[ENDGAME] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia

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Who killed MM? (not changeable)

Poll ended at Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:25 pm

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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by S~V~S »

nijuukyugou wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Do you think that someone who has a gossip role should use it as a platform for hard role hinting?
Short answer: No, with a "depends" clause.

Long answer: It depends on one's definition of hard role hinting, and that would be difficult to determine to make everyone happy. The job of the role is to express to fellow civs who should and should not be under scrutiny and lynched, and that may include the gossiper his/herself. Listing names of who should go and who shouldn't go could be considered role-hinting, by process of elimination. I agree with Golden here - other roles allow for protection, blocking, and gathering information behind the scenes about fellow players, and civs will use them to protect themselves if they're pretty sure they'll be targeted. The gossip role must maintain a balance since it's much more public than the more behind-the-scenes roles, but using it to lead civs away from lynching a civ, including the gossiper, by allowing them to do their own guesswork without the gossiper specifically saying, "Hey look, it's me, [insert player name here], I'm the gossiper!" is valid to me.

Now that you mention it, I can see your perplexity - I think a lot of it stems from Golden's (and others) seeing it as black and white. Me, I like being in the gray area.
Golden wrote:Ninja, purple looks good on you.
And i have been thinking alot about this. Like you, for me it is areas of gray. Especially in a game where roles have descriptions like these:
The Phantom of the Opera – The Phantom of the Opera is there, inside my mind.

Starlight Express - Starlight express, answer me yes This has to be one of the stupidest musicals ever conceived. Starlight Express is so bad that it blocks one player each night.

Cats - Memory, all alone in the moonlight
How can anyone be so sure of what is and is not possible? But i am willing to back off of this (and this is not easy for me) becasue while I understand your explanation, I do not necessarily agree with your stance. I mean, there is a huge difference between the gossip saying "her" or "Player X" and saying me. Saying "Player X does not want to die" and saying "I don't want to die" are not at all the same thing for that role. And part of my issue is not only that I don't think YOU would say it, Ninja, I don't think Dom would allow it. That is kinda why I think someone other than you wrote it. But if you are saying that you think it would be an OK thing to do, I have to say, OK. I could be tunneling. But Dom allowing a gossip role to say "I" in that position does not seem like something he would allow. Waffle waffle waffle. I honestly don't know what i think, lol. Like I said, I am going to look at the case on others and let this backburner a bit in the slow cooker.

Do you have an opinion on Golden or MM? Any reason why you think they may be buddying up to you so hard?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

S~V~S wrote:That is very possible re which team can recruit. But I am still finding this whole thing hard to swallow. I am looking to brainstorm possibilities (admittedly almost impossible in a game with most roles basically secret).

I am not a fan of unequivocally ruling things out when all possibilities are necessarily unknown via vague/secret roles. I am also going to read up on what the case on Faraday is other than blendiness. If it is only blendiness, I won't be voting for him.
I've been very lazy in constructing my case against him, but there's definitely more to it than that. I can try to pull some things up.

I appreciate your skepticism.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

One question I can ask about DFaraday, for those who are familiar with him, is about his self-assessment at the end of his big long response to Jay's big long ISO (the very last magenta bit at the end of the post). He says he plays "intuitively and defensively". Is this something others can agree with?
I'd also add that, even if this is true, these things are (by his own admission, implicitly) extremely easy behaviors to fake as a bad guy. This was my earliest reason for suspecting DFaraday going back to the beginning of thr game, and it still stands now. Pretty much all the townie points in his favor are things that are easily fabricated.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

As I just mentioned, one of my most prevalent reasons for suspecting dfaraday this game has been the lack of any really strong town tells, with all of his positive content being the sort of thing(s) that is/are very easy for baddies to fake. I think I highlighted a few such examples an earlier ISO that's probably buried in my posts now. I am on my phone right now and don't feel like dragging up tons of examples, but I can do it if people wish for me to substantiate this suspicion any further. That, combined with simple process of elimination, make him a worthy suspect. I'm still looking for other things, and here are some posts that stand out to me:
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DFaraday wrote:Finally caught up. Good job, everyone, even though I probably wouldn't have voted Sig had I been around. I didn't find the case that convincing, but apparently it was right :shrug2:

I do agree that Splints' vote seems like it could be a teammate bandwagoning, but for that matter, Ninja's vote rubs me the wrong way too. She does straight up say it's a bandwagon vote, but I still feel pinged by it.

I hope LC and Golden can move on from the feud for next day. It feels like a whole lot of miscommunication, probably between civs.
I could see his comments about sig being an attempt at being unconventional in trying to seem like a townie, where he denies himself the opportunity to support the previous day's successful baddie lynch. This is only a minor point though, and the things that really grabbed my eye were the very opportunistic way he seized onto this fingersplints case (I recall it being stated by someone else earlier, FZ I think, in direct response to a question I had asked), Faraday piggybacks on a case that looked it was just starting to get rolling without needing to substantiate the suspicion in any way. This bugs me. Also the way he says he "feels" pinged by it rather than saying "I am pinged" implies there is a certain amount of distance between the ping and his honest self. Something about the language there seems unnatural to me.
Also not liking his assessment of the Golden/LC thing. He's very quick to dismiss them both as "probable civs", which I don't feel lines up with things in the thread or DFaraday's post history specifically.
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DFaraday wrote:
DFaraday wrote: I think I'm leaning slightly bad on FS. She pretty much bandwagoned late on the LC lynch, which makes me wonder if it was just a blending tactic.
I meant the Sig lynch, not LC. To me it looked like hiding in a safe landslide, but the fact that she also voted for G-Man and Bass on the occasions when LC was up for lynching makes me think she's more likely to be Mafia 2.

As for Cobalt, the biggest thing for me is how hard he went after LC, only to switch his vote to SVS for a rather weak reason. The other times he voted for LC, LC didn't really seem to be in much danger of lynching at all, since on Day 2 Cobalt basically insisted that everyone vote for himself and Day 3 was a Sig landslide. I don't think Day 4 had much to do with Cobalt at all.

Looking over the votes, it seems that MM went hard after LC all game, but voted Sig on Day 3. However, since his vote came at a time when a Sig lynched was all but inevitable, I wonder if MM is Mafia 1, voting a doomed teammate for cred, but otherwise going after someone who turned out not to be on his team, including when another teammate was on the chopping block on Day 4.

That's 3 theories, which is more than I usually contribute, so I'm done for now. :p I'll get to my thoughts on Hedge and Ninja later.
The first thing that stands out to me here is the last bit. He seems very self-conscious of his own playstyle, almost nervously so. After listing exactly three "theories" he makes note of this and bows out for a while. When he returns, the two other reads he offers are very light and do nothing to inspire confidence. This all reminds me of myself in the ongoing Watchmen game, where I admit to being hyper-aware of my own posts and how they might be perceived. I can sense some of this leaking through in this post from DFaraday.
I am also not a fan of the way he tries to spin some negativity against splints for not being on any of the Lc bandwagons without acknowledging that he himself had been reluctant to read LC as scum, as I highlighted above, and I don't recall him ever voting for LC either. This alone is not a damning piece of evidence, but for him to call out splints for it whild ignoring his own guilt and hypocrisy in the matter is not doing him any favors.
He also mentions Long Con in all three of these reads. Make of that what you will.
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DFaraday wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:
nutella wrote:I'm honestly not sure who I suspect most right now. I'm afraid the baddies are hiding in the people who don't stand out as much, like Niju and Hedge, maybe splints. Going to look at them again.
"Don't stand out as much"? Really? Because my name's been thrown around quite a lot for several days. Your attempt to be subtle is a no-go.
I'd have to agree with Ninja here. She's been pretty prominent the last couple of days. I still have Ninja on my suspect list though.
DFaraday wrote:
S~V~S wrote: I think Sloonei was 100% right. I think Ninjabloop is as bad as they come. I am not feeling the Golden connection that Epi posits, but I think Ninja made one really good post in defense, and the only thing that sets her defense apart from Black Rocks to me is tone. And having played a few games with Ninja, I will say that I admire her ability to keep it light and bantering at all times, civ or bad. Her tone is fairly level & light regardless. So if you remove tone from the equation (as was not done with Cobalt), her defense it not all that.
I'm a little confused here. Are you saying her one really good post wasn't enough of a defense? Or that the tone is what made it a good post?
DFaraday wrote:Ninja sounds very sincere, which could be excellent baddie acting, but I'm starting to think she may be civvie. I also think her points on Splints are good, as Splints has often voted late and in a bandwagony way. At the very least, this suggests that they're not teammates.
DFaraday wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
DFaraday wrote:Ninja sounds very sincere, which could be excellent baddie acting, but I'm starting to think she may be civvie. I also think her points on Splints are good, as Splints has often voted late and in a bandwagony way. At the very least, this suggests that they're not teammates.
"Starting to think"?

Early on, you mentioned Ninja very mildly as a "ping". You mention her on and off, more or less remaining pinged by her, while still finding excuses for her. Then you pretty much come out as pro-Ninja after Sloonei died, and have remained that way, so not sure where "starting to think" is coming from, tbh.

@JJJ I think you asked me who else I am wary of? Well, Faraday is one. I am someone who is a fan of not talking much at night, old school, I know, but I am old :P
How have I been pro-Ninja? At no point before have I said or implied that Ninja was civ, just that I was feeling less sure about her than I had been. After her recent posts I would put her on the civ side of my rainbow list, if I had one.
The progression of his ninja read here (as well as the post in the spoiler above this one) feels a bit overwrought, waffley, frantic, and contains some hints of backtracking on the words he's said. In the first post (previous spoiler) he lists one reason to suspect ninja and then, oddly, another reason not to suspect her. He then offers her some light support but goes back to saying she's a suspect, and then continues offering stronger support for a little while until he's called ot for doing so by SVS, at which point he backs off and says he's never been "pro-Ninja". The toe of this post seems a bit more defensive than it should be, and I do not like the way he doesn't own his read of ninja.

I'll also add that a lot of his technicolor responses to Jay's ISO read as shaky to me, but in the interest of conserving space and time, I'll not go over them here. If anyone would like me to, I can. Instead I encourage others to look at them themselves and make their own judgment calls.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

pretty sure that takes the cake for largest phone post i've ever made
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Does anyone have another suspect they think we should be looking at today? Or maybe someone has a strong #2 after faraday? I'm feeling good about this case, but i haven't been right the previous two days, plus we've still got a bunch of time left. It would be a shake to continue letting that go to waste.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I mean it would be a shame, but if we could somehow spin this situation into a milkshake I won't complain.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Correction in my big DFaraday post above: when i'm discussing his ninja read and i reference a post that is "in the previous spoiler", the post i'm actually referencing is the "very light" hyperlink post beneath the spoiler, not the post contained in the spoiler.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Scotty »

Sloonei wrote:pretty sure that takes the cake for largest phone post i've ever made
Looks pretty average to me :p
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Re: [Day 6] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

DFaraday wrote:
Sloonei wrote:Why don't you find Epi 2 suspicious, DFaraday?
He suspects the same people as I do, and he seems genuine enough. :shrug2:
This post is also bugging me when I come back to it. Epi seemed genuine? Really?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Scotty wrote:
Sloonei wrote:pretty sure that takes the cake for largest phone post i've ever made
Looks pretty average to me :p
i swear most of my huge posts were submitted from my laptop!
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Marmot »

Sloonei wrote:Does anyone have another suspect they think we should be looking at today? Or maybe someone has a strong #2 after faraday? I'm feeling good about this case, but i haven't been right the previous two days, plus we've still got a bunch of time left. It would be a shake to continue letting that go to waste.
SVS because NOU. :p

I still think Spacedaisy is worth looking at. I also have been very busy yesterday and today, so I apologize for my lack of participation. Fingersplints is on my list too, but I need to give her a proper look first.

I'll leave my vote where it is though.


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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

I would probably be better off if I took a closer look at spacedaisy.
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Re: [Day 10] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Spacedaisy wrote:I joined this game to help the host and players have a better experience, not because I am dying to play mafia. I have a lot on my plate right now, so I have no intention of going back and reading what happened before I joined. I realize this makes me a target for manipulative cases, so if you are civ and you see one being presented you better speak up. I found the case on Hedge to be compelling because based on voting behavior she appeared to be a distancing teammate of a lynched baddie. I feel no need to apologize for my vote.

I trust golden because what I see from him is nothing like what I just saw from him as my baddie teammate in guess who. I feel very confident he is civ.

Now, MM is looking shady as shit to me right now. He presents a case in hopes someone will come in and debunk it? He voted for her though... Then the first chance he gets he is jumping on me, the easiest target in this game right now? You are looking really opportunistic to me.

Someone want to give me a bullet point overview of why they suspect Splints?
this post does not make her look too good, but it would look a lot worse if she had kept to her word and stayed (relatively) unengaged. After making this post, she seems to have jumped right into thijgs and started reading back all willy-nilly.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Also, what's that unfinished thought at the end of your post, mm?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Spacedaisy »

It should come as no surprise that I voted MM. There is only one person aside from myself that I trust in this game. I am considering DFaraday as a lynch possibility, but at the moment I am leaving my vote on MM. I don't buy his role claim and its because I know Dom, he hates that kind of stuff. I can't imagine him allowing to role claim like that. I only feel more certain of MM being bad. I have a sneaking suspicion about it but I want to keep it under my hat at the moment until I can decide if I believe it or not...

Right now I trust almost no one.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Spacedaisy wrote:It should come as no surprise that I voted MM. There is only one person aside from myself that I trust in this game. I am considering DFaraday as a lynch possibility, but at the moment I am leaving my vote on MM. I don't buy his role claim and its because I know Dom, he hates that kind of stuff. I can't imagine him allowing to role claim like that. I only feel more certain of MM being bad. I have a sneaking suspicion about it but I want to keep it under my hat at the moment until I can decide if I believe it or not...

Right now I trust almost no one.
I am not 100% sure what you are referencing with regards to mm's roleclaim, but it's worth mentioning that Cobalt got away with pretty bluntly stating the nature of his role when he was in danger of being lynched, and Dom said this was perfectly fine. Doesn't mean Metalmarsh is necessarily telling the truth, but it's a thing.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by nijuukyugou »

S~V~S wrote: Do you have an opinion on Golden or MM? Any reason why you think they may be buddying up to you so hard?
I think Golden genuinely (and rightly :noble: ) believes I'm good and wants to keep me alive for the civ cause (therefore making him civ in my eyes), and I'm inclined to think MM is good after the last lynch because he was the only one who actually voted away from Neverwhere, and his reaction to being lynched without a case gave me major pause. These are gut feelings I have. My gut has been worrying me lately, especially in the wake of being so badly tricked in Guess Who, so my paranoid self tells me that they (or one of them) could certainly be "buddying up" to me to gain my support and will have played me like a fiddle. But I think they're defending me because they don't want a civ to die.

I keep saying I'm going to look back at DF and I still plan to. I agree that if the case is just blendiness, then I'm not gonna swing my vote that way. However, Golden's process of elimination with players that includes DF, along with vote patterns and this general blendiness, would be enough to get my vote. I want to look at him myself, however, and not just vote with the crowd, because that hasn't been working out so well. I feel like I've said that a lot lately.

I need to go food shopping for a cocktail party and hang out with my friend who's been having a hellish time at work lately, but I plan to be back before the poll ends. My thoughts on splints haven't changed, and I'm glad to see more support of that in the thread today. I'll put my vote there for now. I'm also glad to see discussion of lots of people! Until later.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

I have a nagging suspicion that metalmarsh, and not dfaraday, is the one we want. Is there a case to be made for metalmarsh being civ? I'd be much more interested in that than any case against him.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I'm putting my vote back on Metalmarsh until I can be convinced that he's not bad. We now have a three-way tie.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Golden »

My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
If you have time, I would really appreciate some input on metalmarsh. I know you've said that you're more inclined to go with DF than MM today, but I'm a bit unclear on why that is the case. I will do everything in my power to ensure that one of the two of them is lynched today, but at the moment I am not sure which I prefer.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by S~V~S »

Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
Why do you think you should be controlling how people vote?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by S~V~S »

nijuukyugou wrote:
S~V~S wrote: Do you have an opinion on Golden or MM? Any reason why you think they may be buddying up to you so hard?
I think Golden genuinely (and rightly :noble: ) believes I'm good and wants to keep me alive for the civ cause (therefore making him civ in my eyes), and I'm inclined to think MM is good after the last lynch because he was the only one who actually voted away from Neverwhere, and his reaction to being lynched without a case gave me major pause. These are gut feelings I have. My gut has been worrying me lately, especially in the wake of being so badly tricked in Guess Who, so my paranoid self tells me that they (or one of them) could certainly be "buddying up" to me to gain my support and will have played me like a fiddle. But I think they're defending me because they don't want a civ to die.

I keep saying I'm going to look back at DF and I still plan to. I agree that if the case is just blendiness, then I'm not gonna swing my vote that way. However, Golden's process of elimination with players that includes DF, along with vote patterns and this general blendiness, would be enough to get my vote. I want to look at him myself, however, and not just vote with the crowd, because that hasn't been working out so well. I feel like I've said that a lot lately.

I need to go food shopping for a cocktail party and hang out with my friend who's been having a hellish time at work lately, but I plan to be back before the poll ends. My thoughts on splints haven't changed, and I'm glad to see more support of that in the thread today. I'll put my vote there for now. I'm also glad to see discussion of lots of people! Until later.
Do you think it is possible that the baddies have a role check and knew Nev was not bad? Generally, that is one of the most awesome baddie moves, being all self righteous about not lynching the popular candidate and lo and behold, they're a civ. At this stage i am inclined to go botd with you. But I am not as sure on MM. So putting a vote there now to be sure i don't miss again, but this may change.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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oh boy, metalmarsh is lined up for a lynch.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I am concerned about this sudden move from people who previously didn't express any interest in lynching him to vote MM. I think I'm moving my vote over to DFaraday.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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My move to DFaraday is because golden is the only person I trust right now.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I do not think you've expressed any read of me, spacedaisy. Tell me what you think of my play.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Daisy, my thoughts on MM are based on his reactions to Ninja for the most part. He has an opportunistic feel to me.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I'd not expressed suspicion of metalmarsh since my resurrection, but I had him listed as a top-tier suspect on a few of my early rainbow lists, if that comforts you at all.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I see spacedaisy's paranoia about these votes against metalmarsh as a cautious, perhaps overly-cautious, townie. If this is the case, I fail to see the reasoning behind her sudden change. I would like for her to explain herself in a little more detail.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Is anybody here at all? A quiet end of day is the last thing I want.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Golden »

S~V~S wrote:
Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
Why do you think you should be controlling how people vote?
That's not the point... the point is that with unchangeable votes, when people vote before you, you can control where your vote is relative to theirs.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Golden »

Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
If you have time, I would really appreciate some input on metalmarsh. I know you've said that you're more inclined to go with DF than MM today, but I'm a bit unclear on why that is the case. I will do everything in my power to ensure that one of the two of them is lynched today, but at the moment I am not sure which I prefer.
If MM is lynched, you won't see me complaining. MM says he will survive a lynch, so in the interests of reducing the number of total kills left on the board if DF and MM were the final two baddies, I think lynching DF first would be more advisable. Just my opinion.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Golden wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
If you have time, I would really appreciate some input on metalmarsh. I know you've said that you're more inclined to go with DF than MM today, but I'm a bit unclear on why that is the case. I will do everything in my power to ensure that one of the two of them is lynched today, but at the moment I am not sure which I prefer.
If MM is lynched, you won't see me complaining. MM says he will survive a lynch, so in the interests of reducing the number of total kills left on the board if DF and MM were the final two baddies, I think lynching DF first would be more advisable. Just my opinion.
What do you make of Spacedaisy's vote change?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Golden »

Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
If you have time, I would really appreciate some input on metalmarsh. I know you've said that you're more inclined to go with DF than MM today, but I'm a bit unclear on why that is the case. I will do everything in my power to ensure that one of the two of them is lynched today, but at the moment I am not sure which I prefer.
If MM is lynched, you won't see me complaining. MM says he will survive a lynch, so in the interests of reducing the number of total kills left on the board if DF and MM were the final two baddies, I think lynching DF first would be more advisable. Just my opinion.
What do you make of Spacedaisy's vote change?
I trust Daisy, do not think she is bad, and think her reason for changing her vote is genuine.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Golden wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
If you have time, I would really appreciate some input on metalmarsh. I know you've said that you're more inclined to go with DF than MM today, but I'm a bit unclear on why that is the case. I will do everything in my power to ensure that one of the two of them is lynched today, but at the moment I am not sure which I prefer.
If MM is lynched, you won't see me complaining. MM says he will survive a lynch, so in the interests of reducing the number of total kills left on the board if DF and MM were the final two baddies, I think lynching DF first would be more advisable. Just my opinion.
What do you make of Spacedaisy's vote change?
I trust Daisy, do not think she is bad, and think her reason for changing her vote is genuine.
]but do you agree with it? Not the vote itself, but her reasons for changing.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Golden »

Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Golden wrote:My day today is a write off. The poll end time is 45 minutes before a deadline I've been working towards for the last several weeks, and I am unlikely to have spare time before then.

I was hoping for something more clear cut. It's not clear cut right now. This is what I don't like about changeable votes... I really can't control how people will move over the hours that I'm not here. Hopefully I'll find time to pop in again later.

In the mean time, I'm personally feeling very firm about DF being my preference.
If you have time, I would really appreciate some input on metalmarsh. I know you've said that you're more inclined to go with DF than MM today, but I'm a bit unclear on why that is the case. I will do everything in my power to ensure that one of the two of them is lynched today, but at the moment I am not sure which I prefer.
If MM is lynched, you won't see me complaining. MM says he will survive a lynch, so in the interests of reducing the number of total kills left on the board if DF and MM were the final two baddies, I think lynching DF first would be more advisable. Just my opinion.
What do you make of Spacedaisy's vote change?
I trust Daisy, do not think she is bad, and think her reason for changing her vote is genuine.
]but do you agree with it? Not the vote itself, but her reasons for changing.
I think you and SVS are both civilian and both genuinely find MM to be bad - so no, I don't have the same concern she does.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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That the person she thought was bad at least enough to vote for him was taking votes? Taking votes from people who had mentioned him before they voted?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Faraday may be bad, I can never tell. I suspected him at one point, but that was wrapped in with my ninja suspish. But if he flips civ, we need some reevaluation.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by nijuukyugou »

S~V~S wrote: Do you think it is possible that the baddies have a role check and knew Nev was not bad? Generally, that is one of the most awesome baddie moves, being all self righteous about not lynching the popular candidate and lo and behold, they're a civ. At this stage i am inclined to go botd with you. But I am not as sure on MM. So putting a vote there now to be sure i don't miss again, but this may change.
Oh, that is absolutely a possibility. My gut wants to believe him. My paranoia says you could be right. Slippery marmot.

I looked back at DF's vote record and his vote timings. Except for a missed vote (Cobalt's lynch) and the first attempted lynch of Cobalt, his votes are pretty consistently early (as in, he's either the 4th or earlier person to vote a particular player). Numbers in parentheses is the order he voted that particular player:

SVS 1.0 (2)
Cobalt (6)
TinyBubbles (4)
G-Man (4)
G-Man (4)
Black Rock (3)
Black Rock (2)
Misses vote
Bass (3)
splints (1)
splints (only)
Neverwhere (2)

So we're trying to pin him as the Phantom? That would mean he voted for his teammate G-Man, twice, and early. If he's Team Wildhorn, he did avoid voting LC, but he voted corrupted Black Rock twice, and early, as well. That doesn't look right. Am I missing something in an ISO of him that negates these numbers? I really am asking.

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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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I feel better about lynching Metalmarsh than DFaraday at this point. I think in a high-pressure late-game situation like this, there would likely be at least one scum player trying hard to keep their finger on the pulse of the thread, directing things and being as involved as they can be. Metalmarsh fits that bill perfectly. Of all the players who have been highly vocal at any point in this game, he's the one that has done the least to distinguish himself as a townie. This is why I am interested to hear somebody argue for his towniness rather than his scumminess.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Ninja Blooper, if you're still here, what do you plan on doing with your vote? Do you think you'll keep it on splints or move it to one of the other two candidates?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by nijuukyugou »

Sloonei wrote:Ninja Blooper, if you're still here, what do you plan on doing with your vote? Do you think you'll keep it on splints or move it to one of the other two candidates?
Not sure yet, and I was just debating that. On the one hand, I trust Golden (and lean civ on Daisy) so their vote is tempting to follow, but my vote analysis of DF says otherwise.

I realized I haven't looked at MM's votes myself, so here's the same dealy I did with DF:
LC (1)
LC (1)
sig (7)
Long Con (2)
TH (only)
Cobalt (1)
Cobalt (1)
Cobalt (3)
Bass (2)
Hedgeowl (1)
Daisy (only)
JJJ (only)

He's voted players on both teams, but voted relatively late for sig (but then again, so did I), and completely avoids voting for G-Man. A lot of lone votes, but that's pretty normal for him. This vote record does look worse than DF's.

Here's my dilemma. I don't want to tie up the votes. Based on vote record, DF doesn't look bad, which is why I was asking why people are so adamant about voting him (if I'm missing something), because he's been discussed for a lot of this game. Do I feel confident enough in that short vote analysis to attempt to save him? Do I feel confident enough that MM is bad to do so? Do I want to move my vote off of someone I really, really think has done a helluva job of being bad and will continue to kill if she survives this phase? Not particularly, and I feel like I was that deciding vote last time around. Responsibility sucks.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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That being said, and those being my feelings, I am still debating.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Golden »

G-Man clearly played the game as though he was going down from the moment he subbed in, and I think his team played it as such. I've not taken the votes for G-Man into account because I don't think they are meaningful.

MM, I think, is clearly not on team two. But honestly, all of his baddie hunting reinforces that he isn't on team two. It always felt to me as though he was expending more effort trying to sort out what was up with team 2 than team one. He's been so focussed on missing kills and unknown forces... even night stuff.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

You are in a tough spot, no doubt. I want to encourage you to go for metalmarsh (my confidence about him is growing by the minute), but I'd rather take a chance on dfaraday than tie it up.
Is vote analysis the key reason why you suspect fingersplints?
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


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Phantom plot summary:

Opera singer Christine triumphs at the gala on the night of the old managers' retirement. Her old childhood friend, Raoul, hears her sing and recalls his love for Christine. At this time, there are rumors of a phantom living at the Opera and he makes himself known to the managers through letters and malevolent acts. Some time after the gala, the Paris Opera performs Faust, with the prima donna Carlotta playing the lead, against the Phantom's wishes. During the performance, Carlotta loses her voice and the grand chandelier plummets into the audience.

Definitely think the phantom is the silencer...

I can't see anything that backs up that he would have two lives, though.
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Re: [Day 13] Bullets Over Broadway Mafia


Post by Sloonei »

Golden wrote:G-Man clearly played the game as though he was going down from the moment he subbed in, and I think his team played it as such. I've not taken the votes for G-Man into account because I don't think they are meaningful.

MM, I think, is clearly not on team two. But honestly, all of his baddie hunting reinforces that he isn't on team two. It always felt to me as though he was expending more effort trying to sort out what was up with team 2 than team one. He's been so focussed on missing kills and unknown forces... even night stuff.
I remember making a similar observation about him very early in the game (that he seemed to be looking for a scum team rather than individual scum players), and that this is resurfacing again on Day 13 just adds to the bad feelings I'm getting from him.
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