Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

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Uomini D'onore (Man of Honor)
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Ricochet »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:First I'll drop this in here in case any of you vultures want to pick at it:
Glorfindel wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Glorfindel, I would like gun to head reads on every living player. I'll supply you with the list, all you need to do is copy/paste it and give me "good" or "bad" for everyone. No nulls allowed.

a2thezebra/rabbit8: Good
bea: Good
Black Rock: Bad
Dex: Good
DrumBeats: Bad
DrWilgy: Good
Epignosis: Good
G-Man: Good
JaggedJimmyJay: Good
Metalmarsh89: Good
Matt: Good
ObscureAllure: Bad (but on this one especially, I reserve the right to change my mind based on an ISO of her posts)
Polo: Bad
Ricochet: Good
S~V~S: Good
sig: Good
Silverwolf: Good
SokothQultug: Good
Vompatti: God knows?
The way I see it, I'm one or two 'Bads' short. I've given you an off the cuff opinion and I make no secret of the fact that I'm not a great judge of people's malicious intentions.
Well, Glorfindel said he'd never say an untruth, so... BR, Beats, Obscure, Polo.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Ricochet »

Dex wrote:
Black Rock
Which of these were due to punishments? Not Bea or Rico.
I was punished by real life and I think that's enough. :noble:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:I wasn't calling you obtuse. I was asking if you were being obtuse.

I don't believe the game is as easy as only having Cavil and Doral left. If it is then they could be on opposite teams.

If I made the game:
Cavil faction: 1, 4, 5, 8.
Other faction: 2, 3, 6.

I don't assume 6 is an indy role. I think she is bad. Same with Leoben. I think they may have secret win cons to do with their respective partners, Kara and Giaus.

I think Giaus and Romo and Cain are more likely for indy roles.

We will have the final five to deal with at some point.

Linki: Yes, Epig.
I see you already answered my previous question. I think it's quite a reach to call 7 of the 8 cylons baddies, and if lore is the standard then everything people have said about that would seem to operate against your assertions. I also don't think that'd be balanced at all -- too many non-civilians, one of the baddie teams is smaller than the other (and it doesn't include the most recruitment-compatible role in Cavil), and then there are the Final Five which will amount to who knows what.

I don't agree with you.

Do you think any humans are on a mafia team rather than being "bad independents"?
I didn't think you would. First if there's two teams your nutella call out early doesn't help you as much. So I see you throwing away the notion of two very early and clearly. Now doubling down on it.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I'm going to feed the confirmation bias by saying that I don't think there are two teams. The existence of one [likely] independent with less-than-agreeable motives already revealed, and the smaller Cavil faction is likely to be augmented by the Final Five stuff in the end. I have no idea whether there's any recruitment; that's better left to the people who know the lore. I hate recruitment and think it's almost never balanced, but it's possible that it's here.
I don't agree with you. I doubt the recruitment angle, I don't agree with it.

2 teams is very balanced. They will hunt each other helping the civvie teams.

I never called 7 anything.
wiki wrote: One faction consists of the Number Ones, the Number Fours, the Number Fives, and the Number Eight copy known as Sharon Valerii, under the leadership of the Number One copy known as Cavil.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Things Glorfindel said to/about bea:
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Glorfindel wrote:bea: Good
First mention is this Day 6 GTH read.
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Glorfindel wrote:3. As for the players that voted for me on Day 6, G-Man came as no surprise to me - he's made his feelings toward me very clear. I think he has a lot of potential actually. From my perspective, he seems extremely committed to the game and is capable of structured analysis that is fairly impressive. Where he needs to improve though is his conclusions. Bea, I honestly don't know. She's not someone that has found their way on to my radar yet. I know a couple of people have accused her but I'd need to go back and ISO her - she seems rather innocuous (that is not meant in any kind of offensive way, by the way) to me. I suspect that assuming that she is Town, she's like most everyone here - G-Man or Dex bangs a drum and they simply follow... :shrug: Matt is a strange one however. I'd not doubted him at all to that point and found his jumping on my wagon to be rather... disappointing. It seems to me that like Sig, he seems to just drop into this game from time to time and I just wonder if he's really 'connected' to what's been happening here. I like however the perspective that he brings to this game and he seems genuinely open to different opinions on the game and is willing to come up with his own ideas on the game which I take as a good sign.
Wafflesaurus Rex. He lumped her alongside the other unnamed players who he accused of "sheeping" the reads provided by G-Man and Dex with the implied but not conclusively stated town read. Not a great look.
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Glorfindel wrote:
bea wrote:Or maybe I'm not asking that correctly. Why is his concussion about your potential role incorrect? I think that's the more accurate question.
His concussion? :shrug: The poor thing :(

For the LAST FREAKING TIME... His calculations ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, his assumed beliefs (based on the alignment of characters on this show) ARE THE PROBLEM. If having said that gets me Modkilled, so be it. I just can't understand how a bunch of very intelligent people could be so utterly clueless. My patience with you all is at an end :fist:
bea asks a simple question and gets the caps lock. Glorfindel's frustration level, genuine or not, boiled over and bea got the brunt of it. I want to say Glorfindel isn't the type to scream at his team mates, but I also have reason to believe my prior assertions about Glorfindel's persona in this game might not have been accurate. So I dunno.
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Glorfindel wrote:
bea wrote:Glor - I get that you're frustrated but I am trying to understand you. I'm not being willfully ignorant. I'm trying to open my mind and my expectations. I'm trying to balance my knowledge of the show with the actual game. I'm trying to use both pieces of information together to come to the best possible decision in a semi-closed set up with little information.

I am not the biggest fan of in the world of polo's vote and I said as much when he made it. I'm not sure why svs isn't more up in arms about it tbh.

I'm doing the best I can. I'm sorry if I'm missing something so blatantly obvious to. I often do. I earned my name Queen Nub. You note *I* haven't voted yet? You know why? Because I am trying to understand.

lol INH. You left out squirrel baby. :p
I know you are Bea - I'm giving you something that's been denied me (the benefit of the doubt). I've had to be somewhat obscure because I've had to try to operate within the rules but I've tried to explain this a hundred different ways and with the possible exceptions of people like Sig, Ricochet and 3J no one gets it. I don't know how I can be any more explicit. Go back to my "I am a Cylon" post. The evidence is there. How many times do I have to say this - THE BASIS UPON WHICH YOU ARE ASSESSING ALIGNMENT IS FLAWED!!!
Glorfindel wrote:
bea wrote:Glor I get what you are saying. It's possible that the bad guys do not follow show 100 percent. Here's my continued hang up. If not that way, how are they formed?

In the same way I have a hard time seeing athena as anything but for the humans, I have a hard time seeing boomer as anything but in Cavil's faction because it goes drastically against her character in a way that doesn't make sense given the amount of care our host has put into keeping the flavor of the theme true.

If everything you say is true, I'm not sure how Cavil is getting a faction and I'm sure Cavil isn't working for anyone but himself and his own.
The 'getting of wisdom' is a truly wonderful thing to behold. I refer you again to Rule 8 and the comment in the heading of the rules to 'read them carefully'.

I'd also like to make a comment about Rule 11. I have had fun this game. It took me a little while to realise it, but it's true. As I said, I did my best for you all and I take great satisfaction in that. Thanks Golden for allowing me to play possibly the most bizarre game of which I have ever been a part. I'm sorry to you all for my rudeness earlier - I seldom do that and I always feel awful for having done so.
Generally more of the same. Glorfindel did well in the end to treat pretty much everyone opposing him the same way -- repeating his rhetoric about town's interpretation of the roles, the state of the game itself, et cetera. bea was no exception.


Things bea said to/about Glorfindel not previously covered:
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bea wrote:
Polo wrote:Bea, what do you think of sig, Glorfindel and DrWilgy?

they have only caught the outskirts of my attention.

I expected more from wigly when he subbed in - especially like with daisy I gave the olive branch of I just read through 30 pages of crap - let me know if I can help catch a brotha or sista out - and neither of them took the olive branch.

It tells me that they are either a) stubborn as fuck and will catch up on their on while also b) not comment on it.

And C be caught up as fuck.

Which - as much as I hate to admit - sounds like bts.

glor is like nero was for me yesterday - a null read.
First mention on Day 4 is a null read.
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bea wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:
Matt wrote:Updated list of Non-Claimers


How many players do we have in the game? 24, 25? Two-thirds of the town have agreed that claiming is in the town's best interest, so essentially, all of these players are anti-town as of now.

We need to put pressure on them. Do I think they're all "bad" ? No. Do I think Cavil and/or other bad cylons are hiding in this bunch? Absolutely.

I think we should start with OA, who can't claim cuz of "punishments" but will totes claim if we lynch LC despite "punishments".


Linki - Oh okay, nvm now she was "just kidding". Someone help me pressure her please.
So Say We All!

I'm sorry, my friend but you're posting the wrong list... The list that YOU should be posting (that would be infinitely more helpful to us) is the list of players that HAVE claimed in sequence of when they claimed (and preferably with the times they claimed so we can timeline them). Let me make this crystal clear, I'm in no way accusing you of anything but others (like well, umm Polo for instance) who seem obsessed with the first list you posted are I believe leading us down the garden path. What is happening here is what is referred to as selection bias and it's being perpetrated on a Town team that is largely far to accepting of it. Continually posting that list only focuses attention on those that for a variety of different reasons have not claimed.

As I said earlier, it seems only logical to me that the real Baddies have already jumped ship and claimed leaving them time to hide and help drive lynches on those who haven't/won't claim and so gain an advantage over us. I am highly suspicious of those who insist on driving this misguided agenda. :eye:
See - posts like these make me not want to lynch Glor.
bea wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:
bea wrote:
Long Con wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:Wow, I butchered the hell out of that quote.

Oh well, I think it's clear what I mean.
What's clear (to anyone who wants to really look) is that you completely avoided engaging with any of my points or questions, and moved right to your tired old schtick of "he's misrepresenting! he's discrediting!" But don't worry, I doubt anyone will bother looking. :nicenod:
as much as it pains me to say this, you might be on to sonmething here.
bea-In going through your ISO, I saw this post. You also made a lot of posts agreeing with Long Con or supporting him in some ways-telling him you were listening, etc.

So my question is, do you have a civ reading on Long Con and if so, elaborate on it please?

A lot of your comments are kind of offhand comments that make it hard for me to get a read of you. So if you elaborate on one of your reads, this will help me a lot and I imagine others as well.
Ok - you picked a doozy here so - bear with me.

I have a loooooooong history of NOT ever ever trusting Long Con. Like ever. LIke really really ever. I call him Lucy to my Charlie Brown. And then we had the Champs game where we had that bright second of civ BTS. And even then - ask him it took me AAAAAAGES to trust him. But in light of that, I'm trying to go against every knee jerk reaction I have about Long Con because I realize it's *my* bias that always makes him bad in my head.

Also - he's one of the few people who have acknowledged that you know I'm paying attention even when I go a long time without taking- when everyone else seems to think I'm flaking out and bad. So if he's willing to listen to me - I'm willing to at least listen to him. Also - as I can see how he could be cain. I could see as much as how he's accusing others of "role playing" that some of his earlier behavior that he chalked up to as being "ornery ole lc" (which is honestly prolly true) could also maybe be viewed as "role playing" too - so I'm willing to give him a little rope and some rye.

I get where Dex and SVS are coming from about him and *believe* me my gut wants to jump right into their hunt too - because in my head "a living long con is almost always a bad long con", but I'm trying to learn to get to know the player better. So that the player and the guy I know can start meshing together some. Does that make sense to you?

As for other reads - I think you are civ - and I think SVS, dex and rico are civ. I adore epi and cylon or no I hope he's around at endgame. I lean civ on glor cuz he makes posts like the one I just quoted. I thought matt was civ but I worry about his statement about "toaster sympathizers" and his call to "claimers" to own up and put pressure on people. Because like Rico - I saw this witch hunt coming and no one can deny that's what it's turning into. Good on you and Daisy for saying it won't ONLY be a factor. Now look at matt and polo's posts and say with a straight face they aren't hunting witches. Because they totally are.

I'm not sure about OA and Gman, but I hope they are civ. I think Daisy might be civ. I worry about her focus on me and my "claim" being looking like she's baddie hunting when deep down she knew nothing was going to come of it. Or she really thought it. I'm unsure here. Baddie Daisy has snuck up on me more than once. The kingon is too new to me to get a real handle on and I tried to help him make a post like this one but I failed because he hasn't.

I think zeeb is an enigma this game. I want to trust her. She seems to know things, but I'm not sure how she knows things and I'm not sure where she's coming from. Honestly before Lorab flipped I had her pegged as d'anna. She's keeping her cards *very* close to her chest and I can see civ and mafia reaosns for doing that.
Day 5 defense of Glorfindel. I defended him more than anyone so I'm not going to talk. I do think bea should explain why "posts like these" made her feel that way though.
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bea wrote:Ugh. Wth happened to yesterday? I lost it somehow. Glad for the extra day as I seemed to have decided to sleep through yesterday. :(

I'm leaning toward a sig vote. His vote yesterday after wilgy claimed is not a good look I think.

Silver - I'm asking soley for clarity - is glor's refusal to claim and answer your questions to your satisfaction regarding claiming your only reason for suspecting him or are there other details I lost in the shuffle? If that's the meat of why you think glor is bad, do you suspect the others who haven't claimed with the same vigor?
She did engage Silverwolf to better understand her desire to lynch Glorfindel, but it wasn't addressed again.
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bea wrote:I'm confused again. Don't we want glor to be in the lead since he claimed today? So that we know his survival is because he claimed? Wasn't that like the reason some of us were putting pressure on people to claim in the first place?

I feel like I said the same thing last lynch and I think I'm even more confused today as to what people's motivations are.

voting glorbecause I thought that was the point of making him claim and because I'm stuck in linki
She voted for Glorfindel after his claim, and I do at least think her rationale was sensible -- putting him in the lead would confirm/not confirm his claim. It's also to her credit that her vote came later in that regard, because the sig wagon nearly overtook the Glorf wagon and that would have caused more stupid mass confusion. I'm not thrilled though that her vote was solely motivated by the claim dynamic though and that suspicion seems to be absent from her mindset.
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bea wrote:Glor - I get that you're frustrated but I am trying to understand you. I'm not being willfully ignorant. I'm trying to open my mind and my expectations. I'm trying to balance my knowledge of the show with the actual game. I'm trying to use both pieces of information together to come to the best possible decision in a semi-closed set up with little information.

I am not the biggest fan of in the world of polo's vote and I said as much when he made it. I'm not sure why svs isn't more up in arms about it tbh.

I'm doing the best I can. I'm sorry if I'm missing something so blatantly obvious to. I often do. I earned my name Queen Nub. You note *I* haven't voted yet? You know why? Because I am trying to understand.

lol INH. You left out squirrel baby. :p
There is a taste of earnestness in her communication with Glorfindel as he was approaching his demise on Day 7. It can be faked, but I'm not sure I read this that way. That's a nice look.


Overall this is a very mixed bag. I will admit though that the positive points I made are moving me more than the negative and that my suspicion of bea has decreased through this exercise. That is of course reliant upon the notion that Glorfindel was on a baddie team and knew who his team mates were, which is itself speculative. :rolleyes:

Doing just one of these has already burned me out badly. I need a break. If I'm able I'll do more later.
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Overall: 75-57 (.56) | Town 50-42 (.54) | Mafia 19-11 (.63) | Independent 6-4 (.60)

The Syndicate: Town 23-27; Mafia 11-5; Indy 5-1 | RateYourMusic: Town 14-13; Mafia 5-4; Indy 0-3 | Mafia Universe: Town 7-0; Mafia 1-0 | Student Doctor Network: Town 2-1; Mafia 1-0 | HeroClixRealms: Town 1-0; Mafia 0-1 | Bulbagarden: Mafia 0-1; Indy 1-0 | 2+2 POG: Town 1-0 | Naruto Forums: Town 0-1 | Personality Café: Town 1-0 | Vendetta Strada: Town 0-1 | Mafia451: Town 1-0 | Wintreath: Mafia 1-0


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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Dex »

Epignosis wrote:I already know the person I want to lynch Day 8.
Do tell.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Overall this is a very mixed bag. I will admit though that the positive points I made are moving me more than the negative and that my suspicion of bea has decreased through this exercise. That is of course reliant upon the notion that Glorfindel was on a baddie team and knew who his team mates were, which is itself speculative. :rolleyes:
You did that already with Glorf? How did that work out?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:I didn't think you would. First if there's two teams your nutella call out early doesn't help you as much. So I see you throwing away the notion of two very early and clearly. Now doubling down on it.
My nutella case doesn't even have to help me if there's one team. I would still expect people to tinfoil on me like they do in every damned game. I think the entire notion of whether there are two teams is a speculative thing and cannot be verified by any information currently available in this thread. If you disagree, fine whatever, knock yourself out. If you think my disagreement with your assumptions is indicative of their accuracy, then fine whatever. I absolutely don't care. Confirmation bias.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I'm going to feed the confirmation bias by saying that I don't think there are two teams. The existence of one [likely] independent with less-than-agreeable motives already revealed, and the smaller Cavil faction is likely to be augmented by the Final Five stuff in the end. I have no idea whether there's any recruitment; that's better left to the people who know the lore. I hate recruitment and think it's almost never balanced, but it's possible that it's here.
rabbit8 wrote:I don't agree with you. I doubt the recruitment angle, I don't agree with it.

2 teams is very balanced. They will hunt each other helping the civvie teams.
Two teams can be balanced if they're sized properly (they usually aren't and I don't think they would be in the theory you're proposing). As for recruitment, I didn't say I think it's in this game. I have no clue. It's total guesswork.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Epignosis »

Dex wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I already know the person I want to lynch Day 8.
Do tell.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Overall this is a very mixed bag. I will admit though that the positive points I made are moving me more than the negative and that my suspicion of bea has decreased through this exercise. That is of course reliant upon the notion that Glorfindel was on a baddie team and knew who his team mates were, which is itself speculative. :rolleyes:
You did that already with Glorf? How did that work out?
Brilliant logic. :rolleyes:

That's not even what happened with Glorf. My suspicion of him didn't "decrease". I thought he looked town the whole game. I've been calling bea a suspect for days.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Epignosis wrote:
Dex wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I already know the person I want to lynch Day 8.
Do tell.
I can be sold on that one. Probably without much effort.
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Overall: 75-57 (.56) | Town 50-42 (.54) | Mafia 19-11 (.63) | Independent 6-4 (.60)

The Syndicate: Town 23-27; Mafia 11-5; Indy 5-1 | RateYourMusic: Town 14-13; Mafia 5-4; Indy 0-3 | Mafia Universe: Town 7-0; Mafia 1-0 | Student Doctor Network: Town 2-1; Mafia 1-0 | HeroClixRealms: Town 1-0; Mafia 0-1 | Bulbagarden: Mafia 0-1; Indy 1-0 | 2+2 POG: Town 1-0 | Naruto Forums: Town 0-1 | Personality Café: Town 1-0 | Vendetta Strada: Town 0-1 | Mafia451: Town 1-0 | Wintreath: Mafia 1-0


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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Ricochet »

Epignosis wrote:
Dex wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I already know the person I want to lynch Day 8.
Do tell.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Six


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Separately Glorfindel, I'd like you to respond with your immediate thoughts to me making this statement:

I think you're bad.
You think he's bad....
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Looks like Glorfindel was a civilian (I think the cops were "civilian") in Arkham Mafia and a baddie in Star Wars Mafia. This provides me with a nice opportunity to check into his meta a little bit, since it's his appearance at face value that I have thought looked town in this game.

The quotes contained in the following spoilers are not from this Mafia game. The point is to draw comparisons.

Star Wars Mafia (baddie Glorfindel)
Spoiler: show
Glorfindel wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Not a good result. RIP Bass.

I've skimmed quickly. Don't have time for a detailed catchup this morning.

For now, I have the following thoughts:

1) Glorfindel, you're suspicious based on tone as well as the lack of thoughts you espew. Also, your Day 2 vote stinks
You call that a thought? A comedy routine more likely. Just how pray tell is my tone suspicious? And MY Day 2 vote stinks? At least I made one which is more than I can say for a lot of players this game and yet you target me? Again? My vote wasn't on one of our power roles nor was it on what is looking to me like an increasingly Town-looking Enrique... I expect we'll find out soon enough then. You don't know that Russtifinko isn't non-Town (whatever they're called) so for you to criticise my vote just makes you look like you're grasping at straws and pretty transparently at that... :evileye:
Glorfindel wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Glorfindel, what else do you have to say to the accusation that you've been defending yourself too much but not hunting enough?
Not much. The accusation when looked at objectively is clearly justified. I have clearly not spent the time and effort in 'hunting' as I should have at this point. I could point out that this is partly due to the fact that I have pracitically no point of reference for the behaviour of any player in this game but I won't bother. My judgements and my votes have been based on the only thing upon which I have to rely at this point - gut instinct. I believe that it's served me well so far although you and others obviously dispute that...

On that point, I still remain highly suspicious of Russtifinko (as I have said for some considerable time) and that is again where my vote will lie today.

@Zebra - please don't be concerned about my reaction to you in my post last night - my views and opinions have not changed but as I keep saying, that is my issue to deal with and shouldn't influence in any way your vote.
Glorfindel wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:And for the record regarding that rainbow reads list I want, I'm not telling you what to do and I'm not talking down to you, as a few have accused me of doing earlier. I'm just telling you what I think you should do if you have any interest of convincing me (and probably others as well) that you are town.
Let me get this straight - you demand a 'rainbow list' from me after what is one of the worst instances of ridicule and some of the most threatening tone that I've ever seen anyone subjected to and you reckon you're neither telling me what to do or talking down to me? Let me give you a tip - you need to take a good long hard look at yourself my friend.

In all the games I have played at other sites, I've not once EVER compiled a 'rainbow list' and I'm not about to start now. I'm not going to commit myself to saying anyone is Town at this point as (apart from the POSSIBLE exceptions of Sig and Enrique) I don't trust a single one of you. I don't really care less what you think of me, but you make an absolute mockery of everything I've been told about this site and at this point, you won't be needing to worry about me in any game here in the future if this is what passes for objective analysis on this site. Up until now I was pretty solidly convinced you were Town. Now I don't really care.
Glorfindel wrote:@Metalmarsh: Thank you for all the work you put into that ISO read on me. I suppose I should be grateful you considered me worth the time you took to do that... I can't say it wasn't entertaining - you literally had me in fits of laughter with your analysis of my emoticons :haha: I've not seen that anywhere before and I can't help but think we're taking this a little too seriously if we use that as evidence to lynch someone!

As for Enrique, I don't know - I could easily be wrong. In my view his posts seem genuine, he posts a lot and his assertions and opinions seem (in my view) to suggest that they are the product of some consideration of players, their comments etc. I personally felt uncomfortable by the way his wagon built up momentum so quickly at the end of the last Day phase to the point where it appeared more opportunistic than anything else. I have a natural tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt and I'm also kinda reserved I guess so this is probably reflected (as you so eloquently) in my apparent reluctance to engage with a whole bunch of people I don't know). I accept that this problem lies squarely with me so I'm not blaming you if you find me suspicous as a result.

I'd also like to take issue with your criticism of my vote on Russtifinko. He's got less than half the posts I do, and I'M the one that's suspicious for allegedly lurking? REALLY?
I pulled these older quotes specifically because they feature Glorfindel responding some manner of accusations. Glorfindel was a baddie in this game, and he seemed to draw a lot of heat (as far as I can tell looking at this game now, I was not in it). There's a consistent theme in his responses: haughty incredulity. All of his responses read to me like they're being spoken by a man with Costanza eyes.
Spoiler: show
The only time it gets at all "personal" is in his response to Zebra, though it's still entirely related to the accusation itself and not the personality of the accuser. There were some other moments in this game when Glorfindel lamented about the state of the site in general, and eventually he did replace out of the game entirely. That is consistent at least with his play in this game, short of the replacement. The incredulity doesn't line up though -- when he's been accused in this game, it has been something that has frustrated and angered him, there has been no laughter or joy at all in his replies.

Arkham Mafia (civilian Glorfindel)
Spoiler: show
Glorfindel wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:No problem, bud!

If you all disagree with me, that's totally fine with me; I'd be happy with a lynch of someone active too, particularly Glorfindel (he's increasingly seeming like his Star Wars self, and his lack of hunting is not convincing me otherwise) and sprityo (though, like others have speculated, it's very possible he's an inmate who's won). I just thought I'd throw my hat in the ring again this time for another inactive lynch. I may or may not go the same way tomorrow though. Just gotta see when I'll have some time to actually put more than a half-assed effort in the game at this point, since hosting is taking up a bunch of time.
@MP - my friend, you have gone from defending me at one point saying something to the effect that you would look suspiciously upon anyone who voted for me to advocating my lynching - and all of this seemingly based on a comparison between my playstyle in Star Wars and this game. I'm asking you now to explain what it is precisely that you identified in that comparison to lead you to such an apparent about face - it must surely have been something conclusive to have led you to such a change of heart.
Glorf, sorry I haven't answered this before now. I've been swamped hosting another game among many other things.

I did say that I would view anyone who bandwagoned onto you and didn't discuss anyone else a few cycles ago with suspicion, yes. But since then, the game has developed, and I still have yet to see any real town-minded effort from you with regards to discussing suspects and actual hunting; rather, you seem way more interested in defending yourself over and over again, but by telling us how you're an obvious townie and trying to play off of emotional posts, rather than show us posts where you have exhibited town-minded hunting behavior.

I rightfully view that with suspicion.
MP, your post disappoints me greatly. There are a number of things you've said there that are incidental to the outcome of this game that I will address later down the track. Let me say for now that it is difficult to not look like you're constantly defending yourself when you are subject to sustained false accusations as I have been by those of you who insist on making unsubstantiated claims about my playstyle being similar to that of Star Wars (where I was Mafia). Despite that, I have been doing my best (and spent considerable time and energy) to analyse other player's post. But then no one notices although whether that is deliberate and convenient who knows :shrug:
Glorfindel wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Between work, and Admin-y things, I have spent all of my Mafia time here. I need to go see the other thread, I have barely been in there, so I am going to vote now.

Glorfindel, I think you are a very kind person, a gentleman, and a breath of fresh air. I also think you drew a bad role this game.

My role is not the issue here my friend (as you will see for yourself at some point). The issue is purely the distorted lens through which you and others have and are judging my comments throughout this game. I doubt a single one of you (with the exception of Golden and maybe Juliets) has even attempted to stand back and consider the possibility that I am genuine. I'd like to think that (in that respect) there would be a perceptible similarity between my performance and my Pikmin game. Thank you for saying those nice things about me and I'm sorry but the fact that you can see that and believe that I am bad in spite of that says more about how you see things than it does about me. I've explained ad nauseum to you that the post to which you refer was 'crafted' the way it was out of respect for my fellow players. I could see grounds for your suspicions had you been able to identify some inconsistency with my subsequent posts but you haven't and I doubt you can. It's much the same thing that we've just witnessed with Matt and Golden and that ridiculous Two-Face accusation that has been leveled at me. The fact that Matt interpreted that 'data' he collected in the way he did, in an unbalanced way illustrates well the struggle that I'm having with this game right now in that his first assumption was that I was bad and he interpreted my posts in that way.
Glorfindel wrote:I said a day or so ago that I was committed to my Team and would be to the end. I recognise my responsibility to them to do everything in my power to secure a win for our Team. As things stand right now, I don't believe there is any point to me continuing to post in this thread as it has become apparent to me that there is not a single person playing (with the possible exception of Bubbles) who is prepared to accept that I may be innocent. There has been some suggestion made this morning of a link between Bubbles' alignment and mine. I can assure you that there is no truth to this assumption whatsoever.

My point here is that as I see it, no one is listening (in truth, many of you stopped listening long ago). My issue is that you are all being deceived and there is nothing that I can do to convince any of you otherwise - but as I say, that's MY issue. You are going to believe what you want and at the end of the day, you will bear the consequences of the choices you make. I'm pretty satisfied that I've done everything in my power albeit to no avail. I think I'll be leaving this in your hands now. Vote for me. Vote for Bubbles. The choice is yours. If any of you realise the error of your ways before it's too late, let me know and if I'm able, I'll return to support you however I can. Good luck, Guys!
Glorfindel wrote:Alright, I have some things I want to say at this point. I've played probably about 30+ games now across four sites and what I'm seeing right now is in all likelihood (given we are well into this game and it's not Day 1 anymore) the worst mislynch that has occurred in any of them. All the cases that have been brought against me have been some of the weakest I've seen in my experience and despite demanding continuously for my accusers to elaborate on those cases (e.g. Star Wars vs this game) I've been given nothing. As I've said previously, whether you vote for me because you judge me to be bad or vote for Bubbles because you judge me to be bad says infinitely more about all of you than it does about me. I have in my view, done all that I reasonably could to fulfill my role in this game but in the end the avalanche of suspicion that has fallen upon me is something about which I can do very little.

As a committed member of our team, I'm going to place my vote where I think it belongs. Some of you may know more about what's going on in this game than I but for me, I think S-V-S's case on me has from the very beginning been a work of fiction. She's pushed that argument ever since and seems to have found enough people gullible enough to believe it. I think her self-voting (despite her stated reasons for doing so) is bad. If she is Town, I'd see that as an irresponsible and self indulgent act and question her loyalty to our Team.

I'd also like to put on record my gut-wrenching disappointment at one of my fellow players whom I have come to respect deeply who apparently has found it so easy to disregard what they know to be true and abandon me to the point where they no longer care about my lynching. It's a pretty bitter pill to swallow and although this is a game, I'm still bitterly disappointed about that.

As for this game and my part in it, I think you guys are going to hopefully take some lessons from it. One being Matt's Two-Face theory on me. That defied all logic from the time that he made that post yet, many of you still bought it. For the sake of all of you, my Team, I hope you can still pull this one out of the fire.

"A penny for my thoughts? Oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar,
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And then maybe then you'll hear the words I've been singing.
Funny when you're dead how people start listening.
If I die young, bury me in satin,
Lay me down on a bed of roses,
Sink me in the river at dawn.
Send me away to the words of a love song."

If I Die Young - The Band Perry.
I'm giving this one its own spoiler, it might be significant soon:
Spoiler: show
Glorfindel wrote:
Golden wrote:IF bubbles is bad... and not the last member of her team.

THEN I will think I've been wrong about you.

Because bubbles vote did look like an attempted save.
OK, I confess - this really hurt. I've no idea of Bubbles' alignment and the fact that either way you'd link her alignment to mine over your own gut-read is frankly bitterly disappointing.

At this point, I'm not voting for Bubbles based solely on the fact that she defended me. If you can come up with something more conclusive, I'd consider it but until then I can't see that lynching her will necessarily prove anything at all.
In this game, the most apparent theme in Glorfindel's responses to accusations (and he got a lot of heat in this game too) was despair. He couldn't stand it, he made it obvious that he couldn't stand it, and he voiced his total disappointment with everyone involved.

He also did so by using a lot of words.

This looks to me almost identical to what he's posted in this game.

The quote I put in a separate spoiler in which he responds to Golden is significant because it's how he responded to losing the trust of someone who had previously been defending him in the game (also note the highlighted portion -- this reflects perfectly his response to the pseudo link I drew between Glorfindel and Black Rock in this game). There's an obvious parallel for that in this game -- me. I've defended him more than anyone else in this game. So I just told Glorfindel that I think he's bad without saying why to incite whatever response he might provide in light of losing his most vocal ally again. We'll see if he responds to that and maybe compare accordingly, but the value is largely lost now. I wanted him to respond before I posted this, but I don't have time for that.



~ I think the prevailing argument against Glorfindel that his posts are long and wordy without many stances being taken is bunk. That's who he is. It's obvious if you look at his performance in other games. It doesn't mean he's good, but it's a shit argument to call him bad for it. He heard "you defend yourself too much and don't look for suspects enough!" all day in Arkham Mafia and it was wrong then.

~ To me he looks more like Arkham/civilian Glorfindel than Star Wars/baddie Glorfindel.

~ In terms of meta and at face value, I'm comfortable to continue saying that Glorfindel absolutely looks to me like a civilian.

The only argument I see against Glorfindel that I think still has merit given what I've examined here relates to his cylon claim. That's something I'll continue to talk with him about. But I no longer respect the face value case against him very much. I think it's pretty weak, and that so many people have clung to it looks worse than he does to me as a result.
Then you don't.....

So instead of decreased, changed?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

Epignosis wrote:
Dex wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I already know the person I want to lynch Day 8.
Do tell.

Fuck yeah. Do it.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Six


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:So instead of decreased, changed?
You either failed to read my very next post after I called him bad, or you're deliberately omitting it.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Epignosis »

rabbit8 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Dex wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I already know the person I want to lynch Day 8.
Do tell.

Fuck yeah. Do it.
Please keep posting. It's helping me grab your "In Topic" link without having to go to the front page every time.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Six


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Separately Glorfindel, I'd like you to respond with your immediate thoughts to me making this statement:

I think you're bad.
Bleh, nevermind. I don't have time to wait for an answer. I have a big post about you and I need to get it posted.
You're next post, same thing.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

It was reaction bait. You literally quoted it and didn't acknowledge it dude.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:The quote I put in a separate spoiler in which he responds to Golden is significant because it's how he responded to losing the trust of someone who had previously been defending him in the game (also note the highlighted portion -- this reflects perfectly his response to the pseudo link I drew between Glorfindel and Black Rock in this game). There's an obvious parallel for that in this game -- me. I've defended him more than anyone else in this game. So I just told Glorfindel that I think he's bad without saying why to incite whatever response he might provide in light of losing his most vocal ally again. We'll see if he responds to that and maybe compare accordingly, but the value is largely lost now. I wanted him to respond before I posted this, but I don't have time for that.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:It was reaction bait. You literally quoted it and didn't acknowledge it dude.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:The quote I put in a separate spoiler in which he responds to Golden is significant because it's how he responded to losing the trust of someone who had previously been defending him in the game (also note the highlighted portion -- this reflects perfectly his response to the pseudo link I drew between Glorfindel and Black Rock in this game). There's an obvious parallel for that in this game -- me. I've defended him more than anyone else in this game. So I just told Glorfindel that I think he's bad without saying why to incite whatever response he might provide in light of losing his most vocal ally again. We'll see if he responds to that and maybe compare accordingly, but the value is largely lost now. I wanted him to respond before I posted this, but I don't have time for that.

I don't care about it as reaction bait. If you thought he was good you wouldn't need reaction bait.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:It was reaction bait. You literally quoted it and didn't acknowledge it dude.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:The quote I put in a separate spoiler in which he responds to Golden is significant because it's how he responded to losing the trust of someone who had previously been defending him in the game (also note the highlighted portion -- this reflects perfectly his response to the pseudo link I drew between Glorfindel and Black Rock in this game). There's an obvious parallel for that in this game -- me. I've defended him more than anyone else in this game. So I just told Glorfindel that I think he's bad without saying why to incite whatever response he might provide in light of losing his most vocal ally again. We'll see if he responds to that and maybe compare accordingly, but the value is largely lost now. I wanted him to respond before I posted this, but I don't have time for that.

I don't care about it as reaction bait. If you thought he was good you wouldn't need reaction bait.
That's absolutely dumb. I will bait any player I want for reactions, especially someone I am town reading in disagreement with general consensus.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Again rabbit, your only interest in this is to discredit my read on bea and not to actually discuss the content that led to it. That I was wrong about Glorfindel is 100% irrelevant to my read on bea.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

Good for you? Seems pointless to try to get a reaction from someone you think is goods. But hey, go for it.

I want Bea lynched and I think you're bad. Seems like those two things go hand in hand. Your read on Glorf is 100% irrelevant. Your defense of Bea is not.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:Good for you? Seems pointless to try to get a reaction from someone you think is goods. But hey, go for it.

I want Bea lynched and I think you're bad. Seems like those two things go hand in hand. Your read on Glorf is 100% irrelevant. Your defense of Bea is not.
You're the one that connected the two. You literally said this:
rabbit8 wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Overall this is a very mixed bag. I will admit though that the positive points I made are moving me more than the negative and that my suspicion of bea has decreased through this exercise. That is of course reliant upon the notion that Glorfindel was on a baddie team and knew who his team mates were, which is itself speculative. :rolleyes:
You did that already with Glorf? How did that work out?
I stated that my read on bea had softened, you pooh-poohed that based upon my read on Glorfindel. You acknowledge that the Glorf read is irrelevant, so why did you do this? Let me show you what you did:

"You were wrong about Glorf, JJJ. That means your reads suck and nobody should care what you say about bea."
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Epignosis »

rabbit8 made the cardinal error of making the mechanics fit his "suspicion." Ricochet asked about how 3J could be bad if nutella is, and rabbit didn't disappoint. The first thing he came up with was two mafia teams.
rabbit8 wrote:
Ricochet wrote:I feel the assumption that JJJ might be bad needs to pass the test of explaining how could JJJ have initiated and carried nutella's hunt all the way through on Day Two.
Two mafia factions.
His first way to justify 3J being bad was two mafia actions, but he added this after:
rabbit8 wrote:
Ricochet wrote:I feel the assumption that JJJ might be bad needs to pass the test of explaining how could JJJ have initiated and carried nutella's hunt all the way through on Day Two.

Or throw someone under the bus? Is this not done anymore?

I think two mafia teams in this size games makes more sense though.
The fact that rabbit added "Is this not done anymore?" indicates that he is equally, if not more, at home with people throwing teammates under the bus, and that makes me think that, if he were expressing his natural thoughts, he would have mentioned this one first. He didn't. He speculated on the mechanics first, and added this as a second thought. However, he hedged with what he "thinks" makes more sense (i.e. two mafia teams).

Keep in mind that all of this is to solidify a 3J suspicion, and this is key. Follow me:

3J is bad.

How? He went against nutella!

It's simple. There are two mafia teams.

Okay, I follow. That means 3J is genuinely hunting the other team and caught nutella.

Or he threw somebody under the bus.

Okay, I get that. That means 3J is on the same team as nutella, and he ditched her.

But there are totally two teams.


The existence of two mafia teams doesn't condemn 3J any more than it does anybody else. In fact, if anything, it works in 3J's favor, because he's likely not on the second team. But that doesn't matter, because 3J threw nutella under the bus (same team) even though there are, according to rabbit8, two teams!

rabbit8's accusation of 3J is based on two conflicting scenarios, and I don't think he believes either. He's full of shit. :)

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

LOL, that's not good for me. You caught me.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Dex »

I have a bad feeling about tonight, so just a couple of thoughts in case I don't make it.

ObbsAll, I know we haven't seen eye to eye in this game and we don't know each other, but I'd like you to please consider that when I said I was certain that LC was Cain he was, and that when I said I was certain the Glorfindel was a Cavil toaster he was. I am certain Wilgy is a civ toaster. Please just consider it.

I get the current anti-Rabbit trend, but I recall for most of the game that role was Silverwolfs, and she was one of my strongest civ reads.

Strongest civ reads: Epi, S~V~S, Matt.

Strongest mafia reads: Bea, Rico, BR.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Dex wrote:I get the current anti-Rabbit trend, but I recall for most of the game that role was Silverwolfs, and she was one of my strongest civ reads.
rabbit replaced a2thezebra.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

Dex wrote:I have a bad feeling about tonight, so just a couple of thoughts in case I don't make it.

ObbsAll, I know we haven't seen eye to eye in this game and we don't know each other, but I'd like you to please consider that when I said I was certain that LC was Cain he was, and that when I said I was certain the Glorfindel was a Cavil toaster he was. I am certain Wilgy is a civ toaster. Please just consider it.

I get the current anti-Rabbit trend, but I recall for most of the game that role was Silverwolfs, and she was one of my strongest civ reads.

Strongest civ reads: Epi, S~V~S, Matt.

Strongest mafia reads: Bea, Rico, BR.

If I a NKed, to those responsible, I say Hi! Image

I had zeebs role. :shrug:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:Good for you? Seems pointless to try to get a reaction from someone you think is goods. But hey, go for it.

I want Bea lynched and I think you're bad. Seems like those two things go hand in hand. Your read on Glorf is 100% irrelevant. Your defense of Bea is not.
You're the one that connected the two. You literally said this:
rabbit8 wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Overall this is a very mixed bag. I will admit though that the positive points I made are moving me more than the negative and that my suspicion of bea has decreased through this exercise. That is of course reliant upon the notion that Glorfindel was on a baddie team and knew who his team mates were, which is itself speculative. :rolleyes:
You did that already with Glorf? How did that work out?
I stated that my read on bea had softened, you pooh-poohed that based upon my read on Glorfindel. You acknowledge that the Glorf read is irrelevant, so why did you do this? Let me show you what you did:

"You were wrong about Glorf, JJJ. That means your reads suck and nobody should care what you say about bea."
Obviously your reads suck, you got nutella. Or you know I think your turn on bea is convenient.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Dex »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:rabbit replaced a2thezebra.
My bad.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:Obviously your reads suck, you got nutella. Or you know I think your turn on bea is convenient.
I don't think you really give a shit about my turn on bea, because you've said nothing whatsoever about the things that have inspired the movement in my read. You only care that it moved, which is transparently manipulative on your part. Get lynched, please die, good day sir.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

Likely, super civ is into me.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

rabbit8 wrote:LOL, that's not good for me. You caught me.
Epignosis just tore this guy in half and his only response is this crap. There's no townie in this man's blood.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:LOL, that's not good for me. You caught me.
Epignosis just tore this guy in half and his only response is this crap. There's no townie in this man's blood.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Golden »


It was a remarkably dull night.

Dex died, though.

Dex has been killed. It is now day eight. You have 48 hours to lynch someone.
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G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by Golden »

The president of the colonies has passed a new law:

Space Opera Line-blurring Act: Each day, a random player must post like Yoda.

Use this generator:

Drwilgy's turn to speak like yoda, today it is.
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by Golden »

Hey team,

I think we're in a very nice position, so let's find our way to the finish line. Keep the effort level as high as you reasonably can and don't leave our enemies any extra room to breathe. If you're an honest person with the peoples' interests at heart and you're on the chopping block, fight it tooth and nail. If you disagree with popular opinion, then make your voice heard loud and clear. Let's go. Here are your orders for the coming day: everyone needs to contribute a bare minimum of 10 submissions to the discussion, and somewhere among them I expect three clearly stated players you suspect and rationale for each. Once you've met this requirement you will still be expected to remain involved and active. This workload is for the good of the people, and I will not tolerate anything less than excellence in your efforts. Those who did not respect my previous orders are being dealt with accordingly for their insubordination. Don't let that be you. I'm on your side.

So say we all!
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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by Epignosis »

So say we all!

If I voted right now, it would be for rabbit8.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by Epignosis »

Dex wrote:I have a bad feeling about tonight, so just a couple of thoughts in case I don't make it.

ObbsAll, I know we haven't seen eye to eye in this game and we don't know each other, but I'd like you to please consider that when I said I was certain that LC was Cain he was, and that when I said I was certain the Glorfindel was a Cavil toaster he was. I am certain Wilgy is a civ toaster. Please just consider it.

I get the current anti-Rabbit trend, but I recall for most of the game that role was Silverwolfs, and she was one of my strongest civ reads.

Strongest civ reads: Epi, S~V~S, Matt.

Strongest mafia reads: Bea, Rico, BR.

If I a NKed, to those responsible, I say Hi! Image
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by Golden »

Image Hello my lovely sortie finishers; GOOD LYNCH Image; my pings: 1)bea, 2)Rico, 3)Drumbeats, maybe Polo, BR, and 3J too; ask me anything, I’ll try to answer.

Thank goodness for the Wills of the Dead Act because Epignosis is not who he appears to be!

Living an unnaturally long life, the Great Deceiver will arise and vanquishing her fairer twin, on the octave, lead the people in error to calamity.

Been generally keeping up. Why exactly is Bea still not lynched? And, really, that’s a bad cylon you lynched just then.

Indiglo was probably Roslin. The prez only picks from small list of laws. Do not kill rabbit, Elmer Fudd. Kill sig kill sig kill dog!

Im very much alive, but not evil - kill John Cavil asap. Im not keeping up with the thread, so I have no suspects.

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Canucklehead wrote:Civ Golden is a hurricane of self-assurance.
G-Man wrote: Coward
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by rabbit8 »

Epignosis wrote:So say we all!

If I voted right now, it would be for rabbit8.
So say we all!

Why if? You made a damning case.... I must admit, I would consider it.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by insertnamehere »

So say we all!

So, how much do you think we can trust these messages from the beyond?

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by bea »

rabbit8 wrote:Good for you? Seems pointless to try to get a reaction from someone you think is goods. But hey, go for it.

I want Bea lynched and I think you're bad. Seems like those two things go hand in hand. Your read on Glorf is 100% irrelevant. Your defense of Bea is not.
Only catch here is you are going to have to reevaluate everything once I flip the way I say I'm going to. Cuz I ain't the baddie you are looking for.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 7


Post by rabbit8 »

bea wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:Good for you? Seems pointless to try to get a reaction from someone you think is goods. But hey, go for it.

I want Bea lynched and I think you're bad. Seems like those two things go hand in hand. Your read on Glorf is 100% irrelevant. Your defense of Bea is not.
Only catch here is you are going to have to reevaluate everything once I flip the way I say I'm going to. Cuz I ain't the baddie you are looking for.

I'm not the only one looking for you though... Why have you not acknowledged that?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by bea »

I'm not. You are all equally in error on this point.
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by Epignosis »

Golden wrote:
Image Hello my lovely sortie finishers; GOOD LYNCH Image; my pings: 1)bea, 2)Rico, 3)Drumbeats, maybe Polo, BR, and 3J too; ask me anything, I’ll try to answer.
So, indiglo, how's the other side? Was there a resurrection ship near Jerusalem around 30 AD? Is Jesus a Toaster? Is that why Jesus Toast Mafia is a thing? :eek:
Thank goodness for the Wills of the Dead Act because Epignosis is not who he appears to be!
I'm not as smart as I appear, either, Glorfindel.
Living an unnaturally long life, the Great Deceiver will arise and vanquishing her fairer twin, on the octave, lead the people in error to calamity.
Is this from the next installment of A World Reborn? Inquiring minds an all that.
Been generally keeping up. Why exactly is Bea still not lynched? And, really, that’s a bad cylon you lynched just then.
Thanks, Lorab!
Indiglo was probably Roslin. The prez only picks from small list of laws. Do not kill rabbit, Elmer Fudd. Kill sig kill sig kill dog!
I hear it's marmot season. :mafia:
Im very much alive, but not evil - kill John Cavil asap. Im not keeping up with the thread, so I have no suspects.
Thanks for the!
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by DrWilgy »

So say we all.

Rip God. For sticking up for me, thanks. Sorry I could save you not. Drumbeats or jjj today, hmm? Yes, hmmm.
nutella wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:56 pm Image
@DrWilgy don't post any more k
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JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Wilgy's vote is an enigma of science. Philosophers are known to throw their tomes across the auditorium in a fit of frustration after failing to solve its mystery.
insertnamehere wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:50 pm WTF was up with Wilgy's entire deal?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by G-Man »

So say we all.

An unpleasant night was had by all at the House of G. Don't go to bed angry- stay up and fight! Needless to say, I'm now both physically and mentally exhausted. It was all I could do to post the baseball stuff I do each week in the OT threads.

I was going to post player reads when the dawning of Rabbit Season made me do a partial re-read on him. I'll pick it up in the morning.

RIP Dex.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 8


Post by bea »

Also belated so say we all....though I'm sure that ship has sailed. :sigh:

And rip big bro. I assure you I had nothing to do with it.
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.... :wine:
Epignosis wrote:Bitch, my identity is my identity theft protection!
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