Assassin's Creed Mafia (OVER!)

Scum MVP?

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Long Con
Turnip Head
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

speed's only notable contribution d1 was a turnip head read

when he comes back and tries to throw reads, he didn't note turnip head

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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

he's also tryna position himself to vote me which is also... kinda... bad...

speed's name's been thrown around as a suspicion all game though. i'm not married to the idea, but i'm coming around to him being a hit
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

TonyStarkPrime wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:44 pm Okay it’s not Sloonei, LC, Drago, TS
Probably not Mac, Epi, MR, FG
Could be Leetic, Speed, Ted, TH
how did i go from probably not scum to scum?

walk me through it
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Sloonei »

Let's try to figure out funnygurl.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:03 am btw i don't think sloonei's posts have been incriminating so idk what you're tryna do mikey but alright
Her first on-topic content is pro-sloonei and not-quite-but-almost anti-mikey. Was there something unusual about his early exchange with me? leetic seemed to think so as well, so possibly. But funnygurl's (pseudo-)objection is different than his. leetic's objection was lack of precedent for mikey to suspect players based on mechanical chatter, whereas funnygurl's was simply that my posts were "not incriminating." leetic observed something about mikey; funnygurl observed something about me. There is less substance in funnygurl's post.
ts account would then vote for her and she laughed it off. Noted.

I asked her to follow up on the "not incriminating" comment and she gave this answer:
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:08 am right now your posts are nai for me. i've played one game (half of one???) with you before, so i can't rely on (based) meta reads. and tbh rn i think all this exchange is d0™ posting. i'm looking moreso towards leetic for casting suspicion towards you then letting you and mikey tango. how do i tell this forum that i don't want to tag myself a million times?
She does not really offer a read on me, citing our minimal experience together. I don't object to this at face value. I'm doing this ISO right now because I don't know how to read her. But I do have a minor quibble: the initial statement (that Sloonei's posts were "not incriminating") took a position which was vaguely positive. The follow-up response was distinctly neutral. "Not incriminating" does not have to imply "civilian", however, so it is not difficult to grant that both posts amount to an "NAI" read.
Highlighted in orange is a slight early suspicion on leetic. I didn't agree with the observation at the time (it was not my impression that leetic was "letting us tango", and I gave him credit for kicking things off), but it's not bad for an early-game read. It's also not something that would be difficult to fake. I'll have to track this read as I go along.
Like here:
Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:14 am see that's why i don't like leetic's vote though-- it's very obviously an attempt at doing something. but eh ain't gonna push it leetic's still my town bro
On first impression, I kind of like this post. Funnygurl sticks to her guns when I challenged the read, but also backs off it a little. Ordinarily that sort of "wishywashy" behavior might appear suspicious, but right here I like it. This topic is only being discussed because I am pushing the conversation, so funnygurl is not guilty of initiating a push on leetic, she's only been answering the questions that I throw at her. When I offered a rebuttal, she stood her ground while resisting the opportunity to bite down harder on her read. If she's bad and looking to set up a player for early suspicion, she might be more aggressive here, or she might be more conscious of the optics of saying something that looks like backtracking. Alternative theory is that I'm reading too much into this and funnygurl was uncomfortable with my questions and didn't know how to respond so she played both sides, but I don't think she looks uncomfortable at all. This is a long winded way of saying: +1 for funnygurl.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:38 am i didn't like that all dragomir really did was be sloonei's hype man. not in a "that's scummy" or "that's bad play" but it's not something that deserves brownie points imo

also y'all stop getting ya panties in a bunch with the mikey x sloonei stuff it's a slippery slope and not what you want your d0 discussion to be

trust me
No objections to this post. I want to highlight the middle paragraph in particular: funnygurl cautions against letting the thread devolve into a one-issue echo chamber based on the first substantial event we saw. This is good.

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Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:06 am
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:01 am Why not? It seems that you guys have plenty of experience with each other. What is your read on him here?
Is there anyone or anything we're not talking about enough?
i keep seeing mikey vs other person boxing matches and his actual alignment is like a coin flip when that happens. personally it doesn't help me read him so i guess i'm being selfish when i say "pls stop"

honestly i think we really gotta have a talk about the root vegetable crew, and leetic should lay some words down 'cause he says some good stuff when he's present
Another post I'm inclined to view favorably. The comment about mikey reads as honest self-reflection. The bottom paragraph, where she's responding to a question about new names to talk about, rings as honest to me too. I believe this is her first mention of leetic since that early light suspicion, and she's here adopting a slightly more pro-leetic view, but not letting him off the hook entirely. I may be going against the grain here again, but I think this looks good in the sense that Mafia Funnygurl might care more about the optics/maintaining a visible suspicion on leetic here than what comes across in this post. She's opening the door for leetic to prove himself a civilian, not seeking to bury him. The joint mention of TH/Radish isn't too objectionable. She explained later that she was just looking to hear more from them because they were visible but not active. That's fine in my book.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:07 am
ts account wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:03 am
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:01 am Why not? It seems that you guys have plenty of experience with each other. What is your read on him here?
Is there anyone or anything we're not talking about enough?
She knows I am town, but it remains to be seen whether that is because she is a wolf or because she has the good read on me.
i mean you have some townie points but you're not there yet

can't trust you too soon >:O
If I have an objection to Funnygurl so far in this exercise, it's that I'm not clear what her process for reading Mikey is. I don't see the progression and I'm not clear on what observations she has made about his play to this point, but this post indicates that she is highly conscious of his involvement in the game.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:05 pm
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:53 pm Funnygurl earlier said that Ted was townish for voting Leetic because the vote was spicy. I like the reasoning. But I don’t like that for 2 reasons:
1) Leetic was one of only four people who had votes already
2) thats it
he was going against the grain and stuck to his guns. i'd have to dig for the post that made him my very first town read but i'm stickin by it
This is the latest post in funnygurl's ISO that gives the impression that she's playing the game in her head. That is, she's not someone like me who can't keep their mouth shut and has to say everything that comes to mind. I see plenty of evidence of reads from funnygurl, but she does not appear to be in the habit of sharing every step of her process. That is fine and none of this should be interpreted as a criticism by any means. I'm bringing this up as a point in her favor: I can trace her read on ted even if she's not sharing all of the details that inform it, and it reads as authentic to me. (For the record, here is her explanation of the ted read.)

This is becoming odd. There are a lot of things in here that one might ordinarily object to, but something about funnygurl's tone and general approach is making it very difficult for me to argue that she's being dishonest. She seems very carefree, like the game is going to happen whether or not she says anything, but she'll still chime in when necessary. I approve of that. Zen Master Funnygurl.

Supports a point against leetic. Okay.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:42 pm [VOTE: leetic ] aubergine instead of dropping the bomb and running away you should dig your heels in and grill your suspicions

ik, i'm being a hypocrite, but i'm also not suspecting a ton of people already
Hypocrisy is a staple of the civilian playbook. :srsnod:

For argument's sake, I'll say that it's possible Funnygurl has been setting leetic up for a lynch after all. He's been a fringe suspect for her throughout the day, and now she's jumping on a vote when somebody else provides a solid reason to do so. I believe she ended up on Long Con yesterday, so :shrug: But this argument certainly exists. Her first interaction with ted was unconditional support for his leetic vote.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:21 pm lc has been underwhelming so far. it seems like leetic is trying to play under the pressure he's in, which i appreciate, but he hasn't made a post that i've really liked yet. by contrast, in the games i've played with him in before, he was hella good at projecting town to me. had a dream that he was insta'd and flipped town though so maybe deep down i have a tr on him already. not moving my vote though.

i haven't liked epi's posts very much; they've been underwhelming compared to arrowverse.

imo anyone who's suspecting speed is suspect because he hasn't done much and it feels like an easy suspicion to latch onto given what i've been reading about him. mac's been okay otherwise though

i might hand mikey the town card. would you like to be town bros this game ;___; we can solve the game TOGETHER
This might be my least favorite post so far. I highlighted the epi read as a point in funnygurl's favor earlier, and I can still make the same argument. But on the whole, this post casts a lot of suspicion in a lot of different directions without offering much substance. Long Con "has been underwhelming": what would whelm her? leetic "hasn't made a post that she's liked", but earlier he was "saying some good stuff when he was around." The opposite of my previous argument RE: Epi is that Funnygurl has memories of a more vocal version of Epignosis in her one previous game experience with that player, and is now wielding that to cast an otherwise unfounded suspicion against him. And then, as a final point, she marks speedchuck as explicitly off limits for suspicion. That is wack.
Then she offers an olive branch to Mikey. Given the timing and placement of that, I'm a little skeptical. "Here's a bunch of suspects, please be my friend and help me lynch one of them." This is the first distinctly negative post in Funnygurl's ISO imo.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:24 pm tsp's posts have been forgettable to me but we're on the same wagon so sure i guess i can hold off on reading him for now
Epi did his thing with this post earlier. I think the objection was warranted, but I think it could also just amount to careless word choice on funnygurl's part. My bigger objection is that she absolves herself of the responsibility to vote for Tony just because they're on the same bandwagon at the moment. You'd think something like that would warrant investigation or at least a little bit of caution. Caveat: funnygurl isn't me.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:40 pm
tedxtr wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:59 pm What are your scum reads and why?
I dont have any strong wolf reads, but I'm suspicious of lc, leetic, and epi.

lcs promised a stronger performance and hasn't delivered, instead choosing to quip in thread with a few people. looks more like damage control than a willingness to solve

leetic doesn't look like he's sincerely wolf hunting, still

ive said this before but idk hasn't done much and literally just copied my tsp read

radish looks good I think Ted vs radish is more likely tvt than not
I object unequivocally to the Long Con read here. She claims that he has "not delivered" on his promise for a stronger performance. Just a few hours prior to Funnygurl making this statement, Long Con did this, which is just the beginning of a long chain of active hunting from him. That said, he has done very little since then, but at the time these posts would have been fresh in the thread, but with enough distance between them and this funnygurl post for to have been given consideration. Funnygurl's suspicion of Long Con does not align with the reality of the thread at the time.
Leetic is suspicious for negative reasons rather than positive; that is, she's not highlighting specific points to support her suspicion, but is relying on the absence of specific points as her justification. I liked funnygurl a lot when she was just giving town reads. I'm less enamored now that she's casting suspicion. These don't look great. Obligatory note that it's easier for mafia members to give town reads than to create fake suspicions. This has taken a sharp turn.

End of page 1, I'll post this and go on to page 2 of Funnygurl's ISO in a moment. The last two paragraphs serve as a pretty decent summary of the overall ISO so far if anyone wants the tl;dr version.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Sloonei »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:28 pm speed's only notable contribution d1 was a turnip head read

when he comes back and tries to throw reads, he didn't note turnip head

Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:21 pm imo anyone who's suspecting speed is suspect because he hasn't done much and it feels like an easy suspicion to latch onto given what i've been reading about him. mac's been okay otherwise though
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:36 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:28 pm speed's only notable contribution d1 was a turnip head read

when he comes back and tries to throw reads, he didn't note turnip head

Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:21 pm imo anyone who's suspecting speed is suspect because he hasn't done much and it feels like an easy suspicion to latch onto given what i've been reading about him. mac's been okay otherwise though
time has passed so what is your point here?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by MacDougall »

speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:08 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:03 pm
speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:00 pm Okay forgive me if my memory is playing tricks on me but didn't Mac self-vote as mafia just last game? Then survived that day? And was scum?

It's the self-votes that survive, those are the scummy ones.
This did not happen. Mac might have self-voted at some point in the middle of a day, but he never left it there as a final vote.
Does that make the difference to you (assuming that he did)?

@MacDougall If you would indulge me, did you self vote in LC's game and why?
I did. I did it in order to project a townie "fuck y'all then" mindset.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Sloonei »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:36 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:36 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:28 pm speed's only notable contribution d1 was a turnip head read

when he comes back and tries to throw reads, he didn't note turnip head

Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:21 pm imo anyone who's suspecting speed is suspect because he hasn't done much and it feels like an easy suspicion to latch onto given what i've been reading about him. mac's been okay otherwise though
time has passed so what is your point here?
Just wanted you to comment. Why did you object on Day 1?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by MacDougall »

I gotta say I haven't read much of D2 but on D1 I really thought I saw FG's town mindset shine through. I also do not trust a single person on her wagon. That she is voting for Tony is also wild, TH voting for TS Account is wtf to me?

There's a lot of WTF going on here.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

Long Con wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:54 am So, leetic... I'll do this like counting cards in Blackjack. Start at 0, +value for towny, -value for wolfy.

First post (beyond guitar vid) is criticising the level of Day 1 activity in the thread. A valid criticism, we were 7 hours into Day 1, and not one player had tried to get serious. I liked this opener. +2 (2)

Second post votes Sloonei for having three posts, 100% dedicated to setup speculation. 4 hours AFTER telling the thread to get going, with still no serious responses. I liked this as well, which is why I decided to double down the vote. +2 (4)

Third post is a little sketchy. It's nice to see the genesis of the Mikey-Sloonei thing, but leetic's calling Mikey's post "weird" doesn't check out, because Mikey isn't "calling out Sloonei for setup speculation", he's criticising Sloonei's speculation with a hypothetcal designed to reveal the pointlessness of Sloonei's discussion. -1 (3)

Post 4:
leetic wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:13 am
ts account wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:57 am
leetic wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:06 am
Y'know, this post is a bit weird. Mikey is calling out Sloonei for setup speculation, yet when you look at the first paragraph, that's exactly what he's doing here

Care to explain?
I would like to know from you. Are you worried about me pocketing you?
Mikey's behavior is weird, last game when he was town he wasn't going after the people doing setup speculation despite the fact that there was a lot going on. And what's with this business about pocketing, like of course I'm not going to discount the possibility of someone being scum just because they townread me. Now I'm voting Mikey for this reason.
I quoted this one because Mikey's post is something I don't really understand. I don't see how that is, in any way, a response to leetic's question. It's a really weird response.

THEN leetic responds to Mikey... but in third person, like he's presenting Mikey's post to everyone else rather than responding to it. Also just weird, I don't really like that he specifically disengaged from the conversation, but it makes them look less than teammate-compatible, so there's that. Vote switch does please me, and makes sense, if Mikey's departure from previous town behaviour is accurate, it's a better reason to vote than Sloonei's speculation. +0 (3)... -1 for ts account.

Post 5 continues the meatiness that I am so far liking in leetic's posts. The "pocketing" discussion so far is just randomly generated by Mikey, and leetic's response to his pressing on the subject is the right response to the odd curveball.

Suspicion of tedxtr's early towncore feels good.

Radishes calls leetic out on the casual (too casual?) talk, leetic gives a reasonable response. Maybe Radishes is right, I wouldn't have noticed such a thing if he hadn't pointed it out. Slight minus on this post's score, a la Radish.

The tedxtr interactions, I don't agree with tedxtr's criticism of leetic's... whole game so far, I guess. +1 (4)

Post 6 leetic gives a list of reads with some explanation. Looks like genuine solving. +1 (5)

Post 7 Dragomir responded negatively to leetic's assessment that he was just sheeping Sloonei with no original thoughts. Dragomir's reaction to the accusation was mild defensive hostility, which is a -1 for him, and leetic's reply was a reasonable explanation and a prod toward fixing the apparent problem. Dragomir would have looked better if he had given original thoughts instead of just bristling at leetic's observation. +1 again for leetic (6)

Post 8 Dragomir doubles down on the idea that leetic is prodding him to "create random thoughts out of thin air so [he] could be original". :ponder: Like, where do thoughts come from usually? Amazon? You have to, like, think about things to get thoughts. leetic shames Dragomir and casts a vote that I judge to be valid. +1 (7) Is leetic still in the lead for votes? He looks really town so far, where are the suspicions coming from?
ok let's real talk about this post y'all

i appreciate it, but it could've easily been faked, and it was a read on ONE PERSON, and i was expecting to know his opinions on the game state

so when i say i expected more, i did

anyway he was right about leetic so gj man
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

MacDougall wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:40 pm I gotta say I haven't read much of D2 but on D1 I really thought I saw FG's town mindset shine through. I also do not trust a single person on her wagon. That she is voting for Tony is also wild, TH voting for TS Account is wtf to me?

There's a lot of WTF going on here.
i want tony to answer my q. his read on me did like... a 150 without any explanation
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:38 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:36 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:36 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:28 pm speed's only notable contribution d1 was a turnip head read

when he comes back and tries to throw reads, he didn't note turnip head

Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:21 pm imo anyone who's suspecting speed is suspect because he hasn't done much and it feels like an easy suspicion to latch onto given what i've been reading about him. mac's been okay otherwise though
time has passed so what is your point here?
Just wanted you to comment. Why did you object on Day 1?
because it was early and i thought voting him for utr play (which i think was the argument) was premature. but then he came in with that turnip head suspicion thing and he's clearly come back to cast some shade on me and lc. so he's had time now.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

sloonei trying to wrap his head around my lazy af playstyle is making me grin
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Sloonei »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:46 pm sloonei trying to wrap his head around my lazy af playstyle is making me grin
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

well this is boring. i'm gonna reread the thread
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Sloonei »

Continuing right along with dat funnygurl ISO:
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:43 pm
Dragomir wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:25 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:24 pm ... am I speaking english or what y'all? what is the difference between what I have said about TSP and what epi said? rn its just the person who said it.
You don't want to read tsp because he's voting for someone you're voting. I want to find out as to why that should stop you.
because right now we're agreeing on something and I'd prefer to wait for more information. like, guys...
mmmmm I still don't agree with this mindset, but that doesn't mean it can't be sincere. It's a thing, it exists. I can't do much with it right now but it feels important.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:44 pm
Long Con wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:33 pm I don't understand anything anyone is saying about me. Normally I love being talked about, but you guys have some dark imaginations. How does FunnyGurl even have an expectation about how I play?
because of something you've said in thread apologizing for not playing much but having something to give

I too am on mobile. no I didn't suggest that I know your playstyle
I struggle to buy this suspicion, tbh. I already highlighted why the first time it was brought up. This point feels kind of arbitrary, whereas the previous felt downright dishonest.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:47 pm
leetic wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:38 pm
Dragomir wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:26 pm
Turnip Head wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:24 pm Something is wrong with Long Con. He doesn't usually play with this tight of a grip. Like a rattlesnake getting all coiled up. He often gets suspected early and I'm one of the first to rush to his defense because I recognize his town game but this is off-meta for him and I think he knows it
Would you consider voting for him?
I don't like Drago's tone here, reads like he's more focused on building wagons than anything else. And yes I am working on that post
i agree. what are you gonna do about it leetic?
Drago was the most obvious civilian in the game. Funnygurl drizzled some fuel on the flame of a suspicion against him toward the end of the day.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:00 pm
Dragomir wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:55 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:51 pm like, what is leetics alignment? what about ted? what about sloonei who likes leetic? who will tsp spar with in thread?
Why do you need the first 3 in order to make a read on tsp?
associations are important when making reads for me. tsp is voting for leetic. ted and leetic had a little battle and dont look like wolf buddies. sloonei is town reading who tsp is voting for and started doing so pretty early

none of these could definitively solve tsp, but it helps
Hm. That highlighted first sentence: is that true? Has there been any evidence for that in this ISO so far? Not that I can recall off the top of my head. Maybe a little bit with her handling of Mikey, and also one point she made about me and the way I handled Drago. So... maybe. But most of her reads that I've seen have been snipping at isolated moments or casting general shade at a handful of players. I could read this as a cop out, but I can also see it as an honest answer.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:32 pm
MacDougall wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:30 pm [VOTE: Long Con] aubergine

He's obviously a wolf. TSP is also. I'd say the third one is Sloonei. Wrap it up.
[VOTE: Long Con] aubergine

confused rn but better than th
Plants a vote on LC, with a pro-turnip sentiment. I'm going to highlight the stated confusion. How does funnygurl react to the confusing state of the thread moving forward? That can be telling.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:33 pm by confused I mean did mac go from telling me my lc read sucked to pushing for his lynch?
Oh. That makes sense. Mac made a post "vetoing" suspicion of LC a little while before this episode. I understand why that would be confusing.

Pro-leetic.. That negates a little bit of my concern about Funnygurl lurking around leetic all day long.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:54 pm a ted lynch is stupid js js js
I slapped a town read on funnygal Day 1 because of the way she handled ted. She was very aggressive in her defense, in a way that would be too much energy spent if she's bad and he's town. It wouldn't be unbelievable if they're both bad, but there's no urgent reason to argue that that has to be the case. I'll just acknowledge the possibility and move on.
But this aggressive defense especially stands out in the context of this ISO. funnygurl does not appear to be in the habit of going on long tangents and offering up loads of analysis unprovoked, yet she stepped up to do so when ted was gaining traction as a suspect. I am still inclined to read that favorably.

404 Error: leetic read not found.
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Funnygurl555 wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:00 pm I'm hesitant to join a leetic wagon due to his sustained presence in thread, but I dont think he's ever deviated from his "cast suspicion and then ditch" tactic, sans the argument with ted

tsp can die too but that's an informationless lynch
If Funnygurl is mafia then her handling of leetic leading up to this post has positioned her well to easily justify placing a vote on him. In that light, her hesitation feels authentic. It would be as though she was sprinting toward the water, but once she reached the edge she threw on the breaks just to dip her toe in and scurry back up the beach. I'm more inclined to see this as a civilian who is trying to grapple with a read on a familiar player in a sea of unfamiliar faces. I gotta move off this nautical theme.
I don't know where the tsp read comes from, earlier she was abstaining from saying anything about him.
Funnygurl555 wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:05 pm fuuuck I gotta go.

my vote will go to lc again. if you kill ted y'all I mean I just don't know
I don't love or hate this vote. It's there, it exists. It's not firm, but there's plenty of justification for it elsewhere in this iso. When she came back later she had changed her mind in light of new evidence. If funnygurl is mafia, she's not holding onto her suspects very tightly. Usually I think they're in the habit of pushing for specific mislynches. She'd be doing none of that shit.

And now we're up to the present moment. I'll refrain from analyzing present-day funnygurl because I'd rather react to it in real time. So far today, I do not mind that she has voiced mild suspicion of me, but I'd like it if that went somewhere (if she still cares). She said that she felt like the thread was being steered in the wrong direction, and that I'd be the culprit in that. I wanted her to press the issue so I could determine whether or not I believe her, but that has not happened and now she seems to have at least partially moved on.

This has been a rollercoaster, but I am leaning slightly toward a town read at the moment. I objected when she began to cast suspicions on players, but everything else about her play looks authentic, and it's not unbelievable to think she'd be having a difficult time naming suspects in an environment with so many unfamiliar players. That's natural.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:03 pm well this is boring. i'm gonna reread the thread
Don't do that! Talk to me about me instead. Am I still leading us astray?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by speedchuck »

MacDougall wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:38 pm
speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:08 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:03 pm
speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:00 pm Okay forgive me if my memory is playing tricks on me but didn't Mac self-vote as mafia just last game? Then survived that day? And was scum?

It's the self-votes that survive, those are the scummy ones.
This did not happen. Mac might have self-voted at some point in the middle of a day, but he never left it there as a final vote.
Does that make the difference to you (assuming that he did)?

@MacDougall If you would indulge me, did you self vote in LC's game and why?
I did. I did it in order to project a townie "fuck y'all then" mindset.
That doesn't quite fit LC's position, I suppose.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:11 pm
MacDougall wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:38 pm
speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:08 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:03 pm
speedchuck wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:00 pm Okay forgive me if my memory is playing tricks on me but didn't Mac self-vote as mafia just last game? Then survived that day? And was scum?

It's the self-votes that survive, those are the scummy ones.
This did not happen. Mac might have self-voted at some point in the middle of a day, but he never left it there as a final vote.
Does that make the difference to you (assuming that he did)?

@MacDougall If you would indulge me, did you self vote in LC's game and why?
I did. I did it in order to project a townie "fuck y'all then" mindset.
That doesn't quite fit LC's position, I suppose.
If not LC, then who?
Who are your strongest town reads?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:09 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:03 pm well this is boring. i'm gonna reread the thread
Don't do that! Talk to me about me instead. Am I still leading us astray?
ehh i mean perhaps but you're also not the one making the not-good wagon on me rn. instead of town you're null for me now 'cause i can't trust a big voice rn

i was paranoid when the day started because tvtvt wagons means we're fucked and it reminded me of my first mu game incidentally

instead of giving you so much credit for town's direction i gotta put my big girl pants on and form some opinions, so i'm gonna disappear back into the thread and keep reading. on pg 3 ayy
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

hello from page 4:

i'm back here to say that based on early impressions, radish seems town. this was his first contribution to the game, which was fine on it's own as an early read
Master Radishes wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:16 am It's early days still, but Ted is popping out to me as someone to ISO. Everytime I read his post I'm thinking along the lines of 'Can a scum make that? ...Sure'.

I'm supposed to be working right now (from home, so it's easy for me to get distracted), but next time I take a break I'll do a proper ISO.
but then he posts this and it's a well thought out and solid read, even though i happen to disagree with it. it's hunting. this is good
Master Radishes wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:10 am Okay, here are a couple posts from Ted that pinged me:

Disclaimer: it's early D1 etc etc.
tedxtr wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:56 am
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:46 am @tedxtr what is your read on sloonei?
Yeah I was gonna get to that, I think you're town and I'm trying to wrap my head around the mess.
This is a cop out to talking about the (at the time) ongoing Sloonei-TS debate. 'Trying to wrap my head around the mess' comes across to me as a scum uncertain how to slip into the predominant conversation.
tedxtr wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:59 am If ts account is [NSM] Mikey I don't remember him being this jumpy actually.

linki : I liked how you reacted to ts account's push on you, particularly one post somewhere. I guess you handled the callout pretty well, it's maybe something to do with how bad the votes on you were that deceives me into it, but idrc for now, you're sloonei.

(Quote chain that I cut)
A light shading on TS (who I assume is Mikey), followed by a rather qualified reason for TRing Sloonei. Again, just reads as someone who is hesitant to lay down solid reads.
tedxtr wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:51 am I kind of want the Sloonei and ts shit to stop, there's already information to infer stuff from and quite frankly I think they're both town.
For one thing, it had definitely petered out by this point. But mainly, it has the tone of a scum who is trying to appear frustrated, e.g. 'quite frankly' and such phrasing.

The rest of his ISO is uninspiring. Mostly null posts that don't really indicate alignment either way, and nothing that looks townie enough to overrule my suspicions. Some of the other posts that don't sit well with me include a minor mechanics comments, a seemingly random and unexplained vote on Leetic ('this feels good for now', really?), and some weird commentary on a Mac who had barely entered the thread at that point. Even his entrance posts look a bit questionable under this light, but admittedly by this point I may be tunneling a bit.

Ted sits at the bottom of my list at the moment. I don't normally vote this early into the game, but hey, sometimes it's fun to switch things up. [VOTE: tedextr] aubergine
lmk if me posting too much will be annoying for y'all
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:17 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:09 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:03 pm well this is boring. i'm gonna reread the thread
Don't do that! Talk to me about me instead. Am I still leading us astray?
ehh i mean perhaps but you're also not the one making the not-good wagon on me rn. instead of town you're null for me now 'cause i can't trust a big voice rn

i was paranoid when the day started because tvtvt wagons means we're fucked and it reminded me of my first mu game incidentally

instead of giving you so much credit for town's direction i gotta put my big girl pants on and form some opinions, so i'm gonna disappear back into the thread and keep reading. on pg 3 ayy
I’ll let you decide if I’ve been devious in your reread of the thread then.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


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on the other hand we have turnip head and tonystarkprime who spent the first four pages lurking and making very forgettable posts. but what's more important than hem being forgettable is that they're either weak or reactions towards the current thread conversation. it's very utr. it's very easily faked. it doesn't change thread direction into something more productive.

you might ask: "what about tsp's leetic vote?" there was no gusto to that vote. he wasn't one of the main pushers of leetic's lynch. why is that?

with that said, very unlikely that they're on a team together. i have some faith that a wolf team doesn't approach the game like this. like perhaps one wolf but not all of them.

but scum points to them both for their entrances

Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:57 am Sloonei is some sort of hybrid Golden-JJJ monstrosity right now, is this his final form? He just played a dastardly villain in GoC so now he might be supatowning hard
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:59 am Ts latching onto sloon for discussing mechanics felt a bit opportunist and now that they're actually discussing reads he's sinking his teeth in deeper
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:30 pm Vote leetic
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:31 pm
Long Con wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:45 pm
leetic wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:22 pm Usually much more has happened by now. This feels weird.

Right now, [VOTE: Sloonei] aubergine. He is usually one of the more active people who tries to get stuff going, but right now his only contributions have been setup speculation. I'm not really seeing him trying to get any meaningful discussion going so I have to be suspicious.
I would also say the same about JaggedJimmyJay, but he's Schrödinger's player right now. I'll join you on the Sloonei vote, he has three posts and they're all about an issue that's above his pay grade as a player. In A World Asunder, town Sloonei opened Day 1 with two town reads and a vote on a suspect. [VOTE: sloonei] aubergine
This is perhaps worse than the Leetic but it’s heart is in the right place
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:08 am
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:28 am I approve of drago so far.
Really? Cause he defended you or other reasons
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:12 am
Dragomir wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:16 am Sloonei is town. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him talking mechanically. It's not pro anything and doesn't deter the game at all. An argument could be made that it is beneficial towards the game and lets you understand what could be going on. That newfound understanding can better your reads.

Why was Sloonei being voted for mechanical talk? Ts why are you gungho about it? I can't help but agree with Sloonei that suspecting someone over mechanical is suspicious in of itself. It's lazy and never actually feels like a genuine read. Furthermore, scum use this too much to get by with their fake suspicions. Thus why it feels lazy and not genuine.
I don’t like this post from Drago. Ironically it’s seems like something I’d post but that’s irrelevant.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

ok i'm on page 6. reached a point where i had some more quotes to dump so here we go.

once again this is... none of this is new. but my one gripe with just scum reading turnip head is that someone said they're a really good player. in what way? someone give me some meta please and thank you
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:52 am
You could argue in a post-modern mafia setting that going after someone for mechanics talk is the new low hanging fruit. I don't think your suspicion of sloonei for this looks particularly genuine. It's an easy suspicion to fake early and you haven't really let it go, like you're afraid what it would look like if you backed down here
this is actually good in that it's an against-the-grain read. and now we know that, for the record, tsp wasn't hella town-reading dragomir
i still don't like that tsp doesn't push reads but just lays them there and let's others do what they will
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:30 pm
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:15 am
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:12 am
I don’t like this post from Drago. Ironically it’s seems like something I’d post but that’s irrelevant.
Tell me more
The defense hinges on what amounts to a non-existent part of the case. It seems like Drago is more focused on earning town cred
he also liked a post that mikey made which isn't a big deal in terms of evidence to read him but why not? don't have many tsp posts to analyze
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:34 pm I like this post.
i kinda like lc making this post ngl but minor point. he doesn't seem to care about pressure, which is pro-town. but we also know that he doesn't really care about his life in this game, lmfao.
Long Con wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:44 pm
Dragomir wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:24 am His entire premise for the vote is dumb. He assumes that you'll open the same way as you did in another game and since you didn't, it's justification for why you're scum. It's meta and it's stupid meta. Most people don't always open up the exact same way in games that they're in regardless of alignment. I'm confident that I could easily find a game in which he opened differently from this one and day that he's scum.

He's either...
1. Ignoring how dumb his logic is and is just trying to create something against you to contribute.
2. Not realizing how dumb his logic is.

If it's 1, then he's a lazy scum. If it's 2, then he's a lazy townie.
False dichotomy.
first contribution from speedchuck, so this is a notable add. it's a long con vote without explanation, which isn't like... bad on it's own.
speedchuck wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:58 pm [VOTE: Long Con] aubergine
this is actually good, so town points for speedchuck. he's trying to pressure lc, but pressure him to do what? perhaps it's speedchuck's meta to be a reactionary poster, i don't know, but it makes it hard to know what exactly he needs to form reads. and it makes it hard for me to figure out if he's hunting x.x

and based on thread context, sounds like lc was gaining traction anyways, though i don't remember the precise vote count in that point in time. paired with other suspicions/town endorsements, this could be a more passive townie hoping others do stuff
speedchuck wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:29 pm Sometimes you have to vote without giving a reason. You've got to tickle their balls a little.

LC especially needs ball tickling. His first couple of posts looked fun, but after he voted for Sloonei and got questioned for it his energy just died. Ever since then each post has been ineffectual defense without any of that town spark.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

page 8 now.

notable lc read by radish
Master Radishes wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:51 pm No one giving thoughts on my Ted suspicions, so I'll just pout and look at what others are looking at. .
Long Con wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:45 pm
leetic wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:22 pm Usually much more has happened by now. This feels weird.

Right now, [VOTE: Sloonei] aubergine. He is usually one of the more active people who tries to get stuff going, but right now his only contributions have been setup speculation. I'm not really seeing him trying to get any meaningful discussion going so I have to be suspicious.
I would also say the same about JaggedJimmyJay, but he's Schrödinger's player right now. I'll join you on the Sloonei vote, he has three posts and they're all about an issue that's above his pay grade as a player. In A World Asunder, town Sloonei opened Day 1 with two town reads and a vote on a suspect. [VOTE: sloonei] aubergine
I have to say, this vote by LC early on isn't a great look on him. I think what bothers me is it's mostly fluff, e.g. the jokey 'Schrodinger's player' and 'pay grade' bits, and the passive 'I'll join you'. He looks like he's trying to be casual. He didn't need to reference JJJ at all there anyway, so why bother? It's just filling out his post unecessarily.

The rest of his ISO looks fairly null to me, but yeah, I get the suspicion.
radish has voted me multiple times and then just... dropped it. not.. quite... good... i'm pretty good lynch bait so i'm wary of me-votes.
also mikey thought this wasn't good either so ayy there we go minus town points for you man
Master Radishes wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:37 pm
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:32 pm
Dragomir wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:31 pm
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:29 pm [VOTE: funnygurl555] aubergine
Why? Why not LC?
I want us to talk about something different. What has Funnygurl done that makes her town?
I was going to go here a few minutes ago, ISOed her, and found nothing much to comment on. She threw a few reads out, but nothing that struck me one way or another.

Maybe that, itself, is something to comment on. Let me join you. [VOTE: Funnygurl555] aubergine
why does turnip come out of hiding to post inconsequential things like this
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:43 pm sloonei and ts being w/w is my new favorite conspiracy theory
i'm never going to like someone suspecting mikey 'cause it's way too easy as a wolf
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:42 pm
ts account wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:54 pm
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:28 pm @ts account right off the bat 2.0, yeah, I am spinning everything negatively. That is the point of the exercise. It's not a nefarious agenda. When I make a case like that, I am asking myself whether or not I can see the player as mafia in each post. If the answer is yes, I share my interpretation of their possible mafia motives. That is what I did with your posts. I acknowledged in the post that there are other explanations. But I have concerns and I voiced them.
You do not seem interested in pursuing these other possibilities, therefore you do not seem interested in truly scumhunting.
I feel like you're talking about yourself. You don't seem interested in pursuing anything other than Sloonei being scum which has snowballed from the beginning of the game
spicy and unwarranted take: one of speedchuck and turnip is a wolf. currently leaning turnip a lil' bit; could be wrong

[mention]Turnip Head[/mention] you're gonna have to explain this one to me. you went to townreading sloonei earlier in the page and now we're here and idk what's happening
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:14 pm I started the day more likely to vote Mikey and now I'm thinking of voting for Sloonei. It's not hard to view Sloonei's behavior through the lens where he's bad
important slank. nai
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:20 pm Unlike yours truly who is still working two jobs six days a week :|
i didn't really care for this. i mean it's okay but also i mean i don't care. no points
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:53 pm Funnygurl earlier said that Ted was townish for voting Leetic because the vote was spicy. I like the reasoning. But I don’t like that for 2 reasons:
1) Leetic was one of only four people who had votes already
2) thats it
this is the first notable macdougall contribution. right off the bat i thought that mac was town and i don't have a good reason for why. he has a very villagery off-the-cuff type vibe. anyway this post is very good and perhaps i'm sticking to the read
MacDougall wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:32 pm
Sloonei wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:25 pm My brain is trying to process the fact that Mac just announced an “exceptionally confident” town read on me on April 1st.
So when I started the game I immediately voted for Tedxtr for the kek. I later realised that Master Radishes voted for him and I observed that Radishes at that time had no votes. Given that Radishes was lynched as scum very early in the GOC I figured that he must have done something very towny to be skating, so I read his ISO and ... well found very little. But what I did find was a strong read that you are Sloonei the town as opposed to Sloonei the scum. I know Radishes is an exceptionally insightful civilian so either;

a) He is a civilian and made an insightful as fuck town read that I should probably assume is correct
b) He is scum and trying to pocket you

I then cast a cursory glance at your ISO in the few fleeting moments I had to do so yesterday and saw what he meant.

I was going to sheep your vote at the time, I truly don't remember where it was ... I think maybe on ts account? But while this was unfolding I also made a snap read that Tedxtr is likely town because he has a similar gear shift here to you, so I decided to sheep him instead.

Not April Fools.
i keep seeing read reversals for turnip, and i don't know what to do with it. once again i need META ON TURNIP HEAD who's online who's alive who's around has anyone else caught this?

turnip also answered mac's q which i will (very) roughly paraphrase as "what do you think about the game atm" and he answered (again rough paraphrase) "this game looks fun!!!" which was... dodgy. might be digging into a tunnel. don't like this. someone give me meta
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:57 pm What I am seeing from Mikey is a little bit of between the lines solving which I very much like
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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i'm lonely
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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I'm actually not very good at mafia, idk who lied to you
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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Sometimes I change my mind on reads and other times I'm extremely stubborn. Just depends but I tend to be wrong more than I'm right
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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but you change your reads without acknowledging that you do so. is it intentional? do you have a firm grasp on the game state at all?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


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Not really
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

well alright at least you're being honest LOL

who would you be voting rn if not for mikey?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Turnip Head »

Probably Epi. He usually does a better job of pushing his thoughts and stating his cases even when no one agrees with him
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

ooh. what do you think about lc now turnip?
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:35 pm
Epignosis wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:13 pm
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:57 pm LC playing scummy on purpose is not his civ MO
Care to elaborate? I'm actually pretty good at reading him, probably the best at it, if I'm being honest
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by ts account »


Rest in peace, Iwata.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

Epignosis wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:05 pmHi.
could u pls drop some thoughts
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:52 pm We are polar opposites in the most delightful way.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:12 pm
Epignosis wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:05 pmHi.
could u pls drop some thoughts
Could you please speak English?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

In before ts account accuses me of being mean. :meany:
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by ts account »

Epignosis wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:12 pm
Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:12 pm
Epignosis wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:05 pmHi.
could u pls drop some thoughts
Could you please speak English?
Forsooth, mayest thou divine upon us thy reads?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

Folks, I have to have time to read and process things. When I say "Hi," it means "I'll be with y'a'll's asses in a minute."

"could u pls drop some thoughts" implies I came in to say Hi and meant to fuck back off from whence I came.

No, I didn't mean that.

Ease up. I will talk when I am ready to talk.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Funnygurl555 »

ok so that's how it's gonna be huh


...ok cya later
Sloonei wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:52 pm We are polar opposites in the most delightful way.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by Turnip Head »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:07 pm ooh. what do you think about lc now turnip?
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:35 pm
Epignosis wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:13 pm
Turnip Head wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:57 pm LC playing scummy on purpose is not his civ MO
Care to elaborate? I'm actually pretty good at reading him, probably the best at it, if I'm being honest
It's still not how he usually plays as a civvie. I have no clue what he's doing right now, but it's very out of character.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:28 pm speed's only notable contribution d1 was a turnip head read

when he comes back and tries to throw reads, he didn't note turnip head

I have no idea what this means.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D1)


Post by TonyStarkPrime »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:33 pm
TonyStarkPrime wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:44 pm Okay it’s not Sloonei, LC, Drago, TS
Probably not Mac, Epi, MR, FG
Could be Leetic, Speed, Ted, TH
how did i go from probably not scum to scum?

walk me through it
You were the last name on probably not scum. I inherited a town read on Ted from his townmates. It’s not Leetic. I’ve read TH higher. WelcOme to the scum side
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

Funnygurl555 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:29 pm he's also tryna position himself to vote me which is also... kinda... bad...

speed's name's been thrown around as a suspicion all game though. i'm not married to the idea, but i'm coming around to him being a hit
Who is he who is "also tryna?" Why and not fucking awful?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

Hey Sloonei- why don't you do that shit with someone you're voting for?
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

Christ almighty I have to read two big ass posts about somebody Sloonei doesn't even suspect. Lynch Sloonei. I don't care. I'm tired.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Turnip Head »

Then don't read them, that's what I did
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Sloonei »

Epignosis wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:30 pm Christ almighty I have to read two big ass posts about somebody Sloonei doesn't even suspect. Lynch Sloonei. I don't care. I'm tired.
No you don’t.
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Re: Assassin's Creed Mafia (D2)


Post by Epignosis »

No I don't what? Have to read two big ass posts or care?
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