PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [END]

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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

I'd probably look harder at dizzy I guess

I think both him and nutella(?) have said something like he would have power wolfed or whatever and that he didn't, but he did defend kza pretty hard d1 and try to draw suspicion to me
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Arete »

why it's just Syn

Marl asked me to specifically case Chloe; I'm not going to do that, because I actually think Chloe is the villageriest out of the three of them, but I do think she did some things that points to the slot being Mafia.

the slot's posting (associative-independent)

Tangy's posting I actually wrote about at the time and I basically stand by what I said then:
Arete wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 11:47 pm reading Tangrowth's catch-up posts I think they're >rand wolf

looking first at the catchup posts themself (please bear with my poor post formatting)
Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:00 pm
nutella wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 6:35 pm I just got a raise ama
Yay!! :yay:

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:04 pm
bronana wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 7:21 pm
outed wolf wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 7:19 pm
Hally wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 7:18 pm might be a sucker but i kinda doubt w!amy dumps on zack first thing

i don’t think w!her sees zack as a viable push early on
dont wanna marsh your mellow but its an insignificant push early on in the game, i dont think anything of it. i doubt w or v amy expect to go anywhere with it (and zacks perfectly pushable cmon. just look at that face)
Here he comes. Here comes John Wayne. "I'm not gonna cry about my pa. I'm gonna build an airport, put my name on it."

Why, outed wolf? So you can fly away from your feelings?
I'm going to have a really hard time ever voting for someone quoting Arrested Development.

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:05 pm
dyachei wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 7:25 pmsup
Omg is this finally our first game together? Speaking of which, pretty sure this is my first game with a decent lot of you, so this should be interesting. Does anyone other than bronana or outed wolf normally go by another username?

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:07 pm I hate to be this person, but I feel like I need to ask for a TL;DR summary of what happened in Rocks Fall and/or any other games that are often spoken about that I wasn't in, lol.

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:11 pm
bronana wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 8:59 pm
nutella wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 8:56 pm so you don't even know why you voted me? cool

visor hasn't given a reason either

worst vibes are from him tbh
what? is this directed at me? I gave a perfectly cromulent explanation when I voted. Also it's an two hours into a 48 hour d1 so lol.

is it normal for nutella to be this ... passive-aggressive?
She does seem more perturbed than usual, not sure what to make of that (from an alignment perspective), otherwise I think it's understandable.

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:16 pm Well, that was a weird catchup. I appreciate that stances are being made, but I'm a bit uneasy with the current vibes, I sort of think taking a step back from the main topic of discussion is probably warranted. Not that I'm trying to tell anyone what do! Just let's have some fun, right? This is a racket game, it should be fun!

I'm curious why Amy parked a vote on Alison, was it because Alison doesn't have any stances?
The bulk of their "catch-up" consists of either not-super-game-relevant comments (congratulating Nutella on the raise, talking about Arrested Development, etc.), or asking not-alignment-relevant-questions (e.g. asking if anyone goes by any other names). While those aren't wolfy in a vacuum (the plays-Mafia-primarily-socially archetype could totally want to congratulate their friend on a raise regardless of alignment, and anyone might be curious whether other people have an additional name) their catchup posts have almost nothing that actually displays a solving thought process -- the closest is asking why Amy parked a vote on Alison, and the take of Nutella. I think I'm explaining it really badly but basically it doesn't feel like the sort of catchup post that would be produced by someone catching up and thinking about what alignment people are as opposed to thinking about how to look vaguely productive.

her posts post catchup are a little better:
Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:18 pm Does someone want to talk to me about how to find spf as town (or scum, for that matter)? I saw her play in some of Jay's games I spectated but beyond that I'm at a loss for what she's said so far, it was... thorough. But I don't think I'd call spf a town read or anything.

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 10:51 pm I need to start combining my posts, but I currently would call nutella town, for whatever that's worth.

Tangrowth wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 11:11 pm I could just be scared of Amy pulling the wool over my eyes like in the voxx 9er, hehe, but I'm not feeling it yet. Can someone talk to me about why she's town?

in the sense that she actually has opinions at all, but overall her questions also seem pretty fillery. Some amount of fillery questions is normal as any alignment but this feels like a really unusually high density of filler questions, which usually indicates scum trying to look solvey.

[VOTE: Tangrowth] aubergine
later she wrote a readlist. I remember liking it at the time but it's probably fakeable. meh.

Chloe's posting was actually fine, there's nothing in particular that I can point to and be like '🚨this post is wolfy 🚨' that doesn't fit into either of the next two sections, I had a mostly positive impression of it in the moment

caveat that this:
Arete wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 8:58 pm incidentally re:Chloe I've felt that her posts since subbing in have mostly seemed to track, like it doesn't feel like she has a specific predetermined destination that she's trying to get to but rather that they're flowing naturally
is actually not something I believed at all, I was trying to draw the nightkill by crumbing tracker and picked someone I thought I would plausibly have targeted

Syn's posting has been ... not good. Even if I set aside the Dya thing as maybe just a wrong villager, they haven't really done much of anything/tried to advance their reads. For example, they've said repeatedly that the last wolf is Outed Wolf. However, they voted me earlier for what is self-admittedly self-pres:
Syn wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:25 am
Arete wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:12 am
Syn wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:08 am[VOTE: Arete] aubergine
ok this one I'm going to need an actual explanation for, it doesn't really feel consistent with what you've been saying for the rest of the day

kind of feels like you're pushing me specifically because I'm a viable alternative to you
well yeah
which is honestly kind of wolfy in a vacuum this far before EoD (obviously it's fine to self-pres at EoD), but beyond that, Visor has (a) votes (b) more votes than me, this has been true for several hours, and yet they haven't switched to voting Visor, which is totally inconsistent with their supposed PoV of Visor being the last wolf.

there's also this string of posts:
Spoiler: show
Syn wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 7:03 pm from kza's enormous ISO I have determined that all signs point to vulgard
Syn wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 7:05 pm this is definitely not me sheeping the top wagon
Syn wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 7:28 pm
Arete wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 7:19 pm
Syn wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 7:03 pm from kza's enormous ISO I have determined that all signs point to vulgard
when you say this do you mean 'KZA's ISO, and also other reasons which you chose not to mention and are summarizing as "kza's enormous ISO",' or do you mean 'actually literally just KZA's ISO'
i don't understand the question

my read is based off of kza's ISO

I don't have any plans to do significant back-reading of non-flipped-red slots

so my opinion is based solely off of


exactly what i said
having skimmed KZA's Iso, I don't think this is a take/level of confidence that makes sense from a fully uninformed perspective (and when I asked them about it at the time, they didn't really give me an explanation for it). it makes way more sense for them having been told in wolf chat 'hey, Vulgard is mechanically outed' and trying to retroactively find a way to justify having that read without admitting to that knowledge.

how wolves treated the slot

KZA never mentioned or responded to them in any way, that's not particularly damning because there are a bunch of people it applies to but I figured I'd mention it

Dya spent most of the game harddefending the slot for relatively thin reasons. this is honestly one of the things I mean when I say that the extent of the mutual defense is giving me pause because it almost seems to blatant but I'm probably just overthinking it
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dyachei wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 7:55 pm
bronana wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 7:52 pm
dyachei wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 7:47 pm it's super frustrating to finally rand town in a game with visor and zack and have them not even explain their shitty reads on me
there's not much to say and i don't want to get into a fight about it, you just don't seem like town dya so far :shrug: I doubt you will go down today while Gav exists, if you're town I should get there in time.

what are your three strongest reads in either direction?
alison most wolfy - have talked about her

towniest is probably tangy. I had them as sort of towny before but I liked their wall, too. I just think there was a lot of detail in there that wouldn't be if he were a wolf?

dyachei wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 8:53 am
Marluxion wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 8:51 am those two are outer poe right now though
feel pretty strongly that tangy shouldnt be in the poe
they then reversed their read mid-day-3 with basically no progression:
Spoiler: show
dyachei wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 10:43 am SO i looked through tangy's d1 posts (and lost my quotes somehow) and I get the feeling she was pocketing nutella on that readthrough. she starts with a slight wolf read but quickly changes to a v read and not just any v read, but the highest v read. Due to meta. Also of note is she was pretty wishy washy on alison, and as I mentioned that was something I am looking at today. People that just didn't take much of a stance.

looking at gavial and kza, she had a light v read on kza for nothing and wanted gav or arete over kza. voted gav reluctantly - clearly preferred arete

I need to look through some of chloe's posts next, but so far not so good with the benefit of hindsight
this was around when they were starting to get a lot of heat, both for being wrong on Alison and for associations with Vul. I think the timing of the random sudden turnaround makes a lot of sense for 'wolf going into antispew' especially given that they had ~no progression on it, and it doesn't really make sense as a last-ditch attempt to save themself/buy themself a day because there were other targets that I think would have likely been more pushable + they would have had more progression on -- Syn was also PoE but I think before Dya flipped c4 was more pushable than Syn

(they also never tried to hedge against the possibility of Syn being town after they started pushing them, though that's not damning because they didn't really do that with Alison either)
Spoiler: show
dyachei wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:17 pm
Arete wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:08 pm
dyachei wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:04 pm I still think it's syn/c4. if it's not c4, it might be you
what if it's not Syn (but is c4)

or do you think Syn is ~lock wolf
i think there's a very high likelihood of it being syn

I'd be shocked if he's not a wolf
furthermore, despite claiming they would be "shocked" if Syn is not a wolf, they never voted Syn throughout all of day 4 (they did vote Chloe on D3 but Chloe was never going over D3), which further makes it unlikely that they were actually trying to get Syn killed as a last misexe as opposed to distancing from them

also this might just be a wording thing but in the nested quote I just quoted, they said 'I still think it's syn/c4. if it's not c4, it might be you' which acknowledges the possibility of c4 being a villager but doesn't acknowledge the possibility of Syn being a villager
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Vulgard wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 4:44 am
Arete wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 4:42 am I'm pretty sure Vul is already out of his wolfrange from his linguistic analysis of SPF but there are a couple points in his posts that are very yikes

right now I would call him like 98 percent town but I should have a more confident read later and this isn't at sheepable territory yet

(for the unfamiliar, Vul and I have highly accurate reads on each other, essentially 100 percent accurate discounting third parties)
Any reads on your end other than the read on Tangrowth?

Currently reading SPF's CoV ISO. If anyone has other wolfgames she played on forum, link them to me, please. I'm trying to verify if I correctly spotted a tell between her village/wolfplay.

Vulgard wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 5:06 am Tangrowth's most memorable post was the readlist with pretty colors. I remember agreeing with the reads there, particularly with the village reads.

Arete pushed and prodded at Tangrowth earlier and I didn't think much of it back then. @ Arete thoughts on their readlist?
Vul attempts to subtly push me away from them even before they actually call them a villager in a way that makes me think he was actually trying to save the slot (he also writes a wallpost later on why they're town, but I weirdly think that's less important because 'wallposts on why villagers are villagers' is reasonably plausible to come from a wolf whereas I think these posts indicate that he actually wanted to save them -- particularly the way he specifically pointed me at Tangy's readlist, which was something that he would reasonably have expected I would townread)

overall nothing here is outside of the range of partnered interactions and some of the interactions look actively partnery

how this slot treated wolves

okay so I'm not going to actually quote all the posts where the various residents of this slot were wrong about various members of the wolfteam, although there are a lot of them despite there being three different members of the slot with the potential to read them correctly. that could in theory just be 'oh they were villagers who read people wrong,' Lord knows I'm in no place to judge

but even setting all of that aside there are some interactions that I think are specifically partnery

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Chloe wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:16 pm
nutella wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:12 pm honestly dya has such conviction in alison flipping red that they're either just v or it's the stupid fucking bus thing and i dont think it's the stupid fucking bus thing
dya never taking their foot off the gas and the sheer insistence feels like a villagery tunnel

i heavily heavily doubt this is a bus here - it'd have started early d1 and continued even after they lost a buddy - which is entirely unnecessary

and the fact that dya is *still* townreading my slot even though im incredibly manic right now and even voting them is making me do brain somersaults

i might just give in and and drop my ego

idk what the fuck alison is doing but dya is doing at least 100x more

Chloe wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:20 pm i think wagons could be v/v but dya is a bigger asset to town than a 0-posting alison

im legit annoyed at this point that she isnt posting - regardless of her alignment. its just super frustrating
i want to be right but im probably not if shes not going to bother to do anything to defend herself in the slightest

Chloe wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:17 pm fuck it

[VOTE: Alison] aubergine

no more joy_wowee
Chloe spent most of D2 harddefending Alison, and saying that her behavior didn't make sense as a wolf. then, at the end of the day, when it became clear that Dya/Alison were going to be the wagons, they invented a reason to vote Alison without actually making a read on their alignment, just focusing on the fact that Dya was contributing more, which is a really easy excuse to vote Alison over them -- also, one of their previous reasons to think Alison was a villager was that they weren't really doing much/their plan didn't make sense as wolf, so them turning that into a reason to vote Alison is Not Great.
Spoiler: show

Syn wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:03 pm
nutella wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:02 pm
staypositivefriend wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:54 pm syn thought that he would be the chop today (and he specifically mentioned that he would be the chop because a lot of players think he's associated with vulgard/dya, even though syn personally townreads dya, and i wondered if that was a bit of a perspective slip - it felt like syn was unconsciously referring to dyachei as a wolf even though he didn't wolfread them
@Syn helo explianerino this
what is there to explain

arete, sunbae, visor, zack, and spf have all said I am associated with vulgard and a pre-flipped dya

seems to parse that I would be on the docket of eliminations

Syn wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:26 pm
c4e5g3d5 wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:20 pm If Syn and I both flipped green Dizzy TMI'd us by thinking he was under any threat here
Have fun
I will flip green.

But working with this "town" is pointless, and I have no interest in it. Dya is town. Don't flip them. That's my legacy.

My other legacy is that your (general your) consensus POE is reliant on believing that the remainder of the wolf team is not only terrible at the game, but actively game-throwing. If you believe dya and me are the last two wolves, then that's simply stupid. Why would I come out the gates trying to save dya when the consensus opinion is that that's hella scummy to do? There is no hope in that venture. The safe thing is to bus. I get no cred for rallying to their defense if they flip red. All this does is put suspicion on me without resolving any suspicion on Dya. Why wouldn't Dya and I just concede if we're doing such a shitty job of this and throwing the game?

If your case is reliant on the idea that the remaining wolves are drooling simpletons, then you have found yourself in a world where you have been hosed by wolves.

Flip me first. Do it. Then you can navel gaze for a while and say, "Well, this doesn't clear Dya..." and then mischop them too. Remaining town can have fun figuring it out afterward.
this is a weaker point but I kind of think these two posts TMI Dya W -- Syn is, at this point, repping a V-read on Dya, but they also seem to expect to be wolfread by association with Dya (in the first one)?? and then in the second one they go out of their way to talk about how they wouldn't be defending Dya so hard as W/W even though Dya at this point hasn't flipped and Syn is claiming to expect them to flip W. in context it's calling the collective process of town bad but there wasn't anyone else who we-collectively were preflipping as aligned at that point, so I'm not really sure why they would make that post as a villager who genuinely believed that Dya was going to flip V.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

and then tried to push marl over vulgard d3

am I crazy or are both of those things that could easily be seen as powerwolfing
Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

Too many words.

Two things I thought about this morning:
- Visor was very vocal about how no scum team would ever kill Vulgard above other players the night Vulgard was caught. I think he said it was because Vulgard had been so wrong. This did feel a bit mocking, and also imo a bit out of touch with thread. Cause Vulgard was highly town read at the time before that, so I don't see why it would be so obvious. And I also think the mocking tone could be mafia on mafia rather than a town who doesn't know if he's mocking a town or not.
- Visor freaking out last day felt pretty fake to me tbh. In fact, I was assuming that he was just playing it up to try and create some drama or see who would follow off from Dya. When he came into the day today apologising for it, I guess he meant it. But it felt fake.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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ye i noticed those chloe posts on my read through too arete

im hoping its just syn and we can end this tomorrow and i can breathe a sigh of relief instead of having to think about this game at all hours lmao
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

bronana wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:09 am and then tried to push marl over vulgard d3

am I crazy or are both of those things that could easily be seen as powerwolfing
You got to get over me suspecting you on D1 lol.

First of all, I never defended KZA. I had literally no opinion on KZA, nor had I read their posts (except the ones you pointed out).

Also, I've explained the Marl thing several times now. I immediately changed my mind once Marl reacted and I realised that scum were not free to kill Amy if they wanted to because of the jailkeeper.

And also, no, that is not what Nut meant with powerwolfing, I think.
What she meant is probably what she also said: Mafia would be in a better position right now. =p The sass tbh
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

if only bronana had pointed out this stuff about Chloe days ago :P :ponder:

this game has been weird in that it's day 5 and every day so far, including this one, it's been fairly obvious who would be yeeted shortly after the day started (except maybe d2 but it was still very clear Alison would be a top candidate at least)
Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

But I really do hope it's just Syn and that I'm wrong on that.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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re: vulgard

ppl mightve believed he was a villa but they didnt trust his reads, theres no point killing a guy nobody is gonna listen to until later in the game. (i expected sunbae or spf to be shot much earlier - i imagine the hally kill was pushed for from dya)

re the dya stuff yesterday: a bunch of it was fake to drum up some action tbh, but i did end up panicking and going with it because i had been pushing dya all game and we were getting close to finally killing dya and i hate pushing dya because of fear of being wrong (despite being right on their alignment with regularity over recent games) and i had already been badly wrong on amy and nobody was really talking as we were all (understandably) locked in on dya dying. i basically just panicked for silly reasons.

i'm not going to pretend i was only joking about it lol, i do dumb stuff occasionally like play ww :P
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

bronana wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:26 am if only bronana had pointed out this stuff about Chloe days ago :P :ponder:

this game has been weird in that it's day 5 and every day so far, including this one, it's been fairly obvious who would be yeeted shortly after the day started (except maybe d2 but it was still very clear Alison would be a top candidate at least)
Then Syn flipping town would be quite exciting :noble:
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by outed wolf »

bronana wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:26 am if only bronana had pointed out this stuff about Chloe days ago :P :ponder:

this game has been weird in that it's day 5 and every day so far, including this one, it's been fairly obvious who would be yeeted shortly after the day started (except maybe d2 but it was still very clear Alison would be a top candidate at least)
ya its been consensus v quick

which i guess is a positive sign if not super interesting lol
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

why do you think syn is town?
Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

outed wolf wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:27 am re: vulgard

ppl mightve believed he was a villa but they didnt trust his reads, theres no point killing a guy nobody is gonna listen to until later in the game. (i expected sunbae or spf to be shot much earlier - i imagine the hally kill was pushed for from dya)

re the dya stuff yesterday: a bunch of it was fake to drum up some action tbh, but i did end up panicking and going with it because i had been pushing dya all game and we were getting close to finally killing dya and i hate pushing dya because of fear of being wrong (despite being right on their alignment with regularity over recent games) and i had already been badly wrong on amy and nobody was really talking as we were all (understandably) locked in on dya dying. i basically just panicked for silly reasons.

i'm not going to pretend i was only joking about it lol, i do dumb stuff occasionally like play ww :P

Bolded: This is your first mistake.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

bronana wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:28 am why do you think syn is town?
I have already said. I don't think the interaction I read from Vulgard points to Tangy/Chloe being scum. It's such a hard town read that is so detailed, it just reads TMI, especially considering how Vulgard treated other teammates. And I also don't think Vulgard and Dya both lolcats if Syn was the last mafia there, cause that is doom.

I mean, I hope I'm wrong and am missing a bunch of context, which I am.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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i think dya lolcatted because they knew they were toast afterwards (either that or to make us kill them over vulgard so sunbae couldnt stop another kill)

vulgard tried to save dya while also saying they wer wolfy

kza they just pushed over after it happened because you dont bother to save an 11 poster really

vulgard def wolfread myself/zack a lot throughout the game, whos left, marl, nutella, c4, spf? arete?
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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like i really dont think im w/w with vulgard because he had multiple opportunities to village read me when spf and sunbae were really pushing for me to be v

you just take free village reads on your bros when people offer ime

so when he was offered village reads on ppl who did he take up?
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

I can't follow the thought process of a single read syn has made

I have only played a couple v/v games with him, but iirc I townread him d1 and found his prices straightforward and easy to understand. granted subbing in d3 is different

also three different people have been in the slot and I find none of them villagy, and all wolfy to some extent. i could just be wrong and bad, but idk I struggle to see it. everyone else I can at least see being town and understand their POV to some degree
Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

his prices lol

Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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i mean there is no process

i cant recall any actual reason he has given for... anything? he did make some post about shouldnt push dya because they die early or something but thats basically it in terms of memorable posts
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

and I mean in that situation d3, what else could that team do. they're just fucked
Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by outed wolf »

i v read him in stormtossed despite our differences and he can come up with reasons for things so shrug

just hope this is a lengthy trolling session for a team with no chance after d3 happened
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Marluxion »

Good Wallpost aroot
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 2]


Post by outed wolf »

Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 6:39 am If it were entirely up to me, I would start a case on Zack, but I don't have a coherent case against him beyond "I think he TMIed Gavial as V and his posts have been more underwhelming to me than the posts of most other players in this game" and that seems significantly less likely to lead to a hit than the literal dozens of claims leveraged against dya by players I townread. I could be right on Zack but that doesn't mean I can't vote dya. We do have three wolves alive and it's not like these two can't be W/W (as far as I can tell without a deep ISO dive, which I am NOT going to do unless dya flips red).
the start of this post is basically the same shit he kept saying about me

zack prob just v
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 4]


Post by c4e5g3d5 »

bronana wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:16 pm please, if I was a wolf I would have either bussed hard yesterday or joined the c4 counter wagon

instead I stayed off wagon and clearly tried to veto the c4 wagon when it got close to dya's, check my posts
bronana wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:22 pm
bronana wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:03 pm I'm sick of killing villagers because they aren't doing or posting enough

c4 feels like a miss and resolves nothing
few hours before EOD and wagons were getting v close at the time

I would have voted dya at eod if it was necessary but there's no way for me to prove that, obviously. as it stood I didn't need to do anything for dya to die, so I mostly focused on other contingencies. I don't really care about getting the personal glory, I just want to win and make sure the bases are covered.
bronana wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:32 pm
dyachei wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:49 pm man he was really hedgy on you zack. he clearly wanted you as a mis-elim
like cmon, this was such an obvious pocket attempt, who talks to their wolfbro like this
Weird ass read but I think this sequence shows that Zack said the point off of memory and dove back into ISOS to prove it, and stumbled across the dya post while he was there, and I think he would've already known where that post was as a wolf.

A bit unnecessary by now but it's there.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

Ok, let's say it's Syn then. Syn and his prices.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

outed wolf wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:51 am i v read him in stormtossed despite our differences and he can come up with reasons for things so shrug

just hope this is a lengthy trolling session for a team with no chance after d3 happened
if you've read my games as you claimed you did on the last page, you would know that I have absolutely no interest in extended games or extended trolls as either alignment
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

Marluxion wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:46 am Good Wallpost aroot
they're bad wall posts actually
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

arete's wall posts are opportunistic and you should chop them after I flip green today
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

is EOD even today

I hope it is
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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okay yeah I'm freed from this mortal coil soon
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

Syn wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:24 pm arete's wall posts are opportunistic and you should chop them after I flip green today
I put them through a translator and you won't believe what came back

"please town read me, I am nervous about being POE'd"
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

You can buy that read for a dollar, that's my price
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

Syn wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:22 pm
outed wolf wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:51 am i v read him in stormtossed despite our differences and he can come up with reasons for things so shrug

just hope this is a lengthy trolling session for a team with no chance after d3 happened
if you've read my games as you claimed you did on the last page, you would know that I have absolutely no interest in extended games or extended trolls as either alignment
just don't read the month-long game of champs though :ninja:
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

maybe the host lied to me and I really am the last wolf
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

But really, it’s not Syn though. So I don’t know how surprised people should be about that or if there’s any interest in going a different direction, and what that would be.
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by nutella »

this game not having hammer enabled is *extremely* dumb
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Arete »

hello fellow people who are extremely actively engaged with the game

I too am extremely actively engaged with the game
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Dyslexicon »

nutella wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:16 pm this game not having hammer enabled is *extremely* dumb
This would help
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Arete »


do you have anything to say about Vul's neighborhood spew that you haven't already

if Syn is a villager I think you are one of the more likely people to die tonight
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Syn »

Arete wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:04 pm @Marluxion

do you have anything to say about Vul's neighborhood spew that you haven't already

if Syn is a villager I think you are one of the more likely people to die tonight
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by staypositivefriend »

i dont really believe in my heart that syn is a wolf even though i think it's entirely possible

so im in that awkward inbetween state where i dont quite have the time to figure out who i would wanna chop in a world where syn doesnt get killed, but where syn being killed doesn't feel exactly right to me

hopefully it's just syn and im just being silly
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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it doesn't matter if you believe I'm town, the slot is borked

you have the miselims available to deal with, well, a miselim
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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haha the spf fear returns 🙃
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

[VOTE: syn] aubergine

Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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yeah I'm pretty sure it's just arete or spf

good luck gaymers
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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[VOTE: arete] aubergine
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


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Any particular reason why arete or SPF, syn?
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by bronana »

staypositivefriend wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:26 pm i dont really believe in my heart that syn is a wolf even though i think it's entirely possible

so im in that awkward inbetween state where i dont quite have the time to figure out who i would wanna chop in a world where syn doesnt get killed, but where syn being killed doesn't feel exactly right to me

hopefully it's just syn and im just being silly
weren't you coming in hard saying the neighbor chat was wolfy and he was lying about it? why do you think he's town and why did you only bring this up after 46 hours?
Vulgard wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 3:18 amI've been thinking about Zack lately (no sexual).
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Marluxion »

Arete wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:04 pm @Marluxion

do you have anything to say about Vul's neighborhood spew that you haven't already

if Syn is a villager I think you are one of the more likely people to die tonight
not really

Vulgard mentions multiple times and makes notes of things he wants to ask TO SPF when day starts, not out of theater range but doesn't really feel w/w

there was some soft defending of chloe when i was saying i was suspicious of them kinda similar to what they were doing for dya so i'm really just hoping this ends the game

plus it'd make sunbae's legacy god tier

the first 3 people vulgard talks about in the neighborhood are dya then c4 and spf
vulgard says several times "Nutella Is Just A Villager"

so that is probably the case

vulgard said it was "possible" that sunbae/visor contained a wolf when i said i thought that'd be the case if dyachei is w


vulgard also calls arete "Just a villager" similar to nutella, gives reasons for neither

it's like
a lot to dissect
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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 5]


Post by Marluxion »

"I think tangrowth was incredibly villagery based on the readlist she posted."

Vulgard also makes a point of pushing that Dizzy is never a wolf with Kza
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