Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]

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What's fun until it gets weird?

Poll ended at Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:11 am

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Trying to murder someone and failing. Repeatedly. Super awkward. (Host/deads/nons)
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Cards Against Humanity [GAME OVER]


Post by boo »


The Civvies (10): Civvies may lock into a non-passive power for 3 Awesome Points. Only 1 civvie may lock in per power. While a civvie who locked into a power is alive, other civvies will not be able to get that power. If they die, other civvies will be able to get it again (but not lock into it).

1. Protector: You may protect one player from all negative night abilities.

2. Roleblocker: Roleblock one player.

3. Curser: Curse a player of your choice, with a curse of your choice.

4. Drive-Byer: You get one additional lynch vote, to be sent in secretly.

5. Resilient (Passive): One auto-NP. If you are targeted for a NK, you survive. If you get this power, you will keep it until it is used up, and will not get another power from white cards until it has been used up. If you get it, you may opt out of holding onto it, so you can get another power (but will not keep the auto-NP). Once the protection has saved a civvie from a kill, this power will be removed.

6. Switcher (Passive): One lynch switch. You do not get other powers until this has been used. You may not opt out of having this power. The player you switch the lynch to must have at least 1 public vote.

7. Resser (Passive): Pick one dead player to be ressed. You may opt out of this power to get a new ability, and it will go back into the rotation. If you are killed while you have this power, it is lost, and no civvie will get the Resser role. The res from this role cannot be RBed.

8.Greedy: Use any 2 non-passive roles from the civvie list (cannot use the same 2 powers, ie, no 2 protects).

9. Killer (Passive): One Night Kill. You do not get other powers until this has been used. You may opt out of having this power. If you are killed while you have this power, it is lost, and no other civvie can get it.

10. Cheater: Pick one other player, and see their white cards. You may see only one of them, you may see all of them, you may see any number of them in between (it’s random).

11. Shuffler (Passive): Once in the game, you may cause all players to lose their current white cards, and get new ones. The player who gets this ability will get other powers when playing white cards. You may opt out of this power (allowing it to go to another player). If you die while holding this power, and do not use it, it is lost, and no one else can get it.

12. They A Damn Fool (Passive): This power will only go to a civvie. You may opt out of keeping this card. This card will automatically go to another civvie in the next round if it is opted out of. You get other powers when you have this one.

The player who plays this card will give up on the civvie cause because they surrounded by damn fools, and become an independent. What kind? You’ll find out when it happens (if you’re the one who plays it).

You must have at least 3 Awesome Points to use this power.

13. Stacked Deck (Passive): You may trade in any amount of your white cards, for other white cards of your choice. If another player has the white card(s) you choose, you will get a different card, and that player or players will start the following lynch with +1 vote for every card you picked that they hold. You may get other powers while holding this card. You may opt out of having this power, allowing someone else to get it. If you are killed why you hold this card, it automatically transfers to a random player you could not have won with.

14. Thief: You may pick another player, and steal 1 Awesome Point from them. If they have no Awesome Points, they start the next lynch at +2 votes.

15. Creator: Tell the host the power you would like for the night. It may not be a power any other civvie role has (or overly similar), and if you overpower it, you get nothing. If you ask for something useable, it will be added to the civvie powers list (and you even get to name it). The powers asked for using this power should be similar to nightly powers, not passive powers (ie, something that can be used nightly such as a roleblock or protect, not something like a switch or NK which is only used once or twice by a civ role with that power).

16. One Night Stand: Choose one other player to spend the night with. Anything that happens to one happens to the other. If one or the other gets targeted for a kill, protect, curse, etc. then if affects both of them. If the player you spend the night with targets someone you are told who they targeted.

17. F*ck It, We'll Do It Live: Choose a player. The player you target must incorporate the name of at least 1 of the white cards they have played in every post they make for the next day/night (within sentences, not just posting the card name itself). If they fail to comply, their next vote will be worth 0.

18. Cheater 2.0: You may see all the white cards turned in before the card czar chooses a card. You are then able to switch your white card with any other white card.

19. Wrongfully Accused: Choose up to 3 players. If you can win the game with the player(s), they cannot roleblock or kill you on the night you use this power. If a chosen player targets you and then votes for you the next Day, then their vote is worth -1. You may spend 1 Awesome Point to learn which, if any, of those players targeted you.


Trump Cards (4): Here there be BTSC. Once in the game, each baddie subgroup can take the awesome point in a round (must pick which teammate gets it). The Card Czar of that round will not even pick a winner. The use of this ability must sent in during a day period (and it goes through during a night). SECRETS

1. Doin’ it in the butt: Each night, you may pick one player who must quote another players post every time they post (which they must do at least 10 times) the following day. In each post, the person you picked must bold a part of the quote, and the first line of their post must be ‘That’s what she said.’ in bold, it must make some kind of sense. If they fail to comply, you get to choose who they vote for in the following 3 lynches. Once in the game, you may make another player buttsore, putting 5 votes on them. Kills on odd nights.

2. A sassy black woman: You start each lynch at -2 votes, cause you don’t take no sass. Once in the game, you may point out the racial insensitivity of making the black cards the question cards and the white cards the answer cards, resulting in mass white guilt among all players not on your team. This causes them not to send in any night action (a mass-roleblock).

3. Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog: Your gunfire causes other players to leave you alone. Your beastiality causes them to leave you even further alone. You survive the first two attempts (lynch or NKs) on your life.

4. Two midgets shitting into a bucket: Each night, you may pick another player to empty your bucket of shit on to. This will put them at +1 vote in every lynch from then on. You may not pick the same player again until three other players have had your bucket dumped on them.

Cards You May Not Understand - And Definitely Do Not Want To Google (4): Here there be BTSC. Once in the game, each baddie supgroup can take the awesome point in a round (must pick which teammate gets it). The Card Czar of that round will not even pick a winner. The use of this ability must sent in during a day period (and it goes through during a night). SECRETS

1. Pixelated Bukkake: Once in the game, you may pick up to half of all currently living players, and force them to vote for a player of your choice. Your lynch vote is worth 2, and every player you do not have BTSC with who votes for the same player you do has .5 added to their vote total (to a maximum of 3 extra votes on the person, or 6 people voting for them). This +.5 does not occur during the lynch you force votes. Kill on even nights.

2. Smegma: Each night, you may share your... dirt with another player. This will put them at +1 vote in every lynch from then on. You may not pick the same player again until three other players have had your dirt shared with them.

3. The taint; the grundle; the fleshy fun-bridge: You’re stuck between the dick and the asshole. No one wants to join you, so you’ll survive the first attempt on your life. Once in the game, you may pick 5 players, and force them to discuss what they call this area of the human body, making their votes worth 0, or roleblocking them if used at night. If you use it during a lynch, it cannot be used in conjunction with the one time ability of Pixelated Bukkake.

4. Gloryholes: Each night, you may pick a player, and force them to vote for a player of your choice in the following lynch. They may not make it obvious that the vote was forced (ever). If they succeed, you’ll return the favour, making their vote worth 2 the lynch after that. If they fail, any vote they take from that point on will be worth 3. If they succeed the initial forced vote and voted without making it obvious, but then later make it obvious they were forced, you may PM the host with the infraction, and the player will be killed if the host agrees with you.

The Balancer: SECRET ROLE

Win Conditions:
Civvies need all baddies dead, and to survive until the end of the game, in order to win.
Baddies need the other team and all civvies dead in order to win the game. Dead baddies win if a teammate wins the game.
Indies have their own conditions, if those aren’t stated they are secret.
There is one (or more?) modifier(s) to win conditions that will be secret to all (most?) players until it comes into effect (if and when).
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by boo »


1. No BTSC unless specified by the host.
2. No outting (self or others).
3. No sharing which white cards you have (with anyone, even in BTSC).
4. No double-targeting.
5. Don't be an asshat.
6. Only living players may post on topic. Use all the proper tags for everything else.

Alphabetical Player List:

Flyin' High

Turnip Head
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by boo »

Alive: 5
Dead: 14

Turnip Head (replaced Dom N5): Lynched D11 - Independent
Epignosis - Smemga - WINNER
Elohcin - Civvie

SVS: Killed N6 by Smegma - Ressed N7 - Lynched D12: A sassy black woman
Bass: Killed N6 by Smegma
FZ. Killed N1 by Doin' it in the butt.

kneel4justice - Gloryholes - WINNER
MR Killed N5 by Doin' it in the butt.
johns2jj: Lynched D2 - civvie
Sorsha: Killed N10 by Smegma
INH: Lynched D6 - civvie
DH: Lynched D9 - Doin' it in the butt
FH: Lynched D10 - civvie

Ace - The taint - WINNER
BWT: Lynched D4 - Civ : Ressed N4

llama: Killed N3 by a civ
Metalmarsh: Killed N2 by Pixelated Bukkake
Rey: Lynched D5 - Pixelated Bukkake - WINNER
Hedgeowl: NKed N4 by Pixelated Bukkake
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by boo »

Things to know:

Each player gets 5 white cards (these are answer cards).

Card Czar Stuff:

During each day phase, you will choose one of these cards to answer the question asked (it will be in the night post, and be the poll question), and PM it to the host.

One player will be the Card Czar, and this player does not choose an answer card to play. During the night period, this player will receive all submitted answer cards, and choose their favourite response to the question asked.

If you are the Card Czar, you may choose to use a ‘Make it Yourself’ black card. You submit your own question/fill in the blank to the host, and that is the black card that will be used for players to submit answers to you. If you opt to do this, and I like the black card you make, you get one anytime extra lynch vote. There will be a max of 3 make it yourself black cards available (so if you aren’t the Card Czar until after all 3 have been used up, and you had one, then you’re just out of luck).

While a player is the card Czar (they are selected during the night the previous Czar was picking the winner, and will be told they will be the next Card Czar), they cannot be lynched (as in, they will be off the poll). As the player field is made smaller, this will change. The Card Czars lynch vote is also worth 2, and if a lynch ends in a tie, the Czar will be responsible for breaking it. Anyone with a permanent role will retain that while the Card Czar, as the Card Czar doesn’t play a card, civvie Card Czars will not have a role the night they are the Card Czar.

IMPORTANT: If you are the Card Czar, and you have BTSC, obviously (since you’re not on the poll) the person/people you have BTSC with will know you are the Card Czar. They may not tell you which card they are playing (this is primarily for baddies trying to game the system, but applies to all BTSC), and it should not be discussed. The white cards you have should ALWAYS be kept to yourself, and NEVER shared (in thread or in BTSC). The only metric the Card Czar should use to decide the winning card is which one they think is funniest. The cards played are shared in the thread, so that other players may weigh in, NOT to encourage trying to get the Czar to pick you. Any behaviour that tries to break these rules will result in a host-killing. If the Card Czar is engaged with the other player or players in trying to cheat, everyone dies. Just don’t do it.

Awesome Points:

The card that the Card Czar chooses is the winner, and the player who submitted it gets one Awesome Point.

Civvies may use Awesome Points to lock into a role, at the cost of 3 Awesome Points.

For all players: The first player to get to 3 Awesome Points cannot be lynched, and will not be on the poll. If they maintain the lead they will continue to not be on the poll (can only be off 2 polls in a row), when another player passes them, that player is off the poll. All Awesome Points you get (that you haven't spent) can be used as an extra lynch vote (once, you may still use the Awesome Point to purchase things).

Civvie Powers:
Civvies get a role nightly (as long as they play a white card).

If a civvie plays one of the 8 cards that a baddie role is, they get that baddies power (or a modified version of it) to use the following night.

Once a card has been used, if the same one gets used again, it will give the same power it did last time.

If a civvie did not send in a white answer card, they don't get a power

Civvies don't keep the same power night by night (so a civvie could get a RB, then a protect, then Cheater). The locking into a non-passive power for 3 Awesome Points is how civvies will get around that, for example, if you wanted to protect every night, if you had 3 Awesome Points, you could do that (and would remain the protector until you died or the game ended).
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by insertnamehere »

Hitler always wins everytihng in this game.

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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by boo »

Day 0 Start: On Being Card Czar

Spoiler Alert: Reading this will probably get you placed on some kind of watchlist.

Sometimes being the Card Czar is really god damn hard.

For example, what happens when 2 (or even more…) trump cards are played in the same round? It hurts your brain, that’s what fucking happens! It’s like “an icepick lobotomy” mixed with “Keanu Reeves”. Painful, hard to watch, and time just slows the fuck down.

Sometimes, an answer is just so funny, it becomes impossible to continue reading the other answers. Play just stops. Then it gets to the point where it’s painful. But you just cannot stop laughing. TERRIBLE! Even worse than “Asians who aren’t good at math”.

Sometimes, a card comes up, and people don’t know what it means. You try explaining “pixelated bukkake” to someone. Then explain how you know what it means. They will never look at you in quite the same way. And their new found admiration for you will make you feel weird (and maybe a little aroused? but that’s probably just the “kids with ass cancer”, because you are one sick fuck, aren’t you?).

Then there are the times you ask something that seems relatively innocuous. I ask everyone what my secret power is. They get to come back with stuff like, “a pyramid of human heads”, or “half-assed foreplay”, and frankly, “being fat and stupid” just hurts (the “half-assed foreplay I can live with, because really ladies, quit being so needy and shit, amirite?). All I wanted was someone to say “The Force” or maybe “being a motherfucking sorcerer”, and this is what I get. Fuck. And then when I DO finally manage to regain my composure, and choose “getting so angry you pop a boner”, or “menstrual rage”, or the always classy as fuck “poorly timed Holocaust joke” (as if there’s ever a poor time for a gutbuster of a joke), the looks you get from people are a mix of disappointment (probably just that you didn’t pick their card, don’t worry) and… envy? I assume they just wish they could openly be as terrible a person as I am, so lets go with envy.

But at the end of the day, there is comfort in knowing everyone has to do the job at some point. Unless they die while the game is being played… but that only happens once in a while when you’re playing it in person, so it isn’t a huge deal. I mean, don’t get me wrong, between the “fiery poops” and “50,000 volts straight to the nipples” you do lose people… but the flashbacks usually go away as soon as you start “helplessly giggling at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis”.

Anyways… you all need a question to answer.


Day 0 has begun. Please PM which of your 5 answer cards you would like to answer this question with to the host within 47 hours, D0 will be lasting 48 hours. There is a poll set to the actual end time so you know when to look for the D1 start post.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by thellama73 »

If that's going to be your host color, I'm going to have to switch back to the black color scheme.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by boo »

thellama73 wrote:If that's going to be your host color, I'm going to have to switch back to the black color scheme.
It's the one I do use and like every other visible colour is something that is used for tags.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by DharmaHelper »

The mafia game based on defecate that I played before was pretty awesome, so I wouldn't mind playing some other crap themed mafia.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by boo »

One question I expect I will get: no, you can't change the white card you play once you submit. I have one doc for which cards everyone has, and as I get answers I will delete that card from your hand when you PM me, and put it down in the player doc.

PM/ask in thread anything else you've got (whichever seems more relevant). I may update the "Things you need to know" post if any questions I think everyone will want the answer to come in, so keep an eye on that.

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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by S~V~S »

thellama73 wrote:If that's going to be your host color, I'm going to have to switch back to the black color scheme.
I switch back and forth all the time due to this, in one game they were posting in freaking yellow, lol. Thats why the invisitext thing they had going on in the other game was so funny, it was totally visible in the prosilver scheme ha ha.

And i have not done 3 games at once in a looooong time, so I will try to wrap my head around this one in the AM when i am fresh and caffeinated. I have never played this game, and even without that boo games are intensely complex :lorab:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [SETTING UP]


Post by thellama73 »

S~V~S wrote:
thellama73 wrote:If that's going to be your host color, I'm going to have to switch back to the black color scheme.
I switch back and forth all the time due to this, in one game they were posting in freaking yellow, lol. Thats why the invisitext thing they had going on in the other game was so funny, it was totally visible in the prosilver scheme ha ha.

And i have not done 3 games at once in a looooong time, so I will try to wrap my head around this one in the AM when i am fresh and caffeinated. I have never played this game, and even without that boo games are intensely complex :lorab:
I am considering just not reading any of the host posts due to not wanting to switch.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by S~V~S »

Your loss, they're awesome :shrug:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by thellama73 »

S~V~S wrote:Your loss, they're awesome :shrug:
the real downside is that I won't know what's going on or what to do. :D
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Mister Rearranger »

I lied in the poll to suck up to the host... :ninja:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by thellama73 »

Mister Rearranger wrote:I lied in the poll to suck up to the host... :ninja:
It's interesting that you've gone with "suck up to the host" while I have gone with "antagonize the host." This should be an interesting experiment.
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Dom »

yoooo leggo
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

So you need 3 awesome points to lick into a non-passive role. What about the passive roles? And there is only 1 point per day up for grabs? Is that right?
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

Haha... Lick. How many licks does it take to get a non-passive role?? :P
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by boo »

Sorsha wrote:So you need 3 awesome points to lick into a non-passive role. What about the passive roles? And there is only 1 point per day up for grabs? Is that right?
The passive roles aren't locked into. Since someone might already have it when you want to lock into it, that wouldn't really work.

Yes, just 1 point a day.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

boo wrote:
Sorsha wrote:So you need 3 awesome points to lick into a non-passive role. What about the passive roles? And there is only 1 point per day up for grabs? Is that right?
The passive roles aren't locked into. Since someone might already have it when you want to lock into it, that wouldn't really work.

Yes, just 1 point a day.
So how does one get a passive role? Did I miss it in the instructions somewhere? I thought I read everything...
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by boo »

Sorsha wrote:
boo wrote:
Sorsha wrote:So you need 3 awesome points to lick into a non-passive role. What about the passive roles? And there is only 1 point per day up for grabs? Is that right?
The passive roles aren't locked into. Since someone might already have it when you want to lock into it, that wouldn't really work.

Yes, just 1 point a day.
So how does one get a passive role? Did I miss it in the instructions somewhere? I thought I read everything...
Civvies get a role nightly (as long as they play a white card), that may only be in the first thread when I posted the game, I'll get the specifics in the need to know post but essentially:

If a civvie plays one of the 8 cards that a baddie role is, they get that baddies power (or a modified version of it) to use the following night.

Once a card has been used, if the same one gets used again, it will give the same power it did last time.

If a civvie did not send in a white answer card, they don't get a power

Civvies don't keep the same power night by night (so a civvie could get a RB, then a protect, then Cheater). The locking into a non-passive power for 3 Awesome Points is how civvies will get around that, for example, if you wanted to protect every night, if you had 3 Awesome Points, you could do that (and would remain the protector until you died or the game ended).

Sorry that wasn't clear, I will update that post soon with everything from the other thread so it doesn't create more confusion for people (hopefully. If anything is still unclear, please ask).
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by reywaS »

cool cool cool
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Hedgeowl »

Epignosis wrote:I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
I just realized the downside of this format is that we can't all sit around a table having boo read the instructions to us, while some pay attention, some zone out when they get it, others just figure it out as the games starts, and the rest never quite figure it all out, but still manage to win somehow. XD
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

Hedgeowl wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
I just realized the downside of this format is that we can't all sit around a table having boo read the instructions to us, while some pay attention, some zone out when they get it, others just figure it out as the games starts, and the rest never quite figure it all out, but still manage to win somehow. XD
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by thellama73 »

Hedgeowl wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
I just realized the downside of this format is that we can't all sit around a table having boo read the instructions to us, while some pay attention, some zone out when they get it, others just figure it out as the games starts, and the rest never quite figure it all out, but still manage to win somehow. XD
Well, since I'm not reading any of the host posts, this should be interesting. :llama:
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Spacedaisy »

Hi all. I'm your mod for this game. That means if you have any problems or concerns with either the host or another player, then you should contact me. I will do my best to deal with any issues promptly. Have fun!
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Hedgeowl »

thellama73 wrote:
Hedgeowl wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
I just realized the downside of this format is that we can't all sit around a table having boo read the instructions to us, while some pay attention, some zone out when they get it, others just figure it out as the games starts, and the rest never quite figure it all out, but still manage to win somehow. XD
Well, since I'm not reading any of the host posts, this should be interesting. :llama:
It might ruin the fun, but you could just hit quote on all hosts posts and suddenly they become easily readable. :smile:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Hedgeowl »

Host- is there a Card czar selected Day 0 or will that be you this round? In future rounds when we do know the Card Czar's identity we are trying to select what they would think funny yes?
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Elohcin »

This game seems A-W-E-S-O-M-E, Awesome, Awesome, Totally! (Haha! Loved the 90's Epi.)

Boo, are you quitting your day job to host this one b/c it seems like it would be a lot of work :D Thanks for creating such a great looking game!
Banners are cool, but a pain to scroll through so...
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Sorsha »

Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
I don't remember cool points, I guess I was way too uncool back then. :sigh:

But I do know that I should get at least +1 awesome point for my Phil Collins avatar :slick:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Flyin' High »


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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by thellama73 »

Hedgeowl wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Hedgeowl wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
I just realized the downside of this format is that we can't all sit around a table having boo read the instructions to us, while some pay attention, some zone out when they get it, others just figure it out as the games starts, and the rest never quite figure it all out, but still manage to win somehow. XD
Well, since I'm not reading any of the host posts, this should be interesting. :llama:
It might ruin the fun, but you could just hit quote on all hosts posts and suddenly they become easily readable. :smile:
That sounds like work...
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by S~V~S »

Oh well, you miss out then, lol.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by reywaS »

Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Being a teenager in the 90s was indeed awesome. :fiesta:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

reywaS wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Being a teenager in the 90s was indeed awesome. :fiesta:
And God were the girls hot! Keds with no socks. Short khakis shorts. Take me back!

No fucking skinny jeans or sad throwbacks to 80s fashion. :evileye:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

Epignosis wrote:
reywaS wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Being a teenager in the 90s was indeed awesome. :fiesta:
And God were the girls hot! Keds with no socks. Short khakis shorts. Take me back!

No fucking skinny jeans or sad throwbacks to 80s fashion. :evileye:
Don't for get about the corduroy lol
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by insertnamehere »

Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Back in the 80's they were called "Radical" points.

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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Bass_the_Clever »

This game looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!!
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acrosstheaether wrote:If Bass_the_Clever is mafia, he is a clever mafia.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

insertnamehere wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Back in the 80's they were called "Radical" points.
No they weren't.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by S~V~S »

Well, back in the 80's pretty much everything was called "radical", lol
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by kneel4justice »

Epignosis wrote:I'm still on chapter 17 of the instructions.
Who are you telling??
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Epignosis »

S~V~S wrote:Well, back in the 80's pretty much everything was called "radical", lol
We didn't call Ronald Reagan radical. :p
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Hedgeowl »

Epignosis wrote:
reywaS wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Being a teenager in the 90s was indeed awesome. :fiesta:
And God were the girls hot! Keds with no socks. Short khakis shorts. Take me back!

No fucking skinny jeans or sad throwbacks to 80s fashion. :evileye:

Hawt! :noble:
Turnip Head wrote: We need to lynch Pennsylvania Bitch.
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by Mister Rearranger »

thellama73 wrote:
Mister Rearranger wrote:I lied in the poll to suck up to the host... :ninja:
It's interesting that you've gone with "suck up to the host" while I have gone with "antagonize the host." This should be an interesting experiment.
Well, I'm sure whatever the outcome of our experiment is, boo will do a wonderful job handling it. :srsnod:
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Re: Cards Against Humanity [Day 0]


Post by thellama73 »

Hedgeowl wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
reywaS wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Try to get awesome points so you can lock into a cool role otherwise the roles switch each night. That's what I'm going with.
Is that what the kids are calling them now? :p

I remember they used to call them "cool points." If you did something awkward or stupid, they'd say, "Gimmie 10 cool points, bro."

Ah, the 90s. :blush:
Being a teenager in the 90s was indeed awesome. :fiesta:
And God were the girls hot! Keds with no socks. Short khakis shorts. Take me back!

No fucking skinny jeans or sad throwbacks to 80s fashion. :evileye:

Hawt! :noble:
I guess I am the only one with a soft spot for shoulder pads and leg warmers. :(
Epignosis wrote:If llama is good, it means we exist in a universe in which multitasking llama can call out the first of two mafia while simultaneously calling out two civilians.

I don't want to live in that universe.
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