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by Young Lady
Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13

D1 was Bronwyn.

Who was RRH?
by Young Lady
Fri May 31, 2013 1:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 9

You should rezz me.
by Young Lady
Mon May 27, 2013 6:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

Have I spun my last?
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 7:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

naem os lla uoy era yhW
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 5:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

.rotareneg sdrawkcab a gnisu ton rof teg I tahw stahT
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 5:21 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

It would have been so nice if one night had gone the way I was expecting it to go.

.og ot ti gnitcepxe saw I yaw eht enog dah thgin eno fi ecin os neeb evah dlouw tI
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 5:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

elyL etoV osla
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 5:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

pihsnamstrops doog eht etaicerppa tsael ta nac I
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 5:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 8

..s'MP ym daer ot nrael dluohs I nollaD GWYIPIR
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 5:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Are you watching closely?
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 12:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Alright alright alright! Ladies and Gentleman, Pixies, Sprites, and Magical Creatures of all Shapes and Sizes, step right up step right up to the MAGICAL, the MAGNIFICENT, the MARVELOUS Queran Gloomsoul's Booth of Wonders!

I think you'll all agree these lynches are not going in your favor. One could even go so far as to say you're being "steamrolled"! Well boys and girls, I have news for you! For ONE DAY ONLY I am offering the deal of a lifetime :feb:

Your votes are what we in the business call "straw votes", fortunately for you I know a way to spin those straw votes into Gold! All you have to do to accept the legally binding contract deal is vote for me come sun up, thereby giving me your "straw" votes so that I can spin them into "gold" votes.

by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 11:32 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Hipster Kracken

Voted 1 Minute after the poll went up before it was cool.
by Young Lady
Sat May 25, 2013 11:27 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

...Damn I spent all night working on the deal and now nobody wants to hear it? And on top of that you're just going to vote for me the minute the poll goes up?! Who in their right mind votes for someone the minute the poll goes up? What's that? I just did that? Oh. Carry on then
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 10:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Specifics will have to wait until I've had more than 3 hours of sleep :)
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 10:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Well that is exactly the point my good Shand. A dieing man has only the truth left to him :)
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 10:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

I will post in more detail tomorrow, but sufficed to say the following:

A deal can be struck once in the game similar to the deal Rumplestiltskin strikes with the MIllers Daughter. The details of that deal are yet to be hashed out :)
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 10:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

You have straw, I have gold. :)
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

We can talk about it now if you want :D

Don't you people read your Grimm Fairy Tales?

Rumplestiltskin turns straw into gold for the millers daughter, does he not?

Sounds to me like you guys have a big ol heap o' straw on your hands.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 9:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Shand Azureye wrote:RIP Ameerah, Bronwyn. RIP Rhinfrew too, I really dig your style, and it was fun playing with you, though you were clearly one of the Rumpletons.

Makes you wonder if we ever had a chance. The Witch and SKs have been killing at night, and Rumpel is killing during the day. I cannot, for a moment, imagine Roxy and Bea coming up with a game that was so unfair to the town. But I also don't know where we went so wrong. Maybe if we had trusted Gobnait, we could have gotten rid of Queran sooner. We've lynched townies, but Caillic and Jorhan were days 1 and 2, and it's always difficult to get baddies that early. Finnian was probably someone we could have given benefit of the doubt. But other than that I don't see what we could have done differently. To compensate, we also got some things right. We had Carmen as early as day 3. I certainly don't think we played *that* horribly to warrant being in a situation where a win might be all but impossible.

There are now 13 of us alive. Assuming that Rhinfrew was one of the Rumpies, there are three left in that team. Two SKs, one witch, and three secret roles (all probably on the Witch's team). That's 9 baddies left. Even if we assume a couple got NKed, that's still 7 baddies, and 6 townies. Oh well, we may still be able to pull this off. :knight3:

I can tell you exactly where you went wrong. AND I can offer you a way to get it all back. Of course lynching me will only bring you some satisfaction, but Accepting my deal might net the civvies a win.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 9:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

No need to be mean :(
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 8:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Wait I'm confused are we going to lynch Queran or not?

by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 6:31 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Everybody seemed really sure of themselves just a mere 24 hours ago. Throw one little wrench into the machine and now everybody's up in arms. I don't get it..
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 6:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Nobody has a sense of humor anymore :haha:
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Yeah there's no way I voted for Bronwyn immediately after the night post went up anticipating a shortened day, thereby ensuring I stay alive and someone I do not want in the game is gone.

Nobody is that clever. It would take a near genius level intellect to concoct such a diabolical plan. NEAR GENIUS!
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

In all fairness I did warn you that your plan would blow right up in your faces.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

I voted for Sprite because I am thirsty though I may have misunderstood the question.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 7

Well the good news is it's night again so we can all talk about how this makes us feel.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:04 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 7

Yolo no consequences.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 7

Also RIPIYWG Ameerah/Rhinefrew.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 5:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

It's Day so... Vote Bronwyn
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 12:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Izett Cruelsinger wrote:I am ready to listen, but you don't seem to want to talk. That's YOUR choice, Queran, fair enough. But then realize, the consequences of that choice are that you look really, really bad. So it's not US being jerks (or idiots/fools, as you so lovingly called us all) and lynching you, it's YOU not doing everything you can to save yourself. :hug:
Every time I've come out with a defense, I'm met with "We're just going to lynch Queran, right? Everyone's pretty sure you're bad dude so we're just going to lynch you."

Don't blame the victim, Izett. You all asked me to defend myself on one hand and slapped me with the other. So Before you get the chance to lynch me unanimously without a word spoken during the day, I'm going to do my best to not to take you seriously.
by Young Lady
Fri May 24, 2013 7:17 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Izett Cruelsinger wrote:I'm glad I got here before night ended! I'll add my vote - I am ok with a silent day. I am also fine with voting Queran. (I am 100% open to hearing a defense from you, Queran. So far, it seems as you've spent most of your time insulting us - which I'm not 100% open to hearing; or coming up with zany codes - hey, if you really want to do this, why don't you go ahead and do it instead of talking about it; and saying that no one wants to hear your defense - this is untrue, as you haven't posted much of one yet to hear. You made a very brief post with 1 sentence answers to 3 questions that had been made to you, and that didn't read as a serious defense to me - since the rest of the time you have been saying you are no longer contributing in a serious way to the game. That is YOUR choice, but that choice will come with certain natural results. And if this is a mistaken way to try to overcome Rumpy, then it's a mistake. It's worth trying in my book. If we're wrong, show that to us without being snarky or condescending please. :hug: )

Carmen would be a fine 2nd place as far as I'm concerned.

I would be fine with trying to use smileys in posts as well. In fact, as I came on and was catching up with the thread I thought about that. We could probably even find images on a Google search (without words, of course) to pretty much convey many of our ideas. I've seen that done many a time in a game due to a curse and such.

Bea, take your time - this is a game and real life is more important! We'll be here whenever. :bea:

Roxy, hope your power comes back on soon! When that happens here, I suddenly get soooo bored, even if I wasn't doing anything previously. :D
I did try to not be snarky or condecending, but all I got in return was "Oh you're just saying all that because you're bad"

So, if you don't mind, I'll just be in my little corner of the sandbox.


I did more than just one sentence of a defense, nobody wanted to hear it, so nobody is going to be hearing any of it anymore :P :fiesta:
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 8:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

What is AZ time :P

Would it be easier to extend night 24 hours?
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 2:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

God forbid we put effort into stopping the baddies :P
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 2:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Well to be fair I don't think "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" is either thinking, nor out of the box.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 2:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

I didn't say create the code in the thread.

What I said ( maybe not clearly ) was

1. Everyone decide on a method of code and a list of words to code (for the sake of this example, shifting letters in words)
2. ONE person shifts the letters randomly on the code list.
3. RIGHT before the night post, the new code is posted.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 2:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

I'm 100% for the idea of silent days because as soon as you realize how silly the idea of cutting 90% of discussion is, I would love to see how you guys react.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 1:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Well just because I'm against the idea doesn't mean I'm not willing to admit when I'm right.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 1:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Well that was after I realized people weren't going to take me seriously.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 1:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Why aren't you taking me seriously?
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 1:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Why does my vote not count?
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 1:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Well, I mean, I am frustrated that nobody seems to want to hear the defense they demand I bring forth, but What can I really do about it?

You have all decided to
A) Lynch me no matter what.
B) Cut out 90% of the game.

So anything I bring forth is "oh you're just saying that because your bad." and anything I don't bring forth is "why aren't you saying anything????".

So really, the only thing left is to sit back and let the civs amongst you fall right into the trap that the baddies have set. Lynch me, and lose a civvie without so much as an iota of effort from Rumples team. I honestly don't want to participate seriously at this point. Participating non-seriously is the next best thing.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 1:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Lyel Lambboat wrote:
Queran Gloomsoul wrote:I have a question for everyone:

How much wood do you all think a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Follow up question:

Do these jeans make my tentacles look fat?

Follow up question:

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it make a noise?

Follow up question:

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Follow up question: Where's Waldo?

Follow up question: When this whole "lets cut out 90% of discussion and just lynch whoever." strategy blows up in your faces, who will you blame? The people that came up with the strategy? Or the sheep that followed it.

Follow up question: If you're not going to take me seriously why should I?
If it's really frustrating you that much, I would step away for a bit to calm down. It's just a game dude. :)
If you think I'm frustrated, you know nothing John snuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 12:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

I have a question for everyone:

How much wood do you all think a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Follow up question:

Do these jeans make my tentacles look fat?

Follow up question:

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it make a noise?

Follow up question:

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Follow up question: Where's Waldo?

Follow up question: When this whole "lets cut out 90% of discussion and just lynch whoever." strategy blows up in your faces, who will you blame? The people that came up with the strategy? Or the sheep that followed it.

Follow up question: If you're not going to take me seriously why should I?
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 11:59 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Wait why am I still talking you've all decided to lynch me anyway.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 11:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

That first quote, I was actually telling the truth, Gobnait did misread.
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 11:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

"Defend yourself Queran! But also we've all already pretty much decided we're going to bandwagon you without saying a word."
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 11:49 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

No Shand I don't think there is anything at all left to discuss. We should probably not even post for the rest of tonight, really.

I mean sure the whole point of the game is to post and talk and discuss suspects, and I mean, sure Roxy and Bea have been working super hard on the game and basically killing discussion for 48 whole hours is sort of defeating the point of the game and throwing it in the hosts faces, but, you know, Rumplestiltskin!
by Young Lady
Thu May 23, 2013 11:43 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 13
Replies: 2156
Views: 72198

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Night 6

Fane Winebattle wrote:Queran, you were complaining about not having enough time to defend yourself, and now you are spending all your time dreaming up elaborate (and in my view unworkable) code systems and election procedures for a codemaster instead of using that time to defend yourself, which is what you claimed you wanted. It looks to me like you are just trying to be distracting and confusing, which is a classic baddie tactic. I have seen it employed to great effect by my very clever friends Bud and Lou.

linki: I vote for silence

I gave a hypothetical alternative to "shut up and vote".

I also addressed the points Shand wanted me to address.

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