Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12

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Poll ended at Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:47 pm

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Dr. Who Mafia - Night 12


Post by bea »

Civvies: Must eliminate Daleks, Cybermen, and Indy to win.

The Doctor: The last surviving Time Lord in the universe. He travels through time and space in the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space), which is disguised as a police phone box. Usually he travels with a companion or companions. Comes off as mysterious and eccentric initially, but often shows that he is much more complicated than he appears. He cares deeply for his companions, and as such, every night he searches for one of them. Every time he finds one, he gains a permanent ability. If he manages to find at least 3 of them, he gains a special power. *Secrets* If he finds 1 companion, his vote is permanently doubled. If he finds 2 companions, any votes against him count as 1/2. If he finds 3 companions, he gains the ability to create a “day of sunshine” for all civvies. No civvies can be lynched the following day period, and any night abilities used by baddies or the indy will not affect civvies the following night period. Also, given he is a Time Lord, he can regenerate. If he is killed, he will regenerate (come back to life) after the following night period ends.

Rose Tyler: The Doctor's main companion for Series 1 & 2. Starts off initially skeptical of the man who saved her from the Plastic People, but grows to develop an attachment for him. Even to the point of loving him. The Doctor searches for her every night. If he finds her, she unlocks her “Bad Wolf” form, which makes her immune to any targeting from the Daleks.

Martha Jones: The Doctor's main companion for Series 3. Was a medical student interning at a hospital, until one day, the hospital was transported to the moon. This is where she initially met The Doctor. Develops strong feelings for him, but becomes frustrated when he does not reciprocate them. Mostly this is due to his grief over losing Rose. The Doctor searches for her every night. If he finds her, she may redirect one night action of her choice back to the person who targeted her.

Donna Noble: The Doctor's main companion for Series 4. Is very head-strong and brash, and does not put up with some of The Doctor's antics. But despite coming off as harsh, the two of them develop a very strong friendship. The Doctor searches for her every night. If he finds her, she gains her “DoctorDonna” form with enhanced intellect. She may role-check a dead player every night.

Amy Pond: One of The Doctor's main companion for Series 5, 6, and Part 1 of Series 7. Is a very sassy, funny, and passionate woman. Her and The Doctor develop a very interesting dynamic over the course of their time spent together. Loves her fiance/husband Rory Williams more than anyone. The Doctor searches for her every night. If he finds her, her vote becomes worth 2.

Rory Williams: The other main companion for Series 5, 6, and Part 1 of Series 7. Is initially insecure with The Doctor, because he thinks Amy loves him more than Rory. Gets over his insecurities when he realizes she doesn't, proves himself a hero many times over, and ends up marrying Amy. Given how strong his love is for Amy, he was willing to wait and guard her for almost 2000 years for her to wake up. *Secrets* Any negative night actions directed at Amy will be absorbed by Rory, up to and including nightkills. However, given Rory’s bravery and fortitude, he shrugs off the first nightkill attempt directed at either himself or Amy.

Clara Oswald: The main (and to-date current) companion of The Doctor who premiered in this role in Part 2 of Series 7. Very saucy and sparky personality-wise, but there's something odd about this girl. Hasn't The Doctor seen her somewhere before? The Doctor searches for her every night. If he finds her, *secrets* as “The Impossible Girl”, she may influence the timeline of the game and end one night early.

River Song: A time traveler as well, however, her and The Doctor's events are both out of synchronization. The first time The Doctor meets her is apparently the last time she meets him. During the Doctor's eleventh incarnation, she appears as an occasional companion. There is much more to tell about her, but shhhhhhhhhh...spoilers...Every night, she searches for The Doctor. If she finds him, she can steal his Sonic Screwdriver nightly and block one person of her choice.

Jackie Tyler: The late-30s mother of Rose Tyler. She is wary of The Doctor at first and views him as a danger to her daughter. Eventually she warms up to him however. The first time she met The Doctor, she tried to seduce him (rather unsuccessfully) in a very awkward manner. Each night, she attempts to seduce another player, insanifying them for the subsequent day and night.

Mickey Smith: Rose's on/off boyfriend in the series. A bit of a goof and a clown, he ends up losing Rose for a significant period and struggles with coping with the dangers involved with her newfound friend. He grows and matures however and ends up proving himself later on. If he is targeted by a night action, a coin is flipped. *Secrets* If heads, he proves his heroic ability by absorbing the action, but gaining the ability to switch one of his lynch votes privately via PM if he so desires. If tails, he goofs it all up, absorbs the night action, and his vote is worth 0 the following day.

Captain Jack Harkness: A time traveler and former con man from the 51st century. Unlike The Doctor, Jack is more a man of action, and prefers a direct, albeit sometimes blunt, solution to problems. Eventually becomes the leader of Torchwood, a British organization dedicated to protection the Earth from alien invasion. Given his immortality, he is extremely difficult to kill. Sometimes. *Secrets* If he survives to the end of Night 4, he gains one automatic kill protection. If he survives to the end of Night 8, he gains another, etc.

The Face of Boe: A being that resembles a gigantic human-like head. According to legend, he is as old as the universe itself. Perhaps even older. Regardless, he has lived a very long life and has seen much of the universe, growing very knowledgeable and wise from it. His knowledge and wisdom allows him to know who represents the greater good and who seeks out more nefarious ends. Each night, he may check one statement to determine if it is true or false.

Sarah Jane Smith: A companion with the Third and Fourth incarnations of The Doctor. Often considered to be one of the favorite, if not all-time favorite, companions from fans. She makes a cameo appearance an an episode during the Tenth Doctor's tenure along with K-9. Given her responsibilities to defend Earth from extraterrestrial invasion and her skills as an investigative journalist, if she is targeted by a hostile alien life form, there is a 50% chance that nothing will happen.

K-9: A 51st century dog originally acquired by the Fourth Doctor. He makes a cameo appearance during the Tenth Doctor's tenure. He contains a powerful laser in his nose, and has extensive encyclopedic knowledge as well as a very advance computer intelligence. He can use his knowledge to reveal 3 truths which will be included in the night post. However, due to him being in need of some mechanical repairs, some of his inner circuits will cause some of the 3 "truths" to be false statements.

The Ood: A race of telepathic aliens. While they initially appear as an enslaved race that can become hostile, they're actually very peaceful. Assuming you come in peace. *Secrets* If you are targeted by a baddie, there is a fifty percent chance of you entering a murderous rage and redirecting their night action back onto them. This does not include nightkills.

Wilfred Mott: Donna's maternal grandfather. He has an interest in alien conspiracies, which makes him a bit eccentric. This is coupled with his astronomy hobby, which has made him spend countless nights staring into the sky with his telescope. A vanilla civ.

Madame Vastra: A member of the Silurian race from prehistoric Earth. After being pacified by The Doctor, she overcame her hatred for humans and became a consulting detective for Scotland Yard. *Secrets* BTSC with Jenny.

Jenny Flint: The wife of Madame Vastra. You are an expert at hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, and swordfighting. *Secrets* BTSC with Madame Vastra

Strax: A member of the Sontaran warrior race. You were demoted to a nurse, forced to heal the injured as punishment for being defeated by The Doctor. You often assist Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint, but they prevent you from acting on your more violent outbursts and ideas. For now though, you are allowed to act out on some of those urges because you are the civ ninja. Given your sometimes wonky luck, your first 3 targets against civilians will fail. However, you will not be notified of the reason why those kills failed.

Daleks: Must eliminate Civvies, Cybermen, and Indy to win.

Emperor Dalek: The leader of the Dalek race. Your goal is to cleanse the universe of any "unfit races". In other words, kill everyone who is not a Dalek. Your team selects which member will carry out the kill on odd nights. *Secrets* You cannot be lynched until every other member on your team is dead.

Dalek Sec: The leader of the Cult of Skaro. You are responsible for leading experiments on how to evolve the Dalek race. *Secrets* [color=#FF0000If someone targets a member of your team with a night action, you can conduct a painful experiment on them. A coin is then tossed. If heads, the night action does not work and you flip a coin again. If tails, nothing happens. If the coin lands heads on the second flip, that player will not be able to effectively target your team in any way (outside of being voted) for the remainder of the game. If tails, the night action still does nothing, but there are no other effects.[/color]

Dalek #1: An ordinary Dalek *Secrets* Block a player nightly.

Dalek #2: An ordinary Dalek *Secrets* Rolecheck a dead player nightly.

Cybermen: Must eliminate Civvies, Daleks, and Indy to win.

The Cyber Controller: A ruler over lesser Cybermen. Can direct them to carry out the objectives of the Cybermen (to "upgrade" the lesser beings into Cybermen, thereby rendering them absent of emotion). You team selects which member will carry out the kill on even nights. *Secrets* You cannot be nightkilled until every other member on your team is dead.

Cyberman Head: Oh no! You lost your body somewhere and you can't remember where. Every night you try to search for it. *Secrets* If you manage to find your body (a randomly determined event) at some point in the game, you gain an extra amount of votes for the next lynch determined by how many members of your team are still alive.

Cyberman #1: An ordinary Cyberman *Secrets* Block a player nightly.

Cyberman #2: An ordinary Cyberman *Secrets* Rolecheck a living player nightly.

Indy: Must eliminate Civvies, Daleks, and Cybermen to win.

The Master: A renegade Time Lord and archenemy of The Doctor. As a child, he was forced to look into the Untempered Schism as all Time Lords did. However, he went insane as a result of this. The only thing he seeks is the death of The Doctor and the enslavement of the universe with himself as the ultimate ruler and ultimate Time Lord. He will stop at nothing to achieve these goals. Kills on odd nights. *Secrets* The first three attempts on his life will be blocked. Every night, he attempts to find Lucy Saxon, his wife/companion. If he finds her, they gain BTSC. Due to his strong ability as a hypnotist, once in the game he can force every night action that night to be randomly redirected to someone other than the original target. This is up to and including kill attempts.

Secret Roles: Win Conditions = ???


Lucy Saxon: The wife/companion of Harold Saxon AKA The Master. Every night, she searches for him. If she finds him, they gain BTSC and her win condition becomes the same as that of The Master. If he dies before her, she inherits his kill, but none of his other abilities. If she finds him and he has been targeted by a night action, then her win condition changes to that of the civvies and she does not gain BTSC with him. But if he targets her for a nightkill, it will automatically be blocked.

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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

Bass_The_Clever - Lynched day 10 - Cyber Controller
Black Rock - Killed N9 by The Master Face of Boe
Bullzeye - Replaced by Snow Dog 2.0 - Cyber Head - WINNER
Boogs Replaced by Turnip Head v 2.0 Night 2 - Lynched Day 9 - Jackie Tyler
Canucklehead - Replaced by Epi 2.0 Night 3 - Cyberman 1 - WINNER
Dana - Replaced by LC Day 10 - Jenny
DFaraday- The Odd
Dom - The Master
Elohin - Killed Night 10 by the Cybermen Rose Tyler
Enrique - Lynched Day 5 - Dalek Sec
Epignosis - Lynched Day 2. K9
fingersplints - Killed N3 by the Daleks Weeping Angel
Goatees - Martha Jones - WINNER
Hedgeowl - Master Cyberman - WINNER
Juliets - Lynched Day 1 - River Song
Keys11tybillion - Killed Night 11 by The Master Amy Pond
Long Con - Killed N9 by the Cybermen Rory Williams
Made - Killed N4 by Strax Emperor Dalek
MetalMarsh - Lynched Day 6 - Lucy Saxon (recruited) Rezzed Night 8. Killed Night 11 by Strax
Mister Rearanger - Nightkilled Night 1 by The Master Dalex 1
Moving PIctures - Killed Night 7 - Rezzed Day 8. - The Doctor- WINNER
Nikki- Replaced by Juliets v 2.0 Night 2 - Strax - WINNER
Ninjablooper - Clara Oswin
reywaS - Replaced by Chris Night 1. Capt. Jack Harkness
Rox - Lynched Day 7 - Dalek 2 - WINNER
Sabie - Lynched Day 8 - Cyberman 2
Snow Dog- Lynched Day 3. Mickey Smith
Spacedaisy -Killed N5 by The Master - Madame Vastra
SVS - Sarah Jane Smith
Turnip Head - Nightkilled Night 1 by Daleks Donna Noble
Zeek- Killed N4 by Cybermen - rezzed Night 8 - Killed Night 11 by the Cybermen - Wilf - WINNER
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

TH's handy list of search links: http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 560#p87082

The story so far:

Day 0 host post: http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/postin ... 60&p=84311
Day 1 - Bea and Teefies Die. :( http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 240#p85052
Day 1 - JC is lynched - She was River Song. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 680#p85811
Night 1 - TH and MR are killed. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 880#p86093
Day 2 - Epignosis is lynched. He was K9. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 480#p86996
Night 2 - MP is not killed by the Cybermen. Elo is not killed by Strax. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 720#p87355
Day 3 - Snowy is lynched. He was Mickey Smith. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 320#p88182
Night 3 - Splints was killed by daleks - enrique was not killed by the Master - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 600#p88524
Day 4 - Made is not lynched - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 040#p89097
Night 4 - Zeek is killed by the Cybermen, Made is killed by Strax - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 200#p89299
Day 5 - Enrique is lynched - He was Dalek Sec - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 360#p89596
Night 5- Daisy is killed by The Master. Black Rock is not killed by the Daleks. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 560#p89967
Day 6 - Newt is Lynched - he is Lucy Saxon. Recruited. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 800#p90432
Night 6 - Chris was NOT killed by the cybermen or Strax http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 840#p90602
Day 7 - Roxy is Lynched. She was Dalek 2. The Daleks are exterminated. Cybers kill every night. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 120#p90931
Night 7 - LC has not been killed by the cybermen - MP has been killed by the Master. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 240#p91072
Day 8 - Sabie has been lynched. She was Cyberman 2. MP is Rezzed. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 640#p91480
Night 8 - Dfaraday is not Killed by Strax. Dana is not killed by the cybermen (bea fucks up this post) - Metalmarsh and Zeek are rezzed. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 920#p91793
Day 9 - TH 2.0 is Lynched - he was Jackie Tyler. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 480#p92391
Night 9 - LC is killed by the Cybermen. BR is killed by The Master. http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 680#p92650
Day 10 - Bass is lynched. He was the Cyber Controller. LC replaces Dana - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 228#p93228
Night 10 - MM Killed by Strax. Elo Killed by Cybermen http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 120#p94120
Day 11 - Dom is not lynched - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 920#p94978
Night 11 - Zeek is killed by the Cybermen. Keys is killed by The Master - http://www.mafiathesyndicate.com/viewto ... 040#p95185
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

Here be THE RULES folks!

1) All standard mafia rules apply. No double targeting.
2) Infodumping is bad. If you have info and you're not sure how to share it, pm the hosts. We'd rather tell you no than mod kill you. ;)
3) Don't be an asshat.
4) No really. Don't be an asshat.
5) If you think you're too involved and stepping into asshattary - please pm the mod on duty or myself. Again, we'd rather work with you than mod kill you. ;)
6) This is *my* color. Use it and suffer.
7) If you do not have concented BTS, there is no BTS. All allowed BTS must provide a link to said chat rooms to *both* hosts.
8) All night actions MUST be sent to both hosts. Do not yell at us if one of us was in charge of things and didn't get your pm. :p
9) If you choose not to use your night action, please PM the hosts saying so. Missed PM's will be assumed to be missed.
10) We reserve the right to punish you harsly. Very harsly. For missing votes and night actions. I'll mod kill a bitch if I have to. I'm not skerred.
11) I reserve the right to change the rules as I see fit. It's my ball damnit. (ok - it's teefie's ball, but still...)

12) Teefies is using this color? ish? something not off topic but green.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by keys56000000000 »

Am I first in the history of mafia??
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by keys56000000000 »

Fuck yes I was first! In your face everybody else! My first first!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

lol keys - you are so excited about being first - I can't even penalize you for posting w/o permission. I really want to though. :p
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by keys56000000000 »

Oh dammit I knew it was too good to be true - feel free to delete these idiot first posts and penalise me, I deserve it, my bad.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

it's all good - forgot to put a mod option in the poll so please don't do that till I fix it. :p
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Epignosis wrote:Bitch, my identity is my identity theft protection!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

someone is missing from my player's list. :(

Other than that, yea - Teefies will update the role list.

I will add blue and pink to the role list when I know I have you all collected.

Roles are going out now

If you don't get one in the next half hour - please let us know!

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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dana »

Am I allowed to talk? You're missing Boogs!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

Thanks Dana - a propper intro post is coming nowish - you know - as soon as I fix that and then write it. :p
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Epignosis wrote:Bitch, my identity is my identity theft protection!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

Ok. Right. A proper Day 0 post:

So, teefies and I were settling down to watch the latest episode of Who. We're both super pleased with Capaldi and think he's just enchanting! I'm especially loving what he did in this bank heist episode even if Teefies has some reservations.

All this good wholesome fun sparks the inevitable debate: Who is *your* doctor?

Choose wisely. You may or may not gain host favor by your choice You may or may not be punished by your choice. You must choose a doctor. Which one is right? *touches nose* Who knows? ;)
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Made »

So, what roles did everybody get?
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by DFaraday »

I'm so glad this game has started! And I voted the wonderful Peter Davison.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dana »

Can we pick more than one?!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Enrique »

:D Laptop started acted dumb right after I got my role, guess it got too excited. Posting from mobile.


I have no idea about Dr. Who. I'll figure out who to vote for when I have time to look into it and see who I recognize.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Made »

Dana wrote:Can we pick more than one?!
Also, Can we change our vote in this poll, or other polls during this game?
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Made wrote:So, what roles did everybody get?
Nice try. :P

This is my host color. No one else may use this color, or you will be modkilled. :feb: Just kidding! :D Or am I? :feb:

Feel free to PM myself or our lovely hostess if you have any questions. Llama is the mod on duty, so if you have any drama or sob stories, take them to him as well. All roles should be sent out now, and people who won a prize for recruiting someone should have been notified. If you were not notified on either account, please PM bea and me about it. Good luck to everyone and remember: Have lots of fun, my dearies! ;)
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Enrique »

acting, even... sorry I'm still half asleep from my nap. :offtobed:
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by juliets »

Oh no! Right off the bat I have to know something about this show, so, I will visit wikipedia. It seems like the people I know loved the last doctor - was that the 11th? Or is 11th the current one?
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Tangrowth »

Yay game!!!! :dance:

Hmmmm... 10 is my favorite, but I could see myself voting for 9 and 11 as well.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dom »

My favorite Doctor has always been Tennant. <3

Juliets, the 11th Doctor was Matt Smith. The 12th is the current and it's Peter Capaldi.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Made »

juliets wrote:Oh no! Right off the bat I have to know something about this show, so, I will visit wikipedia. It seems like the people I know loved the last doctor - was that the 11th? Or is 11th the current one?
The eleventh is the last doctor. Dat jaw tho.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dana »

11th was the last one, and a lot of people liked him. The 10th was super popular too. 12 is current but I haven't caught up yet so I have no idea about him, and I never watched 1 through 8.5 so no idea about those either!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by fingersplints »

What is the War Doctor?

Excited the game has started! :)
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Enrique »

Dom! My favorite homophobic anti-emo jerk :hug:
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Made »

fingersplints wrote:What is the War Doctor?

Excited the game has started! :)
Doctor from the 50th anniversary special, if I am correct, he isn't even suppose to exist. The 9th doctor was suppose to be the war doctor but 9 refused to show up (or wasn't asked to show up) for the special??
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Tangrowth »

Okay, I've decided I'm going to vote 4 and 10. I'm not really familiar with the old Doctor Who episodes, but 4 is awesome.

I do like 9 and 11, but 10 is my favorite. So... one from each era! Seems fair!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dom »

Enrique wrote:Dom! My favorite homophobic anti-emo jerk :hug:

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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

To be fair, Doctor Donna is where it's at. Look - her name is even a smiley!!! :noble:
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dana »

Bea that was the best pun I've heard all night you are the best person omg
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by juliets »

Dom wrote:My favorite Doctor has always been Tennant. <3

Juliets, the 11th Doctor was Matt Smith. The 12th is the current and it's Peter Capaldi.
Tennant!! Thats the one I've heard about. What number is he?
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Nikki908 »

I am ready and square.
u coudda ben getin down 2 dis sik be@t
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dana »

juliets wrote:
Dom wrote:My favorite Doctor has always been Tennant. <3

Juliets, the 11th Doctor was Matt Smith. The 12th is the current and it's Peter Capaldi.
Tennant!! Thats the one I've heard about. What number is he?
Number 10!
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Tangrowth »

It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dom »

bea wrote:To be fair, Doctor Donna is where it's at. Look - her name is even a smiley!!! :noble:
Doctor Donna is the saddest and best part of the entire series.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Made »

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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dom »

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
You think so? I saw the first episode and found the writing to be quite awful.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Tangrowth »

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
That's only fair. And don't get me wrong, others were also very good, but Tennant just fit the part like a glove.

I'm curious what this poll means... but I would bet maybe voting certain options leads to certain events? Or maybe we become members of groups corresponding to the doctor numbers? But I don't know. I decided I wasn't going to overthink it and just answer the question straight up, but sometimes I can't help myself. :p
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by fingersplints »

Made wrote:
fingersplints wrote:What is the War Doctor?

Excited the game has started! :)
Doctor from the 50th anniversary special, if I am correct, he isn't even suppose to exist. The 9th doctor was suppose to be the war doctor but 9 refused to show up (or wasn't asked to show up) for the special??
Hmm, not sure how I feel about someone not supposed to exist as a favorite.

I think I'm going with the 10th doctor as well. I recognize the actor from Harry Potter, and he played that role great, so I think if I were to watch this show he would be my favorite.

A part of me wants to vote #1 for being the original though.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Dom wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
You think so? I saw the first episode and found the writing to be quite awful.
I do actually. Oddly enough, I thought the writing for his first episode was really good. The scene where he "stole" the homeless guy's coat really sealed him for me. And I think all of his scripts so far are worthwhile. Haven't seen the most recent one yet though. So don't spoil it for me.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by bea »

Dom wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
You think so? I saw the first episode and found the writing to be quite awful.
I agree. There is a difference between the writing and the acting. I think the writing will catch up with the acting soon enough (I hope. :blush: ) I really did like the last two episodes though. Transitions are always difficult.
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Made wrote:
Dana wrote:Can we pick more than one?!
Also, Can we change our vote in this poll, or other polls during this game?
You will be allowed to change your vote in lynch polls. And maybe a few others... :noble:
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Dom »

bea wrote:
Dom wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
You think so? I saw the first episode and found the writing to be quite awful.
I agree. There is a difference between the writing and the acting. I think the writing will catch up with the acting soon enough (I hope. :blush: ) I really did like the last two episodes though. Transitions are always difficult.
I really hated most of Smith's reign. I love Matt Smith, but I thought the writing was horrendous.

Anyway, I don't want to clog the thread with my pretentious 'Moffat Killed Who' rants.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

Dom wrote:
bea wrote:
Dom wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:It's obvious Tennant will win the poll, but IMO for good reason. He was just so perfect for the role it's not even funny.
Give Capaldi a full season, and I bet my answer to this will change. But for now, I would agree.
You think so? I saw the first episode and found the writing to be quite awful.
I agree. There is a difference between the writing and the acting. I think the writing will catch up with the acting soon enough (I hope. :blush: ) I really did like the last two episodes though. Transitions are always difficult.
I really hated most of Smith's reign. I love Matt Smith, but I thought the writing was horrendous.

Anyway, I don't want to clog the thread with my pretentious 'Moffat Killed Who' rants.
THANK YOU!!!! I'm glad someone agrees with me that Smith got some really god-awful scripts. I actually hated him until his last season, which I thought was superb, for that reason.

I wouldn't mind someone other than Moffat taking over sometime soon though. I have very mixed feelings on his ability as a writer.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Tangrowth »

When does this poll end, by the way? There's not a time on it.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by Hedgeowl »

Dana wrote:Bea that was the best pun I've heard all night you are the best person omg
:srsnod: also omg 2 games starting on the same night?? :overreact:

I kinda have a soft spot for 9 (that's eccleston right?) as the first doctor I saw, but miss tennant soooo much.
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Re: Dr. Who Mafia!


Post by birdwithteeth11 »

MovingPictures07 wrote:When does this poll end, by the way? There's not a time on it.
When we feel like it, dammit!

Honestly, it will end after a time which bea and I determine is a reasonable amount of time for everyone to check in. So probably 3 or so days max.
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