[END] Parks and Recreation Mafia

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Which game will be next in my Heist TV Sitcom series? You decide! Pick 1 or 2.

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[END] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Parks and Recreation Mafia
The second in a series of six TV sitcom themed games hosted by your neighborhood Sockian overlord

A game for 15 players

TV Sitcom Mafia Matrix (What-If Machine)
Town Cop
Mafia Jack of All Trades
Town Miller
Vanilla Townie
Mafia Jack of All Trades
1-Shot Town Vigilante
Vanilla Townie
Town Jailkeeper
Town Masons (2)
Vanilla Townie
Mafia Godfather
Town Cop (Odd nights)
Vanilla Townie
Town Sick Innocent Child (d1-4 reveal)
Town Cop w/ n0 town check
1-Shot Mafia Vigilante
Inspired by Thingyman's Matrix 12 setup for the Mafia Championship Season 3 on Mafia Universe, I have developed my own TV Sitcom Matrix (nicknamed the "What-If Machine" after the device in Futurama) for this series of games. Each game will use one (1) of the setups in the matrix, chosen randomly at the start of the game. The setup will not be revealed during the game.

Thus, there are 8 possible setups: 1, 2, 3, 4, A, B, C, and D.

Each setup specifies only 4 roles, so the remaining 11 roles will always be split between 9 vanilla townies and 2 mafia goons.

Each setup has exactly 3 non-vanilla roles, since that is the maximum per Heist rules.

Role Index:

1-Shot Town Vigilante - During one night of this player's choice, he or she may night kill any one player. One-time use.
Town Cop - Every night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to ID (alignment check).
Town Cop (Odd nights) - Every odd night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to ID (alignment check).
Town Cop w/ n0 town check - This player receives an alignment check on a randomly selected town player to start the game. Every night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to ID (alignment check).
Town Sick Innocent Child (d1-4 reveal) - This role will be confirmed by the host to be town publicly at the start of either day 1, 2, 3, or 4. However, that player will die at the start of the following day. At the start of the game, the host will randomize which of the four days will apply to the game; the role will be unaware of which day has been selected.
Town Jailkeeper - Every night, this player selects a player of his or her choice to both protect from all night kills and role block.
Town Masons (2) - These two roles have BTSC and may communicate privately outside of the game thread.
Town Miller - If targeted with an ID (alignment) check, this player will appear as mafia.
Vanilla Townie - This player has no role power.
1-Shot Mafia Vigilante - During one night of this player's choice, he or she may night kill any one player. One-time use.
Mafia Godfather - If targeted with an ID (alignment) check, this player will appear as town.
Mafia Goon - This player has no role power.
Mafia Jack of All Trades - This player has three one-time use role abilities; however, these abilities will differ based on the setup randomized. The abilities could be any of the following combinations.
Setup A: 1-shot roleblock, 1-shot silence, and 1-shot frame (targeted townie will appear mafia if ID'd by the cop that night).
Setup B: 1-shot roleblock, 1-shot protection, and 1-shot role cop.
Setup 1: 1-shot roleblock, 1-shot role cop, and 1-shot frame (targeted townie will appear mafia if ID'd by the cop that night).
Setup 2: 1-shot night kill, 1-shot role cop, and 1-shot silence.
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Re: Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Game Rules and Procedures

1. Days are 48 hours. The thread will be open and all players should post.
2. Nights are 24 hours. The thread will be locked and all players cannot post.
3. All game conversation must take place in the thread unless you have specifically been given BTSC (see: Rules).
4. All votes must be cast in the poll to count. It is considered standard and good form to post at the time of your vote and indicate your vote with bold/underline. Your host would very much appreciate that you do this, so please do so, but it is not necessary for your vote to count.
5. All votes are changeable. You may change your vote as many times as you wish up until the vote's deadline.
6. All lynch ties will be decided randomly.
7. Roleplaying is heavily encouraged. As a group we will be awarding Best Roleplay to a player at the end of the game for best character roleplay. Parks and Recreation is a funny (and touching) show. Make your host and fellow players laugh (and cry)!
8. In addition to Best Roleplay, we will also be awarding MVP to a player at the end of the game for best in-game performance. Play your best! Impress your friends and your enemies!
9. All roles have been assigned randomly, and all characters have been assigned without consideration for role or alignment. Please note that this means evil characters in the show could be town and good characters in the show could be mafia. Character and alignment are not at all related.
10. If your faction wins, you win, regardless of whether you are dead or alive at endgame. Do your best! Fight for your faction's win condition. Players who fail to meet participation criteria (see: Participation) will be denied a win.
11. The Mod on Duty for this game is juliets. She is there for any of your questions or concerns not strictly related to game or role mechanics. Please PM her with any grievances or concerns you may have at any time, notably including conflicts with other players. Keep the thread fun and clean of emotionally-charged drama or conflicts; PM juliets instead. We want to keep this game as fun as possible for everyone.

1. Be respectful and remember that this is a game. Although mafia is a game of deception and can be rather heated, recognize that the game is not personal and that your friends may be lying to you in the spirit of the game. Please treat your fellow players with respect, even if you suspect or strongly disagree with them. If you are upset or in conflict with other player(s), don't be disrespectful to them and derail the game, instead contact the Mod on Duty, juliets.
2. No BTSC (Behind the Scenes Contact/Conversation) with anyone other than your specified BTSC partners.
3. No editing or deleting of posts.
4. Role outing of yourself and others, whether true or false, is permitted and encouraged. This includes statements such as "Dennis Feinstein is Mafia Goon", "I am the cop", etc. Dump any role-related information into the thread as you wish.
5. This is a sockpuppet game, which is meant to conceal the true identity of the users playing. Let's all keep in character and not turn the game of mafia into "guess who's under each sock in the thread!" or "tell me your true identity!"; that would be against the nature of the sockpuppet aspect of this game, so don't do it. If you have your suspicions as to who a player might be, keep them to yourself.
6. No self-voting, even as a placeholder. This is considered an illegal move in this game as much as voting for the non-player option. There is an "Unvote" option for a vote placeholder.
7. Dead players should not post on-topic and any posts made should be in dead red. There is a "dead" code for this function.
8. Off-topic posts should be in off-topic green. There is an "OT" code for this function.
9. Posts from non-players should be in non-player blue. There is a "np" code for this function.
10. This is MovingPictures07's host color. All of his host posts will be in this color. Don't use it!

The following behavior constitutes non-participation:
- If you do not post for more than 96 consecutive hours.
- If you do not cast a vote in 2 or more lynches.
If you meet either of these criteria, I will seek a replacement and forcibly replace you from the game. You also will be ineligible to win if your faction wins. If at any time you are afraid you cannot fulfill participation in this game due to any reason, please PM me immediately explaining your situation or requesting a replacement. Exceptions will be made for unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances.
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Re: Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »


Andy Dwyer
Donna Meagle
Tom Haverford

DEAD: 12
Bill Dexhart -- Lynched - Day 1 -- Vanilla Townie
Craig Middlebrooks -- Killed - Night 1 -- Town Cop (w/ n0 town check)
Jeremy Jamm -- Lynched - Day 2 -- Vanilla Townie
April Ludgate -- Killed - Night 2 -- Town Miller
Chris Traeger -- Lynched - Day 3 -- Mafia Goon
Ann Perkins -- Killed - Night 3 -- Vanilla Townie
Leslie Knope -- Lynched - Day 4 -- Vanilla Townie
Ron Swanson -- Killed - Night 4 -- Vanilla Townie
Jerry Gergich -- Lynched - Day 5 -- Vanilla Townie
Ben Wyatt -- Killed - Night 5 -- Vanilla Townie
Jean-Ralphio -- Lynched - Day 6 -- Mafia Godfather
Bobby Newport -- Killed - Night 6 -- Vanilla Townie
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Re: Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »


The Story of This Mafia Game Is That It Is Starting Now -- Li'l Sebastian is found murdered and the police launch an investigation.
Day 1: Councilman Dexhart's Latest Sex Scandal -- Bill Dexhart is lynched; he was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 1 Final Vote Tally
Night 1: Mood Stabilizers -- Craig Middlebrooks has been killed; he was the Town Cop (w/ n0 town check).
Day 2: Tap Tap Tap -- Jeremy Jamm is lynched; he was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 2 Final Vote Tally
Night 2 -- April Ludgate has been killed; she was the Town Miller.
Day 3: Microchip -- Chris Traeger is lynched; he was a Mafia Goon.
Day 3 Final Vote Tally
Night 3: Flu Shot -- Ann Perkins has been killed; she was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 4: Nope, Knope -- Leslie Knope is lynched; she was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 4 Final Vote Tally
Night 4: Oh Captain, My Captain... Ron Swanson, A Swansong -- Ron Swanson has been killed; he was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 5: Fart Attack -- Jerry Gergich is lynched; he was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 5 Final Vote Tally
Night 5: It Is Now LYLO -- Ben Wyatt has been killed; he was a Vanilla Townie.
Day 6 -- Jean-Ralphio is lynched; he was the Mafia Godfather.
Day 6 Final Vote Tally
Night 6: It Is now LYLO2 -- Bobby Newport has been killed; he was a Vanilla Townie.
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Re: Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

The game is scheduled to begin at 8:00PM Eastern on Sunday, November 20th.

You will be able to post at that time. See you then!
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Re: Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Perd Hapley »

The Story of This Mafia Game Is That It Is Starting Now

This is Perd Hapley with Channel 4 eyewitness news. Let's begin today's morning show by starting it.

I am reporting shocking news as I tell you that the police are shocked to find that Li'l Sebastian was brutally murdered last night. The police are opening an investigation into the murder and have no suspects. Anyone who has any information pertaining to this investigation should pass that information to the proper authorities.

The story of this news is that I am upset, but I will continue to provide updates with new information as the police give those updates to me so that I can report them.

That's it for now. I am Perd Hapley, and this is my first time crying on television.

It is now Day 1.

You have 48 hours to lynch one of the players behind this horsey murder.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Sockpuppet players, you may now post. Please make sure you have changed the timezone (if necessary) for your sockpuppets and read the Game Rules and Procedures before posting. I will be swift to punish rule violators (and their faction). A few important items to note are: (1) votes are changeable, so don't be afraid to park your vote in the *Unvote* section if you currently don't want to vote for someone; (2) per the participation guidelines, if you either fail to post for 4 RL days (96 consecutive hours) without PMing me (with either a reason or a request for replacement) or miss more than 1 lynch vote (I allow 1 miss because I'm nice and understand life happens), you will be forcibly replaced and cannot win with your faction; and (3) keep in mind the post-game awards for Best Roleplay and MVP. The thread will vote on these awards so wow your fellow players with your roleplay and effort! If at any time you have questions about the game that do not specifically relate to your role card, please state them in the thread as such and my assistant literal TV anchor sockpuppet, Perd Hapley, will address them. And last but not least, have fun!

Non-player observers, I have created a spectator chatzy (which I will be offering to deadies as well as the game progresses), so PM me if you want the link! Furthermore, if you are interested in contributing to future Perd Hapley story posts, PM me. For the first time ever, I'm going to try out offering the opportunity for guest writers to write portions or all of my day and night host posts and will gladly give credit to any guest writers for the content that they contribute. It would be great to see some of you involved in either the spectator chat and/or co-writing these posts with me, and thanks in advance for your participation!
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Principal Skinner »

Hullo how's it going friends
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Fog of Love Host »

A horsey murder. So was he...hung like a horse then? ;)
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Ann Perkins! :biggrin:
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
Ron Swanson! This is literally the saddest day of my entire life.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Ah. No. That's...a real shame. Well, I'm sure that tiny horse is doing whatever tiny horses like to do in that great big stable in the sky. Not really sure his death warrants a mass investigation, but far be it from me to question the priorities of this town.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Bill Dexhart wrote:A horsey murder. So was he...hung like a horse then? ;)
Yes, Bill, the horse had the physical characteristics of a horse. You really cracked the case on this one. Now, can you please stop winking, it's making everyone uncomfortable.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Maid »

Oh no...
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Principal Skinner »

Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
Ron Swanson! This is literally the saddest day of my entire life.
I agree. Now leave me alone, so I can reflect in silence on this majestic beast's great existence.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
I, for one, really appreciate you caring about how I am doing. The answer is, I'm fantastic! My therapist, Dr. Richard Nygard, has helped me to deal with my sadness over the tragic death of Lil Sebastian. :biggrin:
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Ron Swanson wrote:
Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
Ron Swanson! This is literally the saddest day of my entire life.
I agree. Now leave me alone, so I can reflect in silence on this majestic beast's great existence.
Oh! Meditation, I love meditation! I'll join you!
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Maid »

You people make me sick.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Bobby Newport wrote:You people make me sick.
Oh, I'm sorry, are you annoyed that we aren't just going to hand the game over to you? Some of us weren't given everything in life on a silver platter, we had to work for it!

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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Bobby Newport wrote:You people make me sick.
I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I have a plethora of vitamins that might help you to feel better. Would you like some?
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
Ron Swanson! This is literally the saddest day of my entire life.
I agree. Now leave me alone, so I can reflect in silence on this majestic beast's great existence.
Oh! Meditation, I love meditation! I'll join you!
No, I said alone, dammit. Hmpf.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Fog of Love Host »

April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
What do we have to trust you on this info?
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Echo »

Leslie, hasn't checked in yet, why isn't Leslie here? She must have murdered poor Li'l Sebastian, we should take Leslie out.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
So, if anyone checks you, you'll show up as mafia. That's awfully convenient. In fact, you know, theoretically, if I were mafia, that's the exact role that I'd claim to be. Now you have the perfect cover.

Just throwing out some calzones for thought.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Bill Dexhart wrote:
April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
What do we have to trust you on this info?
I don't know man. Decide for yourself whether you trust me. The game just started of course there's no hard evidence to support my claim.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Jeremy Jamm wrote:Leslie, hasn't checked in yet, why isn't Leslie here? She must have murdered poor Li'l Sebastian, we should take Leslie out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's wait for Leslie to at least show up before we decide to lynch her. It's only been, what, 40 minutes since the game began? Andy, Craig, Donna, Jean-Ralphio, Jerry, and Tom all aren't here either. Why did you single out Leslie, of all people?
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Jeremy Jamm wrote:Leslie, hasn't checked in yet, why isn't Leslie here? She must have murdered poor Li'l Sebastian, we should take Leslie out.
What a surprise, 26 posts in and I already want to punch you in the face.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Ben Wyatt wrote:
April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
So, if anyone checks you, you'll show up as mafia. That's awfully convenient. In fact, you know, theoretically, if I were mafia, that's the exact role that I'd claim to be. Now you have the perfect cover.

Just throwing out some calzones for thought.
OH MY GOD I DON'T CARE. :rolleyes:

Yes, it's obvious that my claim can be doubted. I made it anyway. This role sucks and is stupid and can only do damage if I don't just say it so whatever.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

April's reveal would invite a counter-claimif false, correct? Bit shortsighted for her to pull such a prank on us, but I'll await further development on that.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Principal Skinner »

April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
But us girls need to stick together.

Halloween has passed. If that part is untrue, should I trust the first part?
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Principal Skinner »

Ben Wyatt wrote:
April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
So, if anyone checks you, you'll show up as mafia. That's awfully convenient. In fact, you know, theoretically, if I were mafia, that's the exact role that I'd claim to be. Now you have the perfect cover.

Just throwing out some calzones for thought.
I like you
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Ann Perkins wrote:But us girls need to stick together.

Halloween has passed. If that part is untrue, should I trust the first part?
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by November »

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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Principal Skinner »

April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:But us girls need to stick together.

Halloween has passed. If that part is untrue, should I trust the first part?
Do you like my nails?

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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

I'm sure Leslie is already out there raising funds to send off Li'l Sebastian with the ceremony it deserves. It's what we should all do, instead of yammering here and acting all chummy. *stares at Ann*

That, and getting to the bottom of which bastards did this.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Ron Swanson wrote:April's reveal would invite a counter-claimif false, correct? Bit shortsighted for her to pull such a prank on us, but I'll await further development on that.
That's a great point Ron! I wonder though, if it would invite a counter claim if there is not actually a miller in the set up at all? Just considering the possibilities. Isn't this game fun? :biggrin:
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Hey baby. Let's hang Bill.

*votes Bill*
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Echo »

Ben Wyatt wrote:
Jeremy Jamm wrote:Leslie, hasn't checked in yet, why isn't Leslie here? She must have murdered poor Li'l Sebastian, we should take Leslie out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's wait for Leslie to at least show up before we decide to lynch her. It's only been, what, 40 minutes since the game began? Andy, Craig, Donna, Jean-Ralphio, Jerry, and Tom all aren't here either. Why did you single out Leslie, of all people?
Oh sure first she gets the biggest office then we let her get away with not playing, SO if I had the biggest office could I not post either.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by 1337 »

Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:April's reveal would invite a counter-claimif false, correct? Bit shortsighted for her to pull such a prank on us, but I'll await further development on that.
That's a great point Ron! I wonder though, if it would invite a counter claim if there is not actually a miller in the set up at all? Just considering the possibilities. Isn't this game fun? :biggrin:
If we happen to be outside the 1 or C range, town roles from any other setup would therefore exist to completely invalidate April's claim.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by Tangrowth »

Hey folks, I forgot the No Lynch and Unvote options in the poll, so I added those now, but it reset the poll results. For anyone who did vote (just one from what I could tell), you will have to recast your vote. Apologies for the inconvenience.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by November »

April Ludgate wrote:
Hey baby. Let's hang Bill.

*votes Bill*

who's bill again?
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

April Ludgate wrote:
Ben Wyatt wrote:
April Ludgate wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:
Ann Perkins wrote:Hullo how's it going friends
Aren't you paying attention, woman? This is the worst day since Charles Mulligan's Steakhouse was shut down. Show some damn respect!
I can't ask how my friends are doing during this tragedy? Interesting...
Don't try to bond with me.

I'm the miller. If the cop investigates me it'll come back mafia even though I'm town. So, cop... don't investigate me. It's a waste. We can eliminate 6 of the 8 setups in the table, it's either [1] or [C]. The baddies know exactly the setup now. I think it's a good enough trade. People can believe me or not I don't really care. I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? :suspish:
So, if anyone checks you, you'll show up as mafia. That's awfully convenient. In fact, you know, theoretically, if I were mafia, that's the exact role that I'd claim to be. Now you have the perfect cover.

Just throwing out some calzones for thought.
OH MY GOD I DON'T CARE. :rolleyes:

Yes, it's obvious that my claim can be doubted. I made it anyway. This role sucks and is stupid and can only do damage if I don't just say it so whatever.
Well, now you know that we know that your role claim could easily be faked, you know? The possibility of you being a despicable liar face shouldn't be ignored. It's like in Game of Thrones, when Littlefinger tells Ned Stark that "Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse."
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by November »

Jeremy Jamm wrote:
Ben Wyatt wrote:
Jeremy Jamm wrote:Leslie, hasn't checked in yet, why isn't Leslie here? She must have murdered poor Li'l Sebastian, we should take Leslie out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's wait for Leslie to at least show up before we decide to lynch her. It's only been, what, 40 minutes since the game began? Andy, Craig, Donna, Jean-Ralphio, Jerry, and Tom all aren't here either. Why did you single out Leslie, of all people?
Oh sure first she gets the biggest office then we let her get away with not playing, SO if I had the biggest office could I not post either.
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Ben Wyatt wrote:Well, now you know that we know that your role claim could easily be faked, you know? The possibility of you being a despicable liar face shouldn't be ignored. It's like in Game of Thrones, when Littlefinger tells Ned Stark that "Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse."
Don't you have some Star Trek fan fiction to be writing or something?

Bill's response to my claim was weird. He acted like I should be able to support my claim other than just saying it. I wonder how his intestines taste. :eye:
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by nutellaphant »

Ron Swanson wrote:
Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:April's reveal would invite a counter-claimif false, correct? Bit shortsighted for her to pull such a prank on us, but I'll await further development on that.
That's a great point Ron! I wonder though, if it would invite a counter claim if there is not actually a miller in the set up at all? Just considering the possibilities. Isn't this game fun? :biggrin:
If we happen to be outside the 1 or C range, town roles from any other setup would therefore exist to completely invalidate April's claim.
Exactly. I crunched the numbers, and there's only a 1/4 chance the Miller is even in the game at all. Fakeclaiming the Miller could be the perfect crime, like stabbing someone with an ice shard.

All of this talk of game roles and rule setups reminds me of my own personal masterpiece, The Cones of Dunshire. Anyone up for a quick game? And by quick, I mean a minimum of 4 hours of playtime.

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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by MartinWP69 »

Ron Swanson wrote:
Chris Traeger wrote:
Ron Swanson wrote:April's reveal would invite a counter-claimif false, correct? Bit shortsighted for her to pull such a prank on us, but I'll await further development on that.
That's a great point Ron! I wonder though, if it would invite a counter claim if there is not actually a miller in the set up at all? Just considering the possibilities. Isn't this game fun? :biggrin:
If we happen to be outside the 1 or C range, town roles from any other setup would therefore exist to completely invalidate April's claim.
Another great point I hadn't thought of! You are just a never ending source of insight for me Ron, would you consider becoming my Assistant City Manager? I think we would make a fantastic team! :biggrin:
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Re: [DAY 1] Parks and Recreation Mafia


Post by The Dry Flood »

Ben Wyatt wrote:Exactly. I crunched the numbers, and there's only a 1/4 chance the Miller is even in the game at all. Fakeclaiming the Miller could be the perfect crime, like stabbing someone with an ice shard.
You don't get it, nerd. That means in your eyes there's a 3/4 chance the Miller is not in the game, and if not then the other town roles will know my claim doesn't fit in their setups. That makes it a stupid thing to fakeclaim.
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