Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER

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Who be you lynching today?

Poll ended at Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:10 am

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Polo »

Epignosis wrote:
Polo wrote:So say we all!

I think we need to kill Cavil's crew before killing him.

Juliets: definitely town
Nerolunar: definitely town
Spacedaisy: definitely Mafia

I think the Admiral is doing a great job.

@sig: we need to kill Spacedaisy and G-Man. G-Man first.
Can you elaborate on this? You are more sure / insistent that G-Man go first, but it looked like you just plucked his name out of a hat. It looked like you plucked S~V~S's name out of a hat too, but that was spot on.

Tell me more about G-Man.
He's rustling my jimmies just like S~V~S - it seems like he's trying hard to look civ and is not going to hesitate on bussing teammates to maintain such an appearance.

@Rico: yep, the Glorfindel flop is what got me mad (especially at myself for being gullible and getting aboard the bandwagon).
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by G-Man »

So say we all!

Afternoon everyone. To address the admiral's requests:

1) If Cavil controls the kill, then we should leave him alive until we think we've rounded up all his teammates. The fact that Nero wasn't NK'd makes me pretty sure there is another Cavil-aligned member of the three exposed Final Five. NK'ng Nero allows Cavil to kill every night but it also reduces the exposed Final Five to two. Leaving him alive makes us take longer to go through trial and error on them and might even be intended to make us doubt Nero's alignment. With Nero alive, we can neutralize Cavil's kill every other night. That's a powerful advantage for us at this stage.

2) Juliets voted sideways for Sokoth Day 9, which I wasn't crazy about but at least she voted for someone I'm suspicious of. I want her to be civ because she's Hot Dog. If she's civ, Cavil can't risk NK'ing her without potentially killing one of his minions. For that reason I say juliets is civ. I think Nero is civ as well because he put Cavil in the brig. Night 9 was the time for him to screw the civs over and make himself an easy target if he was going to. Cavil would have killed someone and we'd have lost a day to little discussion as we lynched Nero. Spacedaisy seems like she's trying to fit in, which is what a baddie Final Fiver would do. I'll double check her posts but her thoughts and opinions have felt soft since she rezzed. Baddie on her.

3) Keep on trucking. Forcing conversation and contribution has been beneficial so I see no reason to ease up on it now.

Now for lunch and some ice. Back in a bit.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by juliets »

So say we all!

RIP INH. Hope to see you soon in another game.

Admiral's questions -

1. I think there has got to be one or two more baddies out there (maybe more) and i fall into the school that thinks Cavil's minions have to be dead before he can be killed. Otherwise, why would the game mechanics allow him to be an outted baddie in our midst? He would be too easy to kill if that were the case.

2. Nero - civ
juliets - civ
daisy - I'm not sure yet but leaning baddie. The thing that makes me suspect her as bad is that she thinks Nero is bad. That may not be enough though. It could be that the other bad person is the one unrevealed or there is only one bad person and he is dead. I'm wrestling with this one.

3. I don't see anything specific the admiral can do just keep doing what you've been doing.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by sig »

ObscureAllure wrote:That was to sig. And I didn't say Mafia civvies (isn't that a paradox?!), I said Mafia humans.
Dex is a member of the final five therefore he isn't a human at all OA.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Matt »

Hello friends!

Last night, I emphasized how much SVS has been hardcore defending Epi all game but I don't think my words really did it justice.

So here you go...

(We'll skip Day One where three different times SVS stated she felt pretty good about the Epster and even cited posts of his that she felt good about)
S~V~S wrote:Why do you think this re needing to kill Epi, when all/most of the people familiar with the show seem to think otherwise?
S~V~S wrote:When Epi was then lynched & revealed, in retrospect, I thought that maybe he WANTED to be lynched becasue he knew he would come back & be revealed a friendly Cylon :shrug:
S~V~S wrote:So I went from one (bad) to the other extreme (potentially good) but still kind of thought he [Epi] knew he was coming back. For someone who was just asking to be lynched 15 minutes ago, his reaction to living was not what I expected. With everything else I doubt there is a Seemer, so I am thinking he is actually not bad.
S~V~S wrote:You [Epi] just seemed so upset over the direction the conversation was going, and then 15 minutes later, you were "meh". But everyone who knows the canon says you are a good toaster.
S~V~S wrote:Linki @ sif, I think EPi is probably a nice cylon. The kind that pets your dog without squishing his head... much. Becasue Golden has specified where he HAS veered from lore, like in the identities of the Final Five, I think that for the most part he has stuck to canon. I have not gone far in the series, but i have been spending tons of time in the Wikis.
S~V~S wrote:This. If he is civ aligned, and there is no real reason to think not, then I don't want to lynch him [Epi] on a "what if". What if he really IS Athena? We have a lot of solid leads, and a lot of names being brought up. I would rather follow up on those than maybe lynching someone (if he IS lynchable; Golden did not tell us to stop looking for ships) who is on our side.
I'd like to take a break and make a note on the above post. Not only is she defending Epi here, but she also tries to deter town from lynching him even moreso with the "if he is lynchable cuz after all there are still rezz ships out there derp". Basically saying "even if you suss Epi we should totes wait cuz the rezz ships are still out there". Hrm. Anyway, continuing...
S~V~S wrote:STOP VOTING FOR ANYONE until we know if this law by the dictator stops when she is gone. If that is the case, I don't want force Epignosis or anyone else to do anything. Forcing people to do things is mob-think.
^--Doesn't want to force Epi into wasting his claim.

This next post, I almost didn't put up because it could very well be sincere (in fact I'm sure it was sincere whether they are teamies or not) but this was posted by SVS when sig and others were questioning Epi's motives in thread...
S~V~S wrote:First, not sure if anyone saw this:
Epignosis wrote:I am laid up at the hospital awaiting an unexpected surgery. I am in a great deal of pain. I don't know how that will affect my activity here- just letting my Syndicate family know.
Let's keep him in our thoughts.
S~V~S wrote:@sig, I am not in favor of forcing anyone to do anything. We have no reason to think Epi is an evil cylon, so why treat him like one?
S~V~S wrote:EBWOP, I don't think Epi is bad, and getting rid of Cain will bring a return to saner policies. I don't want to force him to burn his protection
S~V~S wrote:I am opposed to Martial Law and control of the fleet being removed from Adama. I think some cylons, like Epi, can be good, and I don't like someone with their own agenda just changing gears like this. I HATE that the win cons have been changed, since I believe Epi is not bad, and I doubt that Six is a baddie, either.

I think Cain needs to go and control needs to be returned to the sane.
S~V~S wrote:I would rather lynch Cain than Epignosis, tbh.
S~V~S wrote:
Polo wrote:The Amnesty Law can be ignored if everyone claims Cylon.
What does that have to do with we all now need Epi dead to win?It isn't fair and it's wrong.

I don't want Cains win cons, I want the win cons I had back. I want to defeat Cavil, and I want to do it free from a dictator. Who probably has other things up her evil sleeve, tbh.
S~V~S wrote:I think Epi, a cylon, for instance, is aligned with the town. But now we need him dead, and wtf for?
S~V~S wrote:Based on his behavior, I have no reason to think Epi is bad.
S~V~S wrote:why shouldn't Epi keep his claim?
This next one is fun because it involves my other primary Cavil suspect, Wilgy, and town's very good friend who we should've listened to more, Mr Glorfy...the following is in response to Adama ordering us to give reads on Epi, Wilgy, Glorfy...
S~V~S wrote:Epi: Civ
Wilgy: Civ
Glorfindel: Bad
Okey dokey.

So let's ask ourselves, and yes I'm asking that we ask ourselves, not just burn Epi at the stake...

Is it...

1) Epi is civvie. SVS has been buddying the fuck out of Epi so she could use him as her pawn down the line if need be thus explaining why she hasn't killed him either.


2) Epi is bad. And she has been defending his ass left and right, from Cain's Martial Law ("now we need to kill Epi a civ and that's lame") to the Amnesty Act ("Why should Epi have to waste his claim?") and everything in between.

Seriously, if the consensus is that Epi is good to go, then fine so be it. But again, I didn't think my words did it justice last, so there you go, SVS defending Epi all game long. What do you think?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by G-Man »

A few questions:

@sig- Why OA? Why Wilgy? Which first?

@OA- Really? Have you forgotten that Dex and the Final Five are Toasters, not humans?

@OA- If Cavil can't NK Toasters then how did Dex and Spacedaisy die?

@OA- Why Wilgy?

@Matt- I'm not sold on the Epi Is Bad theory. How confident are you in your other suspicions? I went down the sus tunnel on Glorfindel and came out the other end unfocused. Despite your current inclinations, are you willing to vote for any of the people you listed earlier?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Matt »

G-Man wrote:@Matt- I'm not sold on the Epi Is Bad theory. How confident are you in your other suspicions? I went down the sus tunnel on Glorfindel and came out the other end unfocused. Despite your current inclinations, are you willing to vote for any of the people you listed earlier?
I'd be willing to vote for Epi and/or Wilgy today. Many seem to think Daisy is bad, but again, though we know lore isn't exactly on point, I still feel good about the other Final Fivers purely based on lore.

But for real, I'd love to give lynching John Cavil a go but seeing responses to Adama's question, I am obviously in the minority on this (am I like, the only person who wants to lynch Cavil right now? haha). Again, Sir Adama Sir!! Please give us your read of Epi in your next address. Thanks.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Matt »

G-Man wrote:@OA- If Cavil can't NK Toasters then how did Dex and Spacedaisy die?
Like, great effing point man. Seriously.

So now we can hypothesize that the Cavil faction has most likely been able to take out Epi if they wanted to.

They haven't.

SVS has been civ reading him in the thread, too, so no danger of getting lynched.

And SVS wanted him to keep his claim.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Matt »

Okay, so I'm going to (perhaps foolishly?) defend Daisy a bit here because I really think I'm justified in doing so...if she ends up being bad then I'm a fool blah blah blah, we already know this whatever...


You're Dex. You're Bad. Do you try to push lynching your "unkillable" partner in crime, SVS, or do you say "Nah let's look at the Final Five peeps" which would include you and *possibly* one other baddie friend...who is killable btw.

Say Daisy is bad. This means Dex advised town to look at himself and Daisy and two civvies, giving town a 50% chance of nailing a baddie, instead of pushing a lynch of his "unkillable" baddie partner SVS.

I dunno. I think the Final Fivers are good to go and I think SVS can be lynched again, frankly. Derp.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by SokothQultuq »

G-Man wrote:So say we all!

2) Juliets voted sideways for Sokoth Day 9, which I wasn't crazy about but at least she voted for someone I'm suspicious of. I want her to be civ because she's Hot Dog. If she's civ, Cavil can't risk NK'ing her without potentially killing one of his minions. For that reason I say juliets is civ. I think Nero is civ as well because he put Cavil in the brig. Night 9 was the time for him to screw the civs over and make himself an easy target if he was going to. Cavil would have killed someone and we'd have lost a day to little discussion as we lynched Nero. Spacedaisy seems like she's trying to fit in, which is what a baddie Final Fiver would do. I'll double check her posts but her thoughts and opinions have felt soft since she rezzed. Baddie on her.

Now for lunch and some ice. Back in a bit.
Your post here got me thinking about something though, why kill hot dog if a cylon and aligned with Cavil? It could have been an unfortunate accident of not knowing they were part of the final five or they may not be aligned with Cavil and part of the final 5. Just a random thought that popped into my head while reading your post in regards to Juliets/Hotdog.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

Matt, you really need a hobby.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Matt »

Epignosis wrote:Matt, you really need a hobby.
K what do you think of Wilgy? I'd be down to lynch him too.

Or Cavil himself.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Matt, you provided two options.

I see #1 pretty strongly.

Hell, maybe it was revenge for Turf Wars when it was Buddy Fest 2k16 in the opposite direction.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Matt »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Matt, you provided two options.

I see #1 pretty strongly.

Hell, maybe it was revenge for Turf Wars when it was Buddy Fest 2k16 in the opposite direction.
What about Wilgy?

What do you make of SVS going after Wilgy pretty hardcore, then when he no longer has a claim completely stops dead in her tracks and goes "totes civ".

With Glorfy turning up town, and SVS reading Epi and Wilgy civvie and Glorfy bad...

I'd wager one of those two (or both) are bad.

Really tho again I just want to lynch Cavil again. Haha.

Also what do you think of the Final Five, 3J? I'll agree with your stance to throw lore out the window, what do you make of Dex suggesting town look after a group that would net them a 50% shot of nailing a baddie IF indeed there is one more bad Final Fiver?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »


Wilgy looked bad to me in my S~V~S interactions. I'd lynch him.

All four resurrected F5ers said they expected a 2:2 alignment split among them. This suggests split BTSC to me. Nero and juliets are best bros. Spacedaisy looks bad post-resurrection and Dex made her look even worse. I'd lynch her.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

Matt wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Matt, you really need a hobby.
K what do you think of Wilgy? I'd be down to lynch him too.

Or Cavil himself.
DrWilgy is more of a secondary grade of suspect for me, but I'm not confident. If anything, I found the tone of his Day 9 vote to be acquiescent rather than confident, and the tone of his Day 10 vote irritated as hell, which I've never seen from DrWilgy.

I don't know why you're overlooking the two good, two bad ratio all of the returning people named and none of them disputed.

Really, Nerolunar should have put you in time out.

Addendum: 3J :beer:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Polo »

Vote Spacedaisy

I am following Nerolunar's clue.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Ricochet »

SokothQultuq wrote:
G-Man wrote:So say we all!

2) Juliets voted sideways for Sokoth Day 9, which I wasn't crazy about but at least she voted for someone I'm suspicious of. I want her to be civ because she's Hot Dog. If she's civ, Cavil can't risk NK'ing her without potentially killing one of his minions. For that reason I say juliets is civ. I think Nero is civ as well because he put Cavil in the brig. Night 9 was the time for him to screw the civs over and make himself an easy target if he was going to. Cavil would have killed someone and we'd have lost a day to little discussion as we lynched Nero. Spacedaisy seems like she's trying to fit in, which is what a baddie Final Fiver would do. I'll double check her posts but her thoughts and opinions have felt soft since she rezzed. Baddie on her.

Now for lunch and some ice. Back in a bit.
Your post here got me thinking about something though, why kill hot dog if a cylon and aligned with Cavil? It could have been an unfortunate accident of not knowing they were part of the final five or they may not be aligned with Cavil and part of the final 5. Just a random thought that popped into my head while reading your post in regards to Juliets/Hotdog.
You don't recall how juliets died, do you?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Ricochet »


Up for lynching Spacedaisy. Like others have said, every F5 gave a rough estimate of 2/2, except baddie Dex, who now looks to have waffled out of making such a call.

If Wilgy could be Doral, I'm listening. If Wilgy can't be Doral, give me ideas on where this fraker might be. He's the most well hidden, unprofiled Cylon so far.

Unlike others, I'm not going to discount Matt's theory #2, because SVS could have tried the whole repertoire (buss, distance, befriend etc.) and Epignosis, if bad, is a great asset to keep any doubt off (until the Boomer flip blew up, at least). On the other hand, if Epignosis is good, maybe SVS just prefered to sing with the rest of the choir. Anyway, Epignosis being lynched will get zero traction for the rest of this galaxy's light years, so why bother.

If mafia core is made of Kings of Buss Mountain (say... SVS, JJJ, Epignosis on Dex... maybe even Polo!), town can just fly itself into a supernova.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Fog of Love Host »

I think I will just post this, since it is about what anything I say will be.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Ricochet »

Don't recall anyone besides Matt listening to you in the first place, Ruth.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Fog of Love Host »

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

I'm listening to you, Cavil. I won't discard everything with WIFOM. ;)
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 10


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

ObscureAllure wrote:
Polo wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Okay, so who do I send to the brig today?

Any ideas? :confused:
Either Spacedaisy or G-Man! There's Wilgy and OA, too, but I'd rather go after the first two.
I honestly don't understand how you can go from calling me out as a good Cylon Obscure Six to picking on me for everything you want done (silenced, lynched, etc.) Make up your mind. Either I'm obscure six or I'm bad. If you really are going to name drop who I am, at least have the decency to stop coming after me when you know damn well the role of Six is Civvie.
OA, I want a one-word answer to the following question:

Do you suspect Polo?

One word. Don't give me a bunch of shit. One word.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 10


Post by ObscureAllure »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
ObscureAllure wrote:
Polo wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Okay, so who do I send to the brig today?

Any ideas? :confused:
Either Spacedaisy or G-Man! There's Wilgy and OA, too, but I'd rather go after the first two.
I honestly don't understand how you can go from calling me out as a good Cylon Obscure Six to picking on me for everything you want done (silenced, lynched, etc.) Make up your mind. Either I'm obscure six or I'm bad. If you really are going to name drop who I am, at least have the decency to stop coming after me when you know damn well the role of Six is Civvie.
OA, I want a one-word answer to the following question:

Do you suspect Polo?

One word. Don't give me a bunch of shit. One word.
The answer isn't one worded. I don't think he's a Cylon. I don't know otherwise.
Epignosis wrote:Bitch slap in the name of Jesus.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night 10


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

ObscureAllure wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
ObscureAllure wrote:
Polo wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Okay, so who do I send to the brig today?

Any ideas? :confused:
Either Spacedaisy or G-Man! There's Wilgy and OA, too, but I'd rather go after the first two.
I honestly don't understand how you can go from calling me out as a good Cylon Obscure Six to picking on me for everything you want done (silenced, lynched, etc.) Make up your mind. Either I'm obscure six or I'm bad. If you really are going to name drop who I am, at least have the decency to stop coming after me when you know damn well the role of Six is Civvie.
OA, I want a one-word answer to the following question:

Do you suspect Polo?

One word. Don't give me a bunch of shit. One word.
The answer isn't one worded. I don't think he's a Cylon. I don't know otherwise.
No no no. I don't care about whether he's a cylon.

Do you suspect him of being bad?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

I'm hot and tired but not sleepy.

My school locked grades even though I don't have final exam scores from the state, so my students and their parents are frustrated with me.

The hospital billed my insurance $5,000 for a CT scan that took less than half an hour. That was on top of the other bloated charges.

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I want to take my angst out on mafia. :srsnod:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

Polo wrote:Vote Spacedaisy

I am following Nerolunar's clue.
While I approve of your vote, I wonder why you named G-Man as a bigger threat.
Polo wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Polo wrote:So say we all!

I think we need to kill Cavil's crew before killing him.

Juliets: definitely town
Nerolunar: definitely town
Spacedaisy: definitely Mafia

I think the Admiral is doing a great job.

@sig: we need to kill Spacedaisy and G-Man. G-Man first.
Can you elaborate on this? You are more sure / insistent that G-Man go first, but it looked like you just plucked his name out of a hat. It looked like you plucked S~V~S's name out of a hat too, but that was spot on.

Tell me more about G-Man.
He's rustling my jimmies just like S~V~S - it seems like he's trying hard to look civ and is not going to hesitate on bussing teammates to maintain such an appearance.

@Rico: yep, the Glorfindel flop is what got me mad (especially at myself for being gullible and getting aboard the bandwagon).
"Rustling my jimmies" doesn't help me. 3J and I both consider G-Man good, but I'm willing to reassess, primarily because I've hosted long enough to know that voting records mean shit. I thought the wording of his Day 9 vote was direct and definitive, but I'm also aware of what I said to OA and my blind spot toward it.

I recall suspecting G-Man early, and S~V~S and I agreed about him. I suspected G-Man for providing what were, really, summaries rather than opinions. I note that nutella is absent from his list, as is S~V~S. The latter hadn't really said anything, but the former had eight posts by the time G-Man made his. I don't know if that's meaningful though.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Nerolunar »

Posting urgently from my phone.

I dont have btsc with anyone. Not even juliets. Its just reads.

Soooo dont place too much stock in my statements in regards to that. See you later.

Regardless, I think Nero should be lynched on grounds that he's my partner, your partner, Enrique's partner, the Joker, the Riddler, the Gingerbread Man, and Toto.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Nerolunar wrote:Posting urgently from my phone.

I dont have btsc with anyone. Not even juliets. Its just reads.

Soooo dont place too much stock in my statements in regards to that. See you later.
What made you suspect that there is a 2:2 split among the resurrectees?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Ricochet »

Hi hi hi hi.

We're posting less than when we were under the Nutrition Attrition Act.

I might devote the afternoon to something; then again, I might not.

Any updates on JJJ? For what it's worth, I'm still getting town.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by sig »

Got my graduation party today, (pray that I don't get disowned by any of my relatives please) :P
So I won't be active much if at all today, but will be on in time to vote tonight.

I was to lynch Wilgy, Space, Gman, and still maybe Epi.

I doubt Polo is on there team since I'd see no reason for him to go after SVS when she had hardly no suspicion, true she came back but it still seems stupid.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by G-Man »

At a farewell picnic for our pastor. Be back later for discussion.

If we decide to vote for a Final Five, I'd vote Spacedaisy. If we're voting on general suspicions, I'd keep Drum and Sokoth in the mix. Having a good day pain-wise. I ought to be able to spend some time at the computer this afternoon and update technicolors and go over the votes and why I think vote records clear some and implicate others.

I won't vote Epi. I need to read up on the Wilgy argument. Still not leaning his way but I'll see what his votes tell me.

@sig- why am I on your list?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Ricochet wrote:Any updates on JJJ? For what it's worth, I'm still getting town.
What interest is this to you?
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

The first 24 hours of this day phase were close to a total waste. We have got to wake up.

I'm going to pull out all of the Dex content from Day 9/10 after he was resurrected and see how it reflects on people. I'm acting under the assumption that he was good before he died and was resurrected bad. This may not be accurate, and if anyone feels it isn't accurate then say so.
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Dex wrote:#2

First of all, massive apologies to Glorfindel. He was telling the truth the whole time and I was not buying it. I knew he had to be Cavil, Doral, or Boomer, and I was convinced because of the show - just as Glorfindel said - that they were all bad. That Boomer flipped civ has taken me aback.

Black Rock: mafia
Dex: F5, but still rocking the civ
DrumBeats: civ
DrWilgy: do not know his role but still KNOW HE IS CIV. The Boomer flip has no bearing on the evidence I found that he is civ
Epignosis: Civ, but can no longer defend him as I was before the Boomer flip
insertnamehere: civ
JaggedJimmyJay: civ
juliets: F5 civ?
Matt: civ
Nerolunar: F5 civ?
ObscureAllure: Mafia, cannot stop herself from tunneling on Wilgy
Polo: civ
Rabbit8: civ
Ricochet: mafia
S~V~S: civ
sig: mafia
SokothQultuq: mafia
Spacedaisy: F5 civ?

I'm guessing that not all Final Five are civ, but as they re-appeared just today we really have had no time to get any reads on them. Knowing my own situation, however, I'm willing to start by giving them the benefit of the doubt.
DrumBeats wrote:Dead who have returned: Please identify which death messages were yours.
The only Will post I made was the one using my patented "Hi Cavil" smiley: Image
Reads as demanded by the admiral on Day 9. I'm most interested in the reads he felt a need to expand on, instead of merely saying "civ" or "mafia". They are DrWilgy, Epignosis, and ObscureAllure.

He continues his pre-death hard defense of Wilgy, and I suspect it was a genuine defense the first time around. I think he had no choice but to maintain that perspective after conversion or he'd draw unnecessary questions for it. He was Mr. Lore all game long, and he denies the relevance of lore to his read of DrWilgy -- this strikes me as B/S. There's no "evidence" in this game thread strong enough to exonerate Wilgy in this way, and any other information supporting this would render it an illegal infodump.

He maintained a civ grade on Epignosis, but with the stipulation that he can't defend him with lore any longer. This gives Dex space to move his read on Epi in a snap, something that I think could benefit him regardless of whether they're team mates. I don't think this says much.

He graded OA badly solely because of her treatment of Wilgy. I get the impression that OA and Wilgy aren't both bad. It's one or the other or neither.

Otherwise his reads are very easy. No bold calls, apart maybe from Ricochet. I think his mafia call on Sokoth is a decent look for Sokoth, because he's the easiest target in the game right now. If Sokoth is good then you can be certain that the baddies eye him as a mislynch opportunity. His BR read looks opportunistic too.
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Dex wrote:#3
Ricochet wrote:
Dex wrote:DrWilgy: do not know his role but still KNOW HE IS CIV. The Boomer flip has no bearing on the evidence I found that he is civ
You present a defense of Wilgy being Conoy, right? Is that still viable? If not, on what grounds do you read Wilgy civ? (I'm asking for reiteration, in case you already covered this). Do you think that, if Anna flipped independent, Conoy might as well?
No. I do not. Look at my post that you quoted. My defense of Wilgy is not that he is Leoben and so must be good. I do not know what role Wilgy is, I'm only guessing that it's Leoben. What I know is that Wilgy is civ, whatever his role. I don't know how I can be clearer on this. I don't see how you can be mis-reading this. It's not "Wilgy must be Leoben and, according to lore, Leoben is good". It's "Wilgy is civ, whatever his role is, maybe it's Leoben."

It occurs to me that Glorfindel's civ flip, as surprising as it is, doesn't necessarily mean we have to throw lore out the window. I doubt it, given the way Goldama has structured this game. I doubt he assigned alignment to cylons randomly. For the entire first season, Boomer WAS civ-aligned, right up to the Season 1 finale, when she shot Adama. It stands to reason, therefore, that Boomer would begin the game civ-aligned.
Continues to insist Wilgy is good regardless of lore. In a separate post I'm going to return to Dex's pre-death defense of Wilgy and decide what I think of it now, because this might be quite telling.
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Dex wrote:#4

In which case, I'm back to defending Epi, based on lore. Athena was never mafia.
Found a roundabout way of returning to a lore-based defense of Epignosis.
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Dex wrote:Polo, this is a flat-out lie:
Polo wrote:S~V~S was the only person here who argued with me on this. It's a major red flag in my book. By showing confidence at asking me to give her a name, she wanted me to forget any possibility of her being Cavil, but this little trick was her big mistake.]
Did you forget our exchange on this topic?
Dex wrote:You asked me the same question and I gave you the same answer as did S~V~S. The finer points of the debate deserve more attention. You seem to only regard the Cain or Cavil first question non contextually; in a vacuum, which is the greater evil, Cain or Cavil? You are dismayed when anybody answers anything but Cavil. But S~V~S and I were coming from a context where we were fairly certain who Cain was - and we were right - and had no idea who Cavil was. It could have taken us all game to find Cavil; we had Cain in hand.

And I'm not sure what you mean by the mafia boss "being more dangerous to mafia than to civs". That may be true per se, Cavil wants all humans dead (I presume) and Cain didn't want any humans dead. But you overlook the fact that Cain made civ victory twice as difficult by requiring twice the number of lynches to win. And that's just the numerical disadvantage. Martial law was depriving us of half the cylons as aliies, and denying us whatever powers they had that might be of great usefulness to the civ cause. Possibly even, for example, finding Cavil.

What you are apparently preferring here is that we spend an indeterminate amount of time prioritizing a search for a particular role with half the chance to win the game than to take out first a known target that will double our chances of winning.

If anybody had even the slightest inkling who Cavil was, we may have answered you differently. Taking out a target who we had pretty much identified who was having a serious negative effect on a civ victory was a far, far better choice.
During the course of a lengthy debate, I also asked you for a name. How have you forgotten all of this? Selective memory? In my last in-case-I'm-NKed post, just before I was in fact NKed, I named S~V~S as one of my strongest civ reads, and that remains the case. I find your tunneling on her very peculiar.
"Polo, this is a flat out lie."

Nah. Baddies love to attack townies when they make demonstrably false assertions, because it's the easiest thing in the world to twist against them. Good look for Polo.
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Dex wrote:#6. Ugh.
DrumBeats wrote:One more question, and this applies to all four final five revived people, how many of the final five do you believe are likely Cavil-aligned? Just take a guess
DrumBeats wrote:@ Dex
@ juliets
@ Spacedaisy

How many people in the F5 do you believe are mafia?
I feel like the four who have returned are two and two. The fifth is a total unknown to me.
He joins the other F5ers in guessing at a 2:2 alignment split. This strikes me as an imbalanced split and there's no reason for all four of them to make the same guess unless there is some reason for it that I cannot see. I think the natural inclination for most people would to guess at 3:1 good:bad without being given a distinct reason to assume otherwise. It's possible that Dex is just taking advantage of the opportunity to get someone else mislynched if he goes down, but I don't think the climate of the thread was such at this point that he'd have a good reason to make that play.
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Dex wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Still haven't heard what I'm still mafia for, to you, btw.
Your bizzaro-world reasons for not claiming and our Wilgy debate whcih got rather warm.
Pretty easy reason to throw suspicion at Rico. Decent look.
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Dex wrote:Post #7

I don't want to vote Epi or S~V~S. Epi because I guess I'm not just over lore yet. Boomer spent an entire season being good, but Athena was never evil. And S~V~S because she has been one of my stronger civ reads ever since she lead the charge on Cain. I just can't see a Cavil cylon doing that. If martial law benefits anyone other than Cain, it's the Cavil cylons.
Epignosis wrote:
Ricochet wrote:You're basically suggesting the Final Five should just pick each other apart.
Damn right I am. If they are all saying some of them are bad, then they all should be in the hot seat. They SHOULD BE picking each other apart.
But THIS makes sense to me. If the 4ofF5 did come down two and two, then even if I just draw a name out of a hat, I've got a 66.6% of getting an evil toaster. Juliettes has been reading best to me, Nero worse, and SpaceDaisy somewhere in between. Accordingly, I'm voting

Epignosis took Dex to task for this post. Instead of sticking Spacedaisy into the "bad" category alongside Nero, he provided a waffle of a half-read. Bad look for her.
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Dex wrote:#3
Ricochet wrote:This took quite a while to think off (which is quite the understatement, given what I've focused on yesterDay), but what are the chances of Boomer having been a sort of seemer - not in terms of showing up as someone else, but showing up as town?

One reason that keeps nagging me is the role of Cally. Why would Cally be designed to have a shot at killing Boomer, if Boomer were civilian? Town praying on town makes no sense. Mind you, we're not talking some basic ninja civ skills, with which a civilian can either hit the jackpot and eliminate mafia or frak up and deplete the civ ranks... we're talking a specific, revengeful (according to the l-word) bullet for one character only. It doesn't matter that Cally never reached Boomer (maybe she hasn't even lived enough to achieve that), it matters that she was destined to, from the design.

Another aspect is that Boomer's alignment flip being seemer-ish would have allowed for Glorfindel to play out his "truthful / never lying" facade. In a strange way, if he knew he'd flip town, he didn't need to feel conflicted that he's lying to us about being genuine and town and fighting for the good cause (...even if was lying), because he would know that, upon showing up as town, our minds would get fried (*raises hand*) and we'd treat his legacy as genuine.

Besides, if Glorfindel was by any stretch of the imagination Cavil-aligned, I have no doubt that SVS mentored him in how to defend to perfection.

Please comment.

Rico, I don't know what to say. I think this is brilliant, and rings true to me. In the show, if there was any character who "seemed" good but wasn't, it was Boomer. None of the other cylons were moles in quite the same way. It explains so much that has been bothering me since the Boomer flip.
Enthusiastic supporter of the theory Rico provided that Glorfindel might have been a seemer. If Glorfindel is not a seemer, then the notion that he is could serve as a great distraction and tactic for generating faulty links. I'm going to lean toward Glorfindel being a true townie.
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Dex wrote:3.
ObscureAllure wrote:Dex: what's your surety on Wigly being a civvie? Can you back it up with anything? Because I can back my end up and unless something is amiss, that boy is bad. It kind of weird a me out that you sound sure, when I know you can't be (or he's got multiple personality disorder.)
The same way you've said you know something; I saw something in the thread that I'm forbidden to talk about. The conclusion is inescapable. If you want to present your case though, I'd be happy to critique it. IIRC, it had some assumptions about the numbers of civ and mafia cylons in the game.
I don't understand how this logic works. If there's something he saw that he's forbidden to talk about, then shouldn't he also be forbidden to talk about being forbidden to talk about it? The potential damage is nearly the same. We'll see though when I look back to his original Wilgy defense.
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Dex wrote:6.

All I was doing was ranking a set of three suspects from most to least suspicious, and voting for the most. If there had been even one other suspect in the set, your three-card monte logic wouldn't even be possible. I have learned from my albeit limited experience that when you resort to one four-letter word response you are beyond engaging in genuine debate, so, especially with a limited number of posts available, I'm done. "X sounds the best" does not equal "x is good". "Y sounds the worst" does not equal "Y is bad".

Go frak yourself, civ cylon, like me, nonetheless.
This was a response to Epi. Dex literally fled the scene and hid under the table instead of fighting back. This suggests to me that they were distancing from each other, because that tends to be a two-way street. In this case, it's one guy (Epi) hammering the other guy (Dex), who then realizes that continuing to engage can only hurt him more and instead he goes for the indignant mistreated guy look. He was also too frozen to budge from his civ read on Epi despite having given him the space to do so before. I think he understood that even trying to do that would just make his end even more certain, because it'd lose him the audience.
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Dex wrote:#9
Nerolunar wrote:I believe Dex is bad, Epig.

I need to vote because I'm going to bed. I'm still leaning bad on you Epig but the point you are raising against Dex looks reasonable. Makes me wonder if Glorfindel really was bad/seemer. Out of the other F5 I like Juliets way more than Daisy.

Vote Dex
Let's think like Epi, shall we?

Nero says he's good. He thinks I'm bad. He likes Juliets better than Daisy, which means he thinks Juliets is good. Yet he doesn't say Daisy is bad! It's "logically inconsistent"! Lynch him! Syllogisms and shit, lol.

I can't believe I had to burn so many posts defending myself against this bullshit "logic". Way to go, Epi.
Total reductionist discredit. Epi is not his team mate. This is also a clear "why me?" defense that he is using against Nerolunar, which makes Nero look good too.

Thanks for the information, Dex.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Correction to the second-last point:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:This was a response to Epi. Dex literally fled the scene and hid under the table instead of fighting back. This suggests to me that they were NOT distancing from each other, because that tends to be a two-way street. In this case, it's one guy (Epi) hammering the other guy (Dex), who then realizes that continuing to engage can only hurt him more and instead he goes for the indignant mistreated guy look. He was also too frozen to budge from his civ read on Epi despite having given him the space to do so before. I think he understood that even trying to do that would just make his end even more certain, because it'd lose him the audience.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Returning to Dex's defense of DrWilgy, made on Day 6 before he was killed:
Dex wrote:The Defence of DrWilgy

I'm going to try this one last time before the votes start to fall in earnest

1. I am as certain that Wilgs is a civ cylon as I was the LC was Cain. You'll recall that I pushed hard for an LC lynch. Now that Cain is dead, everyone's life is better. Particularly civ cylons.

2. My belief that Wilgs is a civ cylon is not a hunch or gut-based. It is a logical deduction that follows from his posts. The only question is rather or not Wilgs was being honest. I think in context its quite apparent he was. I'd say he's been perfectly honest ever since he declared.

3. For those posting that Wilgs can't be a civ cylon because Caprica 6 is the last one and the math doesn't work, you are incorrect. Leoben is also a civ cylon.

A. He sided against Cavil in the cylon rebellion, along with D'Anna, Caprica 6, and Athena. He also aids Roslin during Gaeta's mutiny, and has a Starbuck connection. He is not part of the Cavil clique, group, faction, or whatever you want to call it.
B. It makes more sense in terms of game balance that this role be civ.

Since Wilgy never claimed to be Caprica 6 and has frequently pointed this out, I'm guessing he is Leoben. The only people with an interest in killing Leoben are Cavil's faction and any humans who still want to kill all cylons.
I have highlighted the most relevant content. View it in succession. He essentially made these three points in so many words:

~ Wilgy is a civilian cylon.
~ This is a logical deduction, and I think he has been honest since his claim.
~ Even if Wilgy is not Caprica 6, he is still a civilian cylon because Leoben exists.
~ I'm guessing he is Leoben, and the only people who want to kill Leoben are pro-Cavil or otherwise bad.

Lore plays a clear and prominent role in this defense by Dex of DrWilgy. There is no escaping that. The only thing Dex said of Wilgy that is not lore-relevant is that he seemed honest. To allow that read to align within the framework of the lore concepts he'd been working with all game long, he settled on DrWilgy being Leoben. Let's fast-forward then to the post-resurrection Dex, who we know was bad, and his commentary about Wilgy:
Dex wrote:DrWilgy: do not know his role but still KNOW HE IS CIV. The Boomer flip has no bearing on the evidence I found that he is civ

His original defense of DrWilgy contained NO "evidence" whatsoever that is still applicable to this game. Back when lore was still meaningful, assigning the Leoben role to DrWilgy might have seemed viable evidence that a genuine Dex would have believed in -- but with lore no longer viable, that evidence loses all of its meaning. The only thing left in his defense is "DrWilgy seemed honest after his claim". That is not evidence at all, that is a read.
Dex wrote:#3
Ricochet wrote:
Dex wrote:DrWilgy: do not know his role but still KNOW HE IS CIV. The Boomer flip has no bearing on the evidence I found that he is civ
You present a defense of Wilgy being Conoy, right? Is that still viable? If not, on what grounds do you read Wilgy civ? (I'm asking for reiteration, in case you already covered this). Do you think that, if Anna flipped independent, Conoy might as well?
No. I do not. Look at my post that you quoted. My defense of Wilgy is not that he is Leoben and so must be good. I do not know what role Wilgy is, I'm only guessing that it's Leoben. What I know is that Wilgy is civ, whatever his role. I don't know how I can be clearer on this. I don't see how you can be mis-reading this. It's not "Wilgy must be Leoben and, according to lore, Leoben is good". It's "Wilgy is civ, whatever his role is, maybe it's Leoben."
Keyword: KNOW

"What I KNOW is that Wilgy is civ, whatever his role."

As we've observed, the objective evidence is gone. All that remains is a basic read that DrWilgy appeared honest. This was sufficient for Dex to KNOW that DrWilgy is good?
Dex wrote:3.
ObscureAllure wrote:Dex: what's your surety on Wigly being a civvie? Can you back it up with anything? Because I can back my end up and unless something is amiss, that boy is bad. It kind of weird a me out that you sound sure, when I know you can't be (or he's got multiple personality disorder.)
The same way you've said you know something; I saw something in the thread that I'm forbidden to talk about. The conclusion is inescapable. If you want to present your case though, I'd be happy to critique it. IIRC, it had some assumptions about the numbers of civ and mafia cylons in the game.

He claims to have found clear, irrefutable evidence in the game thread that Wilgy is good, and that he isn't permitted to talk about it (but he is permitted to talk about being forbidden to talk about it :huh:). This is bullcrap.


I think Dex genuinely believed Wilgy to be good in his first life, based upon a genuine belief that Wilgy is Leoben and Leoben is a good role. I don't believe that the reincarnated Dex was remembering his own defenses accurately though, and he used language is that is much stronger than his prior defense can warrant in an environment where lore is no longer meaningful. He had a reason to cool on his Wilgy read and instead he amped it up three-fold.

I think this is a bad look for Wilgy.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
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Dex wrote:3.
ObscureAllure wrote:Dex: what's your surety on Wigly being a civvie? Can you back it up with anything? Because I can back my end up and unless something is amiss, that boy is bad. It kind of weird a me out that you sound sure, when I know you can't be (or he's got multiple personality disorder.)
The same way you've said you know something; I saw something in the thread that I'm forbidden to talk about. The conclusion is inescapable. If you want to present your case though, I'd be happy to critique it. IIRC, it had some assumptions about the numbers of civ and mafia cylons in the game.
I don't understand how this logic works. If there's something he saw that he's forbidden to talk about, then shouldn't he also be forbidden to talk about being forbidden to talk about it? The potential damage is nearly the same. We'll see though when I look back to his original Wilgy defense.
If it's in the thread, it's fair game for talking about- that's what the thread is for. If there's something illegal in the thread, the host or mod can delete it, but I don't think Dex was referring to something that wound up deleted, because if he were, it is unlikely he would have been the only one to have seen it. So I don't believe this.

I would rather consider this:

Tory Foster – Tory is a savvy political advisor, who is focussed more on the result than on the ethics of getting there. Once in the game, Tory can PM the host during the day period and determine the identity of the person who will be lynched that day.

Logistically speaking, I don't know how this would work out time-wise, because even the host wouldn't know who was getting lynched before all the votes fall into play. The only thing that makes sense to me is if this functions in conjunction with the Cylon Amnesty Act, when, after Wilgy claimed to be a Cylon, Foster could check him.

But even that doesn't make sense to the letter, since the phase "who will be lynched that day" would mean that Wilgy would have had to have been lynched, but he wasn't. Furthermore, "identity" doesn't mean alignment, I don't think. Dex claimed to know Wilgy's alignment, but was adamant he didn't know his role.

Unless the definition of "determine" doesn't mean "ascertain," but rather "decides." :|
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Nerolunar »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Posting urgently from my phone.

I dont have btsc with anyone. Not even juliets. Its just reads.

Soooo dont place too much stock in my statements in regards to that. See you later.
What made you suspect that there is a 2:2 split among the resurrectees?
An educated guess based on what would be fair design. I can't imagine 3 baddies revived + the already fairly large number of original baddies would be fair, so a split seems reasonable to me.

Can someone break down the whole Wilgy thing for me? Did he evoke the amnesty act/avoided lynch? What happened?

Why do people think OA is suspicious?

Regardless, I think Nero should be lynched on grounds that he's my partner, your partner, Enrique's partner, the Joker, the Riddler, the Gingerbread Man, and Toto.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Ricochet »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Ricochet wrote:Any updates on JJJ? For what it's worth, I'm still getting town.
What interest is this to you?
I'm asking others. The interest would hence be to hear from others. :noble:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

The only thing I can think of that might make sense for that role is this:

During any day phase, Tory Foster enacts that ability. At the time it is enacted, nothing happens. Eventually a player is lynched. We're all told a role, but not an alignment. Tory Foster is privately given the alignment.

This can't apply to DrWilgy though because he was never lynched.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:The only thing I can think of that might make sense for that role is this:

During any day phase, Tory Foster enacts that ability. At the time it is enacted, nothing happens. Eventually a player is lynched. We're all told a role, but not an alignment. Tory Foster is privately given the alignment.

This can't apply to DrWilgy though because he was never lynched.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Nerolunar wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Posting urgently from my phone.

I dont have btsc with anyone. Not even juliets. Its just reads.

Soooo dont place too much stock in my statements in regards to that. See you later.
What made you suspect that there is a 2:2 split among the resurrectees?
An educated guess based on what would be fair design. I can't imagine 3 baddies revived + the already fairly large number of original baddies would be fair, so a split seems reasonable to me.
I agree 3 baddies to 1 townie would seem unbalanced. But why not guess 1 baddie to 3 townies? If I had no information at all, that would be my guess. Not 2:2.
Nerolunar wrote:Can someone break down the whole Wilgy thing for me? Did he evoke the amnesty act/avoided lynch? What happened?

Why do people think OA is suspicious?
I can provide links to my own perspectives.

OA interactions with S~V~S

DrWilgy interactions with S~V~S

Dex's handling of his defense of DrWilgy pre- and post-resurrection

I'm not sure they make as much sense as team mates, but I think the suspicions hold individually.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Ricochet »

Yeah, Tory finding out Wilgy's identity doesn't make sense, since Wilgy's lynch was short circuited by his own claim. Unless she PM'd the Host whilst Wilgy was leading and before he claimed and the request was validated at that time - which... can it even make sense?

Also, on "identity" v. "alignment", I think it depends on each Host, but I'd treat identity as "role" (character). I wouldn't expect Tory to get a full description, given that Baltar, the closest thing to a checker, would only get race checked.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:@Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:The only thing I can think of that might make sense for that role is this:

During any day phase, Tory Foster enacts that ability. At the time it is enacted, nothing happens. Eventually a player is lynched. We're all told a role, but not an alignment. Tory Foster is privately given the alignment.

This can't apply to DrWilgy though because he was never lynched.
That would be fine, but it says "identity" rather than alignment. :shrug2:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Epignosis wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:@Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:The only thing I can think of that might make sense for that role is this:

During any day phase, Tory Foster enacts that ability. At the time it is enacted, nothing happens. Eventually a player is lynched. We're all told a role, but not an alignment. Tory Foster is privately given the alignment.

This can't apply to DrWilgy though because he was never lynched.
That would be fine, but it says "identity" rather than alignment. :shrug2:
Yeah I don't know. If it's not that I have no idea how that role can function. :shrug2:
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Nerolunar »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:Posting urgently from my phone.

I dont have btsc with anyone. Not even juliets. Its just reads.

Soooo dont place too much stock in my statements in regards to that. See you later.
What made you suspect that there is a 2:2 split among the resurrectees?
An educated guess based on what would be fair design. I can't imagine 3 baddies revived + the already fairly large number of original baddies would be fair, so a split seems reasonable to me.
I agree 3 baddies to 1 townie would seem unbalanced. But why not guess 1 baddie to 3 townies? If I had no information at all, that would be my guess. Not 2:2.
Nerolunar wrote:Can someone break down the whole Wilgy thing for me? Did he evoke the amnesty act/avoided lynch? What happened?

Why do people think OA is suspicious?
I can provide links to my own perspectives.

OA interactions with S~V~S

DrWilgy interactions with S~V~S

Dex's handling of his defense of DrWilgy pre- and post-resurrection

I'm not sure they make as much sense as team mates, but I think the suspicions hold individually.
Okay, thank you.

3:1 would also be alright I guess, although it would be weird to cease all f5 baddie hunting right now.

Regardless, I think Nero should be lynched on grounds that he's my partner, your partner, Enrique's partner, the Joker, the Riddler, the Gingerbread Man, and Toto.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by JaggedJimmyJay »

Actually, I think "identity" MUST mean "alignment". Golden can't use the word "alignment" in the role description, or players will prematurely know that alignment reveals won't be a certainty when players are lynched. He had to find a more ambiguous term to avoid giving away too much about the setup.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Actually, I think "identity" MUST mean "alignment". Golden can't use the word "alignment" in the role description, or players will prematurely know that alignment reveals won't be a certainty when players are lynched. He had to find a more ambiguous term to avoid giving away too much about the setup.
I think he would have made the ability a secret and left it at that rather than intentionally wording it incorrectly.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day 11


Post by Epignosis »

My turn to borrow Matt's tinfoil beanie.

Dex and Spacedaisy were the only two of the people resurrected to have been Night killed.

Nerolunar and juliets were not Night killed.

Perhaps there is a John Cavil recruitment among the Final Five only, but it involves being Night killed first.
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