Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Day 13]

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Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Day 13]


Post by Long Con »


A map-based Mafia game for 30 players.

Hosted by Long Con and Black Rock


Welcome back to this Realm, it has been a number of years since the Cataclysm and the Cosmic Detention. Some of you did not play Mafia: A World Reborn, so I'll start with some quick backstory.

In the beginning, a young witch by the name of Willow Rosenberg had died too early in a Buffy game, and found herself in a new Mafia reality. During the course of this game, an unlikely series of events caused Willow to go mad when her love was murdered, and she turned to Dark Willow, a being of immense power. She attracted the attention of the Realm's god, Long Con, and he invited Willow to ascend into the cosmic pantheon of the gods, while annihilating the rest of the Realm.

The dark goddess Willow created a new Realm, limited in scope and nature, but rife with conflict, betrayal, power, and epic tales. Initially disapproving, Long Con gradually took more and more interest in the Realm, and it also attracted the attention of other gods. Dark Willow's plan succeeded, trapping Long Con's essence within the Realm via the Eldritch Corruptor in an event known as the Cosmic Detention, and at the same time, the Trickster fulfilled the plans of the deceased Cataclysm, causing the Realm vast seismic upheaval, splitting it down the middle.

Now, years later, a new generation of heroes has grown within the Realm, much to the annoyance of the Dark Goddess. A new conflict is brewing, and the Cosmic Pantheon is still reeling from the Detention of the Eternal Essence, Long Con. Join us now, and help shape the destiny of the Realm, its residents, the gods above, and beyond...

Long Con
Black Rock


Players - 5 Alive


Dead - 25

wolbre04 - Lynched Day 1 - Dream Splicer - Civilian
nutella - Killed Night 1 - D'Abrutsi - Civilian
DrWilgy - Lynched Day 2 - The Quantum Key - Civilian
juliets - Killed Night 2 - Gentle Shepherd - The Jagged Blade
Lunalee - Killed Night 3 - Yang - Civilian
novaselinever - Lynched Day 4 - Aubergine - Civilian
G-Man - Killed Night 4 - Yin - Civilian
Kylemii - Killed Night 4 - Lycantha - Civilian
sig - Lynched Day 5 - Psionic Ninja - Civilian
Jackofhearts2005 - Killed Night 5 by The Hunger - Lamplighter - Civilian
Sloonei - Killed Night 5 - Spirit Wrangler - Civilian
sprityo - Killed Night 3 - Returned Night 4 - Killed Night 5 - Grimlock Wolverson - Civilian
Dragon D. Luffy - Lynched Day 6 - Portalman - Corrupt Remnant
Sorsha - Killed Night 6
insertnamehere - Killed Night 7 - D'Abrutsi - Civilian
ColinIsCool - Killed Night 7 - Frost Knight - Civilian
timmer - Lynched Day 8 - Chevuschade Voidwing - Corrupt Remnant
LoRab - Killed Night 5 - Alive Day 8 - Died Night 8 - Glint Viper - Civilian
Tranq - Killed night 8 - D'Abrutsi - Jagged Blade
Turnip Head - Killed Night 1 - The Trickster - The Corrupt Remnant - Resurrected Day 9 - Lynched Day 9
speedchuck - Lynched Day 7 - Darth Malignus - Jagged Blade - Alive Night 7 - Lynched Day 10
Enrique - Killed Night 6 - Sakana Sashimi - Civilian - Resurrected Night 8 - Killed Night 10
Epignosis - Avatar of Long Con - Lynched Day 11
sabie12 - Blind Seer - Civilian - Killed Night 11
colonialbob - Thaddeus Mechaspark - Jagged Blade - Lynched Day 12

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Day 0 poll:

Day 1 lynch poll:

Night 1 poll:

Day 2 lynch poll:

Night 2 poll:

Day 3 lynch poll:

Night 3 poll:

Day 4 lynch poll:

Night 4 poll:

Day 5 lynch poll:

Night 5 poll:

Day 6 lynch poll:

Night 6 poll:

Day 7 lynch poll:

Night 7 poll:

Day 8 lynch poll:

Night 8 poll:

Day 9 lynch poll:

Night 9 poll:

Day 10 lynch poll:

Night 11 poll:

Day 12 lynch poll:

Night 12 poll:
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Black Rock »

Game Dynamics

The Civvies must eliminate both baddie teams to win. Civvies who are not alive at the game's end will be able to claim this particular Win Condition.

Each baddie team must eliminate the other baddies, and have sufficient control of the game to ensure that no other faction can win, in order to achieve their Win Condition. Normally, this will occur when their team outnumbers the living Civvies.

Independent roles have their own unique Win Condition, which may evolve during the game.

There are Win Conditions for individuals that may be achieved during the game, separate from these Main Win Conditions. These Quest Win Conditions are quite rare.

General Rules

1. No illegal BTSC. This means communicating outside designated areas without permission, or communicating with players with whom you do not have host-allowed BTSC. If you need to communicate outside designated areas then you may ask the hosts for permission. Violators will be mod-killed without prejudice.

2. Dead players may not speak on-topic in the thread. Don't toe this line.

3. All official PM's need to be sent to both hosts. We both need to know what is going on as we are working around our work schedules and our own business. If you don't follow this rule and your PM gets missed that's your fault.

4. Keep it real. It's a game, check your emotions. Don't get personal. If someone else is upsetting you with the way they are acting, contact the Mod On Duty instead of taking down the general mood of the thread.

5. You may not discuss in-thread who you have had BTSC with, or discuss openly or in detail what was said in BTSC.

6. You may not discuss specific map coordinates in-thread, but you may generally speak of map locations.

7. No reproducing the host PMs in thread..... Or in Map BTSC! :srsnod:

Special Game Dynamic Rules

Poison Rules: A player who is poisoned will have votes against them multiplied by their poison counters. Normal poison increases counters at a rate of one per day.

Movement Rules: Default movement range is 3 squares. PMs must be in three hours before the night is over. Land movement in jungle is halved, range decreased by 1.

Baddie Kill Rules: If a baddie team has their original number of members, then each member has a nightkill radius of 2. Each member fewer that a team has than its original total increases the kill radius by one.

Square BTSC Rules: Most players who share a square will gain BTSC. You may only sign into BTSC under your forum name. The identity of the player you share a square with will not be revealed unless they enter BTSC. A player may call out once, revealing their identity, through the Host with a PM.

Days will last 48 hours, and Nights will last 24 hours, generally. Due to Host schedules, these times may be altered in order to make running the game doable. Mostly, we will adjust the Night times in order to aim for between 10pm and midnight, EST, for phase transitions. Some Nights, for instance, may be 21 or 22 hours instead of the full 24, for convenience. You will always be fully informed of the length of a phase.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Black Rock »


Aubergine - Hands out extra votes, one each night, to be used in the next lynch. Has three extra votes of her own to use. *secrets*

Blind Seer - Knows who is within a two-square range at all times. Each night, the Blind Seer can choose a player and know who is within two squares of that player. The range increases by 1 for every four Civilian deaths.

Chevuschade Voidwing - Flight, range of 5. Cannot be nightkilled conventionally, but certain magics can kill the dragon.

D’Abrutsi - A wanderer, searching for clues about his past, seeking the path of destiny. *Secrets*

Daisy - Can give out different flowers to players she meets. Some flowers are protective, some offer guidance, some can heal. The recipient of any flower will have -1 applied to their next vote for Daisy, and their next action against her has a 50% chance of failing. *secrets*

Dark Worshipper - Can sacrifice another player three times in the game. Each kill will grant him extra, permanent powers. The role that he kills determines what the gained powers are. *secrets*

Darth Malignus - Can publicly silence someone at any point during the day, for the rest of the lynch. That person may not post or vote, but a cast vote will stand if made before the silencing. Darth Malignus can use the Force to feel who is within a four-square radius, and where they are. Each night, his chance increases by 10% to feel someone targeting him, and if he succeeds, he can use the Force to roleblock them.

Dream Splicer - Two holographic decoys follow the Dream Splicer around, forcing map-based targeting to be difficult. The decoys are always in separate squares, and the three squares must always be adjacent. The decoys may participate in square-based BTSC. Starts each lynch with -1 vote.

Frost Knight - Brings winter down with a range of 2 each night, roleblocking anyone in those squares. Does not block kills. Frost Knight may travel across water as if it were land, freezing it under his feet as he goes.

Gentle Shepherd - Anyone within one square of the Gentle Shepherd has -1 applied to their lynch votes, and a 25% chance to avoid negative night actions against them. *secrets*

Glint Viper - Glint Viper can sacrifice their life to resurrect the player of their choice. *secrets*

Grimlock Wolverson - Treasure hunter, grizzled woodsman, generally unpleasant. Begins the game with the Devil’s Compass. Can remove himself from the lynch poll three times in the game.

Hollow Man - All targeting will fail when targeting Hollow Man. Hollow Man will appear as a random Civilian role if rolechecked or lynched. *secrets*

Kraken - Movement rate of 6 in the water, and 1 on land. Can still move 1 land square after 4 water squares. Knows who is in any square containing water, and has -5 votes while he is in the water.

Lycantha - Can tell who was in the square she’s in, when they were there, and what direction they went in. May discover other information. Keen sense of smell lets her detect who is in adjacent squares. Movement rate of 4.

Portalman - Each night, he creates a portal from his current square to another square. He may travel through this portal during his movement if he wishes. The portal lasts through the following phase unless he closes it.

Psionic Ninja - Can lie-detect one post per phase, but must send in the PM within a half hour of the post being made. Can survive one nightkill. Movement rate of 4. *secrets*

Quantum Key - Each night, the Quantum Key will choose a game secret to broadcast to the various terminals she has installed, in Otherdimensional code. The Quantum Key will know the uncoded secret. The Quantum Key knows the locations of the terminals on the map, and can open portals between them.

Quintessential Cat - Nine lives. Lynches appear stopped; nightkills appear blocked, but the Cat will run four squares in a random direction if targeted. Must visit Seven Points of Curiosity to achieve Win Condition.

Random Animal - Randomly becomes a copy of another role each phase, and assumes that role’s Win Condition at the time. *secrets*

Sakana Sashimi - Can move through water and land squares, and can swim beneath the water. Movement rate of 5 in the water. One-time kill of someone on the same water square.

Savage Pixie - Can see who is within a one-square radius, and can kill someone within that radius once in the game. Undetectable from an outside square, and can only be seen on her square if she chooses. Once in the game, she can inspect a dead body and find out who targeted them on their last night alive.

Spirit of the Living Statue - Wanders the the realm, incorporeal. Cannot be night-targeted. Those who find the missing parts of the Living Statue's body can gain a powerful ally.

Spirit Wrangler - Spirits roam the map, invisible to most. The Spirit Wrangler summons spirits in the area to do her bidding. Some examples include:
Warding Spirit - Reduces the value of votes cast against the Spirit Wrangler by half.
Message Spirit - Can send a short message to another player.
Scout Spirit - See limited info about squares within your range before moving
Truth Spirit - Lie-detect one post.

Thaddeus Mechaspark - Inventor, son of Gladius.

Can create and use/keep one invention per night, give it to somebody, or leave it behind. Each invention contains only one charge.

Subaqueous Apparatus - User can breathe and move at a rate of 5 underwater.
Icarus Contraption - User can fly, range of 3.
Sonic Pulserator - Instantly propels all players within a range of 2 away from user.
Aegis Proton Field - Protects the user’s square from ranged targeting and area effects for the night.
Mercurion Thrust - Movement rate is doubled this phase.

Toxic Frog - Can travel underwater. Poisonous. Undetectable in water squares, except by the Kraken. Anyone targeting the Toxic Frog will become poisoned.

Trickster - Has an aura of three squares, within which any info that is given or received will be corrupted in the Trickster’s favour. When the Trickster kills, that kill can be forged. When the Trickster enters BTSC, it may be under any name.

Waresman - Has various items for sale, for the right price. Any information sold to the Waresman will be truth-verified. He cannot use his own wares. *secrets*

Yin - BTSC with Yang. At any point, may bring Yang to his square. Yin can take votes from Yang onto himself.

Yang - BTSC with Yin. At any point, may bring Yin to his square. Yang can take votes from Yin onto himself.

Secret Role #1

Secret Role #2
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Tranq »

Hello :beer:
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by nutella »


Never seen that poll restriction before, cool beans.
to the spoiler go the victories:
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by nutella »

Also I don't understand the poll options :beer:
to the spoiler go the victories:
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Long Con »

All roles have been sent out. If you do not have a role, PM me and we'll see what we can do for you.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Black Rock »

Make sure you read all the rules, we'll not be responsible for anyone who hasn't. The rules are important, if you break them we will kill you without prejudice. Cause we care.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

our Linkitis is our lives.

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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

Also I can't vote, poop.
our Linkitis is our lives.

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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Long Con »

DharmaHelper wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:20 am Also I can't vote, poop.
What is wrong with this picture:

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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Tranq »

Picture looks fine.

I can vote after having posted. Looks like DH saw he couldn't vote, posted, and then pooped about not being able to vote without realising he should now be able to.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by S~V~S »

nutella wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:30 am Also I don't understand the poll options :beer:
Looking at them, especially "Each Chosen Option Enhanced" I am gonna guess they have something to do with how future polls proceed, perhaps? Of how the effects of choices of some sort (which is why I automatically thought "poll") are applied. It may (or may not) become clearer after we see more than one Night Poll.

I am sure someone will overanalyze them, but since I am rusty it prolly won't be me.

Also, hai! :cloud9:
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by sabie12 »

Hey everyone! This game looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I like the story. I dont remember if I've played a map based one before. Regardless it's good to be back! (Yesterday was actually the 1 year anniversary of my brain surgery so I'm glad to be back and functioning again!)
I am interested to see what the poll ends up doing as well.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by juliets »

Good morning everyone, we play at last! sabie12 so glad to have you back with us. And so glad to have you guys I've played mafia with for the most years - Tranq, S~V~S, Lorab and Sorsha. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

I also have no idea what the poll means so I'm going to wait to vote in it until there is some more discussion around it. Also, I will be at work today from 8:30 until this afternoon without access to the thread so I'm sure I'll come home to an explosion! Ok, so later.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:24 pm Always good to remember that there is no such thing as a Mafia circumstance that is worth real human emotion. Sometimes it will naturally come out, but it can be contained if we just remember that this is a game on a message board forum that 99.99% of the population of the Earth has never heard of before. No matter how successful anyone is, it means just about nothing.

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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Turnip Head »

[VOTE: Voter laws in this realm are outrageous. In Florida you can vote for all 5 options without posting or showing your ID] aubergine
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Quin »

im not reading any of that
Lunalee wrote: Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:13 amQuin's ISO is full of posts that are actually trying to be helpful to the game. This doesn't look like town Quin.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DrWilgy »

nutella wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:56 pm Image
@DrWilgy don't post any more k
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JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Wilgy's vote is an enigma of science. Philosophers are known to throw their tomes across the auditorium in a fit of frustration after failing to solve its mystery.
insertnamehere wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:50 pm WTF was up with Wilgy's entire deal?
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »


So how does movement work? I trtied to find something in the rules saying how many squares we can normally move but I didn't.

I'm assuming it's too squares per night since some roles say allowed to move 3.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Also I checked the poll results and now I can't vote.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by speedchuck »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:33 am Also I checked the poll results and now I can't vote.
I think that just happens with non changeable votes? IDK.

Also hi.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by colonialbob »

Ok so if I remember how to do all this correctly we all post memes and then spend the last 5 minutes frantically switching our poll votes as many times as possible

Is that correct?
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Long Con »

I have made votes in the poll changeable in order to unlock it, hopefully.

Please do not change your vote.

Please state your vote in the thread as well as the poll.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by speedchuck »

Honorable Tribunal for lyfe
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Long Con »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:32 am Heya.

So how does movement work? I trtied to find something in the rules saying how many squares we can normally move but I didn't.

I'm assuming it's too squares per night since some roles say allowed to move 3.
Are there roles that say that?

Default movement range is three squares. Some roles, such as Lycantha, have a different movement range, and it is generally noted in the role.

This means that an average player on, say, B6, has the option to move to A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, B3, B4, B5, B7, B8, B9, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, D5, D6, D7, or E6.

Players will start with a movement. Please PM your movement by the end of Night 0 so you can begin Day 1 on a new square.

Also, today is very busy for us, so I will not be back here to post, except very briefly, until later tonight. Night 0 is going to be flexibly timed as we ease into this complicated game.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by speedchuck »

colonialbob wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:56 am Ok so if I remember how to do all this correctly we all post memes and then spend the last 5 minutes frantically switching our poll votes as many times as possible

Is that correct?
You're thinking of days 1-LYLO

Day zero isn't like that.

linki: Ooh that's good to know
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Tranq »

Long Con wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:30 am
Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:32 am Heya.

So how does movement work? I trtied to find something in the rules saying how many squares we can normally move but I didn't.

I'm assuming it's too squares per night since some roles say allowed to move 3.
Are there roles that say that?

Default movement range is three squares. Some roles, such as Lycantha, have a different movement range, and it is generally noted in the role.

This means that an average player on, say, B6, has the option to move to A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, B3, B4, B5, B7, B8, B9, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, D5, D6, D7, or E6.

Players will start with a movement. Please PM your movement by the end of Night 0 so you can begin Day 1 on a new square.

Also, today is very busy for us, so I will not be back here to post, except very briefly, until later tonight. Night 0 is going to be flexibly timed as we ease into this complicated game.
The map in the 1st post doesn't show the squares. Where is this B6, for example?
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Long Con wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:30 am
Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:32 am Heya.

So how does movement work? I trtied to find something in the rules saying how many squares we can normally move but I didn't.

I'm assuming it's too squares per night since some roles say allowed to move 3.
Are there roles that say that?
I guess just the Icarus Contraption, but then I assume that gives extra movement?

Anyway, thanks!
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Man I spent so much time changing my posts to pink in the Hogwarts game it's weird to just... type things normally now.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Lunalee »

Quin wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:41 am im not reading any of that
I think this is the most likely to get broken if people don't read the rules, so take note Quin, and people like Quin:
Black Rock wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:45 am
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Game Dynamics

The Civvies must eliminate both baddie teams to win. Civvies who are not alive at the game's end will be able to claim this particular Win Condition.

Each baddie team must eliminate the other baddies, and have sufficient control of the game to ensure that no other faction can win, in order to achieve their Win Condition. Normally, this will occur when their team outnumbers the living Civvies.

Independent roles have their own unique Win Condition, which may evolve during the game.

There are Win Conditions for individuals that may be achieved during the game, separate from these Main Win Conditions. These Quest Win Conditions are quite rare.

General Rules

1. No illegal BTSC. This means communicating outside designated areas without permission, or communicating with players with whom you do not have host-allowed BTSC. If you need to communicate outside designated areas then you may ask the hosts for permission. Violators will be mod-killed without prejudice.

2. Dead players may not speak on-topic in the thread. Don't toe this line.

3. All official PM's need to be sent to both hosts. We both need to know what is going on as we are working around our work schedules and our own business. If you don't follow this rule and your PM gets missed that's your fault.

4. Keep it real. It's a game, check your emotions. Don't get personal. If someone else is upsetting you with the way they are acting, contact the Mod On Duty instead of taking down the general mood of the thread.

5. You may not discuss in-thread who you have had BTSC with, or discuss openly or in detail what was said in BTSC.

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6. You may not discuss specific map coordinates in-thread, but you may generally speak of map locations.

7. No reproducing the host PMs in thread..... Or in Map BTSC! :srsnod:

Special Game Dynamic Rules

Poison Rules: A player who is poisoned will have votes against them multiplied by their poison counters. Normal poison increases counters at a rate of one per day.

Movement Rules: Default movement range is 3 squares. PMs must be in three hours before the night is over. Land movement in jungle is halved, range decreased by 1.

Baddie Kill Rules: If a baddie team has their original number of members, then each member has a nightkill radius of 2. Each member fewer that a team has than its original total increases the kill radius by one.

Square BTSC Rules: Most players who share a square will gain BTSC. You may only sign into BTSC under your forum name. The identity of the player you share a square with will not be revealed unless they enter BTSC. A player may call out once, revealing their identity, through the Host with a PM.

Days will last 48 hours, and Nights will last 24 hours, generally. Due to Host schedules, these times may be altered in order to make running the game doable. Mostly, we will adjust the Night times in order to aim for between 10pm and midnight, EST, for phase transitions. Some Nights, for instance, may be 21 or 22 hours instead of the full 24, for convenience. You will always be fully informed of the length of a phase.
Luna's Wins/Losses
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Ancient Greece Mafia - civilian - loss
U-Pick Mafia - mafia - loss
Retrocausality Mafia - mafia - loss
Mega Man Mafia - mafia - win
Hogwarts Mafia - civilian - loss
Side Missions
Image Mafia - civilian - loss
Courage the Cowardly Dog Mafia - civilian - loss
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - civilian - loss
Friends Mafia - civilian - loss
Daily Fantasy Mafia - civilian - win
Everyone's Insane! - mafia - win
Space Force - civilian - loss
Murder on the Owl Express - third party - loss
Operation Refrigerator Restoration - civilian - win
One Hour Werewolf - Tanner - loss
Awful Overplayed Dadrock Mafia - civilian - loss
Dethy Game - civilian - loss
Special Games
Two-Headed Monster Mafia - civilian - win
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

[VOTE: Hit the Major Third] aubergine

Whatever that is.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by insertnamehere »

Howdy there pardners

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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Black Rock »

Tranq wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:50 am
Long Con wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:30 am
Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:32 am Heya.

So how does movement work? I trtied to find something in the rules saying how many squares we can normally move but I didn't.

I'm assuming it's too squares per night since some roles say allowed to move 3.
Are there roles that say that?

Default movement range is three squares. Some roles, such as Lycantha, have a different movement range, and it is generally noted in the role.

This means that an average player on, say, B6, has the option to move to A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, B3, B4, B5, B7, B8, B9, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, D5, D6, D7, or E6.

Players will start with a movement. Please PM your movement by the end of Night 0 so you can begin Day 1 on a new square.

Also, today is very busy for us, so I will not be back here to post, except very briefly, until later tonight. Night 0 is going to be flexibly timed as we ease into this complicated game.
The map in the 1st post doesn't show the squares. Where is this B6, for example?
Ah crap, we were supposed to fix that. We were up to the wee hours of the morning getting our ducks in a row and we missed that.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Black Rock »

The map in the first post has been updated
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

Aubergine: looks like a civ since vote power is OP for baddies, but restricted enough that could be bad
Blind seer: probably civ
Chevuschade Voidwing: bulletproof makes more sense to be bad
D’Abrutsi: obvious 3P
Daisy: probably civ
Dark Worshipper: looks like our hostile indie role
Darth Malignus: name aside, silencing is such a baddie ability. If you are civ think twice before using it at all
Dream Splicer: could be either way
Frost Knight: the "does not block kills" suggests an attempt to balance a civ, but could be bad too
Gentle Shepherd: probably civ
Glint Viper: sounds like a civ, baddies wouldn't want to sacrifice themselves to bring someone back. Unless it can change alignments maybe?
Grimlock Wolverson: could be either
Hollow Man: obvious baddie
Kraken: could be either
Lycantha: tracker type role feels like a civ
Portalman: could be either
Psionic Ninja: very civ-looking, also looks very powerful. I suspect the <secrets> might be something negative, or a indie wincon.
Quantum Key: support-like role, feels civ
Quintessential Cat: 3P
Random Animal: 3P... I think? Or alternates between civ and 3P.
Sakana Sashimi: looks like a good assassin role for baddies, but might be civ
Savage Pixie: most of the text suggests a baddie, but the watcher thing suggests civ
Spirit of the Living Statue: 3P, or someone who can be recruited into any faction
Spirit Wrangler: most spirits sound like civ abilities
Thaddeus Mechaspark: protection sounds like civ, the rest of abilities look neutral
Toxic Frog: vicious sounding role, probably bad
Trickster: very bad sounding
Waresman: sounds like a 3P
Yin/Yang: probably civ
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

Long Con wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:38 am
DharmaHelper wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:20 am Also I can't vote, poop.
What is wrong with this picture:

I checked to see if Tranq had voted by viewing the results and it locked me into that.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

BTW I can vote now.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

I Voted for Will You Become More
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by speedchuck »

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:39 pm Aubergine: looks like a civ since vote power is OP for baddies, but restricted enough that could be bad
Blind seer: probably civ
Chevuschade Voidwing: bulletproof makes more sense to be bad
D’Abrutsi: obvious 3P
Daisy: probably civ
Dark Worshipper: looks like our hostile indie role
Darth Malignus: name aside, silencing is such a baddie ability. If you are civ think twice before using it at all
Dream Splicer: could be either way
Frost Knight: the "does not block kills" suggests an attempt to balance a civ, but could be bad too
Gentle Shepherd: probably civ
Glint Viper: sounds like a civ, baddies wouldn't want to sacrifice themselves to bring someone back. Unless it can change alignments maybe?

Grimlock Wolverson: could be either
Hollow Man: obvious baddie
Kraken: could be either
Lycantha: tracker type role feels like a civ
Portalman: could be either
Psionic Ninja: very civ-looking, also looks very powerful. I suspect the <secrets> might be something negative, or a indie wincon.
Quantum Key: support-like role, feels civ

Quintessential Cat: 3P
Random Animal: 3P... I think? Or alternates between civ and 3P.

Sakana Sashimi: looks like a good assassin role for baddies, but might be civ
Savage Pixie: most of the text suggests a baddie, but the watcher thing suggests civ
Spirit of the Living Statue: 3P, or someone who can be recruited into any faction
Spirit Wrangler: most spirits sound like civ abilities
Thaddeus Mechaspark: protection sounds like civ, the rest of abilities look neutral

Toxic Frog: vicious sounding role, probably bad
Trickster: very bad sounding

Waresman: sounds like a 3P
Yin/Yang: probably civ
1/3 of the roles in the game have secrets. Did you take these into account?

Also are we likely to have this many 3P, do you think?
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Sorsha »

Hi everyone!
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by ColinIsCool »

I will most likely not be available this Sunday, fyi.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by sig »

I'm here ready to crush this one just like upick.

Though I can't revenge kill LC here so I'll just be super annoying, but not annoying enough to be mod killed. :p
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Sorsha »

I voted for “Each Chosen Option Enhanced”
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by G-Man »

Knowing the epic nature of Long Con & Black Rock games, the fact that the baddies kill range increases as their numbers wain shouldn’t surprise me, but oof. Clever way to keep everyone else from getting overconfident.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by sig »

Also if anyone runs Into me on the map please direct me accordingly, since based off my real life army map skills I'll probably be horribly lost and to busy complaining to unlose myself
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by DharmaHelper »

Just as an FYI I'll try to be around on Saturday but I'm not making any promises.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by Dragon D. Luffy »

speedchuck wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:20 pm
Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:39 pm Aubergine: looks like a civ since vote power is OP for baddies, but restricted enough that could be bad
Blind seer: probably civ
Chevuschade Voidwing: bulletproof makes more sense to be bad
D’Abrutsi: obvious 3P
Daisy: probably civ
Dark Worshipper: looks like our hostile indie role
Darth Malignus: name aside, silencing is such a baddie ability. If you are civ think twice before using it at all
Dream Splicer: could be either way
Frost Knight: the "does not block kills" suggests an attempt to balance a civ, but could be bad too
Gentle Shepherd: probably civ
Glint Viper: sounds like a civ, baddies wouldn't want to sacrifice themselves to bring someone back. Unless it can change alignments maybe?

Grimlock Wolverson: could be either
Hollow Man: obvious baddie
Kraken: could be either
Lycantha: tracker type role feels like a civ
Portalman: could be either
Psionic Ninja: very civ-looking, also looks very powerful. I suspect the <secrets> might be something negative, or a indie wincon.
Quantum Key: support-like role, feels civ

Quintessential Cat: 3P
Random Animal: 3P... I think? Or alternates between civ and 3P.

Sakana Sashimi: looks like a good assassin role for baddies, but might be civ
Savage Pixie: most of the text suggests a baddie, but the watcher thing suggests civ
Spirit of the Living Statue: 3P, or someone who can be recruited into any faction
Spirit Wrangler: most spirits sound like civ abilities
Thaddeus Mechaspark: protection sounds like civ, the rest of abilities look neutral

Toxic Frog: vicious sounding role, probably bad
Trickster: very bad sounding

Waresman: sounds like a 3P
Yin/Yang: probably civ
1/3 of the roles in the game have secrets. Did you take these into account?

Also are we likely to have this many 3P, do you think?
I pretty much ignored them since this was just a preliminary guess.

And yeah, I'd assume lots of 3P. Maybe even more since the setup imples civs can change to 3P.
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Re: Mafia: A World Asunder - GAME THREAD [Night 0]


Post by sig »

If I recall correctly from the last game we had Civs that could become mafia and 3p that could go either way.
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