[END] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game

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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

Mayo the Mayo wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:27 pm
MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:19 pm Also I think Zenge could have got Falcon over way easier and quicker if they did more than just directly tunnel Falcon and focus on nothing else.

Lawpy was going over regardless of your direct accusations. You may not recognise that, but I had already determined Lawpy to be the top wolf candidate anyway and if you reread the Day 3 start you will see that I started pushing them out of my own volition. I actually didn't even read your accusation properly until the night.
1. Hard agree. Zenge made it difficult to support his falcon push. He was 100% right, but wasn't willing to engage with those who questioned him. I think it's a result of SDN, where village zenge will bite on something and not give up. Wolve zenge can try to fake it, but he'll get yeeted for it when he's wrong. TS didn't know that meta.

2. It's hard to even address this silliness. No one pushed lawpy before me. It's a bit sad that you are trying to claim that kill.

Catch a new wolf. We all saw what happened with the old ones.

Honestly, I don't get this play
Mayo... I was pushing Dyachei before Lawpy even subbed in. I'm not discounting that you did a great job catching them. I'm just telling you that they were going to die regardless.
MacDougall wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:14 pm How's this for a solve

MacDougall wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:14 pm For those interested in demonstrable bogus overnight solves here it is btw.

Naked vote Miranda. Ponies and Miranda both question it. #393 "Just the person I was least impressed by in this page." Answer given to Ponies and not the recipient of the vote themselves. Very very slight good look for Miranda (already a townread anyway).

Fluff engagement with Sloonei. NAI Sloonei.

Placates Zenge when he says he doesn't like the miranda wagon. Weird honestly. It was pretty easy to see that Creature had an obvious "just going through the motions" undertone to all of their play.

Neon states there's a wolf in Miranda + the voters and when asked who it would be by Animal Midwife directly calls out Creature. SVS elaborates with more detail. Tiny tiny good look for Neon (because Neon would attack the teammate in this context in most cases), better for SVS due to the elaboration. Neon mmmyes reply to SVS. Doesn't want to do any work on the push ... don't love.

Comes back page 18, yawns, quotes a Dennis post and calls him town (this is very likely TMI) and votes Nate for standing around. Given Dennis/Nate interactions this might indicate they are t/t. Falcon, Animal Midwife react displeased. Falcon votes. Zenge and SVS curious about AM's reply indicating meta history with Creature. Okayt looks for all of Falcon, Dennis and Nate.

Creature calls Zenge "stubborn town" commenting on the Zenge/Falcon interactions. Is a bit of a shield of Falcon without pushing Zenge. Like makes Zenge out to be stubborn/irrational to discredit him. Falcon pings PSV to ask for a Neon read which Creature intercepts to say Neon is town. Slightly good look for Falcon.

Neon quotes Creature and jokes about having a n0 red on him. Neon also jabbed him for answering for PSV. - Not sure I like it but I suppose I give it a tiny good look maybe. Feels like pre-emptive to bussing.

Ponies out of nowhere pings out Mayo and Falcon and asks them for Creature notes. Don't even recall Mayo saying anything about Creature here. Falcon says his presence was trash and both his votes trash. Nice for Falcon. Need to work out when Mayo made this vote and whether they replied here.

Pyxxy asks AM if she'd be down to vote any of Creature, Scotty or Sporty and asks for elab. AM says yes to Creature because he's not doing enough. Both dead town. Pyxxy has some interesting content around Dennis. Thinks that Dennis is accidentally making Pyxxy look sus in the eyes of the SDN crowd. Kinda odd. Asks AM for more elab on the Creature read. Dennis is taken aback and seems equal parts annoyed and also ashamed by this weird interaction. AM says his lack of activity is a big deal and doesn't need more elab (is right). Pyxxy is now asking AM whether all the other slankers belong in the same boat as Creature. AM is bored and ignrorant. Sloonei chimes in to say that volume is a reliable tell on him softly. Pyxxy asks for more elab and Sloonei gives it to him which Falcon backs up. Dennis in #1240 issues a "would rather not kill someone for low posting D1" defense of Creature. Almost seems guilty mind too with the "Interpret this blanket defense as you may".

It's kind of weird that Falcon is voting Creature who is slanking but also made the comment "lynching slankers D1 is always suboptimal" though I suppose he isn't viewing Creature as a slanker type player which he isn't so maybe not. Sloonei is around at this time really pushing Scotty even going as far as to use animations to get peoples attentions. Interesting.

SVS comes in with a big old readslist and shits all over Creature's head. Tight. Falcon pings Wilgy to sheep him on Creature. Ponies (thankfully dead town), questions SVS's Creature poop. SVS and Ponies have a little teet-a-teet over Creature.

PSV with a real clanger of a post in #1300. Trying to signal boost Sloonei's push on Scotty. "I think the push on Scotty feels towny." Really not loving PSV.

Falcon is really going hard at Creature in the paint. Wilgy straight up sheeps Falcon on Creature no questions asked. Creature is now back and of all the players reading him wolf he townreads Falcon and cares not for the rest. Falcon is entirely town to a hectic degree.

PSV tries to encourage Creature to talk more and Creature says he will and apologies. PSV then votes Scotty and Creature simply sheeps the vote. PSV is bemused. Falcon asked him for reads, Creature's townreads are literally every player that the wolves have killed so far (AM, SP, Zenge) as well as Falcon. It doesn't feel like Creature is even remotely interested in playing the wolf alignment so I would be extremely prone to just taking all of his townreads at face value here. Dya asks him to elaborate on the reads and then pings out AM to defend Creature because he's outgrown that meta, but then hedges it to say he can still be a wolf on play.
Creature replies to Falcon asking for elab on his townreads and throws Dennis into the list in a very haphazard way. Considering Dennis has sort of shielded him earlier, I am more inclined to read this as more TMI and possibly just trying to butter up to Dennis who had earlier tried to shield him, rather than the shielding of a teammate. His reasoning for townreading everyone is stated succinctly, with the exception of Neon who is says he only felt fine and isn't really a townread. Given Neon had been hounding him a really ungenerous fashion, I am unsure why Creature makes the choice to nullread Neon here. It's a bit sus.

Creature at this time has 4 votes, Mayo, SVS, Falcon and Wilgy. Scotty has 4 votes, Neon, Creature, Sloonei and PSV. Ponies has 3 votes, pyxxy, seanzie, miranda920. Dennis has 2 town voting him and miranda has 1 town plus Santy. #1345. This is an important VC. Pyxxy doing the lords work posting that shit. Hate PSV and Neon voting Scotty here. Also really don't like Seanzie being on Ponies especially in light of his complete fall off on day 2. I'm starting to think I misread the kills and Pyxxy was actually a wolf kill, with Ponies the one who got killed by town though. Maybe Seanzie killed Ponies and Ponies flipping town demotivated him

Pyxxy is pleased that his top 3 choice are all wagoned.
Pyxxy pings out dya to comment on the Creature wagon. AM thanks dya for the info and says nothing else. Dya reiterates to pyxxy that he is being pushed for bad reasons and also states that they have reasons they cannot speak of that his attention being elsewhere is NAI.

Dennis comes in shielding Creature on Ponies. Very defensive of Dennis here. But then he essentially townslips because in #1394 he realises he misread it haha. Creature in #1395 "the SDN players were more towny than TS players but maybe he hasn't seen their wolf game and he's underestimating them while overstating the Syndicators". This makes me think I am right and most of the wolf team are Syndicators given Creature is not obfuscating his information much if at all.

Ponies comes out stating if it comes down to Scotty v Creature he probably goes with Scotty. Dya also says Scotty's ISO pings them. Dya needs a specific ISO here, cuz I need to see whether Dya engaged with Scotty in a way that showed any intent to solve him and the suspicion was genuine.

Damn, in #1514 Marmot now coming out swinging at Creature. Hard endorsement of the wagon. Wow. If Marmot is town the mafia are going to take a shot at me and miselim him off my read. Dang. Hopefully I catch a save tonight. Fuck me #1517 is so outing I think i am going to cry. PSV "I think Creature jumped on Scotty at prime bussy spot". This is like... the most ridiculous non thought ever. I haven't seen a post this singularly outing in so long.

Marmot votes Creature here. Ponies and Nate both huhpost at PSV off that weird ass post. Nate votes Creature to tie the wagons up again which pleases Ponies. Marmot asks for an argument about Creature being town. Dya says "if you happened to know about other things going on elsewhere, you would probably not be upset at the lack of content..." I mean please lol. #1540

Dya adds that it's not a town read. Much the same way that supa hot fire is not a rapper I guess.

PSV outright implies that yes in fact Creature AND Scotty are wolves. Marmot asks dya to elaborate. I can see why Marmot is now sus of dya/lawpy. The fact that they are is a good look for him now.

#1560 from Dennis is I literally have nfi what. AM is super aggrieved that Dennis floated people to consider voting but then walked back that they were his suspicions. Eh. I dunno, Dennis is super wolfy I cannot lie. But ... I dunno if he is a wolf. Tough instinct/information contradiction read.
Nice bonus Pyxxy townread from Marmot in #1563. That his focus remains outside the Scotty/Creature dicho is a good look. And here comes the Creature ate.

SAR shows up looking for direction and MR7 is now offering their first input onto Creature from the perspective of being a Scotty voter. It's fine matter of fact stuff. NAI. Maybe even a little townie. Creature actually gets tilted at this of all posts which is remarkable because Creature took that post from NAI to townspew. Yikes. Great look for MR7. #1572

AM is really pushing Dennis and it's largely over how Dennis is dealing with Creature. Yeeeeah.

Marmot is offering Dennis his vote and Dennis is fumbling. Doesn't want to double down. This looks like really weak wolfplay because he knows there is a t/w dicho and this is putting him under pressure. If he was town I feel he just answers.

Interestingly Mayo vote has been here the whole time and I've still not seen them talk about Creature. Needs an ISO.
#1586, Marmot deigns to move off Creature. He doesn't want to vote Scotty because he wants more choice. It's a weirdly hedgy post and it sounds towny but it isn't really.

Marmot however again spews it town in #1592.

Creature floats Santygrass as a potential vote to Marmot in #1603. Marmot asks Creature why he's voting Scotty. MR7 is happy that Marmot is going to move from Creature it seems. Or perhaps it's moreso that Marmot wants to look at other candidates. It's ... maybe a towny post? #1606. Weird but sorta towny.

#1618, dya iso'd scotty, miranda, creature and sporty. Creature is curious about what they came up with. Dya got not much out of miranda and creature. Townread Sporty and didn't like Scotty. It's okay I guess. Not gonna confbias it.

Marmot does leap off Creature with ties bad post and AM didn't like it. I don't like that he had to qualify it this way given he'd already qualified that he was probably going to. He feels guilty about it tbh. Maybe Marmot is mafia after all.

Creature is violently in antispew in terms of not wanting to make any actual pushes. Which means Santy is probably just town cuz he's already done so.

Marmot or Dya is very unlikely to be t/t, but I am really not sure which way it goes.
I think Mayo may have been trying to get people to explain why Scotty is scummy to see if they were on the wrong wagon. I am pretty confident this is a town. Marmot was quite interested in helping them make that read. As you can see in #1650.
#1660 from Nate is maybe a little bit towny. Doesn't want to vote Creature but also doesn't want to park Scotty. Nah more NAI. Maybe worried about how wolfy it might like if Creature goes down. Marmot pings out Creature for disappearing. Creature floats Santy again as a candidate. LOL. Santy is town. Santy shows up at the last minute and now Creature is trying to appeal to him hahaha. Fuck.

Aight that's that
Well out of that I think that
Dennis - I cannot defend him. He looks like a Creature partner.
DrWilgy - Literally inno child for sheeping Creature and then disappearing into Doctorville somewhere.
dya - In a very firm difference check with Marmot.
falcon45ca - Spewed himself town.
genny - Nothing at all. Creature choosing to push Santy and not genny is maybe a very minor concern.

Marmot - Obviously some really bad stuff. There's some good stuff too though so I have to wind back the strength of my read. Is much more likely wolf if dya town and vice versa.

Mayo - Need to review but on the surface I think this is just town.
mr7 - I think Creature accidentally spewed them town.
miranda - Light town feels here, but not much.
Nate - Similar to above.
Neon - I have serious concerns.
PSV - I think this is an outed wolf honestly.
SVS - Reserved townlean. They look very clean for this whole thing... almost too clean. I dunno. Town until further notice but I have my worries.
santy - Spewed town.
SARdog - Sort of in the miranda/nate bucket.
Seanzie - Completely absent in the discussion.
Sloonei - I still think he is town. Wolves just used his clout/authenticity to get Scotty over.

Not Werecreature


Probably Not Werecreature


Could Be Anything


Wouldn't Be Surprised if Werecreature

Marmot (diff to Lawpy)


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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Mayo the Mayo »

santygrass wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:22 pm
MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:21 pm
santygrass wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:13 pm Also, I did have more reads yesterday , so idk why you try to make it look like if I was only sussing you yesterday /shrug .

Now I agree that Dennis reveal timing probably comes from a villager and will put that aside.

Still looking at Miranda which aside from being wagoned early in a kinda RVS state with no push by 2 werecreatures, havent been really towny . Or SAR / Might that sre just super sideliney.

Tho I admit that Mighty/Miranda have a boost of equity in my mind because they seem very possible partners for a powerwolfing mac
Do you think Might is a possible Werecreature?
No . But are they towncore material? Also no
I think Mightbe is village. Better feels than most of what is left
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

Please don't get me wrong, you are definitely a god for shanking Lawpy as violently as you did and it's YOUR pelt in the same way Falcon is Zenge's pelt.

I am not actually even arguing with you, I don't want you to take this as an affront to you. I am just being treated like I played no part in any wolf death when the reality is that I had every wolf that's since flipped in my line of sight before any of them did, and I'm not explaining it to try to win ego points. I'm explaining it because I'm defending myself from being pushed as mafia which from my vantage point is ridiculous given that.

And when I brought it up as a point to defend myself with, I got told I never pushed any wolves or blah blah when I literally had all three of them in my POE the entire time I've been in the game lol.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

To tell me it's sad I'm trying to claim that kill ignores the fact that.

a) I'm not saying you didn't contribute, and in fact you contributed heavily.
b) I had lawpy firmly bottom of my POE through my own independent analysis and they were going to be who I pushed once PSV flipped, and I did in fact do so via voting them and leaving it there until they went belly up and I felt like it'd be fun/wise to see what happened if I generated a counterwagon.

Can we stop fighting now, you've been like my top townread for 2 phases and we keep killing mafia. Turning on me here doesn't make sense.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

It isn't as though I started going "pfft you guys are noobs i am the reason the wolves died" for no apparent reason to bring you down. I'm pointing out how pro town I have been because you both voted me.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Mayo the Mayo »

MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:35 pm Please don't get me wrong, you are definitely a god for shanking Lawpy as violently as you did and it's YOUR pelt in the same way Falcon is Zenge's pelt.

I am not actually even arguing with you, I don't want you to take this as an affront to you. I am just being treated like I played no part in any wolf death when the reality is that I had every wolf that's since flipped in my line of sight before any of them did, and I'm not explaining it to try to win ego points. I'm explaining it because I'm defending myself from being pushed as mafia which from my vantage point is ridiculous given that.

And when I brought it up as a point to defend myself with, I got told I never pushed any wolves or blah blah when I literally had all three of them in my POE the entire time I've been in the game lol.
It's hard to make friends when you want to take credit for everything.

Did you push creature? Maybe, but you weren't the votes on him.

Did you question falcon? Maybe, but the night kill was a vig willing to trust zenge, not you.

Did you push dya? Maybe, but I called out lawpy with post 1. There wasn't a hint of him going down before I called him out.

Have you contributed? Sure.

But your approach today/last night, sounds much more like a deep wolf than village team.

You want a pelt? Claim one.

Point at scum. I'm willing to follow you. I've killed my 3 (4?)
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Mayo the Mayo »

MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:38 pm To tell me it's sad I'm trying to claim that kill ignores the fact that.

a) I'm not saying you didn't contribute, and in fact you contributed heavily.
b) I had lawpy firmly bottom of my POE through my own independent analysis and they were going to be who I pushed once PSV flipped, and I did in fact do so via voting them and leaving it there until they went belly up and I felt like it'd be fun/wise to see what happened if I generated a counterwagon.

Can we stop fighting now, you've been like my top townread for 2 phases and we keep killing mafia. Turning on me here doesn't make sense.
MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:39 pm It isn't as though I started going "pfft you guys are noobs i am the reason the wolves died" for no apparent reason to bring you down. I'm pointing out how pro town I have been because you both voted me.

Agreed. What have you got?

Of SDN people, I'm not comfortable with genny or SAR. Both for previously stated reasons.

Mighty is fine.

You know TS people better. Who you reading?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

Mayo the Mayo wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:42 pm
MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:35 pm Please don't get me wrong, you are definitely a god for shanking Lawpy as violently as you did and it's YOUR pelt in the same way Falcon is Zenge's pelt.

I am not actually even arguing with you, I don't want you to take this as an affront to you. I am just being treated like I played no part in any wolf death when the reality is that I had every wolf that's since flipped in my line of sight before any of them did, and I'm not explaining it to try to win ego points. I'm explaining it because I'm defending myself from being pushed as mafia which from my vantage point is ridiculous given that.

And when I brought it up as a point to defend myself with, I got told I never pushed any wolves or blah blah when I literally had all three of them in my POE the entire time I've been in the game lol.
It's hard to make friends when you want to take credit for everything.
I literally am not.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:25 pm Dennis: Can be either faction but is quite towny
genny: Can be either faction and have essentially given up so strong chance WC
Mayo: Not WC, probably just town
MR7: Can be either faction (does have SOME minor spew in their favour as not WC)
miranda: similar to above
Nate: Not WC, probably just town
Neon: Can be either faction but is quite towny
SVS: Not WC, instincts tell me they are the other faction (this is like my only other faction read)
santy: Sussy baka both faction possible
SARdog: Sussy baka both faction possible
Seanzie: Not WC, no reason to rule out second faction
Sloonei: Definitely not WC, and is probably just town

Townie town townersons


Townie but like, maybe not lol


Not townie but probs not WC


Just not townie


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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by NateTheLesser »

Updated spreadsheets for anyone that likes that sort of thing. Changed the d1 votes based on when mayo thought his vote for Creature was, which puts the start of the Creature wagon much earlier in the phase than I thought.

Day 1 Votes

Day 2 Votes

Day 3 Votes


EOD Wagons
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Re: [DAY 1] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by NateTheLesser »

mightyrunner7 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:15 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:58 pm
dyachei wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:55 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:54 pm
dyachei wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:31 pm i kind of think sloon is being lightly v
Why do your reads have so many adjectives?
they always do and you always take issue with it

it's how i express myself
I could be wrong, but I don't think I've taken issue with this specific thing in the past. What game?
Is this the exchange people are using to saying that Seanzie and dyanchei/Lawpy were incompatible? This seems fairly benign and could be easily faked, especially in the context of threadsrste (giant Zenge/falcon showdown).

I agree it would be a little odd for wolf's to do this, but I still like Seanzie is top of POE.

Literally rhe only contributions have been sus against AM and sus against Zenge
Mac, did you see this? Is this the Seanzie/dya interaction you had in mind when unpairing them, or was there something else?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

Yeah I actually realise now it was his Falcon interactions and commentary that was more non WC spew. But then it's both in combination.

I don't begrudge you thinking he might not be town cuz his solving has cratered after he's had fewer WC to kill. And at a certain point the priority for the other faction becomes killing town too. I just don't think he's a wolf with the flipped ones.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

Why are people voting MacDougall? Also yay only one kill.

I still suspect Miranda (all of you clear people too easily) and want to look into
Tutuus suspects as well. Bb in a few after walking the dog.
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Re: [DAY 3] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

Well, yay for only one kill, maybe Tutuu got a save last night. Or maybe the 1 or 2 shots ran out of shots.
tutuu wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:25 pm
Mayo the Mayo wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:23 pm 2nd to last information on last night.

I was pretty sure there was a wolf between Lawpy/Genny/Marmot. Lawpy for all of the reasons I've already shared.

I figured if I were picking who to make the NK, it would be Lawpy. He was the least suspected to that point and therefore would be the least likely to be blocked or tracked.

I redirected Lawpy night action onto Marmot

Marmot died

I asked Lawpy about what he did and he fumbled through the fruit vendor claim

He said nothing about his real role or the fact that he was acted upon last night

I already thought he was a wolf, but that pushed me over the edge
While searching Tutus posts, I ran into this Mayo post she quoted, and I had totally missed this before. I was struggling a bit with the Marmot kill, I didn't understand it. Although marmot was also janitored, so I find that confusing. Would the janitoring move with the kill? Becasue Lawpy was a poisoner. But I'm not used to playing with Janitors, where I came up we didn't flip NKs, so why have Janitors?

In any case, before Tutuu moved onto Lawpy, she had voted for Genny, and had her pretty consistently at the bottom of her list. Also Sean. So I plan to read them today, and ignore all that OMGUS up there ^^^ You all win a trophy for awesomely catching baddies, K?


So I'm gonna drop a vote on Miranda, cause guys, she's waffly, evasive and bad. In before Neon starts yelling at me about how a day one vote from a posited teammate makes her town; in Cosmere, I voted for my teammate Falcon on Day 1 for distancing, and got stuck in traffic and couldn't move my vote in time and he was yeeted. A day one vote from Creature that he didn't even stay on clears no one.

[VOTE: Miranda] aubergine
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

Also, @miranda920 , do you have any thoughts on Sean or Genny?

Genny is from your home forum, any meta thoughts on her play here vs her known townie play, that those of us from TS might be unaware of?

See you guys later, shower & work :(
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

OK, so post shower I just read Gennys ISO, it took no time at all you should read it. Especially @Mayo the Mayo . It's mostly fluff, but she invests a few of her on topic posts on pocketing you. Also Zedge.

And coasting on cred for a Falcon vote.

She would be a good option. Sean has a lot more posts, and much of it looks to be on topic, I won't have time for that before work.

Have a good day everyone, today is crunch day at work, so I'm unlikely to be back before tonight.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by miranda920 »

S~V~S wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 6:29 am Also, @miranda920 , do you have any thoughts on Sean or Genny?

Genny is from your home forum, any meta thoughts on her play here vs her known townie play, that those of us from TS might be unaware of?

See you guys later, shower & work :(
I’m about to head out for the day too

Thoughts… I’ll need to iso Sean but I feel similarly about both Sean and Genny
It doesn’t feel like they have been around much
I know I’ve been busy, but I think I’ve probably contributed more (don’t quote me on that)

To speak about Genny, this is how she plays, she was town in our last game together and I don’t see any changes from that game to this one
I know that does help solve, but that’s just how Genny rolls
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by miranda920 »

Just kidding, Seanzie has posted more than me
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

Dennis wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:20 pm I think we kill seanzie because 1. It would be fucking hilarious and 2. He's not town probably
1. Speak for yourself and 2. speak for yourself.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

Dennis wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:20 pm I think we kill seanzie because 1. It would be fucking hilarious and 2. He's not town probably
Actually no...

I really do want you to speak for youself. Share your thoughts on me, Dennis. Why do you think I'm not town?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:26 pm
Dennis wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:20 pm I think we kill seanzie because 1. It would be fucking hilarious and 2. He's not town probably
There is zero chance Seanzie is a Werecreature, and he's pure rand when it comes to likelihood to be on the other team imo.
Why am I not a warecreature?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

MacDougall wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:33 pm
santygrass wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:31 pm I think by the fact of Mac not being killed by poison to then not being nked , they should be p close to just outed as scum here. And thats fully ignoring my read on them which I think was right and they just tried to laugh it off yesterday.

So ye
Ever since I subbed in, the town have been destroying wolves.

I have done nothing in this game but coordinate a wolf slaughter.

And I am outed scum?

You're out of your mind.
I was yakuza in a multiball game, and I coordinated a slaughter of the mafia faction.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

mightyrunner7 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:00 pm People are saying Seanzie has gained village points (or at least is incompatabel with wolfs)

Can somebody please help me understand this read? Seanzie has been pretty much nonexistent since D1
agreed. I'm curious too.
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Re: [DAY 1] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

mightyrunner7 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:15 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:58 pm
dyachei wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:55 pm
Seanzie wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:54 pm
dyachei wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:31 pm i kind of think sloon is being lightly v
Why do your reads have so many adjectives?
they always do and you always take issue with it

it's how i express myself
I could be wrong, but I don't think I've taken issue with this specific thing in the past. What game?
Is this the exchange people are using to saying that Seanzie and dyanchei/Lawpy were incompatible? This seems fairly benign and could be easily faked, especially in the context of threadsrste (giant Zenge/falcon showdown).

I agree it would be a little odd for wolf's to do this, but I still like Seanzie is top of POE.

Literally rhe only contributions have been sus against AM and sus against Zenge
And Falcon/Dya/Lawpy, but you'll likely not believe it.

Don't forget SARdog either.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

Anyways, [VOTE: SARdoghandler] aubergine

I don't actually remember why I voted for them in the first place, but I feel pretty good about it.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Mayo the Mayo »

S~V~S wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 6:52 am OK, so post shower I just read Gennys ISO, it took no time at all you should read it. Especially @Mayo the Mayo . It's mostly fluff, but she invests a few of her on topic posts on pocketing you. Also Zedge.

And coasting on cred for a Falcon vote.

She would be a good option. Sean has a lot more posts, and much of it looks to be on topic, I won't have time for that before work.

Have a good day everyone, today is crunch day at work, so I'm unlikely to be back before tonight.
I mentioned this yesterday. At the time she had 18 posts and mulitple of them were positive about me.

I'm also not giving the late vote on the falcon wagon any credit. Creature was going down and there wasn't really a viable counter-wagon.

I could see genny parking a vote on falcon for future credit.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

Weird how dead it is.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Mayo the Mayo »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:02 am Anyways, [VOTE: SARdoghandler] aubergine

I don't actually remember why I voted for them in the first place, but I feel pretty good about it.
I could probably be convinced to vote there today.

Between the two SDN low posters I feel a bit worse about genny.

[VOTE: genny] aubergine
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by SARdoghandler »

Mayo the Mayo wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:57 pm
Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:02 am Anyways, [VOTE: SARdoghandler] aubergine

I don't actually remember why I voted for them in the first place, but I feel pretty good about it.
I could probably be convinced to vote there today.

Between the two SDN low posters I feel a bit worse about genny.

[VOTE: genny] aubergine
Hey now, I've posted 62 times. For me that's not bad. 😝
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by SARdoghandler »

Somewhere @Mayo the Mayo I think you asked for my updated reads but I can't remember if ti was you for sure or not but anyway, here. This is still leaning largely on finding the (hopefully) last werecreature and will require re-eval once we're looking for a second scum faction




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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by SARdoghandler »

Question for the group - do we feel that Marmot or PSV was the more likely Werecreature faction kill on N2? A general discussion around this may help me potentially eliminate candidates from the were-creature pool for reasons
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by SARdoghandler »

[VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

For now. I don't like how they dropped an unexplained vote on me D2 when two wolves were on the board and proceeded to sit there without making a case or even really addressing it on thread until today.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

SARdoghandler wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:24 pm [VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

For now. I don't like how they dropped an unexplained vote on me D2 when two wolves were on the board and proceeded to sit there without making a case or even really addressing it on thread until today.
I still never got an explanation of what your tinfoil was.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Sloonei »

I feel like voting for [VOTE: sardoghandler] aubergine. This isn't based on anything yet.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

Sloonei wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:13 pm I feel like voting for [VOTE: sardoghandler] aubergine. This isn't based on anything yet.
What is your take on me?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by SARdoghandler »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:11 pm
SARdoghandler wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:24 pm [VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

For now. I don't like how they dropped an unexplained vote on me D2 when two wolves were on the board and proceeded to sit there without making a case or even really addressing it on thread until today.
I still never got an explanation of what your tinfoil was.
I posted it the next day. Just hypothesizing that we may have a "wolf" faction (were-creatures) and a "mafia" faction (unknown) due to the crossover between the two sites and the fact that we play werewolf/mafia depending on the site
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

SARdoghandler wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:30 pm
Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:11 pm
SARdoghandler wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:24 pm [VOTE: Seanzie] aubergine

For now. I don't like how they dropped an unexplained vote on me D2 when two wolves were on the board and proceeded to sit there without making a case or even really addressing it on thread until today.
I still never got an explanation of what your tinfoil was.
I posted it the next day. Just hypothesizing that we may have a "wolf" faction (were-creatures) and a "mafia" faction (unknown) due to the crossover between the two sites and the fact that we play werewolf/mafia depending on the site
Hmm... okay.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

[VOTE: Genny] aubergine
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


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[VOTE: Mightyrunner7] aubergine
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Seanzie »

MacDougall wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:01 pm [VOTE: Mightyrunner7] aubergine
Tell me about MR7.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

SARdoghandler wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:20 pm Somewhere @Mayo the Mayo I think you asked for my updated reads but I can't remember if ti was you for sure or not but anyway, here. This is still leaning largely on finding the (hopefully) last werecreature and will require re-eval once we're looking for a second scum faction




Tell me why you think Miranda is town?

Also, iirc, didn't Nate claim broadcaster? Are you thinking that's a wolf role?

Mayo said this (which I had also missed earlier) thinking that the original Wolf NK target was someone else, someone who maybe didn't die, and not Marmot at all. Which recasts the whole thing in a different light.

Mayo the Mayo wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:23 pm 2nd to last information on last night.

I was pretty sure there was a wolf between Lawpy/Genny/Marmot. Lawpy for all of the reasons I've already shared.

I figured if I were picking who to make the NK, it would be Lawpy. He was the least suspected to that point and therefore would be the least likely to be blocked or tracked.

I redirected Lawpy night action onto Marmot

Marmot died

I asked Lawpy about what he did and he fumbled through the fruit vendor claim

He said nothing about his real role or the fact that he was acted upon last night

I already thought he was a wolf, but that pushed me over the edge
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Re: [DAY 3] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

mightyrunner7 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:28 pm
miranda920 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:21 pm
mightyrunner7 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 4:04 pm
miranda920 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 2:50 pm
santygrass wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:30 am @miranda920 can you tell me about your current view? Like, who are your confident reads / try to sort people into town/scum ?

Dont think you trying to shiel/explain yourself on why you did for being pressed on time or whatever will make me feel better about you, so I think taking a different stance and try to solve/put your thought on the game will help me more

Lawpy - lean wolf
Genny - neutral, Genny is always a challenging read for me
Mayo - neutral, leaning more town
MR7 - town
Nate - neutral, unsure there are some iffy things
Santy - surprisingly you seem town to me, but you could easily good me
SAR - leans town
Dennis - neutral
Tutuu - seems townie
Mac - also seems town
Neon - feels town
SVS - neutral (also I promised I will get you those quotes when I have access to my laptop)
Seanzie - unsure, nothing has stood out to me about them
Sloonei - I’ve generally felt fine about them
Also, it seems like I'm the only unconditional town read, which I find a bit strange. I think a few others have a much better town argument than me. Is this a correct interpretation of your list?
I'm still working on reading through from the beginning of the day cycle before I place my vote, but I wanted to reply because you addressed me

I have you as lock town because I don't see a scenario where wolf!mighty gets a post restriction like you had
Reasonable, thank you
You didn't find it odd that her only bad read was the pretty much outed wolf (via the whole fruit vendor farce)? Everyone is neutral or town?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by Sloonei »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:20 pm
Sloonei wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:13 pm I feel like voting for [VOTE: sardoghandler] aubergine. This isn't based on anything yet.
What is your take on me?
It would be dishonest to say that I have one.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

Sloonei wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:40 pm
Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:20 pm
Sloonei wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 4:13 pm I feel like voting for [VOTE: sardoghandler] aubergine. This isn't based on anything yet.
What is your take on me?
It would be dishonest to say that I have one.
Would you consider reading Miss Mirandas ISO for me, and telling me what you think of it? It's not too long, not too taxing on your time.
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Re: [DAY 3] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by miranda920 »

S~V~S wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:38 pm
mightyrunner7 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:28 pm
miranda920 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:21 pm
mightyrunner7 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 4:04 pm
miranda920 wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 2:50 pm
santygrass wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:30 am @miranda920 can you tell me about your current view? Like, who are your confident reads / try to sort people into town/scum ?

Dont think you trying to shiel/explain yourself on why you did for being pressed on time or whatever will make me feel better about you, so I think taking a different stance and try to solve/put your thought on the game will help me more

Lawpy - lean wolf
Genny - neutral, Genny is always a challenging read for me
Mayo - neutral, leaning more town
MR7 - town
Nate - neutral, unsure there are some iffy things
Santy - surprisingly you seem town to me, but you could easily good me
SAR - leans town
Dennis - neutral
Tutuu - seems townie
Mac - also seems town
Neon - feels town
SVS - neutral (also I promised I will get you those quotes when I have access to my laptop)
Seanzie - unsure, nothing has stood out to me about them
Sloonei - I’ve generally felt fine about them
Also, it seems like I'm the only unconditional town read, which I find a bit strange. I think a few others have a much better town argument than me. Is this a correct interpretation of your list?
I'm still working on reading through from the beginning of the day cycle before I place my vote, but I wanted to reply because you addressed me

I have you as lock town because I don't see a scenario where wolf!mighty gets a post restriction like you had
Reasonable, thank you
You didn't find it odd that her only bad read was the pretty much outed wolf (via the whole fruit vendor farce)? Everyone is neutral or town?
Everyone is neutral because I literally have not had the time to actually get decent reads on anyone :rolleyes:
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by miranda920 »

Here I'll give you some updated reads, although not too much has changed

Genny - neutral, I'm not saying to give Genny the benefit of the doubt but she really could go one way or the other
Mayo - town, I don't see mayo outing a packmate this late in the game
MR7 - town, for reasons I've already specified
Nate - leaning town now, I feel better about Nate a gut feeling
Santy - I'm still putting santy as town, but Santy is a great wold
SAR - leans town, but that's only because I am inherently biased
Dennis - neutral
Mac - I'm not sure on mac anymore, their reads feel kind of all over the place
Neon - feels town
SVS - I want to look at you more closely
Seanzie - leaning more wolf as I don't feel they have given much
Sloonei - seems fine

[VOTE: seanzie] aubergine

with that I am off to dinner, don't expect to hear back from me anytime soon
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

miranda920 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:54 pm Here I'll give you some updated reads, although not too much has changed

Genny - neutral, I'm not saying to give Genny the benefit of the doubt but she really could go one way or the other
Mayo - town, I don't see mayo outing a packmate this late in the game
MR7 - town, for reasons I've already specified
Nate - leaning town now, I feel better about Nate a gut feeling
Santy - I'm still putting santy as town, but Santy is a great wold
SAR - leans town, but that's only because I am inherently biased
Dennis - neutral
Mac - I'm not sure on mac anymore, their reads feel kind of all over the place
Neon - feels town
SVS - I want to look at you more closely
Seanzie - leaning more wolf as I don't feel they have given much
Sloonei - seems fine

[VOTE: seanzie] aubergine

with that I am off to dinner, don't expect to hear back from me anytime soon
So you think all the SDN folk are town, or leaning town? Me Mac, and Sean are your wolf leans?
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

miranda920 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:54 pm Here I'll give you some updated reads, although not too much has changed

Genny - neutral, I'm not saying to give Genny the benefit of the doubt but she really could go one way or the other
Mayo - town, I don't see mayo outing a packmate this late in the game
MR7 - town, for reasons I've already specified
Nate - leaning town now, I feel better about Nate a gut feeling
Santy - I'm still putting santy as town, but Santy is a great wold
SAR - leans town, but that's only because I am inherently biased
Dennis - neutral
Mac - I'm not sure on mac anymore, their reads feel kind of all over the place
Neon - feels town
SVS - I want to look at you more closely
Seanzie - leaning more wolf as I don't feel they have given much
Sloonei - seems fine

[VOTE: seanzie] aubergine

with that I am off to dinner, don't expect to hear back from me anytime soon
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by MacDougall »

Seanzie wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:04 pm
MacDougall wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:01 pm [VOTE: Mightyrunner7] aubergine
Tell me about MR7.
Just kinda sussy.
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Re: [DAY 4] Literal WWerecreatures Invade Syndicate Zoo: An SDN Crossover Game


Post by S~V~S »

Well, I'm gonna go get dinner myself.

I may or may not be back tonight, but I'll be around pretty much all day tomorrow.
Skip softly, my moonbeams, for I have heard tell
That the stairs up to heaven lead straight down to hell
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