[END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Silverwolf »

One thing I love about this site is the people care about each other. It is foreign to me because I come from a place where we are at each other's throats more often than not. It's an adjustment for me but a good one. I really, really like it!!
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Prison Letters

Prisoner 509378:
Dearest Allison,

It has been six days since my last letter. My pens were confiscated last week during another cell raid; the guards actually insisted I could have been hiding contraband in the ink chamber! Only today have they been returned, and the one with which I write you now is the sole remaining not in disrepair. I will have to trade away my last carton of cigarettes for a new pen, but it's an easy sacrifice to make for you. I've thought of you as much as ever this week. The smallest details of our time together are what I hold the closest... the way you used to squint your eyes in the car on the way to Sunday Mass, and the painstaking effort you took to place the parsley leaf on the dinner plate with perfect symmetry next to the oiled bread. Speaking of food, it's getting worse here. Last night's dinner was something from Hell; I couldn't even describe it in such a way to do justice to its foulness. The mere thought of it makes my skin crawl and my soul tug away from its palace of bone. This is no prison, it is a dungeon.

I'll find my way out of here soon enough. I absolutely must. I can't stand it anymore. Wait for me Allison, I am coming for you.

Forever yours,
Prisoner 740359:
Dearest love,

I am fine. Please don't forget to record the 6th season of Game of Thrones next month. I might be in here for a while. I think of you so much. At night I wake up from my sleep and pray, sending my thoughts all the way to Brighton to you and then feeling at ease.

I wish I wouldn't have disappointed you this way. You must be torn apart, but worry not, for I will prevail and all this will one day be behind us. You know me well, you know how I tend to be. I merely want to do a lot of good in this world. But man plans and God decides.

If you haven't heard from the others or indeed have heard things from them, hear it from me instead, I beg you. My intentions were always to help the community get rid of evil. That's why I joined up, that's what I tried to do. But I'm a difficult person, I know that too well. I wrestle and tustle and question everyone's right judgement, which I take it to earn me no trust among the rest. It all went so wrong. Next thing I knew, after being almost beaten to death by the and wake up after in the penitenciary medical ward. It's been all such a huge misunderstanding, I tell you. I certainly did you no proud, but I did you no wrong either. I'm no scum, my darling..

And here I am in jail now. Am I sad? Am I glad? I couldn't tell. I'd like to feel I can redeem myself. I'm doing the best I can to get back out there. There are challenges to be faced, but hope and freedom lie ahead. I have total conviction that I am suffering for truth, justice and for getting back out there to help the others. To reconcile and aid them further.

And to get back to you, my love. Not a day goes by without that in mind.

Yours beloved,

Turf Prison, March 11, 2016
Prisoner 813142:
Dear Mini-Me,

How are you? Daddy misses you very much you know. It's a hard life in prison these days. It's nowhere near as easy-going and entertaining as the time we served together before joining forces with that crazy Dutch bastard, Goldmember. Remember him? What a freak.

Daddy is trying to stay positive in jail. I may have met a few people who would make for good henchmen once I make my escape. We're always in need of good henchmen and good help is so hard to find you know.

How is Mini Mr. Bigglesworth? You haven't been gnawing on him, have you? Remember, we don't gnaw on our kitty. Biting Scott is still in bounds. He seems to have only fallen further off the deep end since losing his hair. At one time I might have taken him under my wing to train as a true heir to my evil plans but let's face it- he either tries too hard or not enough. He hasn't found that evil sweet spot and probably never will. Oh hell, you have my permission to kill him if you get the chance.

Tell Frau Farbissina that I sometimes think of the wonderful times we had together on these cold nights. It helps me take my mind off of the screams for help when one of the inmates are getting accosted in the shower. Thankfully no one has tried to pull that crap with me. They know that daddy is one bad mofo.

Kindly inform Number 2 that I wish to invest heavily with Apple. Their recent decision not to hack through their encryption for the US government means they will be a powerful ally in our evil plans. Please also tell Number 2 to switch everybody over to the iPhone. It's long past time to give up our Blackberries I think.

Give my love to Mr. Bigglesworth but remember- no gnawing on the kitty! Thank you Mini-Me. You're the best miniature clone an evil genius could ask for.

-Daddy Evil

PS- You complete me.
Prisoner 640326:
Deur aunt Nora,

I miss you.

You are the only person who has ever tried to love me. Back in the 80s when I was sent to stay with you, I did not want to. My parents had just died in that horrible fire and I was feeling very lonely and sad. But when I got to your place, that oasis of peace and quiet in the middle of the woods, I felt a sense of serenity coming over me.

I will never forget the look you gave me when you saw me then. It was one I had never seen before... It was the look of someone who genuinely cared about me. In the months that followed, you showed that you cared about me. We played together, we read together, we crushed spiders together. The little animals that I killed and brought back for dinner, you cooked even though I could see you were disgusted. Even when I accidentally set half the house on fire, all you did was hold me in your arms. For the only time in my life, I felt loved.

I could see that you were slowly starting to crack. Your face changed: it looked tired of trying to keep up the facade, there were glimpses of your real feelings coming through. But you thought I deserved a normal life and would do everything in your power to make that happen. Oh how I have failed you...

On that horrible day when I found your body, hanging from the ceiling, I was forever crushed. That was the point in my life where I just said fuck it, fuck it all to hell. The accompanying note, telling me to live a good life and that you just couldn't do it anymore, broke me. My mind went into a frenzy. Since then, time has been a mess for me. I don't remember most that has happened, my memories are foggy, I feel like shit.

... I don't know what I'm doing here aunt Nora. Please come back. Save me.


Prisoner 277058:
Here is my letter, Boss Man:

Dearest Mary-Anne,

Oh, have I missed you! For all the cruelties I have suffered in my captivity, every waking moment spent in your absence is undoubtedly the most severe. I have resolved to not let such agonies rend my spirits, for I know in my heart I shall see you again. Please keep me in your thoughts, and know that my love for you is what allows me to tolerate this awful place.

Pray for me my love; the other prisoners here are a far more violent sort than I am used to back home in Oklahoma. They do not take kindly to the smallest of slights, and are far too eager to prove themselves the meanest dog in the yard. I myself am content to read the poetry in the library. One day I found a particularly profound passage roughly scrawled into a bathroom stall.

Despite my fears, I have made a great many friends amongst the inmates here. To a man, they declare their innocence to me, I suppose because I am one of the learned ones.

Nevermind all that boring nonsense. Please write back to me at once and tell me how Paw and Maw are doing. I miss them almost as much as I miss you. It would mean more than I can say in this letter to know that they are healthy in your care.

Ever yours,

Nelson Gruber
Prisoner 920077:
To my darling Belle,

As always when I wake up and see the dim, pathetic light coming from my high above window, my thoughts turn to you. That may sound like faint praise, comparing you to a poor ray of sunshine, but my darling, that light is the light of the ocean, the light of the stars, the light of the moon, the Earth, the Heavens... it is the light of hope, of everything that is good and right on this Great Earth. it is the light of hope that one day I shall hold you in my arms again, and we will return to the Great City to finish the job that we did start so very long ago.

Are you well? Do you still pursue the dream, our dream? Do you still hunt down those who hurt us so and make them pay in my stead? I pray that you do. For if you have swayed even an iota from our plans while I lay in this hell hole and rot, well... know that a reckoning comes to everyone, when the time and place is right. And my cause is right, and so is yours, so long as you are with me. That pathetic ray of light high above reminds me of you because it looks like your neck. A neck I will crack if you have betrayed me. If you are no longer with me, well, I guess we will find out how far a gal can run in twenty years.

As always, my darling, I hope you are healthy and hale. Peace be upon you.
Prisoner 413022:
My dearest one,

They say every man does his own time and I can tell you it's true. We are all haunted by our own particular past, our own particular demons, our own particular joys and regrets. We must live with our own particular crimes.

Some men tell themselves they are the victim. That they had no control over the choices that lead them here. I know otherwise. I understand acutely how my own choices and my own actions lead me to this moment. I know that what I have done was wrong. And I deserve to be where I am now.

I miss you. I miss your touch. I miss the way you looked at me. I miss being your super hero. I knew the day they came for me, when I looked back, I'd never see that look again. I know that I can never be your super hero. My actions killed that part of your heart. This is my biggest regret. My truest shame. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you.

I can't change the past. I can only do the time I have and try to move on. I hope that someday I can be the man you always thought I was. I know that I will never be that man for you.

I know this letter will go unanswered, like the may I've written before. Yet, still I write them. Writing you helps me to keep my head together. It's both punishment and salvation. Pain and suffering.

May you find the man who can be what you wanted me to be. I hope you find peace and happiness and all of the things I promised to give you, but failed to provide.

You are in my heart. Now and forever,

Prisoner 513538:
Dear lola

I'm so cold

Save me

Prisoner 650829:
Prisoner 650829 wrote:Hey fam! Hope all is well with everyone back home! Prison isn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be. Most of the other inmates seem alright. One dude thinks he's Dr. Evil from those Austin Powers movies but everyone else seems "normal." Most of us hang out in the yard playing games. Some just keep to themselves in their cells.

There was a rumor going around that the warden likes to dress up in women's clothes to try and pick up truckers at the motel bar down the road. I didn't believe it until one day the warden had to bend down to pick up a pen he dropped and I saw a red lace thong exposed when the back of his shirt lifted up! Guilty as charged! Haha!

Some of the guys are whispering about breaking out. My own cellmate is one of them. Not sure if I should join them or not. If we get caught we'll end up in here for even longer. Wouldn't mind running off to Mexico and living on the beach the rest of my life though!

That's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon!
Prisoner 379949:

I miss you.
See you soon.

Your butterfly
Prisoner 208986:
Dear Mom,

Hi I'm just writing to check up on everyone there and make sure everything is ok. Hopefully brother Jack is progressing in his job search so he will be out of your hair soon. How is dad's heartburn doing? Any better since they put him on those new meds? I hope so, he was hurting when we were there for Christmas. And last but not least how is everything going with you? I did get a kick of your facebook post that hit my newsfeed where you were arguing with someone about claiming some gravesite. I don't know how you do that genealogy stuff without going insane.

Things here are just fine but we've had news from our other family. Julie as you know has inoperable cancer and her husband called us to let us know she was fading fast and we ought to come up and see her while she's still lucid. We had planned to go up in May because her doctors gave her two years just back at Christmas but I don't think she's going to make it. So, we are planning a trip up there in the next two weeks. We'll come by and visit you while we are there.

Well, that's all I had for today, just checking in. Let me know how everyone is doing and take care.
Prisoner 980854:
I screwed up. I know you already knew that but I need to say it. At first it was supposed to be small, small enough to fall through the cracks. But we got greedy. One job led to another, and before I knew it we were robbing a bank. They said nothing could go wrong, that it would be easy money. We had scoped out the place a few days prior, security seemed lax. Overweight mall cops with nightsticks, not a gun in sight. That means that if we had the guns they'd have to listen to us. We were supposed to walk in, demand money, and walk out. Nobody would try anything because we had guns. But there's always a goddamned hero. It was going smooth as butter, everyone got down and the tellers were filling sack after sack of dough. Was my job to watch over the civvies, make sure none of them tried nothing fishy. I screwed up, turned my back. One of them had a Colt on him, shot Joey straight in the back. He turned his gun on me, I didn't know what to do. I was never supposed to kill anyone, that's not how it was supposed to happen. He turned his gun on me, and at that point it was me or him. So I shot him. Straight through the head. Job went to hell after that, became a hostage situation and that never ends well for anyone. Snuck out the back and turned myself in. They said I'm in for life but there's a chance I'll get parole. If it wasn't for the thought of seeing you two again I'd ask for the noose. I'm so sorry. Tell Lili I'm sorry for missing her birthday party yesterday. I love both of you.
Prisoner 126993:
Hello dearest family member,

Even in prison, you can be free.

I am detained but will be doing my best to get out soon. In the meantime, do not worry. I am fine and doing well.
Although the trials and tribulations in prison are tough, know that I have support of my brothers/sisters in prison and that I will do everything in my power to see you again.

In the meantime, I wish you the best and know I will always be there for you and I will never betray you. I am loyal to the end. Always and forever.

Take my life as an example; bear witness to its tragedy, hold close those whom you love, and value your family.

With Respect,

Prisoner [REDACTED]
Prisoner 606386:
Dear Bartholomew,

It's been a long time since I've spoke to you. You probably think I got myself into the mess I'm in, and there's no way that I can prove to you that I didn't. But you can. I know you don't trust me anymore and I don't expect you to, and I know you don't even want to see my face anymore, I remember everything. But I promise that if you do this favor for me, you can clear my name. I know there's nothing in it for you so feel free to rip this letter into pieces or throw it in the fireplace, but if you care about the truth as much as I know you do then stop by the alley on the corner of Capulin and Trinchera (by Southlawn Park) tonight and there will be a mutual friend to show you what happened. In any case, I wish the best for you. And with your help I may be able to get out of here before they send me to the chair.

Sincerely, Florence.
Prisoner 331347:
Hi there brother. Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to visit your older bro in prison. Things have been lonelier since ma and pa disowned me. It hurts to believe they won't even have enough faith in their own son to believe his innocence.

I'm still working on that case. I think I've got the angle to prove it, I just need to figure out how to get the higher ups to listen to the opinion of an incarcerated inmate. I'll keep you posted.

Come back to visit soon, alright?
Prisoner 419713:
Dear future self,

Life sucks.

Your past self
Prisoner 541395:
Dear D,

Life on the inside is rough, rougher than I expected. I miss you. I miss my family. I miss my pets. I miss chocolate.

I’ve just met my cellmate, seems like a nice character. Not as chatty as I am, but maybe that’s a blessing. He seems to be a helpful fellow. I’d like both of us to make it out of this hell hole, so we can both see our families again.

For now I’m occupying my time daydreaming about different ways to kill the Warden. I imagine I could do an awful lot with just a melted down, sharpened toothbrush. Just hope that one day I get the chance. I think once the other prisoners smell blood in the water they’ll be quick to run to my aid. We’ve got to get that guy, he’s the worst. He has a terrible comb over, and his breath often smells of tuna.

Looks like it’s lights out now. Stay safe until I get out. I’ll be more than ready for a decent meal, and a nice, long, hot shower. And real sheets. On a real bed. Please tell everyone I asked about them, and send my love.

Prisoner 792787:
Dear Uncle Pete,
I realize that it has been a while since I have written, and for that I apologize. My beekeeping has been keeping me exceptionally busy. For now, I seem to have fend off any threat of hive collapse, and honey production has resumed its normal pace. With any luck, I hop to start selling jars again by this time next month.

But enough about my troubles. I received your communication about your nurses stealing from you. This is most distressing indeed! I intend to come by at my earliest convenience and investigate the matter for myself. As you know, however, the state did not see fit to grant me sole conservatorship over your case, reserving that privilege instead to you estranged and, dare I say, odious wife. I do not like to speak ill of others, but I think we can all agree that you have been badly ill-used by that woman, and continue to be so to the extent that she maintains control of your affairs. With this in mind, I do not know how much I can do to relieve your situation. A transfer or outright release is out of the question, without Mildred's permission at least. Nevertheless, I intend to make inquiries and see if there is anything that can be done.

In the meantime, you must endeavor to persevere unassisted. Remember what I told you about how to talk to the doctors. You know what they want from you, but the secret is to give it to them in a way that does not appear false or manipulative. Above all, avoid references to your hidden companion, for his mention only makes them more hostile towards you. I dare not say more, for fear that this letter may be intercepted, but we can discuss the matter further upon my arrival.

I fear I must conclude my letter, for the sound of wheels on gravel outside my window informs me that my investors have arrived, and I must attend to business. After the contracts have been settled, I should be free to make the drive up to see you. Until then, I remain as always your loving nephew,
- L
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Silverwolf wrote:One thing I love about this site is the people care about each other. It is foreign to me because I come from a place where we are at each other's throats more often than not. It's an adjustment for me but a good one. I really, really like it!!
I'm with Daisy and Scotty here; this is what really makes all of this so worthwhile to me, personally. Especially with my current lifestyle, I have next to no social life, so all of you folks here are my social life. I also founded this site as a way to connect the people I grew to know via mafia in Lostpedia-based communities, as well as those I introduced mafia to but had always discussed music with at ProgArchives and such, and lastly people I knew from various facets of my RL (birdwithteeth11, Boomslang, Draconus, and Russtifinko were the groomsmen at our wedding last August, in addition to my brother), so I've always viewed this as a community of friends who get to spend time together crafting memories playing these games. Yeah, they're inevitably tense games, but as Scotty noted, in the end it's all about the interaction and the time spent getting to know each other throughout and outside of the games, and I couldn't be happier with the community that has developed since I started this site a few years back. You all are really such a significant portion of my life, and what makes me truly happy is knowing that so many of you feel the exact same way. :)

It's always refreshing to see new blood who really appreciate it as much as the rest of us do, and I hope you and ika continue to enjoy things around here.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Silverwolf »

I was 126993
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Silverwolf »

You guys are so nice. :hug:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Silverwolf wrote:I was 126993
Yeah, my bad, I wasn't keeping track of those with the prisoner's real identities as well, but yeah, there's a prisoner key in my ISO somewhere over the past less than 24 hours. Or you could just say which one's yours, that works too. :P
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by ika »

i was ther person who said life sucks
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

ika wrote:i was ther person who said life sucks
Yeah, that was a pretty good impression of what a prisoner would be thinking in the slammer, good and concise. :p

I was so intrigued to see all the different submissions; they were pretty neat!
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Scotty »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
ika wrote:i was ther person who said life sucks
Yeah, that was a pretty good impression of what a prisoner would be thinking in the slammer, good and concise. :p

I was so intrigued to see all the different submissions; they were pretty neat!
How would you know? Have you been there?

Gather round, Boy Scouts. We gots story time about a naughty sock! :nicenod:
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Scotty wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
ika wrote:i was ther person who said life sucks
Yeah, that was a pretty good impression of what a prisoner would be thinking in the slammer, good and concise. :p

I was so intrigued to see all the different submissions; they were pretty neat!
How would you know? Have you been there?

Gather round, Boy Scouts. We gots story time about a naughty sock! :nicenod:
Uhhh... no, of course I haven't been to prison. :shifty:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Scotty »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Scotty wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
ika wrote:i was ther person who said life sucks
Yeah, that was a pretty good impression of what a prisoner would be thinking in the slammer, good and concise. :p

I was so intrigued to see all the different submissions; they were pretty neat!
How would you know? Have you been there?

Gather round, Boy Scouts. We gots story time about a naughty sock! :nicenod:
Uhhh... no, of course I haven't been to prison. :shifty:
Good story. I liked the part where you lied and looked shifty. That's EXACTLY what a convicted felon would do. :clap:
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather;
not screaming like the people in his car
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Interesting factoid:

Just 21 more posts in this thread and it will actually have more posts than Talking Heads Mafia!
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by ika »

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Well, I don't necessarily want to spam to make this game have more, because then it feels like a cheap victory, but I guess a highest post count per game award is an award regardless of the methods employed to acquire it. :P
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

I'm not sure, someone could check me on this, but I think Death Note actually still wins, or at least comes close to, most talkative if we're talking posts per player, since there were less than 30 players in that game.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Oh, and thanks to those of you who have cleaned out your sockpuppets so far! If you haven't yet and you're reading this, please do so ASAP. Thanks much, folks!
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Ricochet »

I wrote the corniest letter I could think off. And me mentioning Brighton was part of my "pretend I'm Diiny" plan. :grin: I thought the letters would be published during our prison break, to sweet talk the locals. Of course, as I've said, the "pretend I'm Diiny" plan became 0% viable during the prison break.

What were the letters for, after all?
MovingPictures07 wrote:Interesting factoid:

Just 21 more posts in this thread and it will actually have more posts than Talking Heads Mafia!
It doesn't matter! Active game post counts only.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Ricochet »

P513's letter is stuff of wombats.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Ricochet wrote:I wrote the corniest letter I could think off. And me mentioning Brighton was part of my "pretend I'm Diiny" plan. :grin: I thought the letters would be published during our prison break, to sweet talk the locals. Of course, as I've said, the "pretend I'm Diiny" plan became 0% viable during the prison break.

What were the letters for, after all?
There was one challenge Epi could have selected that split you all into two groups, and each group would be shown the other group's letters. The challenge would be passed if at least one group could identify the author of a majority of the other group's letters correctly. Definitely not an easy feat.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Ricochet wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Interesting factoid:

Just 21 more posts in this thread and it will actually have more posts than Talking Heads Mafia!
It doesn't matter! Active game post counts only.
Says you. :mafia:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

MovingPictures07 wrote:If you all still have questions, by the way, keep throwing them at us!]

Which kills did I stop with my role, assuming I stopped any?
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:If you all still have questions, by the way, keep throwing them at us!
Which kills did I stop with my role, assuming I stopped any?
Night 3 your rainbow list really saved the day; you saved both Nerolunar (100%) and S~V~S (20%, yet it would have succeeded). :D

It's because you had Soneji in the "bad" section, so he was blocked unilaterally.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Relentless paranoia always pays off. :mafia:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Well this time I avoided warning the players of this game about the dangers of letting Soneji live past day 1 because I wanted to give him a chance to shine, but next time expect me to bring the paranoia full-stop.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Soneji »

DDL will never trust me again after the Heroes of Olympus game where I got myself strong town cred and tricked town into wasting resources on my mafia scummate who could tank a lot by presenting him as the last remaining member of the other mafia. That teammate was Marco, who I have yet to lose with as mafia together(5-0 currently).

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

You were on the top of my civ list for reasons I still do not understand.

Never again.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by a2thezebra »

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Typhoony »

Thanks for the fun game MP & Daisy! I'll wear the banner proudly.

I was too busy to actually play the game and pay attention but I could not resist playing a sockpuppet when MP asked me to. I had time to participate in challenges and was lucky enough that I had quiet days at work when the 10 minute challenge happened. I really enjoyed that challenge and all the posting records it broke. :P

Once the prison breaks happened, I didn't really care. I had no interest in the main game and my attempts at getting the Prisoners to screw the whole game over by all voting for one person wasn't going to work unfortunately.
S~V~S wrote: And Typhoony, I can't believe neither of us thought to discuss Ninjas & Pirates. I guessed Ninjas. Was that right?
Yup. Hooray for getting the most question correct :clap:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Also, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has complimented us regarding this game, who has expressed enjoyment, and who has thanked us for a good hosting experience. It's good to hear that your players enjoyed the game you crafted and hosted for them. We were both more than glad to provide this unique hosting experience for you all and I greatly look forward to my subsequent games, and very much hope that all of you are in them. :srsnod:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by agleaminranks »

This game was an insane and complicated hooplah. It was real fun getting the opportunity to play. I'm amazed at how detailed and how much foresight had to go into the game and how much of a treat it was to watch it all unfold. Three cheers for our spectacular hosts.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Dom »

Ricochet wrote:
Dom wrote:Thanks for the game! Sorry I sucked this game. Replacing in is harder than I remember. :blush:

Congrats, fellow winners!
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Phoebe Buffay »

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by juliets »

I think my account is cleared out now and Moving Pictures and Spacedaisy I just want to add my voice to say I greatly enjoyed the prison and it's challenges. The non-participants were frustrating but that was not your doing. I really had fun trying to guess who everyone was. The only one I got was Typhoony though.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Nerolunar »

agleaminranks wrote:This game was an insane and complicated hooplah. It was real fun getting the opportunity to play. I'm amazed at how detailed and how much foresight had to go into the game and how much of a treat it was to watch it all unfold. Three cheers for our spectacular hosts.
Seconding this :beer:

Regardless, I think Nero should be lynched on grounds that he's my partner, your partner, Enrique's partner, the Joker, the Riddler, the Gingerbread Man, and Toto.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Epignosis »

juliets wrote:I think my account is cleared out now and Moving Pictures and Spacedaisy I just want to add my voice to say I greatly enjoyed the prison and it's challenges. The non-participants were frustrating but that was not your doing. I really had fun trying to guess who everyone was. The only one I got was Typhoony though.
Wait, we had men and women fraternizing in the same prison? What sinful business is this?
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Ricochet »

Epignosis wrote:
juliets wrote:I think my account is cleared out now and Moving Pictures and Spacedaisy I just want to add my voice to say I greatly enjoyed the prison and it's challenges. The non-participants were frustrating but that was not your doing. I really had fun trying to guess who everyone was. The only one I got was Typhoony though.
Wait, we had men and women fraternizing in the same prison? What sinful business is this?
Depends if you put them to share a cell, during the Night phases. :faint:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

Epignosis wrote:
juliets wrote:I think my account is cleared out now and Moving Pictures and Spacedaisy I just want to add my voice to say I greatly enjoyed the prison and it's challenges. The non-participants were frustrating but that was not your doing. I really had fun trying to guess who everyone was. The only one I got was Typhoony though.
Wait, we had men and women fraternizing in the same prison? What sinful business is this?

And ika and Silverwolf were in the same cell, since they died during the same cycle. :p
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by agleaminranks »

Epignosis wrote:
juliets wrote:I think my account is cleared out now and Moving Pictures and Spacedaisy I just want to add my voice to say I greatly enjoyed the prison and it's challenges. The non-participants were frustrating but that was not your doing. I really had fun trying to guess who everyone was. The only one I got was Typhoony though.
Wait, we had men and women fraternizing in the same prison? What sinful business is this?
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Silverwolf »

MovingPictures07 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
juliets wrote:I think my account is cleared out now and Moving Pictures and Spacedaisy I just want to add my voice to say I greatly enjoyed the prison and it's challenges. The non-participants were frustrating but that was not your doing. I really had fun trying to guess who everyone was. The only one I got was Typhoony though.
Wait, we had men and women fraternizing in the same prison? What sinful business is this?

And ika and Silverwolf were in the same cell, since they died during the same cycle. :p
Yes, we were. We figured each other out pretty quick too. :D
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by G-Man »

I want to apologize to anyone who I got feisty with in prison. Believe me when I say that it was not personal. I was just trying to keep the Operation IVY thing chugging along and had to view you all as threats to the original prisoners.

Speaking of that, our hosts did something pretty amazing here. They got nine people to join a game for which they had virtually no expectation of winning. Sure, four of us came away with wins but we had no idea how the challenges would go. To get that many people to participate in what was essentially our own side-game is impressive. Kudos to the hosts for making such a strange quest worth our while and to the prisoners who stepped up and made it unforgettable. And I guess thanks should also go to the Epi the Warden for being such an antagonistic force. You made us want to defy and defeat you. We are well met in battle.

It feels extremely strange to win my first full-sized game in years in a game that I didn't even formally sign up for. I think the last time I put this much mental energy and time into a game was when I hosted. :eek:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Ricochet »

Oh, that's right, you're finally a winrar. :o

A double winrar, in fact. (psst you should put that e.s.t. banner up, too :shifty: ) :o

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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Gunther »

Prisoner 813142's account has been "cleared."
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Sloonei »

A part of me wishes I hadn't signed up for this game so that I could have gone to prison.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by S~V~S »

I know. I was reading some of the prison stuff, and it looked like a lot of fun.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Epignosis »

Sloonei wrote:A part of me wishes I hadn't signed up for this game so that I could have gone to prison.
We tried to get you there twice.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

G-Man wrote:I want to apologize to anyone who I got feisty with in prison. Believe me when I say that it was not personal. I was just trying to keep the Operation IVY thing chugging along and had to view you all as threats to the original prisoners.

Speaking of that, our hosts did something pretty amazing here. They got nine people to join a game for which they had virtually no expectation of winning. Sure, four of us came away with wins but we had no idea how the challenges would go. To get that many people to participate in what was essentially our own side-game is impressive. Kudos to the hosts for making such a strange quest worth our while and to the prisoners who stepped up and made it unforgettable. And I guess thanks should also go to the Epi the Warden for being such an antagonistic force. You made us want to defy and defeat you. We are well met in battle.

It feels extremely strange to win my first full-sized game in years in a game that I didn't even formally sign up for. I think the last time I put this much mental energy and time into a game was when I hosted. :eek:
I'm really just so freaking glad (and I know Daisy is as well) that the prison mechanic, especially with regards to you "original" independent prisoners, was such a success. It seems like you all generally really enjoyed it, and I can't believe how much effort you and many others put into the game and how invested you all became, considering you weren't part of the main game. It's definitely taught me some things about potentially employing future side game and deadie mechanics in future games.
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Sloonei »

Epignosis wrote:
Sloonei wrote:A part of me wishes I hadn't signed up for this game so that I could have gone to prison.
We tried to get you there twice.
I really appreciate it :beer:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by a2thezebra »

MovingPictures07 wrote: Wear the banner with pride. :slick: [/color]
Haha I can't believe I get a banner for spamming Buffy commentary. I'll take it. :haha:
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Re: [END] Turf Wars: Battle of the Hosts


Post by Tangrowth »

a2thezebra wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote: Wear the banner with pride. :slick: [/color]
Haha I can't believe I get a banner for spamming Buffy commentary. I'll take it. :haha:
It was amusing to read, at least. :D
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