Game of Champions 2017 - GAME OVER

Who was surprised by no ducks?

Poll ended at Sat Apr 21, 2018 6:35 pm

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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Spacedaisy »

Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:13 am why is daisy ahead of me?
Because he has a better chance of pocketing you than me.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Kylemii »

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Scotty wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:53 pm Heyyyyy! Let's look at our friend Kyle through a lens I used on INH. Since it would appear you lot are narrowing it down to us tomorrow.

First, the theme:
Kyle wrote:I didn't know Wilgy was in our tribe???
Boomslang wrote:Kyle: Yeah, I do think your Wilgy comment is a baddie ping. It suggests that you've been playing the game opportunistically rather than paying closer analytical attention. If you were really trying to solve the game, you'd be taking stock of all the players in it. :eye:
So I'm going to look at Kyle here as a credible witness (for you lawyers out there).

As we can reference, LC was brought down because he knew too much. On the flip side, one could say that Kyle knows too little.
cbob wrote:If we were teammates nutella wouldn't have been the one hit by my bomb
Kyle wrote:what bomb?
Scotty wrote:if sig is bad, and on strexcorp, then we’re assuming he used his power on Wilgy, his partner. I do not think he would do that, or even pretend to.
Kyle wrote:sig's power?
Marmot wrote:Didn't realize we were allowed to talk about the puzzles publicly.
I would like to share that I completed and submitted the sudoku within 10 minutes of receiving it.
Scotty wrote:Gettin that civ cred, eh?
I also submitted my puzzle within 10 minutes, but I’m not using that as a credibility to my civness.
Kyle wrote:what puzzle?
Kyle wrote:i remember sloonei winning a contest and getting to snoop on this place but i don't remember any of the specifics of it, nor do i remember sudoku being involved
Sloonei wrote:@nijuukyugou if I am wilgy's teammate then that means I am also marmot's teammate.
Kyle wrote:what
Kyle wrote:oh right nevermind. Wilgy and Marmot were in the same mafia
Kyle wrote:i'm also not super comfortable giving reads on any of these new folks given that I haven't actually read any of this thread yet
Kyle wrote:I also like.... low-key don't remember the names of like 60% of our former tribemates.
Sloonei wrote:I looked at Pikachu for resistance to nutella suspicion. There wasn't any. I ISO'd Kyle and Scotty. Kyle made no mention of her whatsoever. Scotty had one foot on board the lynch train and seemed to be actively developing his reads. But I do want to point out that he also devoted a good amount of focus to smearing niju along with nutella.
Kyle wrote:hold on, wasn't nutella already dead when we got there?
Kyle wrote:I like to ask a lot of questions to find out what's important and what I should focus on during my digs so I can be more efficient and only spend time on things that are worthwhile or relevant. work smarter not harder is like 90% of my strategy in everything in life.

Ok, so second, I must preface that Kyle has already shared that he's disengaged, and has offered to try harder. The guy was throwing up most of the first few days, was divided in other games, became a fisherman, and then was behind 60 pages. I can understand that. I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt, though frustratedly. But from my perspective, and this is the tough love- it's just not all there on the surface. But I feel like he knows more than he lets on.

It's very likely that by playing dumb (I'm not calling you dumb- Want to be clear that I think you're playing dumb) he can easily skate by on his ignorance. Like a good corporate exec can talk their way out of embezzling $12 billion by saying 'I do not recall,' kyle has an out that basically says, 'i wasn't really engaged nor did I read that thing you're talking about.'

In this way, a bad kyle won't get caught because there's nothing to catch him for.

If he was the only Evil Even on Bidoof 1.0 (and that's a BIG if), then the first 3 kills are easily explainable for even a hapless bystander. All it takes is a few rainbow lists or brief perusal of the most talkative players and he can identify who looks the towniest- me on N2, sprityo on N8. Maybe he didn't submit a kill on N10? Who knows.

So like. How long do we wait for Kyle to find his voice? He said he felt like a passenger, and in many ways he has been. I can see him as a perfunctory Even that has been pleading dumb in order to never implicate himself or appear too boisterous.
i want to point out that several of those questions were for the purpose of understanding things i was missing the context of. the wilgy comment was clearly rhetorical and meant to convey a point rather than actually being a question. also the specifics of the the puzzle thing was literally never even discussed in our thread. so that was actual brand new information.

i also.... won't be shamed out of asking questions. obviously the ideal way to play is to read everything and generate one's own thoughts but in the absense of that, asking questions and getting clarification is way more efficient than going out of my way to find the same information. it would take like.... 10 minutes to dig through the 3 different threads that this game is to figure out what was meant when someone mentioned sig's first role power. clicking the quote button and typing "yo what power" took like.... 10 seconds, and achieved the exact same result.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Spacedaisy »

Spacedaisy wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:38 am
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:13 am why is daisy ahead of me?
Because he has a better chance of pocketing you than me. ;)
Edited it, because I felt like perhaps the playful tone intended didn't come across properly.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:06 am Because Scottys thread is suspicious af and Kyle felt very real today.
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
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S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Golden »

Scotty wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:22 pm@Golden ! I don’t know if you can confirm this or if it has already been confirmed but do Mafia kills count as actions that must be applied to their current tribe?
All targeted abilities had to be applied to a players tribe that was their tribe at the time the PM was sent in. Sometimes I use the word 'power' or 'ability' - these are the same as each other, and they mean anything you can do as the result of any part of your role card - either the specific role power you have, or other things that might be included like BTSC, parts of your win con, factional abilities etc. Anything at all that can be done by way of targeting is a targeted ability.

I also have mentioned effects in this game. An effect is specifically something that can happen to you without a player targeting you - for example S~V~S original role had an effect that took place when a person voted for her. In some cases effects are able to effect people from a tribe that the person causing an effect is not on. For instance, Marmot's first power, if it was ever used in the game, would effect both tribes because it was not a targeted ability but an effect. A passive role (such as the 'start each day with -2 votes portion of DDL's initial role) is also an effect.

I will not confirm whether any given kill was a targeted ability or an effect.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Day 12


Post by Dom »

Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:42 am
Dom wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:45 am
Scotty wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:57 pm Sorry sig, it was you or me.
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:41 pm And operation save Scotty is success.
Yeah, and all 7 of my scumbuddies.
I'm embarrassed by this comment.
no one thinks you have 7 teammates and you know that
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by juliets »

Night will end at 6:38 pm EDT today. Please have all pms in by 4:38 pm EDT and have a Happy Easter!
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

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S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:06 am Because Scottys thread is suspicious af and Kyle felt very real today.
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
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S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Dom »

Scotty-- what changed your view on SVS?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

Dom wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:55 pm Scotty-- what changed your view on SVS?
Again, her conviction and engagement with the game. She backs up her thoughts and gives a strong throughline. I mean, she could be a FEB but I don’t see it right now. Think of my dip in her from merge 7 to 5 to 9, where 1 is bad and 10 is the opposite of bad.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Day 12


Post by Scotty »

Dom wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:17 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:42 am
Dom wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:45 am
Scotty wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:57 pm Sorry sig, it was you or me.
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:41 pm And operation save Scotty is success.
Yeah, and all 7 of my scumbuddies.
I'm embarrassed by this comment.
no one thinks you have 7 teammates and you know that
I do know that, that was the joke.

Why are you embarrassed?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:36 pm
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S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:06 am Because Scottys thread is suspicious af and Kyle felt very real today.
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
Sure my reads change all the time. Wilgys lynch was a sea change for me, so was DHs death. But something very specific prompts it. Literally the only thing to happen between Thursday and today is I tried to lynch you. So, while you are coming right out and saying that is why you feel better about me, that whole thing with the Wilgy vote reads as inorganic to me. I don't think you ever thought I was bad. It felt awkward and forced on your part. You feel like you're acting.

I am not sure who I would vote for. I think everyone in this game (me included) is basing things on assumptions we have no way of knowing. With the roles we have seen so far, NOTHING is confirmed. If there is one role that can be a Seemer, or make someone else appear as a different role, there may be another. We have seen at least two roles revealed in thread, and one player revealed as a faux role revealer. Two known vote manipulators. Knowing Golden I would bet my Bunny (and it's a nice English solid chocolate one) that there is a chaos role, one that can scramble all night actions.

I know who I would NOT vote for. Epignosis, Daisy, Quin, Dom. Not Niju, either, although she had my spidey senses tingling like mad before her reveal.

Boom; who's that? When I first read him when I went to Cerberus, he seemed OK, but going back a few days ago in light of subsequent events I fwelt worse about him. I would want to reread him (and actually plan on doing so)

C-Bob and sprit have both changed since they died. Quite a bit in both cases. I would look into either if you were not on the poll.

I don't think LoRab killed DH becasue of what I know of her. That double target business was direct, playing to win, and also maybe a tad harsh. I don't think it is someone who came from our original culture would have done that, especially since he plays so seldom and seemed to be really having fun. Prejudicial and subjective? Yes. But it is how I feel. Doesn't mean she isn't Even, but she feels distracted, not bad, to me.

I waffle on INH, INH is like me in that he is good at faux sincerity. He deos sound sincere to me, and the fact that he kept pushing the sig case actually makes him look better, not worse, to me becasue he stuck to his guns, and if he was bad he would have to realize sig probably wasn't. I would not be *shocked* if INH was bad, but I would not be shocked if he wasn't either.

If kyle keeps it up as he has, I have no reason to think he is bad.

Personally, I think Sloonei could be potentially bad. He waffles, he makes errors I would not expect from him. I think he is trying to be Supatown, but it ain't easy being good when you're bad. BUT the Marmot/Wilgy lynches gave me pause, though, he isn't a Strex. One under the bus, maybe, but two? And on Day 5, when LC was lynched x2 and Cerberus had the sigwagon, Sloonei wanted to lynch Marmot, not sig. He had to be talked into it, and was far from a thread leader that day, so I don't think he is as likely to be Even. My feels on Sloonei are almost total gut, and some of that could be cultural, people talking about how civ they are gets my vote finger itchy. So Sloonei feels bad to me, but I wouldn't vote for him as it could be just that, feels.

So to answer your question, I would probably reread post first death Bob and sprit, and Boom. C-Bob and sprit for possible post first death affiliation change, Boom for his general demeanor and just POE.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

*felt, "fwelt" is not a word.

And if I get back on my phone folks are gonna kill me, so I will see you all later.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

One last thing, it would be total lulz if one or both of Daisy and Sloonei were buddying each other. It would be hilarious if they were our two last (imo) original baddies. BUT POE, Sloonei prolly isn't bad, I just want him to be, and I think Daisys thread has been supa civ, so :shrug:

It would be funny, though.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:36 pm
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:06 am Because Scottys thread is suspicious af and Kyle felt very real today.
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
Sure my reads change all the time. Wilgys lynch was a sea change for me, so was DHs death. But something very specific prompts it. Literally the only thing to happen between Thursday and today is I tried to lynch you. So, while you are coming right out and saying that is why you feel better about me, that whole thing with the Wilgy vote reads as inorganic to me. I don't think you ever thought I was bad. It felt awkward and forced on your part. You feel like you're acting.

I am not sure who I would vote for. I think everyone in this game (me included) is basing things on assumptions we have no way of knowing. With the roles we have seen so far, NOTHING is confirmed. If there is one role that can be a Seemer, or make someone else appear as a different role, there may be another. We have seen at least two roles revealed in thread, and one player revealed as a faux role revealer. Two known vote manipulators. Knowing Golden I would bet my Bunny (and it's a nice English solid chocolate one) that there is a chaos role, one that can scramble all night actions.

I know who I would NOT vote for. Epignosis, Daisy, Quin, Dom. Not Niju, either, although she had my spidey senses tingling like mad before her reveal.

Boom; who's that? When I first read him when I went to Cerberus, he seemed OK, but going back a few days ago in light of subsequent events I fwelt worse about him. I would want to reread him (and actually plan on doing so)

C-Bob and sprit have both changed since they died. Quite a bit in both cases. I would look into either if you were not on the poll.

I don't think LoRab killed DH becasue of what I know of her. That double target business was direct, playing to win, and also maybe a tad harsh. I don't think it is someone who came from our original culture would have done that, especially since he plays so seldom and seemed to be really having fun. Prejudicial and subjective? Yes. But it is how I feel. Doesn't mean she isn't Even, but she feels distracted, not bad, to me.

I waffle on INH, INH is like me in that he is good at faux sincerity. He deos sound sincere to me, and the fact that he kept pushing the sig case actually makes him look better, not worse, to me becasue he stuck to his guns, and if he was bad he would have to realize sig probably wasn't. I would not be *shocked* if INH was bad, but I would not be shocked if he wasn't either.

If kyle keeps it up as he has, I have no reason to think he is bad.

Personally, I think Sloonei could be potentially bad. He waffles, he makes errors I would not expect from him. I think he is trying to be Supatown, but it ain't easy being good when you're bad. BUT the Marmot/Wilgy lynches gave me pause, though, he isn't a Strex. One under the bus, maybe, but two? And on Day 5, when LC was lynched x2 and Cerberus had the sigwagon, Sloonei wanted to lynch Marmot, not sig. He had to be talked into it, and was far from a thread leader that day, so I don't think he is as likely to be Even. My feels on Sloonei are almost total gut, and some of that could be cultural, people talking about how civ they are gets my vote finger itchy. So Sloonei feels bad to me, but I wouldn't vote for him as it could be just that, feels.

So to answer your question, I would probably reread post first death Bob and sprit, and Boom. C-Bob and sprit for possible post first death affiliation change, Boom for his general demeanor and just POE.
See, I think one of the evolving determinations I’m having it this game is the game is that sincerity is null and void. It’s the engagement I’m basing a lot of my reads on. And I think that’s an integral difference between you and I in our vetting process.

I think baddies are going to be sincere in their reads and their frustrations in a multi mafia game. I 100% agree that INH looks sincere, I even said so and initially backed off him when he was gaining head in RE to his proposed lynch. It was such a heartfelt frustration that I felt bad for the guy. His sig case looked sincere, because I think he may have been actively hunting.

But I’m startig to feel like it’s the engagement, the attempt to solve the game, that makes me trust or not trust someone.

This isn’t calling out low posters. I feel like Boom is engaged to an extent and I still feel solid about him.

I don’t feel like INH is engaged unless he is defending himself. I don’t feel like Kyle is engaged yet, and I’m not seeing him put to use any of the information he’s gathering by asking questions. It might even be sincere, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with that- I’m a little biased because I’m basically a sick child on this thread with all the word vomit I’ve deposed
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

I’ve bee heaistsnt to call Sloonei bad with a straight face because I have been with him throughout the rollercoaster. I’ve felt burned out around day 5-6 and I’ve had similar reads.

But the big thing that irks me about his play in general? Is he’s very quick to civ read someone, and is much more willing to be eased into reading someone as bad. Marmot was one thing. Then there’s everyone else. He’s definitely felt non commital the last week- he’s explained this for personal reasons, and yet he’s still active in the thread enough to respond to things and give opinions. It’s just that those opinions feel...I dunno...beige?

I’m not actively painting him in a bad light, and still view him as civ, but it’s not a very bright civ star at this juncture
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:58 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:36 pm
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:06 am Because Scottys thread is suspicious af and Kyle felt very real today.
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
Sure my reads change all the time. Wilgys lynch was a sea change for me, so was DHs death. But something very specific prompts it. Literally the only thing to happen between Thursday and today is I tried to lynch you. So, while you are coming right out and saying that is why you feel better about me, that whole thing with the Wilgy vote reads as inorganic to me. I don't think you ever thought I was bad. It felt awkward and forced on your part. You feel like you're acting.

I am not sure who I would vote for. I think everyone in this game (me included) is basing things on assumptions we have no way of knowing. With the roles we have seen so far, NOTHING is confirmed. If there is one role that can be a Seemer, or make someone else appear as a different role, there may be another. We have seen at least two roles revealed in thread, and one player revealed as a faux role revealer. Two known vote manipulators. Knowing Golden I would bet my Bunny (and it's a nice English solid chocolate one) that there is a chaos role, one that can scramble all night actions.

I know who I would NOT vote for. Epignosis, Daisy, Quin, Dom. Not Niju, either, although she had my spidey senses tingling like mad before her reveal.

Boom; who's that? When I first read him when I went to Cerberus, he seemed OK, but going back a few days ago in light of subsequent events I fwelt worse about him. I would want to reread him (and actually plan on doing so)

C-Bob and sprit have both changed since they died. Quite a bit in both cases. I would look into either if you were not on the poll.

I don't think LoRab killed DH becasue of what I know of her. That double target business was direct, playing to win, and also maybe a tad harsh. I don't think it is someone who came from our original culture would have done that, especially since he plays so seldom and seemed to be really having fun. Prejudicial and subjective? Yes. But it is how I feel. Doesn't mean she isn't Even, but she feels distracted, not bad, to me.

I waffle on INH, INH is like me in that he is good at faux sincerity. He deos sound sincere to me, and the fact that he kept pushing the sig case actually makes him look better, not worse, to me becasue he stuck to his guns, and if he was bad he would have to realize sig probably wasn't. I would not be *shocked* if INH was bad, but I would not be shocked if he wasn't either.

If kyle keeps it up as he has, I have no reason to think he is bad.

Personally, I think Sloonei could be potentially bad. He waffles, he makes errors I would not expect from him. I think he is trying to be Supatown, but it ain't easy being good when you're bad. BUT the Marmot/Wilgy lynches gave me pause, though, he isn't a Strex. One under the bus, maybe, but two? And on Day 5, when LC was lynched x2 and Cerberus had the sigwagon, Sloonei wanted to lynch Marmot, not sig. He had to be talked into it, and was far from a thread leader that day, so I don't think he is as likely to be Even. My feels on Sloonei are almost total gut, and some of that could be cultural, people talking about how civ they are gets my vote finger itchy. So Sloonei feels bad to me, but I wouldn't vote for him as it could be just that, feels.

So to answer your question, I would probably reread post first death Bob and sprit, and Boom. C-Bob and sprit for possible post first death affiliation change, Boom for his general demeanor and just POE.
See, I think one of the evolving determinations I’m having it this game is the game is that sincerity is null and void. It’s the engagement I’m basing a lot of my reads on. And I think that’s an integral difference between you and I in our vetting process.

I think baddies are going to be sincere in their reads and their frustrations in a multi mafia game. I 100% agree that INH looks sincere, I even said so and initially backed off him when he was gaining head in RE to his proposed lynch. It was such a heartfelt frustration that I felt bad for the guy. His sig case looked sincere, because I think he may have been actively hunting.

But I’m startig to feel like it’s the engagement, the attempt to solve the game, that makes me trust or not trust someone.

This isn’t calling out low posters. I feel like Boom is engaged to an extent and I still feel solid about him.

I don’t feel like INH is engaged unless he is defending himself. I don’t feel like Kyle is engaged yet, and I’m not seeing him put to use any of the information he’s gathering by asking questions. It might even be sincere, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with that- I’m a little biased because I’m basically a sick child on this thread with all the word vomit I’ve deposed
Niju isn't very engaged, but she is revealed as civ. Sig was not all that invested, he was civ. Presumably, that is, on both. LC was extremely engaged, he was not civ.

I am a tone reader, it is how I play. becasue of rl issues it is something I am fairly good at, although I can be fooled, and often am. I am certainly not claiming to be foolproof. Dom fools me all the time. I used to be aces at reading LC, for instance, and until Dom pointed out his slip, I was civ reading him completely. I am very susceptible to being buddied, as well.

The problem I have with you is that, for the most part, you sound completely insincere to me. When you talk about yourself, you sound sincere. When you talk about others, not so much.

I think your thread speaks for itself; my reading of your tone is a separate issue. That bit with saying I was bad and being mad over Wilgys vote for me (you didn't sound mad; you sounded manipulative) was over the top, and I could visualize you twirling mustachios. Wilgy dropped a rotten egg in the thread, and you kept trying to get someone to pick it up. That was why he dropped it in the first place. Thats what I saw.

Now we'll see if that's what other people saw as well.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by sprityo »

SVS I want you to look into me and tell me what’s wrong. I know I’m not the same as prior, I’m almost discouraged because of my bastard role. I’m just shooting in the dark.

But I want to see what points you bring up, maybe it’ll spark me to get something done.
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:How does it feel to be the Best Civilian Player on the Syndicate?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

This is something I have heard people say, but it is not in my mafia lexicon. What specifically is a "bastard role"?

And just off the top of my head, you're way quieter, you aren't bringing your perspective to the table as much as you were before you died (RIP Cecil :rip: ) Before, I could recall your positions at least somewhat off the top of my head, now not so much. But I had planned to reread you during the next day phase.

What are your GTH reads?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Ben Linus »

Hello there.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Aww :(

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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:58 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:36 pm
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:06 am Because Scottys thread is suspicious af and Kyle felt very real today.
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
Sure my reads change all the time. Wilgys lynch was a sea change for me, so was DHs death. But something very specific prompts it. Literally the only thing to happen between Thursday and today is I tried to lynch you. So, while you are coming right out and saying that is why you feel better about me, that whole thing with the Wilgy vote reads as inorganic to me. I don't think you ever thought I was bad. It felt awkward and forced on your part. You feel like you're acting.

I am not sure who I would vote for. I think everyone in this game (me included) is basing things on assumptions we have no way of knowing. With the roles we have seen so far, NOTHING is confirmed. If there is one role that can be a Seemer, or make someone else appear as a different role, there may be another. We have seen at least two roles revealed in thread, and one player revealed as a faux role revealer. Two known vote manipulators. Knowing Golden I would bet my Bunny (and it's a nice English solid chocolate one) that there is a chaos role, one that can scramble all night actions.

I know who I would NOT vote for. Epignosis, Daisy, Quin, Dom. Not Niju, either, although she had my spidey senses tingling like mad before her reveal.

Boom; who's that? When I first read him when I went to Cerberus, he seemed OK, but going back a few days ago in light of subsequent events I fwelt worse about him. I would want to reread him (and actually plan on doing so)

C-Bob and sprit have both changed since they died. Quite a bit in both cases. I would look into either if you were not on the poll.

I don't think LoRab killed DH becasue of what I know of her. That double target business was direct, playing to win, and also maybe a tad harsh. I don't think it is someone who came from our original culture would have done that, especially since he plays so seldom and seemed to be really having fun. Prejudicial and subjective? Yes. But it is how I feel. Doesn't mean she isn't Even, but she feels distracted, not bad, to me.

I waffle on INH, INH is like me in that he is good at faux sincerity. He deos sound sincere to me, and the fact that he kept pushing the sig case actually makes him look better, not worse, to me becasue he stuck to his guns, and if he was bad he would have to realize sig probably wasn't. I would not be *shocked* if INH was bad, but I would not be shocked if he wasn't either.

If kyle keeps it up as he has, I have no reason to think he is bad.

Personally, I think Sloonei could be potentially bad. He waffles, he makes errors I would not expect from him. I think he is trying to be Supatown, but it ain't easy being good when you're bad. BUT the Marmot/Wilgy lynches gave me pause, though, he isn't a Strex. One under the bus, maybe, but two? And on Day 5, when LC was lynched x2 and Cerberus had the sigwagon, Sloonei wanted to lynch Marmot, not sig. He had to be talked into it, and was far from a thread leader that day, so I don't think he is as likely to be Even. My feels on Sloonei are almost total gut, and some of that could be cultural, people talking about how civ they are gets my vote finger itchy. So Sloonei feels bad to me, but I wouldn't vote for him as it could be just that, feels.

So to answer your question, I would probably reread post first death Bob and sprit, and Boom. C-Bob and sprit for possible post first death affiliation change, Boom for his general demeanor and just POE.
See, I think one of the evolving determinations I’m having it this game is the game is that sincerity is null and void. It’s the engagement I’m basing a lot of my reads on. And I think that’s an integral difference between you and I in our vetting process.

I think baddies are going to be sincere in their reads and their frustrations in a multi mafia game. I 100% agree that INH looks sincere, I even said so and initially backed off him when he was gaining head in RE to his proposed lynch. It was such a heartfelt frustration that I felt bad for the guy. His sig case looked sincere, because I think he may have been actively hunting.

But I’m startig to feel like it’s the engagement, the attempt to solve the game, that makes me trust or not trust someone.

This isn’t calling out low posters. I feel like Boom is engaged to an extent and I still feel solid about him.

I don’t feel like INH is engaged unless he is defending himself. I don’t feel like Kyle is engaged yet, and I’m not seeing him put to use any of the information he’s gathering by asking questions. It might even be sincere, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with that- I’m a little biased because I’m basically a sick child on this thread with all the word vomit I’ve deposed
Niju isn't very engaged, but she is revealed as civ. Correct, which is why I proposed she should be a contender for a lynch until revealed as civ. Sig was not all that invested, he was civ. and sig was the other. Presumably, that is, on both. LC was extremely engaged, he was not civ. that's true. And unless he didn't make a slip I don't think it improbable that he could still be here.

I am a tone reader, it is how I play. becasue of rl issues it is something I am fairly good at, although I can be fooled, and often am. I am certainly not claiming to be foolproof. Dom fools me all the time. I used to be aces at reading LC, for instance, and until Dom pointed out his slip, I was civ reading him completely. I am very susceptible to being buddied, as well. I also get antsy at people buddying me...down the line. At first, I'm always like, 'yeah! I must be super smart because others agree with me!'

The problem I have with you is that, for the most part, you sound completely insincere to me. When you talk about yourself, you sound sincere. When you talk about others, not so much. ouch. :sigh: That's bizarre to hear, on a personal level. Because IRL I have trouble connecting with my inner self and thus why I project things onto others and like to play other people. I'm sure there was a psychotic break somewhere in my childhood that caused this, but in general, I'm pretty much an open book when talking about others but try not to talk about myself. This goes against the actor stereotype, of course.

I think your thread speaks for itself; my reading of your tone is a separate issue. That bit with saying I was bad and being mad over Wilgys vote for me (you didn't sound mad; you sounded manipulative) was over the top, and I could visualize you twirling mustachios. Wilgy dropped a rotten egg in the thread, and you kept trying to get someone to pick it up. That was why he dropped it in the first place. Thats what I saw. I brought this up after he was lynched, if I recall. But I even mentioned it was WIFOM central and didn't know what to make of it. There's nothing manipulative in making an observation, and I'm sorry you're framing it that way in your memory. I gave GTH reads, and for those that surprised me (i.e. you) I went to look at why I thought that. It could have been an influencing factor.

Now we'll see if that's what other people saw as well.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Ben Linus »

S~V~S, I appreciate the greeting. Which numbers should I handcuff tomorrow?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

But look, I aint out to appease you, or anyone else. Hell, I'm even dropping subtle doubts on basically the only guy that was defending me (Sloonster)

If that gets your vote tomorrow and reads as insincere, then what can I do

If I were mafia I'd kill you tonight, btw. Think of the juicy juicy WIFOM that would sludge my way- my biggest detractor dead and the group converging on me like a plastic bag drifting toward the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I would be lynched on principle.
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

(I am fangirling over here, I always <3 Ben) 5, 9 17, 24 43 if any of those are available. Not *our* numbers.

Spoiler: show
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:08 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:58 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:36 pm
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:41 am
How real was I in the 3 weeks before you entered the tunnel?

You know what’s most frustrating? I view you as one of the civviest here. Sucks to not have you on my team here
"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?
Scotty wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:15 am
I’ve enjoyed kyle’s re-entry into the game. A lot of this is gut but he seems readily engaged with the thread again. Could be that all of his baddie teammates keep dying and now he knows he needs to kick it into high gear to stay alive. I’d list him as more a baaaarely civ lean. He could easily fall back into “BAD” read but he’s not at the top of my list right now.

SVS is bad, but I don’t know why. I hAve no desire to lynch her right now, however. Epi is right- at least how I’m interpreting him- in that maybe the low-contributors are the outliers here. Lynching Speedchuck needed to happen ImO but I see the validity in keeping him around now since he was potently adding to discussion and solving the game. But his lynch was probably inevitable until a mechanic revealed itself to the contrary.

I will revisit SVS later as to why i feel that way. What pisses me off is Wilgy’s last comment regarding SVS being bad. It’s a huge soup of WIFOM and I’m trying to ignore it, but Wilgy was all but a dead man walking at that point and it has to be a strategic move. I could very well link her to Wilgy just on that, but then that wouldn’t be fair to SVS. Wilgy never did answer me when pressed on that, so wtf am I supposed to make of that? If anything, I find it most likely she changed alignments from 1 to 2, since y’all seem to think strex was never originally in Pikachu 1.0
This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,
I view you as one of the civviest here.
Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
Spoiler: show
S~V~S wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:16 am ~~~
DH could have easily been killed one or even two times had the killer been in his thread prior. But he wasn't until after the merge, and it was immediately after the merge. I think one of these people killed DH:

Boom, I felt better about him before the merge, INH ^^. LoRab, you're busy, you were traveling, it is Passover, but you are creeping the hell out of me. Niju is a civ, I believe the reveal. Scotty I will address in a separate post. I waffle on sig, I see the points on him, but I also see the signess that gets him mislynched, and I am not getting the sly feel I get from bad sig, but I never did read him that well and have joined too many incorrect sig wagons, so i am leery, maybe more so that I should be, of sigwagons. Did DH interact much with sig? If they did I missed it. Sloonei I have mixed feels on, his super civ demeanor is always impressive, but the things he is saying are making me tense. Daisys support is making me trust him a bit more, but only a bit. I feel pretty good about Daisy, from her first post when I read back in Cerberus, she felt civ to me.

I personally would, in addition to Niju, cross LoRab off this list (I don't see her feeling threatened enough to kill anyone twice in a row), and Daisy as well, as my patented "Sloonei Most Town Read" in this group. I might also strike Scotty becasue I think if he's bad, he's more likely to be Even.

I would like to get the person who killed DH becasue they killed him dead with extreme prejudice, but I would be happy with an Even, too.

I have to get ready for work, but I promise I will write a better post re my vote change later, Scotty :grin:
Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
Sure my reads change all the time. Wilgys lynch was a sea change for me, so was DHs death. But something very specific prompts it. Literally the only thing to happen between Thursday and today is I tried to lynch you. So, while you are coming right out and saying that is why you feel better about me, that whole thing with the Wilgy vote reads as inorganic to me. I don't think you ever thought I was bad. It felt awkward and forced on your part. You feel like you're acting.

I am not sure who I would vote for. I think everyone in this game (me included) is basing things on assumptions we have no way of knowing. With the roles we have seen so far, NOTHING is confirmed. If there is one role that can be a Seemer, or make someone else appear as a different role, there may be another. We have seen at least two roles revealed in thread, and one player revealed as a faux role revealer. Two known vote manipulators. Knowing Golden I would bet my Bunny (and it's a nice English solid chocolate one) that there is a chaos role, one that can scramble all night actions.

I know who I would NOT vote for. Epignosis, Daisy, Quin, Dom. Not Niju, either, although she had my spidey senses tingling like mad before her reveal.

Boom; who's that? When I first read him when I went to Cerberus, he seemed OK, but going back a few days ago in light of subsequent events I fwelt worse about him. I would want to reread him (and actually plan on doing so)

C-Bob and sprit have both changed since they died. Quite a bit in both cases. I would look into either if you were not on the poll.

I don't think LoRab killed DH becasue of what I know of her. That double target business was direct, playing to win, and also maybe a tad harsh. I don't think it is someone who came from our original culture would have done that, especially since he plays so seldom and seemed to be really having fun. Prejudicial and subjective? Yes. But it is how I feel. Doesn't mean she isn't Even, but she feels distracted, not bad, to me.

I waffle on INH, INH is like me in that he is good at faux sincerity. He deos sound sincere to me, and the fact that he kept pushing the sig case actually makes him look better, not worse, to me becasue he stuck to his guns, and if he was bad he would have to realize sig probably wasn't. I would not be *shocked* if INH was bad, but I would not be shocked if he wasn't either.

If kyle keeps it up as he has, I have no reason to think he is bad.

Personally, I think Sloonei could be potentially bad. He waffles, he makes errors I would not expect from him. I think he is trying to be Supatown, but it ain't easy being good when you're bad. BUT the Marmot/Wilgy lynches gave me pause, though, he isn't a Strex. One under the bus, maybe, but two? And on Day 5, when LC was lynched x2 and Cerberus had the sigwagon, Sloonei wanted to lynch Marmot, not sig. He had to be talked into it, and was far from a thread leader that day, so I don't think he is as likely to be Even. My feels on Sloonei are almost total gut, and some of that could be cultural, people talking about how civ they are gets my vote finger itchy. So Sloonei feels bad to me, but I wouldn't vote for him as it could be just that, feels.

So to answer your question, I would probably reread post first death Bob and sprit, and Boom. C-Bob and sprit for possible post first death affiliation change, Boom for his general demeanor and just POE.
See, I think one of the evolving determinations I’m having it this game is the game is that sincerity is null and void. It’s the engagement I’m basing a lot of my reads on. And I think that’s an integral difference between you and I in our vetting process.

I think baddies are going to be sincere in their reads and their frustrations in a multi mafia game. I 100% agree that INH looks sincere, I even said so and initially backed off him when he was gaining head in RE to his proposed lynch. It was such a heartfelt frustration that I felt bad for the guy. His sig case looked sincere, because I think he may have been actively hunting.

But I’m startig to feel like it’s the engagement, the attempt to solve the game, that makes me trust or not trust someone.

This isn’t calling out low posters. I feel like Boom is engaged to an extent and I still feel solid about him.

I don’t feel like INH is engaged unless he is defending himself. I don’t feel like Kyle is engaged yet, and I’m not seeing him put to use any of the information he’s gathering by asking questions. It might even be sincere, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with that- I’m a little biased because I’m basically a sick child on this thread with all the word vomit I’ve deposed
Niju isn't very engaged, but she is revealed as civ. Correct, which is why I proposed she should be a contender for a lynch until revealed as civ. Sig was not all that invested, he was civ. and sig was the other. Presumably, that is, on both. LC was extremely engaged, he was not civ. that's true. And unless he didn't make a slip I don't think it improbable that he could still be here.

I am a tone reader, it is how I play. becasue of rl issues it is something I am fairly good at, although I can be fooled, and often am. I am certainly not claiming to be foolproof. Dom fools me all the time. I used to be aces at reading LC, for instance, and until Dom pointed out his slip, I was civ reading him completely. I am very susceptible to being buddied, as well. I also get antsy at people buddying me...down the line. At first, I'm always like, 'yeah! I must be super smart because others agree with me!'

The problem I have with you is that, for the most part, you sound completely insincere to me. When you talk about yourself, you sound sincere. When you talk about others, not so much. ouch. :sigh: That's bizarre to hear, on a personal level. Because IRL I have trouble connecting with my inner self and thus why I project things onto others and like to play other people. I'm sure there was a psychotic break somewhere in my childhood that caused this, but in general, I'm pretty much an open book when talking about others but try not to talk about myself. This goes against the actor stereotype, of course.

Now we'll see if that's what other people saw as well.
Scotty, I was not trying to make you feel bad re your self ctualization, trust me I am the LAST person who would want to do this. That is just how you read to me THIS game.

And re this,
I think your thread speaks for itself; my reading of your tone is a separate issue. That bit with saying I was bad and being mad over Wilgys vote for me (you didn't sound mad; you sounded manipulative) was over the top, and I could visualize you twirling mustachios. Wilgy dropped a rotten egg in the thread, and you kept trying to get someone to pick it up. That was why he dropped it in the first place. Thats what I saw. I brought this up after he was lynched, if I recall. But I even mentioned it was WIFOM central and didn't know what to make of it. There's nothing manipulative in making an observation, and I'm sorry you're framing it that way in your memory. I gave GTH reads, and for those that surprised me (i.e. you) I went to look at why I thought that. It could have been an influencing factor.
This was the first post I was thinking of. And you were the ONLY person to engage with him about it. Feels kind of set up-ish to me.
Scotty wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:58 pm
DrWilgy wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:50 pm
Scotty wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:46 pm
DrWilgy wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:44 pm SVS is bad. Pove me wrong.
Prove that you're not, first.
Is this possible? Why ask for impossibilities?
lay out a case against SVS. color me intrigued
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Ben Linus »

5 and 9. That sounds good.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

Spacedaisy wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:38 am
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:13 am why is daisy ahead of me?
Because he has a better chance of pocketing you than me.

I'm kind of going back and forth between you both. I delved into your play in Death Note Mafia and other civ games, Daisy, and i gotta be brutally honest...I can't find a difference in them besides a few things that may or may not be tells based on circumstance. I aint gonna share those, but I am not sure I see those same tells here. They may not even be tells. I dunno. The rest of the game is seeing how you handle your reads after the Wilgy snipe.

I think right now I would place Sloonei ahead of you by 0.06 places in the potential baddie scale. Congrats.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

this is like the high point of my Easter, interacting with sockpuppet Ben Linus. So sad ha ha ha
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by sprityo »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:21 pm This is something I have heard people say, but it is not in my mafia lexicon. What specifically is a "bastard role"?

And just off the top of my head, you're way quieter, you aren't bringing your perspective to the table as much as you were before you died (RIP Cecil :rip: ) Before, I could recall your positions at least somewhat off the top of my head, now not so much. But I had planned to reread you during the next day phase.

What are your GTH reads?
Bastard role: a role that would implicate someone to be anti town upon description/reveal. Isn’t gown i interpret it

Sloonei - good
SVS - good
Epi - good
Scotty - good
Niju - good (via reveal)
Quin - good still?
Spacedaisy - lean good

DDL - previously good, now null
Boomslang - no read
Kyle - no read
INH - lean bad
Cbob - lean bad, possible strex
Lorab - no read

These bottom six should warrant a closer look from myself

Effectively I’m not solid against anyone currently.
Epignosis wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 pm You all are terrible at this.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:How does it feel to be the Best Civilian Player on the Syndicate?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Ben Linus »

So let's chat. Who wants to share a story about their first tattoo? Or if you don't have one, if you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:17 pm (I am fangirling over here, I always <3 Ben) 5, 9 17, 24 43 if any of those are available. Not *our* numbers.

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Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:08 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:58 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:55 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:36 pm
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S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:09 am

"Tunnel"; that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I tunnelled CHUCK. I was trying to lynch Chuck after he had a role reveal as a civ before Nutella died.

YOU, I have suspected since right after I started reading Cerberus. I joined Cerberus on March 16th, and first mentioned you negatively on March 18. I have been watching you for over two weeks, prodding you occasionally, but I have voted for you, or pushed others to vote for you ONE TIME.

That is NOT a tunnel, that is hyperbole on your part, to make me look like an obsessive.

Kyle appeared as a null to me before this lynch, and then, for whatever reason, he decided to become involved, and his attempts to become informed and involved played very well to me. As opposed to, say, a few of the people who voted for sig whose only post of the day was their vote post, or the people who didn't even make the vote. Kyle's making an effort to become involved and I don't see bad Kyle bothering at this late stage.

You kind of agreed with me re Kyle on Thursday, but now that Sloonei has drilled it down to you or Kyle, suddenly, not so much, eh?

This post was Thursday, it now is Sunday.

You're also saying to me,

Yet a few short days ago you said that up there^^ implying an amorphous dread you had about me. It was like Wilgy dropped this nasty little Easter Egg into the thread, and no one else picked it up, so you did, but no one bit, so you just kind of nudged it into view again. It was part of the reason I had you on my possible Strex list as well, the way Wilgy dropped that bizarre vote for zero reason since there was no lynch switch. Why drop that vote if not to use it as a topic of discussion? Who discussed it? You; trying to reap what Wilgy sowed?

I'll spoiler my Strex post, too big. But you finally got my vote because I think you could be legitimately placed on either team, although I made a mistake in this post, I had forgotten that you went to Pikachu after the first Button, not the second, Sloonei as well. But that doesn't make much difference to my theory as the first button went off during night 7, and we jumped into the new threads on Day 8. So Strex first kill after the first button push was still Night 9. I believe one of these people killed DH:


For various reasons, I doubt it is Lorab or Daisy.

Based on Day Seven, I think you are more likely even, but I could also see you on Strex.
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Happy Easter All! I don't expect to be around much today.
Yep, I absolutely wasn’t sure of you a few days ago. I had a strong civ read, then Wilgy died, and I was left second guessing. But your conviction that I am bad, though egregiously wrong, makes me feel better about you again.

Are you telling me that reads don’t change for you from time to time? My reads are not deadset, otherwise I’d be a statue (a damn sexy gargoyle, if you ask me): so yeah, I’ve oscillated on you, and view you as civ right now.

I get it, I’m not going to sway you from voting me. But if not me, who would you vote?
Sure my reads change all the time. Wilgys lynch was a sea change for me, so was DHs death. But something very specific prompts it. Literally the only thing to happen between Thursday and today is I tried to lynch you. So, while you are coming right out and saying that is why you feel better about me, that whole thing with the Wilgy vote reads as inorganic to me. I don't think you ever thought I was bad. It felt awkward and forced on your part. You feel like you're acting.

I am not sure who I would vote for. I think everyone in this game (me included) is basing things on assumptions we have no way of knowing. With the roles we have seen so far, NOTHING is confirmed. If there is one role that can be a Seemer, or make someone else appear as a different role, there may be another. We have seen at least two roles revealed in thread, and one player revealed as a faux role revealer. Two known vote manipulators. Knowing Golden I would bet my Bunny (and it's a nice English solid chocolate one) that there is a chaos role, one that can scramble all night actions.

I know who I would NOT vote for. Epignosis, Daisy, Quin, Dom. Not Niju, either, although she had my spidey senses tingling like mad before her reveal.

Boom; who's that? When I first read him when I went to Cerberus, he seemed OK, but going back a few days ago in light of subsequent events I fwelt worse about him. I would want to reread him (and actually plan on doing so)

C-Bob and sprit have both changed since they died. Quite a bit in both cases. I would look into either if you were not on the poll.

I don't think LoRab killed DH becasue of what I know of her. That double target business was direct, playing to win, and also maybe a tad harsh. I don't think it is someone who came from our original culture would have done that, especially since he plays so seldom and seemed to be really having fun. Prejudicial and subjective? Yes. But it is how I feel. Doesn't mean she isn't Even, but she feels distracted, not bad, to me.

I waffle on INH, INH is like me in that he is good at faux sincerity. He deos sound sincere to me, and the fact that he kept pushing the sig case actually makes him look better, not worse, to me becasue he stuck to his guns, and if he was bad he would have to realize sig probably wasn't. I would not be *shocked* if INH was bad, but I would not be shocked if he wasn't either.

If kyle keeps it up as he has, I have no reason to think he is bad.

Personally, I think Sloonei could be potentially bad. He waffles, he makes errors I would not expect from him. I think he is trying to be Supatown, but it ain't easy being good when you're bad. BUT the Marmot/Wilgy lynches gave me pause, though, he isn't a Strex. One under the bus, maybe, but two? And on Day 5, when LC was lynched x2 and Cerberus had the sigwagon, Sloonei wanted to lynch Marmot, not sig. He had to be talked into it, and was far from a thread leader that day, so I don't think he is as likely to be Even. My feels on Sloonei are almost total gut, and some of that could be cultural, people talking about how civ they are gets my vote finger itchy. So Sloonei feels bad to me, but I wouldn't vote for him as it could be just that, feels.

So to answer your question, I would probably reread post first death Bob and sprit, and Boom. C-Bob and sprit for possible post first death affiliation change, Boom for his general demeanor and just POE.
See, I think one of the evolving determinations I’m having it this game is the game is that sincerity is null and void. It’s the engagement I’m basing a lot of my reads on. And I think that’s an integral difference between you and I in our vetting process.

I think baddies are going to be sincere in their reads and their frustrations in a multi mafia game. I 100% agree that INH looks sincere, I even said so and initially backed off him when he was gaining head in RE to his proposed lynch. It was such a heartfelt frustration that I felt bad for the guy. His sig case looked sincere, because I think he may have been actively hunting.

But I’m startig to feel like it’s the engagement, the attempt to solve the game, that makes me trust or not trust someone.

This isn’t calling out low posters. I feel like Boom is engaged to an extent and I still feel solid about him.

I don’t feel like INH is engaged unless he is defending himself. I don’t feel like Kyle is engaged yet, and I’m not seeing him put to use any of the information he’s gathering by asking questions. It might even be sincere, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with that- I’m a little biased because I’m basically a sick child on this thread with all the word vomit I’ve deposed
Niju isn't very engaged, but she is revealed as civ. Correct, which is why I proposed she should be a contender for a lynch until revealed as civ. Sig was not all that invested, he was civ. and sig was the other. Presumably, that is, on both. LC was extremely engaged, he was not civ. that's true. And unless he didn't make a slip I don't think it improbable that he could still be here.

I am a tone reader, it is how I play. becasue of rl issues it is something I am fairly good at, although I can be fooled, and often am. I am certainly not claiming to be foolproof. Dom fools me all the time. I used to be aces at reading LC, for instance, and until Dom pointed out his slip, I was civ reading him completely. I am very susceptible to being buddied, as well. I also get antsy at people buddying me...down the line. At first, I'm always like, 'yeah! I must be super smart because others agree with me!'

The problem I have with you is that, for the most part, you sound completely insincere to me. When you talk about yourself, you sound sincere. When you talk about others, not so much. ouch. :sigh: That's bizarre to hear, on a personal level. Because IRL I have trouble connecting with my inner self and thus why I project things onto others and like to play other people. I'm sure there was a psychotic break somewhere in my childhood that caused this, but in general, I'm pretty much an open book when talking about others but try not to talk about myself. This goes against the actor stereotype, of course.

Now we'll see if that's what other people saw as well.
Scotty, I was not trying to make you feel bad re your self ctualization, trust me I am the LAST person who would want to do this. That is just how you read to me THIS game.

it all good, G. I don't get offended, it's just an intriguing observation that isn't usually made. I'd like to think I talk like I think, ya know?

And re this,
I think your thread speaks for itself; my reading of your tone is a separate issue. That bit with saying I was bad and being mad over Wilgys vote for me (you didn't sound mad; you sounded manipulative) was over the top, and I could visualize you twirling mustachios. Wilgy dropped a rotten egg in the thread, and you kept trying to get someone to pick it up. That was why he dropped it in the first place. Thats what I saw. I brought this up after he was lynched, if I recall. But I even mentioned it was WIFOM central and didn't know what to make of it. There's nothing manipulative in making an observation, and I'm sorry you're framing it that way in your memory. I gave GTH reads, and for those that surprised me (i.e. you) I went to look at why I thought that. It could have been an influencing factor.
This was the first post I was thinking of. And you were the ONLY person to engage with him about it. Feels kind of set up-ish to me.
Scotty wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:58 pm
DrWilgy wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:50 pm
Scotty wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:46 pm
DrWilgy wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:44 pm SVS is bad. Pove me wrong.
Prove that you're not, first.
Is this possible? Why ask for impossibilities?
lay out a case against SVS. color me intrigued
Oh!! I gotcha now.

Well if it were a set-up, he did a poor job of following through as my baddie partner, didn't he? Of course I'm gonna bite. Why wouldn't I? It's teasing new information. No new info came, but what if it did?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

I think I'll be looking at DDL this next phase, because he fits into the echelon of people that wholly avoided both the sig and Scotty lynch, but still added a vote there for some reason. I also can't remember anything he's said, most in part to the fact that we've only been together on the merged tribe. Could be those concussions again, but if I can't remember you and you're not my car keys, then there might be something wrong.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Spacedaisy »

Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:15 pm But look, I aint out to appease you, or anyone else. Hell, I'm even dropping subtle doubts on basically the only guy that was defending me (Sloonster)

If that gets your vote tomorrow and reads as insincere, then what can I do

If I were mafia I'd kill you tonight, btw. Think of the juicy juicy WIFOM that would sludge my way- my biggest detractor dead and the group converging on me like a plastic bag drifting toward the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I would be lynched on principle.
This was shady as shit. Now you can kill her or someone else will do it for you, either way your problem goes away. Nice target painting. And announcing what you would do as mafia is pointless for a civ, because no one will believe anything you say. For instance, you could be saying it so when it happens you can say "oh but why would I have told you right before I did it? I'm being set up obviously!" If it doesn't happen you can say, "Well yeah because I'm not mafia, if I were I would have killed SVS." This post makes no sense and is so gross man.

Cool, if my game here looks that similar to my game in Death Note then I must be doing a good job of keeping my baddie game and civ game relatively similar. Because this is 100% my civ game I'm bringing here. So that's kind of a compliment.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Ben Linus wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:22 pm So let's chat. Who wants to share a story about their first tattoo? Or if you don't have one, if you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?
I have a shamrock on my inner left ankle, it's a memorial tattoo for someone who was very invested in their Irishness, I had it for almost 10 years. It's the only one I have.


[mention]Scotty[/mention] why the big rush? Expecting I won't be able to answer questions in a few minutes? His answer wasn't important, he was a baddie; him answering would make me look better, not worse. The point of that kind of thing is to make other people go :ponder:

But no one did. What else would be the point of doing it?
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

sprityo wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:07 pm SVS I want you to look into me and tell me what’s wrong. I know I’m not the same as prior, I’m almost discouraged because of my bastard role. I’m just shooting in the dark.

But I want to see what points you bring up, maybe it’ll spark me to get something done.
why bring up your bastard role?
sprityo wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:21 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:21 pm This is something I have heard people say, but it is not in my mafia lexicon. What specifically is a "bastard role"?

And just off the top of my head, you're way quieter, you aren't bringing your perspective to the table as much as you were before you died (RIP Cecil :rip: ) Before, I could recall your positions at least somewhat off the top of my head, now not so much. But I had planned to reread you during the next day phase.

What are your GTH reads?
Bastard role: a role that would implicate someone to be anti town upon description/reveal. Isn’t gown i interpret it
Are you looking to be revealed and described soon? This just seems like an odd thing to bring up out of the blue
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

Spacedaisy wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:29 pm
Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:15 pm But look, I aint out to appease you, or anyone else. Hell, I'm even dropping subtle doubts on basically the only guy that was defending me (Sloonster)

If that gets your vote tomorrow and reads as insincere, then what can I do

If I were mafia I'd kill you tonight, btw. Think of the juicy juicy WIFOM that would sludge my way- my biggest detractor dead and the group converging on me like a plastic bag drifting toward the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I would be lynched on principle.
This was shady as shit. Now you can kill her or someone else will do it for you, either way your problem goes away. Nice target painting. And announcing what you would do as mafia is pointless for a civ, because no one will believe anything you say. For instance, you could be saying it so when it happens you can say "oh but why would I have told you right before I did it? I'm being set up obviously!" If it doesn't happen you can say, "Well yeah because I'm not mafia, if I were I would have killed SVS." This post makes no sense and is so gross man.

Cool, if my game here looks that similar to my game in Death Note then I must be doing a good job of keeping my baddie game and civ game relatively similar. Because this is 100% my civ game I'm bringing here. So that's kind of a compliment.
Note I said this after the submission deadline, bucko. So if it's gonna happen, it's gonna be tomorrow. Unless she's already dead tonight in which case, :shrug:
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:29 pm
Ben Linus wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:22 pm So let's chat. Who wants to share a story about their first tattoo? Or if you don't have one, if you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?
I have a shamrock on my inner left ankle, it's a memorial tattoo for someone who was very invested in their Irishness, I had it for almost 10 years. It's the only one I have.


@Scotty why the big rush? Expecting I won't be able to answer questions in a few minutes? His answer wasn't important, he was a baddie; him answering would make me look better, not worse. The point of that kind of thing is to make other people go :ponder:

But no one did. What else would be the point of doing it?
What? Excuse me, no he wasn't. He wasn't yet lynched or confirmed or any of that when I quoted him.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Well, re the second quote, I asked him.

And Ugh, I am trying to talk to Ben :pout:

Why does the thread have to explode when Ben Linus gets here :cloud9:

linki [mention]Scotty[/mention] He was about to be lynched, he said that towards the end of the lynch. He was about to be revealed bad. He was not revealed bad yet, but he still was in fact bad and everyone was about to know it.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:36 pm Well, re the second quote, I asked him.

And Ugh, I am trying to talk to Ben :pout:

Why does the thread have to explode when Ben Linus gets here :cloud9:

linki @Scotty He was about to be lynched, he said that towards the end of the lynch. He was about to be revealed bad. He was not revealed bad yet, but he still was in fact bad and everyone was about to know it.
Did you KNOW he was bad? Because I sure didn't.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


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I was saying his answer would be pointless once he was revealed; that is why he didn't answer you.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

wait, did ben just handcuff Spacedaisy and someone without an assigned number?

What is going on.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Golden »

MacDougall had been unusually quiet in recent times. He had locked himself up in an airlocked room, eating only replicated food. He had taken to using Morse Code, tapping on pipes, to tell his acolytes what to do next.

--.- ..- .. - tapped MacDougall.

The acolytes consulted their chart. "Quit?" they said. "Are we so bad that he has lost faith in us entirely?"

.-- . .... .- ...- . ..-. .- .. .-.. . -.. -.-- --- ..- they tapped back -... ..- - .--. .-.. . .- ... . -.. --- -. - .-.. --- ... . ..-. .- .. - ....

MacDougall was confused. What a strange message to get back. He consulted his chart. "Ooooooh" said MacDougall

--.- ..- .. -. --.- ..- .. -. --.- ..- .. -. tapped MacDougall.

And the deed was done.

Night 12 has ended. Quin has died. He was:
14: The Man in the Tan Jacket (Welcome to Night Vale). You are immune to all powers and effects, positive or negative, other than kills.

It is now day 13. It will last for 48 hours.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by S~V~S »

Scotty wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:38 pm
S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:36 pm Well, re the second quote, I asked him.

And Ugh, I am trying to talk to Ben :pout:

Why does the thread have to explode when Ben Linus gets here :cloud9:

linki @Scotty He was about to be lynched, he said that towards the end of the lynch. He was about to be revealed bad. He was not revealed bad yet, but he still was in fact bad and everyone was about to know it.
Did you KNOW he was bad? Because I sure didn't.
Ha ha of course I didn't. And that is not what I said, and you know it. twisty pretzel boy :clap:


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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Ben Linus »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:29 pm
Ben Linus wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:22 pm So let's chat. Who wants to share a story about their first tattoo? Or if you don't have one, if you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?
I have a shamrock on my inner left ankle, it's a memorial tattoo for someone who was very invested in their Irishness, I had it for almost 10 years. It's the only one I have.

Thanks for sharing your story!

I do not have one, but if I did, it would be of a polar bear.
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Night 12


Post by Scotty »

S~V~S wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:38 pm I was saying his answer would be pointless once he was revealed; that is why he didn't answer you.
So by me asking for an expansion- without any follow up on my part- that makes me look bad?

link: bye quin 1.0

Guess we know who refrigerator is, then
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Day 13


Post by Ben Linus »

Oh, looks like it's Day.

That means Quin (number 5) and Spacedaisy (number 9) are handcuffed and must vote the same way today.

I also need someone to enter the code into the hatch computer. Quickly now!
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Day 13


Post by S~V~S »

[VOTE: Scotty] aubergine

@ Ben <3 Polar bears, all bears, really!
Skip softly, my moonbeams, for I have heard tell
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Day 13


Post by S~V~S »

Scotty how did you know the handcuff thing before Ben announced it?
Skip softly, my moonbeams, for I have heard tell
That the stairs up to heaven lead straight down to hell
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Re: Game of Champions 2017 - Day 13


Post by Ben Linus »

I must emphasize that your numbers are of utmost importance.
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