right to force customers to patronize her business, at a price dictated by her, against their wills? To me, such a proposition is absurd, and yet this is exactly what is proposed in the case of office jobs.
bea wrote:re bolded part 1 I don't under stand how this is a bogus statisic? the fact that women make less per hour than men do per hour for each job they do is WELL documented. If I'm missing studies that prove that wrong over the past 20 plus yeasrs PLEASE give me links. I'd LOVE to hear that women are getting a bit more in paychecks than men are for the same job.
The "women make 70% of men" statistic that is trotted out on cable news shows comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and is calculated by simply comparing the average age of ALL women who work to that of ALL men who work. You are making all kinds of unwarranted assumptions about the types of jobs these people have, the amount of experience, the amount of education, and myriad other factors that determine wages. You could do the same analysis by comparing the average wage of 18-year-olds to 40-year-olds, and conclude that there is widespread, institutionalized ageism. Of course, it is easy to see why that would be wrong.

Think about what you are alleging for a minute. If it were really possible to pay women 70% of what men make for doing the same job, then you are claiming that every company in America is willfully passing up vast savings on payroll by hiring so many men. You are claiming that every company in America cares more about being sexist than about making profits. You are claiming that every business that goes bankrupt because they couldn't meet payroll COULD have saved themselves by replacing their male employees with females at a fraction of the cost, but didn't because they just hate women that much. Do you really believe that?
bea wrote:re bold the second. I'm flat out not kosher with what you just said. It implies that every woman that says she is raped is not kosher. It also implies that every woman who's ever said she was raped was awarded every bit of court findings she should be awarded AND OR/MAY have been given those findings because SOLEY they were women. . When you and I BOTH know "she asked for it." is just as much a defense that men make that's bullshitty as anything a woman does.
It doesn't imply any of those things. In any case, I merely gave those examples to show that the caricature of men as unilateral oppressors of women is not fair, and that all people are at times the subject of injustice.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

Oh, and I don't agree that nothing is black or white. :P
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

thellama73 wrote:Oh, and I don't agree that nothing is black or white. :P
I wasn't implying it about everything and you know it :p

And I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but you missed my questions
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Mongoose »

It's a world of gray, gray, gray.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

FZ. wrote: And I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but you missed my questions
Oh sorry, I meant to get to those and forgot.
FZ. wrote: If you'd been in a position where everyone around you engaged in"crimes against humanity" (Nazi Germany for example), do you think you would act differently? When you're being honest with yourself, would you actively take part, do what you had to to keep yourself out of trouble, or actively go against it no matter the risk to yourself?

If the situation wasn't one that had you involved in a crime, but rather witness one, like the Genovese case in the sixties, do you think you would have "suffered" from the bystander syndrome, or would you have been the one that actually did something about it?
It's really hard to put myself in that position and predict what I would do. I don't think I would participate in crimes against humanity, and I think I would fight against them. In a small way, that's what I think I am doing in my career: standing up to a government that claims the right to kill its citizens without trial, to spy on them without warrants, and to rob them of the fruits of their labor.

Regarding the bystander situation, I kind of doubt I would do that much, if I am being totally honest.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by juliets »

Mongoose wrote:It's a world of gray, gray, gray.
^^^This is so right I had to comment. There are many variables.

I used to be responsible for fair wages at a large company and there are many variables that went into someone's wage. We considered each case carefully regarding the job the person had, prior experience before working for us, length of service and thus more pay increases, whether they were at midpoint in the range after a certain amount of time, performance, etc. Also, complicating the issue is that not all grade 8 jobs (most large companies use a grading system) are alike and thus some people with certain skill sets are paid more than other people in that same job grade. Bottom line, you have to really know what you are doing to set a wage rate for someone and be able to defend it in a court of law if someone should bring action against you. One thing we NEVER, EVER, EVER considered and would have turned our attorney's gray if we said we would (and frankly, I should have been fired if I ever suggested it) was whether a woman in the the same position, with the same or very similar variable values as a male was considering having babies and working in her home instead of for us. Mongoose and Kate would know better whether that would be a direct violation of the Equal Pay Act or Title VII but I could not see myself saying in an audit "she makes less because she plans to have babies and be a stay at home mom". And who says she would anyway.

Anyway, lol this thread has really made a turn though its been fun reading.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

juliets wrote: Anyway, lol this thread has really made a turn though its been fun reading.

Don't worry. My turn is over tomorrow and we can return to less inflammatory topics.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Elohcin »

I was once denied a job because I was pregnant. They were hiring to replace someone who just left b/c she had a baby. They told me the other candidate was better for the job b/c she wasn't pregnant.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Elohcin »

Logan, did you go to college, which one? As you were homeschooled, what documentation did you use to get yourself into a college? I'm sure you took the SAT. Did you have an official diploma somehow? If not, did you find that made it difficult when applying to college? Sorry for all the technical questions :) I just thought it would be a good time to ask you this as you know we homeschool. We do not/will not pay for an accredited homeschool program (SO CRAZY EXPENSIVE) that will track grades and offer an official diploma.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

Elohcin wrote:Logan, did you go to college, which one? As you were homeschooled, what documentation did you use to get yourself into a college? I'm sure you took the SAT. Did you have an official diploma somehow? If not, did you find that made it difficult when applying to college? Sorry for all the technical questions :) I just thought it would be a good time to ask you this as you know we homeschool. We do not/will not pay for an accredited homeschool program (SO CRAZY EXPENSIVE) that will track grades and offer an official diploma.
My parents were required to keep curriculum records and assign grades for everything me and my sister did that could have counted as education. I then took the SAT, and I guess those things were enough. I don't remember an official diploma, just submitting a portfolio of work I had done. I only applied for one school (early application) and got in, so I guess it wasn't too difficult. Things have probably changed a lot since thene though. It was 13 years ago.

I got a bachelors degree in Russian and East European Studies from Oberlin College, then a bachelor's in Film Scoring from Berklee College of Music, then a master's in Economics from Georgia State University.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

llama - that's quite a diverse background of degrees! You are a real Renaissance man. :)

Also - I enjoyed the spirited debate and hope I wasn't too off putting. :o
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

bea wrote: Also - I enjoyed the spirited debate and hope I wasn't too off putting. :o
YOu could never be off-putting, bea. :hugs:
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

thellama73 wrote:
bea wrote: Also - I enjoyed the spirited debate and hope I wasn't too off putting. :o
YOu could never be off-putting, bea. :hugs:
awe...shuckies....:hug: :blush:
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

I feel a little responsible for the direction the thread has taken. In my defense I can say I felt like it :p Seriously though, when I meet people that seem interesting and intelligent, I like to know what they think and why. So thank you llama for indulging me :)

And thanks for the answers to my last questions. I think we would all like to think we would be on the morally active side, but would we really. I'm not even talking about the people calling the shots, but about those following. Glad to know that you're doing things you believe in, but don't forget you and I live in democratic regimes.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

FZ. wrote:Glad to know that you're doing things you believe in, but don't forget you and I live in democratic regimes.
I know. It's a real shame. :(
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote:Glad to know that you're doing things you believe in, but don't forget you and I live in democratic regimes.
I know. It's a real shame. :(
I know. If I had the choice, I'd want to live in North Korea.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

FZ. wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote:Glad to know that you're doing things you believe in, but don't forget you and I live in democratic regimes.
I know. It's a real shame. :(
I know. If I had the choice, I'd want to live in North Korea.
That's an odd preference. I have to say I disagree with you there.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote:Glad to know that you're doing things you believe in, but don't forget you and I live in democratic regimes.
I know. It's a real shame. :(
I know. If I had the choice, I'd want to live in North Korea.
That's an odd preference. I have to say I disagree with you there.
Really? :p Why? Where would you choose?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

FZ. wrote: Really? :p Why? Where would you choose?
The United States is currently the lesser of 196 evils, but I wouldn't mind staying a while in Wales either.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

thellama73 wrote:
FZ. wrote: Really? :p Why? Where would you choose?
The United States is currently the lesser of 196 evils, but I wouldn't mind staying a while in Wales either.
You actually answered seriously to this question.
Not sure about the US being the lesser evil, but I'll let you live in that dream ;)
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

The long nightmare of me having to debate a bunch of women's libber hippies ( :p ) is over.

It is now the turn of:
Turnip Head.
Ask him questions.

If you would like to be next in the interrogation room or to nominate someone else, please send me a PM.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by juliets »

Turnip Head, I love your mafia playing but i realize i know nothing about you. So I'm going to start with the basics:

Where are you from?
What do you do? (school, work, etc)
Whats unique about you?
What should we know about you?
How did you come to play mafia? Seems like your name is familiar from a long time ago.
What have been your favorite games?
What win are you most proud of and why?

Thats enough to get your feet wet. All those hard questions will come from others! :)
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

juliets wrote:Turnip Head, I love your mafia playing but i realize i know nothing about you. So I'm going to start with the basics:

Where are you from?
What do you do? (school, work, etc)
Whats unique about you?
What should we know about you?
How did you come to play mafia? Seems like your name is familiar from a long time ago.
What have been your favorite games?
What win are you most proud of and why?

Thats enough to get your feet wet. All those hard questions will come from others! :)
Hi juliets! :) Yes, I tend to be a pretty private person. I don't really enjoy talking about myself, so this is probably a good exercise for me hehe.

I was born in Colombus, Ohio, but I spent most of my childhood and young adult years growing up in south Florida.

I currently work at a movie theater in downtown Los Angeles, California, but I'm attempting to pursue a career as a screenwriter.

I don't know what's unique about me, because I don't know enough about everyone else in the world. I am constantly learning new things about other people.

When I was younger and attending a summer camp, a group of us played mafia around a campfire. Roles were distributed by dealing out playing cards. At "night", the civilians closed their eyes and the mafia pointed to who they wanted to kill. It was a ton of fun. I later turned it into a game for me and my friends at college to play together... we turned it into a drinking game :D I didn't stumble upon online mafia until I visited Lostpedia, a fansite for the show LOST, and saw it in the Games forum. I joined that website specifically to play mafia there because it seemed like fun. That's where my username comes from.

I have had many favorite games, one of them was LOST Mafia, hosted by seals and bigs. It was a game with 40 players. I was recruited to a team that had NO night kill and NO night powers (other than a chance at recruitment). At the time that I joined the team, it was only me and Diamond Dog. We eventually recruited one more player, and the last lynch came down to a game of rock, paper, scissors.

I'm most proud of winning The 4400 Mafia on The Piano. I outted myself as a baddie (while imprisoned, no less!) because I had intel the civvies needed, but I lied about everything, forced them to release me from prison, and then I killed them all. :slick:
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by A Person »

Is your name a Howl's Moving Castle reference?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

Nope, it's a LOST reference. In LOST, Charlie calls baby Aaron "turnip head", because, well his head looks like a turnip.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by bea »

TH!!! : :dance: :fiesta: :lorab:

1) Favorite Comfort Food?
2) You were born in the C-bus? I was born and raised a short drive north and east of there!! (I knew there was a reason I liked you, Ohio peeps know their own. :noble:)
3) What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
4) What would we be surpised to learn about you?
5) Where is your favorite place to travel?
6) What place have you always wanted to travel to but haven't yet?
7) What is your favorite way to spoil yourself?
8) How goes the screenwriting? What is most challenging about it as a career? What is the most rewarding?
10) Who are your writing influences? Do you think that shows in the work you do?
11) If you weren't becoming a screenwriter, what do you think you'd like to do for a living?
12) Have you hosted any mafia games? Would you like to?
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
Epignosis wrote:Bitch, my identity is my identity theft protection!
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

Hi bea!!!! :D

2) Yes! And most of my extended family lives there. It's true that Ohioans seems to have a sixth sense about one another. Very spooky.
3) Summer days, having adventures with my brother. We'd ride our bikes to the library and read, or wander around the mall, or play around at Sugar Sand Park.
4) How afraid I am of life being meaningless, and how afraid I am of my own mortality. Sorry for the bummer answer :D
5) I haven't traveled much but I always have a great time when in the Florida Keys, camping and fishing and drinking with good friends.
6) I have always wanted to travel to Australia and New Zealand.
7) Smoking a bowl and listening to music or watching TV, hehehe.
8) The most challenging thing about a career in screenwriting is breaking into the business. Well I'm sure there's more challenges after that, but I'm still firmly in the "aspiring screenwriter" category. The most challenging aspect of the actual writing, for me, is getting dialogue to flow the way I want it to while still having enough punch to it. The most rewarding aspect of storytelling is connecting with people and revealing some aspects of the human condition.
9) You forgot #9 :o
10) Charlie Kaufman. Chuck Palahniuk. Darren Aronofsky. Dan Harmon. Many others, those are just off the top of my head. I think they all show up in different aspects of my work.
11) I'd love to be a travel journalist. Talk about best job ever.
12) I hosted a mafia game a few years ago on The Piano with my buddies aapje, sanderling and Sparrow. I would love to host again. I have lots of ideas. :D
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by juliets »

Turnip Head wrote:Hi bea!!!! :D
12) I hosted a mafia game a few years ago on The Piano with my buddies aapje, sanderling and Sparrow. I would love to host again. I have lots of ideas. :D
aapje is your buddy? He is my buddy too! And bea's! I think that means we're all related.

1. TH, I saw you mention mafia is a lot different today than when you played it before. Can you explain what those differences are?

I'll quit asking you things, I promise.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

Please keep asking me things! lol.

I think mafia has gotten a bit lazier recently; I don't mean that in a mean way. It seems nowadays that most players wait for one or two players to voice their suspicions, or have a back-and-forth argument, and then the rest of those players react to that discussion. Vote, lynch, repeat. Backintheday, players did not limit their discussion to only a few people at a time. Players felt free to discuss any and all goings-on simultaneously. It widened the scope of conversation, it forced more people to join the discussion, and I think it led to a more successful win ratio for the civilians. I think there is a fear that discussing more players at once opens the door for baddie manipulation, but I think it actually makes it easier to SPOT that manipulation, if that makes any sense.

Yes, aapje is my buddy, though I don't see him around anymore. I was bad with him in one game on The Piano, along with Sparrow and sanderling, and we ended up keeping our chatroom open for many months after that, like our own private hangout club :D I miss those days!
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

Good choice for interrogation :biggrin:

Since you're an aspiring screenwriter, which is the movie/tv show, you most wish you had written (as in saw it and said, damn, I wish I'd written something like that)?
What do you think do you need to do in order to move from being an aspiring screenwriter to an actual one?
How is screenwriting better for you than writing novels or other literature genres?
If you could do something good for humanity, what would you most want to do?
You talk about fearing a meaningless life (I whole heatedly relate, by the way). What do you think would qualify as a meaningful life?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

I like movies and TV shows that break new ground and sometimes I get jealous that I didn't get to break that ground first. I had an idea for a zombie TV show that will probably never see the light of day (at least any time soon) because of The Walking Dead. I wish I had gotten there first!

Becoming a screenwriter in Hollywood is about two things: making connections in the biz, and having talent. I'm working on both! I need to read more scripts, write more scripts, watch more movies and TV. I know a few people in the industry, I need to keep meeting more. Living in Los Angeles has introduced me to a lot of people who are creative and ambitious. I want to find the right group of people to collaborate with. Maybe something special can come out of it.

I like that screenwriting allows for a visual component. Television in particular appeals to me because you get to spend so much time with the same characters, you can really develop them and flesh them out. I also like how focused the stories are in film and TV. There's always a clear story being told. Novels allow for the author to meander through meaningless subplots and pointless description, it's easy to lose sight of the true story.

I wish I could convince humanity of the pointlessness of war.

A meaningful life for me means that someone will remember me for the life I've lived. Hopefully I can make an impact on the people in my life and influence them to become better versions of themselves.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

So when you write something, do you have a clear picture of how it's going to look?
Have you thought about actors for things you've written?
Can you give 5-10 films that you really loved?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

Turnip Head wrote:Novels allow for the author to meander through meaningless subplots and pointless description, it's easy to lose sight of the true story.
Hey now, I LIKE meaningless subplots and pointless description!
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

thellama73 wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:Novels allow for the author to meander through meaningless subplots and pointless description, it's easy to lose sight of the true story.
Hey now, I LIKE meaningless subplots and pointless description!
That's why you write it, and he doesn't :p
But I actually do too. If it's done well, it's not pointless at all. Take "The plague" for example (first book that came to mind for some reason). It has a lot of description and none of it is pointless or meaningless
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

FZ. wrote:So when you write something, do you have a clear picture of how it's going to look?
Have you thought about actors for things you've written?
Can you give 5-10 films that you really loved?
  • Sometimes but not always. Sometimes I have to do a lot of "dry" writing before I start visualizing it. Writing is all about rewriting. Certain scenes or images will be clear to me while I write them. Sometimes I know how I want a certain shot to look but I don't know much about cinematography.
  • Yeah sometimes, it helps to visualize the characters. It makes it easier to imagine what their personalities or speech mannerisms might be if I have an actor in mind. I'm working on a TV pilot spec right now and I've done some dream casting, lol
  • A short list of some of my faves: Die Hard. Pulp Fiction. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Breakfast Club. The Lion King. Side Effects (I forgot to mention Steven Soderbergh earlier). Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. Batman Begins. Empire Strikes Back.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by BoatsBoatsBoats »

Do you like Breaking Bad or do you love Breaking Bad?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

What's your favorite short story?
At what age do you expect to die?
If we were at a bar and I said I would get the first round, what would you order?
Which is the best ocean?
How long is a piece of string?
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Epignosis »

Do you like turnips?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Turnip Head »

BoatsBoatsBoats wrote:Do you like Breaking Bad or do you love Breaking Bad?
Like. There are certain episodes that I love.
thellama73 wrote:What's your favorite short story?
At what age do you expect to die?
If we were at a bar and I said I would get the first round, what would you order?
Which is the best ocean?
How long is a piece of string?
The Most Dangerous Game.
I'll be happy if I make it to 70.
Jameson on rocks.
Atlantic. Pacific is too cold.
Epignosis wrote:Do you like turnips?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by thellama73 »

Why don't you like turnips?
What is your favorite root vegetable?
What's your starsign?
Rank the following statements in order of most plausible to least plausible:
- Martial arts are an effective form of self-defense
- Nutritionists know what the hell they are talking about
- Chiropractic is a legitimate branch of medicine
- We're all going to perish due to catastrophic anthropogenic climate change sometime in the indeterminate future. But soon. Definitely soon.
- We can all be made richer by simply printing and distributing little slips of paper with numbers written on them.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by insertnamehere »

What do you feel is a better format for storytelling, television or movies?

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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by FZ. »

What was your favorite subject in school?
Why do you like mafia, and do you prefer the live version or the online one?
Would you say you're a funny guy? Sarcastic? nerdy? Smart? Sensitive?
name something you think is overrated and something that is underestimated
If you had the chance to be born in a different time in history, which would you choose and why?
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Re: Interrogation Room


Post by Roxy »

Dammit! I missed bea, Timmer and llama This is not good!

Turnips - hi :)

which band is over rated and over played?
Who is your fave Avenger? Superhero?
If Batman and Spiderman had a battle who would win and why?
You are in Westeros - which castle do live in and defend? What would be your name and profession?
Favorite Beatle? Favorite Beatles song?
Why Turnips but not Parsnips? Are you against all other root vegees?
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